THE SEASHELL - Seaside Decorative Painters of Daytona Beach


THE SEASHELL - Seaside Decorative Painters of Daytona Beach
Seaside Decorative Painters
Of Daytona Beach
Vol. 30 No. 6
Affiliate of the Society of Decorative Painters
Letter From the President:
June 2016
From the 1st Vice President
I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day.
Hello Everyone,
The open house for the Child Protection Team was amazing. It
was so well attended. There were people from Tallahassee and
Jacksonville as well as local supporters such as the Sheriff’s Department, the Police Department and the State Attorney’s Office
just to name a few. Our paintings looked terrific on the walls.
They certainly brightened up the facility. Everyone who attended
commented on how they loved our work. Pat yourself on the
back, ladies… You deserve it.
I was unable to stay for the painting part of the Chapter Meeting on Saturday, but I hear it was interesting. I
hope everyone had a good time. If you need help finishing your piece please call Mary Sue Baldwin she is
helping several people do so.
We had such an informative and productive workshop with
Georgann Self teaching the class. Everyone’s piece turned out
beautifully. Thank you, Georgann.
And thank you to everyone who provide us with such delicious
food for breakfast and lunch. It was absolutely greaI.
This month Alise Duerr will be teaching an acrylic class entitled
“Lily Shoe” If you have not yet signed up for the workshop,
please give Diannia a call.
Ann Hedberg is going 100 miles an hour trying to organize us all
for the yearly auction in October. We have already received some
lovely items. If you have pieces that are done, just bring them to
any workshop. Thank you everyone for helping to make our auction successful.
I have 14 signed up to do the adorable “Lily Shoe”
with Alise Duerr next month. So get your name and
money in as soon as possible. It appears just like the
rest of the classes this year it will fill up very quick.
Just between you and I, she is bringing a new cake and
If (big if here because the lemon is so good) I might
just share it with everyone.
Diannia Reininger
1st Vice President
We still need members to run for board positions for 2017.
Please get in touch with Mary Sue or Nedra if you are interested.
The next Board meeting will be June 9th at Mary Sue Baldwin’s.
Dee Mitchell
June Breakfast Snacks—Patti Primavera
Joyce Williams
June Lunch - Ann Wagoner—Chicken
Carlene Weissinger—Cole Slaw
Joanne Hedges— Beverages
June Birthdays
3 Ruth McDonald
8 Pattie Bolema
We meet every third Saturday of the month at the ARC Building at 9:00 AM.
DIRECTIONS - ARC Building, Jimmy Huger Circle Daytona Beach FL.
From 95 NORTH and South take LPGA Blvd and turn East. Turn Right onto Jimmy Ann Dr. Turn right onto
5th street immediately following school on right). Go left into first driveway Jimmy Huger Circle-ARC!
Diedre (Dee) Mitchell
[email protected]
1st VP
Diannia Reininger
[email protected]
2nd VP
Lee Fasnacht
[email protected]
Pattie Bolema
[email protected]
Jane Van Buren
[email protected]
Lee Fasnacht
[email protected]
Member at Large
Mary Sue Baldwin
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Georgia Strein
[email protected]
Audio Visual
Georgia Strein
Audit Committee 2016
Ann Wagoner
[email protected]
Christmas PartyJoanne Hedges
Nedra Lyman
Ann Hedberg
Dee Mitchell
Jane Van Buren
Pattie Bolema
Georgia Strein
Mary Sue Baldwin
Diannia Reininger
Compassion Fund
Mary Sue Baldwin
Ann Hedberg
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jane Willett
[email protected]
Pattie Bolema
[email protected]
Nedra Lyman
[email protected]
[email protected]
Nedra Lyman
[email protected]
Ruth McDonald
[email protected]
Ways and Means
Monthly Raffle
Ann Hedberg
MEMBERSHIP/DUES 2016 Renewal Application
Name _______________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
City, State, Zip _______________________________________
Telephone # _________________ Email __________________
Birthday (Month/Day) __________ National ID# __________
[email protected]
Web Site
Ann Hedberg
Patti Primavera
[email protected]
Advertise in
The Seashell
Monthly Prices:
Full Page - $30.00
½ page - $15.00
¼ page - $7.00
Business Card - $5.00
Send your ad, by the
25th of the month, to
Memory Boxes
Patti Primavera
[email protected]
Georgia Strein,
Newsletter Editor,
218 Osprey Ln
Flagler Beach, FL
Port Orange Library
Spouse’s Name ---------------------------
Membership dues are paid annually by October
1. To be a member of Seaside Decorative Painters you
must also be a member of Society of Decorative Painters:
Society dues $50.00 after Dec.1 2015 $55.00
Make Checks Payable to SDP in the amount of $15.00.
