The masterpieces of Tintoretto, 1518-1594
The masterpieces of Tintoretto, 1518-1594
GOWANS'S ART BOOKS ^?22g^6 p NET MASTERPIECES OF ^N Q GLASGOW. GOWANS 8 GRAY, IT? Presented to the library of the UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO by MRS. J. HOME CAMERON Telegraphic Addressi "GALERADA, LONDON." *^S?TO ^Pt*^, fjjjgK l***ffif Telephone No. ll11, ItflffOlE MAYFAJR. The Carlton Galleries, Ltd. (CLAUDE & TREVELYAN), PALL MALL PLACE, LONDON, S.W. PURCHASERS AND SELLERS OF FINE PICTURES BY THE BEST OLD MASTERS. Messrs. attention Pastel ; CLAUDE & TREVELYAN of anyone desiring Portraits Marine Pictures of exceptionally clever ; also painted Portraits of Horses Artists ; the invite Oil and to the work in whose work can be seen at the Galleries, Pictures and Engravings Cleaned and Restored. Valuations made for Probate or otherwise. Collections Classified and Arranged. All Gowanis Art Books can be obtained at the above Address. — — — Where Gowans's to get Art Books abroad. France. — A. Perch*, Rue 45 Belgium.— Spinkux & Cie, . . . . . Jacob, Paris. 3 Rue du Bois Sauvage, Brussels. Holland. 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Other/ in Preparatitn Price 0/ each volume in parchment tover, 6d. net ; : in cloth, in leather, Is net; postage, Is net; \d extra. LONDON & GLASGOW: GO WANS & GRAY, LTD. — : GOWANS'S ART BOOKS Nov. Messrs. Gowans & Gray 1908. 1st, ask with confidence for the continued support of this undertaking by lovers of It is their classic hope to be able to cover the painting by including all whole important art. of field artists who were born before the year 1800, and the preparation of new volumes is being carried on steadily and systematically with this end in view. As new editions of the earlier volumes are required, improvements are being introduced and doubtful pictures replaced by genuine works, well-known authorities whose names are given being followed in every case. Rubens, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Raphael, Reynolds, and Tenters — have already appeared in this improved form, and the others which require revision are being actively pro- ceeded with. The publishers hope to accelerate the issue of the series by publishing future volumes and their efforts will at regular be very much monthly intervals, assisted if those who appreciate the books will place standing orders, " till further notice," with their booksellert. They beg to announce the following 22. THE MASTERPIECES OF TINTORETTO. 23. THE MASTERPIECES OF [November, 1908. POUSSIN. [December, 1 90 8. 24. THE MASTERPIECES OF PERUGINO. 25. THE MASTERPIECES OF MICHELANGELO 26 THE MASTERPIECES OF GOYA. [January, 1909. [February, 1 909. [March, 1909. Gowans f Colour Prints* s YJT7ITH the object of encouraging artistic decoration & of the Gray have commenced the by leading pictures selves, neat in hang on the artists, really high-class home, Messrs. Gowans issue of a series of coloured painted specially for them- brown or white paper frames, zval/, at the quite unprecedented ready price to of One Shilling each. No. in " MY POOR DOG TRAY," by Charles Pears, which the Artist has been eminently successful In rendering the pathetic line from i. is Thomas Camp- well-known poem, The Harper, " Nor refused last