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Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order in the Main Hall of the Bob Ruud Community Center in Pahrump, Nevada at
6:06 p.m.
Members in Attendance:
Mark D. Kimball
Garry Warner
Members Absent:
Charles Dupre'
Planning Staff:
Cheryl Beeman
District Attorney's Staff:
Building & Safety Staff:
Public Works Staff:
Acronyms Used:
Carrick "Bat" Masterson
Jacob Skinner
Steve Osborne
Norma J. Opatik
Shiloh F. Schmidt
Average Daily Traffic
Architectural Review Committee
Bureau of Land Management
Board of County Commissioners
Charles Abbott Associates
Conditional Use Permit
Deed of Restrictions
Code Compliance Officer
Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions
Development Review Committee
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Nevada Bureau of Health Protection Services
Nye County Code
Nye County School District
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
Nevada Division of Water Resources
Nevada Department of Transportation
Nevada Revised Statues
Pahrump Regional Planning District
Pahrump Regional Planning Commission
Pahrump Town Board
Planned Unit Development
United States Forest Service
Single-Family Residential
Sexually Oriented Business
Traffic Impact Analysis
Transportation Planning Committee
Uniform Building Code
Valley Electric Association
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ApprovaI of 1Modifications to the Agenda
Commissioner Kimball explained the purpose of this meeting was to allow Hogle-Ireland an opportunity to present
and designate new zones within the PRPD. Further meetings will be scheduled in the future to zone specific areas;
specific properties are not being zoned at this time.
Public Comment - 6:08 p.m.
Public Comment Closed
Discussion, deliberation and direction comering a Bill proposing to amend Nye County Code 17.04
Discussion, deliberation and decision to adopt six proposed new zones, including TC-Town Center; CC-Calvada
Commercial; M-MedicaVMedical Support; VC-Visitor Commercial; BO-Business Opportunity Overlay; 0s-Open
Space, Parks, and Recreation; and modifications to the existing GC-General Commercial Zone in order to avoid
incompatibilities between adjacent commercial and residential development.
Kathy Lottes (Project Manager) Hogle-Ireland made introductions; Mike Thiel, Partner; Robert Zegarra, Associate;
and Llona Dahlke, Associate.
The items that will be reviewed tonight are actually a repeat of what was reviewed with the Planning Commissioners
at a work session held on January 24,2007. The Hogle-Ireland staff felt it was important to go over this material
during a Public Hearing. And to be sure anyone who wasn't available at that time of the original work session had an
opportunity to receive the information provided at that time.
Mrs. Lottes began a review of the attached slide show presentation.
Commissioner Kimball reviewed the agenda and stated the intent of the special meeting tonight was to forward a
recommendation to the BOCC concerning the adoption of the proposed new zones and the amendment to Nye
County Code 17.04 as well as the adoption of the Town Center Design Guidelines.
Mrs. Lottes agreed with Commissioners Kimball assessment and stated within a month or two Hogle-Ireland would
be back to present a Comprehensive Zoning Map. A community meeting will also be held at that time.
Robert Zegarra reviewed the six proposed zones.
(Slides Attached)
Commissioner Masterson stated in the Calvada Commercial Hogle-Ireland has 50 foot lot widths; these lots have
already been subdivided and sold. There are 78 lots in that area that are 25 feet in width, this creates a problem, what
do they do with it now? The lots have already been sold.
Mi-. Zegarra answered they do recognize that some lots do already exist, those properties would be legal nonconforming lots. The property owners would have to abide by the requirements to build.
Commissioner Kimball asked wouldn't the property owners be grandfathered in?
Mr. Zegarra answered yes. Nothing is in the current zoning ordinances that prohibit them from developing. The
property owners would only be prohibited from subdividing.
Commissioner Opatik asked if there are other restrictions that would prohibit the property owners from developing
because of the size of the lot.
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Mr. Zegarra answered not in the text of Calvada Commercial however there may be some in the general provisions of
the existing codes, such as parking.
Commissioner Masterson stated there are current CC&Rs in the area.
Commissioner Warner asked if Hogle-Ireland would consider using an architectural review committee to review the
proposals for the homes.
Kathy Lottes stated Hogle-Ireland is not proposing to change the existing procedures requiring the site plan reviews.
New developments will have to comply with buffer requirements when residences buffer next to commercial
Commissioner Warner stated he has a problem with the ordinances stated you will comply with the requirements set
forth by or as required by a government agencies. He would rather have requirements listed specifically.
Robert Zegarra provided clarification on Business Opportunity overlay.
Ilona Dahlke reviewed the slide show presentation concerning the Town Center Design Guidelines.
(Slides Attached)
Public Comment 6:56 p.m.
Bradford Freeman stated he agrees with the Town Center Zoning Design Guidelines however he does not feel the
proposed location is the correct one. The Town Center would better serve the community located at Basin Ave and
Hwy 160. The infrastructure in the area surrounding Basin Ave would better serve the designation of a Town Center;
the Calvada area would better serve a Historic Center.
