The Broadlands Covenants
The Broadlands Covenants
,".î;'ldil¡'* ii DECLARATION OF AND 237 1759.: Do<u¡qtn( floabe TrtE CO¡TDIFIONS' NS OF BR.OADI,ANDS 98 0C'f - I i',Î T', ¡ôd Rcl(m Hal Karas, Esq. Bcst & Friedrich LLP 00 East Wisconsin Avcnue \¡/I 53202 DECI-ARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDTTIONS AND RESTzuCTIONS OF TTTE BROADI"ANDS Declarant: Harmony Homes, Iuc. .ei) s Ail 8: hã D<ÈtqtltTftlr c ) s (.¡ DECI.AITATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RtrSTzuCTIONS OF THE BROADLANDS Thís Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictlons of The Broadlands (this "Declaration") is made and entered into by Harmony Homes, Inc. ("beclarantl'). . Recitals Declarant owns certain real property, described on the.attached Exhibit A, upon which Declarant intends to construct or allow to be constructed or developed (1) a Golf Cpurse and related amenities, includ'ing a clubhouse with dining facílit[es and a dri'ùing.range,.(2) a subdivision for ræidences, (3) buildings for multi-family residential uses (which'may in some cases now or hereafter be subjected to,the lVisconsin Condominium'Ownership Act), (4) buildings for office and sales uses, (5) commercial facilíties,'(6) a public pârk, and (7) other related improvements. By thís Declaration, Declarant intends to subject such property, buildings and other improverpents to cettain easements, rights, restrictions, and obligations with respgct to the ownershîp, use and maintenance of such property, buildings, other Ímprovements ând all components thereof. Declarant further intends to make the benefits of this Declaration available to other properties"hei'eafter acquir'ed by Declarant by expansion of the property subject to thìs Declaratiort in thd manner set forth herein. Now, therefore, Declarant, as fee owner of'such property, by'this Declaration (l) -establishes and imposes cerlain provisions, restrictions, conditio4s, easements and uses upon such real property; a¡d (2) specifies that the piovisions of this Declàration shall constitute covenahts running with which shall be binding upon Declarant, its successors and assigns, and all subsequent owners and occupants of all or any part of such real property. ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS The following terms shall have the as$igned defTnitions: 1.1 Assçgiatioq. The "Association" shall mean The Broadlands Çommunity Association, Inc., the'member's of which shall be all Owners of Lots in the Subdivision, e.ach Condominium Association and the owner(s) of the MultiFamily Property. L,2 AssocíAt!-on lrlsurance. "Association Insurance" shall mean all policies of insurance as may be maíntained by tho Association under this Declaration. 1.3 Boaid. The "Eoard" 0r "Board of Directo¡s" shall be the governing body of the Association, elected according to the Bylaws. e O 1.4 The Broadlands Dgcuments. "The Broadlands Documents" shall consist the Association. of this Dcclaration and ¡he Bylaws of . 1.5 Building. A "BuildÍng" shall be any lree standing structure located in çolf Course, or in the MultiFamily Property. the Subdivision, in a Condoininium, on the 1.6 P.vlaWs. The "Bylaws" shall mean the Bylaws of the Association as '. adopted by the B.oard. L7 Coqìrn.ercial Propert)¿. The'"Commercial'Property" shall.mean thà idnd on which the prihcipal use is for commercial or offîce useé. Initially, the Commercial Property is Parcel 2 of CSM 8545. '1.8 Comm.on Areas.. The "Cornmon A¡eas'ì shall consist of (1) Outlot 3; (2) the boulevard area of St. fudrews.Boulevard; (3)- the Írqffic islands in Muirfield Court, Augusta Court, and Eagles lnokout; (4).a strip-of land thirty (30) feét in width alòng each public street on the Prôpbrty except where'st¡çh public.street fronts on a Lot; (5) the area shown on Parcel 4 of CSM 8545 as a'Public Drainage Easoment"; (6) the area'within each "visíon easemsnt" as shown on ttre'Plat or a.CSM (even if such.visiòi easement is located on a Lot or an a CSM parcel); (Ð the nature path over [.ots 33, 34 and 35.desçribed in Section 7.5 below; and (8) the path over Parcel 2 of CSM 8543 described in Section 7.5 bclow. 1,9 CommoLlmpÍ¡gements. The "Common Improvements" consist of the followíng, whether or not"loc¿ted iir Common fueas and.which may be.located in public streets: all signs on the Proþerty generálly id.entîfying th'e SubdÎvision as The Broddlhnds SqbdiVision (but not including signs installed .b.y Declarant'er the Golf Course.Owner advertising the Lots, the,Condominium, the MultiBamily Property,. or ihe Golf Coursc for sale, lease or use), the landscaping'and the stieet lamps installed in the boulevard areaS of St. A¡drews Doulevard, and any other improvements made by the Association in the Common Areas. 1.10 Condominir¡m.. A ilCondominium" shall mean each discrele.portion of the Property subjected to. a single côndominium declaratïon under the Wisconsin Condominium Ownership Act, where thb principal.use of the condominium property is for residentlal purposes. Initially, Declarant intends to subject P.arc¿l Q of CSM 8543 to the condominium form of ownership. A "Condominium Assoqiation" is the association created under the TVisconsitt Condorninium Ownershiþ Act for a'Condöminiuni. 1.11 'CSM. 4 "CSy'i is a certified survey niap as recorded in the Regisier's Office and comprising a portion of the PropÞtty. Initially, portions of ihe Property are the Èubject of CSMs Numbers 8543, 8544'and 8545. Portions of the Expansion Real Estate may be subjected to othe.r CSMs. -2- ßi C) rl.l 1.12 Declara[t. The "Declarant" shall mean Harmony.Homes,Inc. and the successors and assigns of Declarairt pursuanl to assignmènt in accordance with Section i7.7 of:ì this Declaration. 1,13 Declaration. "Declaralion" shalt mean this Declaration as the same may be amended from time to time. f.i4 Director. A "Director" shall mean a member, of the Board. 1.15 Drawings. The term'"Drawìngs" is deiined'ín'SectÍon 6.1(b). 1.16 ExpAnsion-Real Estate.. f'Bxpansion Real Estate" shall mean the real property described in Bxhibit B,hereto. l,L1 Golf'.Course., The "Golf Course" .shall mean Parcets 3 and 4 of CSM 8543, Parcels 1 and 3 of CSM 8544, and Parcel 1 o.f CSM 8545, and related amenities, including without limiiation rainshelters, a driving range, a clubhousç, maintenance facility, parking lot and bridge over St, Andrews Boulevard'as furtherdescribed in Section 7.1. I,1B Golf Course Rules.. ThetrGolf Çourse'Rules'r shall mean the conditions, requirements, Iimitations and ohservances of play and usage of the Golf Course as establishèd by the Golf Course Owner, or its agent, from tlme to time. Neither the Declarant nor the Association controls the Golf Gourse Owner or thelàdoption, amendment, or enforcement of 'that the Golf Course Rules, except the'Golf Course Rules shall incorporate the matters set forth in Section 8.2. 1.19 ul.otu shäll Inean a.platted lo[ intenfed'for construction of a' resídence as shown on the Plat, The IÆts do not Includþ the Outlots as shown on the Plat. as shown on the Plat. The reference to a Lot by a number shall mean that particular I4!. l¡t L.20 I'Mortgago'r shall rnean a recorded first lien mortgage against Mortgage. a Lot or Unit, or the MultiFamily Property, or the verldoi's interest under a recorded first lien land conlract relating to a Lot or Unit o.r the MultiFamily Property. 1.ZL 7.22 Mortgagee. "Mortgagée" shall mean the holder of a Mortgage. lvfultiFamily Properiy. .The "MultiFamíly Pro.perty" shall mean Parcel 2 of CSM 8544, except to the cxtont that the säme is subjected to the Wisconsin Condominium Ownership Act (such portions so subjected beconie a Condominium). I.23 Occupant. I'Occupant'1 shall,mean the Owner and any other person residing on a Lot, in a Unit, or Ìn the MultiFamily Property. G) C) .l l'24 Optlot. "outlot" shall mean an,outlot as shown on the plat. The reference to an Outlot by a nurnber shall'mean that partiôular outlQt as shown on the plat, , L'25 o\i¿ng. "owner" shall ean each fee simple bwner of a Lot an outlot, a unit, or a Parcel in a csM, but íf any such property is the subject of a ,r.*¿.1rrno contract, then the owner is the vendee thereunder. rllr Declarant is an owner wirú ilìpect to which it holds title. 1.26 1,27 park. The ,,patld' shall rnean'.p-arcel. I of CSM g543. &t. A "pet'r is a domesric dog, cat ôr bird (oqher than rarge birds of prey)' By virtue of this definition, no other animals åre.perniitted'to be on the iroperty as pets of.anv occupant (except animats in any l'28 " "ii,orc; äp;;;ì;ã;rhr öårã",.irl property. Pl31.