Managed Services
Managed Services
3%26)#%3 ô-ARCHINGô4OWARD ôô-ANAGEDôôô ô ô ô ô ôôôô3ERVICES 4RANSFORMINGôô YOURôBUSINESSôô ô att Reise is a proponent of change. As a consultant INTOôANôô -30ôREQUIRESôô at RetroTechs Inc. in Atlanta, Reise is helping to transform his company from a traditional VAR into a managed service provider (MSP). The ambitious move should allow EXTENSIVEôô PREPARATIONôô TRAININGwôô BRYAN LEISTER ANDôLOTSôô Tech IQ • Spring 2006 A Microcast Communications Publication OFôPATIENCEô "9ô"/"ô6)/,)./ A Microcast Communications Publication RetroTechs to generate predictable, recurring revenue and higher profit margins than a hardware reseller model. “If [managed services] works out the way I think it will, the opportunity is going to be huge,” Reise says. He envisions RetroTechs providing “full-blown” services for customers, in which the IT environment is designed, owned and managed by the service provider. Much like RetroTechs, thousands of VARs across the country are striving to transform themselves into MSPs. And for good reason. Continuing to rely on hardware and software margins alone to generate healthy profits simply isn’t an option. Consider the situation for Hewlett-Packard Co.’s hardware resellers. In HP’s quarter ended April 30, the company’s operating profit on PCs was a scant 3.6 percent of revenue. HP’s resell- • Summer 2006 • TechIQ 3%26)#%3 Still, the transformation from VAR to MSP isn’t easy. Channel industry experts say the path to becoming an MSP is filled with challenges (see “Six Obstacles to Success,” left). Overcoming those obstacles typically requires careful planning, specialized MSP software, training and lots of 3IXô/BSTACLESôTOô3UCCESS patience. 6!2SôFACEôHALFADOZENôHURDLESôWHENôSEEKINGô Just ask Marty TOôBECOMEô-30Sô4HEYôARE Kaufman, president of ôô,ACKôOFôREMOTEôMONITORINGôANDôMANAGEMENTô Accent Computer SoluTECHNOLOGYôFORôNETWORKSôSERVERSôANDôDESKTOPS tions Inc. The Rancho, ô-ANUALôORôINEFkCIENTôSERVICEôMANAGEMENT Cucamonga, Calif., company is 18 months ôô/PERATIONALôBARRIERSôINôBUSINESSôANDôô into its self-induced MSP TECHNOLOGYôPROCESSES makeover. Accent has inôô,ACKôOFôgKNOWôHOWuôWHENôTRYINGôTOôSELLôSERVICESô troduced new IT services TOôEXISTINGôANDôPOTENTIALôCLIENTS such as remote file server ôô)NEFFECTIVEôMARKETINGôANDôLEADôGENERATIONôô maintenance, help desk TACTICSôTHATôDONTôEXPLAINôANô-30SôVALUE support, desktop manageôô)NABILITYôTOôDEMONSTRATEôTRUEôBUSINESSôVALUEô ment, patch management TOôEXISTINGôRESELLERôCLIENTôBASEô and asset management. The company has roughly SOURCE: N-ABLE 450 customers—but fewer than 10 percent have managed services contracts in desktop and notebook lines to Lenovo place so far. Group Ltd. “It’s a long close cycle; it takes While traditional hardware forever to make some of these deals resellers struggle, MSPs expect their happen,” concedes Kaufman. He even revenues to grow 19 percent on averadmits that managed services are not age this year, according to Avinash always a way to make more money. Arun, a