Ilona Dahlke provided history on the decision, because of the series of workshops conducted the majority of the
residents prefemed the Calvada Eye area as their Town Center. The residents preferred the small town atmosphere
for the location of the Regional Center, Civic Center and or PedestriadwalkingPark.
Commissioner Kimball reinforced the idea that the community wanted to establish a small town atmosphere within
the Town Center. And the heart of town would be located in this area; some of the County Agencies would also be
located in this area.
Steve Suttlemeyer stated, as he understood it the area was original planned as multi-family. He was concerned about
the amount of development in the area
Susan Wright stated the design of the Town Center Overlay was beautiful. She does have some concerns over the
increase in traffic and the availability of parking. Mrs. Wright also asked how many people participated in the
surveying process.
Richard Hughes stated his support for the comments made by Bradford Freeman, he feels it is going to be extremely
diff~cultto do anything productive with the area proposed for the Town Center, there just isn't enough room. The
lots are not large enough and the ownership is scattered. For one person to purchase enough property to develop a
project that is going to best serve the community is going to be impossible.
Paula Glidden stated she feels this project needs to be approved and moved forward to the BOCC; minor changes can
always be made later. Businesses are not moving forward in Pahrurnp because of the current lack of zoning.
Larry Faustina asked if the only place a hospital can be located is the medical support zoning area.
Robert Zegarra answered hospital may also be located in the General Commercial with the use of a Conditional Use
Permit, it is allowed outright within the Hospital Zone.
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Rick Walker asked if Town Center Design Guidelines are covered under the zoning ordinances? If they are outside
the ordinances he is going to assume he has some flexibility with the design of the exterior.
Ms. Dahlke stated although the guidelines are not covered under the zoning ordinances the Town Center zone text
does specify any developments do have to adhere to the Town Center Design Guidelines.
Commissioner Kimball stated the guidelines could however be modified by the BOCC along the way.
Rick Walker voiced his hopes that a specific theme of design would be proposed by staff or Hogle-Ireland to the
BOCC and PRPC to be voted on.
David Patton asked if there was a timeline on the completion of the land use codes.
Robert Zegarra stated no, the proposal tonight indicates additions and modifications to what is already in existence.
Mr. Patton stated Land Use Code 400 states General Commercial, are there going to be new codes?
Mr. Zegarra stated Mr. Patton was referring to the Assessor codes.
Cheryl Beeman stated the code Mr. Patton is referring to have to do with the Assessor's office and the codgs are used
to assessing the property for the purpose of property taxes. They do not relate to zoning categories.
Mr. Patton asked why the codes do not correlate with each other.
Commissioner Kimball stated that subject is open to future debate.
Bob Howard stated he was part of the original working group and he was under the impression the Town Center
would exist for County, State and Federal offices. The businesses located around the Town Center would support
those government facilities. Big business should be located in the area of Honeysuckle Park, closer to Hwy 160.
Trish Rippi stated she is a realtor in Pahrump and realtors within Pahrump have been selling and buying properties in
ways that are determining the highest and best use. Now the Commission is trying to zone those busy areas as
residential, but at the prices those areas are selling for no one is going to build or be able to afford a single family
home. The reality is not what is on the map.
Commissioner Kimball stated they are trying to zone the areas as they are developing.
Bill Aldridge stated he is also in support of placing the Town Center at Basin Ave and Hwy 160; the area is located
next to major shopping and the park.
Commissioner Midge Carver asked how many people was actually surveyed and how was the survey conducted?
Zlona Dahlke stated a public workshop was held. During the workshop individuals were separated into 4 separate
locations. 12 individuals were in the group pertaining to the Calvada eye. 25 individuals were in attendance at the
workshop and approximately 25 additional surveys were received online.
Cheryl Beernan stated this was noticed as a public hearing, it was noticed in the newspaper as well as online.
Announcements were also made at each PRPC and BOCC meeting.
Commissioner Butch Borasky stated the individuals who did attend the workshops concerning the Town Center
represent a good portion of the community; those individuals have taken the time to get involved and should be
commended for it.
Commissioner Masterson feels individuals may be misrepresenting Town Center; Town Center is not the Town
Commercial Center. Commercial is located and zoned were it is located right now, Basin Ave, Hwy 160, and next to
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the P a h m p Nugget. We are talking about a Community Bldg, which will consist of government agencies, which
may include Planning, Road Department, and Building & Safety.
Commissioner Opatik agreed with Commissioner Masterson, the downtown area becomes the municipal area, legal
offices, etc. The people who work in this area will need a place to go to lunch, etc. This area would not support large
.shopping. All the County Agencies would be centrally located.
Commissioner Opatik stated she would not like to see a lot of flexibility in the architectural design because there will
be many small shops, a quiet littIe area not the town center.