crumb to his pitiful face." bell's my No. 2. "APPLE BLOSSOM," is which seen at No. 3. this remarkable by Jessie M. King, in work is artist's beautiful its best. "FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD," is being a view of Stoke Pogis Churchyard, to which Gray's famous elegy refers, by St-phen Reid, painted on the spot by the artist. These prints can be had through any bookseller or printseller, or direct post from the publishers for 1/4 each, free. Gowans & Gray, Ltd„ London and Glasgow The Three of Gowans's First Books Picture Practical Price in Parchment Cover, 6d. net each, post free 7d. no. i. Ambulance By WM. CULLEN, by Sixty Photographs 2. M.D. W. M. Warneuke, illustrating Notes by the Author. First Aid, with Concise No. Illustrated. Golfing Illustrated. By G. W. BELDAM. 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THIRD SERIES. — Containing sixty reproductions Drawings by Dutch and Flemish Masters the State Museum, Amsterdam. of in FOURTH SERIES.— Containing sixty reproductions of Drawings by famous Artists in the British Museum, London. Selected by Sidney Colvin. Paper Cover. 60. Net. Each, Clcth, is Net. Kach. POSTAGE, ID, KAOH. OOWANS V GRAY, Ltd., London 9 Glasgow. Gowans's Art Books, No. 22 The Masterpieces of Tintoretto CARSON & NICOL LIMITED, PRINTERS, GLASGOW BLOCKS BY HISLOP & DAY, EDINBURGH PAPER BY ALEX. COWAN & SONS, LIMITED, EDINBURGH g» Admiral L'Amiral Veniero Vi (Gnle> (Ujfizi, 1'iotence) ie Admiral Veniero (I'lorenz, /•'rat. Uffizien) Atinar/, Fkoto. des Offices, Flounce) THE MASTERPIECES OF TINTORETTO (1518-1594) Sixty reproductions oj photographs from the original paintings affording examples of the different characteristics ', oj the Artist's work GOWANS & GRAY, 5 Ltd. Robert Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 58 Cadogan Street, Glasgow 1910 First Edition, September, iqoS. Second Edition (corrected ), January, iqio. *T^HE sixty paintings of which ductions follow genuine Painters by Mr. of are all the considered (" Berenson repro- Renaissance" Venetian Third Edition), arid as they comprise examples of the subjects, Artisfs may work in be taken representative of his art. all as kinds of thoroughly Admiral Vbnibro L'Amiral Veniero (Imperial Galleiy, Vienna) (Galerie itnpiriale, Admiral Veniero (IVien, Kaiser/. Galerie) /•'. I/anJstaen^l, Photo. Vuntie) Carlo Morosini (Acaaemy, Venice) Carlo Morosini (Acadtmie, Venise) Carlo Morosini (Venedigf Akademie) D. Anderson, Pluto, Vincenzo Zeno Vincbnzo Zeno (I'ittt, Florence) {Galerie Fitli, Florence) Vincenzo Zeno (Flo/em, Galerie /'lilt) Jj. Anderson, I'liolo. LUIGI CORNARO LUIGI CORNARO (Galerie Pitti, Floience) {Pitti, Florence) LUIGI CORNARO {Florenz, Galerie Pitti) F>. Anderson, Photo. Portrait of a Procurator {Royal Gallery, Berlin) Bll.DNIS EINES Portrait d'un Procurateur (Galerie royale, Berlin) PROKURATORS (Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. A Man in Un Homme en Armure Armour {Galerie imperiale, Vienne) {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) Ein Mann in Rustung (IVien, Kaiserl. