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Gdańsk: 21.02 | 17.40
Poznań: 2.03 | 19.15
Warszawa: 14.03 | 18.00
Original title: Gnarr
dir.: Gaukur Úlfarsson;
camera; Bjorn Ofeigsson;
cast: Jón Gnarr
Iceland 2010 93'
Úlfarsson's film is a portrait of a controversial comic actor and performer Jón Gnarr. A mocking campaign of The Best
Party (Besti flokkurinn) founded by him was started with happenings ridiculing politicians. The camera follows Gnarr and
his mates while working on the provocative election event, aimed at unmasking manipulative techniques used by the
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politicians. With time the originally funny actions of the "jokers team" gradually become more serious. Soon the main
hero will have to make an important choice.
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