PHT FRB One Day Committee Meeting
PHT FRB One Day Committee Meeting
PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD COMMITTEE MEETINGS AGENDAS January 20, 2012 Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center 1080 N. W. 19th Street Miami, Florida 33128 PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD COMMITTEE MEETINGS SCHEDULE (January 2012) LOCATION SITE Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center (DTC) 1080 N. W. 19th Street Miami, Florida 33136 The Purchasing Subcommittee and Facilities Subcommittee meetings are scheduled to begin at 7:15 a.m. on Friday, January 20, 2012. The Audit and Compliance Subcommittee meeting shall immediately follow the Facilities Subcommittee in the Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259, which will then be followed by the Standing Committee meetings. A special PHT Financial Recovery Board meeting is scheduled to immediately follow the Strategic Committee meeting. Friday, January 20, 2012 Subcommittees Purchasing Subcommittee Time 7:15 a.m. to adjournment Conference Room DTC 270 Facilities Subcommittee 7:15 a.m. to adjournment DTC 259 Audit and Compliance Subcommittee Immediately following the Facilities Subcommittee meeting DTC 259 Immediately following the Audit & Compliance Subcommittee meeting DTC 259 Joint Conference Committee Immediately following the Fiscal Committee meeting DTC 259 Strategic Committee Immediately following the Joint Conference Committee meeting DTC 259 Special PHT Financial Recovery Board Immediately following the Joint Strategic Committee meeting DTC 259 Standing Committees Fiscal Committee As of January 17, 2012 PURCHASING SUBCOMMITTEE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Purchasing Subcommittee Joaquin del Cueto, Chairperson Stephen S. Nuell, Vice Chairperson Michael Bileca Date and Place January 20, 2012 – 7:15 a.m. to adjournment Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 270 AGENDA Action Items: 1. *Approval of the Meeting Minutes (Joaquin del Cueto, Chairperson, Purchasing Subcommittee) (a) December 15, 2011 2. *Review and Recommended Approval – January 2012 Purchasing Report (Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System) 3. *Resolution authorizing (1) retroactive payment in the amount of $95,625.00, for services rendered from June 1, 2011 through November 30, 2011, and (2) waiver of competitive bidding and a new agreement in the maximum amount of $255,500.00, for guaranteed emergency beds and related services to the Salvation Army for a 1-year period effective December 2, 2011 (Kevin Andrews, Vice President, Quality and Patient Safety Division, Jackson Health System and Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System) 4. *Resolution authorizing an amendment to Section XII D.2 of the Procurement Policy and Regulation approved on January 25, 2010 regarding solicitations or awards in violation of laws or policies (Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System) Informational Items: 5. *Monthly Report of Competitive Contracts Awarded or Renewed Under the Chief Procurement Officer Authority in Accordance to Procurement Regulations – December 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 (Fidel Alvarez, Manager, Procurement Management Department, Jackson Memorial Hospital) 6. *Monthly Report of Non-Competitive Contracts Under $100,000 – December 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011 (Fidel Alvarez, Manager, Procurement Management Department, Jackson Memorial Hospital) 7. KPI (Key Performance Indicators) for Procurement Update (Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System) 8. *MedAssets Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) Update (Mark T. Knight, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Jackson Health System) (Agenda item(s) noted with an asterisk (*) indicates that the supporting documents are included.) 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Purchasing Subcommittee Joaquin del Cueto, Chairman Stephen S. Nuell, Vice Chairman Michael Bileca Date and Place December 15, 2011 – 7:15 a.m. to adjournment Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 270 ATTENDANCE Purchasing Subcommittee Michael Bileca Joaquin del Cueto Stephen S. Nuell Marcos Jose Lapciuc Jackson Health System Rosa Costanzo Mark T. Knight Carlos A. Migoya Miami-Dade County Attorney Eugene Shy, Jr. Purchasing Subcommittee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 2 CALL TO ORDER With a quorum being present, the Purchasing Subcommittee meeting was called to order by Joaquin del Cueto, Chairperson at 7:28 a.m. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes – November 17, 2011 Mr. del Cueto requested a motion approving the meeting minutes of November 17, 2011. Mr. Bileca moved approval; seconded by Mr. Nuell, and carried without dissent. 2. December 2011 Purchasing Report Rosa Costanzo, Vice President & Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System presented for review and approval the December 2011 Purchasing Report. Mark T. Knight, Chief Financial Officer, Jackson Health System reported on the MedAssets Net Revenue Systems Inc, (Item #2 of the Purchasing Report) having to do with the long term health concerns related to charge capture for patient services. He stated the proposal includes on-site meetings with Clinical Chiefs to ensure charges captured are billed accurately to optimize reimbursement. Peter Liu, Office of Inspector General, raised questions and expressed concerns regarding the MedAssets Net Revenue Systems contract, (Item #2 of the Purchasing Report). He requested a meeting with staff prior to board approval to address his concerns. Following the discussion, Mr. del Cueto requested a motion approving the December 2011 Purchasing Report. Mr. Nuell moved approval; seconded by Mr. Bileca, and carried without dissent. 3. Resolution authorizing retroactive payment in the amount of $108,308.75, for services rendered prior to November 21, 2011 for actuarial services with Wakely Consulting Group (Fernando Salgado, Interim Executive Director, JMH Health Plan) Mr. del Cueto requested a motion for the item. Mr. Nuell moved approval; seconded by Mr. Bileca, and carried without dissent. Purchasing Subcommittee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 3 4. Resolution authorizing (1) retroactive payment in the amount of $119,367.64 and $24,505 to Infusion Technologies, Inc. and Option Care Enterprises, Inc. respectively, for home infusion services rendered during the period of April 3, 2011 through November 30, 2011, and (2) waiver of competitive bidding and a new agreement in the maximum amount of $95,000 and $45,000 to Infusion Technologies, Inc. and Option Care Enterprises, Inc. respectively, for a six-month period (Kevin Andrews, Vice President, Quality and Patient Safety Division, Jackson Health System) Mr. del Cueto requested a motion for the item. Mr. Nuell moved approval; seconded by Mr. Bileca, and carried without dissent. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: 5. Monthly Report of Competitive Contracts Awarded or Renewed Under the Chief Procurement Officer Authority in Accordance to Procurement Regulations – November 1, 2011 through November 30, 2011 A copy of the report was included in the agenda packet. 6. Monthly Report of Non-Competitive Contracts Under $100,000 – November 1, 2011 through November 30, 2011 A copy of the report was included in the agenda packet. 7. Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Procurement Discussion Mr. Nuell spoke about the necessity for key performance indicators which will better manage timely contract execution. Mr. Nuell provided historical background, not necessarily ascribed directly to the Procurement Management Department, of untimely contract reviews and bid processes presented to the PHT Financial Recovery Board for approval. Ms. Costanzo stated that a weekly projects tracking list was developed and distributed to the JHS Executive Team. As part of the projects tracking list, the total number of contracts, average number of days to complete the contract process and contract area categories will be included. Ms. Costanzo and Mr. Knight stated that Mr. Nuell will be provided with the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) recommended KPI’s as well as other suggested KPI’s. Adjournment The meeting of the Purchasing Subcommittee adjourned at 8:09 a.m. Transcribed by Terry D. Brown Executive Assistant Strategic Sourcing & Supply Chain Management Division PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD PURCHASING REPORT JANUARY 30, 2012 TO: PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD FROM: PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT The following recommendations are made in accordance with the Trust’s “Procurement Policy” and it’s implementing “Procurement Regulation.” This report includes competitively solicited contract awards over $1,000,000, waivers of formal competition over $100,000 and other categories for Board approval as prescribed by the Procurement Policy/Regulation. The entire report has been screened and assembled by the Procurement Management Department with the direct participation of the Administrator and staff, all subject to review by the Vice President, Strategic Sourcing Division, consultation with the President as needed, and review for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney’s Office. SECTION I. AWARDS UNDER INVITATIONS TO BID (ITB’s) This section consists of awards under competitively solicited Invitations to Bid (ITB’s) over $1,000,000. No items to report. SECTION II. AWARDS UNDER REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS (RFP’s) This section consists of awards under competitively solicited Requests for Proposals (RFP’s) over $1,000,000. No items to report. SECTION III. AWARDS UNDER THE COMPETITIVELY SOLICITED CONTRACTS OF OTHER PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ENTITIES This section consists of awards over $1,000,000 under competitively solicited (“ITB,” “RFP” or equivalent) contracts of other public and nonprofit entities. No items to report. January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board 1 SECTION IV. CONTRACTS AWARDS UNDER GROUP PURCHASING ORGANIZATION (“GPO”) This section consists of awards over $3,000,000 under Group Purchasing Organization (“GPO”) contracts. GPOs are organizations that aggregate the purchasing volume of their members consisting of hospitals and other health care providers to leverage discounts with manufacturers, distributors and other vendors to realize administrative savings and efficiencies. The Trust’s GPO is MedAssets. No items to report. SECTION V. AWARDS UNDER A WAIVER OF FORMAL COMPETITION This section consists of awards over $100,000 without the formal solicitation of competitive bids or proposals. All award recommendations in this section have the approval of the President, are based on a finding that the waiver of competitive bidding is in the best interests of the Public Health Trust, and require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Trustees present for approval. A. Sole Source No items to report. B. Physician’s Preference Staff requests a waiver of formal competition for the contract items listed in this category because a physician or clinician has requested the particular item or service without which the physician or clinician cannot successfully and safely render patient care. No items to report. C. Standardization Items in this category have been established as the Trust standard. No items to report. D. Non-Competitive Cooperative Purchasing This subsection consists of awards under the contracts of other public entities that were not competitively solicited. No items to report. January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board 2 SECTION V. (cont’d.) E. Miscellaneous Bid Waiver This subsection consists of awards not falling in the other categories of waiver of formal competition but where waiver is deemed to be in the best interests of the Trust. 1. (334172- NA) The Quality and Patient Safety Department of Jackson Main requests approval for a contract modification under a waiver of competition to Professional Research Consultants Inc. (PRC) for a period of ninety (90) days for the provision of Satisfaction Survey Services. Professional Research Consultants Inc. (PRC): Initial Term (Board Approved Nov. 2005) $ 700,000 (for three years) OTR #1 (Approved Administratively May 2009) $ 367,000 (for one year) OTR #2 (Approved Administratively May 2010) $ 364,212 (for one year) Contract Modification #3 (Approved Administratively May 2011) $ 91,053 (for sixty days) Contract Modification #4 (Approved Administratively – Emergency July 2011) $ 80,000 (for ninety days) Contract Modification #5 (Approved Administratively – Emergency October 2011) $ 80,000 (for ninety days) This request for funding $ 80,000 (for ninety days) Total approved funding: January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board $1,762,265 3 SECTION V. (cont’d.) Background In May 2006, the Performance Improvement Department entered into Contract No.: 055052 with PRC for the provision of Patient, Employee and Physician Satisfaction and Loyalty Research. The survey information is used to measure progress toward strategic goals, identify improvement opportunities and fulfill regulatory requirements regarding patient care and motivation and morale of the workforce. This contract was approved by the PHT board in November 2005 for three years in the amount of $700,000 with two (2) one-year options to renew. The first and second OTRs were approved administratively in May 2009 and May 2010. After the two OTRs, the contract has been extended as requested by department custodian to allow for the continuation of service to meet The Joint Commission Regulatory requirements. Recommendation FRB approval is being requested for an additional ninety (90) day term in the amount of $80,000 to allow the department to further define the need, budget and scope of services in order for a competitive solicitation to be issued and awarded. (K. Andrews) 2. (257564-MR/HT) The Trust’s Revenue Cycle Management Division is requesting approval of funds for a five-year contract with MedAssets Net Revenue Systems, Inc, consisting of various solutions designed to maximize efficiencies by improving business processes and increasing cash flows. (Ongoing/replacement purchase) MedAssets Net Revenue Systems, Inc.: Program Subscription Fees $ 951,608 (per year) Total Program Fees $4,758,040 (for five years) Implementation Fee & Capped Expenses: $ 813,500 (one-time) Additional professional services available Throughout the five-year term at rates of $125 - $275 per hour: $ 325,000 (not to exceed) Total approved funding: January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board $ 5,896,540 4 SECTION V. (cont’d.) Background Revenue Cycle Division has been standardizing processes and systems for the past three years. The main thrust of these changes was the consolidation of various systems, which included significant implementation cost and training of over 700 full time JHS Revenue Cycle employees within revenue producing departments, who access these systems on a daily basis. Price Waterhouse Coopers had also confirmed that Jackson Health System’s Revenue Cycle Division had selected best in class systems and endorsed their continued use. Recommendation MedAssets offers a variety of revenue cycle IT-related services that are uniquely interrelated, and these solutions are proven compatible with our existing hospital systems. The MedAssets solution being proposed is comprised of the following products: CDM Management: This product is currently in use to analyze charge master and ensure information is up to date. Knowledge Source: A web-based system currently used by Revenue Integrity Services Unit to research questions relating to the appropriateness of charge related issues. MedAssets is the leading vendor of this tool and supplies most other web-based vendors with the data. Charge Capture Audit: A web-based tool currently used in the Revenue Integrity Services Unit to perform post billing automated audits to determine any loss in charges. System interfaces have been developed and a change in vendor would require resources dedicated to write, test and implement new interfaces with minimal disruptions to the training of personnel on a new system. Contract Manager / Contract Modeler: This solution is currently utilized and adjudicates all claims down to the expected reimbursement. The present interfaces among SSI, the Contract Manager and Siemens for claims and contractual adjustment would be disrupted with the introduction of a new vendor and reloading the approximately 180 profiles would cost an estimated $100k in addition to a cost of $150 – January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board 5 SECTION V. (cont’d.) $200k to develop new interfaces. A change in vendor would also disrupt workflow and negatively impact cash collections. Care Pricer: This product is currently used by Patient Access departments to provide patients, upon request, an estimated cost invoice for service rendered. This product requires Contract Manager. Changing to a new vendor would also mean re-training over 350 FTE’s at a prohibitive cost while slowing down the revenue cycle process. Rapid Reserve: The Revenue Cycle Department has implemented and has been utilizing this module which was a result of the most recent E&Y Audit recommendation to implement a system to automate the Accounts Receivable evaluation process critical to JHS’ financial reporting. Rapid Reserve works in conjunction with Contract Manager and cannot be separated. CrossWalk Services (Supply & Pharmacy): With this Agreement, the Revenue Cycle Department will setup CrossWalk services which will include, among other functions: Linking of Facility’s chargemaster, item master and closed receipt data to the MedAssets Master Item File (MIF) as well as transforming and loading data into the crosswalk database; configuration of application; user, systems and management setup; and, up to 30 hours of review and cleansing of the automatically generated links between systems. In providing optimization services, the MedAssets service team will collaborate with the identified stakeholders to audit and review the Client Master Item File to optimize efficiencies. Below are the annual recurring (five year term) fees associated with each product/solution. The CrossWalk Service and Charging Review Products will have a one-time implementation fee associated with them as well as capped fees for travel and expenses that will be required to complete implementation. Additional services which include contract loading, mapping of processes custom programming, off cycle reports, contract negotiation support, additional Internet modeling and manual data entry of tables will be available throughout the five-year term at rates of $125 - $275 per hour and have been capped at a not-to-exceed amount of $325,000. January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board 6 SECTION V. (cont’d.) One-Time Implementation Fees N/A Annual Subscription Fee $ 33,881 Knowledge Source N/A Included in CDM Master Charge Capture Audit N/A $ 97,664 N/A Contract Manager N/A $ 325,333 N/A Contract Modeler N/A $ N/A Care Price N/A $ 164,069 N/A Rapid Reserves N/A $ 121,604 N/A Product/Solution CDM Master 50,057 Expenses Capped At N/A N/A Cross Walk Supply $ 129,000 $ 82,000 $ 34,500 Cross Walk Pharmacy $ 122,000 $ 77,000 $ 28,500 Charge Master/Pricing Review $ 463,500 N/A $ 36,000 Total $ 714,500 $ 951,608 $ 99,000 This Contract can be terminated immediately for breach of duty by either party if the breach has not been cured within a 30-day period of notice to either party concerning the breach. This Contract includes the OIG and UAP provisions. The contract has been approved by Risk as to Insurance and Liability requirements and by the County Attorney’s Office for legal sufficiency. A Bid waiver justification has been provided and Conflict of Interest Declarations have been signed by Amy Sebero, Senior VP of MedAssets, and Charles Bearham, RCM Administrator, with no reported disclosures. (C. Pla/M. Knight) SECTION VI. OPTIONS-TO-RENEW AND CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS FOR CONTRACTS THAT WERE COMPETITIVELY SOLICITED This section refers to existing contracts that were competitively bid (“ITB” or “RFP”) at their origin and consists of either (a) the exercise of established options-to renew or (b) the execution of contract modifications for which the Procurement Policy requires prior Board approval. Balance of page intentially left blank January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board 7 SECTION VI. (cont’d.) 3. (287234-HT/MR/333101-TW) The Revenue Cycle Division requests approval to exercise Option to Renew (OTR) No. 1 of its existing contract with Sykes Enterprises, Inc. for “Call Center and Centralized Scheduling” services pursuant to RFP No. 06-5182 (ongoing/replacement purchase). Sykes Enterprises, Inc.: Revenue Cycle Funding $12,900,000 (for two years) JMH Health Plan Funding $ 500,000 (for two years) Total approved funding: $13,400,000 Background In June 2008, the Board approved a competitive contract award to the ICT Group for an initial three-year term plus three two-year options to renew for call center and centralized scheduling services. Following contract award, the Revenue Cycle Division worked with the contractor to develop the scripting materials, process flows and system access necessary to allow the call center agents to facilitate the intake of patient calls for scheduling purposes. Additionally, in 2011, the JMH Health Plan accessed the contract to allow for backup services for the customer service center when JHS employees were not available. Recommendation With this request, the Revenue Cycle Division seeks to exercise the first option to renew of two years as allowed by the provisions of the competitive contract award. The contract provides call services for the following areas with an estimated monthly call volume of 55,400: Scheduling of appointments for Jackson Memorial Hospital, Jackson North, Jackson South and Mental Health Automatic appointment reminder calls TTY capability for the hearing impaired Physician referral line for Holtz Children’s Hospital Permanent disaster response line Member preferred scheduling line Customer Service line for all other calls January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board 8 SECTION VI. (cont’d.) Jackson Health Plan is also requesting continued use of the services for an additional period of approximately two years. Sykes Agents will provide the following services for the Health Plan: Benefits/Eligibility verification Claims Inquiries Verifying pharmacy benefits eligibility and routing point of sale RX issues to our Pharmacy team for resolution Authorization inquiries Requests for materials (ID cards, Directories, Coverage documents etc.) Disenrollment requests Enrollment status updates Demographic change updates Using our current enterprise database, namely, IKA, to route issues electronically to other departments for investigation and resolution. Sykes Acquisition, LLC, with whom the Trust is presently conducting business, is merging all holdings into Sykes Enterprises, Inc. as a result of reorganization. Sykes will be doing business as and billing the Trust as Sykes Enterprises, Inc. as of January 1, 2012. All terms, conditions and pricing will remain the same. The contract can be terminated for convenience with a ninety (90) day notice and includes the OIG and UAP provisions. The original contract was reviewed and approved by the CAO for legal sufficiency and by Risk as to Insurance and Liability. (C. Pla/ F. Salgado) 4. (330568-NA) The Renal Management Group, Care Management and Quality and Patient Safety Department, Jackson Health System, requests approval to exercise Option to Renew (OTR) # 1 of RFP # 08-5198 with Miami Acutes, dba DVA Renal Healthcare Inc., for a period of one year for the provision of Outpatient and Inpatient Dialysis Treatment Services (Ongoing/replacement purchase). Miami Acutes d/b/a DVA Renal Healthcare Inc: OTR #1 $ 4,537,200 (for one year) Total approved funding $ 4,537,200 January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board 9 SECTION VI. (cont’d.) Background As a result of the competitive RFP process, contract #08-5198 was awarded to DVA for an initial term of Three (3) years with Two (2) one-year options to renew. The initial competitive contract award was approved by the PHT Board in October 2008 in the amount of $19,145,544. OTR #1 of Contract 08-5198 will: (1) Provide necessary outpatient and inpatient dialysis services to all patients referred by Jackson Health System (JHS); (2) Maintain a corporate compliance plan; (3) provide competent, trained, licensed and experienced staff; (4) Maintain the facility and all equipment used; and (5) Provide financial and social services to support the patients in obtaining appropriate insurance and/or financial coverage for dialysis services. Contract Modification #1 was issued to incorporate the names of the various facilities used by DVA to provide outpatient dialysis services throughout Miami Dade County. Contract Modification #2 was issued to extend the initial term of the contract for a period of 90 days to allow negotiations of the rates for the upcoming OTR to be completed and to incorporate the UAP language. Both of these modifications were executed with no change to the initial three year value of the contract. Recommendation The requested funding will exercise the first OTR of Contract 08-5198. The initial three (3) year contract stipulated that rates for service would remain fixed. However, prior to exercising each OTR, the Trust would consider an adjustment to price based on changes to the pricing index as stated below or a five percent (5%) increase whichever is less: “Medical Care Service Component of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor. Should the Index no longer be published, the Index shall be the Medical Care Service Component of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) under Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United State Department of Labor.” Prior to completion of the initial term, the Contractor requested an increase of the rates for the OTR based on the stipulation above. However, subsequent negotiations between JHS and the Contractor regarding these rates resulted in an overall rate reduction that should provide a projected savings of approximately $32,000. The original contract was reviewed and approved by Risk as to Insurance and Liability and by the County Attorney’s Office for Legal sufficiency. The contract can be terminated for convenience with a thirty (30) day notice and includes UAP and OIG provisions (K. Andrews). January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board 10 SECTION VII. OPTIONS-TO-RENEW AND CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS FOR CONTRACTS THAT WERE AWARDED UNDER A WAIVER OF FORMAL COMPETITION This section refers to existing contracts that were not competitively bid at their origin and consists of either (a) the exercise of established options-to renew or (b) the execution of contract modifications for which the Procurement Policy requires prior Board approval. All contracts in this section that are renewals not previously authorized by the Board have the written approval of the President, are based on a finding that the waiver of full and competitive bidding is in the best interest of the Public Health Trust, and require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Trustees present for approval. 5. (333246-CS) The Division of Public Safety is requesting approval to exercise the first Option to Renew (OTR) with the Miami Parking Authority (“MPA”) to continue management and operational services of the parking facilities at UM/Jackson Memorial Hospital Campus (ongoing purchase) Miami Parking Authority (“MPA”): This request for funding: $1,861,000 (for one year) Total approved funding: $1,861,000 The Board of Trustees approved the initial contract with MPA in December 2006 in the amount of $11,127,170 for the initial five year term. Under the contract, MPA manages and operates twelve parking facilities throughout Jackson Memorial Hospital, twenty four hours per day, seven days per week. MPA has a proven track record of operational expertise, professionalism, efficiency and customer service and manages over 29,000 parking spaces in the City of Miami, inclusive of those at JMH. MPA has consistently worked with JHS to reduce operational costs. During the initial five year term of the Agreement, MPA installed completely automated parking control equipment for operations at JHS. This has resulted in increased revenues and controls which have allowed for more efficient operation of the parking facilities which include garages and lots. MPA has been able to reduce expenses substantially and consistently and have provided reductions to management fee to help the hospital. The contract can be terminated for convenience with a thirty (30) day notice. The original contract was reviewed and approved by the CAO for legal sufficiency and by Risk as to Insurance and Liability. January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board 11 SECTION VII. (cont’d.) Conflict of Interest forms have been submitted by JHS’ Corporate Director of Public Safety, Mark Aprigliano and Alejandra Argudin, COO, Miami Parking Authority, with no reported disclosures. (D. Steigman) SECTION VIII. MISCELLANEOUS This section consists of procurement actions that require Board approval not included under any other section of the Purchasing Report. A. Vendor Name Change This section refers to existing contracts requiring a vendor name change under any circumstance at any time after contract award and for the duration of contract performance. The Chief Procurement Officer is the approving authority when the original award of the subject contract was within the approval authority of the Chief Procurement Officer, and the Board of Trustees is the approving authority when the original award of the subject contract required the approval of the Board. The County Attorney’s Office has been consulted and has provided a determination of legal sufficiency. No items to report. January 2012 PHT Financial Recovery Board 12 Agenda Item 3. Purchasing Subcommittee January 20, 2012 RESOLUTION NO. PHT 1/12 – RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING (1) RETROACTIVE PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $95,625.00, FOR SERVICES RENDERED FROM JUNE 1, 2011 THROUGH NOVEMBER 30, 2011, AND (2) WAIVER OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND A NEW AGREEMENT IN THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF $255,500.00, FOR GUARANTEED EMERGENCY BEDS AND RELATED SERVICES TO THE SALVATION ARMY FOR A 1-YEAR PERIOD EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2011 (Kevin Andrews, Vice President, Quality and Patient Safety Division, Jackson Health System and Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Division, Jackson Health System) WHEREAS, the Public Health Trust (“PHT”) entered into an agreement with the Salvation Army, in March 2010 in the amount of $203,000.00, which agreement expired on May 31, 2011; and WHEREAS, the services provided by the Salvation Army were over-utilized due to the needs of the PHT and the PHT incurred payment obligations related to those services exceeding the initial approved agreement amount by $95,625.00 for services provided through November 30, 2011; and WHEREAS, the services provided by the Salvation Army are required to reduce the length of stay at the Jackson Health Systems; and WHEREAS, the Case Management/Social Work and Discharge Planning Division of the Clinical Resource Management (CRM) Department has requested a new contract for services for a prospective 12- month period effective December 1, 2011, in the amount of $255,500.00, through November 30, 2012; and WHEREAS, upon the written recommendation by the President, the Trust finds it in the best interests of the Trust to waive competitive bidding and contract with the Salvation Army for a 12-month period; and WHEREAS, the PHT desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in this Resolution as further described in the memorandum attached hereto and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the PHT finds that the actions described herein are in the best interest of the PHT and the President and CEO recommend the actions described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board hereby authorizes (1) retroactive payment in the amount of $95,625.00 for services rendered prior to November 30, 2011, and (2) waiver of competitive bidding and a new agreement in the amount of 255,500.00, for guaranteed emergency beds and related services with the Salvation Army effective December 1, 2011. 1 TO: The Financial Recovery Board of the Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County FROM: Kevin Andrews, Vice President, Quality and Patient Safety Division, Jackson Health System DATE: October 25, 2011 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZING WAIVER OF FORMAL BID PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST PROCUREMENT POLICY AND REGULATIONS; RATIFICATION OF A PREVIOUS PURCHASE FOR GUARANTEED EMERGENCY SHELTER BEDS AND ASSOCIATED SOCIAL SERVICES TO THE SALVATION ARMY FOR THE PERIOD OF JUNE 1 THROUGH NOVEMBER 30, 2011 IN THE TOTAL AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $95,625.00 FOR SERVICE FEES _____________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that in accordance with the PHT Procurement Regulation, the Financial Recovery Board ratifies, approves and authorizes retroactive payment to the Salvation Army in the amount of $95,625.00 for services provided prior to November 30, 2011, and a waiver of competitive bidding and a new agreement, in the amount of $255,500.00 for the continuation of services for the (guaranteed emergency shelter beds and associated social services) effective December 1, 2011. BACKGROUND In 2006, The Clinical Resource Management (CRM) {Case Management/Social Work and Discharge Planning} Department entered into an agreement with the Salvation Army to provide emergency shelter beds and associated services to homeless patient population as part of the Early Discharge Program. This program results in decreased costs associated with patient length-of-stay of unfunded care and homeless patients. In November 2008, the Trust approved award of a contract on behalf of CRM Department that continued an existing agreement for 50 guaranteed or dedicated emergency shelter beds provided by the Salvation Army. Although this arrangement had been in place with the Salvation Army since 2006, it was formalized with board in 2008. The most recent contractual arrangement was from March 1, 2010 through February 28, 2011, in which The Salvation Army provided a guarantee of 20 emergency shelter beds per night for the one-year period at a rate of $20.00 per night resulting in an award of $146,000.00. Prior to agreement expiration in February 2011, a three-month extension was reached, in which The Salvation Army guaranteed a minimum of 25 guaranteed beds per night at a rate of $25.00 per night for the period of March 1through May 31, 2011. The three-month extension was for $57,000.00. The total cost of contracted services with the Salvation Army for the 15-month period (between March 1, 2010-May 31, 2011) was $203,000.00. CRM considers that The Salvation Army offers the bed capacity to meet the demands generated by our volume of homeless patient discharges. The Salvation Army provides an array of services beyond providing emergency shelter beds in an environment that is safe and secure for early discharged homeless patients. Three meals a day during food service hours, TB testing, hygiene packages, clothing, and assessment and referral to a transitional or permanent housing program are also provided as appropriate by The Salvation Army. 2 Other factors that contributed to the decision to contract with the Salvation Army were its proximity to Jackson Memorial Hospital (which helped lower fuel costs); the large size of the facility and corresponding layout with two patients to a room; case management services that provide drug and alcohol rehabilitative services as well as job placement and housing services. At the time, other alternative facilities such as Camillus House, Rescue Mission, and Beckham Hall were evaluated but did not provide the spectrum of care and services offered by The Salvation Army. The CRM Department is currently seeking a ratification of the purchase of services from the Salvation Army for a five-month period covering the period of June-November 2011 for an amount of $95,625.00 in order to cover the combined amounts outstanding for the months of July, August, and September of 2011 ($58,125.00) plus the anticipated combined expenses for October and November ($38,750.00). The cost savings associated with contracting with the Salvation Army are significant, as the cost is a proposed amount of $25.00 per bed per night versus a comparable cost of $575.00 for a one night lengthof-stay for a patient stay at Jackson Memorial Hospital. 