LAST YEAR`S Spelling Word Lists for the Fourth through Eighth
LAST YEAR`S Spelling Word Lists for the Fourth through Eighth
L Practice.Word List Fint Emad Wod! aura auster€ abash abduct abeam abhor abide ablaze abnormal abolish abort abrasive accede accessible accident accomplish accordingly accufacy accusation accustom achieve acidity acrid activate acute addict address adept adhesive adios adjunct adjutant adversity affectiorr affirm aftont aflutter agency aggressor agonize aground album alum amass amaT€ ambulance ambulate ambush amen ammunition amnesty amorous amour bamboo banana bandage bangtail banquet barley barrel beacon bedrock beggar behest beholden belfry belle bemused benumb berry bespeak bestow bingo bookcase bookkeeping booth bore borrowed bough bouncer boundary bower bracelet bracket braggart braid brainwash bramble brandy breakaway breathless breezeway brethren browbeat brownie brush brutal bubble bucket buckeye buckle buckshot budget authority - casket caste castigate catchword category cathedral chessboard chestnut chic chickweed chimney chipper chive choice chopstick chorus clout clown clubby cluster clutch coach coalition coarse cobalt clobber confirmation conflict conga congeal congest connection conquest conservative considerate consistent consternate constrain construe contractor contrary controversy conversant coordinate dainty damage dank dapper dapple daresay darling daub daughter dizztly dobbin docile docket doctor document doe duress E earmuff earthquake earthy easiness easygoing eclipse educative effigy elasticity enthuse entice entrap enumerate enunciate environment envisage envoy epilepsy episode excel excitement executive exercise exhibit expensive expired enplanation extensive extraordinary fallow false familial famish fanciful fanfare farfetch fatally h"lty fealty fierce filibuster fireproof flail gadset i"f3"if "-::^ i"i*u" i"tt"w ;"x|*' This is a list of words provided by the Orlando Sentinel. The words are typical of those used in spelling bees all over the nation. They are not necessarily the words you will be asked to spell in local competition. immortal imPlicate incident incriminate lectern leewaY legation leisure Fqg* indicator lemonade leqer- p{ig" F$qt lifeblood inducement infallible infantry infernal inflation likeness flt. limber linden t"aiut"t - PfT inherit linseed A;; irlgTu" liquid inkling innards l"l.* l"PUy ;.d;;" ;"1";i; ;;btr ;;rtrh ;i;a; fi;J t; J;;: ffi i"r".f ;;;ii]. iout^ initial injunction innocence lnnovate island i:g,c:i_ maglcran A;. irritant ffi'"%* grocenes lobe insPiration i;ft ilft A;"d, litter liver M . i::}Tmagaizrn€ inoffensive inorganic ::::' l"g""l grono grovel Cuavl guesthouse lg,f* iw ' 1 jackal iackknife *:ffiff" magpie ryilP* guuer iargon mall . SumPtron gutsY iazz jeer jetty fr iw Itdo. namlet. iitterbus * iockey ioist' iowl iudo iunior iustice iustifiable iustified irrt f,10n", ft*:g-g lt*$t"P narsn harvest lt^P. haywrre hearth lt."tty heaven her:ld herb heredity heresy l.'i,:q.. iig"' K kangaroo keei'sake kennel maiden maim majority malconient mammoth manager mandate mane fiilf'o mansion manual manufacture manuscript meadowlark measles mechanic media membrane misfue mishap missionary mistletoe mobile moderator oboe obscure obstruct octave ointment ominous onslaughtonus ooPs oPpornrne oPPosite oPPress optimism opulent oracle orzrnge orbital ordain organic g:f: Pagan pallor paradise paragraph parcel parchment Pare parish parity parole parrot Parsonage partition partridge pastoral patriot paunch percent perceptive perch perchance percussion perfection perfume perilous perimeter perjury permissive perplex Personage personifr physical profess profile profit profound profuse projection Promise promoter Prompt Punctual Punctuate Puny Purf pylon a-. qualm quasi quiver quiz quorum quotation raspberry ravine. receive reception recess reeled refund regency regiment regional register regress regulation rehash rejoice relapse relevant relic religious remarry remorse renounce rife rrgor riotous