The animation Kong Kong Land is the world`s first animated work


The animation Kong Kong Land is the world`s first animated work
The animation Kong Kong Land is the world’s first animated work inspired by shoes, and
tells the story of animal-inspired fairies who have the superpower to turn into shoes.
Currently we are producing TV series animation and developing innovative kid-friendly
character shoes products simultaneously. We are sure it will be a an effective and competitive
business model for the global market. The production is at the stage of planning and
producing the early episodes of the series. We are open to collaboration with international
producers, and also welcome investors.
Visit our booth to view more sample videos of the early episodes of the series. You can
also obtain more detailed information about our works. If you are looking to tap into new and
niche market through novel animated works, let's meek at MIPTV.
Kong Kong Land (2016)
■ GENRE: CGI Animation
■ FORMAT: 26eps x 11min (Full HD)
■ TARGET: Pre-school
■ CONTENT: Edutainment
Youtube Demo :
The animal fairies are little mischiefs from a faraway jungle. They are infamous in their own
village as trouble-makers. One day, the fairies become entangled in an incident, and as a
result they are cursed to transform as shoes and evicted from their homeland. They
eventually reach Kong Kong Land, a beautiful peaceful island in the middle of the Pacific
where a number of children as mischievous as they are residing. The fairies long to return
home, but they are clueless as to how to break their curse and find their way back home.
The fairies each have a unique superpower, and in order to help the children with their
powers they must transform as shoes that children can wear.
Meanwhile, Leocat also discovers Kong Kong Land while travelling around the land of fairies
on his airship, and decides to settle there. Leocat is an ingenious inventor, and a highly
jealous fairy who believes he’s the greatest fairy in the world. Leocat takes pride in showing
himself off wherever he goes, but once coming face-to-face with the animal fairies in Kong
Kong Land, he is overcome with great shock at their superpowers.
Leocat becomes highly jealous of the fairies who have the power to transform into shoes, and
try to uncover their secret. With our trouble-making children, the homesick animal fairies
and Leocat burning with jealousy, what will happen to Kong Kong Land?