channel research analyst at “But your business value grows when AMI-Partners Inc. in New York. you do this,” he adds, by increasing customer loyalty through effective 'ETTINGôSTARTEDô service offerings. VARs can offer SMBs a variety of managed services including informa-30ôENABLER tion security, storage, e-mail, help To provide its remote server mandesk support and others (see “Eight MSP Options,” opposite page). Many aged services, Accent uses a software smaller companies, which lack the IT platform from N-able Technologies manpower and experience of large in Ottawa, Ontario, called N-vision. enterprises, are looking for help from The software enables companies to put vendors with expertise in these areas. “agents” out onto a network that report In some cases, SMBs might even use back with updates to a dashboard, from 100 percent managed services rather which managers can monitor perforthan buy and maintain their own mance of network devices. hardware and software. Kaufman says Accent wouldn’t be ers often can’t “mark up” PC prices because of intense pricing competition online and throughout the retail channel. Cutthroat hardware pricing was one of the reasons that IBM Corp. exited the PC market and sold its TechIQ • Summer 2006 • able to provide its service without the software. “I didn’t have a managed services mentality before N-able,” he says. “We needed to figure out a way to provide a better service to [our] clients.” RetroTechs also relies on an N-able product to power its transformation into an MSP. The company is considering offering a variety of services including network monitoring and management, and security management, says Reise. RetroTechs will run service trials with customers—mostly SMBs—over the summer before launching a commercial offering, Reise says. /UTSOURCEôEVERYTHING As MSPs gain traction with customers, it paves the way for small businesses to potentially outsource every IT function—including hardware— to channel partners. Jeff Ross, president of Vergence Communications Inc., says more SMBs are in fact moving to a completely managed environment for services such as network management. Ross for years was a reseller of data networking equipment, building a company of about 70 people. He retired, then saw an opportunity in the growing converged voice and data networking and Voice over IP services market, and formed Vergence in 2003. The Lincoln Park, N.J., company is a certified Nortel Networks Inc. reseller, installing and maintaining IP-enabled systems. Vergence also remotely manages customers’ IP systems from its network operations center. Ross says the company’s services business has generated 30 percent to 40 percent annual revenue growth, mainly because of demand from SMBs that have small IT staffs and need help with network management. Vergence uses a hosted business management software platform from A Microcast Communications Publication Autotask Corp., Rensselaer, N.Y., that’s designed to help VARs offer VoIP services. The software enables