FORT BEND COUNTY AUDITOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE County Auditor Form 1016 (Rev. 11107) INVOICE TRANSMITTAL 19638 Vendor # Vendor Name Phonoscope Enterprises Group A~dress 6105 Westline Drive City Houston Zip Code State 77036-3515 Texas Invoice #/Invoiee Date/Dese Date 05/14/13 Amount Invoice#66-335460 (02/12/13-02/18/13)-Partial 36.40 Invoice#124-335460 (03/01/13-03/31/13) 59.95 Invoice#125-335460 (04/01/13-04/30/13) 59.95 Invoice#126-335460 (05/01/13-05/31/13) 59.95 Account No. 294-335460-Phonoscope CATV , " approved by Comm. Ct. on 02/05/13 Total 216.25 County Auditor's Use Only CC Approval Date Check TYPle Audited By ,. Received .... Paid Treasurer's Register Stamp and Number ~ruJU~~\lrll ~2 9 2013 !~ COUNTY AUDITOR Service Address: 1517 EUGENE HEIMANN CIR PRECINCT ONE BLDG RICHMOND TX 77469-3620 Invoice #66-335460 FORT BEND COUNTY 1517 EUGENE HEIMANN CIR PRECINCT ONE BLDG RICHMOND TX 77469-3620 ($45.68) amount enclosed. do not send cashl or money order payable to: Please detach at the perforation, and enclose this portion with ypur Payment. Thank youl Service Address: I 1517 EUGENE HEIMANN CIR PRECINCT ONE BLDG RICHMOND TX 77469-3620 Invoice #66-335460 ($3.61) Please Indicate the amount enclosed, do not send cash I Please make ch~ck or money order payable to: I FORT BEND COUNTY ATTN: COMM.PCT.#1 301 JACKSON STREET RICHMOND, TX 77469 $571.95 Invoice #124-335460 Due Date Account Number @) PHONOSCOPE CABLE 6105 WESTLINE DR HOUSTON, TX 77036-3515 - . .. 713-272-4600 :Cu~t month charges reflected on this bill are .... ~--.,' ,.~" 311/2013 294-335460 , ( I Paym~nts through:2I18/2013 Billing Date 211912013 FORT BEND COUNTY 1517 EUGENE HEIMANN CIR PRECINCT ONE BLDG RICHMOND TX 77469-3620 ldue on·the 1~ ryowev,er any previ~us balances 'should be remitted now. Current month charges inot paid by lhe 10th are subject to a late fee and :posslble service interruption. ) Account t$mmary ", preVi~US balan~ $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 (-) Pa ments (=) A !er Payments Current Month Activity Bllllllg Questions Please Call: . .. -- ....... ... ~,,,,,-- -,,.--.~"' , • • • •" ~". "<" " .~ '" " Date , "'-""-'~'''''''''''''; 713-272-4600 , . . . , ... - . - - , . . .,.-,~ ... ~, .. " ~ ;Vou can alse. receive your bill electronically. Call i 713-272-4600 today and we can begin sending :your Phonoscope bill to your email address. 'We've made It easier to sign up for Auto Pay. To :pay your bill automatically each month by credit 8.• 25%. SALES ~AX ;card, simply ~II. out the !luthdrization form on the 'back of this :rtatement and man it back In the .;.;;:.--=--:;~r.s-n~rr~l~~ -: :~ale ~ ~,' ~. """"on_ ~ ~ I I " COUNTY AUDITOR $674.37 . 2si.oB ;'. ~16.;;"" . ..•.-- f0. =• I I 1FcEc~~uni~'I'D'mi'795" ., ...... -•..