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Public Toilets 63 65 66 STATE HIGHWAY 8 5 NO CAMPING Knt Sce nic D r Simpso n Ln NO CAMPING NO CAMPING NO CAMPING Flying Fox VILLAGE CENTRE 3 Boat Ramp St M ac ke nz ie Pl 50 Childrens Playground Murray Pl ACTIVITIES i m Ha 39 ne tt Pl Hall Lane ic en Sc 88 r D d kR an b y Lil 58 to Roundhill to Middle Hutt Mt Hay 5km SH 8 Lake Tekapo to 89 Regional Park Ch Loc ris hin ver tc Ave hu rc h Holbrook Physio & Pilates 60 Sawdon Shearers Quarters SERVICES 6806 960 6806 809 6806 669 6806 905 6806 686 65 ACCOMMODATION Motel & Hotel Manning Pl SHOPPING 6806 880 6806 880 6806 888 Rankin R ise Mistake Dr 53 NO CAMPING NO CAMPING Pollock P l 56 33 39 30 50 68 6806 895 6806 868 53 5 35 86 6806 960 6806 960 6806 900 85 RESTAURANTS / CAFES / TAKEAWAYS 89 Bed & Breakfast 6806 669 6806 566 6806 899 88 Self Contained Farm / High Country Station Accommodation 8 56 6806 655 3 83 9 6 6806 990 6806 656 66 35 50 6806 830 6806 688 63 6806 803 6806 886 35 6806 609 58 60 53 80 Backpacker 69 6806 609 6806 808 6806 990 59 90 6806 899 Self Contained Accommodation 6806 933 6806 669 6806 990 6806 809 6806 808 55 36 rk Pa Ski Area 35km 55 l O’Neill P Te ka po Ri ve r Gr eig St Sib old Ln Bl ac kP l Do nD r An dre w Barbara Hay St ar C DOG PARK Loc hin ver Ave Pl Dwyer Sco tt St NO CAMPING Allan St to Resource Recovery Park 6806 865 Pines Beach NO CAMPING 38 Bur * Freedom camping strictly prohibited within the township or along lake shore 38 Murray Park St NO CAMPING 36 Est er Hope St W alt er 30 Jeune Sa ms Pl St Tc FIRE STATION AMBULANCE POLICE (03) 6806 855 Se al y a dr an ex Al 90 Hall Tennis Courts Ao ran gi Cr NO CAMPING 35 33 P Roto Pl Bill Ap es Ln LAKE TEKAPO OPERATORS 8 9 Sch D’A ool rch iac Dr Aor ang i Cr 5 6 Dog Statue D eer r on NO CAMPING RESTRICTED BOAT SPEED 5 knots in this area CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD P see enlargement SEALED ROAD UNSEALED SCENIC DRIVE N 85 86 80 68 69 Canal Intake Lake side D r Mou nt C ook / Qu een stow n P Mi sta ke Dr Pe Boat Ramp Childrens Playground sR d SH8 to 59 83 Dr y dle ak VILLAGE CENTRE lto n Go LAKE TEKAPO Be au ch am p NO CAMPING Pi 5 Mt John Walkway 6806 550 6806 530 6806 998 6806 550 0800 8STARS 6858 885 85 Motor Camp Map provided by Lake Tekapo Promotions Association EMERGENCY SERVICES - FIRE / POLICE / AMBULANCE 111 Lake McGregor LAKE TEKAPO WALKWAYS The walkways of Lake Tekapo offer an opportunity to enjoy the wide open spaces QUICK FACTS CAMPING LAKE TEKAPO 4 N WHAT TO TAKE 5 7. COWANS HILL WALKWAY & MOUNTAIN BIKE TRACK Time: 2. MT JOHN SUMMIT Time: No access after dark 5 Permanent Population: Lake Alexandrina 1. DOMAIN Time: Maori translation 4 Height Above Sea Level: P THE LAKE LAKE TEKAPO Deepest point: 8. PINES BEACH Time: Colour: 3 4 CAMPING 3 kR 3 Agriculture Trials Area Mount John Observatory Mackenzie Alpine Horse Trekking CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD 1 1 State Hig hway 8 Pines Beach NO CAMPING 1 8 6 7 6 8 9 8 NO CAMPING 8 THE SHEEP DOG STATUE 7 Lake George Scott 6 6 6 Can al Tekapo A Powerstation NO CAMPING NO CAMPING Ro ad Airport (Air Safaris) Boating: 1 ad l Ro Cana Freedom Camping/Motorhome Camping is not permitted within the township or along the Lake Shore. Please utilise the camping area at the Holiday Park. 3 P po Tekapo H elicopters Hangar 5 kms to Roundhill Ski Area 3 Fishing: 2&3 ley God Pea k s 5. PENINSULA Time: Motuariki Island: 2&3 2 4. LAKE ALEXANDRINA & MCGREGOR Time: 6. LAKE GEORGE SCOTT Time: 3 2 9. LAKE TEKAPO REGIONAL PARK Time: Hydro-scheme: ban MT JOHN SUMMIT & LAKESHORE Time: No access after dark Lily 3 oad Cafe stro to A Tek a LAKE TEKAPO WALKWAYS Temperature: k Te ap r ive oR White water kayak course 7 7 LAKE TEKAPO SANCTUARY FOR THE STARS to Christchurch SH8