3 Agenda Item 4. Purchasing Subcommittee January 20, 2012 RESOLUTION NO. PHT 1/12 – RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION XII D.2 OF THE PROCUREMENT POLICY/REGULATION APPROVED ON JANUARY 25, 2010 REGARDING SOLICITATIONS OR AWARDS IN VIOLATION OF LAWS OR POLICIES (Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division) WHEREAS, the Public Health Trust (“PHT”) has established a Procurement Policy/Regulation under the authority of Florida Statutes, Miami-Dade County Charter and Code and the Public Health Trust Procurement Policy Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Procurement Policy/Regulation became effective February 1, 2006 and was last approved as amended on January 25, 2010; and WHEREAS, the Procurement Policy/Regulation specific and only purpose is to govern the procurement of supplies, services and construction, including professional services for the Public Health Trust; and WHEREAS, Section XII.D. of the Procurement Policy/Regulation is entitled “Solicitations or Awards in Violation of Laws or Policies” and includes provisions regarding, among, other things, remedies; and WHEREAS, the Chief Procurement Officer, with the guidance of the County Attorney’s Office requests an amendment to Section XXI, D.2 of the Regulation as set forth in the accompanying memorandum. WHEREAS, this action is necessary to ensure the continued efficient operation of the Public Health Trust. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Financial Recovery Board hereby authorizes and amends Section XII, D.2, of the Public Health Trust Procurement Policy/Regulation further set forth in the attached memorandum with such changes to take effect immediately, and to apply retroactively. 1 TO: The Financial Recovery Board of the Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County FROM: Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management, Jackson Health System DATE: January 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Amendment to the Procurement Regulation Resolution regarding Section XII.D, Solicitations or Awards in Violation of Laws or Policies _____________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION The President and CEO recommends the Financial Recovery Board approves and authorizes amending Section XII, D.2 of the Procurement Regulation, and making such amendment effective immediately and retroactively. PURPOSE The purpose of the proposed amendment is to reduce the Public Health Trust’s exposure and risk should a contract be awarded in violation of its Law or Policies and to ensure the continued efficient operation of the Public Health Trust PROPOSED CHANGES Section XII D. 2 shall be modified to read as follows (with, as compared to the existing policy, additional language underlined and deleted language struck through): * * * Remedies after an Award. If after an award it is determined that a solicitation or award of a contract is in violation of law or the Procurement Policy, then: (a) If the person awarded the contract has not acted fraudulently or in bad faith: (i) The contract may be ratified and affirmed, in the sole discretion of the Trust, provided it is determined that doing so is in the best interests of the Trust; (ii) The contract may be terminated and the person awarded the contract shall be compensated for the actual expenses reasonably incurred under the contract, plus reasonable profit, prior to termination; or (iii) Take such other actions as may be authorized by law. * * * 2 Monthly Report of Competitive Contracts Awarded or Renewed under the Chief Procurement Officer Authority in Accordance to Procurement Regulations December 1, 2011 ‐ December 31, 2011 For Information Only Vendor Name Abbott Laboratories Pulmonary Health Network Description Reagents for the lab at Jackson North Medical Center (I‐Stat Analizers) Repiratory Services for an Eight Bed Ventrilatior Care Unit at Jackson Memorial Long Term Care Center Omnicell Inc. Service Agreement on all Omnicell Equipment located throughout Jackson Health System 3M Health Information Sysyems Coding Software for the Health Information Management Dept Cost Center & Contract Number Contract Date Contract Value Contract Term Director/VP 57060 3011679 12/2/2011 $ 339,000.00 One Year S Sears 88806 K Andrews 8104417 SERV 12/8/2011 $ 467,200.00 One Year ( 2nd OTR) 84610 R Costanzo 8104500 SERV 12/23/2011 $ 146,232.00 One Year 71004 M Knight 8104526 SERV 12/30/2011 $ 2,773,211.35 Three Years 1. "MedAssets" is the Trust's primary "Group Purchasing Organization" (GPO) 2. "State Contract" and "Miami‐Dade Contract" mean a contract competively awarded by the State or County as a "cooperative contract" 3. "US Communities" means a contract competively awarded by the U.S. Communities governmental purchasing alliance as a "cooperative contract" 4. "OTR" means "Option to Renew". 5. "Contract Value" corresponds to the fixed "Contract Term" that has been awarded or rewarded (not to future OTR's) 6. "RFP" means competitive Request for Proposals (or Qualifications) procurement process performed by the JHS Procurement Management Department 7. "ITB" means competitive Invitation to Bid (or Quote) procurement process performed by the JHS Procurement Management Department 8. "UAP" means User Access Program E – Exclusion as per UAP program: ie, Federal Grant, etc. Y – Incorporated into the purchase as either discount on invoice or discount upfront N/A – No, did not apply to procurement. Either an emergency purchase or contract was executed or extended before UAP was implemented Procurement Method UAP MedAssets LB00051 Y ITB‐07‐4972 Y MedAssets 10604USA‐ Y 301/901LB00051 MedAssets MS0101397 Y Monthly Report of Non‐Competitive Contracts Under 100K December 1, 2011 ‐ December 31, 2011 For Information Only Vendor Description Emergency repairs on plumbing pipes throughout Jackson North Medical Center Refurbishment of 6 stretchers for Jackson North Medical Clinitek Medical Solutions, Llc Center, needed immediately for patient care College of American Pathologists Accreditation for Main College Of American Pathologist Campus Purchase of patient beds for Jackson Memorial Perdue Joerns Healthcare, Inc Medical Center and Jackson Memorial Long Term Care Center Consulting services for the review of university of Miami Kathlyn Buskey proposal made to JHS Bradford Plumbing, Llc Morgan Joseph Triartisan, Llc Consulting services for Jackson Health Plan Furnish and install new sliding glass doors with side lite, RC Construction And Investment restore finishes as required at 3 locations in DTC 1st floor main campus, immediate need to secure exit and access Sap America, Inc Seico Construction Servicemaster Clean Valdes & Son Consulting, Inc SAP Business Object maintenance fee enterprise and support Emergency repairs for the 7th floor machine room in JNMC Water damage mitigation due to extensive flood in PPW on 10/31/2011 General accounting audit services Cost Center & Contract Number Contract Date Contract Value Contract Term Director/VP Procurement Method UAP 58480 S Sears 58480 S Sears 71905 A Contreras 8300961 SERV 12/08/2011 $ 15,000.00 One Time Emergency Y 8300966 SERV 12/12/2011 $ 15,187.50 One Time Emergency Y 8104400 SERV 12/01/2011 $ 13,860.00 One Time Sole Source N/A 88803 K Andrews 12340275 12/09/2011 $ 35,703.00 One Time Sole Source Y 8104517 SERV 12/29/2011 $ 20,000.00 80 Hours Miscellaneous Bidwaiver Y 8104495 SERV 12/21/2011 $ 67,000.00 One Time Emergency Y 4101112 CAPS 12/06/2011 $ 20,520.00 One Time Emergency Y 8104490 SERV 12/20/2011 $ 13,140.06 1 Year Sole Source N 8300962 SERV 12/08/2011 $ 26,400.00 One Time Emergency Y 8104457 SERV 12/15/2011 $ 32,676.01 One Time Emergency N 8104418 SERV 12/08/2011 $ 26,000.00 3 Months Sole Source Y 72705 A Contreras 89004 F Salgado 80102 R Jordan 93113 M Knight 58480 S Sears 80102 R Jordan 90611 M Knight Note: "Non‐competitive" procurement category includes: Sole Source, Physician's Preference, Standardization, Non‐Competitive Cooperate Purchasing, and Miscellaneous Bid Waiver. UAP ‐ User Access Program E – Exclusion as per UAP program: ie, Federal Grant, etc. Y – Incorporated into the purchase as either discount on invoice or discount upfront N/A – No, did not apply to procurement. Either an emergency purchase or contract was executed or extended before UAP was implemented GPO Update January 3rd 2012 GPO Update _ Overall Project Status Guaranteed Savings exceeded $25MM, with a $4.7MM actual saves as of Nov 30th 2011. GPO Update: Service Line Detail Guaranteed Service Line Savings Capital 413,967 CV 1,573,903 Imaging 1,448,914 Lab 596,308 Med Surg 8,828,407 OR/Surgery 3,364,454 Ortho/Spine 2,157,809 Pharm 2,438,741 Purchase Service 5,033,705 Grand Total FY'12 Actuals 32,364 95,270 63 54,413 ‐ 86,981 14,504 (27,768) 163,324 25,856,208 4,244,837 419,151 4,663,988 Active Capital CV Imaging Lab Med Surg OR/Surgery Ortho/Spine Pharm Purchase Servi Grand Total FY'11 Actuals 47,000 344,620 ‐ ‐ 1,315,992 328,964 ‐ 1,994,778 213,482 Total % Actual/ Savings to Savings Date Guarateed 79,364 19% 439,890 28% 63 0% 54,413 9% 1,315,992 15% 415,945 12% 14,504 1% 1,967,011 81% 376,806 7% $ 6 950,000 2 287,362 2 1 19 2 348,241 ‐ 1,169,551 613,526 15 1,870,000 47 $5,238,681 Although Med Assests fell short of the their target savings, they have $5.2MM worth of active projects which will help JHS get to the $30MM mark. 18% Completed $ In Queue 7 5 7 7 21 40 2 5 19 113 412,967 1,536,619 1,541,059 596,308 8,809,744 3,328,583 2,158,315 2,417,069 4,969,431 $25,770,096 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 1 5 20 $ Preliminary 139,761 133,284 105,979 1,646 156,810 137,135 9,000 21,672 471,851 $1,177,137 $ 3 ‐ 1 ‐ 1 ‐ 15 ‐ 7 ‐ 27 $0 Totalojected Savings 17 10 9 10 26 78 5 6 46 207 1,502,728 1,957,265 1,647,038 946,195 8,966,553 4,635,269 2,780,842 2,438,741 7,311,282 $32,185,913 % Total 5% 6% 5% 3% 28% 14% 9% 8% 23% 100% 8. MedAssets Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) Update FACILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Facilities Subcommittee Darryl K. Sharpton, Chairperson Mojdeh L. Khaghan, Vice Chairperson Joe Arriola Date and Place January 20, 2012 – 7:15 a.m. to adjournment Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259 AGENDA 1. **Approval of the Meeting Minutes (Darryl K. Sharpton, Chairperson, Facilities Subcommittee) (a) December 15, 2011 2. Chairperson’s Report (Darryl K. Sharpton, Chairperson, Facilities Subcommittee) 3. Real Estate and Retail Update (Andrew Rachlin, Director, Real Estate, Jackson Health System) 4. * Financial & Budget Tracking Status Report (Charles Parkinson, Budget Director, Jackson Health System) 5. *Capital Projects Construction Projects Update (Thomas Kastner, Director, Capital Projects, Jackson Health System) The items noted with an asterisk (*) indicates that the supporting documents are included. The items noted with an asterisk (**) indicates that voting is required by the Committee. 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Facilities Subcommittee Darryl K. Sharpton, Chairman Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Vice Chairman Joe Arriola Date and Place December 15, 2011 – 7:15 a.m. to adjournment Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259 ATTENDANCE Facilities Subcommittee Marcos Jose Lapciuc Joe Arriola Excused Darryl K. Sharpton Financial Recovery Board Member Mojdeh L. Khaghan Jackson Health System Carlos A. Migoya Don S. Steigman Regginald L. Jordan Charles Parkinson Madeline Valdes Thomas Kastner Andrew Rachlin Miami-Dade County Attorney Jeffrey Poppel Facilities Subcommittee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 2 CALL TO ORDER With a quorum being present, the meeting of the Facilities Subcommittee was called to order at 7:25 a.m. by Joe Arriola, Facilities Subcommittee member. 1. APPROVAL OF THE MEETING MINUTES – NOVEMBER 17, 2011 Mr. Arriola requested a motion approving the meeting minutes of November 17, 2011. Mr. Lapciuc moved approval; seconded by Mr. Arriola, and carried without dissent. 2. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT No Report. 3. REAL ESTATE AND RETAIL UPDATE JHS Facility Assessment Plan by Heery International Jim Kukla and Allen Redmon, from Heery International provided an update to the Master Plan Facility Plan. The presentation highlighted the interactive facilities map that has been created to depict all the facilities and satellites owned and leased by Jackson Health System (JHS). The map showed the location of leased facilities owned by Miami-Dade County (M-DC) but managed by JHS, and/or vacant buildings. The map will be continually modified to document inventory of real estate condition, vacant land location, lease information, square footage, and number of beds. The map will facilitate information on buildings owned by M-DC and controlled and/or operated by JHS. Additional features include a boundary survey to understand what services are on any part of any inpatient campus building to determine square footage and bed capacity. The boundary survey translates into a stacking diagram. This will provide understanding of beds and other factors such as cost centers, square footages, areas under construction and consideration. The data gathered is being encapsulated in the interactive map as the Strategic Plan is being developed. Facilities Subcommittee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 3 4. *FINANCIAL & BUDGET TRACKING STATUS REPORT Charles Parkinson, Budget Director, presented the following financial report that summarized the “Budget Tracking Report” contained within the committee agenda package for the fiscal period ending October 31, 2011. Capital Contribution (aka funded depreciation) The FY 12 budget programs $20 million of expenditure to occur during the year for projects funded with Capital Contribution. For the month end, active projects total $16.5 million. Of this amount, $6.4 million was spent in prior years leaving just over $10 million to be spent this fiscal year; of that $10 million, $69,361 was spent in October. The major budget change this month was a $229,400 increase in the North Wing 3 renovation to include all restroom/bath facilities. Foundation Active Foundation funded projects continue this year totaling $2.4 million of prior and current year funding commitments; $258,272 was spent in October. The bulk of the project dollars are represented by the Holtz Pathology Lab Renovation at $2 million, which was just under one half million left to spend of the Foundation support. County GOB Included in the report was a summary of active Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond funded projects which continue with an all years’ budget of $58.9 million; prior years’ spending on these projects including Jackson South Community Hospital (JSCH) totals $29.6 million and $3.069 million was spent in October, most of which is due to the ongoing JSCH closeout. Series 2005 Revenue Bonds Active Series 2005 projects total $85 million of which $74.8 million was spent in prior years leaving just over $10 million to spend this year. All of the funding represents earned interest on bond proceeds in the construction and reserve fund and except for a current contingency reserve of $150,000 all of the funding is programmed and forecast to be spent by the end of the fiscal year. Series 2009 Revenue Bonds Active Series 2009 projects total $64.3 million of which $24.1 million was spent in prior years leaving $39 million left to spend. Of that amount, $1.2 million was spent in October 2011. Trust Funds and Grants The active budgets total $6.63 million with over 97% represented by the ongoing Ryder Trauma Center Hardening project, which remains in the early stage of implementation. No grant funds have been drawn down as of October 2011. Closing Points Staff continues to undertake an extensive review of each and every active project no matter its milestone stage that is currently funded from all sources to determine the necessity and financial viability of the project. The end goals of this exercise include the protection and best use of operating cash resources or reallocation of existing resources to capital projects that would yield a greater return to the organization or to projects that must be done but remain unfunded at this time. There is a close collaboration within the management team relative to last year at this time in terms of capital planning. The Budget Office has begun developing the FY 2013 Capital Plan. Facilities Subcommittee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 4 ADJOURNMENT The meeting of the Facilities Subcommittee adjourned at 7:45 a.m. Transcribed by Monica Severiche Executive Assistant Support Services Division 2. Chairperson’s Report 3. Real Estate and Retail Update BUDGET TRACKING REPORT FY 2012 NEW # of Proj.# Proj. Activity# Project Name Original Project Total Budget Total Project Budget Changes Budget status BY FUNDING SOURCE Start Projected Compl. Revised Compl. Fund. Project Project V.P. Exec. Actuals FY12 Total YTD Life to Date Amount left Date Date Date Source Manager Manager Spons. Nov.11 Nov.11 thru Nov.11 to Spend MULTIFUNDING SOURCE PROJECTS 1 C P-00632 102,425,000 100,000 102,525,000 CO Aug-05 Dec.10 Dec.11 Multi Maddox JMH Garcia 796,236 3,802,288 100,887,570 1,637,430 2 J P-00949 51009046 WW-B Pharmacy Phase I 52005003 J.South Community Hptal 250,927 583,669 834,596 CN May-09 Mar.10 Apr.12 Multi Arnaldo JMH Contreras 2,626 7,667 447,836 386,760 3 K P-00952 51009047 SICU Reconfiguration 400,000 136,000 536,000 CN May-09 May.10 Nov.11 Multi Arnaldo JMH Contreras - 1,358 513,602 22,398 4 L P-00836 51007017 Rehab Building Renovation 16,610,791 CN Sep-07 Aug.10 Jun.14 Multi Frank JMH Contreras - - 158,547 16,452,244 5 M P-00904 51008026 C-4 Cath Lab #6 2,833,500 79,984 3,990,161 6 O P-00566 3,000,000 7 Q P-00696 51008007 Underground Storage Tank Rep 3,000,000 8 R S P-00763 59007009 JMT Elevator Modern#141-146 1,057,183 9 P-00827 53008015 Jack.No Elevators 1 & 2 490,050 10 T P-00834 51008016 ADA Compl.#Pkg1 Restrooms 991,763 11 U P-00854 53008020 Jack.No. Window Replacement 2,057,220 51001001 Elevator Modernization (59,620) 1,236,645 (1,689,852) 283,574 4,070,145 D Jul-08 Oct.09 July.12 Multi Abby JMH Contreras - 153 3,000,000 CN May-01 Mar.08 Dec.12 Multi Maddox JMH Armstrong - - 2,022,856 977,144 1,310,148 CO May-08 Dec.09 Dec.11 Multi Allen Heery Jordan - - 1,166,697 143,451 1,340,757 CN Jul-07 Sept.10 May.12 Multi Maddox JMH Jordan - - 540,069 800,688 490,050 DEF Feb-08 Jan.09 Oct.10 Multi Abby JMH Sears - - 58,980 431,070 692,000 1,683,763 CN Oct-07 Apr.08 Feb.12 Multi Arnaldo JMH Jordan 1,850 3,823 726,727 957,036 1,000,000 3,057,220 CN Jan-08 Jan.09 Nov.11 Multi Abby JMH Sears - 172,386 2,286,386 770,834 26 - 12 V P-00606 931,591 - 931,591 D May-04 Feb.08 Aug.12 Multi Maddox JMH Jordan 23,739 907,852 13 W P-00655 56006004 JNCMHC Emerg. Generator 331,839 - 331,839 DEF Jul-06 Aug.07 Jun.11 Multi Camero JMH Jordan - - 17,470 314,369 14 X P-00724 51007008 Kitchen Equipment Modification 791,164 - 791,164 DEF Nov-06 Jun.07 Dec.12 Multi Rob JMH Jordan - - 79,485 711,679 15 Y 8,589,588 - 8,589,588 D Dec-10 Aug.13 Multi Clark JMH Jordan - 18 6,003 8,583,585 700,000 2,406,000 CN Sep-08 Sep.09 Multi Frank JMH Jordan - 26,170 743,006 1,662,994 603,500 603,500 D Dec-10 TBD Multi TBD JMH Martinez (4,405) 8,188,100 1,765,000 9,953,100 PIP Aug.09 Dec.11 Multi Niko JMH Martinez 153,714,336 5,350,916 159,065,252 16 Z 17 AA 18 AB 59004002 JMT Elevators Moderniz. 16,670,411 51011105 Ryder Trauma Ext Hardening P-00928 51008032 ET- 1 Ortho Suite & ERA 51011103 IT Infrastructure Renovat pip 31009002 Telecommunication Total Mutifunding Source 1,706,000 - Sep.12 26 (744) 575,303 28,197 445,721 512,552 6,817,348 3,135,752 1,242,053 4,525,696 117,151,607 41,913,645 CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION PROJECTS 1 O P-00566 2 X P-00724 51007008 Kitchen Equipment Modification 51001001 Elevator Modernization 3 Q P-00696 51008007 Underground Storage Tank Rep 4 T P-00834 51008016 ADA Compliance Package#1 5 51010102 Managed Care Relocation 6 51011100 Highland Prof.Financ.Assessm 7 8 Y - 1,608,153 CN May-01 Mar.08 Dec.12 CC Maddox JMH Armstrong - - 1,608,153 (0) 79,485 - 79,485 DEF Nov-06 Jun.07 Dec.12 CC TBD JMH Jordan - - 79,485 (0) 80,384 - 80,384 CO May-08 Dec.09 Dec.11 CC Allen Heery Jordan - 80,384 378,757 - 378,757 CN Oct-07 Apr.08 Feb.12 CC Arnaldo JMH Jordan - - 378,757 952,906 CO Jul-10 Sep.11 Dec.11 CC Abby JMH Brady - 11,714 900,822 52,084 - 740,000 D Oct-10 Sep.11 Dec.11 CC Clark JMH Contreras - - 59,768 680,232 51011104 WW-15 Nursing Unit Moder 2,588,568 - 2,588,568 D Dec-10 Aug.12 CC Clark JMH Contreras 385 164,736 2,423,832 51011105 Ryder Trauma Ext Hardening 2,147,397 - 2,147,397 D Dec-10 TBD CC Clark JMH Jordan 18 6,003 2,141,394 542,625 - 542,625 D Dec-10 Sep.11 CC Clark JMH Contreras 226 782 40,174 502,451 1 - 1 D Dec-10 Dec.11 CC Arnaldo JMH Contreras - - - 82,254 - 82,254 CO Aug-06 Dec.10 CC Maddox JMH Garcia - - 82,254 51011106 Highland Prof. 6TH Floor 10 51011107 ACC-W-1 Pharmacy Reno Jan.12 1 P-00632 12 S P-00827 53008015 Jack.No Elevators 1 & 2 52,317 - 52,317 DEF Feb-08 Jan.09 Jun.10 CC Abby JMH Sears - - 52,317 - 13 U P-00854 53008020 Jack.No. Window Replacement 85,608 - 85,608 CN Jan-08 Jan.09 Nov.11 CC Abby JMH Sears - - 85,608 - 14 W P-00655 56006004 JNCMHC Emerg. Generator 17,470 - 17,470 DEF Jul-06 Aug.07 Jun.11 CC Camero JMH Jordan - - 17,470 - 15 V P-00606 23,713 - 23,713 D May-04 Feb.08 Aug.12 CC Maddox JMH Jordan - - 23,713 - 16 R P-00763 59007009 JMT Elevator Modern#141-146 24,135 - 24,135 CN Jul-07 Sept.10 May.12 CC Maddox JMH Jordan - - 24,135 - 368,500 D Dec-10 TBD CC TBD JMH Martinez (4,405) 340,303 28,197 AA 59004002 JMT Elevators Moderniz. 51011103 IT Infrastructure Renovat - 368,500 Dec.11 85 - C 17 52005003 J.South Community Hptal(661) 952,906 0 - 740,000 9 11 1,608,153 Page 1 of 7 (744) - BUDGET TRACKING REPORT FY 2012 NEW # of Proj.# Proj. Activity# Project Name 18 58011110 Perdue Medical Center Reno 19 51011111 NW-3 Floor Phase 1 20 51011112 DTC PET Scan 21 51011119 WW-105 Government Relat 22 NEW 23 AB 51012100 Human Resources Relocation PIP Original Project Total Budget Total Project Budget Changes Budget 1,200,000 347,750 275,400 status BY FUNDING SOURCE Start Projected Compl. Revised Compl. Fund. Project Project V.P. Exec. Actuals FY12 Total YTD Life to Date Amount left Date Date Date Source Manager Manager Spons. Nov.11 Nov.11 thru Nov.11 to Spend D Jan-11 May.12 CC Maddox JMH Andrews - 23,558 25,887 1,174,113 623,150 CN Jan-11 Oct.11 CC Frank JMH Contreras 12,300 20,098 212,404 410,746 1,871,429 595,571 1,200,000 2,467,000 - 2,467,000 CN Jan-11 TBD CC Abby JMH Contreras - - 95,875 - 95,875 CN Sep-11 TBD CC Abby JMH Jordan 1,346 6,371 52,734 43,141 300,000 D Dec-11 TBD CC Abby JMH Hout-Barrientos - - - 300,000 PIP Aug.09 Dec.11 CC Niko JMH Martinez - - - 2,000,000 9,552 62,181 300,000 31009002 Telecommunication 2,000,000 Total Capital Contribution 14,861,492 - 1,596,806 2,000,000 16,458,298 6,106,536 10,351,762 CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION JACKSON NORTH Total Jackson North - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33,025 49,757 369,951 (7,946) 33,025 49,757 369,951 (7,946) - - CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION STRATEGIC INITIATIVE (PROJECTS CANCELLED) Total Strategic Initiative CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION FINANCIAL SUSTAINABILITY 1 51010093 Centralized Registration Total Financial Sustainability 362,005 - 362,005 362,005 - 362,005 CN Feb-10 Oct.10 Aug.11 FS Lourdes JMH Pla CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION CLOSED PROJECT FY 2010-2011 Total Closed Capital Contribution - - - Page 2 of 7 - - BUDGET TRACKING REPORT FY 2012 NEW # of Proj.# Proj. 24 Activity# Project Name SUB TOTAL CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION PROJECTS Original Project Total Budget Total Project Budget Changes Budget 15,223,497 1,596,806 status BY FUNDING SOURCE Start Projected Compl. Revised Compl. Fund. Project Project V.P. Exec. Actuals FY12 Total YTD Life to Date Amount left Date Date Date Source Manager Manager Spons. Nov.11 Nov.11 thru Nov.11 to Spend 16,820,303 42,577 111,939 6,476,487 10,343,816 (146,985) 111,287 FOUNDATION 1 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 CN Jul-06 Jul.08 2 P-00659 51006005 Holtz-2 Pathology Renovat 51011117 DTC-1 Taylor Breast Ctr Reno 276,000 - 276,000 D Jul-11 Jul.12 3 51011118 C-5 NICU Intermed.Modern 100,000 - 100,000 D Aug-11 2,376,000 - 2,376,000 Total Foundation Dec.11 F Frank JMH Contreras 1,395,106 604,894 F Alana JMH Contreras - - 700 275,300 JMH Armstrong - - - 100,000 F (146,985) 111,287 1,395,806 980,194 GOB GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS 16,400,000 D Sep-07 Aug.10 Jun.14 GOB JS Frank JMH Contreras - - 2 1 P-00867 51008024 Campus Wide Pneumatic Tube S 3,629,400 - 3,629,400 CN Apr-08 Aug.10 Dec.12 GOB ED David JMH Jordan - 2,610 865,734 3 P-00879 51008025 WW-4 CCU-B Expansion 1,854,812 - 1,854,812 CO Mar-08 Dec.08 Nov.11 GOB ED Arnaldo JMH Contreras 17,129 51,917 1,812,568 P-00904 51008026 C-4 Cath Lab # 6 2,833,500 3,620,145 D Jul-08 Oct.09 Jul.12 GOB ED Abby JMH Contreras - - 4 5 L M P-00836 51007017 Rehab Building Renovation Z P-00928 51008032 ET- 1 Ortho Suite & ERA C P-00632 52005003 J.South Community Hptal C P-00632 52005003 J.South Community Hptal Total GOB Bonds 16,400,000 786,645 1,706,000 - 1,706,000 CN Sep-08 Sep.09 Jun.12 GOB ED Frank JMH Contreras 52,000,000 - 52,000,000 CO Aug-05 Dec.10 Dec.11 GOB JS Maddox JMH Garcia (20,260,817) (20,260,817) CO Aug-05 Dec.10 Dec.11 GOB JS Maddox JMH Garcia (3,074,172) 58,949,540 62,023,712 796,236 - 813,365 - - 16,400,000 2,763,666 42,244 3,620,145 26,170 743,006 962,994 3,802,288 30,101,753 21,898,247 - - 3,882,985 33,523,062 (20,260,817) 25,426,478 2005 REVENUE BOND L P-00836 51007017 Rehab Building Renovation L M P-00836 51007017 Rehab Building Renovation P-00904 51008026 C-4 Cath Lab # 6 Z P-00928 51008032 ET- 1 Ortho Suite & ERA 1 2 3 4 16,670,411 - P-00932 51009033 HCH ET-5 Intake, ET-7 BMT Ph.I 1,758,649 P-00947 51009044 ET-5 Adolescen Unit 1,236,193 J P-00949 51009046 WW-B Pharmacy Phase I J P-00949 51009046 WW-B Pharmacy Phase I K P-00952 51009047 SICU Reconfiguration K P-00952 51009047 SICU Reconfiguration 5 P-00953 51009048 ET-4 Fetal Surgery Office 6 P-00959 51009054 ET-4 LDOR Fetal Surg.OR's (59,620) (16,400,000) 450,000 250,927 400,000 700,000 (200,000) 16,610,791 D Sep-07 Aug.10 Jun.14 RB REH Frank JMH Contreras - - (16,400,000) 450,000 D D Sep-07 Jul-08 Aug.10 Oct.09 Jun.14 Jul.12 RB REH IRB INTER Frank Abby JMH JMH Contreras Contreras - 153 158,547 16,452,244 79,984 (16,400,000) 370,016 700,000 CN Sep-08 Sep.09 Jun.12 RB INTER Frank JMH Contreras - - 1,758,649 CN Dec-08 May.10 Feb.12 RB PEDI Alana JMH Armstrong 31,818 46,958 1,016,131 - 742,518 700,000 1,036,193 CN May-09 May.10 Feb.12 RB REH Alana JMH Armstrong 12,694 9 159,210 876,983 470,000 720,927 D May-09 Mar.10 Apr.12 RB ACU Arnaldo JMH Contreras 2,626 2,626 442,796 278,131 113,669 113,669 D May-09 Mar.10 Apr.12 IRB INTER Arnaldo JMH Contreras - 5,040 5,040 108,629 400,000 CN May-09 May.10 Nov.11 RB ACU Arnaldo JMH Contreras - - 400,000 136,000 CN May-09 May.10 Nov.11 RB PEDI Arnaldo JMH Contreras - 1,358 113,602 CO May-09 Feb.10 Oct.11 RB PEDI Abby JMH Armstrong - 23,573 624,576 28,973 D May-09 Aug.10 Jul.12 RB PEDI Alana JMH Armstrong 549 1,898 390,626 1,693,324 136,000 653,549 - 653,549 2,083,950 - 2,083,950 Page 3 of 7 (0) 22,398 BUDGET TRACKING REPORT FY 2012 NEW # of Proj.# Proj. Activity# Project Name 7 51010092 Institute Annex 3rd Floor 8 51010096 WW-2 Angio Suite 9 Original Project Total Budget Total Project Budget Changes Budget - 51010097 DTC new MRI 91,620 91,620 2,000,000 2,000,000 Start Projected Compl. Revised Compl. Fund. Project Project V.P. Exec. Actuals FY12 Total YTD Life to Date Amount left Date Date Date Source Manager Manager Spons. Nov.11 Nov.11 thru Nov.11 to Spend CN Jan-10 Sep.10 Dec.11 RB REH Abby JMH Contreras - 227 89,049 2,571 D May-10 Oct.10 Mar.12 RB PEDI Abby JMH Mass - - 60,955 1,939,045 62,079 2,437,921 2,500,000 D May-10 Oct.10 Mar.12 RB PEDI Abby JMH Mass 50,000,000 CO Aug-05 Dec.10 Dec.11 RB JS Maddox JMH Garcia - - 50,000,000 16,400,000 16,400,000 CO Aug-05 Dec.10 Dec.11 RB REH Maddox JMH Garcia - - 16,400,000 52005003 J.South Community Hptal 210,817 210,817 CO Aug-05 Dec.10 Dec.11 RB ACU Maddox JMH Garcia - - 210,817 P-00632 52005003 J.South Community Hptal 3,650,000 3,650,000 CO Aug-05 Dec.10 Dec.11 RB INTER Maddox JMH Garcia - - 3,650,000 P-00632 52005003 J South Community Hptal 100,000 100,000 CO Aug-05 Dec.10 Dec.11 RB INTER Maddox JMH Garcia - - 100,000 361,000 361,000 CN Jan-10 Feb.11 Dec-11 RB INTER Arnaldo JMH Sears - - 38,035 905,910 905,910 CN May-10 Oct.10 Oct.11 RB INTER Abby JMH Sears 5,060 5,060 894,322 11,588 Nov.11 RB INTER Abby JMH Contreras - 675 26,270 427,730 RB&Inter Alana JMH Armstrong - - - 258,000 52,761 87,592 C P-00632 52005003 J.South Community Hptal C P-00632 52005003 J.South Community Hptal C P-00632 C C 2,500,000 status BY FUNDING SOURCE 50,000,000 10 53010091 JN Pharmacy Clean Room 11 53010095 JNMC Labor & Delivery 12 51011116 C-4 Cath Lab #5 454,000 - 454,000 D Apr.11 Oct.11 13 51011120 ET-1 Admitting Renovation 258,000 - 258,000 CN Sep-11 Aug.12 Total 2005 Revenue Bond - - 73,765,679 11,429,396 85,195,075 14 14 (0) (0) 0 322,965 74,922,040 10,273,035 977,145 2009 INFRASTRUCTURE BOND O P-00566 Q P-00696 51008007 Underground Storage Tank Rep 51001001 Elevator Modernization T P-00834 51008016 ADA Compliance Package#1 1,391,847 2,919,616 613,006 - 1,391,847 CN May-01 Mar.08 Dec.12 IRB Maddox JMH Armstrong - - 414,702 1,229,764 CO May-08 Dec.09 Dec.11 IRB Allen Heery Jordan - - 1,086,314 143,450 692,000 1,305,006 CN Oct-07 Apr.08 Feb.12 IRB Arnaldo JMH Jordan 1,850 3,823 347,970 957,036 Feb.12 IRB David JMH Jordan - (46) 1,588,581 761,419 IRB Frank JMH Jordan - - 1,155,719 69,071 97,505 2,512,219 606,861 5,170,109 (1,689,852) 1 P-00938 51009036 WW Fire Alarm 2,000,000 350,000 2,350,000 CN Apr-09 Sep.10 2 P-00957 51009052 PPW Cooling T.Chiller,AHU 1,496,790 (272,000) 1,224,790 CO Sep-09 Nov.11 3 P-00958 51009053 ET A/C Repl177-180,181Inst 2,653,370 465,710 3,119,080 CN Sep-09 Nov.10 Nov.11 IRB Frank JMH Jordan 4 P-00961 51009056 Replace Paralleling Gear 4,361,250 928,122 5,289,372 D Sep-09 Dec.12 May.13 IRB Douglas JMH Jordan 119,219 119,263 5 P-00962 51009057 Utility Ctr-2 Emerg.Generat 2,135,000 116,728 2,251,728 CN Sep-09 Jan.12 IRB David JMH Jordan 133,631 121,094 2,028,010 223,718 6 P-00967 51009062 Fire Alarm Upgrade Campus 4,815,000 (385,505) 4,429,495 D Sep-09 Dec.12 IRB Douglas JMH Jordan 212 2,534 42,046 4,387,449 7 P-00969 51009064 DTC,T,Rehab,WW&ACC-W AHU 6,541,500 - 6,541,500 CN Sep-09 Nov.12 Oct.12 IRB Oscar JMH Jordan 29,953 1,960,086 4,581,414 8 P-00974 51009069 Campus Wide Roofing Repl. 1,500,000 - 1,500,000 D Sep-09 Dec.10 Feb.12 IRB Maddox JMH Jordan - 11,614 176,252 1,323,748 9 P-00978 51009072 Fire Sprinkler Upgrade Campus 2,000,000 - 2,000,000 D Sep-09 Dec.12 Feb.13 IRB David JMH Jordan 4,132 6,725 141,035 1,858,965 10 P-00982 51009076 UC Emerg.Well Boilers 2,331,000 200,000 2,531,000 CN Sep-09 Jun.11 Dec.11 IRB David JMH Jordan - 314,212 1,859,397 671,603 11 P-00992 51009084 BackFl.&Byp.DomWater 250,000 117,000 367,000 CN Sep-09 Mar.10 Dec.11 IRB Camero JMH Jordan 12 P-00997 51009089 4160 Volt Oil Switch Repl 3,785,000 D Sep-09 Dec.12 Oct.12 IRB Douglas JMH Jordan 66,363 66,490 7,350,000 (3,565,000) - (104,837) 270,649 (4) (4) (4) 322,662 367,004 3,462,338 13 51010098 Above Ground Tank Replacem - 369,580 369,580 D Jun-10 TBD IRB Camero JMH Jordan - - - 14 51010099 Concrete Struct Tank Farm - 252,150 252,150 D Jun-10 Mar-11 Jan.12 IRB Arnaldo JMH Jordan - - 539 251,611 15 51010100 CampusW Underg Utilities - 3,200,000 3,200,000 CN Jul-10 Dec.11 Jul.12 IRB Allen Heery Jordan 500 779,938 2,420,062 51011102 Mainframe Retirement - 20,176 20,176 D Dec-10 TBD IRB TBD JMH Martinez - - 20,175 1 51011103 IT Infrastructure Renovat - 235,000 235,000 CN Dec-10 TBD IRB TBD JMH Martinez - - 235,000 (0) 342,746 CO Aug-06 Dec.10 IRB Maddox JMH Garcia - - 342,746 16 AA C P-00632 52005003 J.South Community Hptal (661) 342,746 - Dec.11 Page 4 of 7 78,214 369,580 - BUDGET TRACKING REPORT FY 2012 BY FUNDING SOURCE Proj.# Proj. U Activity# Project Name P-00854 53008020 Jack.No. Window Replacement Original Project Total Budget Total Project Budget Changes Budget 1,971,612 1,000,000 Revised Compl. Fund. Project Project V.P. Exec. Actuals FY12 Total YTD Life to Date Amount left Date Date Date Source Manager Manager Spons. Nov.11 Nov.11 thru Nov.11 to Spend Start 2,971,612 CN Jan-08 Jan.09 Nov.11 IRB Abby JMH Sears - 780,680 CN Sep-09 Sep.10 Jun.12 IRB Arnaldo JMH Jordan - 2,000,000 D Sep-09 Jun.11 Dec.12 IRB Abby JMH Sears 14,188 172,386 770,834 P-00960 53009055 Main/JNMC-outside. lights 922,500 18 P-00970 53009065 JNMC Hot Water/Boiler 630,000 19 P-00972 53009067 JNMC Remaining Roof 527,383 (14,071) 513,312 D Sep-09 Mar.10 May.12 IRB Abby JMH Sears - - - 513,312 20 P-00973 53009068 JNMC Roof No.So.ICU&ER 250,000 - 250,000 D Sep-09 Mar.10 May.12 IRB Abby JMH Sears - - - 250,000 21 P-00983 53009077 JNMC Med Line Isolation Panel 288,750 - 288,750 D Sep-09 Oct.11 TBD IRB Abby JMH Sears - - 734 288,016 22 P-00989 53009081 JNMC ICU Commode Rep CN Sep-09 Mar.10 Jan.12 IRB Abby JMH Sears - - 356,064 96,436 23 P-00996 53009088 JNMC Emer.Switchgear Sep-09 Dec.12 IRB Douglas JMH Sears 16,500 30,140 62,417 1,682,583 - - 65,260 818,012 26 907,852 800,688 53010101 JNMC 40 Year Certification V P-00606 R P-00763 59007009 JMT Elevator Modern#141-146 25 26 59004002 JMT Elevators Moderniz. 51011113 Reduction of NAP Utilization AB 27 PIP 31009002 Telecommunication PIP 31011014 Reduction of NAP Utilization Total 2009 Infrastructure Rev.Bond 1,370,000 - 2,200,778 17 24 (141,820) Projected Compl. status NEW # of 115,563 110,421 670,260 835,166 1,164,834 52,500 400,000 452,500 1,650,000 95,000 1,745,000 D 883,272 883,272 D Jul-10 Oct.11 IRB Maddox JMH Jordan 907,878 D May-04 Feb.08 Aug.12 IRB Maddox JMH Jordan CN Jul-07 Sept.10 May.12 IRB Maddox JMH Jordan - - 515,934 D Apr-11 Sep.11 Feb.12 IRB Niko JMH Martinez - (3,661) 44,282 825,542 6,629,248 1,135,752 907,878 - 1,033,048 283,574 1,316,622 300,000 569,824 869,824 6,000,000 1,765,000 7,765,000 PIP Aug.09 Dec.11 IRB Niko JMH Martinez 10,000 PIP Apr-11 Sep.11 IRB Niko JMH Martinez 300,000 57,534,796 (290,000) 6,954,888 64,489,684 26 445,721 - 675,785 26 512,552 - 1,851,484 - 25,952,979 10,000 38,536,705 2009 INFRASTRUCTURE REVENUE BOND DEFERRED PROJECTS X P-00724 51007008 Kitchen Equipment Modification 711,679 - 711,679 DEF Nov-06 Jun.07 2,810,370 - 2,810,370 DEF Sep-09 Dec.12 P-00965 51009060 Chilled Water Loop Valves 315,000 - 315,000 DEF Sep-09 Dec.12 P-00975 51009070 Heat Exchangers 420,000 - 420,000 DEF Sep-09 Mar.10 4 P-00979 51009073 Public Area Bathrooms 210,000 - 210,000 DEF Sep-09 5 P-00981 51009075 WW & C AHU Repl (14) 1,995,000 - 1,995,000 DEF 1 P-00964 51009059 Utility Ctr Chiller Replacem 2 3 6 P-00991 52009083 J.South Repl.2 Vacuum P S P-00827 53008015 Jack.No Elevators 1 & 2 Dec.12 711,679 - 2,810,370 Jordan - - - 315,000 Jordan - - - 420,000 Oct.10 IRB TBD TBD Jordan - - - Sep-09 Dec.12 IRB TBD JMH Jordan - - 95,926 210,000 1,899,074 25,000 - 25,000 DEF Sep-09 Mar.10 Oct.10 IRB Maddox JMH Garcia - - - 25,000 437,733 - 437,733 DEF Feb-08 Jan.09 Jun.10 IRB Maddox JMH Sears - - 6,663 431,070 IRB Abby JMH Sears - - - 2,908,500 IRB Abby JMH Sears - - - 130,000 IRB Abby JMH Sears - - - 52,500 IRB Abby JMH Sears - - - 126,000 - 2,908,500 DEF Sep-09 Dec.12 - 130,000 DEF Sep-09 Mar.10 9 P-00977 53009071 JNMC Repl.Conden.Coils 52,500 - 52,500 DEF Sep-09 Mar.11 126,000 - 126,000 DEF Sep-09 Mar.10 Oct.10 Oct.10 W - - JMH 130,000 P-00993 53009085 JNMC Pat.R.Fan Coils - - JMH 2,908,500 P-00990 53009082 JNMC Vacuum System - Jordan TBD P-00971 53009066 JNMC Med. Air Compres 12 Jordan JMH Camero P-00968 53009063 JNMC AHU Replacement 11 JMH TBD IRB 8 P-00988 53009080 JNMC SICU Med Gas Colum TBD IRB IRB Oct.10 7 10 IRB 78,750 - 78,750 DEF Sep-09 Mar.10 2,940,000 - 2,940,000 DEF Sep-09 Dec.12 Oct.10 IRB Abby JMH Sears - - - 78,750 IRB Abby JMH Sears - - - 2,940,000 P-00655 56006004 JNCMHC Emerg. Generator 314,369 - 314,369 DEF Jul-06 Aug.07 Jun.11 IRB Abby JMH Jordan - - - 314,369 13 P-00994 56009086 Rose Lee W. Exp.Exam R 262,500 - 262,500 DEF Sep-09 Mar.10 Oct.10 IRB Camero JMH Contreras - - - 262,500 14 P-00995 56009087 Rose Lee W Med.Record 31,500 - 31,500 DEF Sep-09 Mar.10 Oct.10 IRB Camero JMH Contreras - - - 31,500 13,768,901 - 13,768,901 - - Total 2009 Infrastructure Rev.Bond DEFERRED Page 5 of 7 102,589 13,666,312 BUDGET TRACKING REPORT FY 2012 NEW # of Proj.