ritual robust roost rosary rostrutn iccuttom achievc acidity acrid activate acute addict address adept adhesive adios adjunct adjutant adversity affectiorr affirm affront aflutter agency aggr€ssor agonizn aground album alum amass amaze ambulance ambulate ambush amen ammunition amnesty amorous amour amplifr amputee anagram analyst analyze ancestor ancient angel anguish arsenal arson arterial artesian article artificial artistry ascent ascot asocial attraction attribute attrition atwitter auburn augment aunt DCrry bcspcak bestow bingo bookcase bookkeeping booth bore borrowed bough bouncer boundary bower bracelet bracket braggart braid brainwash bramble brandy breakaway breathless breezeway brethren browbeat brownie brush brutal bubble bucket buckeye buckle buckshot budget campaign canal canary canasta cancel candid canny canonize canter cantor capacity capitalist caprice capsule captain captive caramel caravan carbide career carpentry carriage cartoon casement coacn coalition coarse cobalt clobber confirmation conflict conga congeal congest connection conquest conservative considerate consistent consternate constrain construe contractor contrary controversy conversant coordinate dainty damage dank dapper dapple daresay darling daub daughter dauntless davit dazzle denim dervish desolate desperate despond destitute design desirable detective detour detract deviation devilish devilment devious devoid diagnosis diameter diamond diaper divinity divorce dirulge cntrrp cnunlcratc enuncrate environment envisage envoy epilepsy episode excel excitement executive exercise exhibit expensive expired explanation extensive extraordinary fallow false familial famish fanciful fanfare farfetch fatally faulty fealty fierce filibuster fireproof flail flare flattery flatware fleabag fleece flirtation forlorn formality formula fortitude fossil foxhound fractious fragile fragrance frailty frontage frosty frothy frustrate tudge fugitive fundamental furlough tutile futurity Iravel gravity Sfaze grease greedy grievance groceries grotto grovel guava guesthouse guidance gullet gumPtion gutsy H habitat halo hamlet hamstring handicap harsh harvest hasp haywire hearth hearty heaven herald herb heredity heresy heritage herring hesitant hibernate hideous hilarity hindquarter hireling historian hoarding hoax hobnail hogwash hoist holiness holler homecoming homespun honesty t iceberg icicle icky identical ignition illiterate tttcrtEnrrtt inorganic inspiration irritant island issuance itself wy T I jackal jackknife jargon jazz jeer jetty jitrv jigger jinx jitterbug jockey joist jowl judo junior justice justifiable justified K kangaroo keepsake kennel kernel kidnap kindergarten kingdom kingmaker kitchen knack knapsack knave knead kneel knelt knife knight knock knuckle lantern latent launder lavender lawyer laziness league leapfrog lease r machine magazine maggot magician magistrate magniff magpie maiden maim majority malcontent mall mammoth manager mandate mane manifold manor mansion manual manufacture manuscript meadowlark measles mechanic media membrane misfire mishap mrsslonary mistletoe mobile moderator modesty mohair monitor mooring mourn movie mulberry multiplication murder mustang mutinous N naughty necessarily neglect neon neryous nevertheless newsletter newsPaPer nickname nifty nigh nightgown nineteen nursery quorum quotation pagan pallor paradise paragraph parcel parchment Pare parish parity parole parrot parsonage partition partridge pastoral patriot paunch percent perceptive perch perchance percussion perfection perfume perilous perimeter perjury permissive perplex Personage personifr physical raspberry ravine receive reception recess reeled refund regency regiment regional register regress regulation rehash rejoice relapse relevant relic religious remarry remorse renounce rife rigor riotous ritual robust roost rosary rostrum pianist picket pictorial Prerce pigeon pigment pillar Plous pitiless pivotal placid plague planetary plasma plenary pliable plight plunge poison polarize polo pontiff poodle poplar POPPY profane sabbath sacred saddle sadist salary sallow salvage satin sawdust scalding scale scant scapegoat scarlet scatter scent scoff scooP scorch scorn scramble scream screech screen I treblc' trenrendous trianguiar tribal tributarl. trickery trifle scribble scrin-rp scriffle scun'y srLrttl e s,'.rfl- ___rri no g '-'- secretive securely security leduce seEregate ricizure s.