Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas JY RANCH PARK DESIGN TEAM: Organization Development Task Force ChristineByrne Adjacent Property Owner/Parks Board Member Thad Nance Parks Board Member Marilee Wood Friends of Blue Hole Bob Kerrigan Wimberley Community Tennis Association Horace Wilson Parks Board Member Michael Colca SMAYSO- San Marcos Area Youth Soccer Rebecca Leonard Steven Spears Principal in Charge Project Manager Steve Ramsey, Baker-Aicklen Chris Dropinski, GreenPlay Evan Taniguchi, Taniguchi and Associates JJeff Kessel,, PBS&J S&J Paulette Rudolph, p , Walter,, P. Moore and Associates Steve Windhager, Windhager LBJ Wildflower Center Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas The Meadows Interpretive Trails Purpose: Design g and Construction Services Landscape Design Architectural Design Engineering Construction Administration Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas River Rock Park and Trail PHILOSOPHY: DW Legacy g y Design g ® We believe that when environment, economics, art and community are combined in harmony with the dictates of the land and the needs of society, magical places result. Places that lift the spirit. Sustainable places of timeless beauty, enduring quality and untold value. Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas INITIAL CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS 1. Minimize impervious surfaces. Not exceed 10% coverage 2. Minimize disturbance and damage to the site 3. Avoid light pollution, glare, light trespass, excessive energy 4. Monitor landscape around all amenities for degradation 5 Bury all future utility lines 5. 6. Structures to reflect the hill country vernacular and are energy efficient and environmentally responsible 7. Rainwater harvesting – rooftops, impervious services 8. Fund all amenities with an additional 30% maintenance endowment 9. Ensure all amenities are economically sustainable 10. Maintain all amenities with aquifer friendly cleaning products 11 Ensure all amenities are environmentally 11. sustainable 12. Provide LID approaches to stormwater management 3 Ensure p protection of natural resources and 13. ecological/environmental features of the park Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge BLUE HOLE PARK: Design Principles Legacy Community • Create synergy among park activities that link the park to the region. The park is greater than the sum of its parts • Arrange park improvements that benefit the community and visitors of Wimberley • Create connections that support the culture of families, groups, visitors, l l and locals d iindividuals di id l Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas Rio Grande Botanical Gardens BLUE HOLE PARK: Design Principles Legacy g y Art • Timeless design that is integrated into the rich landscape and vernacular of the region • Cultural history of swimming holes in Texas • Unstructured vitality of Wimberley • Interpretive educational design Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas ASPCOL Park and Trail BLUE HOLE PARK: Design Principles Legacy Environment • Protecting and restoring the park for future generations • Honoring the natural environment • Driving the plan with ecological sustainability Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas Roaring River Ranch Park and Trail BLUE HOLE PARK: Design Principles Legacy Economics • Designing within budget • Forecasting operations and management budgets • Business plan modeling Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas Rio Grande Botanical Gardens Scope and Schedule Phase One: Organization, g , Kick off & Data Collection July-September Phase Two: Survey and Mapping July August July-August Phase Three: Information and Communication August-(on going) Phase Four: Charrette and Schematic Design September-December Phase Five: Design Development Package January-March Phase h Six: i Construction i Document Package k March-May g and Negotiation g Phase Seven: Bidding TBD (based on summer schedule) Phase Eight: Construction Observation TBD (based (b d on summer schedule) h d l ) Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas QUESTION and ANSWER Blue Hole Regional Park – Wimberley, Texas
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