Mail to: Lee Fasnacht
11 Edgar Lane,
Palm Coast, FL 32164
Nominating Committee Make sure you tell
me what size you
Mary Sue Baldwin
Nedra Lyman
Mary Sue Baldwin
Diannia Reininger
Product Evaluator
Joanne Tibbils
[email protected]
Joyce Williams
[email protected]
Mary Sue Baldwin
Make check
payable to SDP
Visit us on facebook
/ seasidedecorativepainters
Visit us on
our new
Child Protection Team Open House
Auction Update:
In my recent e-mail we were only looking for more
unusual items that went well last year. Which is why
I didn’t put down jewelry, boxes, and just various
painted surfaces. That always goes well. We were
only trying to throw out a few more ideas. Our auctions are always successful with whatever is turned
in. Here’s a couple more ideas a few members have
sent in…..Paint on a tape dispenser or stapler. Also
light switch plates, glasses case, lamp shade, and
painted rocks. Thanks for the creative ideas. At the
June meeting, if you have something that could be
painted on, but you don’t especially want to do it,
bring it to the meeting and see if anyone else would
like to tackle it.
It seems we have a large amount of people who have
never been to our auction waiting for the sign-up
sheets to come out. I would advise all members wanting to go to the auction to sign up earlier than usual.
Anyone who would like to help me fill in holes, sand
and basecoat a couple small tables, a stool and hopefully a chair, and at least start the design…e-mail
me. We can figure out a date that’s compatible for
whomever wants to do this. Sanding is fun!
Ann H.
14th Annual Seaside Auction
Please join us on October 15, 2016
at Halifax Plantation,
3400 ClubHouse Drive,
Ormond Beach, FL 32175
(I-95 at Exit 278)
Please Arrive at 11:00 am
Silent Auction 11-12
Luncheon at 12:30 pm.
Cost is $20.00 pp
( 2 Golf Carts will be cruising the parking lots to give a ride to the clubhouse)
Luncheon Choices
1. Scallops Florentine with Rice Pilaf
2. Chicken Francaise over Penne Pasta
3. Oven Roasted Pork Loin with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Meals to include, Salad, Asparagus Spears, Dessert, Warm Rolls, Tea & Coffee
* Vegetarian meal upon request: Pasta Primavera
Deadline September 30, 2016. Limited to 130 guests.
* We accept cash OR checks only, NO credit cards
* Cash or checks only for baskets & raffle tickets
Reservation and Payment: Make check payable to Seaside Decorative Painters
Mail to: Patti Primavera, 705 Hensel Hill East, Port Orange, FL 32127
Phone: 386-760-8126 Email: [email protected]
MAY 21, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Dee Mitchell on May 21, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. Other Board members present were Mary
Sue Baldwin, Pattie Bolema, Lee Fasnacht, Diannia Reininger, and Jane VanBuren.
President Mitchell welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced she wanted to thank everyone who attended the Open House of
the Child Protection Team. The turnout was wonderful, she said, and there were many comments about out paintings and appreciation
of what our club is doing to help. She added there were several law enforcement agency representatives, a Florida Child Advocate
gentleman, and members of the Bikers Against Child Abuse organization in attendance. President Dee added that the Conference
Room needs paintings, but these should be for adults and suggested perhaps some beach scenes. Mary Sue Baldwin stated she would
have a paint-in at her home on Thursday at 9:00 for anyone who wants to work on them. It was decided they should be 16x20 or larger.
President Mitchell said the Child Protection Team needs snacks, juice boxes, and feminine hygiene products this month.
Secretary Report: The Minutes of the April 16, 2016 Chapter Meeting accepted as printed.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Jane VanBuren stated the checkbook balance as of May 21, 2016 was $5,451.39, and the report is printed in the newsletter.
