our Eat In Menu
our Eat In Menu
Our famous BREAKFASTS L ite Bites & LUNCHES Jacket POTATOES All OF OuR buRGERs ARE sERVED IN A sOFT TOAsTED bAp wITh lETTuCE, TOMATO & MAYO wITh A ChOICE OF ChIps, spICY wEDGEs OR A JACkET pOTATO, hOMEMADE COlEslAw AND A ChOICE OF DIps, swEET ChIllI, bbQ, hOT ChIllI OR GARlIC MAYO. - sERVED uNTIl 2pM - All DAY bREAkFAsT 1 x prime back bacon, 1 x free range egg, 1 x West Country pork sausage, 1 x hash brown, Heinz baked beans, mushrooms, thick cut toast and tea or regular coffee. £5.30 ThE “NO5” bREAkFAsT 2 x prime back bacon, 2 x free range eggs, 2 x West Country pork sausages, 2 x hash browns, Heinz baked beans, mushrooms, thick cut toast and tea or regular coffee. Things on Toast ! sERVED ON FREsh FARMhOusE bREAD FREE RANGE sCRAMblED OR pOAChED EGGs £2.80 FREE RANGE sCRAMblED OR pOAChED EGGs wITh sMOkED sAlMON £4.00 hEINz bAkED bEANs £2.80 GRIllED ChEDDAR ChEEsE £2.80 ADD bACON OR sAusAGEs TO ANY OF ThE AbOVE £1.00 £6.50 All DAY VEGGIE bREAkFAsT V 1 x free range egg, mushrooms, 1 x vegetarian sausage, 1 x hash brown, Heinz baked beans, tomato, thick cut toast and tea or regular coffee. £5.30 ChIlDREN’s bREAkFAsT Choose any 4 items from the breakfast menu. £2.80 ADD ANY EXTRA ITEM FOR 70p Grilled tomato, black pudding, fried bread sOup OF ThE DAY Fresh soup of the day served with a warm crusty roll. £3.80 sOup & sANDwICh Fresh soup and a sandwich of your choice. bAGuETTEs, CIAbATTAs, sANDwIChEs AND wRAps Choose from our range of fillings. Served with salad garnish, homemade coleslaw and potato crisps. bACON OR sAusAGEs IN A bAGuETTE/bAp/sOFT CIAbATTA £3.00 Hot Grilled Paninis/Ciabattas/Wraps (Bacon, sausage, fried egg, hash brown.) £4.00 VEGGIE bREAkFAsT bAGuETTE/bAp/sOFT CIAbATTA V (veggie sausage, fried egg, mushrooms) £3.50 TOAsTED TEA CAkE wITh JAM £1.50 2 slICEs OF TOAsT with a choice of marmalade, jam or Marmite £1.50 DANIsh pAsTRIEs £1.50 pORRIDGE choose strawberry jam, Golden Syrup or honey £2.50 EGGs ON TOAsT All sERVED wITh sAlAD GARNIsh AND hOMEMADE COlEslAw Chicken, chorizo & cheddar Houmous, roasted peppers & mozzarella V Brie, bacon & cranberry Goats cheese & caramelised onions V Spicy meatballs & mozzarella Pepperoni, jalapenos & mozzarella Tuna & mozzarella Chicken, bacon & mozzarella Gammon ham & cheddar Pesto, chicken, red onion & mozzarella BBQ chicken red onion & mozzarella Bacon, stilton & caramelised onions Tomato, mozzarella & pesto V Sweet chilli beef & mozzarella Or invent your own ! All the above can be served as a toasted sandwich or a baguette melt if you prefer. Free range scrambled or poached £2.80 plAIN JACkET V COTTAGE ChEEsE & ChIVEs V hEINz bAkED bEANs & ChEEsE V pRAwN COCkTAIl hOMEMADE ChIllI CON CARNE TuNA MAYO hOMEMADE ChICkEN CuRRY spICY MEATbAlls VEGETAblE CuRRY V ChEDDAR ChEEsE V £3.50 £4.20 £4.80 £5.20 £4.80 £4.80 £4.80 £5.20 £4.80 £4.20 £4.50 ed Our 4oz beef burgers are locally produc using 100% West Country Beef. ClAssIC 4oz bEEF buRGER £5.50 DOUBLE UP FOR JUST £1.00 M O R E! Add cheese, bacon, free range egg, mushrooms, onion rings for 70p each CRIspY 4oz ChICkEN buRGER £5.50 EXTRA FIllINGs 70p or choose from our range of baguette fillings DOUBLE £5.80 FROM £3.50 bIG bREAkFAsT bAGuETTE/bAp/sOFT CIAbATTA lARGE OVEN bAkED JACkET pOTATO, sERVED wITh sIDE sAlAD & hOMEMADE COlEslAw UP FOR JUST £1.00 Salads M O R E! spICY VEGGIE bEAN buRGER V A lARGE bOwl OF sEAsONAl sAlAD INCluDEs MIXED lEAVEs, ChERRY TOMATOEs, CuCuMbER, RED ONION, GRATED CARROT, DICED