MY BAG, MY LIFE! WINTER COLLECTION ALESSIA SHOPPING Cod. 024 Soff10no con le.o.ther shopping bog covered ln black. Zip oiOGure and Ieath« cldG flaps with lace olocun:J. Hondbog with gold metal charms. Size and fit: Hrf9" :211 om. a.p!fl16 om, WfO!n s.s om. ....... ALESSIA ALESSIA cod.025 ALESSIA Cod. 026 Two-tono Sofflano oollleothe< shopping bag. Front liap with gold cla•po. Sllouldor bag or handhold bog with handle and height-adjustable leather shoulder otrop. Size • nd fil: Hi lghl2t om, oeptn 14om. Wldltl 29 om. 3 ALESSIA BAGUETIE Cod. 022 Saffiano calf leather Baguette covered in b lack. Gold-toned metal snap front closure. Shoukt9f Bag 9QUipped with leather shoulder strap. Size and fit: Height 18«n. oeptn e «n. wJOtn 28 «n. cod. 022 cod. 023 ALESSIA ANI MALlER Cod. 023 ALESSIA Satftano oolf leather Baguette covered in black. Front flap and animalier p rinted leather handle. Shoulder bag with gold clasps. Size and fit: HeiQrn 16om. aep1h 6 om. Yl1dttl 21 om. AL.ESSIA SHOPPINQ NERO Cod. 018 Saffiano o.alf loothor &hopping bag covered in black. Should« bog and handheld ba.g with adjustablo and dotAIOhablo •houldor strop. Clip olosuro. lntornal zlppo< pOokot for y.,..- !pod and le.ath9t oharma. AL.ESSIA SHOPPINQ BLU Cod. 01Q Saff"'no oallloalhot bog oowrod in blu<t Handlleld bag. Equippod will\ (lold upholl:lory nail oo both lhe front ond book. zlp closure and loalhor ol'\almG... Size •nd fil~ HeiQJ'C eo om, Otptt117 em. ~dth 41 em. cod. 019 <Od. 018 ALESSIA 5 ALESSIA MINI SHOPPING Cod. 020 Soff10no oaJf INther mini shopping bag covered in burgundy. Zip oiOGure ond mota! charms. Handhold bog or chouldol bag wi111 adjustablE> and detachable chOUidOr ctrop. Size and fit: ~ 22 om. CNp!fl 12 om. wfotn 28 om. ALESSIA MINI BAG Cod. 021 Soffiano coif k>alhor Mini Bog ()(Ml(9d in bu'gundy. Gold Metal cnap oloCUrO. Equipped wi111 k>o!Nr hondk> ond adjustable detaohoble chOUider otrop wi1tl geld motal oharmo. Size and fit; HeiQhJ 22om. dt!Xh 12om, w!Otn 26om. ALESSIA ALESSIA RUQAJRUGA LARGE Colt l<><~thl>r bog and mini bag with mud-oolorod wrinkl<>. Front llop with gold m<>tal cnop oloouro. Equ ppod with lsathE>r handle and adJUOIDblo dotllohoblo chc>uldor otrop. Shouldor bag or handhGid bag with gold mot4l charm•. Cod. 016 Sia ...:1 fit: Hit9122 om. Clepd'l12 em. WIOfn 2:1 om Cod. 017 sa ...:1 fit: l'tltgl'l a om. 08pCh 16om. VI1Ctn S2 em cod. 01 6 ALESSIA 7 ALESSIA BUGATTI MINI Cod. 037 ALESSIA BUGATTI Cod. 036 Soff~ano leather mini bag. Zip closure. Handbag equipp ed with double leather handle. Soff~ano leather Size and fit: Hel~ 17 om. dep1h 8 om. >Mdttl 2S em. Size and fit: Helgnt ze om. aep1h 14 em. Width sa em. bag w ith p ython pri'lted leather inserts, zip closure. Handbag equipp ed with d ouble leather handle. cod. 03 6 cod. 03 7 ALESSIA BUGATTI ALESSIA SQUARE Cod. 038 Soff10no leather bag oovered in blaok. Geometric and square shape. Equipped with central pocket with zip cJosure ond two side pockets with clip closure. Handbag with double leather handle and g old metal oharms. Size and fit: Hel~ 18om. aep1h 11 om. ~dth 30 om. ALESSIA SQUARE MINI Cod. 03Q Satflllno leather mini bag oovered in black. Geometric and square shape. Equipped with central pooket with zip cJosure ood two side pockets with clip closure. Handbag with double le.ather handle and g old metal oharms. Size and fit: Hel~ 16om. aep1h a om. Width 2S om. cod. 038 cod. 039 ALESSIA SQUARE 9 POCHETTE ANI MAllER Deer and horc.e noturol SOothiX clutch. Zip oiosure and leather bow. Shoulder bog or handhold bag oquipped with handlo and Ghouldor •trap. Cod. 031 ANIMAUER BLACK Cod. 032 ANIMAUER BROWN Cod. 033 BLACK Cod. 034 BROWN Cod. 035 ANIMAUER FUCSIA cod. 031( ANI MALlER 10 CINZANO CLUTCH Cod. 2013 Natural d99rckin Ieath« clutch, anttvocite gray. Zipper cloour9. Handhold bag wit11 11iokol