Autumn 2004 - Spring 2005


Autumn 2004 - Spring 2005
AUTUMN 2004 – SPRING 2005
March 19 – April 01, 2005 (14 days)
Madrid – El Escorial – Avila – Segovia – Toledo –
Granada – Malaga – Gibraltar – Seville – Cordoba –
Algarve – Lisbon
April 27 – May 09, 2005 (13 days) or
May 01 – May 09, 2005 (9 days)
Veterans Tours: Amsterdam – The Hague – Keukenhof
Gardens – Bergen op Zoom – Bruges – Adegem – Ypres –
Oostende – Brussels – Antwerp – Apeldoorn – Groesbeek
– Nijmegen – Holten
ADD ON TOUR to Berlin – Prague - Vienna
April 27 – May 06, 2005 (10 days)
September 12 – 24, 2005 (13 days)
Berlin – Dresden – Prague
then Danube River Cruise aboard the
(Passau – Linz – Melk – Wachau – Vienna – Budapest)
November 2005 (17 days)
The Highlights of India – including Delhi – Mumbai –
Calcutta – Goa … details and exact dates TBA
2004 and 2005 - Memorable years for our Veterans
Our large 60th Anniversary Normandy group at the
Vimy memorial in June 2004
Photo courtesy Ken MacLeod
May 06 - 20, 2006 (15 days)
Cruise from Moscow to St.Petersburg aboard the
comfortable MS YESENIN – including all the famous sites
of these 2 cities and spectacular scenery
and villages in between
3503 East Hastings Street, Vancouver B.C. V5K 2A8 Canada
tel: 604.291.1332 fax: 604.291.1378 [email protected]
B.C. Reg. #23625
Dear Friends,
Another year has passed since our last newsletter and after a busy spring
and summer we are in the middle of preparations for the upcoming travel
season. Our 2004 tours worked out wonderfully and we are happy that
so many of you came along on our tours this past year.
Our HIGHLIGHTS OF CHINA tour in March and the cruise on the
Yangtze River gave our travelers a great insight into the life along the
famous river and they could also witness first hand the engineering feat of
the enormous dam that is being built there. Destroying so much and at the
same time providing so much for the largest country in the world.
OF ENGLAND with Harry and Caren HEINE in April and May was
another successful tour in the long line of painting tours with Harry and
Caren. Looking back it has become an even more special trip, as it was the
last tour of our great friend Harry. He passed away September 25 in
Victoria (see the write up in this newsletter).
The cruise from VIENNA TO THE BLACK SEA in May was a trip
through history and quite an eye opener as we witnessed countries
(Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania) that were locked behind the iron curtain
for many years – trying to catch up with the West. We saw historic towns,
remote villages (like St.George in the Delta of the Danube) and many
were surprised by the architecture and impressive buildings in cities like
MEMORIAL TOUR in June was an exceptional time as we shared the
experience with many Veterans who stepped back on to the beaches where
they landed 60 years ago. Despite all the security issues and worries (as
many world leaders met in Normandy to commemorate the historical
event of June 06, 1944) all went great and spending time at the
Canadian Juno Memorial in Courseulles was very rewarding. Our visits
of WWI sites in Verdun, at the Somme, Vimy and around Ypres added to
our journey through history of the 20th century.
September saw us traveling aboard the NORWEGIAN SUN up to
Alaska, sitting back and enjoying the scenic West Coast along with
charming towns like Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway and Wrangell. Who
doesn’t like to just sit back at times and let himself be pampered – as is the
case on a cruise.
As this newsletter is being printed a large group of our veterans are on tour
to COMMEMORATE THE ITALIAN CAMPAIGN to take part in special
festivities from Cassino to Ortona and Rimini. Sicily is also on their agenda
and we hope that they are having a great tour, retracing the route they took
over six decades ago.
Apart from all these tours we have had hockey teams traveling to Europe
with us, playing games in Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Italy.
Hockey Teams from Europe came to see the World Cup of Hockey in
Montreal and Toronto this summer and we enjoyed having various high
school groups visiting Europe and experiencing homestays with local families
– and in turn Europeans from Italy and Austria coming to Canada, to make
these truly CULTURAL EXCHANGES. It was a first that we could be
involved in a high school from BC going to Guatemala to work at a local
orphanage for a week.
Our FREESTYLE HOLIDAYS department with Angela and Carrie has
been kept super busy, providing individual travelers with vacation packages,
cruises and exciting holiday programs around the globe.They keep putting in
many hours, making sure that you receive the best service and their expertise
for all your travel needs.
A variety of specialized itineraries for various interest groups round out our
repertoire and we are happy that the outcome of all our programs was
wonderful and positive. We achieved our goal – proving that we are worthy
of the trust that you put in us – in allowing us to customize your vacation for
you and it will be our goal in the future to maintain our level of quality and
high standards in dealing with you our valued traveling friends.
As you will see, we have a few new and exotic programs on our list for the
next 2 years. Many of you have let us know that you want to travel with us to
some new destinations. We are working with great partners in these new
areas. Assuring that the service and value for your money policy, which we
pride ourselves in, is in place. We are accompanying the groups to these
destinations and are looking forward to our tours to India, Egypt, Turkey
(we are happy to return there after we enjoyed a great and memorable tour a
few years back!) and especially to Russia.
