Chaska Moravian Church est. 1858
Chaska Moravian Church est. 1858
Chaska Moravian Church APRIL 2014 est. 1858 PAGE 1 In essentials, Unity; In nonessentials, Liberty; In all things, Love. Vision and Mission Statement: A Christian community growing in faith, sharing the Love of Jesus Christ with all people. from Rev. Mike Eder Well, it’s now spring by every authority that tracks the seasons and I, for one, think that it’s about time! Woke up this morning to a balmy 8 degrees with a sultry wind chill of 10 below zero. That’s at least 30 degrees warmer than when I wrote the last three monthly articles. The best news is that it hasn’t snowed here since yesterday. There’s nothing like the change of seasons to rejuvenate a man’s hopes and dreams… At the half way point through the season of Lent and all is humming along nicely. Shirley Ekstrom’s soup continues to draw droves of sinners in to our Lenten Wednesday evening worship services (attendance up 25% from 2013), my fasting from chocolate and peanuts has not yet caused me to “go postal” on anyone (Thank you Cindy for adding the bowl of chocolates to your desk lest I forget the peanut M&Ms on my own desk and rest upon my laurels), and the Spirit has even invaded my “other” life as car guy. The oldest continuously held car show in Minnesota began in 1956 and is sponsored by the Gopher State Timing Association. This year it is April 5 & 6 within the coliseum building at the Minnesota state fair grounds. Inside will be the finest 100 cars chosen from countless entries who submitted photos and applications for entry. Your pastor’s 1954 sedan delivery “DeLIVrd” will be among them. The public is invited (at $12.00 a head) or you can wait for warmer weather when I bring it to church on a Sunday (put your twelve bucks in the collection plate). April brings the celebration and season of Easter to us with all of the trimmings: more soup and fellowship on Wednesdays (2 & 9), Palm Sunday is on the 13th, Our Maundy Thursday/Tenebrae service at 7:30PM on the 17th and the triumphal “He is RISEN!” will be echoed through our sanctuary at 6:00AM and again at 9:30 on Easter morn (20th). I will be joining Chaplain Carol Wachter and Sharon Benson for the Holy Week readings in the Marvel Chapel at Auburn at 10:15AM each day during Holy Week. Holy Communion will be served there on Thursday the 17th, here at the church on the 6th and again at the Maundy Thursday service. CHASKA MORAVIAN CHURCH 115 East 4th Street Chaska, MN 55318 Email: [email protected] Phone: (952) 448-4000 Fax: (952) 448-6016 Chaska Moravian Church est. 1858 APRIL 2014 PAGE 2 The Chaska Cubs will kick off their 2014 baseball season with a party at the American Legion on Saturday, April 26th, the same day that our lovely young pianist (one of our lovely young pianists) Rachel Genrich shares wedding vows with her beloved Nathan. Spring is in the air! (It’s just too cold to smell it.) In His Service, Pastor Mike FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN April 1st 6:00PM: Gwen Lenius, Norma & Doug Schwalbe, Deb Schwalbe, Terry Rank, Linda Zimmerman, Donna Hovland, Nanette Olberg, Vicki Ferestad, Sharon Benson, Renee Beck, Cindy Stock. Please contact Gwen Lenius if you can volunteer. “Thank you for your cards, prayers, advice and good wishes following my hip surgery.” ~ John Ryski LENT SOUP SUPPER / WORSHIP SERVICE Two remaining Soup Suppers, made by Shirley Ekstrom, will be held at 6:00PM with Worship Service to follow on April 2 & 9. Please sign-up at the lobby table or call the church office if attending, and what dessert you can bring, or if you can help with cleanup. MEALS ON WHEELS April 14-18: More drivers needed (once every 5 weeks). Contact Norma Schwalbe at (952) 3610473. EASTER LILIES The Moravian Women are sponsoring a sale of lilies used to decorate the sanctuary on Easter Sunday. The cost of the plant will be $7 per plant. Each plant will have four-six blooms. SALE DATES are April 6 & 13. PLANTS NEED TO BE ORDERED AND PAID FOR BY APRIL 13. Make checks payable to: Chaska Moravian Women. THE MORAVIAN WOMEN The plant placed in the sanctuary on Palm Sunday by The Moravian Women, are in loving memory of those in our