Public Comment Closed 7:29 p.m.
Commissioner Masterson motioned to adopt NCC 17.04 based on the findings as outlined in the stafl report,
deleting section 17.04.330. Commissioner Skinner seconded. Roll call vote: Warner, no; Opatik, yes; Masterson,
yes; Kimball, yes; Murray,yes; Skinner, yes. Motion to approve passes 5-1.
Break 7:30 p.m.
Reconvened 7:40 p.m.
Town Center Design Guidelines
Kathy Lottes informed the Commissioners that the information concerning the Town Center Guidelines was located
in their backup. She asked for them to forward a recommendation of approval to the BOCC.
Commissioner Masterson stated there are already a lot of existing buildings in the area. Is there any way to regulate
or to ask the current property owners to upgrade the property?
Kathy Lottes stated the design guidelines would only apply to new development, unless they were to redevelop.
Ilona Dahlke stated there is a provision in section 3-1 that would require existing businesses to follow the new design
guidelines if they are expanding over 500 square fmt, if they are proposing new signage, they are doing exterior
remodeling, and/or expending $5,000 or greater.
Commissioner Kimball stated they could add a recommendation for the BOCC to examine if restrictions could be
added to the current property owners to come into compliance with the design guidelines.
Commissioner Warner asked where does it state the existing lot sizes are grandfathered in?
Kathy Lottes stated there is a grandfathered section in the zoning ordinance. The lot size requirements in the new
zones would only apply to someone coming into a subdivision.
Commissioner Warner made some additional comments that were not auible on the CD.
Robert Zegarra stated he found the answer to Commissioner Warner's question in 17.04.905 Section A. This section
states land or building use.
Cheryl Beeman stated no new lots would be created that would be in violation of existing standards. Staff has
knowledge of the time of lot development, so they would be allowed to development because they exist prior to the
new design guidelines.
Public Comment 755 pm.
Public Comment Closed
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Commissioner Masterson moved to approve NCC 17.04.890.2b subject to and based on the findings as outlined in
the staff report. Commissioner Skinner seconded. Roll call vote: Warner, yes; Opatik, yes; Masterson, yes;
KimbaQ yes; Murray, yes; Skinner, yes. Motion to passes 6-0.
Discussion and Direction concerning future public hearings and to set a date. location and time for
these hearin~s.
Kathy Lottes stated the firm needs to schedule a meeting with the BOCC concerning the new zones. A public
hearing will need to be scheduled to present the new zoning map. Once that is completed they will meet with the
BOCC once more. Hogle-Ireland will meet with the Planning Department to clarify the dates.
This meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m.
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Approved Date: April 11,2007
Mark Kimball, Chairperson
Pahrump Regional Planning Commission
Carrick Masterson, Vice-Chairperson
Pahrump Regional Planning Commission
PRPC February 28,2007 Meeting Minutes
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03/23/2007 FRI 1 2 : 4 2
FAX 7029336766
CB Kicl~ardEllis, Inc.
Volualion and Advisory
3753 Howard
Suile 360
Ibltrylies Porkwa
Las Vcgos, NV 891 09-0961
T 702 9 3 3 6757
F 702 933 6766
Carl you plcase scnd the current zoning infarnlal'ion regarding parccl # 045-081-20. Also, if possible, can
you include the zoning requircincnts and the uses permitted and information regarding any likcly zoning
change or overlay clistricts for this parcel. 'Shmk you.
You can either fax them or email tliem, my infnnaai:ionfolIows.
Tlzanks for all y txr r help,
Danny 13eIl
'r 702-354-4998
F 702-933-6766
Daniel. bell @~~?~:M-CO_I
Design Guidelines
TC - Town Center Zone
Amendments o Existing Zon-eGC - General Commercial Zone
Allows for both commercial and residential land uses.
Mixed use development is encouraged where such
development integrates compatible uses.
Combination of residential, retail, office and public uses,
within a single lot or project site.
Intended to provide for the opportunity to develop
neighborhood-scale commercial development.
Protect the existing single-family residential character of
an area.
Livelwork, cottage industries.
- -
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. I .?.:
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Encourage and guide both public and private
developments within the TC - Town Center Zone.
Establish the goals and policies for the development of
the Town Center.
Provide the framework for the design review process in
approving new projects.
Architectural and site design guidelines
Standards on building orientation and massing, design
and architectural articulation, streetscape, landscaping,
parking, and signage standards
PedesZtian Path
Landscaped Parkway
Landecaped Parkway
Pedestrian Path
To preserve and enhance public and private open,
natural, and improved park and recreational areas.
Provide opportunities for outdoor recreation.
Protect sensitive or fragile environmental areas.
Preserve scenic qualities
Provide pedestrian and b
RPC to recommend to Board of County
Commissioners approval of and incorporation into
Zoning Ordinance:
Six new zones and modifications to the existing
GC - General Commercial Zone.
Adoption of the Town Center Design