1st Vice-President Report: Diannia Reininger welcomed teacher Georgann Self and a Seaside Decorative Painters tote bag and apron
were presented to her along with a #6 brush. Diannia stated there had been 20 signed up for the class, but she has received some cancellations due to health and other reasons. She added that 15 have signed up for the Alise Duerr June class; the Mark Menendez portrait class for July is full, and the lion class has only 6-8 vacancies.
Diannia added that the By-Laws Committee has been going over our chapter by-laws to compare with the National by-laws to see if
we need to make changes to be in accordance with them. Contact Lee Fasnacht, MarySue Baldwin, Pattie Bolema, or herself if you
have any questions or suggestions, she concluded.
2nd Vice-President Report: Lee Fasnacht reported there are 45 paid members, and a new member list will be sent soon. Lee suggested
a New Member Challenge that would encourage everyone to bring in new members: For instance, she said, a member would get a
workshop certificate for every two new members brought in and five or more new members brought in would earn a seminar certificate.
Seminar: Co-Chairperson Mary Sue Baldwin stated she and Nedra Lyman will be meeting to work on the 2017 Seminars. She asked
anyone who has suggestions for teachers to do a one or two day seminar to contact her or Nedra.
Board Member at Large: Mary Sue Baldwin stated the latest chapter magazine has lots of information including indications there will
be a lot of changes.
Paint-In: Co-Chairperson Mary Sue Baldwin reported there are only five spaces left to sign up for the paint-in. It will be opened to
other chapters soon, she said, so ask anyone you know who might be interested before it is closed. She added that there will be fantastic projects, and she and Diannia will soon be going over the menus
Web-Site: Ann Hedberg asked the members to keep posting on the site to keep the interest going for our chapter and events.
Historian: Ann Hedberg, Nothing new to report.
Auction: Chairperson Ann Hedberg reported there will be a meeting in July and remarked the entire Board is on the committee. Keep
making items for the auction, Ann added.
Continued on Next Page
Seaside Decorative Painters
Chapter Meeting Minutes 5/21/16
Page No. 2
Raffles: Chairperson Ann Hedberg reported the raffle profits have recently been contributed to the Child Protection Team, however, they
will now go back into our Chapter to help defray the cost of the lunches and other gifts, etc. that the Chapter gives to the members. She
announced that today’s raffle items cost $105, we made $107, for a $2 profit and a lot of fun.
Christmas Party: Chairperson, Joanne Hedges said she will be meeting with Stephanie at Halifax in July or August to go over plans. She
reminded us that the party this year will be Saturday, December 10 th.
Publicity: Chairperson, Joyce Williams explained the process of getting articles and pictures placed in the newspapers and said we will
get more and more published as we go forward. Mary Sue Baldwin commented she had received a call from an interested party due to
one of the latest newspaper articles.
Hospitality: Co-Chairperson, Pattie Bolema, stated that she and Nedra Lyman appreciate the participation from the members volunteering to bring breakfast goodies and the lunches for our monthly meetings. The assistance in setting out the food and clearing away after is
a great help, she added. Pattie reminded that it is important to identify specific food items such as nuts, seafood, and strawberries for
those that have dietary restrictions. Also, she added, we have a refrigerator to keep cold things but no way to keep things (such as casseroles) heated. Crock pots and other means of heating meals will have to be supplied by the member.
Sunshine: Chairperson, Ruth McDonald reported seven cards were sent; two birthday and five get well.
Memory Boxes: No Report. Chairperson, Patti Primavera not present
Nominating Committee: Co-Chairpersons Mary Sue Baldwin and Nedra Lyman reported there has been interest expressed by some
members to run for the upcoming Board election. They are hoping to have a written ballot with some choices, Mary Sue stated, and she
asked if anyone is interested to contact her or Nedra.
Newsletter: No Report, Georgia Strein absent.
Show and Tell: Ann Hedberg, Lee Fasnacht, and Cheri Bergquist had several lovely pieces to show.