-...... pt'l. Totla~ CUrrent Charqes FFB:~ I $150 .00 po/. $150.00 $22.43 $72.80 $0. 611 $25.0iJI $25.00/ $25.0.0J $36.95 $119.90' $1.0o.X $45.68 ~ COMMImCIAL A!o INSTALL I COMMImCIAL INS'l'ALL 1ST; OUT"..ET ESSENTIAL BASIC 1 2/12 •. 2/28 EX?JREMI!l BASIC ! 2 2/12 •• 2/28 SERVICE PRO'l'PlC'l'J:ON PLAN 1 2/12 •• 2/28 Deposit I Deposit Deposit 3/1 .• 3/31 ESSENTIAL BASIC lilX'l'REME BASIC , 3/1 •• 3/31 SERVICE PROTECTION pLAk 3/1 •. 3/31 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/12/2013 2/13/2013 2/13/2013 2/13/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 3/1/2013 1 Amount I ••••••" ' ..." . . ; ;To View and pay your bill online, visit and go to My Account ,to log in or to create a PIN and activate your jaccount. I Description of Service (... I w I ..J! ~::! m~ ;:::: ..., - - - - -••- ~------- ..--•.., - - --.--.....-.-... --.-~ ..: .• i!i~~~ iCltyof Hou5',on Regulatory Affairs Division, PO Box 1562, Houston, TX mS1713-247-1104 I : -.... g~B..!j-\ ,c:fTI< I ! . ." .:Z: '"01"1 I ------.---~~=·='--·~--.~~-=.=.=.=.-~=--.~.==-=i--=-=.~.=-.=~'; ~_.~~c~ Service Address: 1517 EUGENE HEIMANN CIR PRECINCT ONE BLDG RICHMOND TX 77469-3620 Please detach at the perforation, and enclose this portion with Yarr payment. Thank Due Date Account No. 3/1/2013 294-335460 Previous Bal. $0.00 Payments YOUI~ C~rrent Charges Amount Due I $0.00 !, $674.37 $674.37 ~_ Amt Enclosed $ Invoice #124··335460 Please indicate the amount enclosed, do not send cash! Please make chtbck or money order payable to: PHONOSCOPE CABLE 6105 WESTliNE DR HOUSTOI-J, TX 77036-3515 I .. ':'" •:_'11111111111111111111111111111,11111.1111111.1.1.1111111.1.1111.1 1I",III'IIIIIIII,II"I,l,••• II"III",I~Jnj!T""I'IIII",I,L-----1 .. :; PHONOSCOPE dA.BLE j '. 1:1 !);6105 WESTUNS DR iiU/;HOUSTONITX7~036-3515 FORT BEND eOLlNTy;r..... 1517 EUGENE HEIM~~N erR PRECINCT ONE BLD~ ! RICHMOND TX 77469-3&.2.D..._.-;-.... " '. ' " ":::, . ; I :; , i,n, :·u':~ f J ___ ; , OV(\ Invoice #125-335460 PHONQSCOPECABLE 61:<;)5 ,WE~Ti'.JNEJ;)R . HGt;lS~~'~f.1f~}i'7~JS~:'3\S1;5. . 71'3-2724.600 $674.37 ($375.00) $299.37 1--______________j Bllnng;Questions·PteaseCall: I , 713-272.4600 I TpView'~r1d;P}!y,yolJrbillonline, visit 'MWW;phoiIO:~COI'l~c:atJIEl,,(;Omamt!ilo to My Account t~IOgindrto create·a·plN and' activate your apcount ~i)U can also receive your biUelectronically. Call 7P3-27Z4600'toda,y andwe can begin sending yrr Phonoseope;bill t()your email address. vye've made it easier to. sign up for Auto Pay. To 'ppy;yol'.rr,tJiI~J9utqmatici:lJIy.ieachrnonthby credit cciid s j '*aiitthOriZationJ6rmon,the; .b~ckQf!,. _ ent{ahd:1mail·~tb'abk;imt!1e'.(;;) i It::iuaea_'eri~etope; ." ... -' .. '. ··i i I 2/12/2013 3/18/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 4/1/2013 ~='"'" LATE CHARGE ESSENTIAL BASIC i EXTREME BASIC I SER~CE PROTECTION ~ ~ota~ I 4/1 .. 