View package - Tourism Sault Ste. Marie
View package - Tourism Sault Ste. Marie
2015 Membership Benefits 2 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SAULT’S FESTIVAL NETWORK N E T W O R K The Sault Ste. Marie Festivals & Events Network officially formed in the fall of 2004. Tourism Sault Ste. Marie and the private sector tourism partners understand the importance of festivals and events and the opportunities that exist to attract tourists to Sault Ste. Marie on a year-round basis. A number of studies conducted in the past have suggested the formation of a Sault Ste. Marie Festivals office. After discussing the concept with key festival and event organizers, the idea to F E S T I V A L S & E V E N T S form a festivals’ network best suited the needs of the local festival organizations and the Sault Ste. Marie Festivals & Events Network was created. TOURISM SAULT STE. MARIE Tourism Sault Ste. Marie (TSSM) has established itself as the lead organization for tourism marketing and development. With the continued support from industry partners, Tourism Sault Ste. Marie has evolved into a cooperative marketing model that is now being emulated by other communities across the province. The success of the “Marketshare” programs, has provided a vehicle by which all other attractions and events can participate and become part of the critical mass that helps establish Sault Ste. Marie as a vacation destination. With the introduction of a DMF (Destination Marketing Fee), TSSM has been able to increase its the ability to bring these products to the market. GO AL o f T HE SAU LT ST E . MARIE FE ST I VALS & E VE NT S NE TWO RK Build on the SSM Festivals & Events Network, and provide guidance in areas of research, development and marketing to enhance ability to grow and attract non-resident participants. S A U L T S T E . M A R I E marketing and product development, so as to broaden the base of product offerings, along with TOU RI S M S A U LT ST E. M ARI E 2 015 VISION 3 T h e v i s i o n o f t h e S a ul t S t e. Ma ri e F e st i v a ls & Ev e n t s Ne t w o rk i s t o s u p po r t e x i st i n g a n d d e v e l o p n e w f e s t i va l s & e v e n t s i n t h e S a ul t N E T W O R K S t e . Ma ri e a r ea b y pr o v id i n g a r a n g e o f p r o g r am s a n d se r v ic e s to s u p po r t f e s t i v al s a n d e v e n t s go a l s, w h i l e a c ti n g a s a c e n t r al i z e d r e s o ur c e fo r f e st i v a ls a n d e v e nt s E V E N T S w i t h i n t h e t o u ri s m i n d u st r y. MISSION T h e S a u l t S t e. Ma r ie F e s ti v a l s & Ev e n ts S A U L T S T E . M A R I E F E S T I V A L S & Ne t w o r k i s s u p p or t e d b y T o u ri s m S a ul t S t e. Ma r i e , a d i v is i o n o f t h e S a ul t S t e. Ma ri e Ec o n om i c D e v e lo p me n t Co r po r a ti o n d e d i c at e d to p ro v i d i ng s u p p or t , p r e s e nt i n g a u n i t e d vo i ce , a c r ea t i n g a n e f f e c ti v e n e t w o r ki n g e n v i ro n m e nt f o r f es t i v al a n d e v e n t s m em b e r s t o o p e r at e mo r e e f f e c t i v el y. M A N D AT E To raise the profile of festivals & events in the Sault Ste. Marie area To market Sault Ste. Marie & area festivals & events as ‘destination’ quality, in conjunction with Tourism Sault Ste. Marie (TSSM) To provide a communication link between festival and event organizers To gather and distribute information which aids in the development of festivals and events To act as a central resource for the public searching for information on festivals and events To advocate as a cohesive group, on issues affecting festivals and events. TOU RI S M S A U LT ST E. M ARI E 2 015 NETWORK DEVELOPMENT The members of the network have established the membership criteria, operation guidelines and marketing activities to strengthen Sault Ste. Marie as a festivals & events destination. Working closely with TSSM, the network will undertake new initiatives in 2015 to develop a marketing strategy to enhance the visitation, awareness and programming of the city’s multitude of festivals and events. MARKETING BUDGET