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. Portrait of a Man {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) Portrait d'Homme (Galerie impiriale, Vientie) BlLDNIS EINES MANNES (Wien, KaiserI. Galerie) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. >3 TORTRAIT OF A MAN {Imperial Gallery, Vienna) PORTRAIT u'HOMME {Galerie imperiale, Vienne) BlLDNIS EINES MaNNKS KaiserI. Galerie) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. {IVien, M Portrait ok a Mam (Museum, Buda-Pestft) Portrait d'Hommb (Music, Buda-Pesth) BlLDNIS EINES MANNES (Budapest, Museum) !•'. I'lanj'stacngl, Photo. »5 Portrait of a Man (Louvre, Puns) Portrait d'Homme BlLDNIS EINES MANNES (Paris, Louvre) Neurdein Freres, Photo. (Louvre, Paris) i6 An Old Man and a P.oy (.Imperial Gallery^ Vienna) Ein ALTER (ll'itn, /'. ViBILLARD et un Oak, mm (Galoie i»i/>eria!e, Vienne) Un Mann und kin Knabr Kaisert. Galerie) llanjstaengl, Photo. :1 « 8 £ a. < S3 It ¥ 2 < <3 5 I Q k i\ 3 2 3 <5 (J M H r> K | ~v M X h 1 'O "^ 1 ^ 'Q M '5 u a H > w a S « .§ 5 s 2 m < t s < D < S- I 5 £ ^> CO 2 2 -S Si -5 ^ 3 si 2 .5 'o h n 1 1 .5 H5S The Manna >/a in La Mannb dans lb the Desert di S. Rocco, Ven I I l Manna l>> (Scuola di S. Rocco, Venise) in dick Wi mi; {yenedig) Scuola di S. Rocco) D. Anderson, Photo. 23 Moses striking the Rock (Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice) MoIse fkappant le Rocher ' (Scuola di S. Rocco, I'enise) Moses den Felsen schlagend (Venedig, Scuola di S. Rocco) D. Anderson, Photo. The Worship of the < (S. rOLUBN Cai.k Maiia delt l'irc L'Adoration du Veau d'Or (.V. Maria delC Orto, Venice} Orto, Venice) Anhktunc drs cm hhnen Kai.hes (I'enedig, S. Maria ,ie/f Of to) D. Anierson, Photo. ?; The Pi. ague of Serpents (Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice) La Pi.aie dks Serpents (Scitola di S. Rocco, Venise) Die Plage vox Schi.angen (Venedig, Scaola di S. Rocco) D. Anderson, Photo. at O <5. 2 *^K ^3 27 x .~ 3 « O £ 1": a 2 - ** K X ?3 M as < 5 X a. aa 2C The Presentation of (S. the Virgin Maria deft Orto, La Presentation de LA Vierge ^ Maria del? Maria Offer {Venedig, S. Maria del? Orto) Venice) (S. D. Anderson, Photo. Orto, Venise) iC < 2 Co 1 <* 'r 3' <; <o z ^ ^ <-> -^ ^ Ss « S .3 § 3 * £ tn =< ^ 2 s ; P < „ 'J <j a ^ > A in H ji J -\t -r — 5 =3 C -3 s • < X =< "S 33 3 - r 5 k" s - - H 3 "^ 87 ' A' '1 1 c '_ < ^s z. i ^PHIh^ "^ ' ' fltj c 5 J D } s i I .£'4J 9 'OkiMAI u ^ • mw * » >z 35 K ft. 2* 2 < 5 c a 3 ^ ^» 3 « Q to <-> g j| s u > *"! r\ •S .« ^1 50 < 2 <1 < * 9 s h s ,« N J r = 'sT < 5 z > < t\ 'J V ^* t-l •< -5 3^ < —> a 3 < <S ~s* **» .N ^ 2 « *». w « H^ to M •S P c :6 £ if 3 5 H ca % ff-a j* R (s * <a l> -ft x <o J? i W3 (^ f- IP « Si }7 p *^ 1 jr. | m **« I ^•^^ r Christ before Pilate Le Christ devant Pilate {Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice) (Scuola di S. Rocco, Venise) 'j Christus vor Pilatus (Venedig, Scuola di S. Rocco) D. Anderson Photo. 38 H -> to h $ u ~ 3c Christ bearing thk Cross Jesus fortant la Croix (Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice) {Scuola di S. Rocco, Venise) Die Kreuztragung {Venedig; Scuola di S. Rocco) D. Anderson, P/ioIl !:£ - u < 5 "j 2 g ^ „ * 5 u ^ 2 -5 3 > °1 3$ 3 ; .§ 14 •& 2 2 -3" - « ^ <9 The Crucifixion (5. Cassiano, Venice) Die Kreuzigung (Venedig, S. Cassiano) D. A nderson, Photo. Le Crucihiement (S. Cassiano, Venise) 43 Id Q .v .