Oxidation 1
Oxidation 1
Sharpless Asymmetric Epoxidation Asymmetric Epoxidation of Allylic Alcohols R3 R2 Ti(OiPr)4, (+)-DET OH R1 R2 tBuOOH, 3Å MS, CH2Cl2, -20°C OH R3 O OH CO2Et EtO2C OH R1 (+)-DET • 5-10 mol% catalyst • 10-20 mol% excess tartrate vs. Ti(OiPr)4 required • (+) and (-)-DET are readily available and inexpensive; (+) and (-) DIPT sometimes lead to higher selectivity Mnemonic: (+)-DET R2 Sharpless, JACS, 1987, 5765 R3 R1 HO (-)-DET AE-(+)-DET AE-(-)-DET O O OH 86% ee OH OH 86% ee Substrates for Shapless AE Reactant Tartrate Product %ee O OH Ph OH (+)- DIPT OH (+)- DIPT Ph O CH3 Ph OH (+)- DIPT 90 O OH >98 OH >98 CH3 Ph O OH OH (+)- DET CH3 Ph OH O (-)- DET Ph Ph 91 CH3 OH 94 Ph OH O (+)- DET C7H15 Z-disubstituted olefins are least reactive and selective OH 86 C7H15 JACS, 1987, 5764 Sharpless Asymmetric Epoxidation (-)-DIPT R2 R1 tBuOOH, Ti(Oi-Pr)4 OH CH2Cl2, (+)-DET or (-) DIPT R3 R2 O R1 R3 OH (+)-DET Ligand: Tartrates are C-2 symmetric. Such symmetry is useful in ligand design, furnishing predictable and repetitive structural units which reduce RO the number of diastereomeric transition states The active catalyst is dimeric, providing a chiral environment for the substrate, allowing distinction of the enantiotopic faces of the alkene O OR Ti O This is an example of LigandAccelerated Catalysis: The reaction in the absence of the chiral ligand is much slower than in its presence, thus ensuring the enantioselective pathway is the predominant one. OH OR O O R3 E RO HO E O O Ti EO O O R1 R2 only one face of the alkene is presented to the coordinated peroxide ligand. The alkene pi bond attacks along the O-O bond axis The peroxide is activated by bidentate coordination to the titanium E Sharpless, JACS, 1980, 102, 5974. JACS, 1987, 109, 1279. Chiral Substrates anti syn O O + OH O OH O O OH O O Ti(OiPr)4, TBHP Ti(OiPr)4, (-)-DIPT, TBHP Ti(OiPr)4, (+)-DIPT, TBHP Tet, 1990, 245 O 1 1 22 : : : 2.3 90 1 Kinetic Resolution: using the Sharpless Mnemonic, contact between the C1 R substituent and the catalyst predicts the slow reacting enantiomer: (+)-DET R2 (+)-DET R3 R2 R1 H R1 HO HO H slow OH R3 R R fast (-)-DIPT OH O >95%ee 70% conversion Pure Appl. Chem. 1983, 589. • when krel=25, the ee of the unreacted alcohol is ~100% at 60% conversion • allylic 3° alcohols are not oxidized • disubstituted olefins are more reactive than monosubstituted Chiral Substrates, Continued OH OBn O O OH OH (+)-DIPT O O OH O OBn meso OBn Any minor diastereomer that is produced is rapidly removed by bis-epoxidation. OBn 89% JACS, 1987, 1525; JACS, 1987, 109, 4718. Homoallylic, bishomoallylic substrates epoxidize slower, and the enantiofacial selectivity is lower: H3C OH Ti(OiPr)4, (+)-DET TBHP, -20°C, 1-4d H3C O 50%, 41%ee OH Transformations of 2,3-epoxy-alcohols OH HO NaN3, NH4Cl BnO OH H2, Pd/C BnO HO NH2 N3 O OH OH OH LiAlH4 CH3 BnO Aldrichimica Acta, 1983, 67 OH OH HO (CH3)2CuLi BnO BnO O CH3 OH OH OTHP Li BnO OTHP OH OH KCN, CH3OH CN BnO OH The Payne Rearrangement O NaOH HO O OH H3C H2O CH3 H3C CH3 JOC, 1962, 3819 Keq=98/2 OH NaOH O equilibrium favors more substituted epoxide BnO BnO BnO OH H2O 98:2 OH t-BuSNa O StBu NaOH, H2O OH fast-reacting isomer (CH3)3OBF4 CH2Cl2; NaH Aldrichimica Acta, 1983, 67. OH BnO O 2,3-epoxy alcohols Proposed TS: Ti(OiPr)4 can catalyze the addition of nucleophiles to C3 of 2,3-epoxy alcohols O O O 3 2 Nu Nu 1 OH 3 1.5 eq Ti(OiPr)4 OH 2 + OH 2 3 OH Nu OH Nucleophile C3:C2 yield Et2NH iPrOH KCN 20:1 100:1 2.4:1 100:1 90 88 76 90 OH Ti(OR)3 JOC, 1985, 1557. Phenyl substitution at C3 of 2,3-epoxy alcohols can lead to high C-3 regioselectivity in uncatalyzed additions O 2 Ph 3 H H OH Nu OH Ph OH Chem Rev. 1991, 437 1 Reagent Allyl magnesium bromide R2CuLi NaN3/ NH4Cl ArONa PhSH/NaOH internal H-bonding: Nu Nu Allyl R N3 ArO PhS H yield 96 78-88 >95 83 81 O Ph H O H weakened C-O forming bond benzylic cation Reductive Aluminum (Red-Al) Opening of Epoxides MeO OMe Red-Al reduction of 2,3-epoxy alcohols is highly selective when C.4 is oxygenated: Red-Al= O R 4 3 2 1 OH H + R 0°C R H OH OH OH C2 reduction epoxy alcohol Li+ Al OH Red-Al, THF O O C3 reduction C2:C3 yield (%) O C6H13 94 1:1 OH TL, 1982, 2719 O BnOH2C OH O BnO 5:1 89 40:1 98 OH O BnO OH O O O BnO HO Red-Al O OH THF, 22°C OH BnO OH JOC, 1982, 1378 Al Li 78 >100:1 O O O O H O MeO Regioselectivity vs. Organometallic Reagent 2 OH BnO 3 O CH3 (CH3)2CuLi Et2O, -20°C 1 OH TL, 1979, 4343 TL, 1983, 1377 BnO OH 74-79% 2-addition (CH3)3Al OH BnO 3 O O OH 2 OH BnO BnO CH2Cl2 0-23°C 1 NaIO4, THF: OH H H2O 69-73% OH 3-addition Utility of epoxy alcohols: OH Et2AlCN O NC OTos NaH O JOC, 1989, 1295 NC OTos Internal nucleophilic opening: OH JACS, 1980, 7986. 1. PhNCO, Et3N O O C5H11 OH C5H11 O O Ph OH O N 1. PhNCO, iPr2NEt 2. tBuOK, THF O N PhNCO = O 2. aq HClO4 O mechanism? O O O what's different? JACS, 1982, 1109 OH HO O CO2, Cs2CO3 O DMF, 78°C O TL, 1988, 6389 O CH3 OH C O Jacobsen Asymmetric Epoxidation Unactivated Alkenes: R R' S,S -1 (4mol%) NaOCl (aq) JACS, 1991, 7063 R CH2Cl2 H R' O Ph H H Ph H H N Me Ph H disfavored by phenyls Ph Me disfavored by phenyls N H N Mn H t-Bu O Mn t-Bu O t-Bu O Cl t-Bu N t-Bu O Cl t-Bu t-Bu t-Bu S,S-1 disfavored by tert-butyl groups side-on perpendicular approach to metal oxo species • Selectivity is determined through non-bonded interactions • R=aryl, alkenyl, alkynyl, and R' is a bulky group • Cis disubstituted alkenes are epoxidized with high levels of ee • trans disubstituted alkenes are oxidized more slowly with lower ee • terminal alkenes are poor substrates : styrene ~70%ee • Addition of substoichiometric amounts of 4-phenylpyridine-N-oxide improves both catalyst selectivity and turnover numbers. Mnemonic: S,S-1-"O" R R' H R,R-1-"O" H S,S-1-"O" Trisubstituted alkenes are also excellent substrates for Jacobsen AE R' R'' R