Dispatch - Branch 112 – Whitby
Dispatch - Branch 112 – Whitby
Dispatch October 2015 Royal Canadian Legion Branch 112 Whitby 117 Byron Street South. 1 Branch Executive Branch Officers President Past President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President 3rd Vice President Roger Andrews Bob Peddle Lorraine Duncan Sandra Andrews Marilyn Culpan 905-721-0829 905-668-0922 905-446-1004 905-721-0829 905-576-4784 Carolyn Johnston Marilyn Culpan TBD Sandra Andrews Lorraine Duncan Bob Peddle Sandra Andrews Bobbie Simmons Mike Culpan Roger Andrews Larry Batherson Sandra Andrews TBD 905-668-0998 905-576-4784 Doug MacLean Lorraine Duncan Mike Culpan Doug MacLean Dave Barkwell Larry Goucher Paula Seto Marilyn Culpan Bernie Bucking Murdoch Ferguson Will Stonehill Bobbie Simmons Doug MacLean Joanne Pollard Lorraine Duncan Bernie Bucking 905-430-9621 905-446-1004 905-576-4784 905-430-9621 905-493-4323 905-668-9052 905-621-4495 905 576-4784 905-404-1722 905-419-6175 905-743-0977 905-723-2795 905-430-9621 905-668-3134 905-446-1004 905-404-1722 Executive Committee Treasurer Secretary Sgt-at-Arms Poppy Veterans Service Officer Membership Youth Education Sports Dispatch T.O.D. Bursary Honours and Awards Public Relations 905 721-0829 905-446-1004 905-668-0922 905-721-0829 905-723-2795 905-576-4784 905-721-0829 905-668-8783 905-721-0829 Non Executive Appointments Canteen Ways & Means Nevada House Chairman Sick and Visiting Web Site Hall Rental L.A. Liaison Cemetery Piper Padre President- Ladies Auxiliary Catering Regalia Purchasing Kids Christmas Parade Marshall 2 Ladies Auxiliary Executive Branch Officers President Past President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Secretary Bobbie Simmons Faye Brown Linda Thornton Kym Van Hoof Jan Brittain Cheryl Lampitt 905-723-2795 905-666-1260 905-621-0708 905-576-4308 905-668-0056 905-493-3337 Judy Pardy Paula Seto Ruby Thompson Joan Toorish Vivian McKay Lexie MacLean 905-576-8612 905-621-4495 905-668-8227 905-665-5699 289-939-4852 905-430-9621 Linda Thornton 905-621-0708 Lexie MacLean Marilyn Culpan 905-430-9621 905 576-4784 Executive Committee Sgt-at-Arms Membership Sports Sick and Visiting Telephone Committee Catering Honours and Awards Bursaries Ways & Means Luncheon Liaison 3 http://www.whitbylegion.ca/ Snail Mail: 117 Byron Street South Whitby, Ontario L1N 4P5 Phone - (905)-668-0330 Fax - (905)-668-0746 Hall Rental - (905)-668-0330 Email Accounts Hall Rental - [email protected] General Information - [email protected] Branch President - [email protected] Veteran’s Services - [email protected] Legion Seniors [email protected] Sick and Visiting - [email protected] Membership - [email protected] Sports - [email protected] Public Relations - [email protected] Sergeant At Arms - [email protected] Ladies Auxiliary - [email protected] Webmaster - [email protected] Dispatch - [email protected] Secretary - [email protected] 4 Poppy Campaign 2015 The poppy campaign will start on Oct. 30,2015. On this day we will need our canvassers, the sign-up sheet will be up in the club room before this date PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR OATH AND SIGN UP. WE ALL HAVE THE DUTY TO OUR VET’S TO DO THIS WITH PRIDE AND A SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT. On Friday Oct 30th we will also be dropping off store boxes. Drivers and helpers will be needed on this date. The more people we have the easer it is. This is not a hard job if you drive and can walk you can do this job. If you can help out in any way with store boxes please let me know. We have to get them out. So please remember that YOU, THE ASSOCIATES AND AFFILIATES JOINED THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION FOR A REASON AND THIS IS THE TIME OF YEAR SHOW JUST HOW PROUD YOU ARE TO DO YOUR PART. The public looks for us on the streets at this time of year and if a store or a school does not receive a poppy box they phone to ask for their box. So if you think you do not have the time or cannot help, think again, Please phone me and we can work something out as anytime to help and do your part is better then no help at all. As you all should be aware of: The WWII & Korean Vet’s and the Peacekeeping veterans are getting older and with the Afghanistan Vet’s home there is even more need for the Poppy campaign to raise money to ensure that they are all looked after. Sandra Andrews Poppy Chair WE WILL REMEMBER THEM 5 Bowling League Honours & Awards September 27th The Whitby Bowling Club held its annual end of season dinner and dance at the Legion. The Tables were set with an Autumn/Fall theme. 