Sunday, December 29 - the Parish of St. Peter of Alcantara
Sunday, December 29 - the Parish of St. Peter of Alcantara
Parish Port ofWashington, Saint Long Peter of Alcantara Island, N.Y. 11050 Parish School: 944-3772 Principal: Robert Windorf Religious Formation Office: 883-5584 Director: MaryChristine O. Thomsen Apostolado Hispano: 883-6675 Director: Fr. Arnulfo Jara Galvez Parish Social Ministry: 883-0365 Director: Lourdes Taglialatela Adult Faith Formation: 883-2782 Director: Sister Peggy Tully, O.P. R.C.I.A.: 883-6675 Music Ministry: 967-4710 Director: Mr. Robert Bobek Thrift Shop: 883-9277 SCRIP: 944-2513 C.Y.O: 883-6675 COME, PRAY FOR OUR PARISH: Every Wednesday - 11:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on our altar. Benediction at 3:30 PM. Wake Services are conducted at 3:00 P.M. on the day prior to the funeral. Go Forth W ith Christ WEEKEND MASSES Church 5:00 P.M. Church: 7:30AM, 9:00A.M., 10:30A.M., 12:00 Noon School Church: 9:30AM, (Spanish Mass) Summer Schedule (July through Labor Day Weekend): 7:30A.M., 9:30A.M., 11:30A.M. Weekday Mass: (Monday - Saturday) 8:30 A.M. Holy Day Masses: To be announced Rectory: 883-6675 Fax Number: 944-7461 Pastor: Rev. Patrick J. Whitney Parochial Vicar Fr. Arnulfo Jara Galvez Deacons: Mr. Frank G. D’Angelo - Mr. Joseph Bianco Pastoral Associate: Sr. Peggy Tully, O.P. Saturday: Sunday: RECONCILIATION (Confessions) The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated at 4:00 P.M. on Saturdays. The priest will remain in the confessional for as long as penitents are present but not later than Mass time. BAPTISMS Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 1:30 P.M. In order to better appreciate this sacrament, parents meet with Sr. Peggy for an interview and then attend our Baptismal Program. The Baptismal Program is offered once a month. Godparents are also welcome to attend. Please call Sr. Peggy at 883-2782 to make arrangements. Baptisms in Spanish are celebrated on the 2nd Sunday at 1:30 P.M. Please call Fr. Arnulfo Jara Galvez at 883-6675 MARRIAGE Couples should call the Rectory at least SIX MONTHS in advance. No date or any other arrangements should be made until the couple has been interviewed by a priest or deacon. INTERNET: www. December 29th, 2013 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph † -2- St. Peter of Alcantara MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY 8:30 AM TUESDAY 8:30 AM 5:00 PM WEDNESDAY 8:30 AM 12:00 PM THURSDAY 8:30 AM FRIDAY 8:30 AM SATURDAY 8:30 AM 5:00 PM SUNDAY 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM December 30 Daniel Rankin December 31 St. Sylvester I John McSweeney Olympia Nunziata January 1 Solemnity of Mary Thomas J. Cotter, 1st Anniversary John Prior January 2 St. Basil the Great Baby Grace Baghat January 3 SCHOOL CHURCH Fr. John B. Cook January 4 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Angela Fichera Stephanie Riveaux Antoniette Hitsous William DeMaria St. Peter’s Parishioners Elba Diaz Velasquez Charles Troop Fr. Sean Dillon Thomas M. O’Rourke Francine Hornberger January 5 Epiphany of the Lord Eileen Finnigan Marie Ashton Gerald Hubbard Peter Sanchez SCRIPTURE READINGS January 5, 2014, Epiphany of the Lord Isaiah 60:1-6; Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6; Matthew2:1-12 PLEASE PRAY FOR... The Sick: Hank Brakman, Michael Chieco, Sabina Climaco, Jorge Ferrin, Sr., Anthony Garofalo, Enid Hickey, Bernard Lough, Madeline McAleer, Stefano Montanari, Pano Rodis, Rita Stascavage, Philip Spinnato, Jeanette Trent, Patricia Tuerlings (kindly keep us updated) RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS) Would you like to know more about the Catholic Church? Have you never been baptized or received little or no instruction in the faith and want to learn more? Call the rectory at 883-6675. SAINT PETER’S REACHES OUT TO THOSE WHO MOURN Bereavement Support Group meets every Friday at 8:00 pm in St. Peter’s IHM Center Lounge. For more information, call Rose Osterberg at 883-2607, or Yvonne Calabrese at 8834817, email [email protected]. Children’s Bereavement: Individual counseling is available. Please call Sr. Peggy Tully at 883-2782 for assistance. SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Are you seeking guidance on your journey of faith? Call any of the three trained Spiritual Directors at St. Peter’s: Carol Breslin~767-7603; Kathy McIntyre~767-1792; Sr. Peggy Tully, O.P.