URTV Bylaws - ourasheville.org
URTV Bylaws - ourasheville.org
URTVBylaws June2005 Article1. LOCATION, CORPORATE SEALand FISGALYEAR NAME,MISSION,PURPOSES, in 1. Name.The nameand purposesof thiscorporation shallbe URTV,Inc.(hereinafter "Corporation"), referred to the unless and until changed by amendment as theseBylaws of the Articlesof Organization. is to empowereveryresidentof our 2. Mission.The Missionof the Corporation providing to createand presenttelevision means and opportunities equal communityby principles programming of freespeech. in keepingwithFirstAmendment shallbe as setforthin the Articlesof 3. Purposes.The purposesof the Corporation butnotlimitedto: Incorporation andthesebylaws,including . Operatea publicaccesschannelwhichwillincludeprogramming produced by members o Protectand utilizethe FirstAmendment rightto freedomof expression on the Countycablesystems; Asheville and Buncombe . Promotecitizeninvolvement, and educationby providinga forumfor awareness, of civicimportance; of information the dissemination . Increase throughtrainingand communication andmedialiteracy community groups, in producingnonto individuals, or organizations technicalassistance programming publicaccess for the designated commercial, community-oriented channel(s); o Providesoundfinancialandoperational management to ensurepublicaccess services; o Ensureavailability basis; of publicaccessresources on a nondiscriminatory . Reflectthe diversityof the community in termsof the board,staff,and users. withinthe charitable, scientific andeducational shallbe exclusively Suchpurposes meaningof Section501(c)(3)of the InternalRevenueCodeof 1954,as amendedfrom timeto time. in the Stateof NorthCarolinashall 4. Location.The principalofficeof the Corporation maychangethe NC28804.The Directors be locatedat 595OldTollRd.in Asheville principal effective filing a with the Secretaryof locationof the office upon certificate Stateof NorthCarolina. mayadoptandalterthe sealof the Corporation. 5. CorporateSeal.The Directors shallendon June30 of eachyear, 6. FiscalYear.Thefiscalyearof theCorporation unlessothenryise decidedby the Boardof Directors. Article 2. MEMBERSHIP z 1. Eligibility.Membership in the Corporation is opento all persons,organizations, institutions, corporations, andotherentities workingor residing (1)in Aiheville,(2)in BuncombeCounty,or (3) in thoseareasso designated by the Boardof Directors. Members shallbe in harmony withtheCorporation's purposes, abideby its Bylaws,and contribute to the Corporation in the formof membership duesor otherdonationsas approvedby the Boardof Directors andamendedby the Boardfromtime-to-time. 2. VotingMembers.Votingmembership is opento (a)anyduespayingindividual memberand (b)onedesignated representative of a duespayingorganizational member. Votingmembersin goodstandingas of 60 dayspriorto the dateof the membership meetingshallbe entiiledto vote. 3. Categoriesof Membership.The Boardof Directors mayfromtime-to{imecreate anddissolvecategories of membership, anddetermine thefees,obligations, rightsand benefitsthatapplyto eachcategoryof membership. 4. VotingRights.At everyregularor specialmeeting of themembership, each votingmembershallbe entitled to one(1)voteon eachmattersubmitted to a voteof the membership. 5. Proxies.No proxyvoteswill be allowedon anymattersubmitted to a voteof the membership. Article 3. MEETINGS OF THEMEMBERSHIP l. AnnualMeeting.An annualmeetingof members shallbe heldon or beforethe last Saturdayin June.Theannualmeetingshallbe opento thegeneralpublic. 2. SpecialMeetings.A specialmeetingof members maybe calledat anytimeby a majorityvoteof Directors at a dulyconvenedBoardmeetingor by a writtenrequest submitted to the Clerkof the Corporation by a minimum of 15 members or ten percent (roundedup)of the votingmembersof the Corporation as of the dateof the request whicheveris greater.Saidrequestshallstatethe purposeor purposesfor whichthe meetingis to be held,andonlybusiness germane to thosepurposes shallbe transacted. Specialmeetings shallbe convened notlessthan30 daysandnotmore than60 daysfollowing the callfor suchmeeting. 