Vergence to manage projects, track interactions with prospects and customers, run reports on the performance of employees, and calculate costs, from a dashboard. Autotask recently added a new feature to the platform that enables users to track whether they are making a profit over the short term and long term on a particular client; which services are covered under a service agreement and which should be billed separately, and other aspects of managed services offerings. refined and enhanced its %IGHTô-30ô/PTIONS data centers, and zeroed in on mostly small and -ANAGEDôSERVICEôPROVIDERSôTYPICALLYôFOCUSôONôONEô midsize companies. Mi8’s ORôMOREôOFôTHEôFOLLOWINGôCOREôCAPABILITIES latest offerings include ô3ECURITYôkREWALLôMONITORINGôEXAMPLEô6ERI3IGNô wireless access for devices ôô3TORAGEôHOSTEDôSTORAGEôANDôBACKUPôOFôô such as BlackBerrys and COMPANYôRECORDSDOCUMENTSô3YMANTEC Treos, archiving for reguôô#OLLABORATIONôHOSTEDôEMAILô7EBôCONFERENC latory compliance, security INGôSCHEDULINGôCALENDARINGô-Iô7EB%X scanning and collaborative services based on Winôô.ETWORKôMANAGEMENTôROUTERôSWITCHôREMOTEô dows SharePoint. INFRASTRUCTUREôMAINTENANCEôWIDELYôAVAILABLE Demand for such ô3ERVERôANDô0#ôLEASINGôWIDELYôAVAILABLE services is strong. Mi8’s ôô!SSETôMANAGEMENTô4RACKINGôHARDWAREôANDô revenue has grown more SOFTWAREôWITHINôANôORGANIZATIONô%VERDREAM than 50 percent per year ôô0RODUCTIVITYôAPPLICATIONSôHOSTEDôDESKTOPôAPPSô since 2003, and growth is 'OOGLEô-ICROSOFT actually expected to accel)NBOXôOPPORTUNITY erate this year, says Patrick ôô(ELPôDESKôSERVICESôTROUBLEôTICKETSôISSUEôô Another company, Mi8 Corp. in Fetterman, president of RESOLUTIONô#OMPU#OM New York, pioneered the market Mi8. SMBs represent about for hosted and managed Microsoft two-thirds of Mi8’s client based Level Platforms claims that Exchange services. But this is no base, Fetterman says, and many of nearly 1,500 solution providers use overnight success story. these companies are likely to lean its Managed Workplace environment During the late 1990s, Mi8’s heavily on managed services. to monitor and troubleshoot cuse-mail services sometimes delivered tomer networks. #RITICALôMASS sluggish performance, according to Other VARs leverage Billerica, VARs that are still weighing their testing conducted at the time by Mass.-based Silverback Technologies’ MSP options have plenty of partners TechIQ’s editors. Working closely software to detect health and security from which to choose. In addiwith Microsoft, Mi8 continually problems; monitor and report on tion to N-able, potential CPU, disk and memory usage, and partners include Kaseya, scan for patches and vulnerabilities. 3OFTWAREô,ICENSINGôTHEô-30ô7AY Klir Technology, Level Platforms and SilverBack 3OMEôEARLYô-30SôFAILEDôBECAUSEôTRADITIONALôSOFT Technologies. #OMINGôDOWNôMAINôSTREET WAREôLICENSINGôMODELSôWERENTôAPPLICABLEôTOô-30Sô San Francisco-based Mainstream technology companies— ANDôTHEIRôCUSTOMERSô Kaseya is touring the from Google to Microsoft to Yahoo!