Telemonitoring of Long Term Oxygen Therapy: Air
Telemonitoring of Long Term Oxygen Therapy: Air
Telemonitoring of Long Term Oxygen Therapy in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disesase: Air Liquide Experience & Research ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010 Marc Lemaire, MD Health R&D Director Revenues: € 12 billion 32% 9% 41% 18% Electronics Large Industries Air gases and hydrogen 15-year contracts Pipeline networks Industrial basins Industrial Merchant Bulk and cylinder gases 75 countries Wide variety of sectors and customer sizes Confidential Carrier gases Specialty gases Equipment and Installations Healthcare Hospitals Homecare Hygiene-Chemistry ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 2 Homecare Business European Respiratory Market Sleep Apnoea Syndrom Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 450 M€ (+18%) 750 M€ (+3%) VitalAire: MS ≈ 30% C-PAP L-TOT (Continuous Positive Airways Pressure) (Long-Term Oxygen Therapy) Confidential ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 3 Compliance Measurement of Long Term Oxygen Therapy in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disesase: Why (how) do manage compliance ? Social Security System (a: C-PAP) Sleep Apneoa: the referenced disease 1. Definition: reduction or pause of breathing (airflow) during sleep resulting in daytime sleepiness 2. Treatment: Continuous-Positive Airways Pressure 3. Measurement tool: Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) defines severity including sleep disruptions and desaturations Confidential ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 5 Social Security System (b: C-PAP Reimbursement) Compliance measurement (AHI): Initial assessment (5 months) then annual assessment Reimbursement based on 3hrs/night Manual download & (Tele)transmission by the technician France: rental model => Advantages: Cost-effectivement (payment related to patient treatment) Full service (maintenance, 24hrs call center, materiovigilance, mask adaptation, disposal, patient followup …) material is never obsolete and can adapt to new prescription, patient requirement, upgrade C-PAP… Information flow Responsibility: VitalAire Sale vs Rental Model? Confidential ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 6 Social Security System (d: COPD) - WW: 210 million COPD - 2 million patients traited by L-TOT - L-TOT survival curve + sleep & cognitive performance - L-TOT hospitalisation days by - 43% due to an exacerbation Hospitalization (days/year): - France: 100,000 days - USA: 673,000 days ERS / ATS Recommendations - Continuous administration (24h/jour) with deambulation. - Education, training and follow-up (compliance) are essential to succeed Confidential ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 7 Social Security System (e: COPD) L-TOT compliance measurement in COPD: Technical issues: O2 sources from concentrators to liquid or gaseous O2 with or without refilling system and on-demand valve system Patient issues: night & day, sitting, standing position, with or without deambulation Challenge: Device for CM has to be small, light & robust (patient), suitable & efficient for all O2 sources and adapted to all existing techno – autonomy Confidential ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 8 Physician Vision (a: COPD & L-TOT) L-TOT is efficient for COPD Continuous daily treatment Min of 15 hrs/day => 24 hrs Adapted to activity L-TOT is more efficient Trained patient Coaching implementation Medical survey for preventing exacerbations DETECT EXACERBATION EARLY HOMECARE TREATMENT AVOIDING HOSPITALIZATION Confidential ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 9 Physician Vision (b: COPD & Exacerbation) • COPD ECONOMIC BURDENS: - Europe: 4% (€ 39 billion/yr) of global healthcare budget - USA: 32 $ billion/yr • Exacerbation: 70% of COPD cost & 1/10 hospital admission • Exacerbation: sustainedEquipment worsening of the condition from the stable state and L-TOT Ext. patient’s Cst DRUGS beyong normal day-to-day variations that is acute in onset and may additional treatment • CONSEQUENCES: ↑ decline in lung function, mortality & ↓ quality of life severity Confidential - Jansson, Chest, 2002 ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 10 Physician Vision (c: Exacerbation & Early TTT) N=128 patients →Early treatment improves: - recovery time - quality of life Confidential ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 11 Physician Vision (c: Hospitalization & Management Program) N=94 patients Intervention: phone and home education + telephone support Mean ± SEM nb or nb of days/patient Farrero, Chest, 2001 Confidential ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 12 Physician Vision (d: Hospitalization & Management Program) N=94 patients Intervention: phone and home education + telephone support Objectives ⇓ x 2.6 1. Diagnose Early Exacerbation 2. Reduce Consequence for the patient x 3.75 3. Increase Survival x 1.5 4. Improve QoL Farrero, Chest, 2001 Confidential ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 13 VitalAire Strategy (a: Objectives) Supply the best solution at home (Patient) Respect the prescription (MD) Integrate Funded-Healthcare System expectations R&D, proposing new solutions, new technologies, new medical approaches… (Health Company) ⇓ Solution Provider for: 1) Physicians to diagnose as early as possible a risk of exacerbation 2) Public SS to reduce total cost 3) Patients to improve QoL and reduce morbi-mortality Confidential ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 14 VitalAire Strategy (b: strategy) 2009 O2 Patient monitoring O2 Confidential Patient education & coaching Clinical Parameters monitoring ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010- Marc Lemaire 15 VitalAire Strategy (c: monitoring Objectives) Develop and validate a monitoring device for oxygen therapy A dedicated device to monitor patient adherence to LTOT: → Detects oxygen flow and patient breath - Weight: 30 g - Autonomy: 2 yr-battery - Compatible with: Liquid oxygen / Concentrators / Gaseous oxygen (13 different sources validated) 1. AL proprietary Device Development e n Do 2. Validation for different oxygen sources 3. Validation trial for the use in patients MedGas - SteerCom Hippocrate Homecare November 2009 16 VitalAire Vision (d: monitoring system) Patient with COPD requiring new LTOT implementation assigned to the Intervention group 1. An educational program on COPD Patient / Home Daily symptom & O2 compliance recordings 2. Daily symptom transmission Monitor center Daily symptom management 3. An early management of clinical degradation by the ‘respiratory team network’ Medical evaluation Respiratory specialist decision Paramedical evaluation Nurse visit at patient’s home MedGas - SteerCom Hippocrate Homecare November 2009 17 VitalAire Vision (e: future) C-PAP Monitoring and TeleTransmission L-TOT Monitoring and TeleTransmission: • NOWOX + Daily Symptoms Management => patient compliance measurement => Early Exacerbation Detection » Early Treament » Avoid Hospitalization (patient life issue) • Disease Cost Savings MedGas - SteerCom Hippocrate Homecare November 2009 18 CONCLUSIONS (1) What will be the strategy of the « universal » health care systems? At what level: National or European? MedGas - SteerCom Hippocrate Homecare November 2009 19 CONCLUSIONS (2) STEP 1 => Efficacy / Safety Ratio STEP 2 => Efficacy/Safety Ratio + Economical Evaluation NEXT STEP => Efficacy / Safety Ratio Economical Evaluation Patient Compliance Measurement ⇓ Drugs & Services for Ambulatory Homecare Patients MedGas - SteerCom Hippocrate Homecare November 2009 20 Telemonitoring of Long Term Oxygen Therapy in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disesase ESPACOM – LODZ – 09/17/2010 THANKS Marc Lemaire Health R&D Director