-A "Piat" is a land.subdivision plat as recorded in.thè RegÍster,s of the Property. Iniai;llt,i;;tions or, trti pioprrry are the subject of the Plat of ho Broadlands, poriions of the È'*bånrro" neal ¡state h-rí u, subjected to other Plats. office and comprising a poriion 1'29 Propqrty' . The "Property" shall mean the real estate subject to this on Exhibit A and aí expanarã to A¡rícle 1ä herein, and all furrurnt 1t:ll*l¿s_described ImProvements constructed or to be constructed thereon including, but not limited to, those. described in the Recitals. 1'30 Register's. Office.. The 'rRègister's'Office" shall rnean the office Register of Deeds f,o¡.Waukesha Countyl Wiscons-in. 1'31 of the ry. The "Rules" shall mean rules established by the Association . governing the administration of the common A¡eas and common Improíem.ns.: L'32 Subdivision-. 'rsubdivÍsion" shäll mean all of lots as strown on a plat that is subj.ect'to this Declaration. This te¡m is not intendþ have the same meaning as under Wisconsin Statutes,. Chapter 236. 1.33 Unit. A,,Unit,, is a unit in a Condominium. 1,,34 village. "village'r shall mean the village of North prairÍe, wiôconsin, and its successors. ARTICLtr 2. ASSOCIATION OF OWNERS 2'l Admlnistration. Declarant shall establish lhe Association, which shall Bylu*r for is governance and adminístration of the Common be incorporated and shall adopt -4- (¡e t../ Areas and Common Improvements. The Board may, but need not, from time to tin'¡e âdopt and arnend Rules which'are binding on all Owners and Occupants, exçept that'Rules may:' Sovern the. Coiimercial Property and the Park only to the exient that they relate to the Common Areas or Common Improvements therein or the applicatiotr of Article 6 to the park or to the Common Areas located on the Commercial Propeity. The Board shall administer and enforce the'Common Areas, the provisíons of this Declaration and the Bylaws, the.Rules, and all other uses of and.restliclions on the Property. Pendlng establishmenipf rhä Association, all powers of the Association shall-be.ãxercised úy Declarant. 2.2 Membership and Voting. Each of the iotlowing shall be a àemberof . the Association: eaclt Owner of a I-ot, each Condominium Associatiðn, and the Ownet (collectively, if owned by more than embe.rship'shall comrnence and terminate with of each liot ,hutt be entitled to one vote for each l-ot shall be entitled. to ten votes; and eabh Multi!'amily Property.shall be entiiled to'ten.votes. If one or more Lots, or one or mone Units, or one or'rRore MultiFamily Properties'change their status to... some other otes appirrtenant:to each originat property shall not be' changed. ildineiin a.MultiFamity PrJperty'urå ináivídually subjected to nium declaration, there will still only be ten votes associated with the property'ofigÍnally comprising thc Multipamily propórty, ro be divided, among the resulting Condominiüm Associäiions às such C-ondomiiium Rssociatíons deem appropriate. No member sh.all be permitted to vote if'such member is more than thirty (30) days delinquent in the payment óf any amount due to the Association under Article 3 of this Declaration one) ownership, owñè for For m 2,3 ' Qgntrol'of Assooiqt'ioE Deolárant.shall have the right to appoint and rernove Directors of the.Association and to exercise any and,all,powers ñO.t.rpànribilities fficers,'by the A¡ticles, By LawS, this ation Law (TVisconsln Statutes Chaptpr:181 as f: (1) fifteen 15 years from the date that the r than Declarant; or (2) thÍrty (30) days after I of the Lbts and'Units; or (3) Deólarant,s . 2.4 Management. The AsscjcÍation may employ a prcifessíonal managerneni agent or company to assist in carrying out i.t$ Common Improvements, and this Declärdtion, such te¡ms and condítions as are acceptable to te¡minabie by the Board, without cause upon n penalty, 2'5 Apptovalq. 'Ahy proposal by an Owner requiring'Board approval shall be subrnitted in writing, in such detaii änd'with such supportlng äocuñents as thå Board may require to facilitate its understanding and reviews, The'Éoard -may apþrove or disapprove any -5- Q) O & ú..u proposal submirted by an Owner after considering one ol.more of the following conçerns qnd äni additional concefns as'the Board deerns prudent: (i)'freedom and safeiy of acieis and' convenience to other area,s'of the Property; (2) the costs to be paid by the Owne¡ for restoratiori of Common Areas and Commôn Improum.nts to theír prior physícal coirdition úpon the completion or use contemplated'by the proposal; and (3).a fair and rèasonable monthly charge to be.paid by the Owner to the Association for åny encroachment on âny Common Ar.eas resultirrg frorn the proposal, The Board may at its discretion impose t to any proposal as it deems appropriate, including payment of. ssional adviôe and a standard ràview fep,, App¡oval of a the Association'preside¡d inöicates approval' in'writing. Proposals to.affect the Common Areas or Common.lntprovéments require approval of the Board, not the fuchítectural Control Committ'ee. If the resu[t 9f a proposal to cause an encrpachment on any public street or. utility, or any eásemint'êrêa or would affect the, storm water drainage system on t[e Property, the prior efrpræs written.consent of the Village and, in the caseofãny-easement for the benefit of the Goif Course or any poriion of the storm water drainage system,'the Golf Course Owner is'ajlso rêquired,'and such approval by the Víllage or the Golf Course.Owner may be..wÍthheld for any reason; neithi:r the Declarant nor the Association has control over the Village or the Golf'Cou.rse Owner. fuither out propos 2.6 Ownership of O_u_tlot 3. The Association shall'own Outlot 3 and shall not.convey title wíthout the prior consent of the Village. ARTtrCLE 3.1 3. ASSESSMENTS , .B-udget and.Assessments., ..The"Assocjalion'shall.annually..adopt a budget on the Lots, each Condomínium and oach ssments among the iarious typtis of property in under Sectíon2;2, subject tö the limitations herein. The Association has no authority to levy assessments on the Outlots, Íh'e Golf Course or the Cornmercial Property. Each Condominium Associatlon shall detèrmine the allocation of such assæsments ampng its Unif Owners pursuant,to its constitúent ãocuments, Thè budgst shail inqlude amounts representing assEssments which are bad'.debts,'and may but need not inclüde ts, a replacement reserve, in each case which shall and The Association may also:levy (x) speoial assessments ed and eAch MultiFamily.Property for âny purpose speciat assessments, or (y) fines on.particular Owners or Condbminium Associations for the pìrpose of collecting any'amounts due the Association or'enfoicirig ðompliance of such Owne¡s or Condominium Associations with any provipion of this Ðecl¿iration, the Bllaws or any Rules. The Board may adopt a rule to Ìmpose uniform charges for servic¡s.which the Association provides related to transfer of Lots, Units or the MultíFamily Property, review of proposals under Section2.5, and the like. The Board rnay adopt an initial budget showing the anticipated amounts necessary to cover common èxpenses. constitut o for,which'a 6- 6Ìo tf i-), 3'2 ß*"J h^,lp lnstallments: Late Payments-' General'assessments shall be lBvied on an .r\ annual basis but shall be due and determined by qhe Board'from time to provided that the Board may r"quiripayments.from l¡ts on a different schedule than payments'fiom Condominium AssocÍatlons or MultíFamily Properti Owners. Special assessments shall be due an<i payable at such time and in such manner as the Board may determine. Any assessment or installment of'an assessment not paid within ten (10) days of its due date may be subject to a late chatge and/or interest as set forth in the Bylaws or in a Rule. time., 3,3 Bnforcetnent: Ligns. If an Owner.oq Condominium Association defqults ed bY law' The payment .,,. I y'efaulting Own cosis incurred by reasonable )1ttre Association eisonally.liable for 4\ attorneys' fees. Lot, Unii or assessrnents or'fines and a'lien shall be i st a Condominium MultiFamily Property for any.unpaid'æs in any Association shall const'rtute a lien on each Unit therein.for a share of ,Such.aqsessrnent allocated as general a'ssessmentÉ by the Condominium.Asçobiation a¡e'allocated among Unit Owners therein. The.lien effectìve as of the recording of a notice thereof in the Register's Office, in the same rhanner as a condominium lieir.would be imposed, The lien shall be enforged genorally in the mäiner in which condominium lienÉ are enforced. Liens for unpaid assessments shall also extend to and secure interest, fine3 and reasonable costs'of colleclion including attorneys' fe,es incur¡ed by the Assoôiation inciderit to the collection of assessments or enforcement'of lien's. The Absociation may purchase a property upon the foreclosure of its lien. IJnder Sèction 2,2', an Owner or Condominìum Association delinquent in payments' may. in some-cases.not'be permitted'to vote in mattets before.'the membership of the Association. . 