federal - HDR, Inc.
federal - HDR, Inc.
FEDERAL OUR VISION We are a global design firm with nearly 8,000 professionals who are inspired by our clients’ work. We balance creative ideas with technical expertise to transform concepts into reality, responding to important cultural, contextual and functional influences. We have been honored to serve military agencies for more than 66 years. Many of our professionals have worked as both an employee and a consultant for military clients, so we have a first-hand understanding of the procedures and processes they use in the design of new and renovated facilities. We provide the experience, knowledge, manpower and technology necessary to deliver projects in a timely manner and to the high standards expected by our military clients. We understand that our military clients are under increasing pressure to create functional and operationally efficient facilities with decreasing fiscal resources. Our experts provide facilities that deliver the full value for every dollar invested and reflect the functional and aesthetic needs of the people who will use each facility. Our track record of on-time performance, and our ability to meet stringent budget targets and schedules are directly attributable to the efforts of our highly dedicated staff. D E S I G N P H I LO S O P H Y P H Y S I C A L LY C A P T U R E a Bold Idea or Concept E M B O DY a C l i e n t ’s V i s i o n EXPRESS Integrated Design RETHINK the Standard Approach SU PP O R T ST E WAR DS H I P of Mind, Place and Resources F O R T B E LV O I R C O M M U N I T Y H O S P I TA L AND MEDIC AL C AMPUS Fort Belvoir, Virginia P R O J E C T D E TA I L S HDR is part of the design team for COST: $757 Million (Est) the 1.27 million SF hospital complex SIZE: 1.27 Million SF complex is being driven by the at Fort Belvoir. The design for the commitment to provide superior care for uniformed service people and their families. Using evidencebased design concepts to create a healing, nurturing environment, the hospital will be distinguished by an interwoven relationship of indoor areas to the outdoors. Inpatient units with private rooms are organized for safety, efficient care and family support, with decentralized nursing stations that place staff closer to patients. Outpatient care will be delivered in clinics that utilize a flexible, modular planning concept for maximum efficiencies. This worldclass medical facility will become the premier military community hospital in the country. FOR T BLISS ARMY MEDIC AL C AMPUS A D M I N I S T R AT I O N A N D E D U C AT I O N B U I L D I N G El Paso, Texas P R O J E C T D E TA I L S The commitment of HDR’s Fort Bliss COST: $1 Billion Army Medical Center design team is SIZE: 1.13 Million SF goal of a World Class Medical Facility to attain and achieve the long-term in support of our Warriors and their Families. The Medical Center will be a 1,132,460 SF, $1 Billion top-notch medical facility replacing the current William Beaumont Army Medical Center (WBAMC) in El Paso, Texas. The design integrates DoD program requirements and offers alternate schemes to include design scenarios that may integrate VA requirements in the future. HDR has incorporated state-of-art planning and design ideas including the latest research in Evidence-Based Design (EBD), Sustainability, as well as design innovations promoting family and patient-centered care. REAL PROPERT Y MAS TER PL AN U. S . AR MY G AR R IS O N H UM PH R E YS Republic of Korea P R O J E C T D E TA I L S was the lead agent completing the COST: $194 Million facilities and master planning efforts SIZE: 411,000 SF the concurrence of all planning for this project and coordinating recommendations at a 4-star level. This massive master planning effort In addition to the comprehensive supported the restructuring of the US master plan, HDR provided full A/E Forces in Korea to meet Future of the services for a six-story hospital Alliance (FOTA) agreements between and ambulatory care center with the United States and the Republic multiple components including of Korea. The future supported emergency, radiology, surgery, population at Camp Humphreys will pharmacy, nutrition services, logistics increase from approximately 8,000 to & administrative services, 68 private 46,000 personnel and the land area inpatient beds, women’s & infant must increase almost 200 percent nursing units, Psychiatric nursing to support the new missions. HDR units, outpatient clinics. R E P L A C E M E N T N A VA L H O S P I TA L Camp Pendleton, California P R O J E C T D E TA I L S and emergency care. Associated COST: $563 Million supporting facilities include SIZE: 511,000 SF departments, primary care clinics, outpatient medical facilities, ancillary specialty care clinics, and support The replacement of Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton is the largest American Recovery and Reinvestment Act project in the Department of the Navy. Sited on 70 acres near the main gate of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, the new 511,000 SF, multilevel hospital will serve area military members, families, and retirees. The new hospital will feature facilities to provide a variety of medical services for surgery, patient overnight stays, dental care, intensive care, and