^nllilance ;rrrotht'r sr-nuggle snafu snapdragon snarl snaT.zy sneeT-e snooze soak socket sponsor spoof spook spotty sPouse spflg sprout spruce spurn squadron squalid squash squeamish squire stadium stalk stampede stanza starling stash steak steely steeple stellar stemwinder stencil sterile U ugh ugliness ulterior ultimate underline v vagabond vagrant vague valiant validate vantage vaPor variety vegetable velvet vendettavendor veneer venerate venthole verifr vessel vicious villain violated violence violin viscount vowel w waif warp warrant wary washout wastage wayl^y welfare whatnot whiff whisper wield withhold wondrous wriggle *r tacit tactics tasteful tavern teak tedious telegraph telescope IrJltEb- Y yawl .-. accredit accrue accusative acerbity acquittal acrobatics actiYism actuary acumen adam an t adaptable adder additive adenoid adhesion adieu admiralty adroit advocacy afflatus aforesaid aggregate aggrieve aghast agronomy airborne alabaster albino alchemy alcoholic alfresco algid alien alkaline allegation allegory allowable alloy allure aloha aloofly altazimuth alternative altruist aluminum ambrosia amphibious amphitheater amPutate amusement analogy analysis anarchist anatomy ancestry anchor antitoxin aorta aplomb aPogee auk authenticate i l utopsy autunrnal auxi l i arv aval anche ;r1'tnge a\.tary avocado avolvafo |-.bat'or:n t,acklash bafT bailiwick baleful balloon baloney bankruptcy barium barrio bassoon beachcomber beautician bedazzfe beeswax behavioral betrothal bewail biceps biennial bifocal bigotry bilge billiards bituminous bizarre blight broach bucko buffoon bugabgo bulkhead bullfinch c cabana cachet cactus cadence cadre calamity calcify callously cameo cantonment caPer caPon capstone chrnmium chronicle cl-rronological cipher circuit cistern citadel clte citron citrus clanrbake clanror cleanser cleavage cleaver clemency clumsy coagulate coalesce committee commodities communiqu€ comparatively compliment concourse concurrent concusslon condolence condominium confederacy conferee confessional configurate confiscate confound congregate conjecture conjunctive conquer consclenc€ conscript consensus console consortium constipate constituent consulate contaminate contemPorary continent contusion convocation convulsion coot coral cordial cordwood corkscrew cornea crucial ****.srrM--**=guhb*.*..-*-.* deplete deps5illot't derision diplonracy dirigible discern dischargeable disciple disconrfiture discrepancy discursive disentomb o I sncvel disservice dissuade distillate distortion divergent divestiture divisible E ebony echelon effusive elapse elbowroom elector elegance elegy elephantine elicitor elite ellipse elopement eloquence elude em emanation emancipation embryo emigrant eminently emission emPeror emulate encompass epistle epitaph epochal equation equilibrium equinox equipoise erasable estrange ethnicity ethology etiquette eulogy fiendish figment financier fishcrv flstful flabbergast flror,,rrt flamir-rgo flange flanrrel flax floresccnt florid flotilitr flounce flourish flout flummery flurnp fluster fritter frizzle frostbite frostiness frugal G gabfest gadfly gaggle gait galaxy gallantry gallbladder galoot galore gamester gasser gau'ze genetics gentility geology glom glorious gloss glossary glowworm glucose glutton gnarl goad goober guild guttural gymnast H haberdasher haddock hammock I idem identifr icliotic i l l i ci t illusion lmagery immature inrpair. irnpeach impassionate inrperial lmpers0nate improvident inaugurate incantation incognito incongruent increment incursion indefensible indigent indiscreet indoctrinate inductee inebriate inelegant ineptitude