3.4 Association Statements. Within five (5) business,days of .written request from an Owner, a Condominium Association, or a Mortgagee, the Assbciation shall provide a letter stating the existence and.amount of outstanding general qr specíal assessments against the Owner's property, if any. Notr¡,ithstandíng anything to the'contraty, in the preceding sentence, all property conveye{ by Þeclarant shall be'deemed conveyed free fro.m outstanding. general, special ðr working äapitai assessments and no such letter shall be requiied or given as to such property. 3.5 Paymerrt of Assessnlents by Declaiani. buririg the period.of Declarani control, Declarant may, but shall.not be obligated to, dirèctly páy bills or prbvide service.s which would otherwisb represent Assoclation obligations to wlilch regu.lar asses$ments would be applied. Declarant shall be ent¡tled to offset expenses lncurred by Qeclarant in performing or paying for such Association obligations against assessments due on Declarant owned property. If the aggregate of such payrhents by Declarant exceed the aggregate assessments on Declarant owned property, then Declarant shall be entitled to reimbursement'from the Association. -7 (l (Q) , - .l ., ',|' ' 3,6 CoFrnon Exp,enses and Surp,lusgs.. . Common expenses and surplusep. shall be allocated ín the same. manner as general assessments arb allocated. All comnro¡ suipluses for each fiscal.yedr shall be retained'ior common expenses for the next succeeding fiscal yeai. ARTICLE 4. MAINTENANCE AND A.LTEI{ATIONS 4.1 the cost Owner Respqnsîþilí,$. Each. Owner..shall reintburse the Assoc.í of tho Association's repair'or'replaæment of any poriion. of the Common Aleas""or Common Improvements damaged through,the.fault or negligence of such Owner or súch Owner's family, guests, invitees or tonants. Each Lot Owner shallr,at the Lot Owner's'cost, even if nb residence has been coirstructed'by'çuch Owner, maintain'the yard, including the cutting of grass and snow removal from driieways and, ii any, sidewalks, ín an orderly and neat rnanner and shall.maintain all structures on the Lot in good repair and conditîon. 4,2 Golf -Course Owner RçSpon-sibility.. The Golf Course Owner shall, at i.ts cost, maintain all surface stor¡4 water facilities on the Golf'Course as þrovided in the Master' .Lot prading Plan with the Village, includlrig.detentíon and reteltion basïns and culverts under streets, including without liäritation maintenance of landscaping, routine dredging and cleaning to assure adequate performdnce thereof. The Golf Course Owner does not hereby have authority to entcr the L,ots or other areas of the, Property Ín connection with such maintenance. 4,3 As-spcÍatioñ Responsílilit],. The Association shall maintain in good çondition and repair, replace and operate'all,of the Comnion'fueas.ahd Cpmmon Improvements, including landscapi¡g, trees an{ plaritings in the Common Areas and trimming of such trees for sight lines, e*cepi for those matters for rvhich the Gblf Course Owner is responsible as provided in Section 4.2 above, The AssociatÌon may, in its discretion,.install additioñal Cornmon Improvements in the Common Areas. ARTICLE 5, RESTRICTIONS ON USE AND OCCUPANCY 5.1 PErmitted _Uses. (a) Each Lot shall be occupied and.usèd only for single family residential purposes. Each Unít Ín a Condominium shall be used only for single family residentiai purposes. (b) The Golf Course shall be used only for Golf Course purposes, including a driving range and club house with a restai¡rant available for public dining and functions (e.g., weddings). -8- gr] Ci \ ,). (c) The Park shall be used solely for public park purposes, and the Commercial Property (except'for the Public Drainagd, Basement.thoreôn) shall be used solely for retail,,wholesale and other commcrcial and office purposes, subject to.applicable zoning oidinances .and other governmental regulation. . (d) Other portions of the Property not listed above ars not restrictdä'in by thls Declaration (except as to matters described in futieles I and 14). Such other pòrtions may be restricted as to use by other recorded in'struçnents aíd by tÍre Village's zoning use oíilinances. 5.2 [-eases. Declarant may lease'4ny Buildìng on'.such terms and conditions as it desires in its sole dísðretion. I other leases relating to a,Lot or a Uhit shall be for terms of not less than six (6) months; each $uch lóasp shall prãvide that a breach of The Bro.adlands Documents shall'be deemed a default under the lease. Notwfthstairding the .foregoing, an Owner of a Lot, Unit or the MultiFamily P,roperty shall be responsible ro rhe Association and each other Owner for any breach of .qny.þrovislon of Tho Broadlands Documents caused by an Ôccupant of such Owner. The Assoäiation will only need to deal with the Owner and shail not be obligated to address any br'edch with ihe offendÍng Occupant. Individual rooms in dwellÍng unig contained withln a Building bn a or ìn a Condominium shall not be rented and no transient tenants shatl be accommodated. / l¡t 5.3 Pels. T'he Owner of a [¡t'or Unit, and the Occupant of any apartment on the MultiFamily Property, may keep no more thah two (2) Pets per Lot, Unit or apartment; as the case may be, on the,conditions that: (1) ,. .the.Pet. is'.not.permitted on änyof the Common Areas while unattended or unleashed no time Ís permitted on the Gölf Course (including the maintenance or administrative arear¡ or the nursery areas), the Park or the Commercial Property; (2) the individual attending the Pet sliall immediately dispose and all 0f the Pet's solid waste in the manner.prescribed by the Board; of any (3) the owner of the Pet shall comply wíth such further rules of Pet ownership as may be promulgated'by the Boardi (4) the Pet is licensetl by tho Village,'if required under applicable (5) no reptiles or uncaged birds shall be permitred; and ordinances; -9- @ (_i (") (6) the Pet rnust immediately and permanently be rembved the----^ if it 1þ9 so.le judgment of the Board, the Pet is or beiomes offensive,from â nuisdnce or harinful in ãny way to property Property the o, âny,eyy¡1s, or Occupant, or otherwise violates the terms'of (his Section 5.á or uny nut.b adopted ráutìtie ro pets, y a Pet or othet unauthorized animal of an ifferent, the Owner of the I¡t or Unit or is housed, Any Owner failing to comply usual'cirCum'stancôs und.ei which the aci¡o'n ii appropriate, be urærr.à m?lthJy Pet fee in an amount of Five HundrÞd Dbllars ($s00,00) påt oi fart thereof until the Owner has complíed, in additÌon to ^onilt license to maintain a pet.ìSuch pet fee shall the same maúner as assessrnentå under futicle herein, possession of pets shall.not lie consider further regulate the presence of pets on the Col t.' documents. s.4 Vehìcles. (a) N Lots except in driveways or marieî p connection with the consfuction or tä occupyj park or otherwise use a vehicle so as t campers, camping trucks, boats.or. mopeds, motorized bicycles, s ter¡ain vehicles, inoperative or læ or the Ín a garage. No vehicle,maìntenance :xlept Subdivísion, the park, a MultiFamily property, and:a driv eways or m ain tenan ce. performeá wittrin l' gardge, vehicl unli (b) recreatïon li or.lubrication Cona all.on a Lot, ere in the of cars in N-otwithstanding subsection (a), no commercial vehÌcles shall be parked in drlveways in the.Subdivisio¡,.t*cuft commerciai íehicles.temporarily parked in the ordinary course of business. Commeicial vehicles include both ïehtcles lìcensed as such and vehicles otherwíse ticensed but which contain commercial advertising as part of the finish or as an attachmônt. 5.5 marerrars or rras :i I'ii:fiti:i:'.liii,r',JJ'J1Tf,",,, situated the Asso;iaddn. Lots snãil ue"tept free öf co eoir by maintenance of a dumpstei on-site, 5.6 Tempo¡ary struqiurès. No structure, trailer,,tent, shack or barn, shall be debris during ' temPoraly or otherw.ise, shall be placed or maintained on any portion of a Lot without written approval of the Board, except for construction traílers maintáined by Declarant and its successors and assigns, or the AsSbciation. - 10- ftc) 5,7 Ouiet Edoymenq.., Each Owner.shall have the right to. use.its property in accordance with lhis Declaration and applicable law, free from unreãsonabie interferònce fiom any.other Owner, Occupant and othöi invitee. No pe¡son shall cause or permit the. Common dreas to be used so as to deny any Owner or Occupant thþ full use of the Common Areas. 5.8 Noxious Activity. No use or practice shall be attowed in the Subdivision, or a MultiFarnily property or a Cóndominium or the Common Areas which is lmmo.ral, improper or offensive in the.opinion of the Board'.oJ.which .is in,violation of The Broadlands Documents. By rvay of example and not'limitation, offensive äoivily shall include excessive amplification of rnusical. instruments and/or audio or audio vlsúal equipment. 