— &ORôINSTANCEôTRADITIONALôEMAILôSOFTWAREôLICENSESô country in August and have also joined the MSP march with REQUIREôCUSTOMERSôTOôPAYôPERSERVERôANDôPERô September, delivering their own hosted applications. While CLIENTôFEESôCOVERINGôTHEôLIFEôOFôTHEôSOFTWAREô"UTôô MSP training workshops Microsoft revamps Office for the Web, INôTHEô-30ôWORLDôCUSTOMERSôPREFERôAôSIMPLEô to VARs and resellers. Google is beta testing hosted spreadMONTHLYôSUBSCRIPTIONôFEEô Meanwhile, many sheets and other applications. -ICROSOFTô/RACLEôANDôOTHERôSOFTWAREôVENDORSô resellers are embracAs more SMBs seek services they HAVEôINôRECENTôYEARSôINTRODUCEDôSOFTWAREôLICENSINGô ing Seattle-based Klir need to keep their applications and MODELSôTOôSUPPORTô-30Sô&ORôINSTANCEô-ICROSOFTô Technology’s IT analytics networks running effectively, expect a NOWôCHARGESô-30SôSPECIkCôMONTHLYôPERUSERôFEESô platform to monitor the growing numbers of resellers to join FORô%XCHANGEô3ERVERô4HISôALLOWSô-30SôTOôAC real-time performance of the MSP march. CURATELYôPREDICTôANDôTRACKôTHEIRôMONTHLYôSOFTWAREô customers’ applications, COSTSôANDôNETôPROkTôPERôUSERô LKQOF?RQFKDñBAFQLOñL?ñ3FLIFKLñFPñ>ñCOBBI>K@Bñ —Staff Reports networks and servers. For its part, OttawaTOFQBOñIFSFKDñFKñ*>PP>MBNR>ñ->OHñ+6 A Microcast Communications Publication • Summer 2006 • TechIQ 2%3%!2#(ô3+),,3 #OMP4)!ôMEMBERSôHAVEôLONGô SOUGHTôWAYSôTOôHELPôBUILDôTHEIRô ,OW )-0/24!.#%ô/&ô*/"ô&5.#4)/. (IGH $ATABASES 3ALES 3ECURITY 4ECHô 3UPPORT )0ôô -OBILITYô TELEPHONYô 7IRELESSôô 6/)0 NETWORKING ,INUX /PENô SOURCE -OREôTHANôONEHALFôOFôTHEôRESPONDENTSô -ARKETING $)&&)#5,49ô 4/ô&),,ô*/" 0RODUCTô $EVELOPMENT 'ENERALô -ANAGEMENT /PERATIONS ,OW TechIQ • Summer 2006 • 2&)$ (IGH BUSINESSESôANDôGENERATEôNEWôSALESô OPPORTUNITIESôWHETHERôFROMôEXISTINGô CUSTOMERSôORôBYôUNCOVERINGôNEWôMARKETSô ORôCUSTOMERôSETSô4HEôRESEARCHôNOTô ONLYôCONTINUESôTOôBEARôOUTôTHISôTRENDô BUTôPOINTSôOUTôWHATô#OMP4)!ôMEMBERSô BELIEVEôTOôBEôTHEIRôSALESSKILLSôGAPSôTOô OVERCOMEôINôMEETINGôTHOSEôGOALSô (ERESôAôSOBERINGôSETôOFôSTATISTICSôô PERCENTôOFôTHEôRESPONDENTSôSAYôTHATôTHEYô EXPECTôITôWILLôBEôEITHERôDIFkCULTôORôEXTREME LYôDIFkCULTôFORôTHEMôTOôADEQUATELYôkLLôSALESô POSITIONSôINôTHEôNEXTôôMONTHSôFOLLOWEDô BYôTECHNICALôSUPPORTCUSTOMERôSERVICEô WITHôôPERCENTô *OBô&UNCTIONôVSô1UALIkEDô#ANDIDATES .ETWORKô INFRASTRUCTURE ñ 3KILLô3HORTAGESô4ECHNOLOGYôô!PPS 3ALESôANDôTECHNICALôSUPPORTôNOTôONLYôAREôTHEôTWOôMOSTôIMPORTANTôFUNCTIONALôAREASôFORô#OMP4)!ôMEMBERSô4HEYôALSOôAREô THEôTWOôSKILLôSETSôTHOSEôORGANIZATIONSôSAYôTHEYôEXPECTôTOôPRESENTôTHEôBIGGESTôCHALLENGESôINôTHEôCOMINGôôMONTHSôACCORDINGôTOôAô RECENTôSURVEYôOFôô#OMP4)!ôMEMBERS 4HEôSURVEYôCONDUCTEDôINô*UNEôPAINTSôAôDRAMATICôPICTUREôOFô#OMP4)!ôMEMBERôORGANIZATIONSôPOTENTIALôSKILLSôGAPTHEôDELTAô BETWEENôWHATôTHOSEôMEMBERSôBELIEVEôTOôBEôTHEIRôMOSTôIMPORTANTôFUNCTIONALôAREASôANDôTHEIRôABILITYôTOôACTUALLYôkLLôTHOSEôPOSITIONSô&ORô INSTANCEôTHEôSURVEYôRESPONDENTSôCITEôTECHNICALôSUPPORTCUSTOMERôSERVICEôASôTHEôHIGHESTôRANKINGôSKILLôSETôTHATôISôgEXTREMELYôIMPOR TANTuôTOôTHEIRôORGANIZATIONSôkNANCIALôSUCCESSôôPERCENTôOFôTHEôRESPONDENTSôCALLôTECHNICALôSUPPORTCUSTOMERôSERVICEôEXTREMELYô IMPORTANTôFOLLOWEDôBYôSALESôATôôPERCENT #LEARLYôkLLINGôTHOSEôPOSITIONSôISôVITALLYôIMPORTANTôFORô#OMP4)!