congregation who have gone to be with the Lord during the past year. The Moravian Church would like to remember: Doug Bade, Deloris Holasek, George Miller, and Lou Robb. The 9th ANNUAL EASTER BREAKFAST will be served by the Nathan Huisenga Foundation 7:00-9:30AM on Easter morning. The menu will include egg bake, fruit and Moravian sugar cake. Free will donations will be accepted. Happy Birthday to you, To Jesus be true. May God's richest blessings, Abide upon you. ~ ~ Lillian Kemkes APRIL BIRTHDAYS 1 7 8 10 12 15 19 20 22 27 30 Riley Jeremiason Lyla Peterson Tammy Riesgraf Jill Edwardsen Josh Huisenga Matteo Conti (Bren) Donna Hovland Katie Nordby Katie Bade Tasha Papke, Shirley Ekstrom Meg Peitersen, Zachary McKeever APRIL ANNIVERSARIES This Easter, remember our homebound members by mailing a card: Kathy Aakre, Don & Julaine Christensen, Harold Edwardsen, Joyce Felmlee, Nancy Jo Schutrop, Dorothy West, Ivan Zwart AND our Auburn Courts friends: Katie Bade, Bernice Barris, Marvel & Tom Heath, Gail Johnson, Kate Morgan & Willard Zwart. Addresses can be obtained through the church office. 1 3 11 15 Eunice & Don West Sheri & Vonn Bonnema Mary Jo & Craig Zimmerman Chris & Steve Devore Chaska Moravian Church est. 1858 APRIL 2014 PAGE 3 TYPO: The March Newsletter stated Eleanor Zwiers sponsored the newsletter in memory of her mother, “Linda” Frenz. Correction: “Lydia” Frenz. Sincere apologies for this oversight. ●We have sold our 2014 Daily Texts but the church office certainly can order more upon request. You may make a donation to dedicate BOUNTIFUL BASKET FOOD SHELF item of the Month APRIL: Juice 100% MAY: Canned vegetables Donations to our local food shelf may be placed in the food cart in the John Hus Room. BOUNTIFUL BASKET also are recruiting volunteers for 1 day a week for an hour or two to help with their garden this year. Garden duties include planting, watering, weeding and harvesting. Last summer, this garden produced over 400 lbs. of food! The clients were delighted to receive some “home grown” veggies! If interested please contact Wenda Danduran at (62)448-2662. Also, Bountiful Basket again is asking local gardeners, when planting, to plant a row for their food shelf. Last year the results were fantastic! There were 218 different individuals, churches and businesses that donated over 4,500 lbs. of produce! This is a healthy addition to their client’s meal. a monthly newsletter for $60.00 “in Honor of or in Memory of” a loved one. Sign up at the lobby table. TAX ASSISTANCE: Chaska Moravian Church continues to host the 2013 Income Tax Assistance on Mondays 9:00AM-12:30PM thru April 14th. No appointments; first come first served. ‘LIKE US ON FACEBOOK’ – Chaska Moravian Church now are members/followers and have an account. SPRING is around the corner ~ Time to place your Memorial Brick order for our MEMORIAL MEDITATION GARDEN. Donations of $50 or more are eligible for a memorial paving stone ‘in honor of or in memory of’ your loved one. Donation forms are available at the lobby table or in the church office. MORAVIAN SUMMER CAMPS 2014 MN and WI June – August 2014 A Christ centered camp Moravian style for ALL ages! Contact our church office for more information, video or registration materials at 448-4000 or Brochures located on church lobby table. We thank Chris and Steve Devore for sponsoring this newsletter in memory of Penny and Bill Tarbell. NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER MAY 1st Chaska Moravian Church APRIL 2014 est. 1858 PAGE 4 AUBURN HOMES & SERVICES still need volunteers for their Worship Services: (1) Sundays 11:30- 12:00PM to transport residents to the Marvel Heath Chapel, help residents during worship service and transport residents into the dining room after service. (2) Wednesday Chapel Service 10:15-11:00AM. Please call Joanne at (952) 361-0309 if you can help. ►Boy Scout Troop 303 is hosting their annual Pancake Breakfast from 8:00AM-1:00 PM Chaska VFW on Sunday, April 6th. Tickets are $15 for Families and $5 for Singles. Come hungry for a great deal! Love INC For Love INC our church ministry is the Linen Closet for people in our area in need of linen. Please keep us in mind if you have