5.9 . patjos and Þalcpnies.. patios, deêkÈ and balconles of .Bulldings on Lots or in Condominiums shall riot be.used for (a) storage of,any kind, including, but not limited to, the.stolage of motorcycles, baby carriages, bicycl'es or wagons, ór (b) the drying or airing of laundry, carpets, rugs or clothing. 5.10 Signs.. No Ow¡ier of a L¡t or Unit may erect, post of display posrers, signs.o-r advertising materÍal on the Common Areæ or at locations wìthin a nuítUing whictr are visíble from the public streets or Common Areas without the prior written consent of the Board, except (a) Declarant may do so wíthout such.approval anO 1U¡ an Owner may erect or Post a temPorary sign of customary and reasonable dimension relating to the saie or lease of a Lot and a'Unit Owner may óo llkewise but only if permitted b! the declaration qf such Condominium. The Board its discretlon, in particular circumstances.or,in general, delegate its right to conbent,under this Section tõ ttr'ð Architébrural.Control committee described in Article 6. Where Board cÐnsent is.sought and'obtained,'the permitted signs will be erecled and maintalned in accordance with all ordinances,'rules, regulaiións and conditiöns applicable thereto. "signs" as used hereÍn shall be construed and oadest such th possible sense and shali include'any plagard, posters or other to the interior of any exterior windows so as io be visibte,from 5,11 affixed ilding. Enyironnental Matters. Eaþh Lot and Unit Owner and Occupant shall' comply.with all applicable governmental or Association statutes, ordinahces, regulaìions ór rules relating to the slorage, transport and release to, from, on'þr in su'ch Lot oiany substance or compound governed by any one or mofe of wis. stats¡ ch4p. 2gz (aþ the saine may be renumbered from time to time); Comprehehsive Environmental RespoiSe, Comþensati-on and Liability Act ("CE\CLA"); ToxÌc Subsianòei Control Act ("ToCSA"¡j.R*.ouróe Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA'¡, Village ordinances; and similar laws reiating to the storage, transport or release"of substances, compounds or recyclable materials, dll as in effect from time to time. - frl O 11 - (:_,1, 5.12 Obstructions.. No playground equipment, bicycle racks or other. equipment or material may be placed on.the Common Areas except as the Böard permits by Rule, ARTICLE 6. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Architectural Controls: Restrictions on Development. 6,1 (a) , De'clarant..shall.estahlish ,an ArchÌtectural Control Cornm e Associatio-n as provided hereln) consistinþ of three (3) members who shall have the duties as set forth in this Article. The initial Architecturãl Control Commitdee shall be. appointed by peclarant. One òr more Committee' members may delegate their CommÍttee dutles to any one or more of the other Comm members. .After Declarant con{riys to purchasers'alt of'the [¡ts and:Units, then the initidl members of the Control Commíttee shall rçSign and the Board shàll elect the three (3) members from the group of Owners of Lots to serve on the AÍchÍtectural Control Committee; provided,'however, that if selàcted by the Board,'a representative of Declaraht may serve on such CommÍttee. (b) days prior to; Ng Devqlqpment Without P.rior Approval. Not less than ten (1) commoncement of construction of any Building or other improvements on any Lot, on a Condominium, on tho MultiFamïly Property, on th'e Golf Course, or on the Park, or (2) the reconstruction of any Buildi¡g or other improvements on any portion or portions of such property following a casualty loss thereto, or (3) the demolition of any. Building or other improvemonts on any portion or portions of such prôperty, or (4) the painting, decoration or alteration of the exterior any BuÍldinþ or other improvement on such property, or of t (5) the installation of an awning, shuttei, enclosure, storm wÍndow 0r door¡ hot tub, deck, shuffleboard court, garden, swimming pool, grading, mallboxes, fixed grill, or othet landscaþe features on any such property, the Owner(s) of such property shall submit to the Architectural Control Committee for consideration as described below two copies of written informatlon, which shall include survey of such property prepared by a licensed surveyor, ("Drawings") showing: -12- tú? O a N t'^-i, Ífii:l"'Täiåi;l'rî',',iå:',",î:3i1jt#å?i'l;l:iu) and orher impróvemenrs, incruding, matters proposed to be erected or reconstructed on. such property, (B) detailed plans and specifications for construction or reconstruction, including buildíng material, type and.color and plans to screen the,demotition, constrqction or reconstruction fiom view, (C) the proposed landscaping, and (D) the proposed lo*tion and specifications for Waste receptacles and utilitics servicing such improügments. The survey shall reflect the proposals in A through D which are appiopriate to ùe shown on tlte suivey. of exp Archite th submittal period tteo approvàs or, Any in,'ölauses (1) the en on, the larer of (i) date.on which the d to have done so as provided in subsection (c) following, unless s'uch time pe.riods aie waived by the Architectural .Control C¡mmittee in its sole discretion where the Architectural Contrcil Commîttee believes that such.earlier commencement is ónslstent with the purposes of this Declaration. (c) Standarils and Procedutal Matters of CkrnsideËrtion. The Architectural Control Committee shall not unreabonably refusi: to consideriubmitted Drawings provided that any.fees imposed for review hâve beén paid. In considering any Drawings, the Architectural Control Comrnitte I'shall coriiider, among other factors,-whether rr m"aterials,. decorations, arid þrovided in SectÍoi¡ 6.6(b), and the:ierms of thÍs Declaration and A¡chitectural Control Committee,s sole opinion, in keeping with and do not detract from or depreciate any portion of the Property, whether then undeveloped, developed or in the process of developmìn!,' The.fuchiteètural Control Committee may approve Drawings (abs-olutdly or qonditiòna[y), may object to Drawings (absirlutety or cònditionally), oì ray that it has rio oU¡ãction io 'Drawings (absoJutely or conditionally). Aþprovat must be qxpress and in writÍng.' The failure of the Archltectural Control Committee to ltionally as above within twenty business days afler submittal of yment of any review fees shall be deemed as if the Architectural ihat it has no oU¡a.tion to. the Drawings as submirted. .If ttie i objects to brawings in whole or ín part for any roason, the submittiirg Owner shall thereafter resubmit Drawingslto the A¡chitectural Control. Comrnittee wíth such revisl'ons as arc required. Each time an Owner so submits the Drawings, the Architectural Control C¡mmittee shail have the right to approve, acquiesce conditionally or object to the Drawings as desciibed above. Following the Architectural Control Committee's approval of the Drawings, the improvementslescribed therein shall be developed strictly in accordance with the ipproved lirawings. If the approved uán. approv the Co fuchitec -13- (") :- improvements are not comPleted within-ole (1) year.of their. initial,approval, then such approval shall bé deemed withdrawn and theìámr r; ¿iff"*nt Drawings required to be submitted.or resubmitteo, as the. casri-uy U.. . 1 + - 14- () çI¡ 'it i.;l ProPôrty is not materially altered), The Architectural Conrrol, Commíttee may waive any standard as abovè even in the absence of an "unnecessary hardshipl,; ttrose ¡uäiciall¡, determined standards for granting variances under zonin! regutatiäns shall nor apply --c. to the o Aròhitectural Control Committee. : Each member or former.member of (he the personal r'epresenlatívEs and heirs of each agaÍnsl all.loss,. costs, damages and ed against, incuired by, or.impgsed in suit or prilceedingi inciuding crímjnal threatened to .be.made a party by reason or ers ræulting in 4 final determ¡nál¡on of such m.ember. In th'e event of settlement of ded onty iri cörinection'with such matters common expense. Nothing in this subsectlon shall be indernnification of such person with respeðt to such person's status as an owner,'occupant or otherwise. improvemenr,rql,'ìo'nr- ir an ,åÌ'dJ,T;îir."ir'j,lir1'åI,',,Í; a part of the common elemè ium, then th'e ..Owner" ,rã approval shall be deemed to be the assocÍation for such Condominium. ed Condomínium.