Brenham Bulletin - Amazon Web Services


Brenham Bulletin - Amazon Web Services
Brenham Bulletin
February 9, 2015
Vol. XXXII, Issue No. 6
Anchors Serve at Fund Raisers
Anchors at the Chamber of Commerce Banquet
The Anchor Club of Brenham High
School has been volunteering as
wait staff at fund raisers for area
non-profits. During January they
volunteered for both the Chamber of
Commerce Banquet and the Kruse
Candlelight Dinner. Anchors who
participated at the Chamber of
Commerce Banquet were Ashley
Bentke, Eric Bridges, Emily Conner,
Will Corn, Justin Dana, Austin
(Continued on page 2)
The Kruse Candlelight Dinner
Katie Podeszwa
Speaks to Club
nominating committee. Sandy Blum,
Katie Podeszwa, and Dagmar Poteet will
serve on the committee. Alternates
are Pat Hughes and Barbara McIntyre.
During division reports Dot
Borchgardt reported that the plans
were being made for the spring fund
raiser. De Wise reported on the club’s
participation in the Holiday Magic
Project. Pat Hughes issued some
updated history pages for the
yearbook. Judith Finke reported that
the Anchors would be volunteering as
wait staff for the Chamber of
Commerce Banquet on January 27
and for the Scott and White Gala on
February 12.
Katie Podeszwa
Lt. Katie Podeszwa of the Washington
County EMS addressed the Pilot Club
of Brenham at our January meeting.
She gave an overview of available
services and focused on elements that
are not available in every community,
such as programs to prevent crises
requiring emergency transport.
Katie is also a Pilot. She became
interested in the club because of our
Vials of Life project which coordinates
with the EMS.
The main item of business at the
meeting was the election of the
(Continued from page 1)
Derkowski, Jeremy Gurka, Lois Kate
Kolkhorst, Rob Phillips, Michaela
Rust, Maddie Rybarski, and Matthew
Zettel. Pilots who assisted were
Sandy Blum, Judith Finke, Carol
Hutchens, and Barbara McIntyre.
Anchors who participated at the Kruse
Candlelight Dinner were Will Corn,
Taylor Goerlitz, Jeremy Gurka, Devyn
Hagemann, Dillon Hagemann, Dylan
Jordan, Henry Kettler, Ruth Anne
Kettler, and Michaela Rust. Pilots who
assisted were Judith Finke and Carol
Hutchens. Sheila Hagemann, mother of
Devyn and Dillon, also volunteered.
Mark Your Calendar:
Thursday, February 12
Scott & White Gala
Monday, March 9
Anchor Convention Report
Anchors Serving
6:30 P.M., Texas Steak and Seafood
Monday, February 16
Anchor Meeting
5:15 P.M., Brenham High School
February 27—March 1
Anchor Convention
Embassy Suites
7600 John Q. Hammons Drive
Frisco, TX
BrainMinders Month
Membership Month
Talk Pilot Day
Monday, March 2
Board Meeting
6:00 P.M., Blinn Student Center
March 16-22
Brain Awareness Week
Monday, March 30
Fifth Monday Meeting
11:30 A.M., Yumm’s
106 East Alamo
April 17-19
Texas District Convention
Embassy Suites
7600 John Q. Hammons Drive
Frisco, TX
July 8-12
Pilot International Convention
Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort
Orlando, Florida
2014 Texas District Convention
Embassy Suites, Frisco, TX
April 17-19
Meet Pilots from all over Texas.
Plan Now to Attend!
Before the Next Meeting
27 Betty Hafner
5 Geneva Martin
9 Donna Mills
Pilot Club of Brenham, Inc.
P.O. Box 2015
Brenham, TX 77834
We don’t fly planes.
We protect brains.
Published by the Pilot Club of Brenham, Inc.
P.O. Box 2015
Brenham, TX 77834
Dagmar Poteet, President
Patricia Hughes, Editor

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