St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio
St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio
St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio OUR PRAYER The Lord’s Day Masses Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 9:00 & 11:00am & 5:30pm Weekday Masses Monday 7:00pm Tues. - Sat. 8:15am Holy Day Masses 8:15am and 7:00pm National Holiday Masses 8:15am WEEKLY HIGHLIGHTS Reconciliation: Mondays, 6:00 - 6:45pm HOLY MASS & INTENTIONS Saturday, August 6 Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 & 2 Pt 1:16-19 Presider: Fr. James 4:30pm Mass † William McCarthy, req. by the Devine Family Presider: Fr. Tim Sunday, August 7 Wis 18:6-9 Ps 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22 Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 9:00am Mass † Tim Paulus, req. by Bob & Barb Raaf 5:30pm Mass SMOY Parish The Eucharistic Chapel is available 24 hours a day. For access to the building after hours, please contact Patti Lindsey: [email protected] Tuesday, August 9 Emergency: (513) 560-3511 Fax: (513) 683-7101 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Welcome New Parishioners! Please register in the Parish Office during the week or at the Welcome Table in the Gathering Space on Snack Saturdays / Donut Sundays. Or call (513) 697-3108 for more information. Moving out? Please contact the Parish Office at (513) 697-3108. Presider: Fr. James Presider: Fr. Tim Ezk 1:2-5, 24-28c Ps 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14 7:00pm Mass † Edward Geiser, req. by Bill & Jane Morand Ezk 2:8–3:4 Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131 Mt 17:22-27 Presider: Fr. Tim Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 8:15am Mass Presider: Fr. James Intentions of Matt McGarry, req. by Jim & Mary Ireton Wednesday, August 10 2 Cor 9:6-10 Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 7-8, 9 8:15am Mass † Thomas Forgacs, req. by the Quilty Family St. Margaret of York Parish 9499 Columbia Road Loveland, OH 45140 (513) 697-3100 Lk 12:32-48 11:00am Mass Presider: Fr. James † Teresa Testerman, req. by Deb Schu & Ann Reynolds Monday, August 8 CONTACT INFORMATION Lk 9:28b-36 8:15am Mass † Rosa Almario, req. by Don & Vicky Wires Morning Rosary: Sunday Mornings at 10:30am, and Tuesday and Thursdays before the 8:15am Mass in the Day Chapel. Eucharistic Adoration: Saturdays, beginning after the 8:15am Mass until 2:30pm in the Day Chapel. Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 9 Jn 12:24-26 Presider: Fr. Tim Thursday, August 11 Ez 12:1-12 Ps 78:56-57, 58-59, 61-62 8:15am Mass † Tom Anderson, req. by Don & Vicky Wires Mt 18:21–19:1 Presider: Fr. James Friday, August 12 Ez 16:1-15, 60, 63 Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 8:15am Mass Pat Anderson & Family, req. by Don & Vicky Wires Mt 19:3-12 Presider: Fr. James Saturday, August 13 Ez 18:1-10, 13b, 30-32 Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19 Mt 19:13-15 8:15am Mass † Rosa Almario, req. by Don & Vicky Wires Presider: Fr. Tim 4:30pm Mass SMOY Parish Presider: Fr. James Sunday, August 14 Jer 38:4-6, 8-10 Ps 40:2, 3, 4, 18 Heb 12:1-4 9:00am Mass † John Algozine, req. by the Cengel Family Lk 12:49-53 Presider: Fr. Tim Like us on Facebook: 11:00am Mass Presider: Fr. Tim † Sylvester Sauerland, req. by the Henderson Family Follow us on Twitter: 5:30pm Mass Presider: Fr. James † Martha Colegrove, req. by the Weisgerber Family Page 1 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH STAFF PARISH NEWS SENIOR SOCIAL & SERVICE ST. MARK’S FOOD PANTRY Planning Meeting Collection Weekend The Annual Planning Meeting for Senior Social & Service Group will be a Picnic in the Park! Join us, rain or shine. DATE: Thurs., August 18 TIME: 11:00am PLACE: Testerman Park COST: $10 per person Come share your ideas with us! We will have a meat and cheese tray, with various salads for our picnic lunch. Soft drinks and water will also be provided. All seniors welcome! Contact Al Gerth by August 16 to make a reservation: (513) 677-3837 August 7, 2016 Parish & School (513) 697-3100 Pastor Fr. James Brooks [email protected] Parochial Vicar Fr. Tim Fahey [email protected] 697-3101 697-3102 Deacon Ray Kroger [email protected] 677-2878 Deacon Jeff Perkins [email protected] 226-6665 Deacon Paul Blessing [email protected] Thank you for reaching out to those in need. AUGUST 13 & 14 Collection of food and personal care items will take place in the Gathering Space and at all church entrances. Questions? Contact Cheryl Fry: [email protected] (513) 336-0809 2016 CHALLENGE FATHER-DAUGHTER CANOE TRIP DATE: Saturday, August 20 WHO’S INVITED? All 5th-8th Grade Girls and their Dads COST: $16 per person for Challenge members $21 per person for non-Challenge members We’ll be meeting at 9:00am in the SMOY Multipurpose Room for breakfast, followed by a talk for the dads! From 10:45am 1:30pm, we’ll be canoeing with Loveland Canoe Rental. For questions, or to RSVP (by August 17), contact Claire Gardner: [email protected]. Drop off your cash, or check, to the Parish Office or mail to: Claire Gardner | 118 Gamekeepers Lane | Loveland, OH 45140 Page 2 Pastoral Associate, Worship Andy Albritton [email protected] 697-3107 Director, Children & Youth Ministry Joe Schleicher [email protected] 697-3113 High School Ministry Matt Reinkemeyer [email protected] 697-3105 Children’s & Middle School Ministry Shayne Farrell 697-3114 [email protected] Director, Adult Leadership Lisa Cusmano [email protected] 697-3112 Director, Administration & Finance Michael Ott [email protected] 697-3103 Office Manager Debbie Crawford [email protected] 697-3108 Communications Coordinator Jillian Bloemer [email protected] 697-3111 Receptionist & Calendar Scheduling Patti Lindsey 697-3109 [email protected] School Principal Kevin Vance [email protected] 697-3123 School Assistant Principal Nancy Shula [email protected] 697-3124 School Advancement Director Lisa Galvin-Sang [email protected] 697-3125 School Office Manager Louann McNamara [email protected] 697-3122 School Administrative Assistant Stacy Brandel [email protected] 697-3121 St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio PARISH LIFE Inspirational Catholic CD Talks For Sale Now RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at SMOY: Interested in becoming Catholic? Regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey, we'd be honored to help you explore full communion with the Catholic Church. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which non-Catholic adults learn about the Catholic Church and gradually become full members. Every year, adults from many backgrounds are welcomed into the Catholic Community through RCIA. It is a learning and loving process in which conversion of the heart brings you to Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Savior. Take advantage of a wonderful learning experience that literally comes to you, wherever you are. All you need is a CD player! A display stand offering new talks can be found in the Gathering Space. A $3.00 suggested donation per CD is a great way for you to take advantage of this opportunity to learn, live, and share your Catholic Faith. The Saving Power of Divine Mercy Pope John Paul II said that Divine Mercy is THE message for the third millennium and God's gift to our time. There is nothing that mankind needs more than Christ's Divine Mercy. To help us avail ourselves of that loving mercy, Fr. Brooks focuses on what we know of God's Mercy, our response to His Love, how we can become merciful to others, and how to become apostles of mercy. To learn more, email Tim Fahey: [email protected] Want to keep in touch with Fr. Jan? Here’s how!... RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Parish Religion Program (PRP): As you know, public schools are not permitted to teach Christian moral values. We are happy to help you in your role as your child’s “primary teacher” of the Catholic, Christian faith. Our Parish Religion Program (PRP) is designed to deepen your child’s faith in Jesus Christ in his Church. The program provides faith formation for children in