åssóciation,,or an Owner of a described'at clauses (2), (3) or (4) of action will not rendeì líre Éuifaìn! or orher the latest approved Drawings for such shall notífy the A¡chitéctural Control r; and (3) such Owner shall provide such ;hitectural Cont¡ol Committee reasonably requests to assist in determining that suih result Will not cônstiiute a mâterial differc,rce, 6,2 Àntennas. No antênna, aeriat, satefii;e dish or cable for television or radio reception which ¡s greater than 24" in åiametér'shall be orected or ínstalled on or in any y Lot, Condominìum, Golf Course, park or ions of such prôperties, except as erected or dividual Owner with writren approval of the ase, in compliance with Village ordinances. -15- Ð (.; ll (.) 6.3 Minimu,m Home Size,Requirements, (a) Onfy one single-family horne 'may be constructed on each Lot. The following types of homes on L¡ts shaii have the following .minimum sizes: Lo.t Numberq Residgnce Type_ Minimu{¡t Size Lots 28 through 87' (except as described below for Lot 60): One story \ One and one half story 1,900 square fèet' " 2,40-0 square feet (minirnum 1,400 squai.e feet on the first Two story Split Level Bi-l-evel 2,400 square feet 1,900 square feet (upper two floors) 1,900 square feet (upper floor) One story One and one half story 2,200 sqrraie feet 2,800'square feet 1,600 square feet 2,800 square feet 2,200 square feet 2,200 squarp feet of floor) Lors 15 through 26 and 88 through 153: tl Two story Split Level Bi-Level (minimum of on the first floor) (upper two floors) (upper floor) 272 One story O¡le and one half stoiy Two story Split Level Bi-Level -16- @ C) 1,70p square feet 2,200 square feet (minimum of '1,200 square feet on the first floor) 2,200 square.feet 1,700 square feet (upper two floors) 1,700 square feet (upper floor) ) Lot 60: No minimum sizes.if improvements aie in accordahce witti those submitted to Declarant gnd as to rvhich Declarant did not object under dale of June 30, 1gg7, which conclusions and åction are hereby adopted by the Arciriteqturäl Control Committee, : the "upper levell' of a split-levet or bi-level rade.'The type of resÍde¡rce and the number 'basis by the Archiiçctural Conirot Committee þutation,. : 6.4 Garageq. Each residence .does noi,face. A garage shall.not contaín are feet of living area in the rgsidence as ing must nonetheless þave at least a Z car the kit whÍch has thê highest elevaiion, except as permitted by Architeotu¡al controt'committee. Driveways sÏalt be paved with a .the material acceptable to the tuchltectural control ømiii.L;and, withií jurisdiciíonal im the Village lÍmits, 6'5 Certain Exterior Features. With respect to the construction of Building on a Lot or othe( improvement to a.l¡t: : (a) !.- eltnel . fron -!., case on the ln windows,ordivÍded-lite windows are usod, ey shall'be'uied. cin'such windows as the Architect, a of the side and rear snaU require ii,i1äi3å,iiii:;ltî merar, 30 year ü,ilå' Architectural Control',g1,,*J;'åînï,åiiil,"",'.,,îJïi*f Cornmittee, with a mi.nimum jitch ratio of.l:L2, or such other pitch as is,specifically approved by the fuchitectural còntro'l committee. (:) ExterÍor walls of ræidences shall be constructed of brick, stone, . stucco, natural materials or engíneered wood. 'No a¡tificial stone or siding shall be permitted At least SATo of the elevation õn the fronr side of each Euilding.on.a Lot shall be brick,. stone, ot stucco. : ,::Jij:',ïÏii'ii;i ffiji:å::'j,îïn'J,",î1.ïi3'##,ïr,fl. residence, rhe same ,Á1ì residence's architecture as the Architecìurat Control Committee shall approve. -17 ( - ¡ if it dísapproves tne nrawilr"l,iJ,Tiå'."'::'if"::'ii;'üåi::JTlii;ff':iå,i:iliabrv appearance to bther ¡esidçnces in close pròxÎmity. (Ð Exterior fireplaces and chimneys shall be constrúcted of masonry' stucco or stone materials. On each side of a iesidence, except for trim, exterior matcrials shall be consistent on all levels. Color selections, and paint, stoire, stucco or other finish must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. (e) The Architectural $ntrol Committée shall be acting reasonabli if ít requires that, on Lots with.signíficant grades as detçrmìned'by the Archítectural Corttrol Committee, portions of basement walls be exposed to allow for a moie natural transition betweeq residences, Any such exposed basement or fpundation walls shall be covered with plaster or other suitable rnat'erial çonsistent with.the overall,arêhitecture òf the residence. Nð soil shall be removed fromiany Lot unless contentplaled by the approved Drawinfs, Even if so approved, the, final grades (sometimes called a "finish grade") of a [¡t must conform to grading plans approved by the Village. (h) (i) No above-ground pools shall be installed. In'ground pools'may be installed on a,Lot only with approval of the fuchitectur4l Control Cornmittee. (j) Each Lot Owner is requifed to install and energize before occuPancy and thereafter to mainiain,,a.front yard light'post and lantprn i¡'a,style and froin a manufacturer approved by the Architectural Control Comr¡littee from time to time. The light post and lantern (1) located,at mûro than 10 feet from the front itreet; (2) adjacenr ro rhe äiiveway; (3) elevated to.a heiglit of at least 6 feèt; (4) fixtured with a-high piessure sodium lamp of no móre than 50 watts; and (q) illurtrinated from-dawn to dusk by means of a photo cell. Prior to occupancy of a residence on.a [¡t, the Owner shall demonstrate to the Architectural Control Committee that such'light post and lantern is connected to electrical service (paid for by such Owirer). No ownei shall tamper with such lantern controls. (k) Eaeh.Lot owner ls install and rtraintain a mailbox and mailbox support post in a style, sizg, color and mater¡als, and r,vith placement on the'Lot, all as approved by the Archítectutal Control Committee. . (l) In making.dete¡rninations under súbsecdions (j) and (k), the Archi[ectural Control C'ommittee will give priority to the goal of achieving uniformity of aesthetiæ, but without abrogating its right to grant vaiiances or to change its aesthetic scheme from time to time. -18- O.. i'.t¡ (m)' Each Lot Owner shall maintain its [ight post and lanlern and mailbox and mailbox post in good condition and working order, and shall cause electrical service to þe continued to such lantern. Without limiting. thp authority of the Association generdlly, the costs of enlorcing the covenants in subsections ü) and. (k) may be an offending Lot Owner as a special assessment on such Lot under Article 3. ' (n) If Declarant, in íts discretion; installs any light post, lantern, mailbox or mailbox post, or performs or payp for any other matter required herein.on behalf of any Lot Ownêr, it shall nbt any.of lhe requirements, herein as to any other Lot or Olner and nt tq perform ihe same.aition on any othbr Lot, for any other Owner, occasi'on, be sh¿ill o .. 6.6 Storm W Deålara¡it and the Viltage have agreed to a certain event of a conflict between any Drawings and such Storm lvaté¡i Management Plan shi¡li control. Declarant and the Associatioh shall each have the right to enter uþon any Lot at any time for the purpose of inspection,.maintenance, correction of any drainage.condition, and the Lot Owner is responsible for the cost thereof. (b) No existing live tree with a diameter of eíght inches or more at a height of four feet above the ground shall, without approval of the A¡chitectúral Control. Committee, be cut down¡ destroyed, mutilated, moved or disfigured. All such existing tiees shall be protected during constructÍon and presewed by wells or islands and proper grading in such manner as shown in approved Drawings, ATTTICLE 7. SPECIAL FEAfIIRES 7,L' B¡idee. A bridge will be installed over St. Andrews Boulevard to accommodate a golf cart path relating to the Golf Course, Such bridge and the path through such bridge shall be the'Owner of the.Goll Couise its cost. Occupants of the Property are prohíbited from using the bridgo"except in connection with use of the Golf Course in accordance with the Golf. Çourse .Rules.. The Village shall maintain the street below the bridge, but shall not have responsibility or liability for. the structural idge except if'd4mage thereto is caused by the ntractors. Thg Golf Course Owner shall be d as a resült oÍ earth settlcment at the bridge ed by use or maintgnance of the street beneath . rldge in connection wlth is aitivities , 7,2 Fences. The erection of a fence on a Lot is considered an inrprovement requiring approval of the Architecturat Control Committee, and; in the case of fences on a Lot which abuts the Golf Course, the prior express written consent of the Golf Course Owner. The A¡chitectural Contiol Committee shall be deemed to be acting reasonably and within its -19- teason. will grant a.n easement to the plantings, street [amps, and signage in the trywa¡l islands and improvements,are . shall be rnalntained by the Associaiion. e design.and contqnt thereof may not be has or 7'4 under contract responpible for with the wilt be.suppried to the pioperty by the vi¡age water Trust. Ñåi't¡rr. Br"larant nor the Association Ís er Trust. water 'Unit$, and the,MultiFamily properry for t and the Association can give no assurance tt resp.onsibility for personal injury or property d establishment, maiutenance or use of t¡e ráits. ARTICLE 8. SPECIAL PROYISIONS RELATED TÔ GOLF COURSE of rlre SubdiúiSion, a Conåominium the Golf Course except in connection with the. urse Rules. .Owners and Occupants a¡e ccupanß Golf Course has been designed to minimize rse to'the [.ots, Owners and Occupants of urrence and assume all such risk, No retrieve golf balls. The Golf Course Owner tion 8,2 and shall háve no tiability for repairs golf balls or enrÍy by golfers. 