3. Placeof Meetings.All meetings of themembers shallbe heldat the principal office of the Corporation in Asheville, or at suchotherplaceas the Boardof Directors mayfix. 4. Noticeof Meetings.A writtennoticeof everyregularor specialmeetingof the membersshallbe mailed,or distributed viaelectronic means,at leastteh (10)days beforethe meetingto eachmemberat his or heraddressas it appearsuponthe recordsof the Corporation. The callfor the meetingshallbe madeby the Clerkor in the caseof hisor herabsenceor incapacity, by anyotherofficer, andshallstatethe date, hours,andpurposeof the meeting, andplaceat whichit is to be held. 3 a quorumshallconsistof 5. Quorum.At anyannualor specialmeetingof the members, according to the membership ten percentof the votingmembersof the Corporation rosteras of 60 dayspriorto the meeting. Article 4. BOARDOF DIRECTORS shallbe managedby the Boardof 1. Powersand Duties.The affairsof the Corporation powers who shallhaveand mayexerciseall of the Corporation, exceptthose Directors, powersreservedto the membersby law,the Articlesof Organization, or theseBylaws. shallnot be greaterthaneleven(11). After 2. Number.The numberof votingDirectors process the boardstructureshallbe as follows: the initialthree-yearinitiator/startup . Two (2) Directors votingmembers; shallbe electedby andfromthe Corporation's . Two (2) Directors by the AshevilleCityCouncil; shallbe appointed . Two (2) Directors shallbe appointedby the BuncombeCountyCommissioners; and . Five(5) Directorsshallbe selectedby the sittingBoardof Directors. 3. SelectionProcessfor Directorsselectedby the sitting Boardof Directors. A Nominating Committee createdby the Boardof Directors for shallproposecandidates eachopeningfor a selectedmemberon the Board.The Nominating Committeeis for the Boardrepresent encouraged to ensurethatnominees as closelyas possiblethe racial,ethnic,geographic, cultural, andeconomic diversity of the communities served. The proposedslateof candidates shallbe communicated to the Board,in a manner (14) determined by the Board,no lessthanfourteen dayspriorto the firstregularboard meetingfollowingthe annualmeeting,at whichthe selectionshalltakeplace. The Boardshallattemptto makethe selections for eachof the selectedseatsby consensus (3/4) of the sittingBoard;failingthat,the selections shallbe madeby a three-quarter majorityvoteof the sittingBoard. 4. Voting. EachvotingDirectorshallhaveone (1)vote,withthe exceptionof the President, whoshallnotvoteunlessto breaka tie. 5. Term of Office. (a) lnitialThree-Year lnitiatorlStartup Process:The CorporationBoardwill begin operationwithselectedandappointed seats. Six (6) of the initialDirectorsof the Corporation willservefor three-year terms,andfive(5) Directors willservefor two-yearterms.lnitialtermswillbe determined by lot. Oncethe initialDirectors termsare completed and beginning withthe secondannualmeeting,all Directors will servetwo-yearterms. (b) OngoingStructure;Afterthe initialthree-yearinitiator/startup processthe term of eachDirectorshallbe two (2) years.No memberof the Boardof Directorsshallservemorethantwo (2) consecutive termswithouta two (2) year periodoff the board. 4 6. Resignationor Removal.A Directormayresignby delivering hisor herwritten resignation to the Corporation at its principal office,or by presenting it in writingto the Presidentor the Boardat a Boardmeeting.Suchresignation shallbe effectiveuponits acceptance by the Boardof Directors. A Director whofailsto attendthree(3)consecutive regularly scheduled Boardmeetings withoutnoticeto the President andfor goodcausemaybe removedfromthe Boardof Directorsat a regularor specialmeetingof the Boardof Directors. (2/3)majorityof the votingDirectors A Directormay be removedby a voteof two-thirds proposed thenin office.A Director to be removed shallbe entitled to at leastten (10) daysnoticein writingby mailbeforethe Boardmeetingat whichsuchremovalis to be votedupon,and shallbe entitledto speakon the matterpriorto the vote. 7. Vacancies.A vacancyon the Boardof Directors arisingat anytimeandfromany causemaybe filledfor the unexpired term. . Vacancies of electedDirectors shallbe filledby election of the membersin the mannerdescribed in Article8. . Vacanciesof selectedDirectors shallbe filledby selectionof the Boardin the mannerdescribed in Article4.3. . Vacanciesof Cityappointed Directors shallbe filledby appointment of the City. . Vacanciesof CountyappointedDirectors shallbe filledby appointment of the County. 