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the PDF! - Clean Water Action
Minnesota currents Summer Update 2012 brockovich investigates chemical contamination in minnesota Countdown to Election Day… Who Do We Love? Spurred by community concern about cancer rates, environmental advocate Erin Brockovich’s team has been investigating Fridley, Minnesota’s toxic history. Two Superfund sites in Fridley leaked industrial chemicals, including carcinogens, into the town’s groundwater. Many Fridley residents are wondering if this past contamination is the cause of their cancer or that of their neighbors. From now until Election Day on November 6, Clean Water Action will be campaigning to elect or re-elect those candidates best able to champion protections for clean air, water and health in the Environmental advocate Erin On June 27, Brockovich and her team met Brockovich speaking to Fridley with hundreds of former and current Fridley residents on June 27. residents about their investigation at a public meeting in Fridley. Clean Water Action’s Minnesota Director Deanna White also addressed the group about Clean Water Action’s efforts to reform state and federal laws to protect public health from cancer causing and other toxic chemicals. As long as carcinogens, neurotoxins and other toxic chemicals remain in wide use, contaminations similar to that experienced by Fridley will continue to occur. Brockovich, who was portrayed by Julia Roberts in a 2000 film, is a respected activist who gained national recognition in her successful effort to hold Pacific Gas & Electric accountable for poisoning the town of Hinkley, California’s water over three decades. CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF inside ACTION FOR CLEAN WATER State Legislature. A list of Clean Water Action’s 2012 environmental candidate endorsements is now available. Members are encouraged to review the list online at: making-democracy-work n From the Minnesota Director, p. 2 n Show Candidates You Care About Toxic Chemicals, p. 3 n Happy Birthday to Us!, p. 5 n Legislative Session Ends…Thankfully, p. 3 n Stopping Asian Carp, p. 4 Minnesota Currents | Summer Update 2012 from the Minnesota State Director Deanna White Making Democracy Work: Land of 10,000 Lakes & the Clean Water Act The Clean Water Act turns 40 this October. The law was passed in 1972 to clean up our lakes, rivers, and streams and to make all of our nation’s waters swimmable and fishable — including, of course, Lake Superior. Earlier this summer, we celebrated Clean Water Action’s 40th Birthday as well — and renewed our dedication to protecting our lakes, rivers and streams. Clean Water Action’s programs expanded in the We hope that you will join Clean Water Action on October 10 for a special showing of “The Return of the Cuyahoga” at St. Anthony Main Theater. This movie celebrates the Cuyahoga River’s recovery as a result of the Clean Water Act…what a perfect way to recognize the Anniversary of this important law. Tickets are available now through our Minneapolis office and online at Clean Water Action members helped to elect Barack At the same time that the Cuyahoga was starting on fire, our organization got its start as the “Fisherman’s Clean Water Action Project.” We were central to building the national movement that won the Clean Water Act’s passage. From the beginning, we used grassroots organizing to mobilize the public and build the power to persuade public officials to vote for clean water on behalf of their constituents. 1980s to include campaigning to elect — or defeat — candidates for local, state and federal office based on their records and positions. We needed more champions who would support the Clean Water Act other laws that make our water safer to drink, reduce our exposure to toxic chemicals, and otherwise improve our health and quality of life. Obama in 2008. President Obama recently earned our endorsement for his 2012 reelection based on actions he has taken to protect our water and our health. The President has been a strong defender of the Clean Water Act against attacks by those who seek to eliminate the protections offered in this landmark law. Enforcement of the Clean Water Act and the clean water it brings will continue to create and protect good-paying jobs, improve public health, enhance our quality of life and strengthen our economy. We have the opportunity in November to elect candidates like President Obama who will fight to protect Minnesota’s waters… You can volunteer with Clean Water Action today to make a difference. Call us at (612) 623-3666 to sign up! Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund gratefully acknowledge 40th Anniversary Sponsorship support from Aveda, New Belgium Brewing,, SurveyMonkey Contribute, and the Clean Water Action Visa® Card from Capital One® ( 2 Minnesota Currents | Summer Update 2012 legislative session ends… thankfully The 2012 Minnesota State Legislative Session again featured contentious debate on current laws and regulations to protect Minnesota’s environment. Although Clean Water Action and allies were able to stop some of the most destructive, anti-environmental proposals this session, special interests and corporate polluters have huge insider influence in both the State House and Senate. These same corporate interests won passage of measures to: ucts. Clean Water Action championed a ban on formaldehyde hh fast-track environmental permits, weakening requirements for the more thorough environmental reviews that are needed allies were able to get it included in a larger environmental hh weaken the Wetlands Conservation Act, and 2012 increases chances for future success. hh reduce oversight of feedlot operations. Clean Water Action is poised to release its biennial scorecard Clean Water Action expects similar state legislative assaults on environmental and health protections in future sessions. tal issues where the organization has been most active. The Not all the news from the 2012 session was bad, however. Clean Water Action gained much increased visibility for its ongoing campaign to reduce toxics used in children’s prod- in all products intended for children under 12. Formaldehyde has been found in children’s products such as crib sheets, clothing and personal care products. Short-term exposure to formaldehyde causes eye and respiratory irritation, and long-term exposure can cause cancer. This year, after securing bipartisan support for this common-sense formaldehyde policy, Clean Water Action and policy “omnibus” bill. Although the proposal was later withdrawn from the bill, the visibility and momentum built in evaluating all legislators’ voting records on the environmenlegislature’s overall performance — 47% out of a possible 100% score — demonstrates a disturbing lack of support for environmental issues. This was a significant drop from 2010, when state lawmakers collectively earned a 71% score. Show Candidates You Care About Toxic Chemicals Between now and November candidates will be busy knocking on doors asking for your vote. This is a great opportunity to educate them about an important issue that impacts all of us — toxic chemicals in our consumer products and homes. Chemicals like formaldehyde have been found in a variety of products such as household cleaners and furniture, contaminating indoor air and the environment. Let your candidates know you want toxic chemicals out of your products and homes by hanging a Keep Toxic Chemicals Out of Minnesota Homes sign in your window. Download your sign today at files/images/mn/blue_window_sign.jpg More Ways You Can Make a Difference for Clean Water: ➤ Online Actions: Join Clean Water Action online to hold your U.S. Reps and Senators accountable. ➤ Monthly Giving: Sustain your support for Clean Water Action with an automatic recurring gift. ➤ Internet Searches & Online Shopping: Generate donations for Clean Water Action with every internet search. Use the “add to search” link on this page: Clean Water Action’s Online Shopping App makes donations for every purchase you make at thousands of online stores. It’s free and automatic. ➤ Make Your Opinions Count for Clean Water: Sign up for SurveyMonkey. Contribute and each survey you complete means a donation for Clean Water. Minnesota Currents | Summer Update 2012 3 stopping asian carp Minnesota has become the new front in the fight against the invasive Asian carp. Asian carp were caught at the mouth of the St. Croix River and in Winona, MN this year. On the other doorstep, new eDNA tests indicate that Asian carp may already have made it past electric barriers intended to keep them from entering the Great Lakes. Clean Water Action and a coalition of more than one dozen organizations recently launched, a new website with the latest on the problem, what is being done about it, and how people can get involved. StopCarp. org is the centerpiece of a broader campaign promoting the coalitions plan to stop-slow-control Asian Carp and educate people about steps they can take to protect water. As invasive Asian carp continue their march up the Mississippi River to the doorstep of the Great Lakes, the risks are increasingly serious. In other areas of the country where Asian carp have become established they can make up as much as 90 percent of the biomass in a river. Minnesota’s boating and angling economies alone generate $4 billion annually. To develop a better understanding of the risk, the state Department of Natural Resources has proposed funding a statewide risk assessment to the Legislative Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources. The