20- f i ì Notwi.thstanding thi foregoing, the Golf Course'Rules shall specify that gólfers ntay hot enter Lots, a Co Property, the Park or the Commelcial.Property; and reasonable be placdd on the Golf Course noting that all such areas are ogt of' 8.3 No.Rights in Golf ,Cgurse, No.Owner except the Golf Course Owner shall have a property right in the existence of a Golf Course, thd maintinance of the Golf Course when constructed, or the use thereof. . 8.4 Colf Course Mainte{rance. Golf Courôe:mainten¿iìrce]m,ay.'occui. a[ any time of day,or night on any day of the yea.r. The Golf Courie Owner'may use certain pesticides, tierbicides, fungicides or other compounás in ihe ordinary'routie of maintenance. 8.5' No Pets.. .{ithout lirniting Section 8.1, no 'Pets or.other anímals are permittei on the Golf CourSe ai any time. An/Owner violatíng this Section is subject to the sanctions and remedies provìded in Section 5.3, which th'e Associatiqn shall impose at the requesl of the Golf Course owner for the benefit of. the Golf Course owner. 8.6 Golf Carts. The operation of golf carts on publîc streets is prohibited . except where crossings'are specifîcally marked on such.streets pursuant to easements granted by the Village. The use of the paths on the Golf. &jurse will be regulated by the Golf .Course Rules, Ño gotf carts shall be operated.on the Golf Course without the by the Village express prior written consent or no of the Golf Course Owger, which may be refused for any reasoó reason. ARTICLE ' 9. INSURANCE 9,1. Association Insurance. The Association shall obtain and maintain comprehensive general public liability insurance for occurences on the Common Areas (including areas which are Íncluded ín such definition by vhtue of easements granted herein) and with Common Improvements not in the Common Areas,.all-risk casualty insurance coverage on all Common Improvements, and such o her p'olicies and/or coverages as the Board deems necessary or advisable g.2 Covefage of AssJàiati-on Insurance. The casuilty insurance coverage shall be in an amount equal to the matimurh lnsurable replacethent valüe, with an "âgreed amount" and a "replacement cost'r endorsemgnt, wÍthout dpduction oi allowance for depreciation. This coverage ambuni shill be annually reviewed and shall insure against loss or damage:by fire and othcr hazards as commonly covered by a standard extended coverage endorsement and. such other hazards as customarily covered with respect to buildings simllar in construction, location and use. Commercial general liability coverags shall be ln such amounts as the Board determines annually, but not less than $1,000,000 pu occurrence, -27- (.) : 9.3 Pjoceeds. Association Insurance proceeds for casuatry loss shall be for the benefit of the Assoclation in order to'fînance reconitruction of damageã Comriron Areas ;ì or Com.mon Improvements. Liability cóverage and.other insurance procóeds shall be applied as the Association directs. g.4 Çost. Alt premiums for Association Insurance qnd other insurance obtained'by the Association shali be a common expsnse, excopt that.any increasè in the tating cjr premium charged fof any such insurance caused'by the chaiacter ôr iSe of a Lol, Unit,:br. ãpartment in the'MultiFamily property shall be allóc¿te¿ solety'to Íds'owner, . r f No Owner or Occupant shall commit or coniained il.any of the Association or condition, unress, in the case or such increar.:iilr"åïT:1 i T3tiil',i¡å:;jïi[,J'.;jl':::l' m payable with.ræpèct to the Association size, desigri br compbsition of a Building, .thís Declaration, or (3) the failure of an Insurance requÍrements,. or (4) the faíiure of s Declaration br the Bylaws, then the e Associations for.the iesulting additional is wíthout prgjudice io any other Association ent. agaìrist thé particular property involved. ' A-qsociation Insuranöe coverage shall I property located.withìn or perraíning to rhe ncluded as a standard coverage in the þolicy ge on an Owner or Occupant, its guests, occurrence$ within a Lot, Unit or n any way to an Owner,s or Occupant;s -22- () ) Personal ProPert)¿. lt is.the sole responsibility ot' each Owner or Occupant,.to obrain such insurance coverages as are excluded from Asso.ciation Insurance. is-- ARTICLD 10. AMENDMENT OF DDCI.,ARATION 10.1 ' Ge¡eral. Except as othbr{ryise provided herein, this Declaration may be ame¡ded only by the wrltten consent of at ieast.seventy-fîvç percent,(?SVfl or rnore of the total votes of the AssocÍation then entiiled tQ votð. An Owner's writien ðónsent is not effectlve unless approved in writing by íts Mórtgagee; if anyt 'No amend¡ilent shall adversely affect a specíal right or easement reserved to Declãrant or túe Golf Course Owni:r under this .Declaration, or the rights of Mortgagees under futicle 11., or the rîghts of rthe Village under Article 1.6, without the express written.consent of Declarãnt or Golf Course Owner, or SLTo of the Mortgagees, or the Village, a$ the case may bè.: 10,2 P-r,lcedùres. Arneirdments shall,be irepareo .and ãxecuted by the the Associaiion and strili becorne effectÍve whén recoided in'the,Register's of Office. No action to challenge president the yalidity of an amendmerit shall be ðommenced' more than one (1) year after the amendment ïs recorded, ARTICLE 11. RIGHTS OF MORTGAGE HOLDERS 11-1 N.qtice. Any Mortgage.holder,.insurer or guarÊntor of a Mortgago on a Lot, Unit or MultiFamily Property who submîts a written request to the Association, identifying thername..and'address of such holdet, insurer or.gqarantorand.the property : involved, wÍll be entitled ro timely.written notice of:. owedbyrheowner"l^ln.r,#J,,f îiJi?Jr'fti1iåîi',i,î-iå:n;,tï,i;l*iäï:T*" provisions of any of The Broadlands Docunients which Is notcured by iuch Owner within thirty (30) days of such owner's receipi of. notico,of.such'breách; (b) A lapse, cancellation or material modification of any Association (c) Any proposed lnsurance; and holder as specified in Article . I0. iition that requires the consent of a Mortgage : tl,z ritle to a Lot, r by a deed in be liable for Unit or À4ulriFamily lieu of foreclosure fo such property's unpaid assessmonts under this Declaration accruing prior fo the Mortgagee's -23- ¡ íS acquisition of title to such property (except to the exient unpaid assessments are included in subsequent budgäts generaliy). ARTICLE T2. RIGHTS OF DECLANAÑT 'Reserved L2,L Declarant: Rights, Pending the sale of all Lots and units by Declarant, tnþebtion"S.i, may use the'Outlors, the niur¡ common ele.ments, unsol( Units, and the litãte the sale.or leasing oi Lots, Units or g; but ¡i'ot liinirçd to;.maintaining a sates neral office Öperation ih any such model home, or homes,on other properries þy such other þersoTf Hf;'.'l,iåî,Ëä'i1iåilÏ,H.j;il"'* exceed 24 months from the'ddte of issuancaof ttre ceriific¿ìe of occupäncy ttreretor; provided, however, rome is.used as a residence for an ú;tåJ; it ;;i ;.ì thereafter and (2) construction materiars shait u. áelivered to or stored construction of suclr rirodel ho¡rie, "ot (b) .shall.have rhe ¡ and across the Golf Course, the Outlots, the Common Areas as may be required in Decla derv i ces, and maintenance and replacement thert television or master antenna sowice, which easements may be. granted to itself or its nomiqee and as may be necessary for excavation and constructiirn bf riry Buildîngs anO.(2) grant "" ' easements upotl; ovor, through or acroSs the Common fudas for ingress and egresú and maintenance and replacement thereqf,'to and from, andwithín, the"property añd other real property adjacent to lt, . D e cr ar atio n ro, effective. u n y,.Í"J " .J Ti i låîî ji : îîTil'J"îi,lHJ ïå 1"'J tråî,1äïåî - -rr- Jl î, ant reiewes the right to expand the properry, at any time and from time to time on or prior te of recording this Declaration, by subjeciing to this Declaration, Bxpansion may be s under no obligatÍon to and makes no -24- (.)t ^.i tl .