brick sidewalk and street tree improvements
brick sidewalk and street tree improvements
MIL LW AY RO AD AD RO ZER FREE 2.4 Reconstruct new sidewalk connecting radius and narrow opening if possible. @ crosswalk. 2.5 Remove sidewalk and connection to street where crosswalk doesn’t exist. 2.7 Brick is in decent condition. Low priority for repair BARNSTABLE RESTAURANT & TAVERN BARNSTABLE RESTAURANT & TAVERN CAFE 2.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 CAFE GENERAL 2.1 STORE POST OFFICE 2.6 2.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.3 2.5 3.3 AVENUE AVENUE REAL ESTATE LAW 2.5 GALLERY 3.6 CCC Proposed shade tree. 3.2 Proposed ornamental tree. 3.3 Proposed ground cover vegetation. 2.2 3.6 CCC 3.5 3.5 FIRE DEPT. street so landscape could be added to screen parking on parking lot side 3.4 Consider new treatment at crosswalk intersections where grass does not thrive. Address sand w/ streetsweeping. 3.7 FIRE DEPT. 2.2 2.1 POTTERY POTTERY 2.9 SMITTY'S ICE CREAM SMITTY'S ICE CREAM 2.8 BRICK SIDEWALK AND STREET TREE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: Barnstable Village Streetscape Masterplan CLIENT: Town of Barnstable DATE: 10/16/13 3.7 Remove 2 trees in 2.6 Relocate 5’ sidewalk closer to 6A ROUTE 3.7 COURT HOUSE YOGA STUDIO 2.2 3.4 RAILROAD RAILROAD 3.1 REAL ESTATE LAW GALLERY DOLPHIN YOGA STUDIO 2.4 2.4 COURT HOUSE POST OFFICE 2.6 DOLPHIN 3.4 GENERAL STORE 2.3 ROAD 2.2 2.3 Rework corners of curb cut to accomodate truck turning MILLWAY Reset brick sidewalks to provide even walking surface without weeds. High priority 2.1 3.5 Consider new treatment @ bump-out. decline and add ornamental street trees NORTH NORTH 0 20' 1" = 40' 60' 80' 0 20' 1" = 40' 60' 80' AD RO ZER FREE MIL LW AY RO AD 4.2 4.2 Consider new crosswalk location across from general store, Reconstruct crosswalks with new thermoprint finish 4.3 Construct new bumpout or curb extension post office, ice cream shop and at new connection to the Hollow. High pedestrian traffic destinations. BARNSTABLE RESTAURANT & TAVERN CAFE CAFE GENERAL 2.1 STORE GENERAL STORE 2.3 POST OFFICE 2.2 3.1 4.1 4.2 4.2 2.6 3.2 4.1 POST OFFICE DOLPHIN 3.3 REAL ESTATE LAW 2.5 GALLERY DOLPHIN YOGA STUDIO AVENUE AVENUE RAILROAD COURT HOUSE RAILROAD 3.6 3.4 CCC COURT HOUSE YOGA STUDIO 2.2 2.4 4.2 REAL ESTATE LAW GALLERY 4.3 CCC 4.3 3.5 6A ROUTE 4.2 3.7 FIRE DEPT. FIRE DEPT. 4.1 2.1 ROAD BARNSTABLE RESTAURANT & TAVERN POTTERY POTTERY 2.9 SMITTY'S ICE CREAM SMITTY'S ICE CREAM MILLWAY 4.1 2.8 RECONSTRUCT CROSSWALKS AND ADD BUMPOUTS PROJECT: Barnstable Village Streetscape Masterplan CLIENT: Town of Barnstable DATE: 10/16/13 Thermoprint finish crosswalk options NORTH NORTH 0 20' 1" = 40' 60' 80' 0 20' 1" = 40' 60' 80' MIL LW AY RO AD AD RO ZER FREE Pedestrian scale decorative light fixture proposed @ 80’ O.C. Consider relating to existing historic fixtures @ courthouse to create unique identity for the village. Consider removing cobra lights