general medical spaces. HDR’s design incorporated concepts of clinic modularity, structural flexibility, seismic safety and patient/visitor/staff experience enhancement. Other innovations addressed the need for increased daylighting, private patient rooms and other Evidence Based Design and LEED Gold sustainable design objectives. Also included with the new hospital will be a central utilities plant, a 1,500-space multilevel parking structure, surface parking, and low impact site development. N A VA L S P E C I A L O P E R AT I O N S P R E PA R AT O R Y S C H O O L Naval Station Great Lakes, Illinois P R O J E C T D E TA I L S COST: $70 M SIZE: 167,000 SF The $70M, 167,000 SF Naval Special The facility consists of three major Operations Preparatory School at components: 15,000 SF applied Naval Station Great Lakes (NSGL) instruction classrooms facility, 55,000 is for Navy SEAL and Explosive SF physical training and instruction Ordnance Disposal (EOD) candidates facility, 69,000 SF aquatic training and is intended to provide the and instruction facility and other physical and mental training needed common, mission support spaces. for entering into the SEAL and EOD schools. The design is mission centric and function driven, yet gives meaning to what Navy Special Forces is all about. U . S . D E PA R T M E N T O F H O M E L A N D S E C U R I T Y E A G L E PA S S B O R D E R PAT R O L S TAT I O N Eagle Pass, Texas P R O J E C T D E TA I L S Patrol, as part of the U.S. Department COST: Full Master Plan: $40 Million | of Homeland Security (USDHS) Phase I Construction: $11.9 Million SIZE: 50,000 SF to design the additional station that will accommodate a potential growth of 300 agents. The detainee holding capacity could be up to The existing Eagle Pass Border Patrol 380 detainees. Station (BPS) was originally designed The Main Administration Building to support 50 agents, but due to with the intake and processing, the increase in potential threats to kennels and vehicle fueling stations the United States it was in need of are included in the first phase. expansion. The process of expansion HDR worked with the Fort Worth began with completing a master District of the US Corps of Engineers plan for facilities on a new site of as the contract and program the 38.79 acres. Then, HDR worked management office. hand-in-hand with the U.S. Border A I R S U P P O R T O P E R AT I O N S S Q U A D R O N Aviano, Italy P R O J E C T D E TA I L S HDR collaborated with NAVFAC COST: $8.6 Million EURAFSWA and the U.S. Air Force SIZE: 33,875 SF documents for the 8th Air Support for the design and construction Operations Squadron (ASOS) Facility at Aviano Air Base in Aviano Italy. This new facility houses administrative, operations, training, maintenance and storage facilities for the 8th ASOS. Complying with both Italian program and develop the conceptual and U.S. codes, this state of the design. HDR is accelerating the art facility supports the Air force project design schedule to achieve Transformation initiative to support construction contract execution of the collocation of the ASOS with June 30, 2011. The project will be its air support aligned Army units LEED Silver. Occupancy to occur in providing command and control of the fall of 2013. forward units. HDR conducted a 3-day design charrette to refine the space N A V FA C M I D W E S T I D I Q F O R G E N E R A L A / E S E R V I C E S , TA S K O R D E R F O R R E G I O N A L C O N F I N E M E N T FA C I L I T Y, M C A S M I R A M A R San Diego, California P R O J E C T D E TA I L S Facility. The addition includes a new COST: $32 Million Level I facility to house 120 male SIZE: 99,136 SF to house 80 female prisoners. The prisoners and a new Level II facility new facility will be configured to HDR prepared a D/B RFP using the provide independent support and NAVFAC 6-Part format for this $32 to divide groups of prisoners by million, 99,136 SF addition to the sex, sentence length, disciplinary existing Confinement Facility. The status, special program or treatment addition includes housing for 200 needs, adjudged status, etc. Also prisoners, a dining facility and included is a 4600 SF renovation of a new industries / maintenance the existing confinement facility. facility. The new facilities are part Site work includes new parking and of BRAC 05 and will consolidate four utilities and storm drainage on an correctional facilities into a single environmentally sensitive site near an Southwest Regional Confinement existing waterway. U EPH BA R R ACK S CO M PL E X Fort Sill, Oklahoma P R O J E C T D E TA I L S outdoor pavilions, a campus-wide COST: $48.9 M pedestrian concrete walkway and SIZE: 228,921 SF seven barracks, parking lots and the jogging trails connecting to each of surrounding communities. As part of a design-build team, The project master plan was HDR provided full design-build A/E developed for efficiency and professional design services for the to convey a sense of unity and 23-acre Ft. Sill Barracks complex connectivity among the seven that is comprised of 228,921 SF barracks and with the adjacent and seven three–story masonry/ buildings and the installation as a standing seam metal roof apartment whole.The entire site design and buildings, each ranging in size from building