grades 1-8 who do not attend the parish school. We also have a program, 3, 4, 5 Alive, for children ages 3-5. PRP includes session options during the summer (1st-8th grades) as well as September-April on Sunday mornings. Rev. Jan K. Schmidt Director, Department of Pastoral Services Archdiocese of Cincinnati 100 E. Eighth Street | Cincinnati, OH 45202 Email: [email protected] Archdiocese Telephone: (513) 421-3131 ext. 2651 Residence and Mailing Address: Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains 325 W. Eighth Street | Cincinnati, OH 45202 Registration packets for our 2015-2016 Sunday program are on the home page of our website at, in the Parish Office or information centers at exits. Reminder to families: We hope your children will learn about and grow in their Catholic faith every year. If your child misses a year, it must be made up before going on to the next grade level. Contact: Shayne Farrell, Associate for Children’s Ministry, at (513) 697-3114 or [email protected]. Ministers for August 13-14 4:30pm 9:00am 11:00am 5:30pm Presider: Fr. James Fr. Tim Fr. Tim Fr. James Readers: E. Spaeth L. Knipes T. Wey J. Barnes T. Brotherton P. Cappellari G. Evans B. White Servers: O. Bickford R. Laux A. Leurs K. Luers J. Simpson R. Voegele J. Schitter O. Bickford S. Kinross J. Bruns J. Bruns R. Bruns A. Hoffman M. Evans K. Alt E. Glover Changes to the Minister Schedule can be made by going directly to http://www.ministry Or, for Ministry scheduling issues, email [email protected]. Page 3 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 SACRAMENTS & FAITH LIFE BAPTISM CLASSES SACRAMENTS Congratulations, you’re expecting a child! Don’t forget that an important part of getting ready for your growing family is preparing for Baptism. Preparation classes are offered each month and we strongly encourage parents to attend prior to the birth. If you have already welcomed your child, please call us as soon as possible to register for a class. UPCOMING CLASS DATES: October 6, and November 3 at 7:30pm To sign up or ask questions, please contact Doug and Sharon Voegele at 697-3109. Let us pray for those in our parish who are sick ... Regis Bridge Jim Bruner Rin Chattopadhya Lauren Freson Daniel Hughes Tristan LaFord Joey King Judy Long Kathryn Maurits Kendall Millette Mike O’Brien, Jr. Ro Pierce Amber Peters Wyatt Pratt-Blahay Mackenzie Rohlfs Jim Ross Paul Schimanski Earl Wall Michael Zegarski Divine Healer, God of Wholeness, we place these parishioners in your hands; we ask for healing, but also for acceptance of their illness and of your holy plan. Help them and us to embrace whatever you have in mind for them. Support them in their anxieties, fears, pains, and the frustrations of their illness. Support them with the strength of the Holy Spirit. We ask this in the name of Jesus, compassionate healer of those in need of health and hope. Amen. For information about or scheduling of Baptisms or marriages, please contact: Baptisms: [email protected] Marriage: [email protected] MARRIAGE PROGRAMS Marriage Encounter: Take your good marriage and make it GREAT with a Marriage Encounter Weekend! For details or reservations, call Dave & Jan Stockelman at 1-800-547-1251, Code 00, or go to Parish contacts: Bob & Donna Klei: [email protected] | (513) 398-7018. Retrouvaille - a program designed to help heal and renew marriages. For further info and registration, call 513-398-3137 or 800-470-2230 & visit the website: HOMILIES Sunday Homilies are now on the SMOY website! Weekend homilies are uploaded immediately following all Masses. Go to, hover over “About Us,” a drop-down menu will appear. Simply click “Homilies” and select the homily you wish to hear again. Banns of Marriage Please keep the following couple in your prayers on this, their Wedding Weekend. Aimee Segrave & Jason Boelling August 27, 2016 Can you help with recording? If so, please call the Parish Office: (513) 697-3100. CAREGIVER ASSISTANCE Caregiver Assistance Network: Call 1-866-635-9716 for information on helpful resources and support. This is a program of Catholic Social Services. Page 4 St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio PARISH NEWS PARISH ST. VINCENT DE PAUL We are a group of Saint Margaret of York parishioners inspired by the Gospel to offer person-to-person assistance for friends and neighbors who are suffering some sort of financial need. Please join us. We meet every first and third Thursday at the church and are always looking for someone who feels the need to help others. Contact: Cathy Johnson, President: (513) 697-5253. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SMOY Knights Serve 70 Families at Ronald McDonald House Ten members of St. Margaret of York Knights of Columbus, along with some additional family members, funded, cooked and served dinner to 70 families residing at Ronald McDonald House of Cincinnati while one or more of their children were being treated at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. “Caring. Comfort. Love. Safety. Kindness. Friendships. Peaceful. Healthy Food. Welcoming. The BEST!” These are some of the words that a guest mom recently used to describe the best things about our House, staff and volunteers. And her words are very fitting. Thank you so much for providing a Taste of Hope. Our volunteers are truly the “heart” of our House and we are grateful to you for making a meal for the 78 families who live with us each night. We have attached a group picture as a reminder of your time here. The K of C social meeting is held the 4th Monday of each month in the church basement at 7:45pm. Men who are thinking about joining the K of C are welcome to attend. For more info., please contact Chris Chalifoux: [email protected] | (513) 886-8055. Fathers Team Meeting Friday, August 12 This Week’s Topic: Band of Brothers, Pt. 2 The Fathers Team meets every Friday from 6:03 - 7:03am, in the Gathering Space. Fathers of all ages and walks of life are invited to attend. You will find this a warm and welcoming group, always excited for new additions! Come have a cup of coffee, sing a song, say a prayer, learn from and share your wisdom with others, and become a better man for your family. No commitment required. Come when you can! How about this Friday? Leadership Contacts: Ryan McKenna: (513) 677-1794 [email protected] Madison Holbrook Development Assistant Ronald McDonald House Bill McKenna: (248) 763-2067 [email protected] Page 5 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH & COMMUNITY NEWS Annual SMOY Booster 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Join us for this great parish booster event. What a great way to start off the school year! This event is open to both boys and girls, grades K-8 (grade for upcoming school year)! Registration is due August 29. The full registration form and details can be downloaded from the home page of our parish website: Questions? Contact Chris Shisler: [email protected] A Special “Thank-You” to all of our SMOYfest Patrons! RAY MEYER SIGNS TOOT’s MCALISTER’S DELI MORRISEY FAMILY LARRY’S LOCK & SAFE PATTI & STEVE HAWKINS DEPINET FAMILY LEVERONE & ASSOC. HOFFMAN FAMILY Continued on the next page... Page 6 August 7, 2016 MINISTRIES Altar Server Ministry Leslie Bibler 677-3138 Art and Environment Lisa Fagin 683-7733 Baptism Preparation Doug & Sharon Voegele 697-3109 Boy Scouts Dick Cooman 583-1915 Challenge for Girls Patty Steele 218-8028 Children’s Choir Coordinator Judy Cossentino 683-8547 Christ Renews His Parish John & Karen Burke 444-4622 Education Commission Arthur Bradley (502) 263-3100 Elizabeth Ministry Amy Konrad 583-0279 Eucharistic Ministers Don & Kathy Lincoln 444-4164 Eucharist for the Homebound Janet Driscoll 706-5774 Familia Kiernan Faulhaber 697-7576 Fathers Team Ryan McKenna 677-1794 Giving Tree Stephanie Kemplin 325-8756 Finance Commission Dave Brandel 677-8963 Lodge Communion Patti Hawkins 683-8741 Natural Family Planning Tom & Colleen O’Rourke 398-3116 Pastoral Council Chris Chalifoux 683-2292 PLUS: Peer Support for Grieving Parents Mary Kuenzig 300-1537 Prison Ministry Dean Backscheider 310-5124 John Brandenburg [email protected] Respect Life Erin Flege 774-7147 Sacristans / Altar Setup Barb Bonifas 677-9536 Marge Parks 766-1598 Seniors' Social & Service Ministry Eileen Meeres 899-4017 Social Action Commission Dave Doel 683-7886 St. Vincent de Paul Cathy Johnson 697-5253 Stewardship Commission Leisa Ainslinger 317-407-9546 Twinning Donna & Paul Drzewiecki 398-4681 Ushers Sean Hayes 683-0205 Veteran's & Patriot’s Ministry Bill Gates 383-8815 Vocations Ken Klaber 774-8138 Welcome New Parishioners Leanne Matthews 697-1184 Worship Commission Andy Albritton 697-3107 WOW Mary Kay Hendy 583-5621 Complete list of ministries is in the Parish Directory, or contact the Parish Office. St. Margaret of York Parish PARISH & COMMUNITY NEWS Loveland, Ohio Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 PARISH NEWS Smoy Teens CHILD PROTECTION FALL SCHEDULE IS COMING Don't let the brevity of this section fool you. We have a lot going on behind the scenes to get ready for another great year of youth ministry. Our Fall Schedule will be coming soon! But go ahead and mark your calendars for our HS Youth Group Off-Site Kickoff on Sunday, Sept. 11 following the 5:30pm Mass! PAINTBALL Let's send the summer out with some friendly fire! Join us Wednesday, August 10th from 3-9pm for an excursion to Paintball Country in Liberty Township. Cost is $40 and includes dinner, gun, facemask and paint for our private 4-hour session. Sign up at the Youth Ministry page at or email Matt for details! LOOKING AHEAD Wednesday, Aug. 10: Paintball Trip Wednesday, Sept. 7: Youth Ministry Parents Mtng (7-8pm) Sunday, Sept. 11: HS Off-Site Kickoff Matt Reinkemeyer Coordinator of Youth Evangelization | [email protected] All people who intend to work or volunteer in any of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati parishes, schools, or institutions, must attend a VIRTUS® Child Awareness Session and complete a background check before they are approved to work with children. Effective June 18, 2012, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati substantially changed the way it conducts training for its Decree on Child Protection. All training sessions on the Decree will now be known as VIRTUS® Child Awareness Sessions. Each Session will last approx. 3 hours. No one under the age of 18 will be allowed in the sessions. Watch the bulletin for new dates for VIRTUS sessions being offered at SMOY. For a complete list of dates for the Sessions being offered at SMOY or nearby, please go to to register. For volunteers, the Archdiocese no longer does background checks via fingerprinting. Instead, you will be asked to complete your background check as part of your online registration in VIRTUS. There is a one-time cost of $25 to have this background check run that we ask volunteers to cover. However, this replaces the hassle and additional expense of periodic fingerprinting. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Reinkemeyer: [email protected]. SCHEDULES / DEADLINES USE of SMOY FACILITIES: If you need to schedule an activity at SMOY, please contact the Parish Office at (513) 697-3109, or e-mail [email protected]. Be sure to request a “Facilities Scheduling Request” form if you need any special room setup arrangements, supplies or equipment. USED UNIFORM SALE 8th Grade Fund Raiser Have any old uniforms lying around? We will gladly accept any gently used uniforms for our sale. Please drop them off in the church foyer in the bin marked USED UNIFORMS. Questions? Contact Stephanie Carroll: [email protected] Page 8 MINISTRY SCHEDULING: Changes to the Minister Schedule can be made by going directly to http://www.ministry BULLETIN DEADLINES: all items must be submitted no later than Friday, one week before they are to appear in the bulletin. Have there been changes in your contact information - new email address, new phone numbers, new home address? If so, please let us know at [email protected]. St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio PARISH & COMMUNITY NEWS NEWS FROM HONDURAS: 24 hr. Eucharistic Exposition Welcome