on existing poles and replace with matching decorative auto-oriented fixtures. BARNSTABLE RESTAURANT & TAVERN CAFE CAFE GENERAL 2.1 STORE GENERAL STORE 2.3 POST OFFICE 2.2 3.1 2.6 3.2 DOLPHIN 3.3 5 POST OFFICE REAL ESTATE LAW 2.5 GALLERY DOLPHIN YOGA STUDIO 3.6 AVENUE AVENUE 3.4 RAILROAD RAILROAD COURT HOUSE YOGA STUDIO 2.2 2.4 CCC CCC COURT HOUSE REAL ESTATE LAW GALLERY 3.5 6A ROUTE FIRE DEPT. 5 3.7 FIRE DEPT. 2.1 ROAD BARNSTABLE RESTAURANT & TAVERN POTTERY POTTERY 2.9 SMITTY'S ICE CREAM SMITTY'S ICE CREAM MILLWAY 5.0 2.8 STREET LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: Barnstable Village Streetscape Masterplan CLIENT: Town of Barnstable DATE: 10/16/13 NORTH NORTH 0 20' 1" = 40' 60' 80' 0 20' 1" = 40' 60' 80' AD RO ZER FREE MIL LW AY RO AD 4.2 2.7 BARNSTABLE RESTAURANT & TAVERN BARNSTABLE RESTAURANT & TAVERN 2.1 GENERAL STORE CAFE POST OFFICE GENERAL STORE 2.3 2.1 2.2 3.1 2.6 3.2 2.2 4.1 2.5 5 2.6 3.2 3.1 DOLPHIN 4.1 4.2 4.2 YOGA STUDIO DOLPHIN 2.4 3.6 CCC 3.4 3.5 4.3 4.3 4.2 CCC AVENUE AVENUE FIRE DEPT. RAILROAD RAILROAD 5 POTTERY 2.9 SMITTY'S ICE CREAM 2.8 3.1 Proposed shade tree. 3.2 Proposed ornamental tree. 4.1 3.3 Proposed ground cover vegetation. 4.2 Consider new crosswalk location across from general 2.5 Remove sidewalk and connection to street where crosswalk doesn’t exist. 2.6 Relocate 5’ sidewalk closer to street so landscape could be added to screen parking on parking lot side. 2.7 Improve pedestrian connection to the Hollow. 2.1 SMITTY'S ICE CREAM 2.1 2.4 Reconstruct new sidewalk connecting @ crosswalk. FIRE DEPT. POTTERY RECONSTRUCT CROSSWALKS AND ADD BUMPOUTS 2.3 Rework corners of curb cut to accomodate truck turning radius. 4.1 3.7 2.2 COURT HOUSE 6A ROUTE 3.5 STREET TREE IMPROVEMENTS Brick is in decent condition. Low priority for repair 2.2 3.6 BRICK SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS Reset brick sidewalks to provide even walking surface without weeds. High priority. YOGA STUDIO 2.2 3.7 COURT HOUSE 2.2 REAL ESTATE LAW GALLERY 3.3 2.4 3.4 REAL ESTATE LAW GALLERY 2.5 3.3 4.2 POST OFFICE ROAD 2.3 MILLWAY CAFE 3.5 Consider new treatment @ bump-out. Reconstruct crosswalks with new thermoprint finish Pedestrian scale decorative light fixture proposed @ 80’ O.C. Consider relating to existing historic fixtures @ courthouse to create unique identity for the village. 5.0 store, post office, ice cream shop and at new connection to the Hollow. High pedestrian traffic destinations. 3.4 Consider new treatment at crosswalk intersections where grass does not thrive. Address sand w/ streetsweeping. STREET LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT: Barnstable Village Streetscape Masterplan CLIENT: Town of Barnstable DATE: 10/16/13 4.3 Construct new bumpout or curb extension 3.6 New vegetation treatment under ex. tree 3.7 Remove 2 trees in decline and add ornamental street trees ALL RECOMMENDATIONS NORTH 0 20' 1" = 40' 60' 80' NORTH 0 20' 1" = 40' 60' 80'