\ M £ "%; U U2 » < « 3. as J - <j ^ h a as ^ 2 IS 5 8 s Q, 5 The Last Judgment (S. Maria dell' Orto, Venice) (S. Le dernier Jugement Maria dell' Orto, Ventse) Das jungste Gericht Maria dell' Orto) (Veiieaig, S. D. Anderson, Phrto. V 5 ^ * 4? « /-. z H a h H a 2 H Z a -% in 2 a a £ a .*» > Q < z 1N 3 •* - - Z .^3 3*8 Q s* a f z •£ x u X2 a ^ z « z 3 ~ ^ , La Madeleine Magdalene Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice) {Scuola di S. Rocco, Venise) M tGDAI.BNA {Ventdigy Scuola di S. Rocco) ^ D. Anderson, Pho'.O. 49 St. Mary the Egyptian' (Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice) Die hl. Ste Marie l'Egyptienne {Scuola di S. Rocco, Venise) Maria die Agypterin (Venedig, Scuola di S. Rocco) D. Anderson, Photo. So The Decapitation ok (.S\ Mana St. Paul La Decapitation dk St Paul (5. Maria dell' Orto, Venise) Die Enthauptung des hl. Paulus (Ve*e.lig, S. Maria dell' Orto) D. Anderson^ PJioto. dell' Orto, Venice) 51 f. a a .V.' a u < 1 j <0 5 ^ 3 *< Efl H -J 5 < § .%. 3 J i 0] a Q >* ^ g .s - a 2 a M < 3 r. &• 3 X. < M .'C ^ ^ H -» _1 S (J •< -=5 3 O Q v c 1 52 Discovery of the Mody of St. Mark (Pinacotheca, Milan) Decouvertb du Corps db St Marc (Pinacotheque, Milan) AUFFINDUNG DES LEICHNAMS DES (Mailaml, Pinakothek) F. Hanfstaengl, PJwto, HL. MaRKUS S3 Transportation of the Body of St. Mark {Royal Palace, Venice) Transport du Corps de St Marc {Palais royale, Venise) Fortschaffung des Leichnams des (Venedig, Kgl. Schtoss) hl. Markus Frat. Alinari, Photo. St. George and the Dragon (National Gallery, London) I'ii in . I ,r< St Georges et le Dragon (Galerie natioiudc, Lon.hes) irg UNI) ni'K Dkacme (London, Sationalgalerie) F. 1 lan'siacngl. Photo, Martyrdom of (.V. Maria St. dell' Orto, Agnes Venice) Le Martyre de Ste Agnes Maria del? Orto, Venise) (5. Das Martertum der hl. Agnes {Venedig, S. Maria dclC Orto) D. Anderson, PJwto. Saints Louis, George and Margaret Les Saints Louis, Georges et Marguerite {Doge's Palace, Venice) (Palais ducal, Vettise) Die Heiligen Louis, Georg und Margarets 'encdig, Dogenpalast) D. Anderson, Phoio. ( / 57 Saints Andrew and Jerome (Doge's Pa/ace, I 'en ice) Les Saints Andre et Jerome (Paint's ducal, Venise) Die Heiligen Andreas und Hieronymus (Vrnedig, Dogenfialasf) D. Anacson, Photo, St SbBAS -IAN a di S. Kinci\ Venice) St. ( / \-nc dig , I IBM {Scuola di S, Rocco, Venise") Sebastian Scuola di S. Rocco) />. Anderson, Phot*. 59 The Virgix appears to Doge Loredano La Vierge apparait au Doge Loredano (Doge's Palace, Venice) (Palais ducal, Venise) Maria erscheint dem Dogen Loredano ( Venedig, Dogenpalast) D. Anderson, Photo. fio La Forge de Vulcain Vulcan's Forge (Doge's Palace, Venice) (Palais ducal, Venise) VuLKANS SCHMIEDE ( Dog en/a la si) D. Anderson, PlioL\ Venedif, 6i 5 5 < •^ U a > q .'-". 5 "si Ed z — ^ « ^ 2 a ^^ - ', 2 « •si a s. D * < 2 £ S ^ 6> | < H v. M Id < 5 ^ < c 'o 2 < c/i D u u < 1 •3 a. "> ^ pq g *3 Mercury and the Graces {Doge's Palace, Venice) Merkur dnd (l Mercure et les Graces {Palais ducal, Venise) die Grazien r enedig, Dogenpalast) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo A Complete List Photographs of of Published TINTORETTO'S PICTURES to be had of Mr. Franz Hanfstaengl, j 6 Pall Mall East, London, S.JV. SIZES and PRICES F = Folio (io"x of PHOTOGRAPHS— 8") Silver Print, 1/6; R = Royal(i5*xiz") = Imperial (21" x 16") 1 - Carbon Print, 2/6 - - Facs r= Facsimile (28" x 2o£") - E = Extra - „ 6/- ,, 12/- ,, 30/- 4i"x „ Average Dimensions are quoted. 