Fr. Gerardo! August 20 - 21| Prayer for the School Year Start: Saturday, August 20 - 8:30am Conclusion: Sunday, August 21 - 8:00am (reposed from 3:30 - 6:00pm for Mass) SMOY Eucharistic & Day Chapel As students, teachers & families prepare for the start of another school year, we join our prayers to ask the Holy Spirit to open minds and hearts to receive the academic, spiritual & worldly lessons & experiences that await them. Make our schools safe, moral havens for our students. How can I participate? Stop in anytime during Adoration and pray! Commit to being a Eucharistic Guardian. This includes signing up for a specific hour of prayer. Interested or have questions? Please contact: Bob Becker: (513) 623-9990 | [email protected] Ken Klaber: (513) 774-8138 | [email protected] SMOY has a very special guest visiting in August! Fr. Gerardo, from the Home of Nazareth School will be here August 10 - 16! Fr. Gerardo is excited to meet you and will be celebrating Masses the weekend of August 13 and 14. Page 9 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 PARISH & COMMUNITY NEWS Challenge Yourself, Challenge Others, Change the World! WHAT IS CHALLENGE? Challenge is a club for girls, grades 5-8, helping them to grow in virtue, friendship, and Catholic faith. It’s a program for girls to learn about themselves by doing apostolic works and creating a positive impact on family, friends, and the world. CHALLENGE TRIES TO TEACH GIRLS HOW TO LOVE LIKE: CHRIST with real friendship, THE CHURCH & POPE with loyalty, MARY as a daughter, and EVERY PERSON with real genuine charity and respect. REGISTER ONLINE: Cost with a Challenge kit is $90 prior to September 11 and $110 after September 11. Cost without the kit is $70 prior to September 11 and $90 after September 11. Scholarships are available. JOIN US FOR THE KICKOFF POOL PARTY! Sunday, September 11 from 12:30 - 2:30pm Patty Steele’s House | 3526 Shadow Ridge Dr. Meet your HS Team Leaders, play games, have lunch, and enjoy some fun! Bring your payment, and a modest swimsuit and towel. Questions? Call Patty Steele: (513) 218-8028 JOIN US ON AUGUST 19 VS. Join FEED OHIO and CATHOLIC CHARITIES SOUTHWEST OHIO and bring 3 canned food items to the Reds home game on August 19th and get a ticket to a select remaining home game for FREE! Page 10 St. Margaret of York Parish Loveland, Ohio THIS WEEK AT SMOY SMOY$hopper August 6 - 14 Saturday, August 6 All Day School, Gym, MPR Closed for Maintenance 8:15am Mass Day Chapel 4:30pm Mass Church Sunday, August 7 All Day 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 4:00pm 5:30pm School, Gym, MPR Closed for Maintenance Mass Church SMOYfest Bid’n’Buy Pick-up Hospitality Room Mass Church Music Practice Church Mass Church Monday, August 8 All Day 12:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:45pm School, Gym, MPR Closed for Maintenance AA Meeting York Room Weekly Reconciliation Church Mass Day Chapel Education Commission Mtng Fr. Tom Room Knights of Columbus Meeting Knights Hall Tuesday, August 9 All Day School, Gym, MPR Closed for Maintenance 8:15am Mass Day Chapel 6:30pm Men’s CRHP Hospitality Room 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop #817 Mtng Knights Hall 7:00pm Boy Scout Committee Mtng Fr. Tom Room 7:00pm SMOY Twinning Meeting Fr. Tom Room Wednesday, August 10 All Day School, Gym, MPR Closed for Maintenance 8:15am Mass Day Chapel Thursday, August 11 All Day School, Gym, MPR Closed for Maintenance 8:15am Mass Day Chapel Friday, August 12 All Day School, Gym, MPR Closed for Maintenance 8:15am Mass Day Chapel Saturday, August 13 All Day School, Gym, MPR Closed for Maintenance 8:15am Mass Day Chapel 4:30pm Mass Church “Change how you pay, not where you shop.” ATTENTION: Kroger Shoppers We are no longer associated with the Kroger Rewards Program, and here is why: We found that in reality, we are only receiving 1% or less than the 4%, as originally defined by Kroger. Over the years, they have steadily decreased the “rewards” given by excluding many products associated with the program, and by putting