# Proj. Activity# Project Name Original Project Total Budget Total Project Budget Changes Budget status BY FUNDING SOURCE Start Projected Compl. Revised Compl. Fund. Project Project V.P. Exec. Actuals FY12 Total YTD Life to Date Amount left Date Date Date Source Manager Manager Spons. Nov.11 Nov.11 thru Nov.11 to Spend PIP Aug.09 Dec.11 IRB Niko JMH Martinez - - 188,100 - - - 188,100 - - - - 6,442,191 - - - 6,442,191 TRUST FUND / GRANTS AB pip 31009002 Telecommunication 188,100 - 188,100 Total Trust Fund 188,100 - 188,100 6,442,191 - 6,442,191 6,442,191 - 6,442,191 FEMA Grants IN CONSTRUCTION Y 51011105 Ryder Trauma Ext Hardening Total FEMA Grants D Dec-10 TBD FEMA Clark JMH Jordan ALL OTHER FUNDING SOURCES CLOSED PROJECT FY 2011-2012 & Partially Capitalized 1 P-00941 51009038 Cooling Tower 4,100,000 150,000 4,250,000 4,100,000 150,000 4,250,000 TOTAL FOR OTHER FUNDINGS 220,199,379 15,460,112 235,659,491 1,394,926 GRAND TOTAL 235,422,876 17,056,918 252,479,794 1,437,504 Total Closed Other Fundings 48 72 LETTERS PC Feb-09 Sep.10 Jan.12 Denotes a new project opened in the current month Hold: Projects placed on hold by Capital Projects Department Bold project numbers: Denotes changes in the project stages i.e.. From Design to Construction etc. Bold budget amount: Denotes a change in the Total Project Budget Bold date: Denotes changes in the projected completion/ revised completion date in the current month Status CAN CL CN CO Camero JMH Jordan - Denotes Multi Funding Sources (The sum of all sources equals the Total Funded Commitment or Total Project Budget) New: IRB Cancelled Project Closed Construction Close-Out Page 6 of 7 4,097,751 152,249 4,097,751 152,249 5,933,348 140,182,328 95,477,163 6,045,286 146,658,815 105,820,979 - BUDGET TRACKING REPORT FY 2012 NEW # of Proj. Proj.# D DEF PC Activity# Project Name Original Project Total Budget Total Project Budget Changes Budget status BY FUNDING SOURCE Start Projected Compl. Revised Compl. Fund. Project Project V.P. Exec. Actuals FY12 Total YTD Life to Date Amount left Date Date Date Source Manager Manager Spons. Nov.11 Nov.11 thru Nov.11 to Spend Design Deferred Partial Capitalization Page 7 of 7 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MASTER PLAN UPDATE Funding Source: JHS Capital Projects Total Project Budget: $264,500 Anticipated substantial completion date: December 30, 2011 Scope of the Work To collect and validate volume data, update facility assessment, update planning/programming/operational recommendations, update infrastructure recommendations, refine phasing and enabling recommendations and update capital cost study December 2011 On Hold Pending Validation of Strategic Plan January 2012 On Hold Pending Validation of Strategic Plan Meet with Strategic Planning Group February 2012 Begin Strategic Visioning Begin Design Concepts Preliminary Cost & cash Flow Analysis Begin Distillation of Strategic Direction Finalize Design Concepts Validate Cost & Cash Flow Analysis 51010100 CAMPUS WIDE UNDERGROUND UTILITY SITEWORK IMPROVEMENTS Funding Source: IRB Total Project Budget: $ 3,200,000 Anticipated substantial completion date: July 31, 2012 (Contractors revised completion date is now Sept. 4, 2012) Scope of the Work To upgrade water and fire lines in and around the Alamo Plaza along with canopy replacement, improvements to hardscape, lighting and landscape. December 2011 Finalize Color & Finish Selection Obtain Site Lighting Permit Continue Construction Activities January 2012 Submit 16th Street Entrance Drive for Permit Continue Construction Activities Submit Additional Hardscape Improvements Complete Memorial Park Design Submit Memorial Park Design for Permit February 2012 Continue Construction Activities JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51008032 EAST TOWER FLOOR – ER-RENOVATION Funding Source: GOB& 2005 RB Total Project Budget: $ 2,406,000 Anticipated substantial completion date Phase III: March 31, 2013 PHASE III Scope of the Work To refurbish and upgrade the ER-B & ER-C Patient Units including all existing bathrooms within the Department, staff lounge, corridor connection between East Tower-Central Building, corridor connection between East Tower-Trauma. December 2011 General Contractor to commence demolition of Phase 1 (New cashiers/bathroom, new physicians’ offices/bathroom and bathrooms along Pedi-ER Corridor) January 2012 Renovation of Phase 1 in Progress February 2012 Construction of Phase 1 in Progress 51006005 EAST TOWER 2ND FLOOR PATHOLOGY LAB Funding Source: JMH Foundation Total Project Budget: $ 2,000,000 Anticipated substantial completion date: May 31, 2012 Scope of the Work: To upgrade and refurbish the existing Pathology Laboratory. Project Designed in Five (5) construction phases: 1.-UM Chairman Office/Bathroom, 2.-Conference Room, 3.-North Lab, 4.-South Lab/Grossing Stations 5.-Residencies Lab. December 2011 Grossing Stations Equipment to be delivered Furniture System to be delivered to the South Core Lab South Core Lab Construction in Progress January 2012 Grossing Stations Lab construction in progress Substantial construction completion South Core Lab February 2012 Substantial construction completion Grossing Stations Lab JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51009033 ET-7 PEDIATRIC BMT Funding Source: 2005 RB Total Project Budget: $ 1,758,649 Projected Construction Completion Date: March 2012 Scope of work The scope of work entails the dispersement of the CCIU unit on the East Tower 7th floor in order to create a 7 bed Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Unit. The renovations will provide the modernization of 7 patient rooms and the addition of two (2) ADA Patient Restrooms, playroom and one (1) laundry facility. Upgrade of staff lounge, corridor and adjacent support areas. Total Square footage under this contract is approximately 3,382 sq. ft. December 2011 Construction Continues Revision to Permit (6) for AHU #193 and Chemo refrigerator to City of Miami AHCA 80% survey January 2012 Construction Continues Demolition of existing AHU #193 Assembling of new AHU #193 February 2012 Construction Continues Installation of GE Monitors 51009044 HCH ADOLESCENT UNIT RELOCATION Funding Source: 2005 RB Total Project Budget: $ 1,036,193 Projected Construction Completion Date: June 2012 Scope of work Renovation of an existing area on the East Tower 5th floor in the Infant Toddler Pediatric Patient Rooms for Adolescents. Remodel existing (6) six crib nursery and convert it into four (4) Private Patient rooms including the addition of four (4) new head walls and additional new ADA patient rest rooms by converting existing closets. Upgrade of existing Private and Semi-Private patient Rooms, staff lounge and corridor. December 2011 Construction Start on hold as of 8/4/11_Additional Bond Request , Asbestos Survey, Asbestos Abatement January 2012 Construction Start on hold pending required signatures from executive leadership February 2012 Issuance Of Purchase Order and NTP to Servcor Mobilize for construction Receive Permit from City of Miami Demolition Commences Construction Commences JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51011117 TAYLOR BREAST CENTER RENOVATION Funding Source: JMH Foundation Total Project Budget: $276,000 Anticipated Construction Completion Date: August 2012 This scope of work entails the renovation of the Taylor Breast Center located in the Diagnostic Treatment Center 1st floor. The upgrade will include renovation of the entrance / Reception Room. The Patient Changing Rooms will be relocated and converted into 3 Patient Intake areas. The Radiologist and Reading rooms will be relocated to accommodate new equipment. The upgrade will also include new furniture, paint, and lighting. December 2011 Design Services start on hold pending required signatures from executive leadership January 2012 Notice to Proceed for design services to MADY & Associates Commencement of Design Services (Schematic Design phase) February 2012 Design Continues 51011118 NICU B, C AND INTERMEDIATE MODERNIZATION Funding Source: JMH Foundation Approved Project Budget: $100,000 (Design) Estimated Project Budget: $2,000,000. Anticipated Construction Completion Date: April 2013 The Scope of Work entails the modernization of the NICU B, C and Intermediate Units. This includes the complete renovation of the Nursing Stations, Refurbishment of Patient Bays and Replacement of flooring and Wall protection to match the existing NICU Unit A. December 2011 A/E submit proposal for services Design Services start on hold pending required signatures from executive leadership January 2012 Lawson input for A/E Purchase Order Issuance of PO to A/E February 2012 Notice to Proceed for design services to Naya Architects JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51011116 CARDIAC CATH LAB #5 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Funding Source: 2005 RB Total Project Budget: $454,000 Projected Construction Completion Date: 4/12 Construction to be performed by JOC Scope of work Replace Cardiac Cath Lab equipment for room 5 on Central 4th floor. Existing equipment is 23 years old and has not functioned for almost two years. December 2011 AHCA Final review of Design Submit to the City for Permitting January 2012 AHCA Final review of Design Request Pricing from JOC Contractor February 2012 Receive PO for Contractor Construction Commences in Room 51009054 ET-4 LABOR AND DELIVERY OPERATING ROOMS Funding Source: 2005 RB Total Project Budget: $2,083,950 Anticipated substantial completion date: October 2012 Scope of Work Remodeling and Renovation of 5 Labor and Delivery Operating Rooms and surrounding support areas at the East Tower 4th Floor – Holtz Children’s Hospital. Four (4) Operating Rooms will maintain the same size and configuration. Operating Room Five (5) will be demolished and redesigned to higher standards. Total Square footage under this contract is approximately 5,450 Sq. Ft. December 2011 Contractor bids received by Procurement in November Evaluation of Contractor bids by Procurement on hold January 2012 Evaluation of Contractor bids by Procurement on hold pending required signatures from executive leadership February 2012 Procurement review Contractor bids Contractor awarded JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51010096 WW-2 ANGIO SUITE Funding Source: 2005 RB Total Project Budget: $ 2,000,000 Anticipated substantial completion date: July 2012 Construction to be performed by JOC Scope of work Removal of existing C-arm and replace with a new Siemens’ Zee in Interventional Radiology room #25. Renovation of abandoned Interventional Radiology area on WW2 to create a new recovery unit for Interventional Radiology. December 2011 Construction continues in IR Room #25 Final Permit review received for Recovery area January 2012 Construction continues for Room #25 New PER Signed for Project February 2012 Construction continues for Room #25 ITB issued for Recovery Area Construction 51008026 CARDIAC CATH LAB #6 Funding Source: GOB & 2005 RB Total Project Budget: $ 4,070,145 Projected Construction Completion Date: TBD Scope of work Construction of a new EP Cardiac Cath Lab on Central 4th Floor. Includes the Relocation of the storage areas into the unit. December 2011 On Hold January 2012 On Hold February 2012 On Hold JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51009053 EAST TOWER 2 FLOOR A/C REPLACEMENT Funding Source: IRB Total Project Budget: $ 3,119,080.00 Anticipated substantial completion date: February 29, 2012 Scope of the Work: To furnish the Five (5) custom Air Handling Units at the East Tower 2nd Floor of Holtz Children’s Hospital. December 2011 Start Up New AHU #177. To remove temporary Roof Top AC Units January 2012 Chilled water piping insulation in progress Epoxy paint to be applied on the floor of the mechanical room February 2012 5 AHUs Replacement Project substantial completions City of Miami Final Inspection 51009072 FIRE SPRINKLER UPGRADE CAMPUS WIDE Funding Source: IRB Total Project Budget: $2,000,000 Anticipated substantial completion date: February 15, 2013 Scope of the Work The campus-wide fire protection upgrades are to address all existing NFPA fire sprinkler codes in addition to installing new automatic sprinkler systems and other system components for each building as determined deficient by state and local authority having jurisdiction. These main campus building include Central, East Tower, North Wing, Rehabilitation, South Wing, West Wing, and Utility buildings. December 2011 Lawson Input for purchase order issuance (ET, WW, & NW buildings) – PENDING MDC Protest Incorporate JMH comments and submit to AHCA / City of Miami for 100% review (Rehabilitation Building) Engage JMH Med Asset Fire Sprinkler contractors for bidding (SW , Central, Rehabilitation Buildings) - PENDING MDC Protest Engage MDC / OCI for competitive pricing for construction services (SW, Central, Rehabilitation Buildings) - PENDING MDC Protest January 2012 JMH Procurement to confirm direction on how to proceed from MDC and JMH CAO in regards to bid package 1 vendor protest. JMH Procurement and Capital Projects to re-bid the fire sprinkler project in it entirety (all 6 patient buildings) for public solicitation. TBD February 2012 Competitive proposal review for construction services (all 6 patient buildings) Proposal negotiations (all 6 patient buildings) PHT Board Approval for construction services (construction cost estimated to be over 1M) Lawson Input for purchase order issuance (all 6 patient buildings) JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51011105 RYDER TRAUMA CENTER EXTERIOR HARDENING PROJECT Funding Source: FEMA (75%) / Capital Contribution (25%) Total Project Budget: $8,589,588 Anticipated substantial completion date: August 20, 2013 Scope of the Work The project scope of work is to structurally retrofit the building envelope. The project will be designed to install a wind abatement system of lightweight glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) panels onto the Ryder Trauma Center. The components used for this wind retrofit project will meet the current Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade County specifications to withstand extreme hurricane conditions (Category IV storm conditions). December 2011 Solicit qualified construction managers / contractors through an RFQ process - ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to ITB Completion of 100% Design Development drawings (completed 12/30/11) January 2012 Solicit qualified construction managers / contractors through an RFQ process - ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to ITB AHCA Stage II stand-up of drawing review schedule 1/18/2012 Ongoing Design Services (Tracking Completion of 100% Construction Drawings by March 2012) February 2012 Solicit qualified construction managers / contractors through an RFQ process - ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to ITB Proposal review/ negotiations - ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to ITB Contract review, approval, execution - ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to ITB Lawson Input for purchase order issuance - ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to ITB JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51011106 HIGHLAND PROFESSIONAL BUILDING – TRANSPLANT RENOVATIONS Funding Source: Capital Contribution Total Project Budget: $542,625 Anticipated substantial completion date: June 2012 Scope of the Work The scope of work is to renovate various areas of the 6th floor transplant floor of the Highland Professional Building in order to add Patient Exams room and work station to support the 6th Floor Transplant department. Additionally the scope of work includes interior renovations to the 1st floor lobby area, elevator lighting upgrade, interior/exterior signage and renovations to an unoccupied area to support daily clerical activities. December 2011 Ongoing Construction Services – ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to release new/existing Purchase Orders January 2012 Ongoing Construction Services – ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to release new/existing Purchase Orders February 2012 Ongoing Construction Services – ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to release new/existing Purchase Orders 51011100 HIGHLAND PROFESSIONAL BUILDING – FINANCIAL ASSESSMENT Funding Source: Capital Contribution Total Project Budget: $740,000 Anticipated substantial completion date: June 2012 Scope of the Work The scope of work is to renovate a portion of the first floor Highland Professional Building in order to relocate the Financial Assessment department into the renovated space. The proposed space is approximately 5,449 sq ft. The proposed renovation will provide six (6) offices, waiting/reception area, (1) copy room, (1) ADA Bathroom, and an open floor plan for cubicle work stations. December 2011 Ongoing Construction Services January 2012 Ongoing Construction Services - ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to release new/existing Purchase Orders February 2012 Ongoing Construction Services – ON HOLD Pending Executive Approval for procurement to release new/existing Purchase Orders JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51009046 WEST WING BASEMENT PHARMACY CLEANROOM PHASE I / CAROUSELS PHASE II Funding Source: 2005 RB Total Project Budget: $ 834,596 Projected Construction Completion Date: Phase I July 2011 / Phase II May 2012 Phase I Construction Status: 100% Phase II Construction Status: 15% Scope of Work: Phase I: Installation of a new USP 797 complaint pharmacy clean-room in the West Wing basement. Phase II: Demolition of the old clean-room to create an open space within the pharmacy to receive (3) new pharmaceutical carousel. This includes new finishes throughout the basement pharmacy. December 2011 JOC phase II proposal approved JOC phase II construction Signature Document approval Phase II City of Miami building permit dry-run completed January 2012 Phase II Construction requisition entered into Lawson Executive office project budget signoff Construction PO issued February 2012 Phase II construction Notice to Proceed issued Phase II construction underway 51010097 DTC NEW MRI Funding Source: 2005 RB Total Project Budget: $ 2,500,000 Anticipated substantial completion date: 7/12 Construction to be performed by JOC Scope of the Work: Replacement of existing MRI in DTC 1st floor. Includes expansion of room and new back up chiller. December 2011 New PER for project being processed and construction is on hold Trailer Site Stand Up review with AHCA January 2012 New PER is approved and executed Construction Commences in support Areas for MRI Issue RFP to JOC for Trailer Site February 2012 Construction Continues in support Areas for MRI JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51009089/E10-JMH-01 MEDIUM VOLTAGE OIL SWITCHES REPLACEMENT AND ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEARS AT CENTRAL AND SOUTH WING REPLACEMENT: Funding Source: IRB Total project Budget: $3,785,000 Anticipated substantial completion date: Design March 2012 Construction October 2012 Scope of the Work Replace medium voltage oil switches in Central, South Wing, Institute, Rehabilitation and North Building. Central and South Wing: replace normal and emergency substations and main switchgears. November 2011 Comments of Stage I and II submittal received from AHCA 75% CD submittal to JMH December 2011 Project is on hold 51009056/E10-JMH-02 ENERGY CENTER REPLACE PARALLELING GEAR AND NEW EMERGENCY GENERATORS Funding Source: IRB Total project Budget: $ 5,289,372 Anticipated substantial completion date: Design May 2012 Construction May 2013 Scope of the Work Replace paralleling system and emergency distribution switchboard; provide new engines with the capability to operate in dual-fuel mode (natural gas component). Ryder Trauma Center emergency power system will be increased, with the intention of having the entire building on emergency power. November 2011 The hospital decided to move the location of the generators upgrade to the Utility Center/Center Energy Plant Professional fee for revised scope of work must be submitted and negotiated December 2011 Revised professional fee is being negotiated Begin field investigation Review power monitoring system requirements for electric design Define Strategic Directions: ventilation, sound attenuation etc January 2012 30% CD submittal to JMH Tracking 100% CD’s PPE JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51009062/E10-JMH-03 P-00967 FIRE ALARM UPGRADE AT JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. Funding Source: IRB Total project Budget: $ 4,429,495 Anticipated substantial completion date: February 2013 Scope of the Work Design and upgrade of existing hospital and business occupancy floor for: Rehabilitation, Trauma, Mental Health and Jackson Medical Towers buildings, replace all audio/visual devices provide new speakers, all older model addressable ceiling smoke detectors, heat sensors, manual pull station and duct detectors must be replaced, flow and tamper annunciation modules must be upgraded. Connect these building to the fire alarm loop/network. December 2011 Engage Simplex Grinnell for construction services for patient’s towers only Ongoing Design Services – Designs Complete: North Wing 1st/2nd floor, Trauma Building, Rehabilitation Building January 2012 Solicit pricing from Simplex for construction services for completed designs Proposal negotiations w/ Simplex for (Trauma, Rehab, and North Wing 1st / 2nd floor) Tracking ongoing design services for remaining buildings (PPW, PPE, and Jackson Medical Towers) February 2012 Construction Contract review by PHT, CAO, Legal Lawson Input and Purchase Order Issuance (Trauma, North Wing, and Rehab) 51009036 WEST WING AND CENTRAL FIRE ALARM UPGRADE PROJECT Funding Source: IRB Total Project Budget: $2,350,000 Projected Completion Date Feb 2012 Scope of Work Design and upgrade of existing patient occupancy towers for: West Wing and Central buildings, replace all audio/visual devices provide new speakers, all older model addressable ceiling smoke detectors, heat sensors, manual pull station and duct detectors must be replaced, flow and tamper annunciation modules must be upgraded. Connect these building to the fire alarm loop/network. December 2011 Ongoing City of Miami Fire Marshall inspections for the West Wing Tower Ongoing FA installation at Central Building January 2012 Ongoing City of Miami Fire Marshall inspections for the West Wing Tower Ongoing FA installation at Central Building Begin City of Miami Fire Marshall inspections for the Central Building 100% AHCA re-inspection for WW Tower (5th – Basement) week of 1/9/12 TBD February 2012 Ongoing City of Miami Fire Marshall inspections for the West Wing Tower Ongoing City of Miami Fire Marshall inspections for the Central Building 100% AHCA inspection for Central Building week of 1/30/2012 TBD JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51009057 UTILITY CENTER (2) EMERGENCY GENERATOR REPLACEMENT PROJECT Funding Source: IRB Total Project Budget: $2,251,728 Projected Completion Date February 2012 Scope of Work Modify the existing paralleling system and replace (2) existing generators with (2) 2000KW generators; Provide new engines with the capability to operate in dual-fuel mode (natural gas component). Patient Towers emergency power system will be increased, with the intention of having the entire building on emergency power. December 2011 Ongoing Generator installation Tracking Generator Start-up January 2012 Ongoing Generator installation Load Bank Testing February 2012 Ongoing Generator installation – Final Terminations (2) 2000KW Generators On-line for campus support Begin Project Closeout 51009076 UTILITY CENTER BOILER REPLACEMENT PROJECT Funding Source: IRB Total Project Budget: $2,531,000 Projected Completion Date February 2012 Scope of Work Provide and install two (2) 1200HP boilers and associated equipment for the replacement of two (2) existing 600 HP boilers. The installation and operating capacity will function as it currently existing with a max capacity of 1200HP. If in the event for future growth and/or increase in demand an expand HP capacity will be available for boiler infrastructure support. December 2011 Ongoing Boiler installation Boiler Start-up (1st Boiler) - Postponed January 2012 Ongoing Boiler installation Boiler Start-up (1st Boiler) Removal of “temporary” boiler February 2012 Boiler Start-up (2nd Boiler) Final Terminations Replacement Boiler On-line with campus support Begin project closeout JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51011104 WEST WING 15 NURSING UNIT MODERNIZATION Funding Source: Capital Contribution Total Project Budget: $2,588,568 Projected Completion Date Aug 2012 Scope of Work The West Wing 15 Nursing Unit Modernization project has a vision towards creating a greater offering of singleoccupancy rooms at Jackson Health System. The projects’ interior renovation would create twenty-five (25) singleoccupancy rooms, one (1) VIP room, and other clinical support areas to current codes, hospital standards, and modernized finishes. December 2011 – ON HOLD Pending executive approval Ongoing procurement process – “ITB for Qualified Contractor” Pre-Bid meeting and site walk through Cone of Silence January 2012– ON HOLD Pending executive approval Received contractor proposals Proposal negotiations/reviews February 2012– ON HOLD Pending executive approval Construction Contract review by PHT, CAO, Legal Lawson Input and Purchase Order Issuance for construction services 53009055 MAIN CAMPUS / JNMC CAMPUS-WIDE LIGHTING UPGRADE Funding Source: IRB Total Project Budget: $ 780,680 Projected Construction Completion Date: June 2012 Percentage of Construction Completed: 15% Scope of Work: Campus wide outdoor lighting upgrade throughout the JMH main campus and the Jackson North Medical Center December 2011 The JOC proposals received for the campuswide lighting will not be honored. An ITB will be issued to execute the lighting for entire campus with the option to execute the work per areas ITB process placed on hold until executive office signs off on project budget January 2012 Executive office project budget signoff Requisition entered into Lawson to commence the ITB process Issue procurement required documentation to develop ITB package Submit documentation required to establish Dade County project measures February 2012 Dade County project measures established ITB procurement continues JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 51009069 CAMPUS WIDE ROOFING REPLACEMENT – EAST TOWER Funding Source: IRB Total Project Budget: $1,500,000 Projected Completion Date September 2012 Scope of Work Replacement of East Tower Roof, approximately 90,000 SQFT December 2011 Architect submit Proposal to revise specifications Lawson input for A/E increase in PO for revised specifications January 2012 Requisition, for A/E, in Lawson require executive approval Issuance of PO to A/E February 2012 Architect revise and resubmit specifications Engage Procurement: Confirmation of issuing ITB 51009064 REPLACEMENT OF 30 AIR HANDLING UNITS Funding Source: IRB Total Project Budget: $6,541,500 Anticipated substantial completion date: October 2012 November 2011 Contractor selection for series 8 Owner purchase for series 6 AHU’s 59007009 JMT ELEVATOR MODERNIZATIONS #141 TO #148 Funding Source: Capital Contribution / IRB Total Project Budget: $1,340,757 Projected Completion Date May 2012 Scope of Work Modernization and cab upgrade to eight elevators in JMT December 2011 Permitting Infrastructure Elevator Modernization #142 and #146 January 2012 Continue Elevator Modernization February 2012 Continue Elevator Modernization JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL INFRASTRUCTURE REVENUE BOND MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 JACKSON NORTH MEDICAL CENTER 53008020 JACKSON NORTH WINDOW REPLACEMENT Funding Source: Capital Contribution & IRB Total Project Budget: $ 3,057,220 Anticipated substantial completion date: 6/2012 Construction to be performed by JOC Scope of Work: Replacement of all windows with new hurricane windows. Unforeseen conditions have been encountered and the wall systems on pavilion, pediatrics and Labor and delivery are being reconstructed and shored. December 2011 Project on holding awaiting Change Order Approval January 2012 Funding and Change order is approved Construction recommences on 2nd Floor L & D /Pedi Areas Construction recommences on Pavilion Replacement of the entrance doors continues February 2012 Construction continues on 2nd Floor L & D /Pedi Areas Construction continues on Pavilion 53009065 JACKSON NORTH MEDICAL CENTER UTILITY PLANT REPLACEMENT Funding Source: IRB Total Project Budget: $2,000,000 Anticipated substantial completion date: December 2012 Scope of Work: Replacement of three chillers, two boilers and supporting systems, installation of a new cooling tower. Installation of new energy management system. December 2011 AHCA Review of final design continues Construction continues for emergency chiller work January 2012 AHCA Review of final design continues Emergency chiller work is completed February 2012 AHCA Review of final design continues Emergency chiller work is completed JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL INFRASTRUCTURE REVENUE BOND MONTHLY STATUS REPORT JANUARY 2012 PERDUE MEDICAL CENTER 58011110 PERDUE MEDICAL CENTER RENOVATION Funding Source: Capital Contribution Total Project Budget: $1,200,000 Projected Completion Date May 2012 Scope of Work Provide renovation/upgrade to the center’s main entrance and lobby, 13 patient rooms and support area in the South Wing and Chapel, approximately 11,864 SQFT December 2011 Construction Design Phase January 2012 Construction Design Phase AHCA Review February 2012 Building Permitting Contractor Procurement AUDIT & COMPLIANCE SUBCOMMITTEE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Audit & Compliance Subcommittee Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Chairperson Mojdeh L. Khaghan, Vice Chairperson Michael Bileca Darryl K. Sharpton Date and Place January 20, 2012 – (Immediately following the Facilities Subcommittee Meeting) Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259 AGENDA 1. *Approval of the Meeting Minutes (Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Chairperson, Audit & Compliance Subcommittee) (a) 2. December 15, 2011 Internal Audit Update (Stephen Weimer, Corporate Director, Internal Audit Department, Jackson Health System) (a) *FY12 Audit Plan Update (b) Review of Finalized Audit Reports (1) *Sheridan Healthcare Contract (2) *Ward D (Corrections Health Services) (3) * FY11 Audit Follow-Up 3. Corporate Compliance Program Department Update (Diana Salinas, Corporate Director and Chief Compliance Officer, Compliance Department, Jackson Health System) (a) *FY12 Audit Plan Update (b) *Review of Finalized Audit Reports Executive Summary (1) (2) (3) (4) Reassessment: One Day Stay vs. Observation status for Jackson Memorial Hospital (JMH) Risk Assessment: Rehabilitation Outpatient Audit Risk Assessment: Mental Health Partial Hospitalization Audit Risk Assessment: Community Mental Health Day Treatment Audit (c) *Recovery Audit Contractors – update (d) *Compliance Hotline (Agenda items(s) noted with an asterisk (*) indicates that the supporting documents are included.) 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Audit & Compliance Subcommittee Michael Bileca, Chairman Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Vice Chairman Darryl K. Sharpton Date & Place December 15, 2011 – Immediately followed the Facilities Subcommittee meeting Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259 ATTENDANCE Audit & Compliance Subcommittee Darryl K. Sharpton Marcos Jose Lapciuc Michael Bileca Financial Recovery Board Members Joaquin del Cueto Joe Arriola Stephen S. Nuell Mojdeh L. Khaghan Jackson Health System Mark T. Knight Diana Salinas Steve Weimer Michael Butler, M.D. Carlos A. Migoya Don S. Steigman Donn Szaro Miami-Dade County Attorney Valda Christian Laura Llorente Audit & Compliance Subcommittee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 2 Call to order With a quorum being present, the Audit & Compliance Subcommittee meeting was called to order at 8:11 a.m. by Michael Bileca, Chairman. 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes – November 17, 2011 Mr. Bileca requested a motion approving the meeting minutes of November 17, 2011 Mr. Sharpton moved approval; seconded by Mr. Lapciuc, and carried without dissent. 