~883-2782. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Meetings are held on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, 5:306:30 pm in the IHM Spirituality Center (Convent). New-comers are welcome at the Friday meeting. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesdays, 11:30 am to 3:30 pm Please sign the book at the table by the entrance. Benediction at 3:30 pm There will be no Adoration this week. O dread Majesty, O infinite Mercy! Save me, forgive me! Grant that I may never more be separated from Thee. St. Basil the Great WOMEN’S PRAYER GROUP Come join us on Monday January 6th at 9:15 am in the IHM Spirituality Center for an hour of group prayer, music, meditation, Bible study and individual sharing. For more information call Gloria Grafer, 627-4997, or Karen Vetrone, 944-8709. WEDDING BANNS First Week Lucy Portugal, St. Peter’s Jordan Gable SAINT PETER’S BABY BOTTLE CAMPAIGN to benefit the Life Center of Long Island This is the weekend to bring in those filled baby bottles! Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support (checks can be made out to the Life Center of L.I.). Be assured it is making a big difference in the lives of many people served by this busy crisis pregnancy center MASS IN SCHOOL CHURCH Mass on Friday, January 3rd will be held in the School Church. Refreshments will follow in the cafeteria. STEWARDSHIP CORNER From Art to Legal and Marketing to Videography, the Helping Hands of St. Peter’s are eager to help out! Need a Helping Hand? Call us, The Stewardship Committee. Contact Terry Zenobio at 516-883-3456. CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL Donations to the Catholic Ministries Appeal should be sent to the following address: Catholic Ministries Appeal, P.O. Box 4000, Rockville Centre, N.Y. 11571-4000. Kindly do not mail your checks to the rectory. Thank you. AUTOMATED GIVING If you are interested in donating directly from your checking account or credit card, please contact Susan at the rectory at 883-6675. *Card donors: kindly notify the rectory of new expiration dates and account numbers. WEEKLY REPORT ON FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Last Weekend’s Collection Basket $21,183 Guatemala $324 Automated Giving $2,600 Thank you for your generous support of our parish -3- St. Peter of Alcantara WEEKEND MASSES Saturday, January 4 5:00 p.m. Fr. Pat Sunday, January 5 7:30 a.m. Fr. Pat 9:00 a.m. Fr. Gregory 10:30 a.m. Fr. Gregory 12:00 p.m. Fr. Pat 9:30 a.m. School Church (Spanish) - TBA WEEKEND MINISTERS SCHEDULE MASS LECTORS Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas week, and that you and your families are looking forward to a great New Year. I want to thank you for the past year. For the first time in several years, we went over goal in the Catholic Ministries Appeal Campaign. Next year’s goal is the same as last year’s, $105,800. Both the parish and the diocese benefit from your generosity. The old convent, now know as the IHM Spirituality Center is full of activity. It is good that this beautiful facility is kept in use. We look forward to the coming year and I am sure that with the prayers and sacrifices of so many it will be another great year. Thanks, Fr. Pat A Note from Sr. Peggy Thanks so much for your Christmas cards and greetings. I send my best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year filled with Peace and Joy! Joseph Anthony Carney Julius Cadwell Dumpson Kevin Leonardo Reyes Illescas Tyler Michael Pierce Leonardo Dante Rapone Chase Bradley Vucemilovich WORD OF LIFE “Love your children. In them you can see Baby Jesus. Pray for them a lot and every day put them under Holy Mary’s protection.” ~Saint Gianna Beretta Molla MINISTERS Dec. 31 R. Atkinson 5 pm B. Baiocco Jan. 1 12 pm Jan. 4 J. Brakman 5 pm L. Cimini Grafers, K./R. Hickson, C. Hogan P. Imai Jan. 5 N. Brooks 7:30 am K. Lynch L. Murphy J. Labellarte, K. Lynch K. McIntyre 9 