50/. 26") (3 In ordtring it is - tsstntial that both Gallery arid Order Number art stated as well as tht Size. h Oallcrt. TlTL*. Luna with the Hours, The Annunciation, ... ... ... ... ... Berlin No. 112 772 Sin. FRI FB F F Portrait of a Procurator of St. Mark, A Lute Player Portrait ef a Man,. Portrait of a Man,The Martyrdom Portrait of a of St. Man - Child, Saints, T 213 214 220 340 Budapest Caen Cassel Mourning, • Battle between the Archangel Michael, and Satan, The Liberation of two 'Women, • Portraits of two Men, • I.ady in T7 176 F FK FP. FB FB FatS/ FB Dresden TJ186 BI U375 T T FBI ff _ M T T T and Ladies with Musical Instruments, A 797 Brussels Mark, Descent from the Crou, Portrait of a Man,* Madonna and ,, Brunswick F V F F F r F F F F F F F F --- 66 * a - :r E x Oallki'.y. TlTI.I. No. SlZK. < E - The Family of Mazzi of Venice, Portrait of a Man, Venug, Cupid, and Vulcan, - The Dep*»ltiou, Vincent Z«n • • ,, • ,, Louis Oornaro, • ,, Madonna and • ,, Child, Portrait of a Man, .... Jacopo Sansevinn, The Marriage at Cana, Christ entariug Into Jerusalem, The Venetian Admiral, VeBiere, Du.'e Mare-Antenie Trerliani, of Florence, Uffizi ,, ,, ,, George destroying tee Bragon, Origin of the Milky Way. l.'hrlet washing the feet of His .... Di&oiplea, in her Bath,- Susannah ... ,, ,, Luce* ,. • Lyons Madrid, Prado Battle on Hea and Land, Portrait of a Man, Venetian Senator, ,, ... The Purification, Portrait of a Prelate, Portrait of a Man,Portrait of a Young Woman, . Joeeph and Fetiphar's Wife, Queen of Bkeba and Solomon, Susannah. * The Ending of Moeee, F.Kthnr and Ahasuerua, ,, ,, ,, ,, „ ,, ,, „ ,, ,, ,, ,, Portrait of a young Portrait of a Man. The Death of U F Man, ,, ,, Helophernea. - Portrait of a Man in Armour, Portrait of a Woman, Portrait of a young Venetian ,, ,, ,, FI Z V V V Ue8 W 63 U Q 124 U U u u u z z V u 413 414 41S 4.5a 416 41T 411 41* 4J0 421 422 423 424 425 426 U42T 428 U428a 429 „ 429a ,, XT I F Z z U „ A F YU TJ „ of Christ, F R ,, tl The Baptism F Y47 ,, Portrait of a Man,- Seeator, Portrait of a Man,Portrait of a Man,A Venetian Senator, The Votive-offering, F FR ,, Susannah In her Bath, • Virgin and Child surrounded by A Venetian F 14 Y ,, Louvre FI Z z Frankfurt Glasgow ,, FI YU Matte* St, T I I F at 5/ I FBI V R Portrait e< a Soldier, • ,, ,, F at tf F F F 5/ I FatS/ Fat 5/ F F I I FR P K F R I F R F R F R FR FR F R F B FR FR V R F R FR FBI FR FI FR FR I Y F Y F K Y I F F at 5/ I F at 5/ I F at 5/ I F at 5/ Fat 5/ The Venetian General, Sebastian Venus and Minerva, Judith and Holophernes, F F F YU ,, Grenoble Loudon, N.G. FI 25 U Z 33 Z ,, The Holy Triuity,The Votive-offering F '/, ,, Florence, Pitti • • •, F Z Florence, Corsini * F F F F F F F F F F F 9 F F F F F F F F 1 67 n 2 Madrid, Escurlal Esther and Ahasuerus, The The Th* The Washing of Feet, - Burial of Christ, Magdalen Ik Prayer, Nativity, Christ aad tin Magdalen, Christ in the I«um of the Pharisee, The Discovery ef Mark's St. Milan, Brer* Body, Pieta, St. and Helen, St. Barbara, various Saint*. Jacope Seranzio, YU Museum Milan, - hio Son, with Doge ef Venice, Andreas Vesalius, The Baptism of Christ, Tintoretto, .... Munich