TSSM has designated an annual marketing budget for the FEN to promote Sault Ste. Marie as a festivals & events destination of the north. This budget is used for initiatives that support the festival and events network as a whole. WEBSITE Launched in 2007, the site is digital gateway providing information about the member’s festivals and events. Profiles will showcase images, information, links, and interactive google maps. Home page of will feature your event as the day approaches. Sqorch came onboard in 2014 with a daily events sections which highlights all things to do in Sault Ste. Marie. S A U L T S T E . M A R I E F E S T I V A L S & E V E N T S N E T W O R K 4 TOU RI S M S A U LT ST E. M ARI E 2 015 SOCIAL MEDIA Your upcoming events or festivals will be shared with all our friends and followers via Facebook and Twitter with direct links and images. Northern Ontario Web Portal is a website gateway to the northern cities. Stories of our local attractions, events and festivals or featured every month. ( ADVERTISTING-Print Ontario Tourism & FEO publishes an annual magazine with 250,00 distributed around Ontario. SSMFEN is advertised in this magazine as one of Ontario premier networks which promotes awareness of the website and the great community events offered in the Sault. S A U L T S T E . M A R I E F E S T I V A L S & E V E N T S N E T W O R K 5 The Sault Ste. Marie Visitors Guide lists year around events and festivals. With distribution of 80,000 copies all over Ontario and upper Michigan, this guide is the only magazine handed out the Agawa Canyon Tour Train as well as incoming major sports tournament and conferences. SSMFEN places an ad in the guide annually. RACK CARD The Sault Ste. Marie Festival & Events Network members receive a listing in the Tourism Sault Ste. Marie rack card. This publication is distributed in Ontario and Upper Michigan. TOU RI S M S A U LT ST E. M ARI E 2 015 FE S TIVA L S & E V E N TS NE TW OR K ME M BE R BE NI FI TS N E T W O R K Eligible for the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary positions Voting privileges Grant sourcing Advertising and social media One-Stop information source Education opportunities: Seminars and workshops Network with other local event leaders Representation & Membership with FEO (Festivals & Events Ontario) FEO Member discounts Updates, provincial event information through FEO, OTMPC and Tourism S A U L T S T E . M A R I E NETWORK BENEFITS E V E N T S To be eligible you must be located in Sault Ste. Marie & area and host an annual festival or event and/or be an event-producing agent whose interest supports the mission and mandate of the Sault Ste. Marie Festivals & Events Network. & F E S T I V A L S 6 Northern Ontario MARKETING BENEFITS Sault Ste. Marie Annual Visitors Guide ~ Event highlighted *80,000 distributed (Print & Downloadable version available) Unlimited event listings on the website SSMFEN co-op participation with TSSM designated annual marketing budget Regional media opportunities & marketing campaigns with TSSM Sault Ste. Marie Visitors Map ~ One event listing with logo Sault Ste. Marie Festivals & Events RackCard TSSM social media posts (Facebook & Twitter) Tourist Kiosk at the SSM airport and Algoma Centre Railway Depot Annual Fe stivals & Events Memb ership Fee $500 + H ST TOU RI S M S A U LT ST E. M ARI E 2 015 CURRENT NETWORK MEMBERS Be part of the team developing the Sault Ste. Marie & area as the Festival Destination of the North! ALGOMA FALL FESTIVAL CITY SSM/RECREATION & CULTURE DIVISION C.S.D. ONTARIO WINTER CARNIVAL BON SOO HILTON BEACH TOWNSHIP MUSICAL COMEDY GUILD ROTARYFEST SAULT COMMUNITY CAREER CENTRE SHADOWS OF THE MIND FILM FESTIVAL THE GREAT TUGBOAT RACE THE LUNG ASSOCIATION S A U L T S T E . M A R I E F E S T I V A L S E V E N T S CANADIAN BUSHPLANE HERITAGE CENTRE & N E T W O R K 7 TOU RI S M S A U LT ST E. M ARI E 2 015 For additional information about the Network and to become a member contact the Tourism Sault Ste. Marie Office for more details. 99 Foster Dr. Level 1 Phone: 705-759-5442 Fax: 705-541-7371 Email: [email protected]