state legislature provided funding for barriers in navigational locks along the Mississippi River. Increased DNR testing and monitoring along the river and some its major tributaries this summer will help determine where the carp are located. On the eastern front, the US Army Corps of Engineers says it will complete a study earlier than originally planned on how to prevent Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes. Congress tightened the screws further with a provision in the recent federal Transportation Bill giving the Corps 18 months to finish. The Transportation Bill provision is very similar to legislation supported by Clean Water Action and all of the Minnesota Congressional delegation, except for Representative Cravaack. A study released earlier this year by the Great Lakes Commission found that although physically separating the Mississippi River basin from the Great Lakes would be costly, it is “the best long-term solution for preventing the movement of Asian carp and other invasive species.” The situation’s urgency is reinforced by recent increases in positive eDNA (environmental DNA) tests in areas near Lake Michigan, beyond the electric fish barriers that are supposed to keep out Asian carp. Because the carp are so difficult to catch, the highly sensitive eDNA tests showing Asian carp DNA in the water provide an important early warning system. So far in 2012, 9% of Chicago area samples have shown “positive hits” for Asian carp, compared to only 1.5% last year. Despite all the attention the Asian carp invasion is getting in Minnesota, the problem has still not attracted necessary levels of attention and resources from federal agencies. Clean Water Action members can ask President Obama to help protect Minnesota from Asian carp at Asian Carp species: Silver (left) and Bighead (right). Images courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. 4 Minnesota Currents | Summer Update 2012 Happy Birthday to Us! CELEBRATING 40 YEARS OF Dozens of Clean Water Action members, former staff, and allies gathered at the home ACTION FOR CLEAN WATER of board member Elizabeth Dickens and Christopher Childs on June 13 to celebrate Clean Water Action’s 40th Birthday. Highlights of the event included reflections from founder David Zwick about the early days and purpose of Clean Water Action. Minnesota Director Deanna White shared reminders of some key victories and recognized former state directors and other special guests. State Rep. Andrew Falk accepted the 2012 Legislator of the Year award on behalf of the late Rep. Gary Kubly, a long time environmental Founder David Zwick spoke about the early days and purpose of Clean Water Action. champion in the State House. State Rep. Kate Knuth was awarded the 2012 Legislator of the Year Award for her excellent leadership, particularly on issues of toxics in children’s products. Clean Water Action invites its members and the public to join in congratulating these recipients and thanking them for their environmental leadership. Both awards were richly deserved and we hope you will join us in congratulating our recipients and thanking them for their work. Guests joined together to toast 40 years of work by Clean Water Action to protect our waters with a wish for at least 40 more. Thank you to all of the guests, co-hosts, sponsors, and staff who worked to make this State Rep. Kate Knuth was awarded Clean Water Action Minnesota’s 2012 Legislator of the Year Award. event a success. Minnesota Currents | Summer Update 2012 5 PUT EVERYDAY PURCHASES TO WORK FOR CLEAN WATER ACTION. Support Clean Water Action, and get the benefits of this Capital One® Visa® Rewards Card. Giving has never been easier, or more rewarding. Learn more about this and other card options at Minnesota Currents Summer Update 2012 Clean Water Action is a national citizens’ organization working for clean, safe and affordable water, prevention of health-threatening pollution, creation of environmentally-safe jobs and businesses, and empowerment of people to make democracy work. Managing Editor: Jonathan Scott President and CEO: Robert Wendelgass Writers: Dan Endreson, Darrell Gerber, Kim LaBo, Deanna White Design: ES Design Reproduction in whole or part is permitted with proper credit. © Copyright 2012 All rights reserved. Clean Water Action organizes strong grassroots groups, coalitions and campaigns to protect our environment, health, economic well-being and community quality of life. National: 1010 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20005-4918 | Phone 202.895.0432 | Fax 202.895.0438 | [email protected] Minnesota: 308 East Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55414 | Phone 612.623.3666 | Fax 612.623.3354 6 Minnesota Currents | Summer Update 2012