So thanks again for being with us for another year – and we hope that we
can welcome you in the upcoming travel season on one of our special tours.
Enjoy the preview of the various tours we have planned. If you have any
questions – don’t be a stranger – call us …
Gery Valtiner Program Director
We have practised the art of abstaining from sending Christmas cards and would like to
extend our sincerest Holiday Wishes to you and your families
It is time to mention a few of our guides and
drivers – the ones who have guided a number of
our tours through the last years ….
great tour consists of so many stages. It
starts with setting up a good itinerary
that allows you to see the best places
and gives you a chance to experience the
countries and cities we travel through.
Choosing the right hotel, decent location and
good service for the price that fits the budget of
a tour. We then have to have an attractive
sightseeing program and allow you also to have
some time on your own to make your own
explorations. The food – selections of the
countries’ specialties – is also important. As far as
the weather is concerned we need a portion of
luck. Once all that is in place, we have to put our
faith and trust into the hands of 2 people who can
make or break the best prepared tour: First it is
the Guide or Tour Director who is with the group
from the time you arrive at the airport until
departure day. He is there 24 hours to make sure
you get information on the countries you travel
through. He looks after so many things, from
checking the group in to coordinating the daily
activities to make sure you get the most out of a trip.
Apart from that he is there to look after specific and
individual requests. In case of emergencies he has
to keep his head clear and make the right decisions.
He has to make sure a group "gels" as in many cases
people come from all walks of life and have to
become a "family" for the time of the tour.
Creating a fun and pleasant atmosphere on the bus
is a very integral part of a tour, as it is no fun to
travel in a group if you "cannot stand each other".
Setting the right tone on a tour is a job that might
not be "visible" but is very important. The style and
special touch of the guide will make you feel
comfortable within the group, and allow
you to relax and travel without worries.
Arthur, Jack and Peter have been working for us over
the last years guiding tours throughout Europe.
They have been there whenever we called upon
them, with their different styles, but full of
enthusiasm and knowledge.
And then we have of course our fearless
drivers who have to tackle the Autobahns
and the crazy city traffic of Paris or Rome,
to mention just a few. But no matter how
bad the weather or the traffic or how narrow
the roads through the mountains, the
patience and professionalism of the drivers
are key to the passengers feeling safe on their
Guides Gery & Arthur
Peter – funny . . .
those Brits
Cilli & Hermann
our trusted bus
company partners
Whoever travels with Arthur, will always be
entertained and in good hands. No matter what
time of the day and night, he is there to lend a
hand if needed and will go out of his way to
make sure everyone feels good. You might have
had the opportunity to listen to Jack’s musical talent
as he does get his guitar out once in a while. His
Irish background breaks through once joketelling time is on. Peter has also been with us for a
number of years, organized and reliable, with his
British sense of humor.
These guys have made sure that you all get the
most out of a trip through Europe, and we want
to thank them for a "job well done". And of
course we have also had the pleasure of working
with other guides on more sporadic occasions.
Gerhard from Austria, Kagan in Turkey, Dan in
Romania and on the Danube River, are just a few
we would like to mention.
We use various coach companies throughout
Europe but we like to work with a family run bus
company out of Austria if the routing allows it.
Their drivers have become an integral part of our
tours. Safe, helpful and courteous, they have
helped in making our programs a success.
Hermann, owner of the company and driving
himself at occasions. Sepp and Denis, who
are always there and ready to pick up our
groups. Anywhere from Lisbon to
Rome. Herbert who moved on to other
pursuits in the last couple of years and
post humously Fred and Alex …..two great
Jack (not E.T.) “phone home...”
from Normandy in 2004
They have all become part of our travel
family. For the efforts they put in and
the integrity towards our company we
would like to say:
We are looking forward to seeing you and your friends on one of our tours in 2005!!!
Following are brief descriptions of our upcoming trips. The detailed programs are either enclosed
or will be sent to you if you fill out the back page of this newsletter and send or fax it back to us.
2005 ———— 2005 ———— 2005 ————2005
March 19 – April 01, 2005 (14 days)
The Best of Castile, Andalusia and the Algarve
Escorted by Professor Maurice Williams and Linda Williams.
April 27 – May 09, 2005 (13 days)
Professor Maurice Williams teaches history at Okanagan
University College in Kelowna, BC. He will provide a
running historical commentary throughout the trip. From
the times of the Spanish Empire, which spanned the globe
to the Civil War, the country’s past and present will come
alive on this wonderful trip. Professor Williams and his wife
Linda have taken groups to Europe on various study trips
and his own research has taken him to Central Europe for
months at a time. Their personable and charming way with
groups make each trip a special tour with a "family-like"
atmosphere. The tour happens during the Holy Week, a
special time in Spain, when many local festivities take
From Madrid we will visit some of the surrounding
historic towns like Segovia, Avila and the Escorial. We then
travel south past Toledo to Granada with its magnificent
Alhambra. Along the Costa del Sol we will travel to the
Rock of Gibraltar and on to Andalusia’s charming city of
Seville. A visit to Cordoba with the Mesquite, a reminder
of the Moorish culture of 800 years, is also on the agenda
before traveling to the Algarve, where we visit Europe’s
most southwesterly point at Sagres. We end the trip in
Lisbon, the capital that stood in the international limelight
in the last years, hosting Expo and just recently the
European Soccer Championship.