8. Disqualification.No memberof the Corporation's staffshallserveon the Boardof Directors.No Directormayapplyfor a staffpositionwithoutfirstresigning fromthe Board. 9. Compensation.Directors shallnot be compensated for servicesas a Directornorfor providingany non-board relatedservicesto the Corporation. The Corporation may reimburseany Directorfor necessary expensesincurredin the execution of his or her Boarddutiesandresponsibilities. 10.Gonflictof lnterest.No employee or representative of anycableoperatorin the franchiseareamayserveas a Directoron the Board. Article 5. MEETINGS OF THEBOARDOF DIRECTORS 1. RegularMeetings.Regularmeetings of the Directors maybe heldat suchplaces and at suchtimesas the Directors maydetermine. Thereshallbe at leasteight(B) peryear,oneof whichshalloccurwithinfour(4) regularmeetingsof the Directors Meeting weeksfollowing theAnnualMembership andanothershalloccurwithinfour(4) weeksfollowing All regularmeetings shallbe opento the generalpublic. thatmeeting. in the Noticesof regularBoardMeetings willfollowtheguidelines specified postedat thefacilities of the Management Agreement(s) andbe prominently 5 Corporation at leastseven(7) dayspriorto suchmeetingand noticesof regular mail,or distributed via fax or e-mail,to eachof meetingsmustbe mailedby first-class the directorsat leastseven(7) daysbeforesuchmeeting. 2. SpecialMeetings.A specialmeetingof the Directors maybe calledby the President or by four(4) or moreDirectors, of the Boardof Directors, and shallbe heldat suchtime and for suchpurposesas maybe specifiedin the callfor saidmeeting.Schedulesand postedat leastfive (5) daysin noticesof SpecialBoardMeetings will be prominently advanceof suchmeetingat the facilities of the Corporation and noticesof Special BoardMeetingsmustbe mailedby first-class mail,or distributed via fax or e-mail,to eachof the directorsat leastseven(7)daysbeforesuchmeeting. 3. Quorum.Six directorsor a majorityof the votingDirectors currentlyin office, whicheveris greater,shallconstitute a quorumfor the transaction of business. 4. Action of the Boardof Directors.Theact of the majorityof the Directorspresentat a meetingat whicha quorumis presentshallbe the act of the Boardof Directors, unlessthe act of a greaternumberis requiredby lawor by thesebylaws.Thereshallbe no vote by proxy. 5. ExecutiveSession.The Boardof Directors maygo intoExecutive Sessionby a majorityvoteof the quorumpresent. Article6. OFFICERS 1. Officers.The Officersof the Corporation shallincludea President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Clerk.The Boardof Directors shallelectall Officersfromamongits members.Boardmembersmusthaveservedat leastone yearon the Boardto be eligibleto holdexecutiveoffice. 2. Term.Officersshallhavetermsof oneyearand mayholdthe sameexecutiveoffice for a maximumof two consecutive one-yearterms. 3. President.The President shallchairall meetingsof Membersand Directors, act as the principaladvisorby whichthe Corporation canaccomplish its business,and be familiarwithall phasesof activitywithinthe Corporation. The President shallnominate the chairpersons of all othercommittees. 4. Vice-President. TheVice-President shallperformallfunctions andassumeall responsibilities of the President whenthe President is unableto do so. 5. Treasurer.TheTreasurershallserveas the chieffinancialofficerand shalladvise and overseethe booksand recordsof the Corporation. 6. Glerk.The clerkshallact as the secretary of the corporation and maintaincustodyof the corporateseal. The Clerkshallrecord,prepare,maintainanddisseminate minutes of the meetings,issuenoticesof all meetingsof the Boardof Directorsand performany otherdutiesrequiredby theseBylaws. 