Securities are by licensed individuals offered through Investacorp
Securities are by licensed individuals offered through Investacorp
Securities are by licensed individuals offered through Investacorp, Inc., a Registered Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA and SIPC. Advisory services offered through Investacorp Advisory Services, Inc., a SEC Registered Investment Advisory Firm. Retirement Plan Solution Building a stronger retirement plan for your company. Compliance Simple organized process to evaluate, review and monitor your re7rement plan. Fortune’s process allows you to focus on your core business needs Benchmarking Invest Care Monitor Fortune 360 Group works with Fortune 360 Group benchmarks Fiduciary Analy7cs and The Firm plans which evaluates fees, returns, employee and employer Reports to assist in the review and monitoring of investments contribu7ons compared to peers in your specific industry Fiduciary Protector Educa<on Having an advisor with the Employee educa7on is essen7al in capabili7es to be a Fiduciary on the success of a re7rement plan your plan is paramount with new through seminars and one on one regula7ons mee7ng Fortune helps employees appreciate their plan Best Practices Approach Investment Due Diligence RFP Vendor Analysis & Benchmarking Investment Review - enhanced investment opportunities Plan Diagnostics and Benchmarking exceptional service provider ! Employee Education High-touch education - prepared participants Fiduciary Guidance Fiduciary Plan Review - protect fiduciaries Investment Policy Statement Investment Universe (20,000+ Investments) Investment Policy Statement An Institutional Approach Comprehensive and independent, utilizing a well-documented process and methodology. FI-360 System provides a proven process to monitor and evaluate fund managers and investment strategies. Quantitative Metrics Investment Menu Qualitative Metrics Meeting Summaries Provider Analysis Meeting Summary After meeting with your committee, we prepare a customized Executive Summary detailing results and action-items, providing valuable documentation required during plan audits and inquiries. Fiduciary Review All-encompassing deliverable of the Fiduciary Review provides education, documentation and plan metrics to meet fiduciary responsibilities and improve operational efficiency. Plan Design Evaluates plan design and compliance issues Plan Performance Charts participation, deferral rates and plan performance Benchmarking 404(c) Notice Benchmarking of Total Plan Cost 404(c) Notice and Statement Fiduciary Review All-encompassing deliverable of the Fiduciary Review provides education, documentation and plan metrics to meet fiduciary responsibilities and improve operational efficiency. Checklist Fiduciary File Compliance Checklist Fiduciary File Checklist Committee CharterCommittee Investment Charter Best Practices Ongoing Best Practices and Investment Review Service Calendar - 401k Plan First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Plan Design Review as plan design issues such as highly comp, roth, auto enrollment, etc. Investment Committee Meeting Review investment committee by laws Review benchmark of your plan FI360 fiduciary analytics investment snap shot review & investment committee review Investment Review Employee Education Compliance Meet with all general managers or HR Provide investment committee with staff to coordinate the employee report on success of employee meetings participation and contribution level Update Service Plan Schedule Update Service Plan Schedule FI360 fiduciary analytics investment snap shot review FI360 fiduciary analytics investment snap shot review & create new investment plan lineup Develop plan with investment committee for group employee meetings and one on one meeting dates and rollout of meetings Review fiduciary scorecard Employee Education Key components of the Fortune 360 Group 401k communication strategy include: Pre-‐enrollment Communica<on All on-‐site mee7ngs conducted by securi7es licensed representa7ves Mul7-‐lingual enrollment materials Professional 401k/403b Educators Customized Presenta<ons Proven record of increasing par7cipa7on Neutral and unbiased investment educa7on Video teleconferencing "Meet Me” mee7ngs for remote loca7ons Fortune 360 Advantage Wellness Financial Wellness Portal • Over 30 tailored seminars/webinars. • Telephonic and confiden7al financial coaching. • Monthly repor7ng to employer. •Decreased Stress at Work •Decreased Substance Abuse •Decreased Absenteeism •Decreased TheS by Employees •Increased Produc7vity •Enhanced Company Culture •Lower Overall Healthcare Cost •Less Distracted Employees •Reduced Turnover and HR Administra7on Cost Benchmark Your Plan Compare Benchmark your plan and compare 5 year average returns which compares to peer group and industry. Contributions Benchmark employer contribution rates to peer group and industry. Opportunities Check opportunities for diversification. Expenses Benchmark fund expense, service provider fees and advisor fees. Advisory Fee Comparison Standard Fortune 360 Assets millions Bases Point Financial Advisory Fee Assets millions Bases Point Financial Advisory Fee 0 to 2.5 0.61% $15,250 0 to 2 0.50% $10,000 2.5 to 5 0.45% $11,250 2 to 5 0.30% $9,000 5 to 8 0.25% $7,500 5 to 10 0.25% $12,500 8 to 10 0.20% $4,000 10 to 25 0.15% $0.00 25 plus 0.10% $0.00 0.32% $31,500 Total 0.38% #33,000,000 Benchmark Your Plan TPA Comparison Standard Fortune 360 TPA Cost Breakdown2 Annual Cost Assets millions Cost Breakdown Annual Cost2 Base Plan Charge Annual $2,000 Base Plan Charge Annual $3,400 $20 per quarter Per Participant Fee Additional Fees (based on 175 employees) $14,000 Per Participant Fee Annual $750 Additional Fees Total $17.50 per quarter (based on 175 employees) $12,250 Annual $0.00 $16,750 $15,650 Record Keeping Comparison Standard Fortune 360 Record Keeping Cost Breakdown Financial Advisory Fee Assets millions Bases Point Employee Web Access 0.40% $40,000 Employee Web Access N/A Custodial Asset Charge Custodial and web access fee N/A Custodial Asset Charge Based on $10 mil at .09% $9,000 Annual $40,000 Annual $9,000 Total Financial Advisory Fee Total Fix Cost Standard Revenue Sharing No Sharing Fortune 360 N/A Revenue sharing goes to Plan Sponsor -$11,592 *Revenue sharing is based on mutual funds allocated in the plan. See Investment Linup Comparison Total Fixed Cost - Invest $94,750 Annual $44,5590 Plan Administration Savings Fortune 360 1 Year 5 Year $50,191 $250,995 Fortune 360 believes in transparency, that will make it simple and easy to explain all fees.