2. Corporate Compliance Program Department Update (a) FY 2012 Audit Plan Update Diana Salinas, Corporate Director and Chief Compliance Officer, Corporate Compliance Department, presented an update of the FY 2012 Annual Audit Plan. Highlights of the Audit Plan showed pending audits, audits in progress and scheduled audits throughout the year. Ms. Salinas reported that 2 audits were completed during the prior months, and currently at 24% completion of the annual Audit Plan. To date the Audit Plan is on schedule. As part of the update were highlights of pending audits, and those audits that have been targeted for completion in fiscal year 2012 Audit Plan. A detailed report was included in the agenda that described each of the audits including their risk assessment, scope and objective. (b) Review of Finalized Audit Reports Executive Summary Ms. Salinas provided the Subcommittee with an overview of the audit reports that were finalized. (1) RAC Approved Issue: Hospital to Hospital Transfer The purpose of the audit was to review if the hospital incorrectly reports the patient is discharged to home, when in fact they have been discharged to another facility or left against medical advice, which the inpatient hospital claim from the transferring facility falls under the Post Acute Transfer Policy. According to the Post Acute Transfer Policy, the transferring facility should be reimbursed on per diem basis, while the receiving facility is reimbursed at the full DRG or respective PPS rate. All DRG’s reviewed are available in the Post Acute Transfer Policy. A random sample of 30 inpatient medical records from Jackson Main was retrieved from the Compass system. The dates of services reviewed were June 7, 2011 through September 21, 2011. The primary payer was Medicare with carious secondary payers. The UB-04 claim forms and Remittance Advices were obtained from EDM. Clinical documentation was retrieved from Cerner and HIM. Results of the audit showed that a review rendered a net cost error rate of 9%. The recommendations are as follows: Train the Business Office staff on the process of system-generated contractual adjustments and the effect of manual adjustments to encounters, effective follow up policies should be enforced by the Business Office, to ensure collectors are following up with the payers regarding claims that are underpaid based on he expected reimbursement calculated by MedAssets Contract Manager, and reeducate clinical staff on writing admission orders that clearly state “Admit as Inpatient.” A Task Force has been developed to further address the issues that were described in the audit. Audit & Compliance Subcommittee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 3 (2) (c) Reassessment: Inpatient One Day Stay vs. Observation for Jackson South Community Hospital (JSCH) The goal of the reassessment was to determine if JSCH is providing services in the most appropriate setting where clinical documentation supports medical necessity for a one day inpatient admission or if observation would have been the more appropriate setting. A random sample of 32 inpatient medical records from JSCH was retrieved from the Compass system. The dates of services reviewed were June 6, 2011 through September 17, 2011. The primary payer was Medicare or managed Medicare. The UB-04 claim forms and Remittance Advices were obtained from EDM. Clinical documentation was retrieved from Cerner and HIM. Results of the audit showed that a review rendered a net cost error rate of zero percent. Compliance will continue to monitor to ensure adherence to the policies have been established. An Executive Summary included in the agenda packet described in detail the scope and objective, methodology, results and recommendations of the completed audit. Compliance 2011 Annual Report Ms. Salinas presented the second annual report on the activities of the JHS Corporate Compliance Program. The report establishes the responsibilities of the Corporate Compliance Office as they relate to organizational goals and the corresponding communications to the system’s leaders. The report also provided actions taken to address several system wide compliance risks. An Executive Summary which outlined in detail the annual report was included in the agenda packet. Ms. Salinas encouraged the Subcommittee to review the report and fell free to ask questions. Ms. Salinas stated that the Corporate Compliance Department continues to focus on maintaining an effective Compliance Program and ensure that all federal requirements are met in the most effective way. Ms. Khaghan questioned the status of the electronic conversion process for medical records. Fernando Martinez, Chief Information Officer, Jackson Health System stated that JHS has a fully implemented electronic health record where modules are continually implemented of the electronic health record. He mentioned that there remains part of the JHS process that is paper driven. JHS continues to move forward from a paper driven process to an electronic medical record process. Mr. Bileca thanked Ms. Salinas for creating and presenting a detailed update report which showed the independent function of the Corporate Compliance Department. With respect to calendar year 2012 and the ongoing initiatives particularly as it relates to self disclosure matters, Valda Christian, Assistant Miami-Dade County Attorney stated that the parties are moving toward discussing a possible settlement. Ms. Christian remains hopeful that in the relatively near future the terms of a possible settlement will be discussed. Also, in the near future the FRB will see a return of the contract for review and discussion prior to making a decision regarding a renewal. Audit & Compliance Subcommittee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 4 3. Internal Audit Update (a) Review of Finalized Audit Reports Steve Weimer, Corporate Director, Office of Internal Audit reported on the following six audits that have been finalized including the first follow up audit: (1) Inventory – Jackson Main An internal audit review of the current inventory management processes were reviewed in various areas throughout the hospital based upon a qualitative analytic selection process. The following areas selected for review account for 71% of the inventory balance: Operating Room, Central Pharmacy, Central Store Room, Maintenance Supplies, and Cath Lab Pedi. The objective of the review was to determine if policies and procedures were being adhered to for establishing appropriate inventory levels, warehousing, and the safeguarding of inventory. Significant issues exist for Maintenance Supplies in regards to inaccurate inventory valuation and inadequate physical safeguards. The results of the internal audit showed that the Operating Room inventory management process is ineffective and inefficient, billable inventory items are not being consistently charged to actual patient accounts, and significant inventory discrepancies exist. A significant positive practice identified relates to the Central Pharmacy Omnicell Cabinet narcotic removal controls and discrepancy notification process. The Executive Summary, which was included in the agenda packet detailed internal audit observations, recommendations and management action plans. (2) Inventory – Jackson South Community Hospital (JSCH) An internal audit review of the current inventory management processes was performed in various areas at JSCH upon a qualitative and quantitative analytic selection process. The following areas were selected for review: Operating Room and Pharmacy. The objective of the review was to determine if policies and procedures were adhered to for establishing appropriate inventory levels, warehousing, and safeguarding if inventory. The results of the internal audit showed that control deficiencies exist as inventory items stored in Omnicell cabinets are not secured and Omnicell functionality has not been enabled. As a result of the Omnicell functionality not being enabled, deficiencies in inventory management are present as there is no ability to management usage and utilize par value based order management. Additionally, video surveillance does not exist in either the Operating Room Core or Pharmacy work areas. The Executive Summary, which was included in the agenda packet detailed internal audit observations, recommendations and management action plans. With regards to the discussion having to do with equipment and supplies, Don S. Steigman, Chief Operating Officer, Jackson Health System stated that need over demand, return on investment, review of infrastructure, and review of equipment that is available at other JHS facilities are strongly considered prior to any new equipment purchases. In response to the question raised regarding under utilization, Mr. Steigman stated that the hospital does not currently have a plan in place for under utilization. Audit & Compliance Subcommittee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 5 With regards to the question that was raised having to do with the hospital’s fixed asset system, Mark T. Knight, Chief Financial Officer, Jackson Health System explained that every item is tracked through the fixed asset system, all movable items are tagged with an asset tag to be able to track the equipment throughout JHS and allow staff to locate equipment. Prior to equipment being purchased a return on investment analysis is completed to determine whether or not the purchase of the equipment is justified. Once the equipment is placed in service there is no ongoing routine evaluation of equipment utilization. Going forward, Mr. Knight suggested that as part of the Internal Audit Plan a routine process be implemented to review major capital expenses that will include a review of utilization to be able to better determine the return on investment. (3) Inventory – Jackson North Medical Center (JNMC) An internal audit review of the current inventory management processes was performed in various areas at JNMC based upon qualitative and quantitative analytic selection process. The following areas were selected for review: Med/Surgical Supplies (OR), and Pharmacy. An assessment of internal controls was reviewed in Med/Surgical (OR) and Pharmacy to determine if inventories are subject to effective custodial accountability procedures and physical safeguards. The objective of the review is to determine if polices and procedures are being adhered to for establishing appropriate inventory levels, warehousing, and the safeguarding of inventory. The results of the internal audit showed that control issues exist relative to inventory system controls and inventory area physical access. The detail finings relative to observations, recommendations and management action plans were outlined in the Executive Summary which was included in the agenda packet. (4) Malpractice/Risk Management As part of the fiscal year 2011 Audit Plan (4th fiscal quarter) an internal audit review of Malpractice and Claims Development process at JHS was performed. The scope of the audit review was to assess internal controls related to processing, establishing reserves, and settling claims. In addition, claims and incidents were assessed to determine if they were administered and managed effectively via the Quantros system, claim’s system basic data integrity, and reviewed system access. The objective of the review was to ensure that policies and procedures are being adhered to, that risk management has the proper controls in place for claims processing, and ensure that Quantros basic system integrity of reporting exist. The results of the internal audit showed that overall controls are considered satisfactory. The Executive Summary, which was included in the agenda packet detailed internal audit observations, recommendations and management action plans. (5) Backup & Recovery An internal audit of the backup and recovery was performed. The audit period was from April 15, 2011 to October 15, 2011. The objective of the internal audit was to evaluate the design, adequacy, and effectiveness of the backup and recovery procedures and controls at JHS. The results of the internal audit showed controls over backup and recovery of core systems are considered adequate. Concerns were noted relative to excessive backup job failure rates of non-core systems. The Executive Summary, which was included in the agenda packet detailed internal audit observations, recommendations and management action plans. Audit & Compliance Subcommittee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 6 (6) (b) Prior Audit Follow-up The following three internal audits (Cardiac Catheterization Lab, Cash Collections, and JSCH Construction) were reviewed that were performed last year. The objective of the internal audits was to determine that the corrective action that was noted in the final audit report was performed according to the time frames that were indicated by management. There were no exceptions noted regarding the JSCH construction audit, exceptions were noted regarding Cardiac Catheterization Lab and Cash Collections for not performing to mediation according to the to the target dates given. The appropriate staff members have been met with and it is anticipated that better results will be presented moving forward. Presentation and Approval - Fiscal Year 2012 Internal Audit Plan Mr. Weimer presented for approval the fiscal year Internal Audit Plan. The Internal Audit Plan is a detailed plan that combines operational, financial, IT audits, and project life cycle audits. A copy of the Internal Audit Plan was included in the agenda packet. Mr. Sharpton stated that he is of the opinion that the Audit Plan was light in terms of the total number of hours. He believes that the Internal Audit Department needs to be more involved and/or integrated with certain other external consultants. He requested that the Audit Plan have specific involvement in tracking strategic initiatives which would show under the heading of project life cycles. With regards to the Audit Plan total number of hours, Mr. Weimer stated that the number has been increased by 1,000 hours and now show 3,000 hours applied to the Audit Plan. He further stated that the total number hours in the Audit Plan reflect 85% of the total staff hours for the year. Mr. Bileca requested a motion for the item. Mr. Sharpton moved approval; seconded by Mr. Lapciuc, and carried without dissent. Adjournment The meeting of the Audit & Compliance Subcommittee adjourned at 9:18 a.m. Transcribed by Ivenette Cobb, Executive Assistant Public Health Trust Financial Recovery Board Jackson Health System FY12 Internal Audit Plan Status a/o 12/31/11 1/12/2012 FY12 Audits to be performed Audits completed YTD Audits currently underway Audits completed or underway 30 2 (6%) 4 (13%) 6 (20%) Audits to be discussed at 1/2012 Audit Committee meeting Audit Sheraton Anesthesia Contract Ward D (FY11 audit) Audit Follow-Up Audit Scope Determine if physician payments are consistent with the terms of the contract and services provided. Perform a review of CHS charge capture and billing to determine adequacy of controls, completeness and accuracy of charges and billings. Perform a review of findings and management responses from FY11 audits to determine if corrective action has been completed. Status Audit Rating complete Good complete Satisfactory complete Needs Improvement Jackson Health System FY12 Internal Audit Plan Status a/o 12/31/11 Audit Audit Scope 1/12/2012 Status Audits Not Completed Follow-up Activities HIPAA Security AP Analysis (Vendor, Employees, Physicians) Facilities Storeroom Medicare Bad Debt Potential Medicaid (MCD) Perform follow-up reviews of FY11 audit findings to ensure corrective action is completed as stated and adequate. Assess compliance with the required elements of the Security Rule. Evaluate data mining test results of vendor database, select various vendors and invoices for review to ensure proper onboarding, job performance, and payment approval. Evaluate controls over inventory, access control, and observe inventory count process. Review accuracy of Medicare bad debt submissions. Review and evaluate process to monitor potential MCD. Initiatives Determine adequacy of methodology to monitor strategic initiatives. Physical Security Evaluate physical security of hospital to ensure access is restricted to authorized individuals and proper security policies are in place to prevent theft of JHS assets and protect the safety of staff, patients and visitors. Construction/Renovation Review ER renovation project procedures/controls. Maintenance Contracts Review contract management process to determine if contracts exist for services, proper procurement processes were followed, and effectiveness of payment controls. performed monthly fieldwork underway preliminary report issued fieldwork underway Audit Rating Jackson Health System FY12 Internal Audit Plan Status a/o 12/31/11 Audit Audit Scope AOA determine compliance with terms of AOA. Performance Reporting Determine accuracy and appropriateness of Performance Reporting information provided to management Med Assets Admissions/Registration & Ins Verification Personal Leave Review Financial Statement Close Accounts Payable Fixed Assets Physician Services Maxor OP Pharmacy Services Revenue Cycle Review Charge Capture Physical Inventory Observation analyze results achieved from Med Asset process Verify accuracy of capturing patient information and insurance verification; to include Siemens/Cerner related IT controls review Perform an analysis on capped PL (vacation and sick) Evaluate the adequacy of internal controls over initiation, authorization, processing, recording, and reporting of transactions; ascertain the existence and effectiveness of current policies and procedures, and evaluate financial statement close activities. Evaluate controls over vendor onboarding, invoice approval and payment, general computer controls, nonP.O.purchasing process. Determine effectiveness of controls surrounding fixed assets incl. buildings, reconcilement, additions/deletions, depreciation etc. Evaluate FMV process. Review and evaluate the management (Maxor) of the OP pharmacy operations. Review of denial management, DNFB & late charges Evaluate effectiveness of selected department's charge capture function. Observe FY 12 physical inventory to determine the adequacy of physical inventory procedures. 1/12/2012 Status Audit Rating Jackson Health System FY12 Internal Audit Plan Status a/o 12/31/11 Audit Managed Care Contracts Patient Referrals Audit Scope 1/12/2012 Status Audit Rating Audit Scope Status Audit Rating Assess internal controls related to storeroom; physical inventory; inventory maintenance (Jackson North/South). complete Needs Improvement Determine compliance with terms, including payments and services. perform quarterly review and analysis of patients referred from JHS to UM compare census to actual room count to ensure census accuracy and patient charts are complete and accurate. Bed Audit Audits of Offsite Locations: PCC, LTC Evaluate the adequacy (effectiveness and efficiency) of and Schools internal controls within the selected location. Change Management Review IT change management process to determine if changes to production systems are properly approved, tested, and controlled. Audits Previously Completed and Discussed Audit Inventory Control Office of Internal Audit Jackson Medical Towers 1500 NW 12th Avenue, #102 Miami, FL 33136 To: Barbara Ronda, VP Hospital Services-Strategic Enterprise Development Ronald Loveless, Corporate Director Practice Management Elena Barberis, Director of Finance Cc: Mark Knight, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Don Steigman, Chief Operating Officer Steve Weimer, Corporate Director of Internal Audit Richard Kugler, Corporate Manager of Internal Audit From: Adriana Herrera, Senior Auditor Mariela J. Reyes, Senior Auditor Date: December 16, 2011 Subject: Final 2012 Sheridan Healthcorp Anesthesiology Revenue Guarantee Contract Review Background, Scope and Objective: Based on a request from Jackson North Medical Center (JNMC) Management, The Office of Internal Audit (IA) performed a review of year 2 of the Sheridan Healthcorp, Inc. contract as part of the FY 12 audit plan during the first fiscal quarter. As the Sheridan Healthcorp revenue guarantee is settled on an annual basis no later than 120 days after the end of each contract year, the review focused on Year 2 of the contract (December 1, 2009 through November 30, 2010). The objective of the Sheridan Healthcorp, Inc. revenue guarantee contract review was to ascertain that subsidy payments to Sheridan Healthcorp, Inc. for the revenue guarantee agreement for anesthesiology services are in compliance with the contract. Specific areas of focus included: • • • • Determine if subsidy payments to Sheridan Healthcorp, Inc. for the revenue guarantee agreement were calculated based on contract. Determine whether patient charge amounts used to calculate the balance due to Sheridan Healthcorp Inc. appear reasonable and complete. Determine if estimated total charges, contract reimbursement amount, actual charges, and actual payments per Annual Collections Reconciliation were accurate. Determine if collections efforts made by Sheridan to ensure appropriateness. Entity Rating: Overall Rating Based on Issues Identified: Good 1 Office of Internal Audit Jackson Medical Towers 1500 NW 12th Avenue, #102 Miami, FL 33136 Executive Summary: Subsidy payments made to Sheridan for the revenue guarantee agreement are in compliance with the contract terms. Several process improvement opportunities were noted that can benefit the organization with future revenue guarantee contracts. Our detail process recommendations are listed below: Process Improvement Opportunities (“PIO”) Timing of Annual Collection Reconciliation not sufficient Per observation of attachment A of the contract between the Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County and Sheridan Healthcorp, Inc, we noted that ‘not later than one hundred twenty (120) days after the end of each contract year during the Term and any Renewal Term, Contractor shall forward to Hospital a reconciliation for the previous contract year.” Such reconciliation drives the amount to be paid by Jackson North Center or to be reimbursed by Sheridan depending on the difference between the Contractor’s net collections against the expected collections. Monies collected by Sheridan after the reconciliation is complete are not forwarded to JHS. We noted the amount due from JNMC to Sheridan was approximately $179K based on the collections listed by Sheridan in the Annual Collection Reconciliation as of 3/24/2011. As of this audit November 2011 the Annual Reconciliation was revised by Sheridan due to collections made by Sheridan subsequent to 3/24/2011. This resulted in a saving of approximately $69,000 to JMH. We recommend that future contracts contain language that requires funds collected after the reconciliation /payment date to be refunded to Jackson. Management Response: Agree: The current contract with Sheridan is up for renewal. If renewed, recommended language will be included in contract. Review of monthly amount billed by Sheridan Healthcorp Inc. could be enhanced On a monthly basis, JNMC reviews the total number of cases billed by Sheridan Healthcorp Inc. (Sheridan) by only comparing the total number of cases listed in the summary provided by Sheridan to the information in Compass of all patients who received anesthesiology services in the same period. We recommend an enhanced reconciliation process to be performed by Jackson North. A detailed listing should be obtained from Sheridan related to the monthly billing, and reconciled to the Jackson North database. Management Response: Agree. This will be included in new agreement. 2 Office of Internal Audit Jackson Medical Towers 1500 NW 12th Avenue, #102 Miami, FL 33136 Allowance for bad debt not included in month reconciliation On a monthly basis, Sheridan Healthcorp Inc. provides JHS with a monthly reconciliation detailing estimated collections for the past month. The estimated collection amount for year 2 (sum of monthly amounts) differed significantly to the actual collected amount. The estimated monthly amount does not include an allowance for bad debt for charges (i.e. copayment amounts) that Sheridan would not be able to collect, based on history and experience, from the patients. We recommend JNMC and Sheridan to agree on a percentage to be applied to charges and included in the monthly reconciliation as an allowance for bad debt expense to avoid having significant variance when the Annual Collection Reconciliation is complete. Management Response: Agree. Has been discussed with Sheridan CFO, JNMC CFO has requested detailed reporting from Sheridan, including the JHS FIN # to streamline the monthly reconciliation process, as well as having Sheridan include bad debit allowance in their figures with a quarterly ‘true-up’, which should minimize having a large reconciling bill at the end of the year. 3 Office of Internal Audit Jackson Medical Towers 1500 NW 12th Avenue, #102 Miami, FL 33136 To: Carlos A. Migoya, President and Chief Executive Officer Don S. Steigman, Chief Operating Officer Cc: Carmen Pla –Vice President Revenue Cycle Telisa Lyons-Corporate Director Revenue Cycle Steve Weimer- Corporate Director of Internal Audit John Repique-Mental Health Chief Nursing Officer Rick Morse-Correctional Health Services Director Eugene Shy- County Attorney’s Office Eli Medina- Business Manager Correctional Health Services Karen Lang-Administrator of Managed Care Contracting From: Richard Kugler-Corporate Manager Internal Audit Renel Leone, Jr.- Senior Internal Auditor Date: January 6, 2012 Subject: Final Report – Correctional Health Services Charge Capture and Billing Background, Scope and Objective Based on IA’s assessment of risk, materiality, and transaction volume, the objective of the Correctional Health Services (CHS) billing and charge capture audit is to ascertain and ensure that the process is effective and efficient. Specific areas of focus relate to testing that patients are entered in the hospital patient clinical system, and reported in the appropriate insurance code during the time period of January – March, 2011. In addition, that the charges for the various CHS insurance codes are captured properly, and attest that the contracts for services are current. Entity Rating: Overall Rating Based on Issues Identified: Needs Improvement Executive Summary: Issues were noted with controls associated with managing contracts with entities that CHS provides patients services for. Additionally, issues were noted relating to capturing charges associated with patient services. As a result, we have assigned a rating of “Needs Improvement”. Our detailed observations are outlined below. Detailed Observations, Recommendations and Management Action Plans 1. Agreements do not exist or have expired for entities that JHS provides Inmate services Several issues were noted relative to contracts with entities for which JHS has provided inmate services: 1. Contracts do not exist for six municipalities that JHS has provided inmate services, including Miami Dade County; 2. The Florida Department of Corrections contract is expired. Recommendation: We recommend that management take steps to ensure that current contracts exist for entities prior to accepting inmates for treatment. Management Response: CHS management agrees with the findings. A new director for Jackson-CHS has been appointed and will start on 1/9/2012. Given the new director’s expertise and breadth of knowledge of correctional health industry’s standards and trends, the new director for CHS will lead Jackson’s efforts in aligning CHS with national industry benchmarks and norms. These organizational efforts will include, but not limited to, review of all existing and future contractual agreements with Jackson-CHS and other entities. In addition, Jackson-CHS is currently working on a revision of a proposed MOU and will be presented to MDCR. (Of note, in 2008, a proposed draft MOU between JHS and MDCR was completed but was not executed.) Jackson-CHS, as the health services provider of MDCR, is responsible for providing medical care to any inmate booked into Miami Dade County jails and there are no separate agreements between the municipalities (a total of about 22) and JHS. Action Plan Owner: Implementation Date: John Repique-Mental Health Chief Nursing Officer May 31, 2012 Rick Morse-CHS Director Eugene Shy-County Attorney Office 2. CHS patients and services performed are not being entered in clinical system A review of 130 inmates treated at Correctional Health revealed patient records had not been entered into clinical system for 11 (8%) inmates. Recommendation: We recommend that management implement steps to ensure that accurate patient records are compiled for all Correctional Health patients. 2 Management Response: CHS Management agrees with the finding. Jackson-CHS logs inmates based on MDCR’s arrest document (“A” form). The current log only includes arrestee’s names. Current process is to enter every inmate that presents and a possible reason the 11 names were not found in Cerner is due to a function of not being able to determine which “John Smith” is the correct one. As such, we will add one more data field to the log to facilitate matching the log to what is entered into Cerner. 3. Action Plan Owner: Implementation Date: Eli Medina- Business Manager CHS March 31, 2012 Patient daily log assigned to incorrect insurance code A test of 130 intake cases revealed 24 (18%) did not contain the correct CHS insurance code. Inaccurate coding could affect program reporting and reimbursement. Recommendation We recommend that management take steps to ensure that accurate insurance codes are entered for each patient. Management Response CHS management agrees with the finding. Upon review of the 24 accounts with incorrect plan code assignments, it was identified that the accounts registered were prior to the training provided to the Ward D employees in October 2011. The Patient Access Quality Assurance department will perform a random audit of accounts beginning the month of January 2012. In addition, a registrar has been hired specifically to handle the patient finance functions for Correctional Health Services. The employee is currently being trained in the Patient Access areas. Training to be completed January 2012. Action Plan Owner Implementation Date Eli Medina- Business Manager CHS February 29, 2012 Telisa Lyons-Corporate Director Revenue Cycle 3 Process Improvement Opportunity: Automate Correctional Health Services daily Log Presently the daily log of patients served is entered manually on a sheet. We suggest that the process be automated by entering the data on an excel spreadsheet, or through use of an access database. This would facilitate tracking, sorting, and monitoring of services provided. Management Response CHS has agreed to the process improvement and will implement the following: • • • • • Develop a centralized Excel Spreadsheet based on the existing written spreadsheet with additional key variables to improve. Provide in-service on the spreadsheet usage. Increase access points on all Ward “D” PCs linking to the spreadsheet. Develop a quality process to ensure accuracy of the spreadsheet. Develop a second quality process to match spreadsheet against EMR and billing systems. Action Plan Owner Implementation Date Eli Medina-Business Manager CHS March 31, 2012 4 Jackson Health System Prior Audit Report Follow-Up January, 2012 Audit Procurement Payment Posting Travel & Entertainment Cash Collections Audit Procurement Procurement Audit Report Dated FY11 FY11 FY11 FY11 Finding Summary Emergency Repair Procedures are not being followed as required. Annual employee Conflict of Interest training and certification has not been implemented. 1/12/2012 Original Number of Comments 6 2 2 14 Follow-up Exceptions Noted 2 2 1 4 Revised Target Date Responsible Area corrected during audit Facilities 2/15/2012 Compliance 1/30/2012 Corporate Business Office 1/30/2012 Corporate Business Office 3/31/2012 Accounting corrected during audit Revenue Cycle Access Mgmt. Travel & Entertainment Performance metrics and aging reports have not been developed. Cash reconcilement is not performed for all locations. Travel policy has not been updated. Cash Collections Employees transporting cash deposits to the main banking center are not escorted by Security personnel. Cash Collections QuickPay automated patient payment system has not been fully implemented. 7/25/2012 Revenue Cycle Access Mgmt. Cash Collections Employee access to Cashier's offices is not periodically reviewed to ensure only current and authorized individuals have access. corrected during audit Revenue Cycle Access Mgmt. Cash Collections Video surveillance of the Internal Banking and Cashier offices does not exist; quote for video surveillance was not obtained. corrected during audit Revenue Cycle Access Mgmt. Payment Posting Payment Posting Corrected during Audit? 1 of 2 no no 3 of 4 Exception Ratio 33% 100% 50% 29% Audit Summary In Progress Total Reassessments Completed Definition Audits that were identified through the CMS RAC Approved Issues, the OIG Work Plan or AHCA Total 5 2 Total Audits Completed 10 Not Started 24 Reassessments and by Internal Risk Assessment Audit # 1 Audit Name Hospital to Hospital Transfer Scope & Objectives RAC Approved Issue - To review if Inpatient hospital incorrectly reports the patient is discharged to home, when in fact they have been discharged to another facility (SNF, IRF, or home health) or left against medical advice (and was later admitted to another facility on same day of discharge), which the inpatient hospital claim from the transferring facility fall under the post-acute transfer policy. According to the Post Acute Transfer policy, the transferring facility should be reimbursed on per-diem basis (up to the DRG full payment), while the receiving facility receive the full DRG or respective PPS reimbursement. All DRG's being reviewed are available in the Post Acute Transfer Policy. 2 Incorrect billing of J1642 Heparin, up to 10 units (HepLock, Hep-Flush) – Hospital RAC Approved Issue - To review if claims identified where J1642 (Heparin, up to 10 units (Hep-Lock), (Hep-Flush)) was billed for patients who receives Heparin for therapeutic infusion. The therapeutic infusion of Heparin should be J1644 (Heparin, up to 1000 units). 3 Duplicate Claims - Outpatient AHCA - To determine if an issue may exist when duplicate services are billed and reimbursed under Medicare. 4 Inpatient Duplicate Payments AHCA - To determine if two AHCA payments for inpatient services for the same date(s) of service were paid by Medicaid. In certain circumstances, part of each payment is correct but there is a payment for the same date(s) of service included in each. In that case, only the duplicate per diem amount for that date is identified for recovery. 5 Service Exclusions AHCA - To determine if JHS was paid for services that are excluded from Medicaid payments including procedure codes listed as not covered and services provided outside of the allowed place of service as listed the Medicaid Services Coverage and Limitations Handbooks and Medicaid Fee schedules. 6 Service Limitations AHCA - To identify payments for claims that were paid for services that are in excess of the service limitations as listed the Medicaid Fee Schedules. This includes services that are limited to a maximum number of times per year ( calendar of fiscal), per number of days, or per lifetime, per recipient, and services that overlap with another service concomitantly for the same recipient. 7 BAA review with focus on Health Plan, Mental Health and International Program HIPAA/Privacy Audit - To ensure that where a business associate agreement is required one would have been executed along with the underlying contract and that we are in compliance with JHS policies and procedures. 8 Patient Medical Record Amendments HIPAA/Privacy Audit - To ensure that patient amendment requests are in compliance with JHS policies and procedures. 9 Medical Director Agreements Risk Assessment - Review timesheets to ensure they are in compliance with contract requirements. 10 ER On-Call Risk Assessment - To review records of ER on-call 11 Clinical Agency Agreements Risk Assessment - Review of agreements to verify that they are in compliance with Stark and Anti-Kickback statutes. 12 Child Health Services Reassessment - To ensure that JHS is providing appropriate Child Health Services to children who are beneficiaries of Medicaid as indicated by AHCA/CMS. 13 ABN Review Reassessment - To determine if Medicare beneficiaries are provided with timely ABN notices for non-covered Medicare services. 14 Rehab Audit Outpatient Risk Assessment - As per CARF (Commission on Accreditation and Rehabilitation) requirements, an audit will be performed to evaluate outpatient rehabilitation services to ensure documentation supports billing appropriateness. The scope will focus on Prosthetics and Orthotics. 15 In-Patient Rehabilitation Facilities OIG - We will examine the appropriateness of admissions to IRFs. We will also examine the level of therapy being provided in IRFs and how much concurrent and group therapy IRFs are providing. IRFs provide rehabilitation for patients who require a hospital level of care, including a relatively intense rehabilitation program and a multidisciplinary, coordinated team approach to improve their ability to function. Patients must undergo preadmission screening and evaluation to ensure that they are appropriate candidates for IRF care. 16 MSP- Medicare Secondary Payer Reassessment - To determine if the online Medicare Secondary Payer questionnaire utilized by the hospital is compliant with the rules and regulations set forth by CMS for the solicitation of MSP information from the beneficiary. 17 Monthly Short Stay Medical Necessity - #1 Main and Holtz RAC/Reassessment - To evaluate patients admitted and discharged the next day to determine if a stay in observation would have been the most appropriate setting for care. If appropriate, review that condition code 44 was properly applied to Medicare claims per CMS guidelines. 18 Bimonthly Short Stay Medical Necessity - #1 North RAC/Reassessment - To evaluate patients admitted and discharged the next day to determine if a stay in observation would have been the most appropriate setting for care. If appropriate, review condition code 44 was properly applied to Medicare claims per CMS guidelines. Status Total Audits on Plan 39 % of Plan Completed 31% Completion Date Completed 11/20/2011 Completed 10/20/2011 In-Progress In-Progress Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Completed 12/8/2011 Not Started Not Started 1 Completed 10/14/2011 Completed 10/20/2011 Audit Summary In Progress Total Reassessments Completed Definition Audits that were identified through the CMS RAC Approved Issues, the OIG Work Plan or AHCA Total 5 2 Total Audits Completed 10 Not Started 24 Reassessments and by Internal Risk Assessment Audit # 19 Audit Name Bimonthly Short Stay Medical Necessity - #1 South Status Scope & Objectives RAC/Reassessment - To evaluate patients admitted and discharged the next day to determine if a stay in observation would have been the most appropriate setting for care. If appropriate, review condition code 44 was properly applied to Medicare claims per CMS guidelines 17 Monthly Short Stay Medical Necessity - #2 Main and Holtz RAC/Reassessment - To evaluate patients admitted and discharged the next day to determine if a stay in observation would have been the most appropriate setting for care. If appropriate, review that condition code 44 was properly applied to Medicare claims per CMS guidelines. 20 Modifiers Risk Assessment - To ensure that Modifiers 73, 74, 91 and 51 are being utilized appropriately. The scope will focus on the Cardiology, Radiology and Lab. 21 Transplant (Outpatient Bone Risk Assessment - To determine if bone marrow transplants at Holtz are billed according to CMS. Marrow) Clinical Trials Reassessment - To review Clinical Trial Research billing and modifier used in accordance to CMS regulations and guidelines. In addition to review that consent forms are completed in a timely manner Community Mental Health Center - Risk Assessment - To ensure that billing meets all relevant regulations and internal policies DTP Community Mental Health Center- Risk Assessment - To ensure that the billing meets all relevant regulations and internal policies PHP Hospitalizations and OIG - We will review the extent to which Medicare beneficiaries residing in nursing homes have been hospitalized and rehospitalized. We will also assess CMS’s oversight of nursing homes whose residents have high Rehospitalizations of Nursing rates of hospitalization. Hospitalizations and rehospitalizations of nursing home residents are costly to Medicare and may indicate quality-of-care problems at nursing homes. A 2007 OIG study found that 35 percent of Home Residents (both facilities) hospitalizations during a SNF stay were caused by poor quality of care or unnecessary fragmentation of services. Total Audits on Plan 39 % of Plan Completed 31% Completion Date Completed 11/4/2011 Completed 10/14/2011 Not Started 22 38 23 24 Not Started Not Started Completed 1/6/2012 Completed 1/6/2012 Not Started 25 Referrals and Discharges Risk Assessment - To ensure upon discharge that all patients have a right to choose where they are discharged to according to all relevant regulations and internal policies. 