6 Bowling League Honours & Awards September 27th The smiling happy kitchen staff, Doug, Marilyn and Larry (Webmaster) The Ladies of the L.A. were on hand to prepare and serve dinner 7 Wedding September 5th Two of our branch members recently married each other and held their reception in the upstairs hall. The centre pieces consisted of a red rose immersed in a water filled clear glass tumbler with a floating candle, the base of the tumbler was enveloped with the Royal Stuart Tartan. The red and white theme (yes the colours of Canada) was carried on in the place settings. 8 Wedding September 5th The Branch catered this event of the joining of two of our members. Special meal requests were taken care of, Vegetarian, not a problem. Fish dish, ditto. We can look after your special needs. Two young photographers were taking whimsical pictures of the guests. 9 Railing We have new sidewalks to showcase our handrails. ˈhan(d)ˌrāl/ noun: handrail; plural noun: handrails a rail fixed to posts or a wall for people to hold on to for support. 10 Heritage Day September 19th The day started early with the volunteers arriving to setup to the parking lot, for the days festivities. It was overcast but dry. Many Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, who each event, come out and give freely of their time. 11 Heritage Day September 19th Has the day wore on, the weary travellers in the parking lot were provided a BBQ and cold refreshing beverages. The crowds were treated to a family of jugglers. The volunteers performed as usual above and beyond the call of duty. 12 Heritage Day September 19th As well as flaming juggling, we also had a local band who performed some of their own songs. The weather held fine and sunny for the performers. Allowing the crowds to enjoy. 13 Heritage Day September 19th Then the weather changed, hmm was it a coincidence that as soon as Oscar showed up, then the skies began open up in torrential downpour ? The volunteers braved the downpour to shut down the parking lot. Here we see soggy Volunteers Bob and (DJ) Eric collecting the concrete bollards and stacking the tables, collecting the fences. 14 Legion Week September 10th 15 Legion Week September 10th Thursday saw a joyful and happy crew as they partook of wonderful meal. Even though there was no 50/50 draw to win, smiles could still be found. Many thanks to talented kitchen staff who prepared the evenings meal. DJ Eric was on hand to provide a most excellent selection of music. 16 Legion Week September 11th Friday night dinner was received by all the attendees, groups of new friends showed up to participate in the event. Tables on both sides of the club room was filled with people enjoying the 17 comradeship Legion Week September 11th The lovely members of the branch came down to enjoy the music and dancing. Derrick Rawn proposed to Margaret House making this a very special night for both of them. They have known each other off and on since the 1970s even at one point working at the same place. 18 Who are the candidates in my electoral district? Whitby (Ontario) General Election (Monday, October 19, 2015) Candidates in your electoral district Candidate name Status Party name Office phone number Name of official agent Name of auditor Celina CaesarChavannes Confirmed Liberal Party of Canada (416) 305-8380 Susan Keenan Harry Mortimer Craig Cameron Confirmed Green Party of Canada (905) 447-2852 Franca de Kever Stacey Campbell Ryan Kelly Confirmed New Democratic Party (905) 914-8637 Victoria JaspersFayer Bernard G. Nayman Jon O'Connor Confirmed Independent (905) 924-1550 Dennis Tuer Wei Hua Pat Perkins Confirmed Conservative Party of Canada (905) 493-1346 Brion Hendry Ricjard A Chappell http://www.elections.ca/Scripts/vis/c andidates?L=e&ED=35114&EV=41&E V_TYPE=1&PC=l1r1z5&PROV=&PROVI D=&MAPID=&QID=8&PAGEID=17&TP AGEID=&PD=&STAT_CODE_ID=-1 19 Winter Sports Thursday Afternoon Euchre Continues Registration