Tour Cost:
From Vancouver Can$ 3590 / From Toronto Can$ 3290
One of the highlights of the tour will be the special
ceremony/parade in Apeldoorn.
On this tour we visit many special places in Holland,
from Amsterdam and The Hague to Nijmegen and
Arnhem, from Groesbeek to Holten to Bergen
Cemeteries. The Schelt Estuary and as far north as
Groningen and beyond. A half-day boat trip on the Rhine
River will also bring us to the Reichwald area. We will also
swing into Belgium and visit Maldegem, Adegem, the
Leopold Canal area Antwerp and of course Ypres.
Holland and Canada are tied through a special friendship
and we are sure to receive a wonderful welcome again by the
This tour will be in high demand and it certainly will sell
out throughout the year. Special celebrations of that
magnitude don’t come around often. For those of you who
participated in 50- and 55-year Anniversary events in
Normandy or Holland know that it will be a rewarding,
memorable and educational tour. Veterans and their
families, and anyone who enjoys history of Canada of the
20th century will be thrilled to participate in this special
Tour Cost:
From Vancouver Can$ 3590 / From Toronto Can$ 3290
2005 ———— 2005 ———— 2005 ————2005
May 01 – 09, 2005 (09 days)
This tour is a shorter version of the above tour,
concentrating on Holland only. A budget conscientious
tour which gives you all of the sites in Holland – staying in
ONE location in Central Holland only – easy on the travel
One of the highlights of the tour will be the special
ceremony/parade in Apeldoorn.
On this tour we visit many special places in Holland,
from Amsterdam and The Hague to Nijmegen and
Arnhem, from Groesbeek to Holten to Bergen
Cemeteries. The Schelt Estuary and as far north as
Groningen and beyond. A half-day boat trip on the Rhine
River will also bring us to the Reichwald area.
Tour Cost:
From Vancouver Can$ 2690 / From Toronto Can$ 2390
April 27 – May 06, 2005 (10 days)
CANADA in Innsbruck, Austria.
A fun tournament and tour with teams from Europe and
Canada. The program starts with a stay in Prague. Then we
travel for the tournament to Brno, the country’s second
largest city. From there we travel via Salzburg, Mozart’s
birth town, to Innsbruck, the capital of Tyrol. We enjoy the
Olympic city and watch Canada play Slovenia as well as the
USA. This package is a great value! A great getaway for any
hockey team. Individual players can opt to join an existing
Tour Cost:
From Vancouver from Can$ 2390 /
From Toronto from Can$ 2190
May 09- 15, 2005 (7 days)
An opportunity for those of you, participating in the
Holland Liberation Tours, to travel a bit further into
CENTRAL EUROPE. Travelers from both tours, the
LIBERATION OF HOLLAND, may join this special add
on tour and you can enjoy the magnificent capitals and
what they have to offer. Berlin, after the fall of the wall, has
become one of Europe’s fastest moving cities with
enormous construction and rebuilding efforts. Dresden
will be visited as well en route to Prague. The capital of the
Czech Republic has always been a favorite amongst travelers
with its historic squares and its great location. And Vienna,
the last stop, needs no introduction due to its rich
tradition of music and as seat of the Habsburg empire for
many centuries and the great architecture reminding us of
the grandeur of those days.
Tour Cost:
Add Can $ 1690 to the cost of the LIBERATION TOURS
(see description above)
The Ft.Saskatchewan Oil Barons
with their Czech opponents in Brno in 2004
2005 ———— 2005 ———— 2005 ————2005
November 2005 ( 17 days )
On this tour we are planning to visit some of the
marvelous places this country has to offer. It would be
impossible to visit all of India on one tour – and we are
picking out some of the special sites and cities: Delhi,
Mumbai, Calcutta, Goa, Varanasi on the Ganges River and
many unique and picturesque villages – and no visit to
India is complete without seeing the Taj Mahal of course!
From boat trips to train rides, theme dinners and exciting
tours... an exotic and spectacular journey.
September 12 – 24, 2005 (13 days)
We will once again travel on the fabulous AMADEUS
CLASSIC with all its comforts and wonderful services. All
outside cabins, all meals and entertainment aboard ship
and special excursions. We start our land pre tour in
fabulous Berlin, a must see after the fall of the wall and the
beautification the city went through since then. Next it is
on to Prague, one of Europe’s most charming capitals with
its historic squares and the spectacular location along the
Vltava River. We then board the ship near Regensburg.
This cruise will lead us through the most scenic parts of
Austria and Hungary. Via Passau and Linz we travel to Melk
with its Benedictine Monastery, see Dürnstein (where King
Richard the Lionhearted was kept prisoner) and stop in
Vienna, the ever-popular capital of Austria. Esztergom and
Szentendre are on the agenda before ending the tour in
Budapest. No other city along the Danube rivals this town
with its many bridges spanning the mighty Danube River.
After a couple of nights in Budapest we fly home.
Details and rates for this special tour will be out shortly
and sent out to everyone indicating their interest on the
last page of this newsletter.
This is one of the most spectacular ways to experience the
countries along the history-rich Danube River. Sit back on
the sun deck and watch the farms and villages glide by …..
As this is a special tour – with limited space aboard the ship
– we advise you not to leave it too long to commit to come
along on this truly exciting trip. A large choir from
Vancouver will be along on this tour and there is sure to be
fun and singing during this special cruise tour.