infamous infamy inhalator initiative insular intemperance interfered interject interlace intermittent interpreter interruption intersperse intimacy intonation intractable intramural irresponsive isolation isometric isotonic italicize itchy itinerant I Jackboot jaded jaunty javelin leaflet leaky leash le.:turer !eer levee leviathan lersd lex;cology licentious lieutcnant lilliputian lincage linecut lingc lint litigate litterbug livelihood lizard lustily lute M madonna magisterial magnate magnetism magnetos magnifico magnllm maguey mahogany mainsail maladjustment malapropisrn malaria malconduct malign mallard malpractice mammary manganese manrc manifesto marina marmalade martyrdom masculine rnasquerade massacre massif memoir menace menial menthol mentor merciful mercuric mermaid w"*._lBqryl slx)ltsc sPrig sprour sPfuce sPunl squadron squalid squash squeamish squire stadium stalk stampede stanza starling stash steak steely steeple stellar stemwinder stencil sterile 1 tacit tactics tasteftrl tavern teak tedious telegraph telescope telltale temperate temporal tendon tentacle tenure terminate termite terrain terrible terror terse testimony texture thataway thatch theology theory therapy thermal thrush tidewater timid tinge trawl treadmill treas()n vt tt<l<lr vcllccr venerate venthole veriff vessel vicious villain violated violence violin viscount vowel w waif warp warrant wary washout wastage walay welfare whatnot whiff whisper wield withhold wondrous wriggle Y yawl yearn yellow yore z z.eal zenith I-anclira Wedr /t abalone abatement abbacy abbreviation abductor abhorrence abjection abjure aborning abortively abusage abusive accentuation acceptirnce irlbirro alchenry alcoholic alfresco algid alien alkaline allegation allegory allowable alloy allure aloha aloofly altazimuth alternative altruist aluminum ambrosia amphibious amphitheater amPutate amusement analogy analysis anarchist anatomy ancestry anchor antitoxin aorta aplomb aPogee apollo apoplery apostrophe apParency appendage aptitude aquaplane aquatic aqueduct arbiter arbitrate archaistic archetype argot arrayal arrogance arsenic artichoke ascertain aspic assignor asthma astrology atheism atrocity auditor auger bchirviorirl bctrothal bewail biceps biennial bifocal bigotry bilge billiards bituminous bizarre blight broach bucko buffoon bugaboo bulkhead bullfinch c cabana cachet cactus cadence cadre calamity calcift callously cameo cantonment caper caPon caPstone carbonate carbuncle carcass cardiac cardinal caribou carmine carnal carouse cartridge cascade cashew cassette castanet catapult catharsis cathode charitable charlatan chary chasten chastise chattel chigger chitchat chlorine chlorof<rrm condolt'ncc in iu rrr conclotrr confederacy conferee confessional configurate confiscate confound congregate conjecture conjunctive conquer conscience conscript consensus console consortium constipate constituent consulate contaminate contemPorary continent contusion convocation convulsion coot coral cordial cordwood corkscrew cornea crucial cubeb cuckoo cucumber culprit cumbersome curia daft deacon debris decathlon deceitful decibel decorum decoy dehydrate delirious deluge delusion delve demean demigod demise democracy demure deodorant clcclrtr clcgarrce elegy elephantine elicitor elite ellipse elopement eloquence elude em emanation emancipation embryo emigrant eminently emission emperor emulate encompass epistle epitaph epochal equation equilibrium equinox equipoise erasable estrange ethnicity ethology etiquette eulogy evangelical evensong evolutive exaSgerate exalted explicit exploit expropriate exPunge F fabulous fallary fallible falsifier familiarity farcical fateful fatheaded feasible febrile fedora feign felony ferment ferocity fervent girbfcst gadlly gaggle gait galaxy gallantry gallbladder galoot galore gamester gasser Savze genetics gentility geology glom glorious gloss glossary glowworm glucose glutton gnarl goad goober guild guttural gymnast H haberdasher haddock hammock hangar hanker harbinger hardscrabble harmonica