(:) ¡epresenlalion thal Ít wilI in fac( gxercise its righs to expand the Property or construct improvements thereon; parts or all of the Expansion Real Estate may be. developed for uses other than as part of the..Property. Portions of tþe Expansion Real Estate are presently not o.'vvned by Declarant, and are included herein only in the e'ient that.Declarant acquires an interest therein. 12.3 Uses of F.xpansion Real Estate. The Expansion Real Estate may be used.for any of the purposes for which any other part of the Proporty is used hereunder, providêd that Declarant shall at the tíme of each expansion declare'whiqh uses are per.mitted in which portions of the'Expansion Réal Estate being sutijêcted herito,"and may impose additional conditions and limitations therçon ch öuch.exparision, åach Owner, Ownet in t49 Eltþansion Real Estate so to a vote, wiih the voting interests of ;w [,ot.cleated entitled to one vote per Lot, and each new Condominlum or MultiFamily Pioperty .shall b.e eiitîtled' vote for each 10.Unitb or apartments contairied therein .(rounding uþ if therè are 5 or more Uhits or apartments not prev¡busly includid in such calbulatiori). The âssesôments for edch such new Lot, Condominium Association and MultlFamity Property durinþ the budget year in which the. same is added to the.Proferty shall be determined on ân equitable basis by the Board. .The' Percentage of votes'required under Seclion 10.1 shall automatically reflect such change in Yotes as above. The number of Lots and Units spegified in Sectìons 2.3 and 6.1(a) shall be increased to reflect the n.umbei of new Lots and Units i¡icluded with each expansion. t2,5 Method of Expansion. Expansion shall occur upon recording in the Register's Office an amendment to this Declaration describi'ng the'Bxpanqion,.Real Estate so added, and the uses and limitalions on uses Declaránt deqíres tö Ue appiicaUle to such property, and explaining the effect of such expansion in accordance with the terms hereof. Expansion amendmerrts need þe executed only by Declarant. Matters Relate.d to Bxpansion. 12.6 (a) Declarant reserves an eas€ment over and across the Property for the benefit of the Expansion R I Estate for the.purposes of construction l¡gress and egress and for the purpose of iristallat n, mäintenahce and ieplacemènt of uriderground utilities ' servicing the Expansíon Real EState. , (b) If Declaiant shall determine at any time that it'is desirable to coordinate utility services or drainage for the Expansion'Real Estate with existing utility ,services'or drainage for the Property, Declarant may connect utilitieÁ or drainage features servicing the Expansion Real Estatê to exísting utilities or.drainage features even if the Expansion Real Estate is not then or thereafter made a part of the Property. 25- c.j -' it ARTICLE 13. R-EMEDIES FOR VIOI,ATION BY OWNER 13.1 General Rbmedieg. if any Owner or Qccupant faits to comply wíth this D'eclaration, the Bylaws, or the Rules, such Owner or Occupant ihall be liabte foi damages, subject to injunctive rèlief, súbject to any other remedy provided by the Bylaws, or all of the above, as a result of such noncompliance, The Asscíciation or, in a proper case, an aggrieved Owner,.may bring an action because of,silch noncompliance. . 13.2 to any other remedies providetl heiein, if any In addition y with this tinueo for a period of fifteen (15) days ciation.shall tlav'e the right,.Uùt iot t'tre aiirtenarice, replacemeni restoration ór appropriate. or Bxpenses incurred therefor by er.or Opcupant.and shall be subject to all ation.wjth respect to collection, expense, late paymeút penalties or inteiest, filing of a lien and/or föreclosure as resdrved at Article 3.of rhis Declaration. Once the Association has tâken action,'it shalt not be obiigateO to take any other or further action with rebpect to the same, simiiar or subsequent failure by the same or a different Owner or Occupant. , ARTICLE 14. EASEMENTS 14.1 nighi or nntiy-. A right of entry to èach Lot, Condominium, Common Area, MultíEamily.Pro Froperfy or O.utlot is reserved to the Association to service ed on, in or unäet such property pÍovided request for entry is ma try is limited in'scopåio är tó å*rcnd only as is rea$onably necessary to service such utility installaticins. In öase of e.mergency, entry bi the'Association ilnto any such property may be made immediately,.whether the Owner or Occupant of such property is or is not present and wiihout líao-ility of the Association or its agents if such entry is nece$sary for the. safety or welfare òf persons or property. fury damaþe or loss caused as a result of such emefgency entry shall be the sole expense of the Owner or Occupant if, in the reasonable judgment of'those authorizing the entry, such entry was for emergency purposes. ; . 14,2 Easements over'I¡ts'15 through 153, the Condominium, the thð Commercial Property and tt're Cott Course arç reserved to the n for the installation ând maintenance of water lines. Upon exetcise of is rights of'entry purbuant to'this easement, the Village shall be required only to restore the ground Oi'stuibðO by such entrance. The Associatión shall not be liable fo¡ any loss of play to the Goff Course; the loss of any þlantings over water lines, or the cost of restoration of a green or fairway tô its prior playing condition. M Villag -26- o 'l'I 14'3 'comrnon Area.Eaùementq. The Association may grant easements over and through the comrnon Areas for suctr pu,rposes es as the ¡Associatioñ ¡Dou deems re.asonable for theì 'rv benefit of the owners. of aöceds to install, maintain or .. No Buildings may bþ constructed 74,6 Section 2.5 hereof, Traíls, Declarant hereby reserves an easerïient fof the trails described in ARTICLE 15. TERMINATION atlonishall be in effect for a period of 25 periods of 10 years each, unless terminated at (if during rhe period of of the ownsrs of at least 90Zo effect an amendment to or -27 (..;i - ,l) Iermínation of any provision hereof conferring on or-reserving a special right or easement to Declarant or the Golf Course Owner withou[ the express writien consent of'Declarant or the Golf Course Owner, as aþpropriate, and (B) no vote shall effect an amendment to or terminatión of any provision of Article 16 o.r any easement'in favor pf the Village without the express written consent of the Village. Voluntary,termination of ThÍò Declaration must be express and shall be effective upon recording a written instrument to such effect in'the Règister's Office. ARTICLE 16. RIGHTS OF VILI,AOE 16,'1 The restrictións irnposed upon the Property, and .the tib4,anä Owners cóntained'i.¡r sections:' 4.2, 5.Í, 6.7 , 7,1, 7.3, 7.4, 10.2, ¡4,2, and 14.4 all benefit thd Víllage' and are enforceablb" by ..:. the Village as specified in thjs obli Aiticle. L6.2 Enforcement by the Village: If an obligation or restriction contained in any of the sections listed in Section 16,1 is nôt performed or fully complied with by Declaraht, AssocÍation or Owners (he¡einafter.collectively referred'to'as "Breach"), Village may, but is not required to, seek the following enforcement in the following manner: (a) Notice. Village shall fìrst provide written notlce of the specifÏc Breach to the entity which failed to perform said obligation or who owns the portion of the Property where the restriction or provisÍon or obligation Ís not.being cornplied with or fully performed (as the case may be), with copy to the Association if the Association is not the offending party. (b) Remedy. If within thirty (30) days after the Village has provided such notice, such alleged offending party has not remedied said Preach and if the Association has not taken stepJsatisfactoryio tfr. Vittuge to remedy sàíd Breach, the Village shall be entitled to seek any one or more of the following rernedíæ: (1) .Injunction. An injunction compelling the person committing such Breach to remedy it; (2) Mbney Judgrnent. A mongy judgment against the person ømmitting such Breach for'all ùonies owed to Vitlage ab'a rêsult of the Breach including all legal and professional cônsultinj. fees, aird costs of litigation incurred by Village in obtaining an injunctíon br money judgment or both; (3) Special Assessment or Special Charge. If one or more Owners comm[t or allow a Breach, the Village may levy either a special assessrnent or special charge against the property owned 28- (:) lt by the Owner who has committed or allowed the Breach jan in 'anri eipenses incurred tiy the, and other professional ._- hereby accept the levy of suéh cnarge pursuant to this subsecti rights of notíce and hearing pursuanr to TVis, srats. g66,60(1g) or any amendment thereto. ARTTCLE 17. CONSTRUCTIOry AND EFFECT 17,1 frovide, any otherwise and the use of ,iiit'J,:i,ii""i:l:iirîiiT::,'ff'ffi'ïill,1l, .genders; ' L7'2 rncllding. whenever u$ed'hereiri, the term "including,, prepeding a rist of one or more Ítems shall inõicate ttràt the list contains ,xamptes of a general principle and is not intended as an extraustivé listing-:-" 17.3 Declaration are scope or intent article and section headÍngs in this rence.only and in no way define'or rirnit the Ín of n of this DecJaration..or its any nenforceablê,.the remaindpr 'o¡ tt ¡, or any p4rt theieof, to.pcrsons or invalid or gnenforceabie, shall not be lon shall be valid, and enforced, to the fullest 17,5 Remq.dìçq. All.remedies herein are cumulative. , r, consent or approval is requíred or ; no waiver,, consenl or appioval shall be ne matter shall not be deemed a waiver, ether similar o¡ not. . _ . Declarant may from time to time red on or reserved herein for Ðeclarant in its fits confe¡red on o¡ reserved for all Owners cally identifying rhe rights and benefirs -29_ ()¡ h t.