7. Electionand Tenureof Officers.EachOfficershallbe electedannuallyat the secondBoardmeetingafterthe annualmeetingof the members,andshallholdoffice untilthe secondBoardmeetingafterthenextannualmeetingof members and untilhis or hersuccessor is chosen,unlessa shorterperiodhasbeenspecified by thetermsof his or herelectionor appointment, or untilhe or she resigns,is removed,or rotatesoff the Board. 8. Resignationor Removal.AnyOfficermayresignby delivering hisor herwritten resignation to the Corporation at its principal office,or by announcing hisor her resignation in personat a Boardmeeting.Suchresignation shallbe effectiveuponits acceptance by the Board.The Boardof Directors mayremoveany Officerfromofficeby a two-thirds(2/3)voteof the Boardwhenever, in theirjudgment,the bestinterestsof the Corporation willtherebybe served. 9. Vacancies.lf anyofficebecomes vacant,the Boardof Directors shallappointa successorto comoletethe termof the vacantoffice. Article7. COMMITTEES OF THEBOARD The boardshallcreatethreestanding Executive Finance committees; Committee, Committee andNominating Committee. ThePresident shallappointthe chairpersons and membersof all standingcommittees, exceptthe Executive Committee, subjectto the approvalof the Boardof Directors. Eachstandingcommittee shallconsistof at leastthree(3) BoardMembers.No member of the Boardshallsit on morethantwo standingcommittees. The ExecutiveDirector shallbe a non-voting memberof eachstanding Fromtime-to-time, committee. as needdictates,the Boardmaycreateothercommittees. 1. ExecutiveCommittee.The Executive Committee shallconsistof the Officersof the Corporation. The Boardmayat times,by majority vote,givethe Executive Committee the powerto makespecific Any decisions whenno regularBoardmeetingis scheduled. actionsof the Executive Committee shallbe reportedto the nextregularmeetingof the Boardof Directorsandshallbe subjectto revisionandalteration by the Boardof providedthatno rightsof thirdpartiesshallbe affectedby suchrevisionsor Directors, alterations. 2. FinanceGommittee. The President shallconvene a FinanceCommittee chairedby theTreasurer.The FinanceCommittee shallreviewtheannualfinancial statements, the approveannualfiscalauditreports,and recommend to the Boardof Directors public lt shallbe selectionof an independent certified for the Corporation. accountant financial reportto the the responsibility of the FinanceCommittee to submita quarterly Boardof Directors; on thescopeandadequacy of theannualauditandrelatedfees; advisingthe Boardof Directors on the effectiveness andadequacyof the Corporation's internalaccounting criticisms or controls, andincludeitsfindingon errors,omissions, recommendations developed fromtheannualauditof the independent certified accountant. Committee, shallconvenea Nominating 3. NominatingCommittee.The President proposecandidates for whennecessary, whichshallannually,andfromtime-to-time will Committee be eachopeningfor a selectedmemberon the Board.The Nominating for the Boardrepresent as closelyas possiblethe to ensurethatnominees encouraged served. racial,ethnic,geographic, cultural,andeconomicdiversityof the communities Committee shallalsooverseethe electionof Directorsas outlinedin The Nominating ArticleB below. maycreateand dissolveotherstanding 4. Other Gommittees.The Boardof Directors The Boardshalldefinethe objectives, dutiesand as required. or temporarycommittees grant and them rightsof thesecommittees, establishcriteriafor theirmembership, powerssubjectto theircompliance withthe Articlesof Organization and theseBylaws. Article 8. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS 1. Nominationby Petition.Any individual memberin goodstanding maybe nominated by the membership usingthe followingprocedure: (a) No lessthansixty(60)dayspriorto the annualmeeting,the Board's Nominating Committee shallsendnoticeto all membersof the Corporation notifyingthemof the procedures, timeframe,and deadlinefor filinga petitionfor nomination to the Boardof Directors.Suchnoticeshallindicatethe numbersof Directorsto be electedin eachyear. (b) lrrespective petitionsfor of the numberof membersof the Corporation, nomination mustcontaina totalof at leastten (10)signatures of individual membersor representatives of organizational members.Onlyone signatureper organizational memberis allowed.All petitions for nomination mustalsoinclude paragraph an informational aboutthe nomineeto be suppliedto all membersas partof the ballot. 