am F. Burke Dear Parishioners, GREETERS A. Mellert T. McAvey, A. Mellert N. Cristofano C. Mezzich 10:30 am A. D’Angelo M. Nuzzolese I. Moody, J. Morris, C. Murro J. Palawsky 12 pm M. DeMarino M. DeNisco C. Roth M. Nuzzolese, J. Palawsky E. Hanlon P. Paolino, M. Pusey, D. Sbarro And whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17 APOSTOLADO HISPANO SERVIDORES DE HOY, DICIEMBRE 29 ACÓLITOS: Ana, Jasmine, Michael, María ANIMADORES: Guillermo Molina LECTORES: Lilia Yanes, Hilda López MINISTROS: Rosario Espichan, Benjamin y Alba Duarte, Lucia Arias, Blanca Fabián, Raquel Cumbe, Consuelo Donado CAFÉ: Grupo #3: Dina Delgado SERVIDORES DEL DOMINGO PRÓXIMO, ENERO 5 ACÓLITOS: Jennifer, Iván, Verónica, Johnny ANIMADORES: Elsy Molina LECTORES: Mónica Rea, Marcelino Lugo MINISTROS: Rodolfo y Ana González, Hugo y Hortensia Melgar, Julita López, María Parra, Gloria Herrera CAFÉ: Grupo #4: Norma Chevez MATRIMONIOS Y QUINCEAÑERAS Aquellas parejas que desean contraer matrimonio y la familia de las niñas que quieren celebrar los quince años deben contactar al P. Arnulfo Jara al menos SEIS MESES antes de la fecha en que desean la celebración. Se les recuerda que no es aconsejable separar salón para la fiesta, antes de haber contactado al Padre y haber separado una fecha para la celebración. PLANIFICACIÓN PARA MINISTERIOS Para hacer uso de una de nuestras facilidades en San Pedro, por favor póngase en contacto con Susan en la rectoría y una forma de planificación será enviada a usted. O puede pasar por la oficina y llenar un forma en persona. Su solicitud debe estar hecho por escrito o el evento no estará puesto en el calendario. Susan se puede alcanzar en la rectoría a 516-883-6675 o por correo electrónico a [email protected]. -4- St. Peter of Alcantara Parish Reading Group Kisses from Katie A Circle of Women by Katie Davis New Year, New Heart Tuesday, January 21st January 28th 7:30 pm 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. The Martha & Mary Room The IHM Spirituality Center We gather in the freshness of a New Year not to make resolutions but to open our hearts to the graces that God longs to give us. Our reflection this evening will center on ways that we are called to grow in relationship with our God, and with ourselves. This invitation is in response to our God who asks, “I am doing a brand new thing; do you not see it?” Sr. Pat Duffy, OP, gifted preacher and presenter, will be leading our gathering. What would cause an eighteen-year-old senior class president and homecoming queen from Nashville, Tennessee, to disappoint her parents by forgoing college, break her little brother’s heart, lose all but a handful of her friends (because the rest of them think she has gone off the deep end), and break up with the love of her life, all so she could move to Uganda, where she knew only one person but didn’t know any of the language? A passion to make a difference. Google Books This book was mentioned by Deacon Joseph Bianco in one of his homilies, and then referred by a parishioner. Deacon Joe will join us. A free will offering will be accepted. The Port Washington Library has copies. Please RSVP to Sr. Peggy, 883-2782. All are welcome! -5- St. Peter of Alcantara St. Peter’s next men’s shelter dinner in Glen Cove will be on Thursday, February 13th from 6 to 8 p.m. We cook for and serve 20 to 25 homeless men. If you would like to participate in any way, please call Gloria Grafer at 627-4997. LOOKING FOR SOME NEW YEAR GOALS? Thank you to Mike Zenobio for cooking delicious ox-tail for the shelter in December. Today as we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we contemplate the hardships and fears they faced as they journeyed to Egypt. In the month of December, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to help the poor and suffering to face their hardships and fears. To find out more about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at St. Peter’s, please call Diane Regan at 883-5534. St. Peter’s Youth Ministry Meeting Jesus likes these… January 9th at 7 pm IHM Spirituality Center All students in grades 7-12 are welcome. This week we will discuss where the prayers we are so familiar with come from! We are going ice skating on January 10th! Please contact Meaghan for more information. You can also check us out online:; @PWGNYM and St. Peter of Alcantara Youth Ministry. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER We are searching for the longest married couple in the U.S. Maybe it’s your parents… grandparents…that nice couple who live down the street…Nominations are accepted from anywhere in the United States! Send nominations to: [email protected]. Nominate a couple you know today! LONG ISLAND/METRO RETROUVAILLE A lifeline for married couples Another marriage saving Retrouvaille weekend will be offered February 7th-9th, 2014 at the Montfort retreat house in Bay Shore. Retrouvaille has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming weekend , please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/Metro Retrouvaille who can help. The Beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called children of God. Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. -6- St. Peter of Alcantara PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY MINISTERIO SOCIÁL PARROQUIAL From all of us at Parish Social Ministry! De todos nosotros en el Ministerio Social Parroquial! May 2014 bring you all the blessings & joy your hearts can hold! Thank you for all your support & generosity. Because of your thoughtfulness we were able to help approximately 85 registered children this year for the Christmas holiday! Thank you from all of us and all of them! ¡Que el año 2014 les traiga todas las bendiciones y alegría que sus corazónes pueden tener! Gracias por todo su apoyo y generosidad¡ Debido a su amabilidad hemos sido capaces de ayudar a cerca de 90 niños registrados este año para las Navidades! ¡Gracias de parte de todos nosotros y todos ellos! AN ADDITIONAL & BELATED THANKS TO: UN AGRADECIMIENTO TARDE Y ADICIONAL A: Donna Russo, Jessica Griffin, Jeanine Dilillo de las Girl Scouts, quien junto con Clare Masi, corrieron y coordinaron la colecta de alimentos para la Campaña de Bolsas Naranja que hicieron las Girl Scouts para las despensas de comida de San Pedro y Nuestra Señora de Fátima el 7 de diciembre! Donna Russo, Jessica Griffin, Jeanine Dilillo from the Girl Scouts who, along with Clare Masi, ran & coordinate the Girl Scout’s Orange Bag Campaign Food Drive for both the St. Peter & Our Lady of Fatima food pantries on December 7th! WARM BED Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano has announced that Warm Bed, Nassau’s homeless program providing shelter relief to families and individuals during cold winter months, has been activated. A one-stop Nassau County Winter Homeless Hotline, 1-866-WARM-BED, will operate 7 days a week and run through March 31. If winter conditions persist beyond March 31, the program will continue until warmer weather arrives. CAMA CALIENTE Ejecutivo del Condado de Nassau Edward P. Mangano ha anunciado que Cama Caliente, el programa que ofrece refugio a individuales o familias sin hogar en Nassau durante los meses fríos del invierno. Una Línea Directa para el Condado de Nassau, 1-866-WARM-BED, estarán disponibles los 7 días a la semana y se ejecutará hasta el 31 de marzo. Si las condiciones de invierno persisten más allá de el 31 de marzo, el programa continuará hasta que llega un clima más cálido. HEAP 2013-2014 HEAP 2013-2014 HEAP REGULAR benefit component assists low-income New Yorkers with the cost of heating in their homes. Your household may be eligible for a regular HEAP benefit if you and your household members are US Citizens or qualified aliens and: • Your household’s gross monthly income is at or below the current income guides. • You receive Food Stamps, Temporary Assistance or • Your receive a Code A SSI (Living Alone) income The HEAP EMERGENCY benefit is also available and assists low-income New Yorkers who are facing heat or heatrelated emergencies and do not have the resources available to resolve the emergency. THE EMERGENCY COMPONENT OF THE 2013-14 HEAP PROGRAM IS OPEN EFFECTIVE JANUARY 2, 2014 AND WILL RUN UNTIL MARCH 15TH OR UNTIL FUNDS ARE EXHAUSTED. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lourdes at the Parish Outreach Office, 516-883-0365. Peace, Lourdes El componente de el HEAP beneficio REGULAR asista personas en NY de bajos ingresos con el costo de la calefacción en sus hogares. Su hogar puede ser elegible para un beneficio regular de HEAP si usted y los miembros de su familia son ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos o extranjeros calificados y: • Su ingreso mensual bruto es igual o inferior a las guías de los ingresos corrientes. • Usted recibe estampillas de comida, Asistencia Temporal o • Usted recibe un ingreso de Código A de SSI (viviendo solo) El beneficio de EMERGENCIA de HEAP está también disponible y ayuda a para personas en NY con bajos ingresos que se enfrentan a emergencias por el calor o relacionadas con el calor y no tienen los recursos disponibles para resolver la emergencia. EL COMPONENTE DE EMERGENCIA DEL PROGRAMA HEAP 2013-14 ESTÁ ABIERTO EFICAZ 2 DE ENERO DE 2014 Y FUNCIONA HASTA EL 15 DE MARZO O HASTA QUE SE AGOTEN LOS FONDOS. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en contactar a Lourdes en la Oficina de El Ministerio Social Parroquial (Alcanse) 516-883-0365. Paz, Lourdes -7- St. Peter of Alcantara More News from Guatemala… While in Guatemala we had the opportunity to visit all of our projects and more. I would like to share with you our visit to our second project, the Hope Chicken Incubation Plant. Our van road over uneven roadway, which led to dirt roads with huge pot-holes, which led to us parking the van and walking on a dirt pathway. As we got to the top of the hill, I saw these large gates, which I had never seen before. They opened before us, and there stood our women friends we had met last year. Leticia and Consuelo are the two women who head the incubation plant. They hugged us and cried in joy to see us again. I inquired about the wall and they proudly told us they had taken an interest free loan from a Christian woman to ensure their safety (apparently some people had tried to break into the plant to steal the chickens last year). They were so proud of their accomplishment of securing this loan by themselves. Here is why: three years ago these women were scavenging the garbage dumps for plastic bottles to sell and for food to feed their families. They have never been to any formal schools and they were discouraged and hopeless. Today, they run their own business; they’ve been well trained in managing the incubators and other equipment necessary; they keep their own financial books; they manage the 20 families involved; they send their children to school; and they secure their own financing when they need to. This is miraculous and it truly displays the truth that, “All things are possible with God” (Matthew 19:26). Yes, we at St. Peter’s have provided the financing for this incubation plant, but God provided the way! Every time I go to Guatemala and travel by plane and then by van and arrive 12-15 hours later, I am in awe of how we ever found our way to these people. I know how; it was all part of God’s plan and He has used each one of us for His glory. We have allowed Him to work through us by saying “YES!” Just like Mary said yes and Moses said yes and Abraham said yes, so we too said “Yes Lord we want to do your will!” So, during this Christmas Season, as we enjoy our friends and family, remember to once again step aside and say, “Yes Lord I want to do your will!” You won’t be sorry; there is no place better to be! A Blessed Christmas and a Joy-filled New Year to all! Julie Giunta -8- St. Peter of Alcantara St. Peter’s Calendar ~ December 29-January 11, 2014 Sunday, December 29 Spanish Coffee Hour in Cafeteria Spanish Youth in Pastoral Center Spanish Liturgy Choir in School Church C Y O in Gym Sacred Heart practice in Gym Monday, December 30 5:30 p.m. AA in IHM Center Dining Room 6:00 p.m. C Y O in Gym Tuesday, December 31 Rectory Closed 9:00 a.m. Rosary Prayer in IHM Center Chapel 6:00 p.m. C Y O in Gym 7:30 p.m. Spanish PreCana in The Martha and Mary Room 8:00 p.m. A H Choir Charismatic in School Church Wednesday, January 1, 2014 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. Thursday, January 2 9:30 a.m. Gift of Years in IHM Center 1:00 