pEppERs, swEETCORN, CRIspY CROuTONs AND hOMEMADE COlEslAw sERVED wITh YOuR ChOICE OF FRENCh OR CAEsAR DREssING. hOT ChICkEN & bACON ChEDDAR ChEEsE GRIllED GOATs ChEEsE hOME COOkED hAM ATlANTIC pRAwNs FREE RANGE pOAChED EGGs £5.25 £5.20 £5.20 £5.25 £5.60 £5.25 Or choose from our range of baguette fillings Made with red kidney beans, carrots, onion and green peppers with a mild curry seasoning. £5.80 All served with chips or spicy wedges AuThENTIC Bockwurst hot dog sausage in a baguette with fried onions. Extras £4.50 ChIllI DOG Bockwurst sausage smothered in chilli cone carne and jalapeno peppers. pORTION OF ChIps OR spICY wEDGEs wITh ChEEsE wITh ChIllI ONION RINGs GARlIC bREAD GARlIC bREAD wITh MElTED ChEEsE FIsh FINGER sANDwICh/bAGuETTE ChIp buTTY OR bAp £1.80 £2.30 £3.00 £1.50 £1.50 £2.00 £3.00 £2.20 £5.50 ChEEsE DOG Bockwurst sausage covered with melted cheese. £5.00 VEGI DOG V 2 vegetarian sausages in a baguette with fried onions. £4.50 Hearty CLASSICS Omelettes Hot & Cold DRINKS 3 FREE RANGE EGG OMElETTE, sERVED wITh A sAlAD GARNIsh AND hOMEMADE COlEslAw. Choose from: hOT ROAsT pORk bAGuETTE Served with apple sauce, stuffing, crackling, salad garnish and homemade coleslaw. £4.80 hOT sTEAk bAGuETTE Served with caramelised onions, salad garnish and homemade coleslaw. MATuRE ChEDDAR ChEEsE V hOME COOkED GAMMON hAM MushROOM V ROAsTED pEppERs & MOzzAREllA V ROAsT ChICkEN bREAsT bACON £5.25 £5.90 Teas ENGlIsh bREAkFAsT EARl GREY pEppERMINT FRuIT (VARIOus) DECAF Coffees hAM, EGGs & ChIps Home cooked gammon ham, 2 free range eggs and chips or spicy wedges. £5.20 sAusAGE, EGG & ChIps Local butchers sausages, free range egg, Heinz baked beans and chips or spicy wedges. whERE pOssIblE wE CAN REDuCE ThE pORTION sIzE OF ThE MEAl AND ThE COsT! plEAsE Ask A MEMbER OF sTAFF. £5.00 sCAMpI & ChIps £6.95 Something SWEET CORNIsh pAsTY Cornish pasty of your choice, chips or spicy wedges & Heinz baked beans. £5.50 sAusAGE ROll Large sausage roll, chips or spicy wedges & Heinz baked beans. £4.00 wE hAVE A lARGE sElECTION OF CAkEs, pAsTRIEs, MuFFINs AND TRAY bAkEs AVAIlAblE FROM ThE COuNTER. FROM £1.50 ICE CREAM EGGs, bEANs & ChIps V £4.50 Don’t forget to also check our daily specials board ! lARGE £1.70 £1.50 £1.90 £1.90 £2.00 £2.00 £1.70 £2.10 £2.10 £2.20 hOT ChOCOlATE DEluXE hOT ChOCOlATE REGulAR lARGE £2.00 £2.30 £2.20 £2.50 (whIppED CREAM & MARshMAllOws) Thick Milkshakes sTRAwbERRY, ChOCOlATE OR bANANA CAppuCCINO FRAppE £2.00 £2.20 whIppED CREAM & TOppING 50p u n e M Eat in OpENING hOuRs MON-FRI 6.45AM-3.30pM • sAT 8.00AM-1.30pM T: 01935 433665 E: [email protected] www.number5catering.co.uk Vanilla ice cream with caramel or chocolate sauce. £2.75 wARM ChOCOlATE bROwNIE 2 free range eggs, Heinz baked beans, chips or spicy wedges. REGulAR Hot Chocolate £6.20 Deep fried fish with chips and peas. AMERICANO EspREssO lATTE CAppuCCINO MOChA DECAF AVAIlAblE AT NO EXTRA COsT sYRups OR whIppED CREAM 20p EXTRA Breaded whole tail scampi, chips, peas and salad garnish. FIsh ‘N’ ChIps £1.20 £1.30 £1.40 £1.40 £1.30 sTICkY TOFFEE puDDING bElGIAN wAFFlEs AND MAplE sYRup blACkbERRY AND ApplE CRuMblE Served with double cream, vanilla ice cream or custard All £3.50 A lARGE sElECTION OF COlD sOFT DRINks ARE AVAIlAblE FROM ThE ChIllER CAbINET. Please help yourself ! GluTEN FREE OpTIONs ARE AVAIlAblE plEAsE Ask A MEMbER OF sTAFF FREE follow us on TM & GluTEN FREE OpTIONs ARE AVAIlAblE plEAsE Ask A MEMbER OF sTAFF
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