of - Parma Baptism of Christ, Rome, Capltoline The Magdalen, Coleuna The Adoration of the Holy Ghort, ConservaThe Magdalen, ,, , ,, Portrait of s> in Adultery, Man, - ,, - Supper in the Pharisee's House, St. wi»h three Treasurers Secretaries, in adultery, Doge Alvise Mocenigo, - Andrew - Cappello. - - - - Virgin and Child and four Senators, The Flagellation, Cain and Abel, Academy Y Y U323 U V YU25 u 26 Y 27 ZYU 28 YU UY YU YU YU Y Y - The Resurrected Christ Venice, F F F F FI F F F FI F FRI I I FI I F FR at 8/ 29 5f , and their TJY Petersburg F Z Y Y Y UY Y Doria - .... .... Woman taken FR Z • - The deliverance of Andromeda, Portrait of a Man, Adam and Ere, The Deposition, The Crucifixion, • The Miracle of St. Mark, Bacchus and Ariadne, Mercury and the Graces, St. Justina, Y Y tory Palace Corsini ,, Birth of John the Baptist, FRI FRI St. Feter Naples Palermo, Chlaromonte, Bordouaro Purgatory, Deposition, "Woman taken F 162 218 Murano. Church Martyr Danae, Feeding of the multitude, FI Y the blessing three Senators, and Child and three Senators, C. Morosini, Senator, Senator, Doge Nicolas da Ponte,Antoine Cappello, Senator, - Virgin A Virgin and Child, Saints, and Venetian Dignitaries, - FI F F I I FI FI F F 68 i* Gallebt. Venice, Portrait of a Man, The Assumption, - Virgin In glory. St. Cecilia, St two Angels, and George, Doges. Prianso d'Alezze, • The Deposition. • Virgin and Saints, Elijah transported to Heaven, Academy .... Roche - ... Annunciation, Adoration of the Magi,- Christ before Pilate. hrist going to Calvary, Kcoe Homo, Plight Into Egypt, Massacre of Innocents, - .... t The Magdalen, St. Mary of Egypt, The Circumcision, The Visitation of St. Elisabeth Resurrection of Lasarus, ... • r F F F Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y FI • ... .... F F FB F F F F F F F Y F F Y Y Y Y Y Y St. Sebastlau, The Pool of Bethesda, • The .lr?!ii!'H, The Fall. Mones getting Water from the F R r F R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Christ In the (tardea of Olives, The Resurrection, Baptism of Christ, The Nativity, Temptation of Christ, Y Y Y Y Y Miraculous feeding with Bread and Fishes, The Last Supper, F F F R F Venice, School of St. • Elijah in the Desert, Manna In the Desert, • Eliaha distributing Bread, Crucifixion, - Y Y Y Y F F F R F F r F F F Rock, The Burning Bush, The Pillar of Fire la the Desert Y Y Y Y Jonah, Samson, Y Y Punishment of the Serpents, Vision of Raeklel, - Jacob's Ladder, Y Abraham's Sacrifice, Roche In Olory, Y Y Y Y St. •tested Figure, Flying Female Figure, The Resurrected Christ, Venice, Church of St Ososlan The Descent Into Purgatory, The Crucifixion, • The Crucifixion, • Venice, Church The Lost Supper, Venice, Church ... of Jesus of St. George the Greater The Manna in the Desert X Z Y F F F F F F F F K F F K F F 1 69 Z a Gallery. TlTL«. No. Siee. SB I 2 Martyrdom of many Venice, Church Saints, of St. George .... The Resurrected Christ, The Deposition, The Marriage of Cana, The Worship of the Golden Calf,- Y V Y V Y T de l'Orta T M Y Y Y F F F F F the Greater ,, Venice, Church of the Madonna of Salvitiou Venice, Church Madonna of The End of the World, The Beheading of St. Paul, The Elevation of the Oross, Martyrdom of St. Agnes, The Presentation of the Virgin in the