Paula Brennan, Greater Dandenong
Paula Brennan, Greater Dandenong
The Future for Manufacturing…… An Australian Perspective Paula Brennan Economic Development Coordinator City of Greater Dandenong Australia 14 July 2010 History ….. 40% of the State’s Manufacturing Greater Dandenong today…. Net importer of Most culturally labour from diverse Council surrounding areas in Australia Australian Manufacturing….… where it’s come from…… Australian Manufacturing….… where is it heading…… Operating within a larger region 11 Councils 1.5 Million People 1 Plan Prosperity for the next generation Australia in a Global Context…. 731 Million people or 11% of the world’s population 3.8 Billion people or 60% of the world’s population So who will be our future manufacturers?…… Drivers Markets VISION Products, solutions Technologies © ICS Ltd. 2009 Present Short term Medium to long term So what are we doing…… Monash University Main Campus (Clayton) The Australian Synchrotron The Melbourne Centre for Nanotechnology The largest site of Australia’s CSIRO Australian Manufacturing….… Our Assets………. SEMIP as a part of a global pilot Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication Opened 2010 Manufacturers….… Where are they investing….. Gross Domestic Expenditure on Science & Tech R&D as a PERCENTAGE of GDP 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 2002 2004 Fr an ce Au st ra lia Ca na da Be Un lg iu ite m d Ki ng do m a Au st ri ar k De nm an y er m G St at es nd Un i te d Ic el a Ko re a Sw ed en Fi nl an d Ja pa n 0.0 2006 Barriers to entrepreneurship…… Our role………. THANK YOU… Paula Brennan Economic Development Coordinator City of Greater Dandenong Victoria, Australia [email protected] +61 408 354 193
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