designs were designed in two at 34,068 SF to five at 32,157 SF, accordance with UFC 4-010-01 to housing a total of 620 soldiers. The meet all ATFP requirements. The project scope includes a master plan project was designed to achieve LEED and landscaping for seven barracks, Silver Certification. two campus entrance plazas, two CO N FI D EN T IA L CL I EN T Confidential Location P R O J E C T D E TA I L S The facility consists of three major COST: $563 Million components: 700,000 SF secure SIZE: 511,000 SF administrative spaces; 73,000 SF Global Operation Center (GOC) with a hardened enclosure and HDR provided schematic design and High Energy Magnetic Pulse (HEMP) cost estimating for the $560 million, shielding; two 45,000 SF hardened 1 million SF command and control enclosure, secure back-up facilities to headquarters. Three conceptual design provide redundant, reliable mission and cost estimating options were critical support; 26,000 SF support developed. Option 1 is an addition spaces such as 400-seat auditorium, and modernization of the existing conference center, training building. Option 2 is a phased new center, cafeteria. The project was construction of a single building successfully delivered and exceeded complex. Option 3 is a phased new client’s expectations by assembling construction with multiple facilities the best technical qualified team in a campus setting. All three options from HDR multiple offices using HDR met ATFP requirements and followed motto “national experts with local IBC code and designed to LEED Gold presence”. The project is designed to certification level. Cost estimating was meet LEED Gold Certification. performed to validate DD 1391. G L O B A L H A W K T W O - B AY M A I N T E N A N C E H A N G A R Beale AFB, California P R O J E C T D E TA I L S HDR completed full design services COST: $13.2 M for a two-bay hangar to support SIZE: 42,000 SF mission of the Global Hawk the operational and maintenance (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) at Beale AFB, California. The facility design included 32,400 square feet for the aircraft hangar and 9,600 square feet for administrative, maintenance and environmental systems. Support functions conducted in the hangar include heavy maintenance, phase inspections and pre-flight operations. The hangar featured a flexible design that can be readily modified to support potential re-use for other aircraft. U S A C E – N E W Y O R K D I S T R I C T, P I C AT I N N Y A R S E N A L PA C K A G I N G , H A N D L I N G , S T O R A G E & T R A N S P O R TAT I O N C E N T E R ( P H S & T ) Picatinny, New Jersey P R O J E C T D E TA I L S 46,000 SF industrial facility laboratory COST: $23.8 M to LEED Silver standards to meet SIZE: 46,000 SF self-certification by the DoD with the sustainable design requirements for U.S. Green Building Council. HDR was commissioned by US Army The building design has two main Corps of Engineers (USACE), New areas which feature an administrative York District to provide architectural wing and a High Bay Testing and engineering design and design- Laboratory. The architectural/ bid-build documents for the new MEP/structural design provides for construction combined Army and interior and on site testing facilities Navy testing and research and of large munitions containers development facility for munitions using equipment which simulates packaging, handling, storage and actual transportation and storage transport testing at Picatinny Arsenal. conditions of wheeled, seafaring and This BRAC 2005 project has an in flight vehicles. The design is based estimated construction value of $23.8 on specific seismic conditions at million. HDR CUH2A designed this Picatinny Arsenal. PR OJ EC T T Y PE S Our extensive experience in providing support for the military includes diverse project capability. We have worked on a wide variety of military design and engineering projects, from hundreds of task orders on military contracts to projects large and complex in scope. MORE SERV ICES AND MORE E XPERIENCE FROM O N E CO L L A B O R AT I V E A E C PA R T N E R E N S U R E S S E A M L E S S D E L I V E R Y A N D P O W E R F U L R E S U LT S . 01 PR OJ EC T T Y PE S G E N E R A L U S E FAC I L I T I E S HDR’s team of architects, engineers H E A D Q UA R T E R S & A D M I N I S T R AT I O N and planners are well-versed in HDR understands that oftentimes delivering a wide variety of functional headquarters and administration yet personable environments for buildings must serve as the “front military personnel and their families. door” to the military installation. That We work with you to design facilities means that these buildings must be that support quality of life for those designed to meet multiple objectives; serving in the military, from fitness they must be secure and flexible and centers to child care centers to dining organized to support the work that halls and recreational parks. is being conducted and, if necessary, they must be able to welcome visitors and provide more public accessibility. These buildings must also be able to adapt to changing missions and technology. 