Tour Cost:
From Vancouver
from Can$ 3790 /
From Toronto from
Can$ 3590
The Taj Mahal,
one of the “Must See” places of the world
Courier Service in India?
The AMADEUS CLASSIC on the Danube
PREVIEW ———— 2006 ———— PREVIEW
We have pre sold this tour to a number of our loyal
travelers from the past already – and the interest level was
very high!!
The program and pre reservation form are already
available – make sure you are not left behind.
Tour Cost: From Vancouver from Can$ 4290 / From
Toronto from Can$ 3990
February 2006 (15 days)
A great adventure through a country that was home to
one of the great civilizations of ancient times. Cairo with
its hustle and bustle, great museums and mosques; Gizeh
with one of the Seven World Wonders, the Pyramids and
Alexandria, historic harbor town. Then we embark on a 5day cruise down the fabled Nile, the lifeline of the country.
Side trips in Luxor and Aswan will bring us closer to
Nefertiti and Ramses and their times. Next we relax for a
few days along the Red Sea with its exotic vistas and
beautiful beaches.
Details and rates for this special tour will be out shortly
and sent out to everyone indicating their interest on the
last page of this newsletter.
On the Waterways of the Russian Czars between Moscow
and St.Petersburg
May 06 - 20, 2006 (15 days)
October 2006 (17 days)
We have chartered the comfortable MS YESENIN for this
special trip on the Russian Waterways. On this tour we will
experience the Russian hospitality aboard the River Boat.
We will see the many special highlights of Moscow, from the
Kremlin to the Lenin Mausoleum and we will experience a
lecture by a Russian Cosmonaut. After leaving the capital
we will stop at picturesque and historic local towns like
Uglich, Yaroslavl, Goritsy, Kizhi, Svir Story and Valaam –
from Monasteries to Cathedrals and farm house museums
we will be able to get a picture of the variety this huge
country has to offer. And at the end of the cruise we will
experience St.Petersburg. Peter the Great made this town
into one of the world’s art treasures, a city with canals and
bridges. We will see the Palace of Catharine the Great and
of course the Hermitage museum.
This is a special trip and great way to see Russia. All
services, food, entrances and excursions are included on
this once in a lifetime tour, which we have put together.
The MS Yesenin is one of the more comfortable and
smaller ships on the Russian Waterways and due to its
limited size we urge you to let us know soon if you are
planning to come along.
Journey through a land with centuries old cultures who
left their legacies there: from the Greeks to the Romans,
they all came and established cities along the Aegean Sea.
Who doesn’t know the great story of Troy (which we will
visit)? We will see some marvels of the ancient world as in
Ephesus or Aphrodisias and enjoy the white "waterfalls" of
Pammukkale and the underground cities and abandoned
villages of Cappadocia. The Aegean coast with its beautiful
bays and villages and of course the only city spanning two
continents (Asia and Europe) – Istanbul, with its
incredible sites like the Hagia Sophia or the Grand Bazaar,
are also part of this wonderful tour!
Details and rates for this special tour will be out shortly
and sent out to everyone indicating their interest on the
last page of this newsletter.
14 night Panama Canal
7 night Alaska Cruise
From $1938 CAD ... incl. airfare
May 11 - 18, 2005 from only $470 USD
onboard Royal Caribbean’s newest ship
Sail round trip from Vancouver through the Inside Passage, with
stops in Juneau, Glacier Bay, Skagway and Ketchikan.
Serenade of the Seas
Port chgs/taxes $229.50 USD
One of the world’s greatest engineering feats, the Panama Canal
is becoming one of the most popular cruise itineraries with ports
of call in the Caribbean and the Mexican Riviera, but the
highlight is the transit of the Canal in which six massive locks
raise and lower the ship 85 feet.
Mini Cruises
May 3 - 7, 2005 4 night mini Alaska cruise sailing from
Vancouver to Seattle with a stop in Ketchikan. fr. $422 CAD
Port chgs/taxes $229.50 CAD
April 23 - May 7, 2005 Sail from San Juan, Puerto Rico to
San Diego with stops St. Thomas, Aruba, Panama Canal transit,
Fuerte Amador, Puntarenas, Huatulco, Acapulco and Cabo San
May 6 - 9, 2005 3 night weekend getaway sailing round trip
from Vancouver with stops in Seattle & Victoria fr. $351 CAD
Port chgs/taxes $156.71 CAD
Airfare is from Seattle. Port chgs/taxes $468.30 CAD
Ask about air packages available from other cities in Canada & the US
Going to Europe next summer?
Mexican Riviera Why not combine your European holiday
with a fabulous cruise?