begins at 12:30 PM Play begins at 1:00 PM Tuesday Night Darts began September 16th Registration begins at 7:00 PM Play begins at 8:00 PM Friday Night Darts began: September 18th Registration begins at 7:00 PM Play begins at 8:00 PM Saturday ODDL began: September 26th 20 Cenotaph Restoration Finishing Touches The finishing touches to the cenotaph restoration have been completed. Many thanks to Sandra Andrews and Bernie Bucking for the time and effort put into this project. The poles have been refinished, polished and along with the plates at the bottom. The podium has a new look, with a new bronze finish. Remembrance day ceremonies this year are going to feel like the first one. 21 Ladies Auxiliary September 11th The L.A. welcomed its newest member during Legion Week, Pam. For those of us who play Euchre on Thursday already know Pam. General Meeting September 2nd It was with sadness during the last general meeting, that one of our flag bearers Harold announced that he would no longer be able to continue on with honour of carrying the colours. Harold also at this time presented a cheque to the Poppy Chair Sandra Andrews, as thank you to the branch. 22 23 Reader Submissions 24 Community Awards Nevada tickets are a way of raising funds, for special groups and persons. Larry who is the Bursaries chair gets the privilege of presenting some of these awards to locals High schools. Nevada brings the monies in. Bursaries disseminates the funds to various high schools. 25 FUN STUFF ? 26 MORE FUN STUFF ? 27 Boobies Have you been surprised when you go the beach and you see Boobies, out in the open and display for all to see, and are usually seen in pairs. The Blue-footed Booby is a curious bird with unique blue-colored, webbed feet that resides in the tropics, specifically in and around Ecuador. Boobies come in all shapes, sizes and colours, depending on the region of origin. The Red-footed are very similar to the blues. They are smaller and have red feet and nests in bushes or small trees instead of on the ground like other boobies. The Masked Booby. Their name comes from the gray mask around the eyes of this otherwise white bird. They are the biggest in the booby family. Their name was possibly based on the Spanish slang term bobo, meaning "stupid", as these tame birds had a habit of landing on board sailing ships, where they were easily captured and eaten. Owing to this, boobies are often mentioned as having been caught and eaten by shipwrecked sailors, notably William Bligh of the Bounty and his adherents, during their famous voyage after being set adrift by Fletcher Christian and his followers. http://www.life-in-ecuador.com/blue-footed-booby.html#sthash.7Mcrt5SO.dpuf 28 WARNING! Telephone scams (vishing) With telephone scams, a person typically receives a phone call, sometimes computer-generated, advising them that they have won a trip, vacation or other sort of prize from Air Canada, or another well-known company. The individual is then asked if they are 30 years old or older, and to provide a credit card number and/or other personal information. These types of calls are scams, as Air Canada does not engage in phone promotions. Email scams (phishing) Phishing is the practice of sending phony email messages that are disguised as legitimate. These phony emails often include: a company logo that looks real, a false claim about your account and a link or button that takes you to a phony website that mimics the website of a legitimate company. If you receive an email claiming to be from Air Canada or Aeroplan which you believe may be fraudulent, do not respond and do not click on any links or open attachments contained within the email. Reporting suspicious emails or telephone calls Air Canada cooperates with the RCMP in the investigation of all cases in which its name is involved. You can report suspicious emails or telephone calls to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. If you responded to a suspicious email, gave personal information or have lost money, please call the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888495-8501. You can also notify Air Canada by forwarding the email to: [email protected]. 29 30 Nailed it… Lost It… 31 32 32
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