items to donate. Current needs are towels, sheet sets, blankets & pillows. Please contact Julie Taylor if you can help prepare or deliver orders. Her work consists of sorting and folding donations, filling client vouchers, and calling a Love INC volunteer to deliver these orders. A little bit of your time makes a huge difference in this growing ministry. ●The Love INC website has a lot of information on donating and volunteering, and stories of what Love INC has done for families ●FurniShare Warehouse – April 21 & 22 ►SOUTHERN VALLEY ALLIANCE FOR BATTERED WOMEN - on April 25th RE/MAX Advantage Plus will be hosting SVA for the Battered Women’s 15th Annual Silent Auction and Dinner Fundraiser at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel. Contact our church office for more information. ►METHODIST HOSPITAL HOSPICE will provide training sessions this May and June for new volunteers, who give respite care to caregivers who are caring for terminally ill loved ones in their own private homes. Commitment is a maximum of 4 hours/week for 4 training sessions. If interested, please call Libby Swanson (952) 993-5381. CHASKA PD SENIOR EXPO ~ FREE Sponsored by the Chaska Police Department Senior Focus Group ~ April 17th Noon to 4PM Chaska Community Center ●Seminars and Speakers ●Health Screenings ●Resource Fair Keynote Speaker Robert Stevens, CEO Ridgeview. For more information contact Officer Janke at (952)448-4200. The memorial/burial service for Cynthia Gohdes will be Saturday, May 10 at 10:30AM with the burial and luncheon following. It will be at Ebenezer Moravian Church in Watertown, WI with Rev. Dave Sobek and Rev. Jane Gehler officiating. Please continue to hold the Gohdes family in your prayers. THANK YOU FOR PRAYERS ~ “I wanted to take just a moment to thank all of you for your kind emails, cards, gifts, and prayers during this time of my mother’s illness and death. My family greatly appreciates all of the kindness. My sister is working on a display of the all the cards mom got while she was in the hospital and hospice care that we will put out during my mother’s memorial service. I say, often, from the pulpit, that it is good to be the church together. It is good. And I am grateful.” Rev. Amy Gohdes-Luhman CHASKA MORAVIAN CHURCH FUNDRAISER As the chef at your home, or just a lover of cooking and convenient kitchen gadgets, please join us for a sampling of products and food. This is open to MEN & WOMEN, so don't be shy men. Profits will support needs in the CMC kitchen or general fund. Come and enjoy some food, fun and socializing! Please RSVP to ensure enough food. Party Sponsor: THE PAMPERED CHEF Host: Sheryl Miller for CMC Date: Sunday, May 18, 201 Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm Location: Chaska Moravian Church RSVP: By Friday, May 16th 952-403-9322/[email protected] Chaska Moravian Church 1858 APRIL 2014 est. PAGE 5 Chaska Moravian Women BOARD of ELDERS & TRUSTEES ELDERS Chair – Rev. Mike Eder Vice Chair & Secretary – Tammy Riesgraf Jill Edwardsen, Jennifer Jeremiason, Deb Zwart TRUSTEES President – Kelly Jeremiason Vice President – Steve Devore Secretary – Dwight Crisman Vonn Bonnema JOINT BOARD RECORDING SECRETARY Jennifer Jeremiason CHURCH COUNCIL SECRETARY Tammy Riesgraf Calendar April April April April May May May Board 14 17 23 28 12 15 19 Board Meeting Birthday Outing SSS Luncheon - CANCELLED Women’s Bible Study Quarterly Board Meeting/Election of Officers Birthday Outing Women’s Bible Study President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Women’s Bible Study Mission Coordinator Outreach Coordinator Service Coordinator Spiritual Life Coordinator Donna Hovland Pam Ostman Norma Schwalbe Gwen Lenius Donna Hovland Trudy Papke-Jung Rose Allison Shirley Ekstrom Lyla Peterson WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Please join us! Women Bible Study meets at 7:00PM every 4th Monday of each month led by Trudy Jung. Currently studying: In Good Company: Stories of Biblical Women by Rev. Dr. Kay Ward of the Moravian Unity. MORAVIAN WOMEN THANK YOU for your generous donations to the 2014 Mission Project. Together we donated 76 Birthday Bags for children to our local