haversack headache hearse heathen hedgehop heinous heirloom helium hidalgo hoeing hokum hoodlum horde horizontal horoscope horrified horsehair hosanna hospitable huckster humdinger lncloFnnt'^ irrcptit uclc infhmous infamy inhalator initiative insular intemperance interfered interject interlace intermittent interpreter interruption intersperse intimacy intonation intractable intramural irresponsive isolation isometric isotonic italicize itchy itinerant I \, ., )acKDoot jaded jaunty javelin jeopardous jerkwater jittery jocular jonquil juggernaut K keenness keno kepi kinescope kipper kulak i laboratory lacerate lacrosse lampoon language languor laryngitis lattice laudable laughable lavishly laxaiive rttirg,ttt'l isrtt lr.lgne tos nragnifico magnnm maguey mahogany mainsail maladjustment malapropisrn malaria malconduct malign mallard malpractice mammary manganese manic manifesto marina marmalade martyrdom masculine masquerade massacre massif memoir menace menial menthol mentor merciful mercuric mermaid merriment metabolism missive mite mitigate moat mockery monarchy monastery monopoly monosyllabic monstrous moocher moonshine moot morbidity mores morgue morsel mortarboard mosey motivation N narrative narthex nasal ltavel navigable nccr()l0gy necrosis nectar rlee nelaotiable neighborly nenleSts neoclassicist tt!-ol()ty neophyte lrcpolisr-n nr:lhcr'w-r-rrkl neurosls neuter newfangled numb numerical nutcracker nutmeg nutrition o oarlock obelisk obituary obligatory obsolete obtuse occuPancy oceanic octagonal ogle olfactory oligarchy oligopoly oi'rlission omnipotence onionskin ooze opiate opinioned optically optimum oPtometry oPus oratorio orchestrate orientation orion ossifr ostensible ostracism otter ouster outdoorsy outskirt overblown override peerage pelican perpetrate perpetually persecutc Persevere persistent persuaslve pert peruse pessimist pesticide pestilcnt petite petition petrify petrochemical petroleum petulant pharaoh pharmacy pheasant Ptracy pistachio pithy pituitary pizzeria placard placenta plaited plateau plaudit plausible plethora pleurisy plexus polemic polestar politico pollyanna polyglot poncho porridge portfolio POsse postlude potable potentate pounce prairie pratg . Preclprce prevaricator priggish prism pristine Prlvy probity proclivity procreate (luartz qu.rsh (luery quest quid quilt qr.rince quiniuplet quirt quoth D It rabbinicirl rabies racon r aconteur radiology raffish rampage schooncr scissors scour-farscroll scroocir scrouniir scruffy scrutiny scuttlcbutt sccrecy \ ( d ( 'r i l r r v scductirt' scer senatorial sensibll sensual septennial septic septuplet test.ltc tctanus tether theorem tl-respian traitor trammel transistor transparency trapezoid lrenchant lrepidation tricolor triilion triplex triplicate triumphal troika troth ::n',:*o'' ::i::i." 11"01"."," t rascality sercnade tuition ratoon sermonette tumor rebuke sire tundra recessional recessive recipe reciprocity skeleton sketchy solicitbr solicitude turbine turbulent :Hll'" ::il:'* recantation recompense recoup recriminate rectitude rectory reek sixpenny solvent sonar sonic sorgrrum souffl€ turban :il:ij;'#?l"o :::*:"'jit:t B:::ltm:f $:f:i"e"3 cl'rauvinistic abstemicius abutment ::***: *'*;:-^:'" :3ili''.' countenance counterfeit counternrand courier chiropodist choleric. covetous iiqH'bandy :H::il' l3,tyrn chrysanthemum daguerreotype llii*:::: - :[::,:,n baroness circumlocution debauch |:::filo" :i:'"1'.'