January, February and March
8 night cruise fr. $480 USD
12 night Mediterranean cruise
Sail round trip from San Diego with stops in Acapulco,
Zihuatanejo/Ixtapa & Manzanillo. Port chgs/taxes $173.90 USD
onboard the world’s largest
oceanliner THE QUEEN MARY 2
from $2832 CAD
11 night Ultimate Caribbean
May 10, 2005 Sail roundtrip from Southhampton with stops in
Feb. 21, Mar. 14 or Apr.4, 2005, fr. $789 CAD
Vigo, Barcelona, Cannes, Livorno, Civitavecchia (Rome),
Gibraltar and Lisbon. Port chgs/taxes $577 CAD
Sail round trip from Tampa to Nassau, San Juan, St. Thomas,
St. Maarten, Tortola and Key West. Port chgs/taxes $392 CAD
12 night Mediterranean cruise
from $1300 USD
1o night Eastern Caribbean
Starting July 20, 2005 Carnival Cruise Lines will be offering a
series of eight Grand Mediterranean cruises onboard the brand
new CARNIVAL LIBERTY. Ports of call: Naples, Dubrovnik,
Venice (overnight call), Messina,Barcelona and Livorno. Port
April 8, 2005, fr. $966.60 CAD
Bonus $200 USD per cabin shipboard credit
Sail round trip from Ft. Lauderdale to Princess Cays, St.
Thomas, Martinique, St. Lucia, Grenada and St. Vincent.
chgs/taxes $297.07 USD
Port chgs/taxes $363.79 CA
11 night Panama Canal
Many other dates and exciting
destinations available at great prices!!
March 10, 2005, fr. $849 CAD
Sail round trip from Galveston stopping in Cozumel, Costa
Maya, Panama Canal cruising, Cristobal Peir, Puerto Limon
and Grand Cayman. Port chgs/taxes $319 CA
Fares are cruise only unless otherwise indicated, per person, based on
double occupancy. Rates are subject to availability at the time of booking
and may change without notice.
For all your holiday needs, cruises, sun destinations or airline tickets
call Angela and Carrie @ 604.298.2298
In the spring of 2005 Canadians will return to The
Netherlands to help the Dutch celebrate their 60th
Anniversary of Liberation. One of the brightest memories
Canadian veterans have regarding their service in The
Netherlands in WWII is the gratitude of the people they
liberated. No people in Europe greet Canadians with such
enthusiasm and deep affection as the Dutch people.
Nowhere are Canadian veterans made to feel more welcome
and honored. This gratitude is very easily and openly
displayed, as most people of The Netherlands speak English.
(No problem ordering lunch here!!)
Wageningen on May 5, 1945 when General Foulkes accepted the
surrender of Germany’s 25th Army under General J. Blaskowitz,
commander of German forces in The Netherlands.
Canada’s 5,706 war dead in The Netherlands are buried
at several War Cemeteries. The Canadian Forces began the
struggle for The Netherlands the previous September. The
7,600 plus Canadians who were killed in those nine terrible
months are buried in cemeteries from Belgium to Germany.
Adegem War Cemetery, located in the northwest corner of
Belgium, not far from the Dutch border, holds 848
Canadians. Bergen-op-Zoom War Cemetery in southwest
Canadian veterans remember
Holland contains 968 Canadian
how the Dutch opened their hearts
graves. Groesbeek War Cemetery,
and homes in 1995 during the
close to Nijmegen, contains 2,300
50th Anniversary. I’m sure it will
Canadian graves and the names of
again be true in 2005 during the
103 Canadians who have no
60th Anniversary celebrations.
known graves are listed on the
The Canadian Army liberated a
Groesbeek Memorial at the
majority of the country, at a cost
entrance to this cemetery. Holten
of some 7,600 Canadians. Our
War Cemetery, just north of the
army helped arrange a truce,
city of Holten in Northeast
which enabled food to be sent
Holland holds 1,355 Canadian
through the lines for the Dutch
graves. The Reichwald Forest and
population, which was starving in
Rheinberg War Cemeteries are
Gery and “the Boys” in Normandy 2004 –
1944/45. In 1942, Dutch Crown
in Germany, just east of the
back to Holland in 2005!
Princess Juliana arrived in Canada
Dutch border. The Reichwald
where she made her wartime home. On January 19th 1943,
Cemetery holds 706 RCAF graves and one Canadian
in a room in Ottawa’s Civic Hospital, which was decreed to
soldier. The Rheinberg Cemetery contains 516 Canadian
be Dutch territory for the event, her daughter Princess
Margriet was born.
Sincere ties of friendship between The Netherlands and
The Netherlands are important for the Canadian Army
Canada exist to this day. Evidence of this can been seen each
for another reason: Operation "Goldflake". This operation
spring in Ottawa when the tulips bloom, as friendships
saw the reuniting of Canadian units that had been fighting
made continue through the distance of years and miles, and
in Italy with the Canadian forces in NW Europe. North of
by the care and attention bestowed on the graves of our
Nijmegen, March 15, 1945, Gen. Foulkes’ headquarters became
operational again and at the end of March, Canada’s 5th
Armored Division re-entered the line south of Arnhem.
The 1st Canadian Infantry Division was also ready in NW
Written by Gary Pawson, son of Ernest Pawson, Royal Canadian
Europe at the beginning of April.
Electrical Mechanical Engineers, attached to 3rd Divison on
Memorable battles took place in The Netherlands, the
Gary is avid about keeping the memories alive, by going out
names of which are displayed on Canada’s Regimental Flags.
schools and educating students on Canadian war history.
The Scheldt and the winter of 1944 on the Maas. The
has been on several pilgrimages to Normandy and
"sinking" of Walcheren. Nijmegen, Arnhem, Bergen-opHolland himself, continuously learning and talking with
Zoom, Deventer, Eindhoven and Groningen.