26 Holtz Children's Hospital Risk Assessment - To ensure that the respiratory billing meets all relevant regulations and internal policies 27 Hospice (Main & North) OIG - To ensure Hospice billing and general meets all relevant regulations and internal policies 28 Ventilator Units Risk Assessment - To review the billing for the new Jackson North contracted unit to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and internal policies 29 Omnicell in Inpatient Surgery Main Risk Assessment - To ensure that Omnicell dispensers are being used according to all relevant regulations and internal policies. The scope will focus on whether SurgiNet is reconciled correctly with Omnicell. 30 Pharmacy - Drug Diversion Risk Assessment - To review the current policies and procedures related to narcotic counts and drug diversion to determine if there are any gaps or risk areas. The scope will include Holtz Oncology floor and Burn Center. 31 JMG Providers Risk Assessment - To determine if professional billing is correct according to CMS guidelines for six providers. The scope will include the timeliness of charges being entered. 32 Breast Center - South Risk Assessment - Review compliance with the Susan B. Komen grant and possible compliance issues related to referrals to the Main campus. 33 Charity Care Application Risk Assessment - To ensure that the Patient Financial Assessment is being completed appropriately according to Federal Regulations and in a timely manner. 34 EMTALA Risk Assessment - To ensure the JHS is abiding by the EMTALA regulations In-Progress In-Progress Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Not Started Completed Not Started 35 Inpatient - Interrupted Inpatient Psychiatry Facilities (IPF) Reassessment Reassessment - To review IPFs Emergency Department Mental Health claims for Medicare reimbursement in cases of transfers from IPFs to the same or other IPFs. To ensure that IPFs do not discharge and then readmit patients to obtain per diem payments with higher adjustments. Interrupted stays in which a patient is discharged and then readmitted to the same or another IPF within 3 days following the discharge will be treated as one continuous stay. 36 Physician Signatures documented Rollover: To ensure adherence to Florida Statutes and JHS policy: physicians are required to co-sign/attest to the care as provided by Certified Nurse Midwives. in Medical Records for Certified Nurse Midwife encounters for Jackson Main Not Started Not Started 37 Internal assessment: To ensure that the current clinical documentation and billing is appropriate prior to beginning POC (point of care) services. TEG (Thrombelastograph hemostatist system) Completed 2 10/31/2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMPLIANCE AUDIT SUMMARY REPORT OFFICE OF COMPLIANCE Jackson Medical Towers 1500 NW 12 Ave, Suite 102 Miami, Florida 33136-1094 (305)585-2902 January 2012 1. Reassessment: Inpatient One Day Stay vs. Observation for Jackson Memorial Hospital (JMH) Scope/Objective: This is a Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) CMS approved issue and a reassessment. The goal of this reassessment is to determine if JSCH is providing services in the most appropriate setting where clinical documentation supports medical necessity for a one day (short stay) inpatient admission or if observation would have been the more appropriate setting. Methodology: A random sample of 30 inpatient encounters from JMH was retrieved from the Compass system. The dates of services reviewed were August 29, 2011 through November 7, 2011. The primary payer was Medicare or managed Medicare with several other payers documented as secondary. The UB-04 claim forms and Remittance Advices were obtained from EDM. Clinical documentation was retrieved from Cerner and HIM. Results: The review rendered a net cost error rate of 4.4%. Recommendations: Jackson Main has been able to significantly improve on the issue of medical necessity for their short (1-3 days) stay patient volume. While this is a great improvement and produced a 4.4% cost error rate, we will now move to a quarterly review based on the results. Compliance will continue to monitor to ensure adherence to the policies that have been established. 2. Risk Assessment: Rehabilitation Outpatient Audit Scope/Objective: As per CARF (Commission on Accreditation and Rehabilitation) an audit was performed to evaluate outpatient rehab services and ensure documentation supports billing appropriateness. This audit focused on services delivered for orthotics and prosthetics. Methodology: Reviewed 30 rehabilitation encounters for the date of service July 1, 2011 to September 29, 2011. Documentation and information was obtained from Cerner and Siemens Invision as well as EDM systems and MedAssets. Results: The review rendered a net cost error rate of 0% Recommendations: All orders should be scanned into the patient’s record in Cerner or EDM. 3. Risk Assessment: Mental Health Partial Hospitalization Audit Scope/Objective: To ensure claims billed met all relevant CMS Regulation and Internal Policies Methodology: Reviewed 30 patient encounters that were randomly selected from Compass for date of service May 2011 thru October 2011. The primary insurance was Medicare with Medicaid as secondary. Patient medical records were requested and reviewed to ensure medical documentation for services rendered and billed. Review to ensure that the initial evaluation and re-evaluation was documented during the CMS regulation period of 18/30 days. UB04 and Remittance Notices were reviewed utilizing EDM Production. Results: The review rendered a net cost error rate of 0% Recommendations: Business Office needs to ensure that follow-up is done on accounts that have a secondary payer to ensure that a claim either crosses over or is billed electronically for revenue that is due on the patient account. 4. Risk Assessment: Community Mental Health Day Treatment Audit Scope/Objective: To determine if Medicare or other insurance was verified during the initial verification process. Methodology: Reviewed 30 encounters that were randomly selected from Compass for date of service of October 15, 2010 thru October 31, 2011. This is a Medicaid-based outpatient program, however other primary insurance coverage and Medicare should be verified during the initial registration and insurance verification process. Medical Records were requested and reviewed to ensure medical documentation for services rendered and billed were appropriate. Registration documentation, UB04 and Remittance Notices were reviewed utilizing EDM Production. Results: The review rendered a net cost error rate of 5% Recommendations: Patient Access Services has to ensure that all patients funding sources are verified and documented accurately when services are rendered. Recovery Audit Contractor 1st Quarter Summary Date of Audit Retained by JHS Recovered by RAC Grand Total % Retained by JHS 12/3/2009 $1,129,535.17 $100,040.25 $1,229,575.42 91.9% 2/25/2010 $383,839.28 $233,408.10 $617,247.38 62.2% 3/22/2010 $1,759,193.46 $260,107.07 $2,019,300.53 87.1% 5/14/2010 $1,211,603.01 $256,295.03 $1,467,898.04 82.5% 7/14/2010 $922,698.60 $133,655.39 $1,056,353.99 87.3% 12/16/2010 $2,362,564.19 $523,432.41 $2,885,996.60 81.9% 2/22/2011 $1,253,530.74 $449,606.38 $1,703,137.12 73.6% Grand Total $9,022,964.45 $1,956,544.63 $10,979,509.08 82.2% Retained by JHS 2/22/2011, $1,253,530.74 12/3/2009, $1,129,535.17 2/25/2010, $383,839.28 12/3/2009 2/25/2010 3/22/2010 3/22/2010, $1,759,193.46 12/16/2010, $2,362,564.19 5/14/2010 7/14/2010 12/16/2010 2/22/2011 7/14/2010, $922,698.60 5/14/2010, $1,211,603.01 Jackson Health System ComplianceLine (Hotline) Call Summary Audit and Compliance Committee FY'12 QUARTER 1 Oct‐11 Nov‐11 43 32 16 12 10 9 17 11 Dec‐11 33 14 11 8 FY '12 YTD TOTALS 108 42 30 36 1 2 3 4 MONTH Total calls received for each month Calls received requesting information or redirected Calls received inquiring about the status of calls All calls resulting in Investigations 5 Calls Investigated and Closed 15 8 6 29 6 Compliance Investigations Still Open 2 3 2 7 FY'12 Calls Received via fax/walk‐in/email/letter/direct calls to Compliance department generating hotline calls: Calls generated via direct call to hotline number 1.800.684.6457 Prepared by: Corporate Compliance 2 34 Updated: 01/05/2012 Compliance Hotline Call Summary FY'12 % of Hotline Calls for Each Category Theft 0% Substance Abuse/Drugs 0% Billing/Coding 0% COI 8% Environmental 0% Fraud 3% Health Violation 0% Policy Violation 3% Patient Care 14% Billi ng/Coding Confli ct of Interes t Environmental Fra ud Health Violati on HIPAA HR & Labor Rela ti ons HIPAA 6% Other/Non Compliance 25% Maintenance Medical Sta ff Other/Non Compliance Patient Ca re Medical Staff 3% Maintenance 0% HR & Labor Relations 39% Policy Violation Subs tance Abus e/Drugs Theft FISCAL COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Fiscal Committee Joe Arriola, Chairperson Darryl K. Sharpton., Vice Chairperson Michael Bileca Joaquin del Cueto Mojdeh L. Khaghan Marcos Jose Lapciuc Stephen S. Nuell Date and Place January 20, 2012 – (Immediately following the Audit & Compliance Subcommittee meeting) Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259 AGENDA 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes (Joe Arriola, Chairperson, Fiscal Committee) (a) *December 15, 2011 2. Financial Statements Report – December 31, 2011 (Mark T. Knight, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Jackson Health System) (a) Interim Monthly Financial Statements (b) Cash Flow Statements (c) Health Plan Flash Report (Supporting documents will be distributed at the meeting.) 3. Cost Accounting (Brian Dean, Vice President, Finance Division, Jackson Health System) 4. *Accounts Receivable Aging Report – November 2011 (Carmen Pla, Vice President, Revenue Cycle Division, Jackson Health System) 5. Contracts & Agreements (A) *Resolution approving waiver of competitive bidding and awarding contract to AON Risk Services to place and access insurance as the PHT Insurance Broker through (i) Zurich; (ii) XL; (iii) Swiss RE; (iv) QBE; (v) Ironshore; and (vi) AWAC on a layered structured basis in the aggregate premium amount not to exceed $2,106,453 (Mark T. Knight, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Jackson Health System) 6. Facilities Subcommittee Report (Darryl K. Sharpton, Chairperson) There are no resolutions recommended for approval. Fiscal Committee Meeting Agenda January 20, 2012 Page 2 7. Purchasing Subcommittee Report (Joaquin del Cueto, Chairperson) (A) *Review and recommend approval of the January 2012 Purchasing Report (Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing Division, Jackson Health System) (B) *Resolution authorizing (1) Retroactive payment in the amount of $95,625.00, for services rendered from June 1, 2011 through November 30, 2011, and (2) Waiver of competitive bidding and a new agreement in the maximum amount of $255,500.00, for guaranteed emergency beds and related services to the Salvation Army for a one 1-year period effective December 1, 2011 (Kevin Andrews, Vice President, Quality and Patient Safety Division, Jackson Health System and Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System) (C) *Resolution authorizing an amendment to section XII D.2 of the Procurement Policy and Regulation approved on January 25, 2010 regarding solicitations or awards in violation of laws policies (Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System) (Agenda items(s) noted with an asterisk (*) indicates that the supporting documents are included.) 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Fiscal Committee Joe Arriola, Chairman Darryl K. Sharpton, Vice Chairman Michael Bileca Joaquin del Cueto Marcos Jose Lapciuc Stephen S. Nuell Date and Place December 15, 2011 – (Immediately followed the Audit & Compliance Subcommittee meeting) Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259 ATTENDANCE Finance Committee Joaquin del Cueto Marcos Jose Lapciuc Michael Bileca Joe Arriola Stephen S. Nuell Darryl K. Sharpton Mojdeh L. Khaghan Jackson Health System Carlos A. Migoya Donn Szaro Mark T. Knight Carmen Pla Michael Butler, M.D. Brian Dean David Alexander Don S. Steigman Miami-Dade County Attorneys Eugene Shy, Jr. Jeffrey Poppel Fiscal Committee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 2 Call to Order With a quorum being present, the meeting of the Fiscal Committee was called to order at 9:37 a.m. by Joe Arriola, Chairman, Fiscal Committee. 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes – November 17, 2011 Mr. Arriola requested a motion approving the meeting minutes of November 17, 2011. Mr. Nuell moved approval; seconded by Mr. Sharpton, and carried without dissent. 2. Financial Statements Report – November 2011 Mark T. Knight, Chief Financial Officer, Jackson Health System, presented an overview of the financial statements ended November 30, 2011. He began with highlights of the Key Performance Indicators which showed that net patient revenue for the month was down, operating revenue was slightly down, expenses was on budget for the month and lower than prior months, outpatient visits was down, surgical volumes are down which attribute to a negative variance, days cash on hand for the month ended with 26.71 days versus 22.88 from the prior month, it is anticipated that the month of December 2011 will close with 11 or 12 days cash on hand, FTE’s continued to show a decrease during the month of November, continue to closely monitor overtime, thoroughly review every position requested to be filled to ensure that there is a need, and payor mix showed improvement over prior month With regards to net revenue there is a continued focus on length of stay across the system to reduce utilization and bring cost back in line with some of the hospital’s competitors. As part of the financial statements report, Mr. Knight reviewed the combined balanced sheet which showed no material changes, combined statement of revenue and P &L 12 Month Trend Analysis. Overall the month of November ended with a loss totaling approximately $9.5 million compared to $9.6 million from the prior month. Prior to the meeting the Committee received a detailed financial statements report. Copies of the financial report were available at the meeting. Mr. Knight spoke about the projected cash flow report that was distributed during the committee meeting that showed actual cash flow for the month of October 2011, preliminary cash flow for the month of November 2011 and projected cash flow for the months of December 2011 to September 2012. With regards to the December 2011(mid-month) projections, Mr. Knight stated that it is anticipated realizing the value of the furlough dollars during the month and based on current trending and current net to growth that JHS will push close to break even for the month of December. FIU AOA Update In response to a request by Mr. Lapciuc regarding FIU AOA, Mr. Knight presented a JNMC FIU Practice report, which is a report tracking template that showed FIU performance under the new AOA for the month of October 2011. The financial performance for the month of October was better than expected. It is expected that volumes and revenues will increase going forward consistent with the employment of a Surgeon who started November 2011 and a Primary Care Physician who is scheduled to start on January 1, 2012, as well as implementation of 340B pricing for a chemo administration. Fiscal Committee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 3 JMH Health Plan Update Brian Dean, Vice President, Finance Division, presented a Flash Report, as of November 30, 2011 regarding the JMH Health Plan (Health Plan). Highlights from the report showed that the Health Plan experienced a bottom line for the consolidated HMO totaling approximately $66,000.00, continue with positive trends having to do with a decrease in paid claims, decrease in membership, and improvement in claims. At the request of Mr. Lapciuc, the update report included a chart showing the enrollment trends from June 2011 to December 2011. Mr. Dean stated that he met with representatives from AHCA to discuss the transition process for the Medicaid lives and what plan that they can go with and keep their same primary care physician. He also met with representatives from OIR to review the November 2011 financials and the positive trends that have been seen on the claims. He pointed out that with regards to the required surplus that is required by the OIR the Health Plan has an amount of $1 million in excess surplus. There also has been some discussion around the Health Plan sun setting some of its lines of business in the transition of the Commercial lives over to AV-Med. Due to the furloughs, attrition, and layoffs the Health Plan has experienced a decrease in overhead. Mr. Dean stated that the Health Plan continues to maintain stability as it moves forward with the transition of care, effective January 1, 2012. The report also included graphs showing the utilization trends in terms of inpatient, authorized days and average length of stay over the last 5 months for the Medicare, Medicaid and Commercial lines of business. 3. Accounts Receivable Aging Report – September 2011 Carmen Pla, Vice President, Revenue Cycle Division, Jackson Health System presented the Aged Trial Balance Accounts Receivables, as of November 2011. Ms. Pla reported that the month of November was a strong cash collection month. Ms. Pla pointed out that there was a mistake in AR KPI report that read the DNFB does not include potential Medicaid. She stated for the record that the DNFB increased by $17 million primarily in the potential Medicaid (55% is related to potential Medicaid and 20% is related to Selfpay). JHS experienced approximately 81% potential Medicaid conversion rate during the month of November, exceeded the AR greater than 90 days goal from 25% to 33%, and credit balance remains below goal of $33 million. Ms. Pla stated that there is a continued focus on the credit balances and bringing in maximum amounts of cash. 4. Contracts & Agreements There were no contracts or agreement to report. 5. Facilities Subcommittee Report Regginald Jordan, Corporate Director, Support Services reported that the Facilities Subcommittee met on December 15, 2011. The Subcommittee was presented with regular monthly reports. At the request of Mr. Arriola, Allen Redmon, Heery International who presented an update of the Facility Master Plan (Plan) at the December 15, 2011 Facilities Subcommittee meeting presented a brief update of the Plan at the Fiscal Committee meeting. Mr. Redmon presented a comprehensive update of the Plan as well as an interactive map that outlined the Public Health Trust presence throughout Miami-Dade County. The Plan also addressed to the following questions raised by members of the Facility Subcommittee and the initial goals set forth: (1) How good are JHS assets, (2) What investment(s) is going to be subsequently needed to ensure that JHS is competitive as an entity, (3) Where are our assets geographically located throughout the campuses, and (4) How can JHS best leverage its assets as an entity. Mr. Redmon reminded everyone that the Plan continues to be a work in progress. Fiscal Committee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 4 6. Purchasing Subcommittee Report Joaquin del Cueto, Chairman, Purchasing Subcommittee reported that the Subcommittee met on December 15, 2011. The Subcommittee was presented with regular monthly reports by staff, reviewed and approved the Purchasing Report for the month of December 2011, and two resolutions. The Purchasing Report for the month of December 2011 was forwarded to the Fiscal Committee as well as the following two add-on resolutions for the Committee’s approval. Add-on Agenda Items (1) Resolution authorizing retroactive payment in the amount of $108,308.75, for services rendered prior to November 21, 2011 for actuarial services with Wakely Consulting Group (Fernando Salgado, Interim Executive Director, JMH Health Plan) (2) Resolution authorizing (1) Retroactive payment in the amount of $119,367.64 and $24,505.00 to Infusion Technologies, Inc. and Option Care Enterprises, Inc. respectively, for home infusion services rendered during the period to April 3, 2011, through November 30, 2011, and (2) Waiver of competitive bidding and a new agreement in the maximum amount of $95,000.00 and $45,000.00 to Infusion Technologies, Inc. and Option Care Enterprises, Inc. respectively, for a six-month period (Kevin Andrews, Vice President, Quality and patient Safety Division, Jackson Health System) (a) Review and recommend approval of the December 2011 Purchasing Report (Rosa Costanzo, Vice President & Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing Division, Jackson Health System) (b) Resolution regarding a conflict waiver request by Law Offices of Bacen & Jordan, P.A. (Mark T. Knight, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Jackson Health System) Mr. Arriola requested a motion approving the add-on agenda items (1) and (2) and agenda items 6 (a) and (b). Mr. del Cueto moved approval; seconded by Mr. Nuell, and carried without dissent. Adjournment The meeting of the Fiscal Committee adjourned at 11:12 a.m. Transcribed by Ivenette Cobb Executive Assistant Public Health Trust Financial Recovery Board 2. Financial Statements Report – December 31, 2011 2 (a). Interim Monthly Financial Statements 2 (b). Cash Flow Statements 2 (c). Health Plan Flash Report 3. Cost Accounting Jackson Health System Aged Trial Balance Accounts Receivables All Hospitals November 2011 1 AR KPIs Goal Cash Collections November 2011 KPI POS DNFB $82.5M Actual $83.9M Best Practice /Benchmark 1% of net collections Target less than 5 days gross revenue (not including potential Medicaid) Goal Actual $830K $439K 5 10.7 80% 81% Potential Medicaid Conversion % of approvals compared to referrals for the prior 90 days. ** AR Greater than 90 Days Less than 25% of discharged AR 25% 33% Credit Balances 3 days gross revenue $33M $32.4M Benchmarks obtained by: HARA & Advisory Board ** Internal Target. No industry benchmark available Notes • • • • • Exceeded Cash Goal Gross AR continues to decrease by $3.9M DNFB increased by $17M primarily in the Potential Medicaid $8M • 55% is related to Potential Medicaid & 20% Self‐Pay November 2011 greater than 90 Days • 32% is related to Potential Medicaid ($90.4) & 7% Self‐Pay ($20.3M) • Enlisted temporary assistance from Early Out Agencies to reduce AR Credit Balance remains below goal of $33M (3 gross days) 2 Month October November December January February March April May June July August September Total JHS CBO Cash Collections FY‐11 Cash FY‐12 Cash $74,311,292 $90,462,107 $80,284,984 $83,962,725 $93,776,571 $86,577,244 $81,296,613 $106,251,866 $88,670,750 $90,304,771 $92,269,050 $79,590,189 $93,698,857 $97,026,774 $1,064,058,960 $174,424,832 Source: Dania Trasobares-Llópiz Director of Treasury Management 3 5. Contracts and Agreements Agenda Item 5 (A) Fiscal Committee January 20, 2012 RESOLUTION NO. PHT 01/12 – RESOLUTION APPROVING WAIVER OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND AWARDING CONTRACT TO AON RISK SERVICES TO PLACE AND ACCESS INSURANCE AS THE PHT INSURANCE BROKER THROUGH (i) ZURICH; (ii) xl; (iii) SWISS RE; (iv) QBE; (v) IRONSHORE; AND (vi) AWAC ON A LAYERED STRUCTURED BASIS IN THE AGGREGATE PREMIUM AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,106,453 (Mark T. Knight, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Jackson Health System) WHEREAS, this Board desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in the attached agenda item; and WHEREAS, the President and Fiscal Committee recommend approval; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board hereby waives competitive bidding and awards a Contract to AON Risk Services to place and access insurance as the Public Health Trust insurance broker through (i) Zurich; (ii) XL; (iii) Swiss Re; (iv) QBE; (v) Ironshore; and (vi) AWAC on a layered structured basis in the aggregate premium amount not to exceed $2,106,453. TO Financial Recovery Board of the Public Health Trust FROM: Mark T. Knight Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer DATE: January 20, 2012 SUBJECT: Resolution Approving waiver of competitive bidding and awarding Contract to AON Risk Services to place and access insurance as the Public Health Trust insurance broker through (i) Zurich; (ii) XL; (iii) Swiss Re; (iv) QBe; (v) Ironshore; and (vi) AWAC on a layered structured basis in the premium amount not to exceed $2,106,453 _____________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Financial Recovery Board approves the waiver of competitive bidding and award of a contract to AON Risk Services to place and access insurance as the Public Health Trust insurance broker through (i) Zurich; (ii) XL; (iii) Swiss Re; (iv) QBe; (v) Ironshore; and (vi) AWAC on a layered structured basis in the premium amount not to exceed $2,106,453. BACKGROUND Currently the Public Health Trust (“PHT”) real estate properties (the “Designated Facilities”) are insured with a separate Property and Casualty policy under the umbrella of Miami-Dade County. This has been a successful joint program over the last six (6) years. In late 2011, PHT staff asked AON Risk Services to obtain indications from the insurance market on coverage and premium for the total insured value of Designated Facilities and contents therein. Utilizing the relevant data for the Designated Facilities, AON Risk Services approached the following carriers to seek these indications: (i) Zurich; (ii) XL; (iii) Swiss Re; (iv) QBE; (v) Ironshore; and (vi) AWAC. Similar in structure to our expiring program, multiple carriers are included in layers to provide the full coverage needed. This is a common structure in these types of property insurance arrangements. Coverage enhancements include: (i) Substantial rate decrease in a hardening market; (ii) Increased loss limit from $300 million to $500 million; (iii) Service interruption increased from $1 million to $25 million; (iv) Land improvements increased from $100,000 to $2 million; and (v) Errors and omissions increased from $10 million to $25 million. AON Risk Services was selected through a competitive process to broker specific fee based insurance programs such as Directors and Officers as well as stop loss insurance for the health plan. This item seeks board approval for a bid waiver to allow us to access the markets prior to anticipated increases in premium in calendar year 2012. There is a cost comparison that identifies a premium savings of $186,200 from current expense and a returned premium of $404,586. This provides a cash savings of $590,786 for fiscal year 2012. 7. Purchasing Subcommittee Report 7. Purchasing Subcommittee Report PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD PURCHASING REPORT JANUARY 30, 2012 TO: PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD FROM: PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT The following recommendations are made in accordance with the Trust’s “Procurement Policy” and it’s implementing “Procurement Regulation.” This report includes competitively solicited contract awards over $1,000,000, waivers of formal competition over $100,000 and other categories for Board approval as prescribed by the Procurement Policy/Regulation. The entire report has been screened and assembled by the Procurement Management Department with the direct participation of the Administrator and staff, all subject to review by the Vice President, Strategic Sourcing Division, consultation with the President as needed, and review for legal sufficiency by the County Attorney’s Office. SECTION I. AWARDS UNDER INVITATIONS TO BID (ITB’s) This section consists of awards under competitively solicited Invitations to Bid (ITB’s) over $1,000,000. No items to report. SECTION II. AWARDS UNDER REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS (RFP’s) This section consists of awards under competitively solicited Requests for Proposals (RFP’s) over $1,000,000. No items to report. SECTION III. AWARDS UNDER THE COMPETITIVELY SOLICITED CONTRACTS OF OTHER PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ENTITIES This section consists of awards over $1,000,000 under competitively solicited (“ITB,” “RFP” or equivalent) contracts of other public and nonprofit entities. No items to report. SECTION IV. AWARDS UNDER GROUP PURCHASING ORGANIZATION (“GPO”) CONTRACTS This section consists of awards over $3,000,000 under Group Purchasing Organization (“GPO”) contracts. GPOs are organizations that aggregate the purchasing volume of their members consisting of hospitals and other health care providers to leverage discounts with manufacturers, distributors and other vendors to realize administrative savings and efficiencies. The Trust’s GPO is MedAssets. No items to report. SECTION V. AWARDS UNDER A WAIVER OF FORMAL COMPETITION This section consists of awards over $100,000 without the formal solicitation of competitive bids or proposals. All award recommendations in this section have the approval of the President, are based on a finding that the waiver of competitive bidding is in the best interests of the Public Health Trust, and require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Trustees present for approval. A. Sole Source No items to report. B. Physician’s Preference Staff requests a waiver of formal competition for the contract items listed in this category because a physician or clinician has requested the particular item or service without which the physician or clinician cannot successfully and safely render patient care. No items to report. C. Standardization Items in this category have been established as the Trust standard. No items to report. D. Non-Competitive Cooperative Purchasing This subsection consists of awards under the contracts of other public entities that were not competitively solicited. No items to report. E. Miscellaneous Bid Waiver This subsection consists of awards not falling in the other categories of waiver of formal competition but where waiver is deemed to be in the best interests of the Trust. 1. (334172- NA) The Quality and Patient Safety Department of Jackson Main requests approval for a contract modification under a waiver of competition to Professional Research Consultants Inc. (PRC) for a period of ninety (90) days for the provision of Satisfaction Survey Services. Professional Research Consultants Inc. (PRC): Initial Term (Board Approved Nov. 2005) $ 700,000 (for three years) OTR #1 (Approved Administratively May 2009) $ 367,000 (for one year) OTR #2 (Approved Administratively May 2010) $ 364,212 (for one year) Contract Modification #3 (Approved Administratively May 2011) $ 91,053 (for sixty days) SECTION V. (cont’d.) Contract Modification #4 (Approved Administratively – Emergency July 2011) $ 80,000 (for ninety days) Contract Modification #5 (Approved Administratively – Emergency October 2011) $ 80,000 (for ninety days) This request for funding Total approved funding: $ 80,000 (for ninety days) $1,762,265 Background In May 2006, the Performance Improvement Department entered into Contract No.: 05-5052 with PRC for the provision of Patient, Employee and Physician Satisfaction and Loyalty Research. The survey information is used to measure progress toward strategic goals, identify improvement opportunities and fulfill regulatory requirements regarding patient care and motivation and morale of the workforce. This contract was approved by the PHT board in November 2005 for three years in the amount of $700,000 with two (2) one-year options to renew. The first and second OTRs were approved administratively in May 2009 and May 2010. After the two OTRs, the contract has been extended as requested by department custodian to allow for the continuation of service to meet The Joint Commission Regulatory requirements. Recommendation FRB approval is being requested for an additional ninety (90) day term in the amount of $80,000 to allow the department to further define the need, budget and scope of services in order for a competitive solicitation to be issued and awarded. (K. Andrews) 2. (257564-MR/HT) The Trust’s Revenue Cycle Management Division is requesting approval of funds for a five-year contract with MedAssets Net Revenue Systems, Inc, consisting of various solutions designed to maximize efficiencies by improving business processes and increasing cash flows. (Ongoing/replacement purchase) MedAssets Net Revenue Systems, Inc.: Program Subscription Fees $ Total Program Fees Implementation Fee & Capped Expenses: 951,608 (per year) $4,758,040 (for five years) $ 813,500 (one-time) Additional professional services available Throughout the five-year term at rates of $125 - $275 per hour: $ Total approved funding: $ 5,896,540 325,000 (not to exceed) SECTION V. (cont’d.) Background Revenue Cycle Division has been standardizing processes and systems for the past three years. The main thrust of these changes was the consolidation of various systems, which included significant implementation cost and training of over 700 full time JHS Revenue Cycle employees within revenue producing departments, who access these systems on a daily basis. Price Waterhouse Coopers had also confirmed that Jackson Health System’s Revenue Cycle Division had selected best in class systems and endorsed their continued use. Recommendation MedAssets offers a variety of revenue cycle IT-related services that are uniquely interrelated, and these solutions are proven compatible with our existing hospital systems. The MedAssets solution being proposed is comprised of the following products: CDM Management: This product is currently in use to analyze charge master and ensure information is up to date. Knowledge Source: A web-based system currently used by Revenue Integrity Services Unit to research questions relating to the appropriateness of charge related issues. MedAssets is the leading vendor of this tool and supplies most other web-based vendors with the data. Charge Capture Audit: A web-based tool currently used in the Revenue Integrity Services Unit to perform post billing automated audits to determine any loss in charges. System interfaces have been developed and a change in vendor would require resources dedicated to write, test and implement new interfaces with minimal disruptions to the training of personnel on a new system. Contract Manager / Contract Modeler: This solution is currently utilized and adjudicates all claims down to the expected reimbursement. The present interfaces among SSI, the Contract Manager and Siemens for claims and contractual adjustment would be disrupted with the introduction of a new vendor and reloading the approximately 180 profiles would cost an estimated $100k in addition to a cost of $150 – $200k to develop new interfaces. A change in vendor would also disrupt workflow and negatively impact cash collections. Care Pricer: This product is currently used by Patient Access departments to provide patients, upon request, an estimated cost invoice for service rendered. This product requires Contract Manager. Changing to a new vendor would also mean retraining over 350 FTE’s at a prohibitive cost while slowing down the revenue cycle process. Rapid Reserve: The Revenue Cycle Department has implemented and has been utilizing this module which was a result of the most recent E&Y Audit recommendation to implement a system to automate the Accounts Receivable evaluation process critical to JHS’ financial reporting. Rapid Reserve works in conjunction with Contract Manager and cannot be separated. SECTION V. (cont’d.) CrossWalk Services (Supply & Pharmacy): With this Agreement, the Revenue Cycle Department will setup CrossWalk services which will include, among other functions: Linking of Facility’s chargemaster, item master and closed receipt data to the MedAssets Master Item File (MIF) as well as transforming and loading data into the crosswalk database; configuration of application; user, systems and management setup; and, up to 30 hours of review and cleansing of the automatically generated links between systems. In providing optimization services, the MedAssets service team will collaborate with the identified stakeholders to audit and review the Client Master Item File to optimize efficiencies. Below are the annual recurring (five year term) fees associated with each product/solution. The CrossWalk Service and Charging Review Products will have a one-time implementation fee associated with them as well as capped fees for travel and expenses that will be required to complete implementation. Additional services which include contract loading, mapping of processes custom programming, off cycle reports, contract negotiation support, additional Internet modeling and manual data entry of tables will be available throughout the five-year term at rates of $125 $275 per hour and have been capped at a not-to-exceed amount of $325,000. CDM Master One-Time Implementation Fees N/A Knowledge Source N/A Charge Capture Audit Contract Manager Contract Modeler Care Price Rapid Reserves Cross Walk Supply Cross Walk Pharmacy Charge Master/Pricing Review Total N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $ 129,000 $ 122,000 Annual Subscription