#"" i:i:l:L, behemoth claustrophobia decentralization agitator alnostically belligerent cliche declamation #I*: i:fl":f' bestial :::|lfft #;1'""." Pig:ryy coercion cogitating cognomen colectomy collabora'tor defeasible defoliant deign delicatessen delinquency BiHii"ru :illf:* ffl;H" ::3ff": adherence ;il;;"." unscrupurous:$:il;" urchin '",, vaccinate ffi'#. replenish reprobate splendbr squatter resonant resurgent resurrection retina reverberate revere stationery statute stereoiype stevedore stirrup stoic velocity vengeance venom veracious verdant verdure rhinoceros rhubarb stringint styptic veterinary vexation varicose vaudeville vehemence vestige subconscious victoriour- rhythmicar subjectivity vigilance' subme_rge subordinate j4 ti'"tilJ* corsase :lrni?fr' :#:H:, spiel ridiculous riffraff corvette avoirdu-pois champagne i:ll:r#* spidery rhythm charade A acuPeuncture uncanny uncouth unfurl remonstrate rheumatism strategist avuncular uni :[i:::" utility utterance siationary il::5:5 FiDfl t ifffir--- U spec.ious, spellbinder sphinx reiistibre contcmporaneous contentptttous contreterrrps couundrum convergent convivial convolule t-opious coquetlishly cordaitcs ( ( ) r ( ,tt\'l ' ct-,rpoteai corpulent corpuscle corielative corridor corrosir.e corrugate corruptible :::tt#:t"" -:::"' i:T, speakeasy ute.ns' i:i:iil#* :i*lr ,-apillary c.rpsize crrrirfc catnivotous carotid carrion cartilage casserole casuistry ..ttaconrb ( .,l i l l vti c iatarrh catastrophic cavil celestial celibacy cenrifugal cerebral chafe bacciferous bacillus backgammon badiiage refectory regale . regurgitate remand H!|;Ii:l :;-:,^:-" Xlitjff;r" :::;:i:: :||:*O* aquilinc arabesque archaicaily arduousness arthritis articulatc ascender askance askew asparrgus aspirant assailable assassin assay assessor astringent astronaut avarrcrous averred y,rr:thfull,v yulc u Z zealous z.ebra zrrccln zouave vigorous vinculum ];';;;:,; :i{:T,H:, adobe adumbrate *l*T ballerina ballistic chenille cherubic chihuahua n 3:i:r" " i#i"l?',"."i:it:-Jr :i:*:il*--"ff:i$il:,:: ' aleatory "ii{" alluded ;;* :fr*"- :ilf,I*T#i'", ;;il-"* ;;;;:;;rambiguity iil:ffif" ammeter bewitch bibliotics. bicameral birdie bise colloquialism colonnade ililipr,"-y ;ilffi; demoniacal dengue iinffi-t blazon ::l::I?fi. commensurate !!iia!,.,, dereliction ri rh h rrrrrrr r br idir r y' - tr r et' - - - - ,' "r Fi.sH"- .HIi:.13::" " * j i :l i!; L --+ ;l dissonant dithyramb diverticulitis dockwalloper dolomitic dolorous dossier dowager dubonnet ductile dyscrasia dysentery ebullition ecclesiastical eddy edifice effervesce effete efficacious effrrvium effrontery effrrlgence egregious eidetic ejaculate electuary eleemosynary elegiacal elision elixir elongate emollient emphysema emPyrean encephalitis encumbrance encyclical enervated ennead ensemble entente entourage entrepreneurial enzymology ephemeral epicure epitome ePoPee epsilon equatorial equerry equivocate erysipelas escargot escheat escrow esoteric espalier espousal ctiolation fascism fathom featherbedding feckless feline fervor fiduciary filial flaccid flagellate flagitious flamboyant flamenco flech€ foist follicle foment footslogger forager foray forceps forfeiture fortnightly fortuitous freebooter freewheeler fresco fricassee frigate frolicsome G galleon gallicize galosh gambol gambrel gentian geodesy geriatrics germicidal ghoul gigantean glabrous glaucoma godet gossamer gossoon gradient grallatorial grandiloquence gratuitous grenadier gubernatorial guerdon guernsey guitarist gulosity gustatory gyrations gyroscopic hyperbole hypochondriac hypsography I ichthyology iconoclast ideogram idiomatic idolatry idyllic ignominy ignoramus illegitimate illuminable imbecile imbibition imbricate imitative immersion immolate immunize immured immutable impalpable impasse impeccable impecunious impedimenta rmPrnge impishness implacable importune imprimatur impropriety impunity inanity incendiary inchoate incipient incision inclemency incoherence incommutable incomprehensible incorrigible incursive indefeasible indelibly indemnity indictment indigenous indubitable inebrious ineducable ineffable ineffaceable ineligibility ineradicable inexorable infatuation infinitcsirnirl inunction inundate invidious irascible irreconcilable irreducible irremediable irretrievably isosceles isothermal itinerary JJamDoree jejunum jeremiad jerkin jettisoned ,lngolsm jocosity jocund jollity journalism jubilation judiciary jughead junket juxtaposition kaleidoscope kamikaze labyrinth laceration lachrymose lackadaisical lactose lagniappe lallation landlubber larcenous latrine laureate layette lebensraum leprology