food shelf. A special thank you to Doug Schwalbe for delivering the completed bags. The food shelf thanks you from every corner of their full shelves. Thank you for donating the little bags of joy filled with your love and care and for sharing the love of Jesus Christ with all people. CEMETERY BOARD Merrill Ekstrom (President), Deb Zwart (Treasurer), Dale Dollerschell, Tom Jung, Tom Riesgraf Happy Easter April 20 ! Toward the Empty Tomb Lent 2014 April 2: 6:00 Soup Supper & Worship April 9: 6:00 Soup Supper & Worship April 17, Maundy Thursday: 7:30PM Tenebrae Service April 20, Easter Sunrise Service 6:00AM Nathan Huisenga Foundation Breakfast 7:00–9:30AM 9:30AM Easter Service Join us on Wednesday evenings thru April 9 for a soup supper and worship. On Maundy Thursday we gather at 7:30PM for a service of Tenebrae (Darkness) to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Light of the World. A Christian Community Growing in Faith, Sharing the Love of Jesus Christ with all People __________________________________________________________________________________ 2014 SHADE TREE PROGRAM AVAILABLE AGAIN THIS SPRING FOR CITY OF CHASKA RESIDENTS This Spring, Chaska property owners again will be able to purchase shade trees at wholesale prices. The program, sponsored by the City Council and the Public Works Dept. is designed to both replace lost trees and add to the City’s tree population. The trees are 1.75”-2.5” in diameter, and are balled and bagged. They include ornamentals, spruce and shade trees. Prices range from $80.00 to $195.00. Trees are not under warranty since they are at wholesale prices. Orders can be placed 8:00AM-4:00PM during regular business hours at the Chaska City Hall, or by calling 952-448-9200. Public Works Dept. will deliver the trees to the homeowners, curbside, for a delivery charge of $3.00. This offer will only be available in Spring - No Fall Tree Program will be offered. Orders will be taken from March 21st thru April 11th , 2014. $80.00 Category ( carry over trees from 2013 season ) 2”-3” Amur Maple, tree form 2”-3” Snowdrift Crab 2”-3” Spring Snow Crab 2”-3” Flowering Crabs: Royalty, Pinkspire, Red Jewel, Candy Mint $120.00 Category 5’ Black Hills Spruce $140.00 Category 1.75 – 2” Hawthorn $170.00 Category 2” Autumn Blaze Maple 8-10’ Whitespire Birch 2” Swamp White Oak 2” Sugar Maple variety 2” Red Oak $195.00 Category 2.5” Autumn Blaze Maple 2.5” Northwood Red Maple 2.5” Swamp White Oak 2.5” Redmond / American Sentry Linden 2.5” Red Point Maple 2.5” Sun Valley Maple Chaska Moravian Church First Ever: Mancake Breakfast! th Sunday May 4 11:00AM Mancake Fixins: Blueberries, bananas, walnuts, strawberries, chocolate chips, whipped cream, butter, syrup & sausage (Coffee, juice & milk)! Served by: Moravian Manly Men Note: Women & children served at their own risk! APRIL 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY ► TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 2 3 10AM Care Team 6:00PM FMSC 6PM AA Mtg 6:30PM Launch Ministry Mtg 7:30PM Alanon Mtg 6PM Soup Supper &Service 4:30-9PM Norma, Counsel 6:30PM N/A Mtg 7PM Women’s AA 6:30PM IMR Rehearsal FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY 5 10AM-9PM Norma, Counsel 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9:30AM Worship Service w/ Holy Communion 5th Sunday in Lent 9AM-12:30PM Tax Preparation John Hus Room 6PM Joint Bd Mtg 4:30PM Counsel 6PM AA Mtg 6:30PM Launch Ministry Mtg 7:30PM Alanon Mtg 6PM Soup Supper & Service 4:30-9PM Norma, Counsel 9AM Mom’s Club 10AM-9PM Norma, Counsel 6:30PM N/A Mtg 7PM Women’s AA Mtg 6:30PM IMR Rehearsal 18 19 Lily Sale 13 14 15 Taxes Due 16 17 9:30AM Worship Service Palm Sunday 9AM-12:30PM Tax Preparation John Hus Room 7PM Moravian Women Board Meeting 4:30-9PM Counsel 6PM AA Mtg 6:30PM Launch Ministry Mtg 7:30PM Alanon Mtg 11:30AM Birthday Outing 6:30PM IMR Rehearsal 7:30PM Maundy Thursday w/ Holy Communion Lily Sale – last day 20 Meals on Wheels 21 9:30AM Worship Service with Holy Communion EASTER SUNDAY Meals on Wheels 6:30PM N/A Mtg 7PM Women’s AA Mtg Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels 25 23 24 4:30-9PM Counsel 6PM AA Mtg 6:30PM Launch Ministry Mtg 7:30PM