4/30 4/1 .. 4/30 4/1 .. 4/30 Current Charges Tota~ I Due $119.90 ... $1.00 $115.98 $415.35 I Ib:;~IPI~Oe - s-q .q~ i ...- ... , ' !. !: ~ ii I I \.;. i l......._--.;,______._'_ _ _ _•_ _ _ J Service Address: Please detach at the perforation, and enclose this portion 1"51?"EtJ{31~'1'1e-'HE'IMi6\NN-efR" =>RECINCT ONE BLDG ~ICHMOND TX 77469-3620 irivoice'#1tS:3354sn'" PHONOSCOPE CABLE 6105 WESTLINE DR HOUSTON, TX 77036-3515 intfi~..·t.. the amount enclosed, do not send cash! check or money order payable to: ••• 11111.1.11111.1.1.1111111.1.1'11.1 FORT "BEND COUNTY ATTN: COMM.PCT.#1 301 JACKSON STREET RICHMOND, TX 77469 Please detach at the perforation, and enclose this portion with Service Address: 1517 EUGENE HEIMANN CIR PRECINCT ONE BLDG RICHMOND TX 77469-3620 Invoice #66-335460 FORT BEND COUNTY ATTN: COMM.PCT.#1 301 JACKSON STREET RICHMOND, TX 77469 ($3.81) $411.54 Please Indicate the amount enclosed, do not send cashl Please make che~k or money order payable to: . PHONOSCOPE CABLE 61 STllNEDR H .N~TX7703&-3515 Billing Date 4/16/2013 $415.35 FORT BEND COUNTY 1517 EUGENE HEIMANN CIR PRECINCT ONE BLDG RICHMOND TX 77469-3620 $0.00 $415.35 Billing Questions ,Please Call: 713·272-4600 lToYiewand<pay yourtiill bnline. visit !.I .phOOdscopecao1e,¢Qm and go to My. Account , o loginof{o create aPII,hind activate your i ccount. . I oucan also receive your bill electronically. Call 13:Z72-4600today and we can begin sending our Phonoscope bill to your email address, 3/18/2013 4/16/2013 5/1/2013 5/1/2013 5/1/2013 LATE CHARGE LATE CHARGE ESSENTIAL'BAS:r:C EXTREME BAS:r:C SERV:r:CE PROTECTIO~ PLAN !, Total Current Charges ($3.81) $6.17 $36.95 $119.90 $1.00 $160.21 Total Due $575.56 5/1 .• 5/31 5/1 .. 5/31 5/1 .. 5/31 {A(j". \SLP. ~5 ~ECEIVED . e:ve;[tQsign.,up Jor,Autq: 8ay:....,"J;0• .ay Y(i)l,ir,tiillaut0lTlJ:ltiC?lfy.ea€trmomM)y;~re~:Iit '. rd;'simply-fiIl"otwthe"aufhorizationiorTn fon'the- • riftnis.statementand ,mail it back in tM . APR 22 '2m3";'; n;€Iud~d'£ifivsYo~e} ~;-:::- :,:)'"c:. "~ Commissioner Pet. 1 _____._~_..._~._. __..Ji ~bmmunity IDIITX1795 Houston Regiillitory Affairs Division, PO Box1562, Houstor, TIC Service Address: 77251 7130247·1104 Please detach at the perforation, and enclose this portion 1517 EUGENE HEIMANN CIR PRECINCT ONE BLDG RICHMOND TX 77469-3620 Invoice #126-335460 PHONOSCOPE CABLE 6105 WESTLINE DR HOUSTON, TX 77036-3515 Please ind~cate the amount enclosed, do not send cash! Please make check or money order payable to: i 11111111111111111111'1111111111,1.111111111".1111,11.1,1.,1,1 FORT 8END COUNTY ATTN: COMM.PCT.#1 301 JACKSON STREET RICHMOND, TX 77469 PHONOSCORE CABLE 6105 WESTUINE DR HOUSTON, 77036-3515 iX,