p.m. Peer Group in IHM Center Living Room 5:30 p.m. A A in IHM Center Dining Room 6:00 p.m. C Y O in Gym 7:30 p.m. Cursillo in Faculty Room 8:00 p.m. Charismatic Renovation Pastoral Center Friday, January 3 9:00 a.m. After Mass Refreshments in Cafeteria 10:00 a.m. Parents of Infants in IHMLR 6:00 p.m. C Y O in Gym 7:30 p.m. Charismatic Renovation in School Church 8:00 p.m. Bereavement in IHM Center Living Room Saturday, January 4 8:00 a.m. C Y O in Gym 7:30 p.m. Spanish Liturgy Choir in School Church IMPORTANCE ANNOUNCEMENT If you are a registered parishioner and wish to receive an acknowledgement of your envelope contributions for 2013, please contact the rectory and leave your name, address and envelope number. Those in our automatic withdrawal plan will receive statements. The mailing should start in mid January. Sunday, January 5 Spanish Coffee Hour in Cafeteria Spanish Youth in Pastoral Center Spanish RCIA in IHM Center Dining Room Spanish Liturgy Choir in School Church C Y O in Gym Croatian reception in Cafeteria Baptism in Main Church Croatian Mass in Main Church Monday, January 6 8:30 AM Prayer Group in IHM Center Living Room 10:00 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry in IHM Center Living Room 1:00 PM Peer Group in IHM Center Living Room 6:00 PM C Y O in Gym 7:00 PM Rel. Ed. Classes in Schools/Churches/IHM/Past. Ctr. Tuesday, January 7 9:00 AM Rosary Prayer in IHM Center Chapel 4:00 PM Rel. Ed. Classes in Schools/Churches/IHM Center 6:00 PM C Y O in Gym 7:00 PM St. Vincent dePaul in Pastoral Center 7:30 PM Spanish PreCana in The Martha and Mary Room 8:00 PM A H Choir Charismatic in School Church Wednesday, January 8 4:00 PM Rel. Ed. Classes in Schools/Churches/IHM Center 6:00 PM C Y O in Gym 7:30 PM RCIA in IHM Center Dining Room 7:30 PM Baptism Program in The Martha and Mary Room 7:30 PM Spanish Youth in Pastoral Center Thursday, January 9 5:30 PM A A in IHM Center Dining Room 6:00 PM C Y O in Gym 6:00 PM Cub Scouts Pack 21 in Cafeteria 7:00 PM Youth Group in IHM Center Living Room 7:30 PM Cursillo in Faculty Room 7:30 PM Choir in Main Church 8:00 PM Charismatic Renovation Pastoral Center Friday, January 10 10:00 AM Parents of Infants in Pastoral Center 11:30 AM Faculty Meetings in Schools, IHM Center, Cafeteria 7:00 PM School Dance in Gym 7:30 PM Charismatic Renovation in School Church 8:00 PM Bereavement in IHM Center Living Room Saturday, January 11 8:00 AM C Y O in Gym 9:00 AM Religious Formation Board in Faculty Room 3:00 PM 1st Communion Retreat in IHM Center 7:30 PM Spanish Liturgy Choir in School Church 8:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 1:00 PM 1:30 PM 2:00 PM ST. PETER’S THRIFT SHOP Monday-Thursday, 10-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-1:30 p.m. Saturday/Sunday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Closed Friday. Check out our website - -9- St. Peter of Alcantara St. Peter’s School Corner School Resumes After a two week Christmas break, school will reopen on Thursday, January 2, 2014. It will be a full day. All after school and enrichment programs will also resume. New Year Liturgy Set for Friday The New Year Liturgy will take place Friday, January 3rd in the School Church at 8:30 a.m. It will be hosted by the faculty. Refreshments will be available in School Cafeteria immediately following Mass. Middle School Basketball in Full Swing Both girls and boys middle school basketball teams are in full swing. The girls’ team under the guidance of Kim Hertlein and Amy Ventura will begin their season in January, while the boys 8th grade team with Coach Ed Wachowicz at the helm began their season in late December. The boys 7th grade team is lead by Mike Marsigliano while the 6th grade boys team is coached by Tom Coletti. The schedule of all games is available on the school website. Go St. Peter’s!!! Winter Dance to be Held th On Friday, January 10 , a school dance for the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders will take place in the school gym. Come ready to take to the dance floor from 7 to 9:30 pm. Catholic Schools Week is Just Around the Corner Catholic Schools Week will begin with an opening liturgy on