2. Ballot. The Board'sNominating Committee shallverifyall petitions for nomination and createthe ballotto be distributed in the Corporation. to all classesof membership The ballotwill includethe proposedslateof candidates for openelecteddirector position(s).Theslatewillincludeindividuals nominated by petition andmayinclude othersidentified by the Nominating Committee.The ballotshallclearlyindicatethe deadlineit mustbe returnedby the memberto be considered valid. 3. Electionby MailedBallot.Electionof all of the electedDirectors shallbe accomplished by distributed ballot (a) Eachmembershall,on the suppliedballotform,castvotesfor not morethan the numberof positions thatare available. Eachvoteshallbe for a different person. (b) Violationof any provision of thisSectionshallinvalidate the member'sentire ballot. (c) In the eventthattwo (2) or morepersonseachreceivethe samenumberof votes,the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shalldetermine, by lot, whichperson(s) shallbe seatedas a Boardmember. 8 4. Certificationof Election.At the annualmeetingof the Corporation the resultsof the electionof Directors shallbe announced andcertifiedandthe newDirectors shalltake theirseatsuponthe Board. Article 9. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY 1. ParliamentaryAuthority.Robert'sRulesof Order,NewlyRevisedshallserveas Parliamentary Authority at all meetings. Article10. GENERALMANAGER 1. GeneralManager.TheBoardof Directors willhirea GeneralManager whoshall havethe authorityand responsibility to manageandoperatethe Corporation's affairsin general policies accordance withthe anddirections specifiedby the Boardof Directors, and shallhavesuchadditional authority anddutiesas the Boardof Directorsmayfrom prescri time-to-time be. Article11. INDEMNIFICATION 1. Indemnification. TheCorporation indemnify shall,to theextentlegallypermissible, eachof its Directors againstall liabilities, counsel feesandexpenses, including amounts paidin satisfaction of judgments, in compromise or as finesand penalties, that he or she reasonably incursin connection withthe defenseor disposition of any action,suitor othercivilor criminalproceedings in whichhe or she maybe involvedor withwhichhe or she may be threatened by reasonof beingor havingbeena Director, exceptwith respectto any matterin whichhe or she is adjudicated notto haveactedin goodfaithin the reasonable beliefthathisor heractionwas in the bestinterests of the Corporation. The rightsof indemnification herebyprovidedshallnot be exclusive of or affectany personnel otherrightsto indemnification to whichcorporate maybe entitledby law. Article12.LIQUIDATION OR DISSOLUTION 1. Liquidationor Dissolution.In theeventof the liquidation or dissolution of the Corporation, no Director or membershallbe entitled to anydistribution or divisionof its remainingpropertyor its proceeds.The balanceof all moneyand otherproperty receivedby the Corporation fromanysource,afterthe paymentof all debtsand obligations of the Corporation, shallbe distributed by the Boardof Directors to such for organization or organizations whichare organized andoperatedexclusively charitablepurposesandwhichshallat thattimequalifyas tax-exempt underSection provision 501(c)(3) of the lnternalRevenue Codeof 1954or thecorresponding of any futureUnitedStatesInternalRevenuelaws,or to a unitof government to the extent requiredby the termsof any management agreement thenin effect. Article13.AMENDMENTS 1. Amendments.Any partor allof theseBylawsmaybe altered, amended, or presentat a regular (2/3)voteof the Boardof Directors repealedby a two-thirds provided thata quorumof or specialBoardmeetingdulycalledforthatpurpose, of the proposed the Boardof Directorsis presentand noticeof the substance to the Boardand postedat amendments or repealswas distributed alterations, principal less seven(7) daysbeforesuch no than location of the Corporation the meeting.