H R,R-1-"O" Olefin Epoxide Yield ee% Catalyst 79 84 S,S-1 63 94 S,S-1 69 93 R,R-1 91 95 R,R-1 87 88 O O O O O O Ph Ph O Ph Ph H3C Ph H3C Ph O CH3 Ph CH3 Ph Ph Ph R,R-1 O JOC, 1994, 4378 Cis-substituted styrenes afford cis epoxied as major products, but cis-enynes and cis dienes produce Trans epoxides. Compare: Ph S,S-1 CH3 CH3 Ph Ph + O O 77%, 92%ee Me3Si S,S-1 CH3 6%, 83%ee Me3Si Me3Si + O O 10%, 64% ee 55%, 98% ee •Rotation of a radical intermediate is proposed to account for cis-trans isomerization: MnLn MnLn O O H H H R R R R JACS, 1991, 7063. H • For tetrasubstituted olefins, enantioselectivities are not yet high in many cases, and generality lacks Kinetic Resolution using Jacobsen Catalysts H Hydrolytic Kinetic Resolution (HKR) H OAc N N Co t-Bu O t-Bu O OH2 OH OH R O + H2O R,R-5 t-Bu H2O S,S-5 O OH OH R R R O + t-Bu S,S-5 R S-epoxide R-epoxide racemic Selective complexation of chiral cobalt to the epoxide oxygen atom of one enantiomer of the racemic pair O H2O S,S-5 OH OH R R O + R S-epoxide R CH3 (CH2)3CH3 Ph H2C=CH Epoxide ee, yield >98, 44 98, 46 98, 38 84, 44 diol ee, yield 98, 50 98, 48 98, 39 94, 49 Science, 1997, 936. Kinetic Resolution of Terminal Epoxides with Trimethylsily Azide H H N N Cr t-Bu O t-Bu O N3 OTMS R N3 O + t-Bu TMSN3 R,R-7 O TMSN3 S,S-7 R R OTMS N3 R O + R S-epoxide R-epoxide racemic High yields and ee's with a variety of substituents: O TMSN3 (0.5 eq) R,R -7 R R CH2Cl CH2CN CH2Ph OTMS R Yield 94 80 94 N3 ee% 95 92 93 JACS, 1996, 7420 t-Bu R,R-7 2,2 Disubstituted Epoxides also Serve as Substrates for Jacobsen AE • Sterically hindered epoxides (iPr, tBu substituted) are not reactive R1 O H3C racemic TMSN3 R,R-7 2 mol% i-PrOH TBME 23°C H R1 R1 OH H3C N3 + H3C N O N Cr t-Bu O t-Bu O N3 t-Bu 0.5 equivalents of HN3 are generated by mixing equimolar amounts of TMSN3 and iPrOH R1 TBSOCH2CH2 PhCH2CH2 C5H11 cC6H11 H epoxide Yield, ee 42, 99 44, 97 42, 99 46, 98 azido alcohol yield, ee 47, 90 45, 92 44, 95 40, 99 t-Bu R,R-7 TL 2000, 7303 Kinetic Resolution of Terminal Epoxides via Highly Enantioselective Ring-Opening with Phenols O OH + O H N R2 R2 OH2 N Co t-Bu R1 R1 racemic H OH R,R-8 TBME O t-Bu 2 equivalents t-Bu R,R-8 R1 H H p-CH3 o-Br p-NO2 R2 CH2Cl COCH2CH3 C4H9 C4H9 C4H9 yield 97 96 95 98 93 ee% 99 96 97 92 91 JACS, 1999, 6086 A remarkable dynamic kinetic resolution achieved with epibromohydrin: O Br + racemic 1.05 equivalents OH 1.0 equivalent R,R-8 TBME 4 mol% LiBr CH3CN 3Å MS OH O Br t-Bu O OC(CF3)3 Enantioselective Opening of Meso Epoxides: 1. R,R-6, (2mol%) Et2O, TMSN3 R O R 2. CSA, CH3OH R H N3 H N R N Cr OH t-Bu O t-Bu O Cl t-Bu t-Bu R,R-6 Substrate Product Yield N3 O ee (%) 72% 81 80 95 65 82 OH N3 FmocN O FmocN JACS, 1995, 5897 OH H3C H3C N3 O H3C H3C OH • epoxides fused to five-membered rings show higher ee than those fused to 6-membered rings and acyclic substrates
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