Alanon Mtg EARTH DAY 6:30PM N/A Mtg 7PM Women’s AA Mtg 4:30-9PM Norma, Counsel 30 27 28 29 9:30AM Worship Service 7PM Women’s Bible Study 4:30-9PM Counsel FurniShare Sale Meals on Wheels 22 NO SSS LUNCHEON 10AM-9PM Norma 7PM Jail Ministry 6:30PM IMR Rehearsal 10AM-5PM 26 10AM-9PM Norma, Counsel BENNETT STORY Our Joint Board accepted as a mission prayer project for CMC, the mission work of Joy Bennett (husband Stephen and children), Gail Johnson's granddaughter stationed as missionaries in Fiditi, Nigeria, Bethel American International School. Watch for updates on our church hallway bulletin board. Visit their webpage at March 8, 2014: Today was a tiring day. Our male dorm staff has the weekend off, which leaves more responsibility for Stephen. He didn’t sleep well last night, so I tried to alleviate some of his load so he could rest some today. Today the students seemed a little more hyper than usual as well, which made things like homework time a struggle. When I made the schedule for the weekend I decide to put myself in charge of the worship time this evening. Saturday evenings we have done a time of praise and worship. Typically I don’t put myself in charge, but I’ve been thinking about introducing the students to more American types of prayer service. As I was making the schedule, I decided this would be the weekend to try something. I had thought a little bit last night about what to do, but hadn’t settled on anything, In the midst of everything today I had forgotten about it until about two hours before it was supposed to start. Right about that time we lost electricity from the national power company (a very common occurrence) so I couldn’t even search for ideas online. I also had purity code with the girls (a weekly time where we are reading through a book called “The Purity Code” and talking about God’s perspective on relationships and how their bodies are changing and developing), so didn’t have much time to prepare anyway. God is good. I arrived up at the school to find several of the students misbehaving and being mean to each other. I had them all sit down and we talked about Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. We talked about some of their behavior and how it was not honoring to God. I feel like I said a lot of things – totally led by the Spirit (I definitely was not prepared for it). All week I had been feeling like we needed to do something with ashes this week, but I hadn’t felt like anything was “right”. As I was “preaching” tonight, God provided the answer. I asked each of the students to write any sins they had committed today or this week onto a piece of paper and to pray about it. They definitely understood the idea of confession. I asked a couple students to sing quietly in the background. I looked around at one point and many students were in deep prayer with the Father, confessing their sin. It was indescribable. When they were finished I led them outside and started a small fire. It wouldn’t start very easily, so it became a team effort. Once it was lit I asked them to throw their papers into it. When they had all burned, I talked about the forgiveness of sins. Just as the paper remains no more, God has forgiven your sins. Now He asks us to go and sin no more. Right after that time of prayer, it was dinner time. A couple of the girls mentioned a desire to no longer abuse (pick on) people, or be prejudiced against anyone. A couple other students admitted to being prejudiced and mean to people (it’s very hard for the students to admit when they do something wrong). We had a very encouraging and uplifting time of conversation. I wanted to shout “hallelujah”! I’m praying that the Spirit will continue to work in their lives and hearts, as well as my own. I had put the first piece of paper in the fire as an example. One of the students asked if I had written anything. Definitely! I sin and mess up everyday. I’m so thankful that we serve a God who forgives everything that we do wrong. I am reminded so often here that it is only by His grace and mercy that we are even alive today. Many prayers said by Nigerians thank God for not allowing anything bad to happen to them this day, or this week, or