¿ U.8 Olher Regulation. Nothing herein shall preclud.e or restrict Declarant recording othel covenants, conditions or restrictions which further ¡egulate pörtions of the Subdivision, a Condominium, the Golf Coursê, the MultiFamily Property or the Commercial Property'which Declarant o\ryns at the time of recordation. (Remainder of page is blank; Next page is.signature page) tf -30- oi.; i1..1; (The following signatures are applicable t0 The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of The' Bioadlands.) 5 Ocrl'"\¿c Executed at Waukesha, Wisconsín, on.the4flth day of Septpmber, 1998. Harmony Homes, Inc. Biyce P. signature of Bryce P. Styza authenticaled this S .5e - aay orBffi, , State Bar of Wisconsin This instrument was drafted by and should be returned to: Robert A. Teper and Hal Karas MICHAEL, BEST & FRIEDRICH LLP 100 E, Wisconsín Avenue, #3300 Milwaukee, WI 53202-4108 l:Uf\cllcnra\41 ¡ 35\0042þea I 298.w5211 0Æ t/98 -31 o. - 1998. , t'.1,, . DECI,ARATTOI..{ , This consenl is made as of ocrober ,s . 1g98, by Bank one, wisconsin (,,Bank,.). Reference is û¡a¡ ccrøin De¡:rararion Resrricrions or rhe Broadrandi ì of covcnanrr, cono,,tons a¡d ('nï.lai.iion;j'¡;;;i,;,;iiåä ", rerms uscd herein. The Bank is rh-c horder of a morrgage Ínrerest on thc Broadtqride. properry¿ and desrres ro confirrn (l) ire consent to rhe Dcclat.tion" uro 1z¡, írs inrenr r'o hereby'subje* fte lien of ics morfgagÈ ro rhe Dcclararion Exeo¡ed as of rhe daie wrirrcn above. Bank One, Wisconsin \ STATE OF wTScoNSIN COLTNTY.OF' MILWAUKEE \ Terry c. ¡ Vice President ) ) ss, ) Terr ank One, ..such t as 6d GI$IDAf,. l¡utìilrc¡r¡l{ I I Jt$^r{:lJl,rtJ I èl (."J ' t'ta 2002 er ll'i r ÞECL¿,f{ATIQN This consenr ís made as of ocrob.t 6 . I99g, by sr. Francis Bank, FSB.(,,Bank.). Ret'erencr is made Io;th4¡ cenaln DeclararÍon of Covenants, Condirions and Restricdorts of Th.e Broadla¡rds ("Declararionl') fôr thc meaning of rerms used hciern. The Bar¡k ls the holder_of a mortgage in¡erest on the oolf course, and tlesíres ro (I) i¡s c'onsenl ¡o the Dcclaratioñ inr (2) irs lnrcniro hcreby suuj."iitr¿ tien or l* mongage rô the Dcclaration: conlirm Execured as of rhe dare wrinen above. St. Fiancis Bank, FSB STATE OF \ryISCONSIN COUNTY OF MILWAUKEE ) ) ss Ma-F r. V;.e- Prcsi,** ) , came bcfore me ¡his ,hú, day of Oøober, 1998, above nam¿d \t who ackrtowledged hÍrnself ro be rhe 'eeof Sl. Francís Ban-k, FSB, and ro me known ro bc the person who executed the foregoing .insrrumenr as such offìcer of srch. corporadon, by thorìly, and acknbwledged lhe sam¿. f. My Commission: L\rf\fl Ê0r¡\N I Jr\ûx2U,iD{}j?.w5Z{prrltú (.i (. ), ro,ouPðTfäåN oF .s covENANTS, CONDtTIo¡rs AND RESTRICTIONS OF THE BROADLANDS he Broadlands (including Lots, Outlots, and 1/4, NW 114 and slv,t/4 or tnè sp'1/a, anà e NE 1/4 of Èection 36, T 6 N, R 1Z E, and he NE U4, SE 7¡l4 and NTV 1/4'of the T-8 N., B IB E, all being in rhe Village ed'in the OffTæ of ihe'Register of a!.Ð, Vol.48, pageZ4S et qeq,, as N. Sù of .,{ll¡ôal ppperty.bhown.on Certífied Survey Maps (including lots, Ourlo.ßr priUtic streets), being'a prit of Ll4 of the SE 1/4, and the NE y4, SE.y ;-NW 1/4 ánd T 6 _S R 18 E, and the sE 1/4 and sW ti+ ot the Nw tl4 the SB Il4 and S\# Ii4 of Section'36, T 6 N, R-17 E in recorded in the office of 1ee8 in, ,.,pr.ti"rìj, vot. -{ the the ?5, and g545 ., 1/4 and SV/ f lt| b;ú;ïi, R 18 E, and of and NW ofrhe SE Ll4 ukesha county, lÃ/isconsin, tiTI; illiiï*, on Mav 27, A (-¡' EXHIBIT B TO DECLARATION OF covENANrs, coNDrrroñf Aïn ibsrrucrr OF Parcel oNS 1: .'Northwest that part of the Northea st U4,Southeast l/4 114 of section Waukesha County, Wf.on¡in, li i;;äñor*,, U".i, 'yf,i.ñi, 1/4 of the qth PrairÍe., tion'aforesaid; thence Norrh 00, edescribed parcel contains Parcel 2: A tract of land in the Northeast Il4 ofsectipn 31, Town 6 North, Range lg East, in the Town ñ;;h É;ñi., cou,,ty ;; ïv;;;ii;ï'rt;-l';,,ir""ili,¡n, ;lrïl,'.ffi,lå iiî,",,,Ji. "r bounoeo, Commence at the eæt 1/4 corner of said Section: (.. I r, ] I As of the date of recordation, Declarant owns no parcel 2, but is included herein that if Declarant irir;;ril;;iii'*"u become aitparr of the ;i#,I;",ice ^"dil;;, O oo 09!26 FÀI, I zirz 54i: J(tü0 WI 1ITLE ¿.'- td 00¿ t' es6f3ÈFa._ a,t ,åüfiËilËlåsrfffil'8, REIT]RDED 1]N' 06-+0+0øø 9r4.? AH '"H8lhÈh HÊeBLA$g'* ' This'Fir$ .Aåicndmcot to Dectaration of Covcoa$s, ConditÍôus mdR.eshíctiois of Tt€Bm¡,{Imds'is '.iids 200Q by llæruou.,l.Homes, Ino. (Deeþanf hne $.- a.t ). of : I I \ al¡çoperV deisríbed' Cspitalized t¿rm $ rxqd. ihall bavo tho memìngþ I t i I I I ln Scction 12.2 of theDcolaration, Dcclutantrpserved the ríght to expand the Piopedy, and Dçclarmt desÍres t,o do so lô: Iticdriú IJtr Ùfioh.tÞl I 00 Esst VlÍscmsin .Avenue Mlta¡¡kcq Wisco¡eh 53202 Key No. r-'.ùRt"l 1562;983-001 he¡ein. I Now, thercfórc, Declarant hereby fmends the DeCia-¿tion to expaad the Pmperty on the ter¡ns aud' conditions'set fo'rth belcrq¡: i I I \ 1. E*pmsìo+ Tho rcal prdpc¡ty desøibed on thc attåúed Eúibit A (the 'E¡çansicrn Rcsl Estato') is hc.reby suþjcot to thq Dcclaration, ou the t¿r¡rs and conditiors set fo¡th hereiu. For zuch purpose, the ftIlowíng dcfinitions in the Dælaration a¡o høeby ame¡rdod ia orderto l¡clude thn E4pansío¡Real Esbatc: Section'I.Z9 - Tho Pmpgtf,sball include the BxpansiouResl Estate. Seotion 1.28 - Th'oP¡at s:båIl.Íncludc the Pl¡t of thoE¡cpasionRealEsùrte. Scction 1.I9 - â. Lot sball i¡cludc Lots sÊowa on thc Ptat oftc Expalsic'a Real Ëst¡te. Section l,U - Outlots sha[ íúhdo Outlos as showu on the Plat oitho Expo¡.lon Re¿l Eståte. . , Alt of the deiìnìtioas. are deemed modified ln o¡der to bs consistent with the i¡tenr hcreof 2. ' Pqrmitte4 tTse, The Lot ¡¡d the Bxpansion Real Estate uhall be used in' acco¡dance with Seotíon 5.1(a) of üe Declaration 3. Mí+irntm HqFrg Síze Requíreme-ntr. Homes on I¡ts Ín ûc Expaasion Real ,Estate sb¡ll bave the saqns minimrm sízes æ thoso on 6,3 (a) of the l)ecla¡ation 4. F-ffætive Erna¡rsiotu Effective ^A:rrenduicnÇ each owner vith tha dstc of recordatiou oftbjs First. of aLot'in tho B¡pa.usiouReal Btate stall be a rnember of tht 1 e) l¡ts 15 tiuough 26 as såt forlh in Scction \4.? /y& Oø/'A\/ûO 09:27 FÀ-tr I ¿bz 6,ll ðoöo HI I¿J U U¡, 'T'ITLE .4,sspoiatí'on entÍtled to a òne vote appurtenÂnt b åach Lot ín the Errpansion Rcal-BsÞtg subject to thc provislo¡x on urembcrshfp aid votíng i¡r thc Dcclaratioir and tho Bylaws. Thc assessme¡ts for each new lot tn the Expanstòn Real Estatc during the su¡reut budge year shatl be determincd on an equttabls b¿sis by the Boar$. 5. FurtherFxpa¡sioo. Tïe ¿ ecçaruion oftho Property, and oxtentPErmitteduudsr section 12.2 of the D¿cl wa.narty, however, that ít will in fact cause'auy ftutlier e4pansion of the Property' Declarqut 'Executed as of the date t fiçtwitten.atove. HamronyHoues, Inc. Sigrlafi rrcûf Bryce *€t¡rz a æthectieated-æsfJune-!;5+æe. Robe*:A"Tcptr STATE OF WISCONgIN sg This i¡sfrument was dra.fted by and should'be ¡eturned to: Hal Karæ, Esq. aud Robert A. Tepcr, fsq. Michasl Best & Fried¡ich LLP 100 B. 'WïscousÍn Avcnue, Suite 3300 Milwaukce, lilI53202 (414) Z7 l-6s60 COUNIY OF T.IÀUKDSHÀ Perèonallyca¡rte ,before no thf s 15th êay of June, 2000, .ehe abovi naned.,Bryce P. 6t'!za' t{ho aclmowlôdjedl htmself bo be tha President of Hangony Homes, rnc.., E¡fl.bû me known to be the perJon whq oxecuùed the foregoJ'ng InsÈrunent ãs such, offL of such cor¡Þratlon¡ bY lts thè sane. a My T:rÊ1.1 ENT¡VI tlJ\00.{IU000)5 ¡ con -GlfrÉa R. T), 2002 9 ÊIEII}AR 2 ÉÞ og/Il/o0 09: 27 F.{X r I 262 S42 J0O0 II'I TITLE ¡' BXI{IBITA (Expansion Real Estare). Thc Broadlands i\dd'n No. l, Lots tr54 through 1g2, being a part of the NE %, l'rw y^, sE % and sv/ % of the Nlv % of sãotion'g r, 16l.I, nlgE; in the Village of North Prairie, \farikesha County, Wisconsín. Õ h ool