a limit on their total charitable giving in any of their regions. It was discovered that through our sale of the Kroger gift card, we would still receive the 4% and have thus begun to encourage their use. When Kroger realized what we were doing, we were told we could not simultaneously sell their gift cards (4%) and participate in the Rewards Program (1% or less). We chose to go the more lucrative route. They threatened to cut us off, but as of now, they have not. We are looking at an alternative for folks to “pin” their Rewards program to. Possibly, St. Vincent de Paul and their Rewards # is 83570. Please continue to use your card as it provides other personal benefits to you, such as in-store discounts, gas discounts, etc. but know that we are not receiving any benefit as a parish. We ask that you continue purchasing Kroger gift cards from us for your expenditures. You receive 100% of the value, and the parish gets the 4% reward. Sunday, August 14 All Day School, Gym, MPR Closed for Maintenance 9:00am Mass Church 11:00am Mass Church 4:00pm Music Practice Church 5:30pm Mass Church Gift cards are available after each of the weekend Masses in the Gathering Space, and in the Parish Office Monday - Friday during business hours. If you have any questions, stop at the table in the Gathering Space after 5:30pm Mass or contact Elmer Wahl: [email protected] or 513-492-7048. BABYSITTING SCHEDULE BULLETIN SPONSORS Please support our bulletin sponsors. They help make this publication possible. Did you know that every Sunday SMOY provides babysitting during 11:00am Masses in the basement of the church? We are in need of individuals to help with this important ministry! If you would be willing to volunteer twice every 12 weeks, we would love to have you join our ministry. See the Child Protection section of the bulletin for requirements. Q’s? Please contact Melissa Capella at 488-9056 or by email at [email protected]. August 7 - 9:00am - M. Capella, A. McConnell 11:00am - A. Lapp, D. Lapp, E. Comperchio August 14 - 9:00am - A. Coates, E. Hetrick 11:00am - M. Capella, C. Brinkman, C. Mull Page 11 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2016 PARISH & COMMUNITY NEWS STEWARDSHIP Financial Stewardship Sunday and Holy Day Offerings (July 2016) July 3 July 10 SAVE THE DATE Includes EFT of $ 24,006.34 SMOY’s Annual Sand Volleyball Tournament Includes EFT of $ 27,082.00 $ 15,805 $ 40,386 June 17 Saturday, August 27 $ 39,347 July 24 July 31 $ 13,008 $ - Total current month to date $ 108,546 Sunday and Holy Day Offerings (YTD) July 2016 - June 2017 Open to Boys, Girls, and Co-ed Teams for 4th - 8th Grades (2016-17 school year) 4 - 6 Players per team | 4 players on court for play $100 Per Team Pool and Bracket Play Will have an AM and PM start time for different grades (format to be announced in early August) All matches played at Sports Express Proceeds go to SMOY’s 8th Grade Trip to Washington, D.C. YTD Actual YTD Budget Difference $ $ $ 108,546 134,000 (25,454) Special and Designated Offering July 2016 Debt Reduction (Close the Gap) $ 4,142 Honduras Twinning $ 500 Catholic Relief Services $ - St. Vincent de Paul $ 893 Total for Current Month $ 5,535 Mortgage Indebtedness Principal balance on mortgage $ Number of Months left until Payoff Team Name: ______________________ Grade: _____________ Parent Contact: ___________________ Circle One: ____________________________________ Boys Email: _____________________________ Phone #: ____________ Girls Co-Ed Please mail completed form and payment to: Alison Davy 7346 Hoover Court Maineville, OH 45039 Make checks payable to: SMOY (Please put 8th Grade Vball Fund Raiser in the memo line) Questions? Please contact Alison Davy: [email protected] or (513) 374-7052 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: AUGUST 19, 2016 Page 12 Amount of last payment 4,271,027.86 166 $ 36,562 Note: SMOY fiscal year runs July 1 to June 30 Numbers were unavailable at the time of print, but will be updated for the following weekend’s bulletin. We apologize for any inconvenience.