motal chain. cod.2013 CINZANO CINZANO SHOPPING Cod. 2010 Natural d eerskin leather shoppilg bag, Mthrooite gray. OoubiG handle with g unmetal metallic chain and leather shoulder strap. Fulty lined with an in ternal zip per pocket Gunmetal zip PQr closure. Shouldor bag or h and ho ld bag. Size and fit: Hel~ 68 om. aep1h 18om. ~dtn 62 om. CINZANO SECCHIELLO Cod. 2011 Natural d eerskin leath er buoket, anth racite gray. External closure with leather lace and in ternal magnet EquippGd with adjustable leather shoulder strop, nickel chain and leather handle. Shouldor bag or h and he ld bag. Size and fit: Hel~61 om. aep1h 11om. ~dthas om. cod. 2010 cod. 2012 CINZANO Cod. 2012 CINZANO Natural d eerskin Jeath er shoulder bag, anthracite g ray. Equipped with triple inner oompartment with front mstal snap closure. Eq uipped with metal and leath&r shoulder strap. Shoulder bag. Size and fit: Hel~ 24 om. aep1h 8 om. Wldtn 22 om. 12 ELITE' cod.OO t EUTE' Cod, 001 Two-tone paint mini bag covered in blook/yeiJow. Front flap with patent bow and cnop ol~ure. Handbag with doubiQ lmor comportment Size and fit: Helgnt 14om. Clipth 12om, Width 18om. 13 EXPO Cod. 02g Natural moose leather briGfoaso, molody color. PET fabric front flap with food t toronoc jolly printing. "EXPO PROJECT 2016' . Leather front pocket w~h gold olasp•. Shouldor bog "' handbag equipped w~ handle and adjustable leather shoU!d9r &trap. Gotd motol ohormc. Size and fit: Helgni 24 orn. oe¢1'1 18om. Wlatl'l42 om. EXPO MINI Cod. 030 Nall.l:allllOOGO leather mini briofoato, molody color. PET Iabrie hont flap with food t tarohos jolly prinO>g. "EXPO PROJECT 2016'. Leather front pook91 with gold olatpt. Sho<Ador bag oquipped Wl1h adju•tablo leather slrudor strap. Gold rnota1 ell"'""'. EXPO 14 FUNNY SHOPPING Cod. 001 Wrinklod rrini chopping. Zip closure. Equippod with front pocket with gold motol clasp&. Handbog with doublo loathor handle. Size and fit: I*!IJ'll21 om. CMp!fl 10 em, ~ 28 om cod.OOl FUNNY FUNNY cod. 002 FUNNY SHOPPING Cod. 002 FUNNY SHOPPING Cod. 003 Wrinkled leather bag. Front flap with two gold metol clasps. Handbag or shoulder bag with heigh t adjustable leather handle. Wrinkled leather mini bag. Front flop with two gold mstal clasps. Handbag with leather handle. Size and fi1: Hel~ 18om. aep1h 9 om. Wldttl 26 em Size and fit: Helgnt 16om. aep1h 10 em. Wldttl 24OM 16 GUMMY Cod. 0 14 Ca~ leothor gummy chopping bog. Front flap with loalhor bow onct gold olosps . Equippod with handlo onct h&igllt.OOjustab!o shouldor &trap. ShouldO< bog or handh<>ld bog with gold mOlal ohotmo. GUMMY GUMMY SHOPPING Cod. 012 GUMMY HOBO Cod. 013 Calf loathor gummy Shopping bag. Fully lined with intornal zip pockol Ooublo handlo. Shou!der bog or hondh9td ba.g equipped with 119ight..adju <lblo thouldor c1rap. Gold metal charms. Calf loathor gummy hobo bag. Fully linod with handlo and 119ight-adjustablo &houldor strap. ShoUdor bag rx handhold b ag with gold moltll oharmo. cod.Ol 2 GUMMY cod. Ol 3 18 LUKY Cod. 001 Saratoga calf le.ather shopping bag covered in black. Equipped with double le.ather handle. Shoulder bag with gold metal charms. Size end fit: Hel~ 69 om. aep1h 10om. ~dttl 47 om. cod. 001 cod. 002 LUKY LUKY Cod. 002 Saratoga calf le.ather shopping bag covered in black. Equipped with exterool side zippers ond calf leather handle. Shoulder bag with gold metal charms. Size end fit: Hel~ 64 om. aep1h 18om. ~dttl 40 em. 19 MOODY Cod. 2020 Natural moos; reothor shopping Bag, green petrol color. Fully lined with on intornal zip pocket Zip clowe. Equlppod with doubls loathGr handle ond dolooMble odjustoblo height ohouldO< ctrop. Shoulder bog or hondbog wilh pyramid &tuds ond gold motol ohormc. MOODY MOODY Cod. 2021 Natural moos& leothor Buoke~t. gr&en petrol color. External leathw l.ooe oloauro ond internal magnet Equip