Veterans about their experiences. Gary will be along again in
Canadians played the part of Liberators, and the Dutch
May 2005 on our special tour commemorating the 60th
have not forgotten. The mission was completed at
Anniversary of the Liberation of Holland.
n our last newsletter we had a special page dedicated to a `
Course, Harry’s artistic career began as the art director for
special friend and wonderful artist, titled "HARRY HEINE
the Alberta Worker’s Compensation Board. He soon went
– Portrait of a Canadian Artist". We did not think that so
on to establish himself as one of Edmonton’s leading
designers and illustrators, and moved into architectural
soon we would face the sad task to add another write up – this time to say
design and interiors with the founding of the successful
Designs of Canada company with
I am proud that I could get to know Harry over
another noted Edmonton artistic
10 years ago on one of our first trips together to
visionary, Dave Maclagan.
Europe. As he was a person who had the ability to
Motivated by a particularly glorious
make people around him feel good – it was easy
on British Columbia’s West
and no other way than to like Harry. His positive
coast, Harry relinquished the design
outlook on life and enjoyment of places and
business and moved his family to the
people around the world are special attributes
idyllic seaside town of Qualicum Bay on
that we all should try to achieve. I cannot think of
Vancouver Island. Lending his hand to
a single day on any of our trips when Harry was
fine art, he opened the first Spindrift
not in a good mood, and out there cheering up
Studio in an original log cabin off the
Island Highway.
We had wonderful discussions about all kinds of
matters of the world – and his straight forward
The misty character of the coast
way of looking at things, based on a foundation of
progressively seeped into his artwork, as
good and solid values made him a great teacher of
Harry’s new home became the focus of his
artistic inspiration, with signature
life in general. As such he left his legacy and mark
images of rocky seas, sheltered west coast
on many around him whom he touched, like
Harry – always smiles
inlets and working harbours. Harry’s use of
myself. As sad as it is that I will not be able to chat
when he was near his beloved sea
watercolours perfectly suited the coastal
with my friend Harry anymore – I am happy that I
hues and light, capturing the spray of the Pacific’s waters as
met him and that he left his mark on my life – which I in turn will be able
a boat crested through waves, or the daily struggle of life
to pass on to others…
upon a gill-netter or seiner off the shores of Vancouver
Thanks Harry.
Island or the Queen Charlotte Islands.
Your friend
Harry’s grasp of light and perspective, along with an
inherent style that grasped the emotion of his scenes and
the windswept majesty of the coast, garnered the attention
of the Royal Society of Marine Artists ("RSMA") in the
Harry Heine RSMA, SFCA, CSMA, NWWS, succumbed to
United Kingdom, a group of less than 50 masters, based in
his battle with cancer just before sunrise September 25th,
London. In 1980 the RSMA inducted Harry as their first
2004 at Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, British
and sole Canadian member. Since his induction Harry’s
Columbia. His passing is a blow to the Canadian art
works have exhibited regularly with the RSMA in London
community and the thousands of students and fellow artists
and in gallery exhibitions around the globe.
he inspired throughout his 76 years. During his
remarkable career, Heine toured the world and shared his
Harry was also recognized with the Stobart Foundation
unique vision. He is most renowned for his evocative
Award for marine and nautical art, and he has continued
watercolour interpretations of life on Canada’s rugged west
to show at the Mystic Seaport Marine Museum of the
coast, where his work has become synonymous with British
Americas in Connecticut. Harry’s "grasp of composition
Columbia’s natural beauty.
that could take daily life along the coast and transform it
from the mundane into the breathtaking, without deviating
Harry, the youngest son in a family of five, was born in
from the veracity of the subject" set him apart, and created
Edmonton Alberta in 1924. Self taught through the aid of
the signature style for which his watercolours and acrylics
Albert Dorne, Norman Rockwell et al’s Famous Artists
are so well known.
the Sail & Life Training Society and the Vintage Vessel
Registry. Harry was also selected from a national list of
artists to participate in the judging of the Canadian Mint
Coins for the 2000 millennium special edition coins.
Harry also taught in earnest to thousands of students across
the Province. Never a man to shy away from the crowds, he
would proceed through paintings in front of wonderstruck
students, intent on demonstrating his creative process
from start to finish. His teaching style was marked by a
humble demeanour while he continued to answer technical
questions about pigments, brushes, paper and his
inspiration. While he demonstrated the key techniques that
he had mastered over the years, he would continually sing
the praises of his three children Caren, Mark and Jennifer, all
of whom have gone on to become successful artists.
Harry was also one of the founders and Charter Members
of the Canadian Society of Marine Artists ("CSMA") and
the Federation of Canadian Artists ("FCA"), and was a past
vice-president of both Societies. He was also a member of
the Northwest Watercolor Society ("NWWS"). In 1983, he
was named as an Honorary Alberta Artist in recognition of
his contribution to the Visual Arts and, in 1985 he became
an Honorary Citizen of the City of Victoria and an
Honorary Crew Member of Canada 1, Canada's entry in
the America's Cup yacht race. In 2004 Harry was
nominated by admirers across the country for the Order of
Harry’s contribution to the Canadian art scene did not end
with his paintings of coastal images. Harry has painted
murals for Expo ’86 in Vancouver, Syncrude Canada, the
Royal Canadian Legion in Edmonton and the towns of
Chemainus, Vegreville, Fort Saskatchewan, and Chetwynd.