ligature lignite limned limousine linguist liquescent littoral liturgical logarithm logician logorrhea lorcha lugubriotrs lunrinosity measurable meerschaum melancholia mellifluous memorabilia mendacious mephitic metallurgical metamorphosis metricize microcosm millennium miniature minikin misanthropic miscreants misdemeanor misogyny mnemonrc moiety molre monogamy monolith monotony monsieur N nadir natal nauseate naysay nefarious negligence neoplasm nescience neurotic nomenclature nonagenarian noology notabilia nouveau obdurate obeisance obligee obnoxious obscenity obstreperous obtuse occidental ocelot odograph odometer odoriferous odyssey officiousness omniscience omnivorous opalescent ophthalmic opplobdous pavilion peccadillo Pecunlary pedagogy pedodontist pelisse pellagra percaline percipient peregrinate PeremPtory perfidious periphery periphrasis permeable perpetuity perspicacious PersPlre perturbation peskiness pestiferous petticoat petunia Pewter phalanx phenom philology phlegmatic photomontage photosynthesis phraseology phthalate physicist prcaresque picayune piccalilli piquancy piqued pirouette piscatorial placable placatory plagiarism plenipotentiary poignant poliomyelitis polissoir polyryllabic pontifical posthumous potassium precocious Precur.sory predecessor prestidigitator probabilism proboscis procrustean procurable prodigal profligacy pr08,cny r) Fadrennial quagmire , quarantine quiescent quintessence quixotic rallentando rancorous rathskeller ratiocination raucous recalcitrant recognizance recrudescence redoubtable redundancy regimen rehabilitation reiterate rejuvenescence remuneration renaissance renege repatriation repercussions repertoire replevin reprehensible repitlian rescind resilient resuscitate retaliatory reticence reveille rhapsodical rhetoric rhododendron ricketiness riparian risibility rotundity roundelay rubicund rudimentary ruminant sabbatical saccade sachem sacrosanct safari salicylate saline salivary sanctimonious sa n cti ty sediment seditious seePage selne seismograph semanticize semaphore sePra septum sequester serendipity sesame settee sextuplet shad shalloon sitzkrieg skedaddle skeeter skoal sonorous sophistry soporific soubrette souPcon splenetic spurious staccato stalag stalagmite statuesque stealthily stenosis steppe stereometric sternum stethgscope stichometry stickum stigmatism stillage stipple stoolie strafe stricture strobe stroganoff strychnine stucco stultifr stupeff stygian subaltern subliminal suborn subsistence subterfuge succotash suffragan sullage superficies sUrntnlc trichinosis tricuspid tripartite tsetse tumefaction tumultuous turgescence turpitude U ubiquitous umbrage unctuous underrate undulation unguent unintelligible unparalleled ustulation usurPer uxorious vacillate vagary valetudinarian vapidity variegated vassal velitation venality venireman verdigris verisimilitude vermicular versatile vertebrate viable vichyssoise vicissitude vignette virility virulent viscous vitiate vitreous vituperative vociferous volatile voracious vulpine \{ warmonger watercress whimsicality whippoorwill whirligig witticism wraith wunderkind elcemosynnry elegiacal elision elixir elongate emollient emphysema emPyr€an encephalitis encumbrance encyclical enervated ennead ensemble entente entourage entrepreneurial enzymology ephemeral epicure epitome ePopee epsilon equatorial equerry equivocate erysipelas escargot escheat escrow esoteric espalier espousal etiolation etymology eucalyptus euphemism euphony euthanasia evanescent eviscerate excipient excoriate exculpate expeditious extempore extraneous extricate F facade facetious facile factitious falsetto falsification fanaticize fantasize farrago frigrtc frolicsonre t-r galleon gallicize galosh gambol gambrel gentian geodesy geriatrics germicidal ghoul gigantean glabrous glaucoma godet gossamer gossoon gradient grallatorial grandiloquence gratuitous grenadier gubernatorial guerdon guernsey guitarist gulosity gustatory gyrations. gyroscoplc haboob haiku hairdo halftone harangue