4-Hydroxy-DIPT The Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Testing and Research Laboratory generated this monograph using structurally confirmed reference material. CH3 H3C OH CH3 N CH3 N H 1. GENERAL INFORMATION IUPAC Name: 3-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl]-1H-indol-4-ol CAS#: 63065-90-7 Synonyms: 4-OH-DIPT, 4-HO-DIPT, iprocin, 4-hydroxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine Source: DEA Reference Material Collection Appearance: White powder UVmax (nm): Not Determined 2. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL DATA 2.1 CHEMICAL DATA Form Chemical Formula Molecular Weight Melting Point ( oC) Base C16H24N2O 260 Not Determined HCl C16H24N2O . HCl 296 283.2 Latest Revision: 1/5/2015 SWGDRUG.org/monographs.htm Page 1 of 5 4-Hydroxy-DIPT The Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Testing and Research Laboratory generated this monograph using structurally confirmed reference material. 3. QUALITATIVE DATA 3.1 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE Sample Preparation: Dilute analyte to ~5 mg/mL in base extracted CDCl3 containing TMS for 0 ppm reference. Instrument: 400 MHz NMR spectrometer Parameters: Spectral width: at least containing -3 ppm through 13 ppm Pulse angle: 90o Delay between pulses: 45 seconds 1 H NMR: 4-OH DIPT HCl Lot SF06008; CDCl3; 400MHz TMS 10 9 8 7 CHCl3 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 1 22 2 7 6 5 4 12 3 2 1 0 0.75 0.50 0.25 0 1 2 7.00 Latest Revision: 1/5/2015 1 6.75 2 3.1 2 3.0 SWGDRUG.org/monographs.htm 12 2 2.9 2.8 1.050 1.000 Page 2 of 5 4-Hydroxy-DIPT The Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Testing and Research Laboratory generated this monograph using structurally confirmed reference material. 3.2 GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY/MASS SPECTROMETRY Sample Preparation: Dilute analyte ~4 mg/mL methanol. Instrument: Column: Carrier Gas: Temperatures: Agilent gas chromatograph operated in split mode with MS detector DB-1 MS (or equivalent); 30m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 µm Helium at 1 mL/min Injector: 280oC MSD transfer line: 280oC MS Source: 230 oC MS Quad: 150oC Oven program: 1) 100oC initial temperature for 1.0 min 2) Ramp to 300 oC at 12 oC/min 3) Hold final temperature for 9.0 min Split Ratio = 20:1, 1 µL injected Mass scan range: 30-550 amu Threshold: 100 Tune file: stune.u Acquisition mode: scan 14.502 min EI Mass Spectrum: 4-OH-DIPT HCl Lot # SF06008 Injection Parameters: MS Parameters: 5 Intensity [x 10 ] 114 Retention Time: 1.5 40 80 Latest Revision: 1/5/2015 100 120 140 160 180 SWGDRUG.org/monographs.htm 200 220 240 260 245 229 215 199 174 160 130 104 86 91 146 60 77 65 EI+ 56 43 0.5 30 72 1.0 260 m/z Page 3 of 5 4-Hydroxy-DIPT The Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Testing and Research Laboratory generated this monograph using structurally confirmed reference material. 3.3 INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY (FTIR) Insrument: Scan Parameters: FTIR with diamond ATR attachment (1 bounce) Number of scans: 32 Number of background scans: 32 Resolution: 4 cm-1 Sample gain: 8 Aperture: 150 735 40 490 582 661 50 843 968 1038 1130 1161 1261 1294 1350 60 1396 1433 1452 1589 3147 2669 3240 70 2943 %Transmittance FTIR ATR (Diamond, 1 Bounce): 4-OH-DIPT HCl Lot SF06008 30 20 3000 1500 Wavenumber (cm-1) 490 517 582 604 634 661 694 756 785 843 968 1049 1038 1261 50 2000 1093 1130 1161 60 2500 1294 1319 1350 70 1396 1433 1452 1589 1506 %Transmittance 3500 735 40 30 20 1700 1600 1500 Latest Revision: 1/5/2015 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 SWGDRUG.org/monographs.htm 900 800 700 Wavenumber (cm-1) Page 4 of 5 4-Hydroxy-DIPT The Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Testing and Research Laboratory generated this monograph using structurally confirmed reference material. 4. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Forendex http://forendex.southernforensic.org/index.php/detail/index/1175 Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4-HO-DiPT Latest Revision: 1/5/2015 SWGDRUG.org/monographs.htm Page 5 of 5
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The Drug Enforcement Administration's Special Testing and Research Laboratory
generated this monograph using structurally confirmed reference material.
Oven program:
1) 100oC initial temperature for 1.0 min
2) Ramp to 300 oC at 12 oC/min
3) Hold final temperature for 9.0 min
Split Ratio = 20:1, 1 µL injected
Mass scan range: 30-550 amu
Threshold: ...
1) 100oC initial temperature for 1.0 min
2) Ramp to 300 oC at 12 oC/min
3) Hold final temperature for 9.0 min
Split Ratio = 20:1, 1 µL injected
Mass scan range: 30-550 amu
Threshold: 100
Tune file:...