ASS KICKIN™ HOT SAUCE PRODUCTS The perfect marriage between Great Taste and Hot Peppers Since 1986, Southwest Specialty Foods has been m aking the “Ass Kickin” line of hot products. Each product has it’s own, special spice m ix, to which is added the best hot peppers grown. This creates their special “kick”. The Arizona desert provides the perfect clim ate to grow the world's hottest peppers. In about 6 m onths, these little hotties will provide the com m on ingredient found in alm ost all the products in the Ass Kickin' line. Over 200 products are m anufactured at their facility--from seasonings to sauces to snacks! The snack line produces som e of the hottest things you will ever nibble on--all m ade fresh. No backyard barbecue would be com plete without som e serious heat from one of our special sauces! Pure Pure Pure Pure Cayenne Liquid - 4oz - $7.95 Jalapeno Liquid - 4oz - $7.95 Habanero Liquid - 4 oz - $7.95 Pepper Gift Set (3, 4oz bottles) - $24.95 Ghost Chili Pepper Plant - 1 million SHU - $5.95 Scorpion Pepper Plant - 1.4 m illion SHU - $5.95 M oruga Scorpion Pepper Plant - 2 million SHU- $5.95 Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Kickin Kickin Kickin Kickin Kickin Hot Sauce - 5 oz - $4.95 Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce - 5 oz - $10.95 Steak Sauce - 10 oz - $5.95 Salsa - 13 oz - $6.95 M ustard - 8 oz - $4.95 Ass Kickin Chili Fixins - 1 lb - $6.95 Ass Kickin Corn Bread - 1 lb - $6.95 Ass Kickin Peanuts - 12 oz - $6.95 Ass Kickin Honey Roasted Peanuts - 12 oz - $6.95 Ass Kickin Jalapeno/Cheddar Peanuts - 12 oz - $6.95 Ass Kickin Habanero M icrow ave Popcorn - 3.5 oz - $1.95 Chili Lime M icrow ave Popcorn - 3.5 oz - $1.95 Dumb Ass Hot Sauce - 5 oz - $6.95 Hot Sauce From Hell - 5 oz - $4.95 Spontaneous Combustion Hot Sauce - 5 oz - $6.95 Salsa From Hell - 13 oz - $6.95 W hoop Ass Chipotle BBQ Sauce - 12 oz - $6.95 W hoop Ass Chipotle Fire Hot Sauce - 6 oz - $5.95 Can of Whoop Ass Peanuts - 6 oz - $5.95 M ini Bottle Hot Sauce Sam pler 4 Pack - $5.95 Xtrem e Hot Sauce M ini Bottle Sam pler 4 pk - $5.95 These products aren’t just hot, but flavorful. They m ake the perfect gift for those with discrim inating and “special” tastes. (Or those of us with num b taste buds!) Every business owner needs a can of W HOOP ASS PEANUTS on his desk give a can of the ASS KICKIN PEANUTS to your room m ate for his late-night m unchies - give the PURE PEPPER GIFT SET to your special cook or enjoy a bag of ASS KICKIN POPCORN for the m ovie night! SURVIVAL ENTERPRISES 9360 N. Governm ent W ay #1 Hayden, ID 83835 (208) 449-1186