Sunday, January 26th at noon in the School Church. This year’s theme is “The Value of Learning. The Learning of Values”. The week is filled with many activities from open houses, to crazy hat day, to the ever popular student/faculty netball game, and introducing a new student talent show. Please be sure to keep your eye out for flyers and updates on the website for further information. Oliver Will Take Center Stage in April Our drama club production for this year is Oliver. On April 4th, 5th, and 6th 2014, under the leadership of Donna Serpico, our St. Peter’s thespians will take to the stage to tell the story of this endearing orphan. The children have already been busy practicing their lines, warming up their vocal chords, and choreographing some new moves. This year’s production is sure to stand out as one of the best ever. Save the Date for the School Celebration Our annual Timothy C. Kelly School Celebration dinner will take place on Saturday, March 29, 2014. This year we are honoring 5 faculty members who have diligently served St. Peter’s for at least 15 years. They are Kathleen Cotilletta, Sandra Sperazza, Barbara Mucciolo, Merilee Lehmuller, andEleanor Cosentino. Please join St. Peter’s School in showing our appreciation for these wonderful teachers. More information is available by contacting Barbara Bergin at [email protected]. -10- St. Peter of Alcantara INISFADA SPIRITUAL MINISTRY AT IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY SPIRITUALITY CENTER (CONVENT) Telephone: 516-767-0212 Come away by yourselves...and rest awhile. Mark 6:31 Saint Hildegard of Bingen, OSB Writer Composer Philosopher Artist Counselor Mystic Benedictine Abbess Healer Poet Preacher Naturalist Visionary On October 7, 2012 Pope Benedict XVI declared St. Hildegard to be the 35th Doctor of the Church. Meet St. Hildegard of Bingen A talk, discussion and reflection on the remarkable life of the newest doctor of the church. We will look at her teachings, music, dramas, contemplative gifts, and mystical tradition. We will also see a portion of the film “Vision” released in 2010. Presented by Marie Bannister Wednesday, January 22, 2014 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. FREE WILL OFFERING “Don’t let yourself forget that God’s grace rewards not only those who never slip, but also those who bend and fall. So sing!” St. Hildegard Registration Form: Please drop off form at Rectory or call 516 767-0212 to register. Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone:_______________________ E-Mail:________________________________________________ HARDING REAL ESTATE (516) 883-0575 Pat Shroyer TREE SERVICE 944-6941 Licensed Associate Broker Office: 944-3870 Cell: 516-236-9201 You Dream it We Make it! POINT TO PORT REALTY LTD. (516) 944-6800 Port Plumbing & Heating 516-883-1996 24 Hr. Emergency Service Free Estimates Serving North Shore over 30 yrs. 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Washington, NY Victor Garcia Established in 1924 767-0866 8 South Maryland Ave., Port Washington Grand Opening 917 Port Washington Blvd., Pt Washington (516) 944-7171 124 Plandome Rd., Manhasset (516) 627-9360 E-Mail: [email protected] JEAN CASELLA, Owner/Broker CAR WASH SHIELDS PLUMBING Serving the community since 1975 5 Beechwood Ave., Port Washington 472-0202 PLUMBING • HEATING • HARDWARE Residential - Commercial Since 1917 - 3 Generations • BATHROOM REMODELING • SPRINKLER SYSTEMS • WATER FILTER SYSTEMS • FAUCETS REPLACED • FURNACE LEAKS REPAIRED • DISHWASHER HOOKUP • SPRINKLER BACKFLOW • WASHING MACHINE HOOKUP • REPIPING 767-0300 • LEAKY PIPES & FAUCETS • HOT WATER HEATER REPLACED • STOPPED UP DRAINS • LILCO CERTIFIED • SEWER LINES CLEARED 267 MAIN STREET, PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. 