That concluding the business to come before the Chapter, President Mitchell adjourned the meeting at 9:54 A.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia A. Bolema, Secretary
This recipe is the recipe many of you requested…It is in our “A Matter of Taste” cookbook that Seaside Decorative Painters made up in
2000. This recipe submitted by Ginny Wiegand is delicious. This is for all the ladies who do not have the cookbook.
Swedish Nut Cake
1 (20 oz) can crushed pineapple with juice
2 cups sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs (room temperature)
2 tsp. baking soda
2 cups flour
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Mix all ingredients and bake in a greased and floured 9 x 13” pan at 350 degrees for about 40 - 45 minutes
Icing: One (8 oz) pkg. cream cheese, 2 cups powdered sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 stick butter, room temperature
Cream together and add 1/2 cup of chopped nuts (or sprinkled on top after frosting) I’ve made it w/o nuts and it was still very
good. Ann H
When you are reading painting directions and it tells you to paint with Red +
Yellow + White, it means you will MIX these three colors together. More Red,
less Yellow and just a little White.
If you read Red, Yellow and White, you will use each of these colors separately!
Hope this helps……..
Name ____________________________
Address __________________________
SEMINAR SIGN—Up July 9, 10, 2016
City, State & Zip____________________
Phone ___________________________
9:00 AM - 4:00PM
Email ____________________________
Phone _____________________________
City, State &
Sign me up for the following workshop (s). I
understand that the pattern and supply list
will be sent upon payment.
Sign me up for the following seminar(s):
July 9 – Portrait (Color Pencils)
Taught by Mark Menendez
$5.00 (paper, instructional sheets, pictures)
Check #___________
July 10 -- Majestic Lion (Color Pencils)
Taught by Mark Menendez
$5.00 (paper with pattern already applied, instructional sheets, pictures)
Check # __________
Make checks payable to PCDP.
Mail this form to:
June 18
Lily Shoe—Acrylic
Alise Duerr
Ck # ————————-
Make Checks Payable to SDP
Mail to: Diannia Reininger
716 Hillville Drive
Port Orange, FL 32127
386-673-4344, [email protected]
Lana Raymond
9 Wallstone Place
Palm Coast, FL 32164
Email: [email protected]
Child Protection Team Open
Seaside Decorative Painters
2016 Annual Paint-In
Many of you have already signed up and
received your folders with all the project
prep sheets and the program. Some of you
are even busy prepping all your pieces.
But we still have 5 spots left and you may
invite any of your painting friends! Our
event is now open to any and all painters.
Let’s see if we can’t round up five more
people to join us for the fun!
The two July Colored Pencil seminars
with Mark Menendez are very popular! Saturday’s Portrait class is full
with a waiting list.
There are still a few spots left for the
Lion class on Sunday. Get in touch
with Lana Raymond if you are interested in these pencil Seminar Classes.
If you have any questions about prepping
your pieces, or anything else, just call
Diannia Reininger or Mary Sue Baldwin.
Mary Sue Baldwin
Seminar Chair
Paint –In Project
Paint-In Project
Pen & Ink
(More on Next Page)
Paint-In Sign-UP
September 27, 28, & 29, 2016
Name ________________________________
Address _______________________________
Phone # _______________________________
Email: ________________________________
Room-mate: ___________________________
License Plate Number: ___________________
Amount Paid ___________________________
Check Number __________________________
$70.00 Due Upon Registration by April 16, 2016.
Balance Due July 16, 2016
Make Check out to SDP
Mail to: Mary Sue Baldwin
505 N. Yonge Street
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
Phone: 386-677-2188
Email: [email protected]
Any questions, call or email— Mary Sue Baldwin or Diannia Reininger
2016 January 16
Hydrangeas in Sepia—Mary Sue Baldwin—Acrylics
What Penguins? - Nancy Walsh - Acrylics
February 20
March 19
March 20
Beach Walk—Seminar—Earline Padgett—Watercolor
Fresh Flowers on Blue—Earline Padgett — Oils
April 16
Free Workshop— Painting for the Child Protection Team
May 21
Fruit on Casserole dish cover— Georgann Self — Acrylic
DONEs—Jo Sonja
June 18
Lily Shoe - Alise Duerr —- Acrylics
July 9
July 10
Photo Portrait Class— Mark Menendez Color Pencil
Majestic Lion - Mark Menendez - Color Pencil
At Plantation Oaks
August 20
September 27,28 & 29
October 15
Autumn Welcome Banner - Lee Fasnacht — Acrylics
Paint-In Retreat - Daytona Beach
November 19
Beacon Hill - Ann Hedberg - Acrylics
December 10
Christmas Party
Child Protection Team Open House