Fee $ 33,881 Included in CDM Master $ 97,664 $ 325,333 $ 50,057 $ 164,069 $ 121,604 $ 82,000 $ 77,000 $ 463,500 N/A $ 36,000 $ 714,500 $ 951,608 $ 99,000 Product/Solution Expenses Capped At N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $ 34,500 $ 28,500 This Contract can be terminated immediately for breach of duty by either party if the breach has not been cured within a 30-day period of notice to either party concerning the breach. This Contract includes the OIG and UAP provisions. The contract has been approved by Risk as to Insurance and Liability requirements and by the County Attorney’s Office for legal sufficiency. A Bid waiver justification has been provided and Conflict of Interest Declarations have been signed by Amy Sebero, Senior VP of MedAssets, and Charles Bearham, RCM Administrator, with no reported disclosures. (C. Pla/M. Knight) SECTION VI. OPTIONS-TO-RENEW AND CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS FOR CONTRACTS THAT WERE COMPETITIVELY SOLICITED This section refers to existing contracts that were competitively bid (“ITB” or “RFP”) at their origin and consists of either (a) the exercise of established options-to renew or (b) the execution of contract modifications for which the Procurement Policy requires prior Board approval. Balance of page intentially left blank SECTION VI. (cont’d.) 3. (287234-HT/MR/333101-TW) The Revenue Cycle Division requests approval to exercise Option to Renew (OTR) No. 1 of its existing contract with Sykes Enterprises, Inc. for “Call Center and Centralized Scheduling” services pursuant to RFP No. 06-5182 (ongoing/replacement purchase). Sykes Enterprises, Inc.: Revenue Cycle Funding $12,900,000 (for two years) JMH Health Plan Funding $ 500,000 (for two years) Total approved funding: $13,400,000 Background In June 2008, the Board approved a competitive contract award to the ICT Group for an initial three-year term plus three two-year options to renew for call center and centralized scheduling services. Following contract award, the Revenue Cycle Division worked with the contractor to develop the scripting materials, process flows and system access necessary to allow the call center agents to facilitate the intake of patient calls for scheduling purposes. Additionally, in 2011, the JMH Health Plan accessed the contract to allow for backup services for the customer service center when JHS employees were not available. Recommendation With this request, the Revenue Cycle Division seeks to exercise the first option to renew of two years as allowed by the provisions of the competitive contract award. The contract provides call services for the following areas with an estimated monthly call volume of 55,400: Scheduling of appointments for Jackson Memorial Hospital, Jackson North, Jackson South and Mental Health Automatic appointment reminder calls TTY capability for the hearing impaired Physician referral line for Holtz Children’s Hospital Permanent disaster response line Member preferred scheduling line Customer Service line for all other calls Jackson Health Plan is also requesting continued use of the services for an additional period of approximately two years. Sykes Agents will provide the following services for the Health Plan: Benefits/Eligibility verification Claims Inquiries Verifying pharmacy benefits eligibility and routing point of sale RX issues to our Pharmacy team for resolution Authorization inquiries Requests for materials (ID cards, Directories, Coverage documents etc.) Disenrollment requests Enrollment status updates SECTION VI. (cont’d.) Demographic change updates Using our current enterprise database, namely, IKA, to route issues electronically to other departments for investigation and resolution. Sykes Acquisition, LLC, with whom the Trust is presently conducting business, is merging all holdings into Sykes Enterprises, Inc. as a result of reorganization. Sykes will be doing business as and billing the Trust as Sykes Enterprises, Inc. as of January 1, 2012. All terms, conditions and pricing will remain the same. The contract can be terminated for convenience with a ninety (90) day notice and includes the OIG and UAP provisions. The original contract was reviewed and approved by the CAO for legal sufficiency and by Risk as to Insurance and Liability. (C. Pla/ F. Salgado) 4. (330568-NA) The Renal Management Group, Care Management and Quality and Patient Safety Department, Jackson Health System, requests approval to exercise Option to Renew (OTR) # 1 of RFP # 08-5198 with Miami Acutes, dba DVA Renal Healthcare Inc., for a period of one year for the provision of Outpatient and Inpatient Dialysis Treatment Services (Ongoing/replacement purchase). Miami Acutes d/b/a DVA Renal Healthcare Inc: OTR #1 $ 4,537,200 (for one year) Total approved funding $ 4,537,200 Background As a result of the competitive RFP process, contract #08-5198 was awarded to DVA for an initial term of Three (3) years with Two (2) one-year options to renew. The initial competitive contract award was approved by the PHT Board in October 2008 in the amount of $19,145,544. OTR #1 of Contract 08-5198 will: (1) Provide necessary outpatient and inpatient dialysis services to all patients referred by Jackson Health System (JHS); (2) Maintain a corporate compliance plan; (3) provide competent, trained, licensed and experienced staff; (4) Maintain the facility and all equipment used; and (5) Provide financial and social services to support the patients in obtaining appropriate insurance and/or financial coverage for dialysis services. Contract Modification #1 was issued to incorporate the names of the various facilities used by DVA to provide outpatient dialysis services throughout Miami Dade County. Contract Modification #2 was issued to extend the initial term of the contract for a period of 90 days to allow negotiations of the rates for the upcoming OTR to be completed and to incorporate the UAP language. Both of these modifications were executed with no change to the initial three year value of the contract. Recommendation The requested funding will exercise the first OTR of Contract 08-5198. The initial three (3) year contract stipulated that rates for service would remain fixed. However, prior to exercising each OTR, the Trust would consider an adjustment to price based on changes to the pricing index as stated below or a five percent (5%) increase whichever is less: “Medical Care Service Component of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor. Should the Index no longer be published, the Index shall be the Medical Care Service Component of the SECTION VI. (cont’d.) Consumer Price Index (CPI) under Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United State Department of Labor.” Prior to completion of the initial term, the Contractor requested an increase of the rates for the OTR based on the stipulation above. However, subsequent negotiations between JHS and the Contractor regarding these rates resulted in an overall rate reduction that should provide a projected savings of approximately $32,000. The original contract was reviewed and approved by Risk as to Insurance and Liability and by the County Attorney’s Office for Legal sufficiency. The contract can be terminated for convenience with a thirty (30) day notice and includes UAP and OIG provisions (K. Andrews). SECTION VII. OPTIONS-TO-RENEW AND CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS FOR CONTRACTS THAT WERE AWARDED UNDER A WAIVER OF FORMAL COMPETITION This section refers to existing contracts that were not competitively bid at their origin and consists of either (a) the exercise of established options-to renew or (b) the execution of contract modifications for which the Procurement Policy requires prior Board approval. All contracts in this section that are renewals not previously authorized by the Board have the written approval of the President, are based on a finding that the waiver of full and competitive bidding is in the best interest of the Public Health Trust, and require a two-thirds affirmative vote of the Trustees present for approval. 5. (333246-CS) The Division of Public Safety is requesting approval to exercise the first Option to Renew (OTR) with the Miami Parking Authority (“MPA”) to continue management and operational services of the parking facilities at UM/Jackson Memorial Hospital Campus (ongoing purchase) Miami Parking Authority (“MPA”): This request for funding: Total approved funding: $1,861,000 (for one year) $1,861,000 The Board of Trustees approved the initial contract with MPA in December 2006 in the amount of $11,127,170 for the initial five year term. Under the contract, MPA manages and operates twelve parking facilities throughout Jackson Memorial Hospital, twenty four hours per day, seven days per week. MPA has a proven track record of operational expertise, professionalism, efficiency and customer service and manages over 29,000 parking spaces in the City of Miami, inclusive of those at JMH. MPA has consistently worked with JHS to reduce operational costs. During the initial five year term of the Agreement, MPA installed completely automated parking control equipment for operations at JHS. This has resulted in increased revenues and controls which have allowed for more efficient operation of the parking facilities which include garages and lots. MPA has been able to reduce expenses substantially and consistently and have provided reductions to management fee to help the hospital. The contract can be terminated for convenience with a thirty (30) day notice. The original contract was reviewed and approved by the CAO for legal sufficiency and by Risk as to Insurance and Liability. SECTION VII. (cont’d.) Conflict of Interest forms have been submitted by JHS’ Corporate Director of Public Safety, Mark Aprigliano and Alejandra Argudin, COO, Miami Parking Authority, with no reported disclosures. (D. Steigman) SECTION VIII. MISCELLANEOUS This section consists of procurement actions that require Board approval not included under any other section of the Purchasing Report. A. Vendor Name Change This section refers to existing contracts requiring a vendor name change under any circumstance at any time after contract award and for the duration of contract SECTION VIII. (cont’d.) performance. The Chief Procurement Officer is the approving authority when the original award of the subject contract was within the approval authority of the Chief Procurement Officer, and the Board of Trustees is the approving authority when the original award of the subject contract required the approval of the Board. The County Attorney’s Office has been consulted and has provided a determination of legal sufficiency. No items to report. Agenda Item 7 (B) Fiscal Committee January 20, 2012 RESOLUTION NO. PHT 1/12 – RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING (1) RETROACTIVE PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $95,625.00, FOR SERVICES RENDERED FROM JUNE 1, 2011 THROUGH NOVEMBER 30, 2011, AND (2) WAIVER OF COMPETITIVE BIDDING AND A NEW AGREEMENT IN THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF $255,500.00, FOR GUARANTEED EMERGENCY BEDS AND RELATED SERVICES TO THE SALVATION ARMY FOR A 1-YEAR PERIOD EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2011 (Kevin Andrews, Vice President, Quality and Patient Safety Division, Jackson Health System and Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System) WHEREAS, the Public Health Trust (“PHT”) entered into an agreement with the Salvation Army, in March 2010 in the amount of $203,000.00, which agreement expired on May 31, 2011; and WHEREAS, the services provided by the Salvation Army were over-utilized due to the needs of the PHT and the PHT incurred payment obligations related to those services exceeding the initial approved agreement amount by $95,625.00 for services provided through November 30, 2011; and WHEREAS, the services provided by the Salvation Army are required to reduce the length of stay at the Jackson Health Systems; and WHEREAS, the Case Management/Social Work and Discharge Planning Division of the Clinical Resource Management (CRM) Department has requested a new contract for services for a prospective 12- month period effective December 1, 2011, in the amount of $255,500.00, through November 30, 2012; and WHEREAS, upon the written recommendation by the President, the TRUST finds it in the best interests of the TRUST to waive competitive bidding and contract with the Salvation Army for a 12-month period; and WHEREAS, the PHT desires to accomplish the purposes outlined in this Resolution as further described in the memorandum attached hereto and made a part hereof; and Agenda Item 7 (B) Fiscal Committee January 20, 2012 -Page 2- WHEREAS, the PHT finds that the actions described herein are in the best interest of the PHT and the President and CEO recommend the actions described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board hereby authorizes (1) retroactive payment in the amount of $95,625.00 for services rendered prior to November 30, 2011, and (2) waiver of competitive bidding and a new agreement in the amount of 255,500.00, for guaranteed emergency beds and related services with the Salvation Army effective December 1, 2011. TO: The Financial Recovery Board of the Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County FROM: Kevin Andrews, Vice President, Quality and Patient Safety Division, Jackson Health System and Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System DATE: October 25, 2011 SUBJECT: AUTHORIZING WAIVER OF FORMAL BID PROCEDURES AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST PROCUREMENT POLICY AND REGULATIONS; RATIFICATION OF A PREVIOUS PURCHASE FOR GUARANTEED EMERGENCY SHELTER BEDS AND ASSOCIATED SOCIAL SERVICES TO THE SALVATION ARMY FOR THE PERIOD OF JUNE 1 THROUGH NOVEMBER 30, 2011 IN THE TOTAL AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $95,625.00 FOR SERVICE FEES ____________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that in accordance with the PHT Procurement Regulation, the Financial Recovery Board ratifies, approves and authorizes retroactive payment to the Salvation Army in the amount of $95,625.00 for services provided prior to November 30, 2011, and a waiver of competitive bidding and a new agreement, in the amount of $255,500.00 for the continuation of services for the (guaranteed emergency shelter beds and associated social services) effective December 1, 2011. BACKGROUND In 2006, The Clinical Resource Management (CRM) {Case Management/Social Work and Discharge Planning} Department entered into an agreement with the Salvation Army to provide emergency shelter beds and associated services to homeless patient population as part of the Early Discharge Program. This program results in decreased costs associated with patient length-of-stay of unfunded care and homeless patients. In November 2008, the Trust approved award of a contract on behalf of CRM Department that continued an existing agreement for 50 guaranteed or dedicated emergency shelter beds provided by the Salvation Army. Although this arrangement had been in place with the Salvation Army since 2006, it was formalized with board in 2008. The most recent contractual arrangement was from March 1, 2010 through February 28, 2011, in which The Salvation Army provided a guarantee of 20 emergency shelter beds per night for the one-year period at a rate of $20.00 per night resulting in an award of $146,000.00. Prior to agreement expiration in February 2011, a three-month extension was reached, in which The Salvation Army guaranteed a minimum of 25 guaranteed beds per night at a rate of $25.00 per night for the period of March 1through May 31, 2011. The three-month extension was for $57,000.00. The total cost of contracted services with the Salvation Army for the 15-month period (between March 1, 2010-May 31, 2011) was $203,000.00. CRM considers that The Salvation Army offers the bed capacity to meet the demands generated by our volume of homeless patient discharges. The Salvation Army provides an array of services beyond providing emergency shelter beds in an environment that is safe and secure for early discharged homeless patients. Three meals a day during food service hours, TB testing, hygiene packages, clothing, and assessment and referral to a transitional or permanent housing program are also provided as appropriate by The Salvation Army. Other factors that contributed to the decision to contract with the Salvation Army were its proximity to Jackson Memorial Hospital (which helped lower fuel costs); the large size of the facility and corresponding layout with two patients to a room; case management services that provide drug and alcohol rehabilitative services as well as job placement and housing services. At the time, other alternative facilities such as Camillus House, Rescue Mission, and Beckham Hall were evaluated but did not provide the spectrum of care and services offered by The Salvation Army. The CRM Department is currently seeking a ratification of the purchase of services from the Salvation Army for a five-month period covering the period of June-November 2011 for an amount of $95,625.00 in order to cover the combined amounts outstanding for the months of July, August, and September of 2011 ($58,125.00) plus the anticipated combined expenses for October and November ($38,750.00). The cost savings associated with contracting with the Salvation Army are significant, as the cost is a proposed amount of $25.00 per bed per night versus a comparable cost of $575.00 for a one night lengthof-stay for a patient stay at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Agenda Item 7 (C) Fiscal Committee January 20, 2012 RESOLUTION NO. PHT 1/12 – RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION XII D.2 OF THE PROCUREMENT POLICY/REGULATION APPROVED ON JANUARY 25, 2010 REGARDING SOLICITATIONS OR AWARDS IN VIOLATION OF LAWS OR POLICIES (Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System) WHEREAS, the Public Health Trust (“PHT”) has established a Procurement Policy/Regulation under the authority of Florida Statutes, Miami-Dade County Charter and Code and the Public Health Trust Procurement Policy Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Procurement Policy/Regulation became effective February 1, 2006 and was last approved as amended on January 25, 2010; and WHEREAS, the Procurement Policy/Regulation specific and only purpose is to govern the procurement of supplies, services and construction, including professional services for the Public Health Trust; and WHEREAS, Section XII.D. of the Procurement Policy/Regulation is entitled “Solicitations or Awards in Violation of Laws or Policies” and includes provisions regarding, among, other things, remedies; and WHEREAS, the Chief Procurement Officer, with the guidance of the County Attorney’s Office requests an amendment to Section XXI, D.2 of the Regulation as set forth in the accompanying memorandum. WHEREAS, this action is necessary to ensure the continued efficient operation of the Public Health Trust. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Financial Recovery Board hereby authorizes and amends Section XII, D.2, of the Public Health Trust Procurement Policy/Regulation further set forth in the attached memorandum with such changes to take effect immediately, and to apply retroactively. TO: The Financial Recovery Board of the Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County FROM: Rosa Costanzo, Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, Strategic Sourcing and Supply Chain Management Division, Jackson Health System DATE: January 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Amendment to the Procurement Regulation Resolution regarding Section XII.D, Solicitations or Awards in Violation of Laws or Policies _______________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATION The President and CEO recommend the Financial Recovery Board approves and authorizes amending Section XII, D.2 of the Procurement Regulation, and making such amendment effective immediately and retroactively. PURPOSE The purpose of the proposed amendment is to reduce the Public Health Trust’s exposure and risk should a contract be awarded in violation of its Law or Policies and to ensure the continued efficient operation of the Public Health Trust PROPOSED CHANGES Section XII D. 2 shall be modified to read as follows (with, as compared to the existing policy, additional language underlined and deleted language struck through): * * * Remedies after an Award. If after an award it is determined that a solicitation or award of a contract is in violation of law or the Procurement Policy, then: (a) If the person awarded the contract has not acted fraudulently or in bad faith: (i) The contract may be ratified and affirmed, in the sole discretion of the Trust, provided it is determined that doing so is in the best interests of the Trust; (ii) The contract may be terminated and the person awarded the contract shall be compensated for the actual expenses reasonably incurred under the contract, plus reasonable profit, prior to termination; or (iii) Take such other actions as may be authorized by law. * * * JOINT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Joint Conference Committee Stephen S. Nuell, Chairperson Joe Arriola, Vice Chairperson Michael Bileca Joaquin del Cueto Mojdeh L. Khaghan Marcos Jose Lapciuc Darryl K. Sharpton Date and Place January 20, 2012 (Immediately following the Fiscal Committee meeting) Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259 AGENDA 1. *Approval of the Meeting Minutes: (Stephen S. Nuell, Chairperson, Joint Conference Committee (a) December 15, 2011 2. President’s Report (Carlos A. Migoya, President & Chief Executive Officer, Jackson Health System) 3. Chief Medical Officer Report (Michael Butler, MD, Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer and Sr. Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Jackson Health System) 4. President of the Medical Staff Report (Michael Barron, MD, University of Miami Health System) 5. Review of Credentials Committee Decisions: (Michael Barron, MD, University of Miami Health System) (a) January 2012 Credentials Activity Report (Supporting document will be distributed at the meeting) 6. Standing Reports: (a) *Infection Control Report (Susan Munoz-Price, MD, Infection Control, Department, Jackson Health System) (b) Scorecard Report (Kevin Andrews, Vice President, Quality & Patient Safety, Jackson Health System) (c) *Service Excellence and Patient Satisfaction Results (Maria Huot-Barrientos, Sr. Vice President, Human Resources Division, Ann Prendergast Director, Leadership Development Department, and Kevin Andrews, Vice President, Quality and Patient Safety, Jackson Health System) (Agenda item(s) noted with an asterisk (*) indicates that the supporting document(s) are attached.) 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Joint Conference Committee Stephen S. Nuell, Chairman Joe Arriola, Vice Chairman Michael Bileca Joaquin del Cueto Marcos Jose Lapciuc Darryl K. Sharpton Date and Place: December 15, 2011 – (Immediately followed the Fiscal Committee Meeting) Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259 ATTENDANCE Joint Conference Committee Joaquin del Cueto Marcos Jose Lapciuc Michael Bileca Darryl K. Sharpton Joe Arriola Stephen S. Nuell Mojdeh L. Khagan Jackson Health System Carlos A. Migoya Michael Butler, MD Michael Barron, MD Angela Burrafato, MD Don S. Steigman Salih Yasin, MD Vicki Colburn Denese McGil-Clare Matthew Pinzur Miami-Dade County Attorney Eugene Shy, Jr. Valda Christian Joint Conference Committee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 2 of 4 CALL TO ORDER With a quorum being present, the Joint Conference Committee meeting was called to order by Stephen S. Nuell, Chairman at 11:26 a.m. 1. APPROVAL OF THE MEETING MINUTES – NOVEMBER 17, 2011 Mr. Nuell requested a motion approving the meeting minutes of November 17, 2011. The meeting minutes of November 17, 2011, was approved as presented. 2. PRESIDENT’S REPORT No report. 3. CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER REPORT Michael Butler, MD, reported regarding the following: Kevin Andrews is attending the Joint Commission Exit Interview at Jackson North Mental Health The Service Chief Monthly Report on how quality is achieved as services are ongoing Received Board approval for Zynx and to be implemented in May 2012 Migrating community practices from Allscripts to Cerner 4. PRESIDENT OF THE MEDICAL STAFF REPORT No report. 5. REVIEW OF THE CREDENTIALING REPORT The Committee reviewed for approval the Credentials Committee Activity Report for the month of December 2011. (See attached summary report.) Mr. Nuell requested a motion approving the Credentials Committee Activity Report for the month of December 2011. Mr. Arriola moved approval; seconded by Mr. Sharpton and carried without dissent. The Committee was provided with a complete and detailed copy of the December 2011 Credentialing Report. Joint Conference Committee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 3 of 4 6. STANDING REPORTS A. Caesarean Section Rates Salih Yasin, MD, Director of Obstetrics Quality & Safety, Women’s Hospital Center, Associate Chair, OBGynecology, Miller School of Medicine and Vicki Colburn, Quality Manager, Holtz Children's Hospital & Women's Hospital Center presented a report regarding Caesarean Section rates at Jackson Memorial Hospital. A pregnant woman’s decision between a Caesarean Section and vaginal birth is one of the most important choices during a pregnancy. A wide range of medical and personal factors must be applied against evidence-based protocols to determine the right choice for each patient. The rate of Caesarean Section births at Jackson Memorial Hospital (JMH) has increased dramatically since the mid-1990s, putting the hospital at comparable levels with both national peers and local competitors. The report showed the circumstances surrounding the growth in Caesarean Section at JMH and, more importantly, illustrated why Caesarean Section rates are not a useful stand-alone indicator for positive medical outcomes and patient satisfaction. While it is believed that vaginal birth is a better choice under circumstances, JMH primary focus must remain on maximizing patient outcomes using whatever techniques are shown through research and regulation to provide the best results. ADJOURNMENT The Joint Conference Committee meeting adjourned at 11:56 a.m. Transcribed by Kimberly A. Calhoun, Executive Assistant Quality and Patient Safety Division CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORT DECEMBER 2011 Initial Applicant(s) (13) – Community Physician(s) (16 ) – Academic Physician(s) Provisional Annual Evaluations Reappointments(s) Reappointments(s) Reinstatements Termination Modification(s) a. Extension of Clinical Privileges b. Request for Additional Privileges c. Change of Membership Category d. Change Admit Priority e. Additional/Change Sponsor f. Additional Service g. Request for Change of Service h. Delete Sponsor/Privileges i. Denial of Clinical Privileges – Modified j. Relinquish Clinical Privileges/Facility k. Request for reduction of clinical privileges l. Deceased m. Request for Leave of Absence Resignation(s) BLS Waiver(s) BLS Extension Voluntary Withdrawal and Voluntary Relinquishment of Membership and Privileges: a. Incomplete Reappointment(s) b. Incomplete Reappointment(s) No BLS c. Voluntarily Resigned due to BLS Expiration c. Reappointment Application Not Returned d. Lack of Utilization Medical Staff Health Professional Affiliate 29 19 5 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 17 1 0 17 0 0 4 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2. President’s Report 3. Chief Medical Officer Report 4. President of the Medical Staff Report 5. Review of Credentials Committee Decisions 5 (a) January 2012 Credentials Activity Report (Supporting document will be distributed at the meeting) 6. Standing Reports TO: Stephen S. Nuell, Chairman and Members, Financial Recovery Board Joint Conference Committee FROM: Carlos A. Migoya President & Chief Executive Officer DATE: January 20, 2012 RE: Hospital Acquired Infections Hospital-acquired infections are the perfect enemy for a healthcare provider, particularly a busy and highacuity site such as Jackson Memorial Hospital. They complicate or even eradicate positive medical outcomes. They spread more quickly among concentrated patient populations being treated by busy staff. They create large financial exposures through both extended lengths of stay and legal jeopardy. They threaten the hospital’s reputation by creating unnecessary pain and suffering. Perhaps most importantly, they are entirely self-defeating: industry study and Jackson’s own recent experience demonstrates that hospital-acquired infections are overwhelmingly preventable. Over just two years, Jackson has implemented interventions to transform industry-lagging outcomes and move toward model practices that have deeply reduced infection rates. CENTRAL LINE ASSOCIATED BLOOD STREAM INFECTIONS (CLABSI) One of the most common medical tools in hospitals like Jackson is the central venous catheter, or central line, which is used to administer medication and fluids, facilitate lab tests and monitor a patient’s condition. Infections caused by insufficient monitoring of central lines are often serious and are responsible for a large proportion of the country’s 248,000 annual bloodstream infections, according to a 2011 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In January 2009, Jackson Memorial reported up to 40 CLASBIs per month, putting it among the worst 10 percent of hospitals in the country. That year, the hospital implemented three major interventions: Scrub-the-hub: Cleaning the hub of the central line was not properly standardized and was performed haphazardly. The new standard, implemented in mid-2009 (following the lead of Holtz Children Hospital), required a 15-second scrub using chlorhexidine swab sticks prior to each intravenous access. Patient’s baths: The patient’s skin was traditionally cleaned daily with soap and water to minimize the chance of infection. The new standards, implemented in late 2009 in all ICUs, changed from soap to chlorhexidine, which is a more effective antiseptic in this setting. Daily Rounding: As part of patient rounding, nurses in early 2010 began daily re-evaluation of the need for central lines. Over the course of treatment, patients are often able to receive the necessary care with fewer central lines, therefore reducing the chance for infection. Hospital Acquired Infections Page 2 of 5 The below figure shows the impact that the bundle of interventions had on CLASBI rates at Jackson Memorial. Together, these interventions eliminated approximately 90 percent of CLASBIs by the end of 2011, when the hospital reported approximately four such infections per month. This placed Jackson Memorial close to the top 10 percent of hospitals at preventing CLASBIs. The turnaround is the subject of a scholarly paper currently being published by Critical Care Medicine. The estimated financial savings associated with this reduction total nearly $7 million per year. The hospital has now begun surveying for CLASBIs across all inpatient units, instead of just in the intensivecare units. VENTILATOR-ASSOCIATED PNEUMONIA (VAP) Patients whose breathing is controlled by a ventilator face a substantially increased risk of pneumonia. These tend to be among a hospital’s most acute patients, making them especially susceptible to the germs present in a large hospital. In September 2009, Jackson Memorial reported approximately eight VAPs per month, putting it in the bottom half of U.S. hospitals for infection rates. The hospital responded by implementing four significant interventions: Hospital Acquired Infections Page 3 of 5 Oral Care: By cleaning the patient’s mouth every four hours with an antiseptic mouthwash, germs are reduced in the area where the patient is most vulnerable. Head Elevation: By elevating a patient’s head to a 35-degree angle, research suggests the patient’s secretions are prevented of going into the lungs. Sedation Holidays: When medically indicated, patients are weaned off sedation to determine when they become able to breathe without assistance. As with the daily re-evaluation of central lines, regular review of the patient’s changing needs may allow for a speedier removal of the ventilator. Change of Equipment: The hospital began transitioning to a different type of tubing that might be associated with a reduction of VAP. These interventions have almost eliminated VAPs at Jackson Memorial; in October 2011, the hospital reported zero VAPs for the first time, putting it among the best 10 percent in the U.S. These results are shown in the figure below. These reduction is VAP rates are estimated to save the hospital approximately $1.9 million per year. ACQUISITION OF Acinetobacter baumannii Antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria are a stubborn problem in hospitals, and Acinetobacter baumannii is among the most virulent. It can develop resistance to all available antibiotics, leading to mortality rates of approximately 40 percent. And because it can survive for months in a hospital environment even without an infected person, it is virtually impossible to eradicate entirely. At the beginning of 2011, new acquisitions of Acinetobacter were as high 13per week. Hospital Acquired Infections Page 4 of 5 Unlike the interventions for CLABSI and VAP, which required the creation and hard-wiring of new standardized protocols, Acinetobacter was confronted by better education and accountability for existing infection-control procedures. Staff used an ultraviolet powder to invisibly mark surfaces in the intensive-care units. When those areas were tested with an ultraviolet lamp 48 hours later, only approximately 40 percent had been properly cleaned. This indicated insufficient daily cleaning of critical surfaces. Swabs of frequently touched surfaces found high rates of Acinetobacter in some units, particularly the Trauma/Burn ICU and Medical ICU. Likewise, cultures of employees’ hands were found positive for Acinetobacter and other pathogens. The hospital implemented an intensive education campaign. Leaders in administration, medicine, nursing and environmental services received test results, including being shown the actual hand cultures that indicated the presence of Acinetobacter. Hand-hygiene reminders were created showing departmental and hospital leaders. All staff received reinforcement of key protocols: Hand hygiene before contact with a patient and after contact with a patient or the patient’s room. Daily cleaning of patient’s room. No sharing of equipment between patients. Quarantining of patients with Acinetobacter patients out of contact with other patients. Attempting to limit number of staff who interact with both Acinetobacter-positive and –negative patients. Wearing gowns and gloves upon entry to patient’s room. In less than a year, this campaign reduced Acinetobacter infections by more than 90 percent, with Jackson Memorial now reporting zero or one new infection per week. The reductions are shown in the figure below. Hospital Acquired Infections Page 5 of 5 CONCLUSIONS No single intervention can reduce infection rates for the full range of hospital-acquired conditions. It is incumbent upon administration, infection-control staff, physician and nursing leaders and the members of every team to be aware of threats, consistently adhere to protocol, monitor medical research and track infection rates in order to constantly adapt and embrace best practices. The dramatic reductions to CLABI, VAP and Acinetobacter infections at Jackson Memorial exemplifies the hospital’s ability to follow such a regimen. The results include better medical outcomes, shorter lengths of stay, lower medical and legal costs and improved hospital reputation via both patient word-of-mouth and government and academic monitoring. 