11050 Edward P. Donnellan, CPA Tel: (516) 767-2490 516.482.2900 75 North Station Plaza, Great Neck, NY S.F. FALCONER, FLORIST INC. Greenhouses 69 Main Street Port Washington, NY 11050 The small town hotel with the big city style. Shop for flowers on our website 24/7 RAZZLE DAZZLE Andy Fradelakis, CPA Call Anytime V. Garcia Painting 28-41 Steinway Street Astoria, NY 11103 Tel: (718) 278-2300 Highest Prices Paid on Long Island For Coins & Jewelry 648 Port Washington Blvd., Port Washington (1block from North Shore Animal League) 944-1776 Mon-Sat 8am-6:30pm Drive Thru No Appointments 10 Minute Oil Change 574 Willis Ave. 516-746-0303 10% Off Entire Bill Port Washington Rare Coins & Gold 475 Port Washington Blvd., Port Washington • Flowers and Balloons for all occasions • Custom Arrangements 516-439-4384 Where Stems Meet Gems ... • Fine Jewelry • Professional Jewelry and Watch Repair Full Service on All Floral Events PORT WASHINGTON 45 Orchard Beach Boulevard Port Washington (at the Brewer Capri Marina) Telephone: 516.883.5600 Fax: 516.883.5612 Open Year Round Private Party Room Available Reservations Requested #189 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • BILL DEVLIN’S MEMBER WINDOW CLEANERS UNION LOCAL #2 Window Cleaning Services Commercial & Residential Window Cleaning Services Cosmetic & Day Spa • Aromatherapy • Body Treatments • Cosmetics • Nails & Skin Care • Waxing OVER 30 YEARS OF PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ~ FULLY INSURED (516) 326-5015 18 Main St., Port Washington 516 767-6688 by Appt. Walk ins welcome SULLIVAN’S QUAY RESTAURANT & BAR 25 OFF SINCE 1952 $ Sewer & Drain Cleaning Not valid for pumping or with any other offer. Offer valid at time of service only. One coupon per service call. 1.800.310.2564 Family Owned and Operated Since 1959 45 Shore Rd., Port Washington 767-0077 o n t he bay Fine Italian Cuisine Lunch / Dinner Party Room Avail. • Rehearsal Dinners • Communions • Baptisms • Confirmations Early Bird Dinner $15 3-6PM Sun.-Fri. (Mon. Closed) Pasta or Chicken, Salad, tea or coffee • COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICES • AUTO • HOMEOWNERS • CONDO • BUSINESS • LIFE • HEALTH • LONG TERM ELDER CARE BOB’S QUALITY AUTO 944-9400 Tune-Ups • Brakes Transmissions • Exhaust Complete Engine Rebuilding Road Service • Foreign Domestic NYS Inspection • NYS Diesel Open Lunch • Dinner Daily 883-3505 • 944-6653 Private Party Room 66 Sintsink Dr. East, Pt. Washingon Communions SUNDAY BRUNCH 11-3 Residential & Commercial 378 PORT WASHINGTON BLVD. JOSEPH N. CANIGIANI, INC. 541 Port Washington Blvd. 883-3122 (Just North of Uncle Giuseppes) Leasing 113 Main Street, Pt. Washington, NY 11050 Joseph A. Canigiani 516-883-3553 James J. Canigiani Gramman Plumbing & Heating Established over 44 years Quality Plumbing & Heating Service 356 Westbury Ave., Carle Place 11514 AUSTIN F. KNOWLES, INC. Funeral Home (516) 746-0045 FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1905 Offering a Complete Selection of Funeral Services 767-0123 128 MAIN STREET, PORT WASHINGTON LEWIS OIL Martha M. Knowles, Lic. Mgr. (516) 338-5843 Nobody Serves You Better • Auto Delivery to Your Home & Business • Heating & A/C Equipment • Environmental Services • Nassau/Suffolk/NYC 516-349-8980 (516) 488-2480 Licensed Master Plumber Serving the Community Since 1990 KENS FAUCET & TOILET REPAIRS INC. All Plumbing Repairs Charisma Gifts & Keepsakes Inc. 161 E. Jericho Tpke., Mineola 888-551-0251 516-280-4210 Charlene K. Verkowitz, J.D., LL.M. Attorney at Law m Weddings • Baptisms • Communions Grand Centerpieces • Favors • Out fit s Opening 10% off w/ad Mitch & Toni’s American Bistro 875 Willis Ave. Albertson, NY 516-741-7940 Dinner 7 Nights a Week Lunch Tuesday - Friday 15% Off Lunch ONLY with/ad Catering to Communions, Christenings, Confirmations, Bridal Showers, Baby Showers Leader of Song Matrimonial / Family Law Wills Trusts & Estates Tax Preparation Real Estate Estate Planning Elder Law / Guardianships Powers of Attorney Litigation Over 30 Years Experience TEL: 516-775-6800 FAX: 516-775-0641 561 Lakeville Road, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 516-883-2159 *Carpet*Hardwood*Vinyl*Laminate Free Estimates 49 Manorhaven Blvd., Pt. Washington ROSLYN HEIGHTS FUNERAL HOME 75 Mineola Ave., Roslyn Heights, N.Y. 11577 John P. Tucholski 516/621-4545 Jean T. Limbach Fax: 516/625-8725 Linda Hogan Florenzie Family Owned Since 1941 *Est. 1972 *Member of BBB * license #H1503670000 #189 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •
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