02 01 Confidential Client, Confidential Location 02 Military Police Battalion Headquarters, Fort Leavenworth, KS 03 U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Eagle Pass Border Patrol Station, Eagle Pass, Texas 03 H E A LT H C A R E HOUSING The HDR Architecture team brings HDR has completed a variety decades of proven experience in of housing projects at military designing state-of-the-art medical installations across the United States facilities for military personnel, their and in many foreign countries. Our families and veterans. We consistently projects range in scope from the challenge existing standards and design of a barracks expansion to the apply best practices from the civilian/ master planning and neighborhood private sector to develop new revitalization of whole military approaches for delivering healthcare communities. We work with our within the armed forces. clients to develop objectives to help achieve their visions for improving the quality and livability of military housing, and we can also develop the strategies that support the execution of these visions. PR OJ EC T T Y PE S S C I E N C E & T E C H N O LO G Y T R A I N I N G & D E V E LO PM E N T We have designed over 70 million Whether you need a single training square feet of research and classroom, an outdoor training development space for all types environment or an entire training of science, including more than 50 campus, we can plan, design safe and secure high-containment and engineer the facilities and facilities, some at the highest level environments that best meet your of containment. We are known for training goals and requirements. designing facilities to accommodate We work closely with the client to changes in research programs, analyze training needs in order to promote knowledge transfer, and provide the most effective training attract and retain top-tier talent. As solution. We incorporate modern the boundaries between sciences technologies and systems and build blur, our expertise in all types of in future flexibility to ensure the basic and applied science facilities project’s long life cycle. lends itself to new and evolving facility types. 04 04 Squadron Operations Facility, NAS JRB New Orleans, Louisiana 05 Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 05 S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y Our extensive experience in providing support for the military includes diverse project capability. We have worked on a wide variety of military design and engineering projects, from hundreds of task orders on military contracts to projects large and complex in scope. TA I LO R E D S O LU T I O N S M A K E N AV Y P R OJ E C T S T H E B E S T T H E Y C A N B E . 06 S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y CO M M I S S I O N I N G & FAC I L I T Y S E R V I C E S ENERGY SERVICES We provide unbiased, independent We represent the owner’s best recommendations for energy projects interests as an independent resource and offer a range of services to help during each phase of design and clients find efficient, environmentally construction. Our goal is to: establish responsible, and cost-effective defined project objectives, support solutions to a variety of energy the design team, verify each system management needs. We estimate that has been installed and functions our consulting services have helped as specified, and ensure that the our clients collectively reduce energy appropriate operations/maintenance costs by over $40 million annually. documentation has been given to the owner. Our efforts result in fewer change orders, reduced facility energy consumption, improved indoor air quality, a high degree of occupant thermal comfort, proper orientation and training of operations and maintenance staff, and the ontime completion of projects. 07 06 Replacement Naval Hospital, Camp Pendleton, California 07 University of Louisville, Centre for Predictive Medicine for Biodefense & Emerging Infectious Diseases, Regional Biocontainment Laboratory, Louisville, Kentucky, United States 08 Pentagon Remote Delivery Facility, Arlington, Virginia 08 S U S TA I N A B L E D E S I G N SERVICES T R A I N I N G & O U T R E AC H For more than 12 years, HDR has We provide solutions for new and provided sustainable training for existing buildings that balance many federal clients. In fact, we have economic, environmental and conducted more than 16 workshops social equity goals. We have a large, and trained more than 930 Air Force, multidisciplinary staff of sustainable Air National Guard, Army, Navy and design experts in areas such as Corps of Engineers’ personnel, along energy efficiency, green roofs, with numerous private contractors. renewable energy, water resource management, sustainable material selection, and land-use planning. O T H E R R E L E VA N T E X P E R I E N C E »» »» Administrative Office of the Courts Judiciary Training Facility, Annapolis, MD »» Airfield Planning, Flightline Development Plan, Naval Air Station (NAS), Sigonella, Italy »» »» »» ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and KAET-TV, Phoenix, AZ »» »» Center for Disease Control Building 23 Tampa, FL »» Combat Communication Facility, Upgrade 206th Combat Communication Facility, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska »» Corpus Christi Public Works Department, Reserve Component Training Facility »» »» DECAM Training Building, Ft. Carson, Colorado