6 (b) Scorecard Report TO: Stephen S. Nuell, Chairman and Members, Financial Recovery Board Joint Conference Committee FROM: Carlos A. Migoya President & Chief Executive Officer DATE: January 20, 2012 RE: Service Excellence Employee Engagement at JHS Laying the Foundation for Engagement Using Service Excellence at JHS: JHS’ Service Excellence Initiative began in March of 2011. The goal of the program was not only to boost Employee Engagement, but to enhance patient & physician satisfaction experience through an engaged employee. JHS Service Excellence Initiative: Total hours for class development and training: 1455 Hours Invested per employee in classroom: 3 Number of Employees Attended: 9351 Total time spent on Service Excellence = Attendance x number of hours per class + development Result: 29,508 hrs invested in Service Excellence resulted in: 7% jump in Likelihood to Recommend Continuous training hours invested in employees offer an opportunity to create professional development and engagement which leads to a positive patient experience. Return on Investment (ROI): Improved Quality, employees accountable for their their role in the Customer Service Experience, and a positive seven months trend in Patient Satisfaction. This positive trend shows a great gain but short of our baseline 75% percentile in likelihood to recommend. Average PRC score Likelihood to recommend before Service Excellence: 55.3% Average PRC score after Likelihood to recommend Service Excellence: 63.2% PRC Global Ratings HCAHPS Our goal for 2012 is the need for constant vigilance and reinforcement through leadership in order to hardwire the organization to the 75th percentile and beyond. ROI of an Engaged Workforce: Highly engaged employees return 120% of salary in value Engaged employees return 100% of salary in value Somewhat engaged employees returns 80% of salary Actively disengaged employees returns 60% of salary With an average salary of $64,690 per JHS employee, there is a potential loss of $25,876 per year disengaged Employee at JHS which equals to $279M loss in wasted business value. The Business Case for Engagement at JHS: Under new healthcare reform initiatives, reimbursements will be determined, in part, by patient satisfaction scores, which are clearly related to employee satisfaction. Watson Wyatt further found that companies with highly engaged employees experienced 26% higher employee productivity, lower turnover risk, greater ability to attract top talent, and 13% higher total returns to shareholders over the last five years. Additionally, highly engaged employees are twice as likely to be top performers—and miss 20% fewer days of work. They also exceed expectations in performance reviews and are more supportive of organizational change initiatives. Gallup reports a strong link between employee engagement and patient satisfaction: "As organizations improve their engagement levels, there is a positive linear relationship with growth in patient satisfaction and loyalty." Purdue University researchers found a direct link between worker satisfaction and customer satisfaction and between customer satisfaction and financial performance. A March 2011 study by Elizabeth H. Bradley, MD, published in The Annals of Internal Medicine, concurs. Bradley and other researchers visited 11 hospitals, half ranked in the top 5 percent and half in the bottom 5 percent based on mortality rates for heart attacks. After conducting more than 150 comprehensive interviews from all areas and job categories of each hospital, they discovered the culture of the hospital had more impact on mortality rates, including communication and support of staff, than more traditional factors such as patients' income levels, affiliation with a university, number of beds or location. A 2010 Towers Perrin showed that companies with above average employee engagement profits rose by 2.06% and operating margin rose by 3.74% over the same period. A 2010 Sirota Consulting study of 28 multinational companies found that the share prices of organizations with highly engaged employees rose by an average of 16% compared to an industry average of 6%. Building on Employee Engagement, Scripps Health in California has seen drastic improvements in financial performance, turnover rates, and employee morale. Over the past 10 years, employee results have improved by 54% while the system has realized over $70 million in cost savings and increased its annual profits by over 1200%. They accomplished this turnaround by not only focusing on the system’s financial performance, but also by making a commitment to transform the workplace culture. As workplace results have increased, Scripps has also realized drastically improved business performance. Between 2002 and 2010, their annual profits increased over tenfold, going from $9.7M to $132.6M. Key industry business metrics like Days Cash on Hand also improved, almost tripling from 72 to 205. This gave Scripps the necessary financial strength to withstand the government’s 90‐day payment cycles. Conclusion: Employee engagement starts with a strategically‐aligned recognition system that is directly tied to the strategy (mission, vision, values) of the entire organization. Successful engagement programs must be embraced company‐wide, supported by senior executives, and executed strategically. According to recently published figures from The Gallup Organization, the American workforce consists of 29% Engaged employees, 55% who are Not‐Engaged and 16% who are Actively Disengaged. That is a total of 71% of the workforce who are not “switched‐on” when they are at work, are not paying full attention, or perhaps are even working against the organization’s goals. STRATEGIC COMMITTEE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Strategic Committee Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Chairperson Michael Bileca, Vice Chairperson Joe Arriola Joaquin del Cueto Mojdeh L. Khaghan Stephen S. Nuell Darryl K. Sharpton Date and Place January 20, 2012 (Immediately following the Joint Conference Committee meeting) Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259 AGENDA 1. *Approval of the Meeting Minutes: (Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Chairperson, Strategic Committee) (a) 2. December 15, 2011 Committees of the Public Health Trust Financial Recovery Board (Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Chairperson, Strategic Committee) (a) Admission of debt, contracting, budget approval and renaming the Strategic Planning Committee and Joint Conference Committee (b) *Resolution Amending the Bylaws of the Financial Recovery Board of the Public Health Trust with Guide to Amendments (Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Chairperson, Public Health Trust Financial Recovery Board) (1) *Guide to Amendments to the Bylaws of the FRB (January 2012) (2) *Bylaws of the FRB, as amended (January 2012) 3. Legislative Update (Carlos A. Migoya, President & Chief Executive Officer, Jackson Health System) 4. Strategy Update (Donn Szaro, Chief Strategy Officer, Jackson Health System) (a) Operational/Tactical Plan 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Strategic Committee Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Chairman Darryl K. Sharpton, Vice Chairman Joe Arriola Michael Bileca Joaquin del Cueto Stephen S. Nuell Date and Place December 15, 2011 (Immediately followed the Joint Conference Committee Meeting) Ira C. Clark Diagnostic Treatment Center Conference Room 259 ATTENDANCE Strategic Committee Joaquin del Cueto Darryl K. Sharpton Marcos Jose Lapciuc Michael Bileca Joe Arriola Stephen S. Nuell Mojdeh L. Khaghan Jackson Health System Donn Szaro Carlos A. Migoya Don S. Steigman Michael Butler, M.D. Miami-Dade County Attorneys Laura Llorente Strategic Committee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 2 Call to Order With a quorum being present, the Strategic Committee meeting was called to order at 12:35 p.m. by Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Chairman. 1. Approval of the Meeting Minutes – November 17, 2011 Mr. Lapciuc requested a motion approving the meeting minutes of November 17, 2011. Mr. Arriola moved approval; seconded by Mr. del Cueto, and carried without dissent. 2. Committees of the Financial Recovery Board a. Restructuring and Focus With regards to restructuring the PHT FRB committees, Mr. Lapciuc requested that each committee chairman align its subcommittee and committee activities with the Operational/Tactical Plan as well as tailoring the meetings according to their own system. He recommended that the objective of the subcommittees and committees is to focus its attention and monthly reporting as follows: Purchasing Subcommittee Med Asses Report IT Report Oversight Budget Facilities Subcommittee Capital Expense Alignment of Corporate Expense to Strategic Plan Audit& Compliance Subcommittee UM AOA Audit Outside Legal Audit on Major Operations Joint Conference Committee Length of Stay Emergency Room Throughput Waiting Times Outcomes Patient Satisfaction Fiscal Committee Cost Accounting Cost Reduction a. Corrections Strategic Committee International Physician Services a. Service Line Volumes b. Primary Care Urgent Care Alliances JMH Health Plan Business Units – JNMC & JSCH Long Term Strategy – (Closed Session) With regards to reappointments and appointments to the committees, Mr. Lapciuc requested that Michael Bileca be reappointed as Vice Chairman of the Strategic Committee and be responsible for everything having to do with growth particularly as it relates to Primary Care and Physician Services. Mr. Lapciuc reappointed himself as Chairman of the Audit & Compliance Subcommittee and after 3 or 4 months Mojdeh L. Khaghan would be appointed as Chairperson and Darryl L. Sharpton would be reappointed as Vice Chairperson of the same Subcommittee. b. Resolution recommended to be approved Resolution amending Article VI, Section 1b of the Bylaws of the Financial Recovery Board of the Public Health Trust (Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Chairman, Public Health Trust Financial Recovery Board) Mr. Lapciuc requested for approval the resolution to amend the PHT FRB Bylaws that in the event the Chairperson is not present at a committee meeting at which the Chairperson is empowered to serve as an ex-officio voting member, then the Vice Chairperson may serve as the ex-officio voting member, unless the Vice Chairperson is already a member of such committee. Strategic Committee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 3 He also proposed the following additional 3 amendments to the PHT FRB Bylaws for consideration and approval: (1) Rename the Strategic Committee to Strategic and Growth Committee. The renaming of the committee will align with the growth initiatives set forth for the institution. (2) Prior to approval of the fiscal year budget by the PHT FRB the purchasing section of the budget be first approved by the Purchasing Subcommittee and the capital expenditure section of the budget be first approved at the Fiscal Committee. (3) The Purchasing Subcommittee present a proposed purchasing budget and Facilities Subcommittee present a proposed capital expenditure/property/real estate budget for approval. Mr. Lapciuc requested that the Legal Counsel review the proposed amendments for sufficiency prior to including in the Bylaws. In an effort for the committee chairmen to restructure their committees to align with the Operational/Tactical Plan, Mr. Lapciuc requested Donn Szaro, Chief Strategic Officer, Jackson Health System to provide members of the PHT FRB via email with the balanced scorecard/benchmark timeline report that Mr. Sharpton created and the spreadsheet that he and Mr. Szaro worked on which outlined the committee objectives. With regards to procedural changes, Mr. Lapciuc requested that at the end of each subcommittee and committee meetings the chairman present a summary of its balanced scorecard. As part of the employee satisfaction, Mr. Sharpton requested a recognition considering the well-being of JHS employees. Mr. del Cueto reminded everyone that the former Human Resources Subcommittee of the PHT Board of Trustees presented annual updates regarding the Employee Benefit Program. He recommended that a representative from the Human Resources Division be invited to present an update regarding the Employee Benefit Program at the next meeting. Mr. Lapciuc requested that Mr. Szaro include employee satisfaction as a component of the Operational/Tactical Plan. He also requested that in the month of February or March 2012 that a metric or benchmark be assigned to employee satisfaction and reported to the Strategic Committee. As part of the Strategic Committee agenda, Mr. Nuell requested that a Legislative Report be presented. Mr. Lapciuc requested a motion approving item 2 (b), including the additional 3 amendments to the Bylaws. Mr. Sharpton moved approval; seconded by Mr. Nuell, and carried without dissent. Strategic Committee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 4 3. University Affiliation Agreements Update Mr. Szaro presented an update report regarding the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine (UMMSOM) Annual Operating Agreement (AOA). As part of the update report, Mr. Szaro described the following as the JMH AOA Methodology/JMH Proposed FY 2012 AOA Model. Funding Category 1) Direct Patient Care 2) Education Support 3) Hospital Administration Support 4) Departmental Funding 5) Purchased Services 6) Pass-through’s 7) Dean’s Office Support Separate – Pedi Cardiothracic Programmatic Support Total Cash Support FY 2012 Total $ 17,190,185 $ 29,926,779 $ 8,709,147 $ 22,080,092 $ 31,173,047 $ 2,759,279 $ 3,397,471 Included in 4.c. $115,236,000 FY 2011 Total $ 20,057,576 $ 30,635,608 $ 10,828,188 $ 30,078,726 $ 30,888,409 $ 2,916,023 $ 4,697,471 $ 1,644,000 $131,736,000 Change <$ 2,867,391> <$ 698,829> <$ 2,119,041> <$ 7,998,634> $ 284,638 <$ 156,744> <$ 1,300,000> <$ 1,644,000> <$16,500,000 The total cash support includes the following: Direct Care Support – compensation for treating indigent patients on JMH campus Educational Support – compensation for administration and instruction of residency and fellowship programs Hospital Administration Support – compensation for serving in hospital administrative roles (e.g. chiefs of service, medical directors, etc.) Departmental Support – support for departments for recruiting, program subsidies, and incentives Purchased Services – payment for service purchased from UM (e.g. Transplant, Bascom Palmer, Tissue Bank) Grants & Pass-throughs – pass through of funds received by JMH and administered by UM faculty Dean’s Office Support – operations of the Dean’s Office in support of hospital strategy and operations Mr. Szaro stated that both parties agreed to the reductions in the AOA both from a whole dollar perspective and also from the value improvement initiative and in fairness to the physician partners at UMMSOM, JHS have reduced the cash payment effective October 1. Even though the value improvement piece of the $52 million reduction hasn’t been realized JHS have realized a total cash deficit in the amount $16.5 million which is being accrued and paid according to the AOA. Mr. Szaro further stated that due to a low census and increased operating losses meetings have been held with representatives from both parties to review the AOA in more detail. He pointed out that the costs associated with the AOA is not a fixed cost, it is an agreement that must be appropriately volume adjusted. Mr. Migoya stated that both parties have been involved in several meetings regarding the AOA. Purchased services, attracting community physicians, increasing funded patients, assuring the continuation of the primary clinics in the Ambulatory Care Center, and partnering with FQHC’s are some of the initiatives that attribute to the transformation process of the AOA. He stated that the process of finalizing the AOA is near completion. Mr. Migoya reminded everyone that both institutions can only be successful if they work together and develop a relationship with community physicians so that they will refer patients to JHS. With regards to the AOA, Mr. Lapciuc stated that he is somewhat skeptical because he is not sure how it is possible to continue being partners and at the same time competitors. He expressed concerns around unanswered questions having to do with areas of responsibility, conflicts of interest, reimbursements for physicians, and internal incentives for paying patients. Strategic Committee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 5 As it relates to the AOA and service delivery, Don S. Steigman, Chief Operating Officer, Jackson Health System stated that it has been clearly defined that service delivery is a JHS responsibility and it is the responsibility of UMMSOM to advise of such services. He further stated that moving forward it needs to be clearly defined regarding the things that both parties can continue to do together. Mr. Szaro stated that he and Michael Butler, M.D., Chief Medical Officer, Jackson Health System have been working on value and improvement initiatives to fix the problems associated with transforming the AOA. There needs to be joint ownership where both parties can successfully complete the AOA process and reach an agreement prior to the next Strategic Planning Committee meeting. After the discussion regarding the AOA, Mr. Lapciuc stated for the record his level of trust is not at an all time high. 4. Strategy Updates a) Operational/Tactical Plan Mr. Szaro will forward the Operational/Tactical Plan via e-mail message to members of the PHT FRB. b) 5-Year Strategic Business Plan Mr. Lapciuc requested that over the next few weeks PHT FRB members meet individually with Mr. Szaro to discuss the 5-Year Strategic Business Plan. There are plans to conduct a closed session regarding the 5-Year Strategic Business Plan at the next meeting. Other Discussion SEIU, Local 1991 On behalf of the professional caregivers, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, Martha Baker, RN, President, SEIU, Local 1991 spoke about the 1,500 signatures that were collected from a petition (“One of The Most Sacred Values in Medicine Is to Protect Patients and Never Cause Them Harm”) related to employee furloughs. Ms. Baker stated that she and the healthcare professionals are of the opinion that the employee furloughs has put an incredible strain on them, the safety of the patients, and has affected service at JHS, and has resulted in a number of staff discrepancy reports. She further stated that the employee’s furlough is an alternative to finding money, but is of the opinion that there are better strategies to be able to achieving the goal. This is an economic answer that is going to cause more harm than good. Ms. Baker stated that she and the healthcare professionals are willing to work with Mr. Migoya, members of the PHT FRB and the JHS Management Team to get to the money side and found it important to present their issues and concerns to the PHT FRB. Mark Richards, Legal Counsel, SEIU, Local 1991 encouraged Mr. Migoya, members of the PHT FRB, the JHS Management Team, and Medical Staff to work together and fix the financial issues and other JHS related matters that are critical to the future of the institution. Staffing Discretion Reports With regards to the concerns raised in Ms. Baker’s comments regarding patient safety, Ric Cuming, Chief Nursing Executive, Jackson Health System stated that the employee furloughs are taking a lot of time and attention. He assured everyone that patient safety and quality care is a top priority and is being tightly managed, staffing census at Jackson Main is closely monitored on an every 4-hours basis, and staffing census at the JHS facilities are closely being monitored. With regards to the staffing discrepancy reports, Mr. Cuming stated that he and Ms. Baker have met and reviewed a number of the reports to assure that safety and quality care are being met. Special PHT FRB Meeting The PHT FRB members agreed to meet on December 23, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. for final board action on the items presented for approval at the December 15, 2011 committees. Strategic Committee Meeting December 15, 2011 Page 6 Ongoing negotiations Valda Christian, Assistant Miami-Dade County Attorney advised the PHT FRB regarding ongoing negotiations related to a lease that the Trust has before it. She stated there is a lease for a property in Aventura that the Trust has entered into and is bound by its terms. The Trust believes that the lease was not entered into with board authority, and therefore is not a valid and binding agreement however, that is a point that can be argued. The lease has the Trust as a cotenant as well as a physicians group. The landlord and the Trust have been trying vigorously to move forward with a resolution. As the discussions continue, a resolution will be presented seeking authority for the CEO to continue negotiations with the intent of bringing an agreement to the Committee at its next meeting for approval. Mr. Lapciuc requested a motion approving continued negotiations between the landlord and the Trust with the intent of bringing an agreement by the end of the moth for board approval. Mr. Arriola moved approval; seconded by Mr. del Cueto, and carried without dissent. Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners Mr. Lapciuc requested that the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) is kept informed regarding the financial position of JHS. He reminded the PHT FRB that they have an obligation to report back to the BCC with solutions to save JHS. Closing Remarks by the President As it relates to a legislative update, Mr. Migoya stated that Governor Scott developed a budget to balance a $3 billion deficit which is attributed to $1 billion increase to education and $1.4 billion decrease in Medicaid. It is also being speculated whether or not the Medically Needy Program would be eliminated as part of the budget. He also stated that he and Ms. Baker visited Washington, D.C., met with the lead person of the Medicaid/CMS Program to discuss alternative funding sources for JHS. Going forward, Mr. Migoya will provide regular legislative updates to the Committee. Closing Remarks by the Chairman, PHT FRB Mr. Lapciuc congratulated Mr. Migoya for all of his efforts and quality management. On behalf of the PHT FRB, Mr. Lapciuc stated that they are supportive and willing to do their best to assist him. Adjournment The Strategic Committee adjourned at 1:50 p.m. Transcribed by Ivenette Cobb Executive Assistant Public Health Trust Financial Recovery Board 2. Committees of the Public Health Trust Financial Recovery Board 2 (a) Renaming the Strategic Planning and Joint Conference Committees Agenda Item 2 (b) Strategic Committee January 20, 2012 RESOLUTION NO. PHT 1/12 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE BYLAWS OF THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST REGARDING ADMISSIONN OF DEBT, CONTRACTING, BUDGET APPROVAL AND RENAMING OF STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMITTEE AND JOINT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (Marcos Jose Lapciuc, Chairperson, Public Health Trust, Financial Recovery Board WHEREAS, on July 21, 2011, the Financial Recovery Board (“FRB”) of the Public Health Trust adopted its Bylaws pursuant to its passage of Resolution No. PHT 07/11-024; and WHEREAS, on December 23, 2011, the FRB adopted an amendment to the Bylaws pursuant to its passage of Resolution No. PHT 12/11-060; and WHEREAS, the Financial Recovery Board presently seeks to amend its Bylaws, as set forth in the attachment, regarding admission of debt, contracting, budget approval and renaming the Strategic Planning Committee and Joint Conference Committee; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that this Board hereby amends the Bylaws of the Financial Recovery Board as set forth and incorporated into the attached Bylaws regarding admission of debt, contracting, budget approval and renaming the Strategic Planning Committee and Joint Conference Committee. GUIDE TO AMENDMENTS TO THE BYLAWS OF THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD (JANUARY 2012) PAGE NUMBER 8 11 18 22 23 27 29 30 33 34 34, 35 39 40 41 AMENDMENT Addition of Section 9 re: Admission of Debt Addition regarding Secretary authority to execute contracts on final action Addition regarding execution of contracts and documentation of final action Change of name of Strategic Planning Committee Addition regarding input of Facilities Subcommittee and Purchasing Subcommittee in budget approval process Change of name of Joint Conference Committee Change of name of Joint Conference Committee and Strategic Planning Committee Change name of Strategic Planning Committee Change name of Strategic Planning Committee Change name of Joint Conference Committee Addition regarding President authority to execute contracts on final action Change name of Joint Conference Committee Change name of Joint Conference Committee Change name of Joint Conference Committee BYLAWS OF THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH TRUST OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA PREAMBLE The Financial Recovery Board was established as the governing body of the Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Resolution No. R392-11, passed and adopted on May 3, 2011, and Section 25A-9(c)(5) of the Code of MiamiDade County. The Financial Recovery Board shall exist for a period of twenty-four (24) months, which may be shortened or extended at the discretion of the Commission. The purpose of the Financial Recovery Board is ensure the financial sustainability of the Public Health Trust. These Bylaws shall terminate and be of no further force and effect upon expiration of the existence of the Financial Recovery Board and the reestablishment of the Board of Trustees of the Public Health Trust. Amendments: December 23, 2011; January , 2012 ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION Definitions. As used in these Bylaws, the following terms shall have the meanings described: A. Board or Financial Recovery Board-- the Financial Recovery Board of the Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County, Florida. B. Commission -- the Board of County Commissioners of MiamiDade County, Florida. C. Health Professional Affiliate -- an individual other than a licensed medical or osteopathic physician, dentist, podiatrist, oral surgeon or psychologist who provides direct patient care services in a Trust facility under a defined degree or supervision, exercises judgment within the areas of documented professional competence and consistent with applicable law and is granted clinical privileges to provide specified patient care activities through the credentialing process established in the Medical Staff Bylaws. D. Medical Staff -- licensed medical and osteopathic physicians, dentists, podiatrists, oral surgeons and psychologists who have clinical privileges in accordance with the Medical Staff Bylaws and shall serve as the medical staff for and attend to patients at Trust facilities. E. Office of Internal Audit -- the Office of Internal Auditor, Public Accountability and Information created pursuant to the Trust Ordinance. 2 F. President -- the Chief Executive Officer of the Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County, Florida. G. Trust -- the Public Health Trust of Miami-Dade County, Florida. H. Member -- a member of the Financial Recovery Board. I. Trust Facilities -- Jackson Memorial Hospital, Jackson South Community Hospital, Jackson North Medical Center and, where appropriate, all other health care facilities which have been or may in the future be designated by the Board of County Commissioners for governance, operation and maintenance by the Trust. J. Trust Ordinance -- the Ordinance establishing the Trust: Ordinance No. 73-69, codified in Chapter 25A of the Code of Miami-Dade County, as it may be amended from time to time. 3 ARTICLE II POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE TRUST During its existence, the Financial Recovery Board shall have all of the powers and duties set forth in the Trust Ordinance. 4 ARTICLE III FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Section 1. Composition of the Financial Recovery Board. In accordance with Commission Resolution No. R-392-11, the governing body of the Trust shall be the Financial Recovery Board. The structure of the Financial Recovery Board shall be as set forth in Section 25A9(c)(5)(iii) of the Trust Ordinance. Section 2. Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics. Members shall strictly comply with the Miami-Dade County Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Ordinance, Section 2-11.1 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, as that Ordinance has been modified in its applicability to the Trust by the Trust Ordinance. Members also shall comply with applicable sections of Chapter 112, Part III, Florida Statutes, the Code of Ethics for Public Officers and Employees. Section 3. Heightened Conflict of Interest Standard. In establishing the Board, the Commission mandated that the Members of the Financial Recovery Board shall be held to a heightened conflict of interest standard. With respect thereto, this Board hereby empowers the Miami-Dade County Ethics Commission to issue opinions concerning this heightened standard, including perceived conflicts of interest or appearances of impropriety related thereto. In appointment to this Board and while in service, Members shall be guided by factors, including but 5 not limited to: (a) the likelihood of degree of public suspicion aroused as a result of a Member’s act; (b) the extent of the private interest involved; (c) the possible benefit to the public resulting from the Member’s act; and (d) the intent of the Member. Section 4. Automatic Suspension of Members Charged with Commission of a Felony. In the event that a Member is charged with committing a felony under the laws of the State of Florida or the United States by indictment or information, the provisions of Section 2-11.3 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and all amendments thereto, shall be applicable to the Member, including, but not limited to, provisions regarding the automatic suspension of such Member and temporary appointment of a successor Member for the remainder of such Member’s unexpired term. Section 5. Sunshine and Public Records Laws. Members shall strictly comply with the statutory provisions pertaining to public meetings and records contained in Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, the "Government in the Sunshine Law" and Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, the "Public Records Law." Section 6. Indemnification. The Members shall be included as insured persons within the terms of the comprehensive general and professional liability insurance policies of the County for the protection of individual members of County boards while such members are acting within the scope of their duties. The Members 6 shall, while acting within the scope of their duties, also be entitled to personal liability protection, to the same extent that members of other County boards have such protection, from funds set aside by the County to satisfy claims not payable from insurance proceeds by virtue of loss deductible clauses in liability insurance policies. The Board shall be empowered to obtain such additional liability insurance and the expense of such insurance shall be an expense of the Trust. Section 7. Restrictions on Board Members. a. Neither the Board nor any of its Members shall direct or request the appointment of any person to, or the removal from, office by the President or any of his or her subordinates, or take part in the appointment or removal of officers and employees in the administrative services of the Trust. Any willful violation of the provisions of this Section by a Member shall constitute cause for his or her removal from office. b. The Board and its Members shall deal with the administrative service solely through the President. Section 8. Designation of Office Space and the Hiring of Staff. It shall be within the discretion of the Trust to designate office space and to hire staff to direct and coordinate Trust activities. The Chairperson shall have the discretion to appoint a Trust employee to assist him or her in performing the Chairperson’s duties and any other responsibilities related thereto. This employee shall report directly to the Chairperson. In 7 addition, the Chairperson shall have the discretion to appoint two (2) additional Trust employees to assist the Financial Recovery Board (including the Chairperson) in the performance of the duties and responsibilities of the Members of the Board. These two (2) employees shall report directly to the Financial Recovery Board. >>Section 9. Admission of Debt/Admission of Liability. Except as hereinafter provided, no employee of the Trust shall execute, sign or submit to another person or entity a document that is or is tantamount to an admission of debt or admission of liability (“Admission of Debt”) pursuant to which the Trust is accepting the legal and/or financial liability or responsibility for a matter affecting another person or entity. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Chief Financial Officer together with the Controller of the Trust shall have authority to provide an Admission of Debt to another person or entity in a sum not greater than $500,000; the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Trust shall have authority to provide an Admission of Debt to another person or entity in a sum greater than $500,000 but not exceeding $1,000,000; and any Admission of Debt greater than $1,000,000 shall require approval of the Board by resolution. The provisions of this Section are not intended to apply to settlement of contract, medical malpractice or other litigation to which the Trust is a party.<< 8 ARTICLE IV OFFICERS OF THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Section 1. Officers: Election, Term, Removal. The officers of the Board shall be the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and such other officers as the Board may determine to be necessary. Each officer shall be elected by majority vote of the Members attending a duly constituted meeting of the Board. An officer may be removed from his or her office by the Board upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Members attending a duly constituted meeting of the Board and such officer shall cease to hold office at the time such removal action shall have passed. Notice of such proposed action shall be given to each Member of the Board not less than four (4) days prior to the meeting at which such removal shall be considered. In the event an officer of the Board shall be absent, or temporarily unable to carry out the duties of such office, the Board may temporarily assign the powers and duties of such officer to any other properly qualified Member until that officer is able to resume his or her duties or until replaced. Section 2. Chairperson. In addition to other powers and duties set forth in the Trust Ordinance and in these Bylaws, the Chairperson of the Board shall have the following powers and duties: a. Preside at all meetings of the Board; b. Subject to the approval of the Board, appoint the chairpersons and members of all committees, except as provided to the contrary in the Trust Ordinance or these Bylaws; 9 c. Subject to the approval of the Board, appoint the Chairperson of the committees required by the Trust Ordinance, unless otherwise provided therein. d. Officially represent the Trust whenever necessary or proper. e. Enforce all regulations and policies of the Board and perform such other duties as are usual to this office or that shall be imposed upon him or her by resolution of the Board. f. In his or her discretion, confer with the President at least quarterly concerning the President’s performance and evaluation. The Chairperson shall report to the Board the occurrence of any conferences held at the next regular meeting of the Board. Section 3. Vice-Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson of the Board shall have the following powers and duties: a. Act as Chairperson of the Board in the absence of the Chairperson and when so acting shall have the responsibilities and powers of the Chairperson; and b. Perform such other duties as shall from time to time be imposed upon him or her by the Board and which are usual to his or her office. Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer of the Board shall have the following powers and duties: a. Serve as Chairperson of the Fiscal Committee; b. Have those duties required by law and assigned by the Chairperson; and c. Participate along with the Chairperson and the President in the presentation of accountings required by the Trust Ordinance. 10 Section 5. Secretary. The Secretary of the Board shall have the following powers and duties: a. Have those duties required by law and assigned by the Chairperson; and b. Sign contracts as required by law or as requested by the parties contracting with the Trust. >>Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Secretary shall have no authority to execute any contract for the expenditure of Trust funds in excess of $__________ unless there has been final action and is otherwise in compliance with Article V, Section 6 of these Bylaws.<< 11 ARTICLE V MEETINGS OF THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD AND ITS COMMITTEES Section 1. Regular Meetings. The Board shall hold regular meetings at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board or by the Trust Ordinance. The Board shall hold and televise regular meetings of the Board in Commission chambers. The regular meetings shall not conflict with the meeting schedule for the Commission or its committees. At the discretion of the Board, other meetings may be held and televised in the Commission chambers. The Trust shall request use of Commission chambers for regular or other meetings of the Board through the Chairperson of the Commission. The Chairperson of the Commission shall have final authority to approve the scheduling of such regular or other meetings of the Board in the Commission chambers. Except as provided by law, all meetings of the Board shall be public and audio recorded and written minutes of the proceedings thereof shall be maintained by the Office of Internal Audit, as such term is defined herein. All action taken at the meetings of the Board shall be promptly and properly recorded. Copies of all minutes and resolutions of the Board shall be forwarded to the Clerk of the Commission no later that ten (10) days subsequent to any meeting of the Board. 