Harry has also illustrated numerous book covers, and
painted images still in use by the Department of Fisheries
and Oceans as posters all over the world.
Harry also led students around the world, with the aid of
his wife Tess, to paint across Canada as well as throughout
Europe, Asia and the Middle East. He has not only
enriched the lives of those he has taught, but also the
people he has met in his travels as he sat sketching at the
base of numerous monuments be they in Italy, the former
Soviet Union, China, or wherever his travels took him.
Notable painting commissions include the Canada I
Society (America’s Cup), Telecom Canada, the Shell
Canada Collection, the Oak Bay Marine Group, H.M.C.S.
Malahat, the Government of B.C. and Beautiful British
Columbia Magazine. His work hangs in many public
collections including the Legislative Buildings of the
Government of British Columbia; Washington State Arts
Commission Collection; Captain Cook Birthplace
Museum (England); Mystic Seaport Museum (U.S.A.);
The Provincial Maritime Museum (B.C.); The British
Columbia Government House
Collection; The Mendel
Gallery (Saskatchewan);
Edmonton Art Gallery and
the Alberta Art Foundation.
Harry’s life was also marked by
continual support of
innumerable causes, chief
amongst them the Sail and
Life Training Society
("S.A.L.T.S."), BC Cancer
and the Canadian Cancer
society, the Eye Appeal, and
the Art Gallery of Greater
Victoria and many other local
and Canadian charities. In
recognition of his contributions to
he has been made a Life Member of
Harry Heine’s art was an extension of his robust passion for
life. Although the man himself has moved on, he lives in
our hearts through his rich artistic legacy and the many
lives he has touched. He will be fondly remembered as one
of Canada’s premier watercolourists, and also as a loving
husband, father and friend to all that knew him. Harry is
survived by his artistic legacy as well as by his wife Tess, and
children Caren, Mark and Jennifer, and grandchildren Charlotte
and Sarah.
Harry, you will be missed.
A Retrospective of his work
is being planned in
conjunction with the Tall
Ships 2005 events in
Victoria, Harry’s home for
33 years.
Those wishing to contact the
family or view a sampling of
his artistic legacy can do so
at his web site at
The Maple cove – not many could create
the special West Coast mist and waves like Harry
Memories of past tours . . . .
Chuck and the Dundas Canucks: always ready to
play for a bottle of Schnapps on their Europe trips
Father Luxbacher conquering the Black Sea
on our 2004 Danube Cruise
The Crescent Coyotes from Toronto
taking the game to SV Spittal in Austria
School kids welcome our Veterans back
in Villanova, Italy
Sports and Culture meet in Duncan, BC during the Soccer
match between the Dorfkickers Seeboden from Austria and
the local Cowichan Natives
“Girls only please” on this photo
during our West Coast cruise
No high speed catamarans in the Danube Delta:
Black Sea Cruise 2004
Visitors from the Austrian Mountains: the Folk Dance group
from Kremsbrücke in Vancouver 2003
The Schuhplattler group from Weissbriach get into
the 19th century local spirit on their visit to
the West Coast in October 2004
Our Veterans are going places in 2004 and 2005 ...
Some of our Veterans got lucky, having a front row seat in
the bus in Northern France, when the road was blocked
to let the young ladies march by ...
Sometimes the Special Travel International/Freestyle Holidays
gang needs to relax too . . .
Our Veterans – appreciation
amongst the next generation
makes it all worthwhile
Thanks Ken McLeod
t has now been 10 years since Ken McLeod, Historian
from Langley, BC has started working with our
company on VETERANS tours to Europe.
Ken MacLeod puts a lot of thought and work into organizing back ground information on historic topics of the
areas we travel through and he also makes sure that the
ceremonies on the various cemeteries and sites are
fitting and respectful towards the Canadian Veterans who
were left behind in Europe during the campaigns of
WWI and WWII. Apart from that he tries to also fulfil his
‘work’ as photographer and ‘film producer’ - not an easy
task while being on a time schedule and on the move.
Ken also keeps in touch with many people in Europe,
from Italy to Normandy and Holland. These contacts are
valuable time witnesses of the
events 6 decades ago, and
meetings between our Veterans
and these locals are part of our
Ken MacLeod has made it almost his 2 nd profession,
interviewing veterans, recording first hand experiences,
and documenting personal events relating to Canadian
WWII history.
This is a time consuming and never ending task which
requires a lot of dedication and enthusiasm. It is
especially valuable as the time for gathering the
information is slowly running out
as the “first-hand” witnesses /
veterans are not going to be around
When we started our tours to
For all that work we at Special
France/Belgium and Holland as
International would like
well as Italy for Veterans some 10
to thank Ken MacLeod, as he is an
years ago, we relied very much on
integral part of our successful
the background information of Ken
tours and valuable in
and his expertise about Canadian
keeping the memories alive.
movements in the areas. Over the
Ken MacLeod and Bill Holliday with the Dutch
last 10 years we have had time to try
Ken MacLeod is always eager to hear
during the parade in Katwijk, Holland in 2000
and perfect the routings and
from you. He is continuously
itineraries. We have tried to create
trying to increase his information
tours that appeal to a broad audience. Veterans who wish
by learning from Veterans, or family members of
to revisit sites they have been at some 60 years ago,
Canadians who were part of WWII. He might also be able
families and friends of veterans who wish to re-trace the
to point you in the right direction, if you are on the
steps of their husbands / friends or relatives and also for
lookout for information.
history interested people who wish to learn more about
Canadian history away from the homeland.