T-mple, St. Martial and two Saints, The Pool ,, ,, ,, Venice. Church of St, Martial Venice, Chircfc - of Bethesda, • Roche of at. Temptation of St. The L»st Supper, The Fall of Lucifer, The Conquest The Conquest Trovase ,, .... of Constantinople, of Zara. - Battle of Riva on Lake Garda, Victor Soranzo defeating Estenel at Argeuta, Marcel takes Gallipoli te Argents, .... Defence of Brixie, Marriage of St. Catherine, • of St. Joseph Venice, L>ucal Palace ,, ,, ,, at 8/ F Y F Y Y F F Y Y Y Y Y F .... .... .... F F FI F ,, M Y F ,, Y ,, Z F F F ,, F K F F RI FI St. - The Four Seasons, Minerva repulsing Mars, Mereury and the Gracee, Ariadne and Bacchus, The Forge of Vulcan, • The Pope's Ambassadors, anii the Doge before Frederick Barbarossa, F£ Y Y Y Y Y ,, ,, Marguerite. St. Jarm-s »nd St, Bartholomew, Nicolas Priuli, Doge Priuli receiving the Sword of Justice. Z Y Venice, Monwtery ,, The Deposition, • St. Jerome and St. Andrew, St, Leuifc, St. George, and Y Y Venice, Church Anthony, of St. Battle of SalTore, F F Y ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, .... Venice amongst the Gods, • Venice, Queen ef the Sea, Doge Loredan imploring the Virgin, The Virgin in Glory and the Doge Nicolas da Pent*, giving to Venice the Empire of the World, • Paul Paruta, S-snator, The Glery of Paradise, - Y Y YZ Y Y YZ r F F R at FBI F R at ,, Y Y Y ,, Y F „ Y F ,, 8/ RI F 3/ F F F Jupiter ,, Y Y " Y Z ,, F F FR at 8/ 70 Gai.i.kry TlTI.K. No. Size. * * -'- Vm1oe, Ducal Doge A-Grluttt before the Virgin, ,, X T ,, T F Z F Z F z F z F The Resurrected Christ and three l>'ge Leuls Iuooenlgo before the Tlie Circauielilon, F Ventce, Cburch - Carmine Venice, Church of St. The Laet Supper, F - of bt. Gervaaio and The r"r^t 'iin Venice, Church Indention of the Cro>»,- of Mary, Christ's fit. .... Shipwreck, Transportation of the Body of Mark to Alexandria, The flagellation Baptism fit. M other re»culng aRaracen from Mark of Christ, 8t, - of Christ, Roche and three Salute, Venice, Royal Palace z F Venice, Oratory •f the Crucifix Venice, Murano, z F Church of tit. Peter Martyr Verona z Y F ,, - Bebaetiau Venlero. the Victor of the B lit In of Lepauto, ftusaanah In h»r Bath, • Portrait of a Man (a Teacher), LucreUa stabbing lienelf, Portrait of a Man and a Boy, Apolle and the Muses, - ... A Hsu armed Portiait Portrait Portrait Portrait of of of of in Golden Vienna . __ Armour, ,, F U 88 89 174 175 17* 177 U 178 171 P R R 395 R F 396 R F EI | ,, 395 M 354 „ ,, " 397 ft U PRIVATE COLLECTIONS Portrait of Pisquale Clcogna, tit of a Vci etiau Senator, Samson aud Delilah, • Resurrection ef Chris*, Kcsuri-iM Ion of Lazarus. Christ at the Pool of Bethesda, .M in. Venus, and Vulcan, L>on lulgo Lopez ee Meudoza, •• of Bute Sir F. Ccok ef Deroushlre Sir \T. J. Farrer 1! i F i 8 at 3/ I Duke F R 114 U I U Cipt. Holford Karl bpeucer Duke of Oauua, Madrid. F F F F F F F , Man, F I Face R R I R I R I R I ¥ a 11 an,- Hercules thrusting a Faun from the Couch of Oinpuale, A Venetian Patricias, MaxeAntoule Barbara, - R1 V V a Man,- a Young Man, a Young Red-Bearded R I F at 3/ F K R F at 3/6 I UNIFORM WITH OUR "POCKET ANTHOLOGIES. LES CENT MEILLEURS POEMES (Lyriques) de Langue fraacaise la Choisis par AUGUSTE DORCHAIN. 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