ped with odJUCt4blo hoight should&r strap and leather handle in votious i'ltorohongeable colors. Pyramid and gold mOUll ohonns. •tud• (Od, 20 2 1 cod. 202'2 MOODY MOODY Cod. 2022 Natural moooe loother Mini Bao. mud-colored. Metal front ok>&Ur9. Equipped with leother hondLo ond detachable adjustable Ghoulder ctrop. Shouldor bag or handbag with gold mol<ll ohormo. Size •nd fit: Height ao om, Otptn 11S om. Wlatn 26 om. 21 HOBO MOVIDA Cod. 2 166 Natural moos& leothor hobo Bag, melody oolor. Fully lined with on internal pookot. Equipped with choUidor &trap, leather handle and different colore interoh.Ongoablo border&. Shoulder bDg or handbag wi!h gold metal charms. Size and fit: .......,.. 00 om. OfPih 14om.~ S8 om co4. 2165 MOVIDA MOVIDA Cod. 2 167 Natural deerckin JQ.oth« bog with wrinlde paint fuchsia, doubl9 handle and nlckol onop&. F\JIIy lined and oquippod with two intomal pookets: zip olo...-o ond phono holdor. Double looking clip ond logo tnap ciOGUre. Shouldor bag with l0<1tl'ler oharrnc ond nickel. MOVIDA PYTHON Cod. 2168 Python tnako bog With doublo handle and niokel tnap&. Shouldor bog. Equipped with two ln1omal pook&tt : zip closure and phone holc:Sw. Double looking olip ond logo snap c losure. cod. 2158 Size and fil: H &lghl OS on\. dtp11'1 26 om, wtatn 46 om. cod. 2157 MOVIDA 23 MOVIDA SHOPPING BAG Cod. 218 1 Natural d eerskin leather shopping bag with w rinkle pain t fuchsia. The inside i&fully lined with an internal zip pocket. Handbag or shoulder bag with double handle and adjustable shoulder strap. Equipp ed with leather charms ond gold. MOVIDA MINI BAG Cod. 2 167 Deerskin natural leather m ini bag, doub le hand le and n ickel snaps. Fully lined and eq uip ped with two in ternal p ockets: zip clo&1Xe ond p hone holder. Double ~eking clip and logo snap ok>sure . Shouldsr bag equip ped with leather and niokel charms. Size and fit: Helgnt Z6 om. aep1h 19 em. Width 27om. Size and fit: Hel~ oo om. aep1h 12om. ~dttl 47 om. cod. 2157 cod. 21 61 MOVIDA MOVIDA SHOPPING Cod. 2160 Natural d eerskin J9ath er shopping bag with w rinkle paint fuchsia. Fulty lined with an in ternal zip pocket Exterior front pocket with zipper. Shoulder bag with leather oharms and g old. Size and fit: Hel~ 66 om. aep1h 1s om. ~dth .s7 om. MOVIDA CLUTCH Cod. 2163 Natural deerskin l9ather poohette oovsred in fuohsia. Double interior compartrn.Gnt Metal snap ok>sure handbag. Equipped with adju stable leather shoulder strap. Size and fit: Hel~ 18om. aep1h 1om. Wldttl 32 om. cod. 21 00 cod. 21 63 MOVIDA 25 MOVIDA CLUTCH Cod. 2184 Natural deerckin JQ.oth« clutch covered in fuchsia. Metal ; nap oloue. Uathor handle . MOVIDA cod.2164 26 MOVIOA SHOPPING Natu:rat mooso loothor ;hopping Bag, melody oolor. Ls.ather front flap o~ouro with gold motal sn ap. EqulpP9(1 wfth double leather handle and adjusltlblo ohouldO< otrap. Sho<Ad91 bag or handbag with metal charms. Cod. 2166 Size Mel fit: l-tiiQI'II eo om. Otplll1 e om. ~ ss em. Cod. 2167 Size .m fit:,....... eo om. OlpCh , 'Mdtl-'0 em. MOVIDA cod. 2167 MOVIDA Cod. 2168 MOVIDA Cod. 21 6Q Natural moose leather Bag, aJoe~lored. Leather front flap with bow an d metal snap olosure. Handbag equipped with handle ond gold metal charms. Possibility to add a leather shoulder strop. Natural moose leather Mini Bag, mud-oolorsd. l e.ather front flap with bow and metal snap olosure. Handbag or shoulder bag with gold mstal charms equipped with leather h andle and adjustabl& shoulder strap. Size and fit: Helgnt oo om. aep1h 11 em. Wldttl 41 em. r.tisure: Height 22om. oeptn 1S om. cod. 21 68 MOVIDA wJOtn 6600\. !I 1!1 .. www. ISO 9001 ISO 14001 LL-C (Certification) U-C (Certification) ENCROC ITALIA s.r.l. Via Galileo Galilei, 15 - 81100 Caserta P.l. 036885506 19 Tel./ fax .-39 0823 1761424 I M . .-39 338 6394778 [email protected] 0 Kilesa ltalia