month, etc. They really seem to grasp the idea that each day is a gift from God. We are blessed to have this moment of life. I felt like the service and prayer time tonight was a beautiful gift from God, one of those precious moments where He takes over and His Work is totally evident. I feel so blessed and humbled to be a part of it. Please continue to pray for these students, and all those involved with the school, that we would help to train children who follow The Lord in all that they do. from Hermann Weinlick, Provincial Ecumenical Officer Northern Province ~ April 2014 My mother had three sisters and one brother. My grandfather did not like the husbands that two of his daughters, my aunts, had chosen. When my grandfather died in 1948, his children discovered that his will left nothing to those two daughters. (While that grandfather was completely without connection with a church or faith community, I imagine many of us have seen similar behavior in our congregation.) Nevertheless, those who were included in the will agreed to divide the estate among all five siblings. Our best and our worst habits and ways of living we learn in our families. We often think of the church, both congregation and denomination, as a family. In traditional Moravian (but now-less-used) language, we call one another “brother” and “sister.” On the negative side, in families we may shy away from talking about disagreements and shove them under the rug. We may let one person take charge by bullying or threatening. We may try to hide from the neighbors our mistakes and our troubles. On the positive side, when families are at their best, we have a sense of loyalty and relationship even with people we disagree with. We have a better understanding of how to live together. We really care about one another. I have some experience of how things work in some larger denominations where there is less sense of family. Leaders may be considered distant bureaucrats, rather than someone you call by his or her first name. Leaders may be chosen after something resembling national political campaigns, and national meetings may look like the United States Congress, with some of the hardened hearts and reluctance to listen to one another that we see there. There are some advantages to both these systems (I realize both are more complicated that I picture), but I suggest that, both in our congregational life and as we approach synod, we Moravians are at our best when we live together as a big family, not a small corporation. Some proposals coming to synod are challenging, matters about which we will differ: making our churches gun-free zones, changing our provincial and district organization to focus on mission more than governance, ordaining persons who have met all the requirements for ordination but may not now be ordained because they are in committed same-sex relationships. My hope is that at synod we can approach these issues—and other issues large and small that we will face—as family members around the dinner table, who know that whatever we do, we are in this together as Moravian disciples of Jesus, our Lamb who has conquered. It is sometimes simplistic, but we might do well to start by asking, “What would Jesus do?” Lord Jesus, we thank you for the Moravian family that you have created, a family where we can help one another to live as your faithful followers, a family where we can show the love for one another that you have shown us, a family where we can live out the love for all your children that you have shown us, a family where we learn how to live with our differences. As we gather for synod, be with us. Amen. Chaska Moravian Church est. 1858 APRIL 2014 Phone 952.448.4000 Fax 952.448.6016 [email protected] 115 East 4th Street Chaska, MN 55318 CHURCH STAFF Ministers All Who Serve Jesus Pastor Rev. Mike Eder Office Secretary Cindy Stock Pianist/Organist Linda Ryski SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:00AM Worship Team Rehearsal 9:30AM Worship Service 10:30AM Fellowship / Refreshments Rachel Genrich Music Coordinator Tammy Riesgraf Guitarist Alan Taylor Custodian Pam Ostman Offering Treasurer Gwen Lenius Church Treasurer Arvin Zwart