Springs, CO »» Facility Master Plan, HQ Air Force Test and Evaluation Command, Nationwide »» »» Fire Fighting and Rescue Training Facility, USACE Louisville District »» »» »» Fort Bliss Army Medical Campus, Admin./Education Bldg, EL Paso, TX Airfield & Infrastructure Planning, Area Development Plans & Infrastructure Capacity Assessments, Fort Drum, NY, Wheeler AAF, Hawaii Buckley AFB Wing HQ & Admin Facility, USACE Omaha District Campus Planning, Airmen-in-Training Campus Plan & Town Center Study, Sheppard AFB, TX City of Phoenix ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and KAET-TV, Phoenix, Arizona Energy and Water Master Planning, Comprehensive Energy and Water Master Plans, Various Army Installations, Nationwide FLETC Language Arts Building 36 and Detention Simulator and Emergency Communications Center Building, Artesia, NM George State University, Parker H. Petit Science Center, Atlanta, GA Georgia Institute of Technology, MS&E,Atlanta GA »» Installation Design Guidelines, Architectural Plans, Various Air Force Bases, HQ AMC »» »» Joint Base Master Planning, Joint Base Plan ISA Air Base, Bahrain »» »» Master Planning, USACE Europe Indefinite Delivery Contract (2001-2003) »» Navy Facilities Requirements Analyses, Basic Facilities Requirements (BFRs), NAVFAC Atlantic »» »» Pararescue Training Complex, Kulis Air National Guard Base, AK »» Regional Shore Infrastructure Planning, Navy Region Southeast Overview Regional Shore Infrastructure Plan »» »» »» Renovation ARHOC Barrack Building M-4040, Fort Bragg, NC »» Special Forces Facilities Planning, 10th Special Forces Area Development Plan, Fort Carson, CO »» Surge Capability Planning, Base General Plan (Surge Capability Plan), Moron Air Base, Spain »» Sustainability Planning, Installation Sustainability Strategy, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Iwakuni, Japan »» »» »» US STRATCOM Offiutt AFB, Omaha, NE Kelman Centre for Advanced Learning, London Health Sciences Centre, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario National Guard IDIQ, Contracts for Multidiscipline A/E Services, Various Locations Real Property Master Planning, RPMP Digests, US Army Installations Worldwide SOF Compound Master Plan, Camp Lemonier, Djibouti Special Forces and Operations Camp Planning, Master Plan, Manda Bay, Kenya, NAVEURSWA AOR USF, Johnnie B. Bryd Alzheimer’s Center and Research, Tampa, FL Utilities and Infrastructure Assessments “Grow-the-Army” Infrastructure Capacity Analyses, Various Army Installations Nationwide 09 G LO BA L SER V I CE S ARCHITEC TUR E »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Architectural Design Commissioning and Energy Services Engineering Interiors and Wayfinding Master Planning Programming Project Management RFP Development Security Assessments Site Design Specialized Building Systems Sustainable Design Technology Solutions Telecommunications Consulting CONSTRUC TION »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Commissioning Construction Management Design-Build Delivery Operations and Maintenance Project and Program Management Staff Augmentation Technical Design Support Value Engineering ENERGY »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Carbon Management Climate Variability Impact Analysis Efficiency Management and Results Reporting Energy Audits Owners Engineer Power Generation and Delivery Renewable Energy Retrofit System Design ENG INEER ING »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Anti-terrorism and Force Protection Asset Management Civil Works Coastal and Maritime Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Hydraulic Modeling Program Management Transportation Water, Wastewater and Reuse ENVIRONMENTAL »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Archeology Conservation Compliance Cultural Resources Marine Species Monitoring Natural Resources NEPA Noise and Acoustics Pollution Prevention Remediation UXO and Range Services Water Quality PL ANNING »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Airfield and Facilities Utilization Community Involvement Comprehensive Master Planning Decision Economics Military Installation Programming Regional Shore Infrastructure Development Sustainable Return on Investment (SROI) 10 WHERE WE WORK Argentina Marshall Islands Aruba Monaco Australia Morocco Bahamas Mexico Belgium Nicaragua Belize Panama Brazil Paraguay Canada Peru Chile Philippines China Poland Colombia Por tugal Costa Rica Puer to Rico Cy p r u s Qatar Czech Republic Russia Dominican Republic Saipan, N.M.I. El Salvador Saudi Arabia Egypt Singapore Fr a n c e South Africa Georgia South Korea Germany Spain Guam Swit zerland Guatemala Ta i w a n Honduras Ta n z a n i a India Tr i n i d a d a n d To b a g o Ireland Uganda Italy Ukraine Japan United Arab Emirates Jordan United Kingdom Kazakhstan United States Kenya U. S . V i r g i n I s l a n d s Kuwait Uzbekistan Malaysia 09 USAMRIID Replacement Facility, Fort Detrick, Maryland 10 Command and Control Facility, Confidential Location 11 U.S. Naval Medical Center, Portsmouth, Virginia 11 hdrarchitecture.com © 2013 HDR Architecture, Inc., all rights reserved. 0056501 1113 We practice increased use of sustainable materials and reduction of material use.
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