Ken MacLeod, Box 3384, Langley, BC V3A 4R7
ph: 604.534.4015
During many of our tours Ken has been documenting
through interviews, photos and videos and also created
very valuable souvenirs for people travelling on our
In 1999 Gail Mathias and her husband set out to plan a trip back to Normandy to visit the grave of her brotherin-law, who died during the Normandy invasion. The book is a humorous account of one couple’s selforganized trip to England and France. All the little things that happen and can go wrong on an adventure like
that are written in a fun and entertaining way. The book makes for fun reading and you can get “ And we paid
to do it” The trip of a lifetime gone wrong, directly from the author. Send a cheque or money order for $ 10
(or contact her first at [email protected]) to Gail Mathias, C.P. 1199, Fort-Coulogne, PQ J0X 1V0.
Meet some of the groups that have enjoyed SPECIAL TRAVEL/Freestyle tours
The Vancouver Italian Folk Chorus was founded
The Austria Vancouver Club Melody Choir held
in 1970, with the purpose of keeping alive in the Italian
Community of Vancouver the rich heritage of Italian folk
it’s first practice in the year 1974. It is the purpose of the
group to enhance the Canadian culture with the wonderful
melodies from Austria. At present time there are 60
members enjoying their weekly practices.
From very modest beginnings, the Chorus has progressed
to where it now counts 45 members, and it has expanded its
repertory to include operatic pieces sacred music and
spirituals, though its staple remains the Italian folk song.
The Choir performs folk songs, waltzes, and excerpts from
lively Austrian Operettas. Activities include participation in
many cultural events in Canada and the United States.
Once a year the group hosts an afternoon at the Austria
Vancouver Club, where you can experience the music of
Austria with the choir and guest performers. There is also a
Spring concert, a Fall
concert as well as a
Christmas concert at the
In 34 years of activity the chorus has appeared numerous
times in various community events, not only in Vancouver,
but also in other communities of B.C. as well as in
Alberta and in the United
States. Once a year, the choir
hosts an Opera Night at the
Italian Cultural Centre in
Vancouver. There you can hear
opera arias beautifully sung by
new local talents and some well
known opera choruses
performed by the Vancouver
Italian Folk Chorus.
In the year 2002 the chorus
traveled to its roots and performed in Northern Italy and
some parts of Austria together with
members of the Austria Vancouver
Club Melody Choir.
Members of the Vancouver Italian Folk Chorus and AVC
Melody Choir during their trip to Italy/Austria in 2002 after a
performance in Mussolente, Italy
The year 2000 was a very
special year for the group. A
visit to Austria together with
the Edelweiss Dance group
was an unforgettable event.
It was the most wonderful
trip with a number of
performances in different
parts of Austria. The year
2002 was enhanced when
members joined with the
Vancouver Italian Folk Chorus
for a trip to Northern Italy.
The chorus enjoys travel and our weekly get together, which
not only lets us enjoy the music but also each others company.
Next trip will be in September of 2005 with a Central
Europe Tour & Danube River Cruise
The Austria Vancouver Club Edelweiss Dancers
Our dancers are between the ages of 20-55 with five "true"
couples among the group. We have become not only a
Schuhplattler group but
also a social group. Yearly
we go on multiple hikes,
camp throughout the
summer, ski throughout the
winter and we also have
summer barbeques and a
large Christmas party. We
believe that this is one of
the reasons that we are so
successful in dancing with
each other - we are a large
extended family.
Our group consists of
approximately 8 couples who
dedicate themselves to our
weekly practices and
numerous shows throughout
the year. Currently, we are
performing approximately
30 times over the year doing
2 sets of 5-6 dances for each
performance. We perform
approximately 3 times out of
town over the year but, in
1997, we were in Victoria,
Kimberley, Vernon, Whistler and Port
Send or fax this page to:
3503 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V5K 2A8 Fax: 604.291.1378
Or call us at 1 800 665 0998 or e-mail us at [email protected]
Yes, I want to receive more information about your SPECIAL
TOURS FOR 2005 & 2006
Please send me the following programs (indicate by ticking off appropriate boxes):
2005 •••••••••••• 2005 •••••••••••• 2005 •••••••••••• 2005 •••••••••••• 2005 •••••••••••• 2005
❒ "Spain & Portugal"
❒ " Liberation of Holland and Belgium"
❒ " Liberation of Holland"
❒ "Hockey Tournament Brno, Czech Republic
& World Championship in Austria"
"Central European Tour and River Cruise"
"A Touch of India"
March 19 – April 01, 2005
April 27 – May 09, 2005
May 01 – May 09, 2005
April 27 – May 06, 2005
September 12 – 24, 2005
November 2005
2006 •••••••••••• 2006 •••••••••••• 2006 •••••••••••• 2006 •••••••••••• 2006 •••••••••••• 2006
❒ " Ancient Wonders of Egypt and Nile Cruise"
❒ " Cruise the Russian Waterways From Moscow to St.Petersburg"
❒ "Treasures of Turkey"
February 2006
May 06 – 20, 2006
October 2006
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Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Province: _____________ Postal Code: ____________________ Phone: (________)_________________________________
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