12 In the discretion of the Chairperson, the Board may hold no meetings during the months of July and/or December. Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Chairperson of the Board or shall be called upon the written request of three (3) Members of the Board. Notice of a special meeting shall be given to each Member of the Board not less than two (2) days prior to the date of such special meeting. The notice shall state the purpose for which the meeting has been called, the time and place of such meeting and no other business shall be considered. Section 3. Public Meetings, Minutes, Agendas. a. Except as provided by law, all meetings of the Board and its committees shall be public audio recorded meetings and shall be in strict compliance with Chapter 286, Florida Statutes, the "Government in the Sunshine Law." b. Members of the public wishing to address the Board or any of its committees shall in writing notify the Chairperson of the Board or Chairperson of the committee or the President prior to the meeting and shall state therein the subject matter they wish to address. However, the Chairperson of the Board or chairperson of the committee of jurisdiction or those presiding in their absence, may waive the written requirement. The presiding officer of the Board or of the committee may in his or her discretion impose a reasonable time limit on presentations and may limit the number of speakers on any issue. Upon approval or the Board, a standing 13 committee chairperson may hold public hearings to solicit comments regarding issues under the jurisdiction of the specific committee. No Trust employee shall be permitted to address the Board on matters concerning his or her employment status. c. Written minutes of the proceedings of the Board shall be maintained and shall be promptly and properly recorded and forwarded to the Clerk of the Commission not later than ten (10) days subsequent to any such meeting of the Board. Minutes shall, where reasonably possible, be delivered to Board members in advance of the next scheduled Board meeting. The names of Board members present, absent and excused and the total number of unexcused absences shall be recorded in the minutes. d. Written minutes of the proceedings of the committees shall be maintained and, where reasonably possible, shall be delivered to the committee members at least four (4) days in advance of the next succeeding committee meeting. The names of the committee members present, absent and excused and the total number of unexcused absences shall be recorded in the minutes. e. A copy of each agenda item for regular meetings of the Board shall be furnished to the Members of the Financial Recovery Board not later than four (4) working days before a vote may be called on the item. The provisions of this four (4) day requirement shall be deemed waived unless asserted by a Member of the Financial Recovery Board before the Board takes action on the resolution, motion or other item in question. f. A written agenda of the matters to be considered at a regular committee meeting shall be delivered to committee members at 14 least four (4) days prior to such meeting, provided, however, committee proceedings shall not be limited to matters set forth in said agenda. g. Section 4. All Members shall receive notification of each committee meeting. Quorum, Voting. a. The presence of a majority of the Members of the Board then in office shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings of the Board. Except as otherwise provided herein or as provided by the rules of procedure, the Board shall not act except by resolution of at least a majority of those Members present and voting at a duly constituted meeting of the Board. b. The presence of a majority of the members of a committee of the Board shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at all meetings of a committee of the Board. Section 5. Committee Deliberations Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws, no item shall be place on an agenda of a regular meeting of the Board or considered by the Board, unless the item has been considered first by a committee of the Board and forwarded after such consideration to the full Board as hereinafter provided. A committee of the Board may take one of the following actions with respect to each matter before the committee for action: (a) Recommend favorably; 15 (b) Recommend favorably with committee amendment(s); (c) Forward without recommendation, upon the unanimous vote of the members of the committee who are present; (d) Receive a report; (e) Lay the matter on the table resulting in the matter not being placed on an agenda of the Board; or (f) Defer or take no action on an item for a maximum of two consecutive committee meetings. Deferral of or failure to act on a matter beyond two consecutive meetings shall cause the matter to be laid on the table, as set forth in the preceding subparagraph. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, whenever action can not be taken because the vote of the committee members on an item has resulted in a tie, and no other available motion on an item is made and approved before the next item is called for consideration or before a recess or adjournment is called, whichever occurs first, the item shall be deemed to be laid on the table, as set forth in the preceding subparagraph; such item shall be reintroduced only in accordance with the renewal provisions of subparagraph (j) of this section. (g) An item that has not been considered by a committee may be placed on the agenda of the Board if the chairperson of the committee to which the item has been referred requests a waiver in writing and the Chairperson of the Board concurs. (h) A matter that has not been considered by a committee may be placed on the agenda of the Board to meet a public emergency of the Trust as determined in writing by the Chairperson of the Board. Time sensitive matters with little or no financial impact may be placed on an agenda of 16 the Board by the Chairperson of the Board without having been considered by a committee. (i) Any committee action taken pursuant to subparagraph (a) through (e) of this section may be reconsidered only at the same meeting at which the action was taken. A motion to reconsider an item resulting in a tie vote is out of order and no such motion may be reconsidered. (j) Once an item is laid on the table in a committee, the proposed item may not be brought before that committee again during the three (3) month period following the date the item is laid on the table (subject to the provisions of subparagraph (ix) hereof), unless an application for renewal made by two-thirds (2/3) of the committee members is first submitted to the chairperson of the committee. (k) The following matters may be heard directly by the Board of Trustees: special or citizen’s presentations; resolutions recommending to the Commission the naming or renaming of Trust designated facilities; settlements; resolutions related to contract lobbyist conflict waiver requests; and resolutions expressing intent. Section 6. Final Action No resolution or action of the Trust shall be final until it is passed and adopted by the Board at its monthly televised regular meeting. In the event that the Board shall not hold a televised regular meeting because it is on hiatus for the months of July and/or December, then the Chairperson, in his or her discretion, may call a special meeting of the Board as provided in these Bylaws for final action, or, alternatively, may place such resolutions on an agenda of the Strategic Committee, which shall meet for the Board in accordance with Article VI, Section 2c(6) of these Bylaws. 17 >>In addition, the President or any officer of the Board shall have no authority to execute any contract for the expenditure of Trust funds in excess of $__________unless there has been final action of the Board as evidenced by resolution of the Board. The President shall ensure that each contract in excess of $_______ shall contain a standard contractual provision that at a minimum (i) sets for the resolution number of the resolution evidencing the Board’s final action and (ii) puts parties contracting with the Trust on notice of the mandates and requirements of this provision. Further, the President shall incorporate the mandates and requirements hereof into Trust policies and place and maintain on the website of Jackson Health System a notice of the mandates and requirements hereof. Provided, further, that any contract failing to comply herewith, shall be an unauthorized contract and not valid or binding on the Trust.<< 18 Section 7. Rules of Procedure. The applicable rules of procedure for all meetings of the Board and any committees thereof shall be those contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Revised Edition, except as provided herein. a. Parliamentarian. The County Attorney, or his or her designee, shall act as parliamentarian and shall advise and assist the presiding officer in matters of parliamentary law. b. Attorney. The County Attorney, or his or her designee shall be available to the Board at all meetings. c. Call to Order. The Chairperson shall take the chair at the hour appointed for the meeting and shall call the Board to order immediately. In the absence of the Chairperson or Vice- Chairperson, the Treasurer or in his or her absence, the Secretary, shall temporarily take the chair and call the Board to order immediately. In the absence of all of the above, a temporary chairperson shall be elected and call the meeting to order immediately. Upon the arrival of an officer in the order stated above, the temporary chairperson shall relinquish the chair upon the conclusion of the business immediately before the Board. d. Quorum, Conflict of Interest. Any Member of the Board who announces a conflict of interest on a particular matter and makes a decision to refrain from voting or otherwise participating in the proceedings related to that matter shall leave the meeting room until the consideration of the matter is concluded. The Member having the conflict of interest shall be deemed absent for purposes of constituting a quorum, counting the vote and participation in discussion. Said Member shall comply 19 with applicable law in matters concerning conflicts of interest and voting abstentions. Should no quorum attend within thirty minutes after the hour appointed for the meeting of the Board, the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, or in their absence, the temporary chairperson, may adjourn the meeting. 20 ARTICLE VI COMMITTEES OF THE FINANCIAL RECOVERY BOARD Section 1. Appointment and Removal, Composition and Term of Committees. a. The chairperson and members of all committees, with the exception of those specifically appointed pursuant to the Trust Ordinance and by these Bylaws, shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Board subject to the approval of the Board. A committee chairperson or committee member may be removed only by action of the Board. b. With the exception of committees created pursuant to the Trust Ordinance, the Chairperson of the Board shall serve as an exofficio voting member of all committees unless already a member of such committee. Provided, further, that in the event the Chairperson is not in attendance at a committee meeting, the Vice Chairperson of the Board may serve as an ex officio voting member of any such committee unless already a member of such committee. The members of subcommittees are not required to be a Member of the Board c. The chairpersons and members of all committees shall continue in those capacities until their successors have been appointed or the committee has been discharged. d. Committees shall hold meetings as determined necessary by the committee chairperson, Chairperson of the Board. 21 unless otherwise directed by the e. Special committees or subcommittees of standing committees may be appointed by the Chairperson of the Board and shall be discharged by the Chairperson of the Board upon completion of the assigned tasks. f. Subcommittees of standing or special committees may be appointed by the committee chairperson, subject to approval by the Chairperson of the Board. g. The President shall assign appropriate staff to each committee. h All Trust committees, including but not limited to subcommittees, special committees and ad hoc committees and the chairpersons and members thereof, shall be ratified by the Board. Section 2. Standing Committees. There shall be three (3) standing committees as follows: the Fiscal Committee, [Strategic] >>Strategy and Growth<< Committee and Joint Conference >>and Efficiencies<< Committee. Unless already provided for in these Bylaws, the Chairperson is empowered, in his or her discretion, to assign to standing committees the jurisdiction over matters involving, but not limited to, philanthropy, human resources, pension or other retirement programs, health plans, international program, and other business units and service lines of the Trust and other such areas of Trust business. a. Fiscal Committee. There shall be a Fiscal Committee. The Treasurer of the Board shall serve as committee chairperson. The Fiscal Committee shall: (1) Assist the Treasurer in performing the duties of his or her office and shall advise and consult with staff regarding the fiscal affairs of the Trust. 22 (2) Keep the Board fully advised as to the Trust's compliance with the financial duties of the Trust as set forth in the Trust Ordinance and applicable law. In supervising the Trust's compliance with the Trust Ordinance, the powers and duties of the committee shall include but not be limited to the following: (a) The preparation for the Board of an annual Trust budget request which, subject to approval of the Board, shall be submitted to the Commission preceding each fiscal year of the Trust. >>In its preparation of the annual Trust budget request, (i) the Facilities Subcommittee shall make recommendations to the Fiscal Committee regarding capital expenditures; and (ii) the Purchasing Subcommittee recommendations to the shall Fiscal make Committee regarding expenditures in the category of contractual and purchased services. The Fiscal Committee shall consider the recommendations of the Facilities Subcommittee and Purchasing Subcommittee in the preparation of the budget.<< (b) The preparation for the Board of supplemental budget requests to be forwarded to the Commission subject to Board approval. (c) The development in conjunction with County budget staff, of accounting, budgeting, and financial 23 management systems which will enable MiamiDade County to provide the Trust with funding in accordance with applicable law and contractual arrangements. (d) Through staff of the Trust, the preparation for the Board of the financial reports and accountings. (e) The making of recommendations to the Board and, through the Board, to the Commission for the issuance of new bonds and for the borrowing of money. (f) The approval of and recommendation to the Board of the facilities development budget submitted by the Facilities Subcommittee. (3) Supervise the preparation of, examine and forward to the Board all financial statements which the Trust is required to make or which are necessary and proper for carrying out the powers and duties of the Trust. (4) Study the rates and charges of the Trust Facilities and make recommendations to the Board at least annually with regards thereto. (5) Within the framework of the operating agreement between the Trust and Miami-Dade County, study and make recommendations to the Trust/County Committee regarding the determination by the Commission of medical indigency status and health care delivery policies in the designated facilities of the Trust. The committee shall also make studies and recommendations to the Board regarding the 24 establishment of policies for serving medically indigent persons, extending credit and collecting patient accounts payable. (6) Subject to applicable requirements of law and the Trust Ordinance, shall develop, and present to the Board for approval, procedures for purchasing supplies, equipment and services, and for managing materials, and through the Purchasing Subcommittee shall supervise the implementation of such procedures. (7) At least quarterly, review and, as necessary, make recommendations, to the Board concerning the management and investment of all funds of the Trust and to monitor compliance with Board policies regarding investments as set forth in Resolution No. PHT 11/96-181 as amended or modified from time to time. (8) The committee chairperson shall appoint an Audit and Compliance Subcommittee. The subcommittee shall be responsible for the oversight, guidance and completion of the Trust’s external audit by its external auditor, and oversight of internal audit and internal control functions and regulatory compliance programs. (9) The committee chairperson shall appoint an External Auditor Selection Subcommittee for the purpose of recommending to the Fiscal Committee an external auditor of the Trust. The External Auditor Selection Subcommittee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) Members, which shall include the chairperson of the Audit and Compliance 25 Subcommittee. A three-fourths (3/4) vote of the members present at a Fiscal Committee meeting is required for a recommendation to the Trust waiving the provisions of Article VI, Section (2)(a)(10) of these Bylaws limiting the number of years that an external auditor may serve. (10) An external auditor hired by the Trust to provide an audit of the Trust’s consolidated operations and a management letter shall serve a maximum of five (5) consecutive years unless the Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present waives this requirement. If the Board waives the five (5) year limitation on the external auditor’s term, the managing partner in charge of the Trust’s audit shall change. 26 b. Joint Conference >>and Efficiencies<< Committee. (1) There shall be a Joint Conference Committee. (2) The Joint Conference >>and Efficiencies<< Committee shall: (a) Be the committee of jurisdiction delegated by the Board to consider medical-administrative matters and be the official point of contact between the Board, the Trust administrative staff and the Medical Staff. (b) Review and make recommendations to the Board regarding Medical Staff and Health Professional Affiliate Staff appointments, reappointments, modifications, resignations, suspensions, terminations, and leaves of absence as well as review and make recommendations regarding the granting, renewal, modification, reduction or revocation of clinical privileges. (c) Receive and review recommendations and other input from the Medical Executive Committee of the Medical Staff regarding the following, and shall forward same to the Board for action as may be necessary: 1. Adoption, amendment and repeal of the Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff, including provisions for the Medical Staff peer review process. 27 2. Establishment of the Trust policies dealing with patients' rights to accept or refuse medical treatment and to formulate advance directives. 3. Any other communications, requirements or recommendations from the Medical Staff. (d) Assure the competence of all persons within the Trust Facilities who provide patient care. (e) Review and forward recommendations to the Board regarding the Trust's various accreditation and regulatory compliance programs and review and evaluate activities relating to the accreditation of Jackson Memorial Hospital and other Trust Facilities. (f) Receive and forward recommended procedures for patient safety and the protection and care of Trust patients and others utilizing the facilities of the Trust including any event of disaster. (g) In closed sessions, if allowed by Florida law, receive, review and make any necessary recommendations to the Board with respect to reports on the quality assessment and improvement activities within the Trust Facilities. These reports describe implementation, through the Trust's Quality Assessment and Improvement and Risk Management Programs, the various mechanisms used by the medical, administrative, and other staff for monitoring and evaluating the quality of patient 28 care, for identifying and resolving problems and for identifying opportunities to improve care. Pursuant to federal and Florida law, including, but not limited to, Sections 395.0193, 395.0197 and 766.101, Florida Statutes, the proceedings and records of the Joint Conference Committee (as it relates to Quality Assessment and Improvement and Risk Management Programs) are not public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes and meetings held by the Committee in exercising its responsibilities as set forth above are not open to the public under Chapter 286, Florida Statutes. (h) Review and make recommendations to the Board with respect to the Annual Quality Plan for Trust Facilities. (i) The President of the Medical Staff shall have the opportunity to address the Board through the Joint Conference >>and Efficiencies<< Committee and to make presentations to the committee on matter of concern to the Medical Staff or to the Trust in general concerning the delivery of medical services in the Trust Facilities. c. [Strategic] >>Strategy and Growth<< Committee. There shall be a [Strategic] >>Strategy and Growth<< Committee. Strategic Committee shall: 29 The (1) Develop and recommend to the Board long range five (5) year plans for the delivery of health care services in the Trust Facilities as required by the Trust Ordinance. (2) Annually make recommendations to the Board regarding long-range strategic plans and compliance with plans approved by the Board. The President shall report quarterly to the committee regarding his or her recommendations and compliance with approved strategic plans. (3) Establish short term priority planning for specific services, prepare a statement of the problems of achieving short term and strategic programs and an estimate of the financial requirements, assess the financial ability of the community to support the Trust's programs of services, and make recommendations to the Fiscal Committee for said requirements at least annually. (4) Determine the facilities required to meet program needs and make appropriate recommendations to the Facilities Subcommittee and the Fiscal Committee for provision of said facilities at least annually. (5) Pursuant to Section 395.3035, Florida Statutes, the proceedings and records of the [Strategic] >>Strategy and Growth<< Committee are exempt and confidential as it relates to “strategic plans” of the Trust as defined in such statute, as amended from time to time. (6) The [Strategic] >>Strategy and Growth<< Committee shall act for the Board and be empowered to take final 30 action (subject to subsequent ratification by the Board) upon the determination of the Chairperson whenever emergency action of the Board is required or time sensitive matters must be addressed. If such action is taken, the resolution or other action shall be submitted for ratification to the Board at its next succeeding televised regular meeting. Section 3. Committees Required By the Trust Ordinance. The Financial Recovery Board shall have such other committees with the composition that are set forth in the Trust Ordinance. 31 ARTICLE VII ADMINISTRATION OF THE TRUST Section 1. Selection of Chief Executive Officer. The Board shall appoint and employ a chief executive officer of the Trust to be known as the President. The President shall be a full time salaried employee at a salary fixed by the Board in accordance with the Trust Ordinance. The President shall be an administrative officer representing the Board in the management of the Trust and shall have the authority and responsibility necessary for the proper management and operation of the Trust Facilities, including all its activities, programs and departments. Section 2. Powers and Duties of the President. The President shall: a. Act as the official representative of the Trust in all matters where the Board has not otherwise provided and provide liaison among the Board, the Medical Staff, and Trust Departments. b. Carry out policies established by the Board. c. Develop, coordinate and supervise all operating policies and procedures for the Trust, organize administrative functions of the hospital, establish formal means of accountability on the part of subordinates, establish such Trust departments as are necessary, provide for and attend or be represented at departmental and interdepartmental meetings. 32 d. Develop and submit to the Board for review and approval at the regular meeting in January, policies and procedures regarding outside employment; travel by employees on official business of the Trust, including vendor-paid travel; gifts to employees; and honorariums. The latest policies presented to and adopted by the Board shall remain in force and effect unless the Board revises or amends those policies and procedures by resolution. e. Assist the Medical Staff with its organization, in fulfilling its responsibilities and in resolving medical- administrative problems. f. Annually, develop and submit to the Board for approval, a plan of organization of the personnel and others involved in the operation of the Trust Facilities. g. Develop in conjunction with the [Strategic] >>Strategy and Growth<< Committee, and submit to the Board for evaluation and approval, long range plans wherein the service objectives of the Trust are defined in terms of supporting facilities, equipment, personnel and required funding. h. Prepare a plan for the achievement of the Trust's specified objectives and make progress reports at least semi-annually. i. Prepare, in conjunction with the Fiscal Committee, annual operating and capital funding budgets with appropriate supporting detail as required by the Board; develop performance reports comparing actual operations with approved budgets, and not less frequently than once every three months, submit a variance analysis to the Fiscal Committee and the Board. j. Recommend to the Fiscal Committee and the Board a schedule of rates and charges for Trust services and supplies. 33 k. Submit to the Board monthly reports on the professional services and financial condition of the Trust and submit such special reports as may be requested by the Board. l. Make reports to the Board and to the Medical Staff regarding the overall activities of Trust Facilities and Federal, State, County and municipal developments as affect health care delivery. m. When directed and authorized by the Board, have charge and custody of and be responsible for all operating funds of the Trust. n. Select, employ, direct, control, pay and discharge employees to the extent such powers have been vested in the Trust, and develop and maintain personnel policies and practices for the Trust Facilities. o. Maintain the physical properties of the Trust in a good state of repair and operating condition. p. Supervise the business affairs of the Trust to assure that funds are collected and expended in accordance with sound business practices. q. Cooperate with the Medical Staff and with all those concerned with the rendering of professional services, in the provision of quality care to the patients, and periodically evaluate such care and submit recommendations for the improvement thereof to the Joint Conference >>and Efficiencies<< Committee and the Board. r. Attend all meetings of the Board and attend or be represented at all meetings of Board committees. s. Designate an individual to act for the President in his or her absence. t. Execute with an officer of the Board all contracts of the Trust except as the Board shall otherwise provide. >>Notwithstanding 34 the foregoing, the President shall have no authority to execute any contract for the expenditure of Trust funds in excess of $__________ unless there has been final action and is otherwise in compliance with Article V, Section 6 of these Bylaws.<< u. Perform such other duties as may be necessary for the best interests of the Trust or which may be assigned by the Board. Section 3. Office of Internal Audit. The President shall hire an Internal Auditor with the concurrence of the Board who shall report directly to the Chairperson of the Board and shall be responsible for the administration of the Office of Internal Audit. The President is authorized to remove the Internal Auditor, but only after the Chairperson concurs in the removal of the Internal Auditor. The Office of Internal Audit shall (i) provide internal auditing functions, (ii) act as the central depository for public information relating to public record requests, (iii) review and account for any and all relationships between the Trust and private entities, and (iv) interface and coordinate with and serve as the Trust’s liaison to the Miami-Dade County Office of Inspector General. The Office of Internal Audit shall report directly to the Chairperson of the Board. The Office of Internal Audit through the President shall make monthly written reports to the Board at its regular meetings. The written reports shall also be disseminated to the Mayor, Commission, County Manager, the Office of Countywide Healthcare Planning, the Commission Auditor, and Miami-Dade Office of Inspector 35 General. The President shall develop written policies and procedures for the organization and operation of the Office of Internal Audit and submit the same to the Board for approval. 36 ARTICLE VIII MEDICAL STAFF Section 1. Organization; Bylaws. a. The Board, through the Medical Executive Committee of the Medical Staff, shall provide for the organization and governance of practitioners granted medical staff membership, health professional affiliate membership and clinical privileges in the Trust Facilities. b. The organized Medical Staff shall operate and be governed pursuant to bylaws and rules and regulations which shall be proposed and recommended by the Medical Staff to the Joint Conference Committee, but which shall not become effective until adopted by the Board. Nothing contained in this or any other article of these Bylaws or the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff shall limit the authority of the Board to make any and all decisions and to prescribe any and all rules, regulations and bylaws necessary for the proper operation, maintenance control and governance of the Trust Facilities; provided, however, that the Trust may not unilaterally amend the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff. The Medical Staff periodically shall review its Bylaws and Rules and Regulations to assure consistency with Trust policies and with applicable legal, accreditation or other requirements. c. The Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff shall: 37 (1) Define the duties and responsibilities of the Medical Staff with regard to patient care, teaching and research and set forth procedures by which the Medical Staff shall exercise and account for its authority and responsibilities. (2) Provide for the qualifications for appointment and reappointment to the Medical Staff, and Health Professional Affiliate Staff and the procedures to be followed by practitioners requesting such appointment or reappointment as required by law and applicable accreditation standards. (3) Establish a procedure for the granting, renewal, modification, or revocation of clinical privileges to members of the Medical Staff or Health Professional Affiliate staff as required by law and applicable accreditation standards. (4) Provide a process for review of adverse decisions affecting membership or clinical privileges of the Medical Staff or Health Professional Affiliate staff including the right to be heard throughout the process, when requested by the practitioner. This process shall comply with the requirements of law as well as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations. This process shall be reviewed on an annual basis and recommendations 38 with respect thereto shall be forwarded to the Board through the Joint Conference >>and Efficiencies<< Committee. (5) Provide a method of election of officers of the Medical Staff and a method of selection of chiefs of clinical services, and shall prescribe powers and duties of such officers and chiefs. (6) Provide for Medical Staff committees and the method of appointment thereto. (7) Provide for compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and applicable accreditation standards. Section 2. Medical Staff Membership and Clinical Privileges. a. Membership on the Medical Staff shall be a prerequisite to the exercise of clinical privileges within the Trust Facilities, except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff. b. Only members of the Medical Staff may admit patients to the Trust Facilities, except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff. c. Each member of the Medical Staff shall have appropriate authority and responsibility for the care of his or her patients subject to such limitations as are contained in these Bylaws, the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff, Trust Policies and Procedures and any limitations to the medical staff member’s membership or clinical privileges. 39 d. In accordance with the Bylaws of the Medical Staff, the Medical Staff shall make recommendations to the Board, through the Joint Conference >>and Efficiencies<< Committee and the Board shall take action regarding Medical Staff and Health Professional Affiliate Staff appointments, reappointments, modifications, resignations, suspensions, termination and leaves of absence as well as take action regarding the granting, renewal, modification, reduction or revocation of clinical privileges. e. The number of practitioners granted Medical Staff membership, Health Professional Affiliates Staff membership and clinical privileges shall not be in excess of the needs of the Trust. f. All appointments to the Medical Staff and Health Professional Affiliate Staff shall be as set forth in the Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff and not for a period longer than two (2) years and shall be reviewed by the Board in accordance with the reappointment procedure outlined in the Bylaws of the Medical Staff. g. No aspect of Medical Staff membership status, Health Professional Affiliate Staff status or specific clinical privileges shall be unreasonably limited or denied on the basis of gender, race, creed, disability, age, familial status, sexual orientation, color or national origin. Section 3. Medical Staff Responsibilities. a. The Board shall hold the Medical Staff responsible for providing appropriate healthcare to Trust patients. b. The Medical Staff, in accordance with its Bylaws, applicable law and accreditation standards, shall conduct continuing review and 40 appraisal of the quality of healthcare in the Trust Facilities, and shall report the results thereof to the Board, through the Joint Conference >>and Efficiencies<< Committee. c. The Medical Staff shall participate, along with appropriate administrative and professional staff, in the development of Trust policies regarding: 1. Patients' rights and responsibilities, including the rights and responsibilities of the parents and/or guardians of neonate, child and adolescent patients; and 2. A patient's right to accept or refuse medical treatment and formulate advance directives. 41 ARTICLE IX AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS The Board may authorize the establishment of auxiliary organizations for the purpose of assisting the Trust in its objectives. The Bylaws of any such auxiliary organization shall be subject to the approval of the Board and the program of any such organization shall be subject to the approval of the President of the Trust. Each auxiliary organization shall submit annually to the Board a report of its operations and financial affairs. 42 ARTICLE X ADOPTION AND AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be adopted, altered, amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting membership of the Board then in office at any duly constituted Board meeting provided that written notice of the proposed alterations, amendments, repeal or new enactments shall have been given to all Members not later than five (5) days in advance of such meeting. At the direction of the Chairperson, the Board shall provide for review of these Bylaws on a periodic basis. 43 3. Legislative Update 4. Strategy Update 4 (a) Operational/Tactical Plan