ôMEMBERSô4ECHNICALôSUPPORTCUSTOMERôSERVICEôWASôTHEôAREAôMOSTô OFTENôCITEDôWHEREôNEWôHIRESôWILLôBEôNECESSARYôWITHôôPERCENTôOFôTHEôRESPONDENTSôINDICATINGôTHEYôNEEDôTOôHIREôNEWôPERSONNELôINô THEôCOMINGôYEARô&ILLINGôSALESôPOSITIONSôWASôSECONDôATôôPERCENT 7HICHôTECHNOLOGIESôANDôAPPLICATIONSôREPRESENTôTHEôBIGGESTôAREASôOFôCONCERNôFORô#OMP4)!ôMEMBERSôWHENôITôCOMESô TOôTHEIRôLACKôOFôINTERNALôSKILLSô3ECURITYôANDôNETWORKINGRELATEDôCOMPETENCIESôLEADôTHEôWAYôWITHôSECURITYôCITEDôBYôôPERCENTôOFôTHEô RESPONDENTSôASôAôTECHNOLOGYôAREAôWHEREôTHEIRôCURRENTôTEAMSôLACKôADEQUATEôEXPERTISEô#LOSEôBEHINDôWEREô)0ô4ELEPHONY6OICEôOVERô )0ôATôôPERCENTôMOBILITYWIRELESSôNETWORKINGôATôôPERCENTô,INUX/PENô3OURCEôATôôPERCENTôANDô2&)$ôATôôPERCENTô &ORôTECHNICALôSTAFFô#OMP4)!ôMEMBERSôCITEôPROJECTôMANAGEMENTôASôTHEôNUMBERôONEôSKILLôSETôWHEREôTHEIRôORGANIZATIONSôNEEDôTOô IMPROVEôTHEIRôPROkCIENCYôôPERCENTôOFôRESPONDENTSôSAYôTHATSôANôEXPERTISEôTHEYôBELIEVEôTHEIRôTECHNICALôTEAMSôCURRENTLYôLACKô4HATSô FOLLOWEDôBYôSYSTEMSNETWORKôINTEGRATIONôôPERCENTôAPPLICATIONSôDEVELOPMENTôôPERCENTôQUALITYôASSURANCETESTINGôôPER CENTôANDôARCHITECTUREôPLANNINGôôPERCENT &INALLYôTHEôMAJORITYôOFôALLôRESPONDENTSôôPERCENTôAGREEôWITHôTHEôSTATEMENTôTHATôCOULDôBEôCONSIDEREDôMOSTôCRUCIALôTOô#OMP4)!ô MEMBERSôg4HEôLACKôOFôCERTAINôTECHNICALôSKILLSôHASôLIMITEDôOURôORGANIZATIONSôABILITYôTOôINCREASEôREVENUESu 3KILLSô'APô3ALESô4ECHô3UPPORTôATô2ISK &INANCEô A Microcast Communications Publication PERCENTSAYôSPOTTINGôNEWôBUSINESSôOPPORTUNITIESôISôAô SKILLôSETôTHEIRôCURRENTôSALESôORGANIZATIONSôLACKôANDôNEEDô TOôBOLSTERôINôTHEôCOMINGôYEARô /THERôSALESôSKILLSôINôNEEDôOFôATTENTIONôINCLUDEôGENER ATINGôINCREMENTALôBUSINESSôFROMôEXISTINGôCUSTOMERSôô ôPERCENTôUNDERSTANDINGôNEWôTECHNOLOGIESôANDô PRODUCTSôôPERCENTôANDôANTICIPATINGôCUSTOMERSô FUTUREôNEEDSôôPERCENTô)NTERESTINGLYôALTHOUGHô MOREôTHANôôPERCENTôOFôTHEôRESPONDENTSôSAYôTHEYô BELIEVEôTHEIRôSALESôTEAMSôNEEDôHELPôINôUNDERSTANDINGô NEWôTECHNOLOGIESôANDôPRODUCTSôFULLYôONETHIRDôOFôTHEô RESPONDENTSôSAYôTHEYôDONTôREQUIREôTHEIRôSALESôFORCESôTOô UNDERGOôPERIODICôTRAININGôONôTHOSEôTECHNOLOGYôAREAS !DDITIONALLYôWHENôTECHNICALôTRAININGôFORôSALESôISô PROVIDEDôTHEôVASTôMAJORITYôOFôTIMEôôPERCENTôTHATô TRAININGôISôDONEôINHOUSEôRATHERôTHANôTHROUGHôOUTSIDEô TRAININGôSPECIALISTSô9ETôNEARLYôHALFôOFôTHEôRESPONDENTSô ôPERCENTôAGREEôWITHôTHEôSTATEMENTôg/URôORGANIZA TIONôCURRENTLYôLACKSôTHEôINTERNALôRESOURCESôNECESSARYôTOô ADEQUATELYôTRAINôOURôSTAFFu A Microcast Communications Publication 7EBô 3ERVERS DEVELOPMENT $ISASTERôô "USINESSô RECOVERYô INTELLIGENCE "USINESSô CONTINUITYô 3ALESô3KILLSô,ACKING !BLEôTOôSPOTôNEWôBUSINESSôOPPORTUNITIES 'ENERATEôINCREMENTALôREVENUEôFROMôEXISTINGôCLIENTS 5NDERSTANDôNEWôTECHNOLOGIESPRODUCTS !NTICIPATEôCUSTOMERSôôFUTUREôNEEDS "UILDôMOREôEXTENSIVEôRELATIONSHIPSôWITHINôEXISTINGôCUSTOMERS #LOSEôNEWôBUSINESS ñ • Summer 2006 • TechIQ