haricot harrumph hausfrau heifer heist hemophilia hemorrhoid hepatitis herbicide hermetically hermitage hirsute histiocyte holocaust homogenized homophonous horrendous hydraulic hyetology irrtpedirncnlrr impinge impishness implacable importune imprimatur impropriety impunity inanity incendiary inchoate incipient incision inclemency incoherence incommutable incomprehensible incorrigible incursive indefeasible indelibly indemnity indictment indigenous indubitable inebrious ineducable ineffable ineffaceable ineligibility ineradicable inexorable infatuation infinitesimal infrared ingenuous ingestible ingratiate inimical iniquitous injurious innate innocuous insatiable insecticide insidious insipid insomnia inspissate insurrection intaglio integer intellectualism intercalate internecine interregnum interrogatory intrinsic intussusception kaleidoscope kamikaze labyrinth laceration lachrymose lackadaisical lactose lagniappe lallation landlubber larcenous latrine laureate layette lebensraum leprology ligature lignite limned limousine linguist liquescent littoral liturgical logarithm logician logorrhea lorcha lugubrious luminosity lyceum lyricism M machination madrigal maelstrom maestro magneto magnificence magi majordomo maladroit mammalia mandamus mange manicurist manna mansuetude maraschino marsupial masseuse matriarchal matriculation mauve natnl nauseate naysay nefarious negligence neoplasm nescience neurotic nomenclature nonagenarian noology notabilia nouveau obdurate obeisance obligee obnoious obscenity obstreperous obtuse occidental ocelot odograph odometer odoriferous odyssey officiousness omniscience omnivorous opalescent ophthalmic opprobrious orthoepist oscillation ostentatiously osteosis pachyderm pacificator palatable palazzo palpitation Panacea panegyric panoplied panoramic paradigms Paranola paraphernalia parasol parish Paroxysm parquet parsnip pathology paucity irhotirmohtagc photosynthesis phraseology phthalate physicist picaresque picayune piccalilli piquancy piqued pirouette piscatorial placable placatory plagiarism plenipotentiary poignant poliomyelitis polissoir polysyllabic pontifical posthumous potassium precocious Precursory predecessor prestidigitator probabilism proboscis procrustean procurable prodigal profligacy progeny prognostication proliferation prolix promulgate propinquity propitiate proscenium proselyting protocol psilophyton PSOrrasrs puerile pugilistic purssance punctilious Purgatory purloin Purveyor pusillanimous putrescent putsch pylorus pyrrhic . f l-.rer.v..r rcpcrtoirc replevin reprehensible repitlian rescind resilient resuscitate retaliatory reticence reveille rhapsodical rhetoric rhododendron ricketiness riparian risibility rotundity roundelay rubicund rudimentary ruminant stalag stalagmite statuesqu€ stealthily stenosis stepPe stereometric sternum stethoscope stichometry stickum stigmatism stillage stipple stoolie strafe stricture strobe stroganoff strychnine stucco sabbatical saccade sachem sacrosanct safari salicfate saline salivary sanctimonious sanctity sangulnary saprophagous sardonic sartorial satiate satiety satirical saturnine saurian scabrous scaffolding scalpel scavenging scenarist scheduling schismatic schizophrenia schuss scintilla scissile scofflaw scrivener scurrilous seclusive secretion stygian subaltern subliminal suborn subsistence bubterfuge succotash suffragan sullage superficies surname surveillance swill swizzle sycophant syllepsis syncopation stultifr stupefr f' tertian testaceous thaumaturgy theocracy theosophy therapeutic thesaurus thrombosis tintinnabulation titillate tonsillitis torrential torsion trattoria trauma trekked triceps va.saI velitation venality venireman verdigris verisimilitude vermicular versatile vertebrate viable vichyssoise vicissitude vignette virility virulent viscous vitiate vitreous vituperative vociferous volatile voracious vulpine w warmonger watercress whimsicality whippoorwill whirligig witticism wraith wunderkind X xebec xylophone yeoman zealot zephyr zinnia zodtacal zoological