HUISGENOOT WWW.HUISGENOOT.COM DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 1 146 568 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 582 073 391 469 TWITTER 112 742 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE PINTEREST 50 024 1 210 5 085 3 965 April 2016 HUISGENOOT CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R43 288 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R23 833 2 R111 869 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost 1 R18 969 1 R32 102 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. YOU WWW.YOU.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 653 463 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 355 521 169 189 TWITTER 97 511 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE PINTEREST 24 288 4 671 2 100 183 April 2016 YOU CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R35 020 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R21 401 2 R94 359 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Total cost COMPETITION PLUS R16 537 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost 1 R25 779 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. DRUM WWW.DRUM.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 854 239 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 352 366 282 513 April 2016 INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE 28 900 10 822 TWITTER 179 638 DRUM CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R35 993 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R18 483 R98 252 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost 1 R18 483 1 R 30 642 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. LANDBOUWEEKBLAD WWW.LANDBOU.COM DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 196 206 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 131 058 42 838 April 2016 TWITTER 10 196 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM 11 524 590 LANDBOUWEEKBLAD CONTENT MARKETING DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R29 183 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R17 510 2 R76 849 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Total cost 1 R12 646 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R20 915 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. KICK OFF WWW.KICKOFF.COM DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 1 918 552 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 617 495 975 500 April 2016 TWITTER 266 000 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE 52 158 6 118 1 281 KICK OFF CONTENT MARKETING DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R44 261 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R24 806 2 R115 760 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Total cost 1 R19 942 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R33 074 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. WOMEN’S HEALTH WWW.WOMENSHEALTHSA.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 355 492 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 54 333 181 052 TWITTER 37 587 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE PINTEREST 62 500 13 831 497 5 692 April 2016 WOMEN’S HEALTH CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R36 965 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R21 401 2 R97 278 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Please note that there is a limited availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost 1 R16 537 1 R27 238 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. MEN’S HEALTH WWW.MH.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 701 267 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 76 778 559 350 April 2016 TWITTER 32 254 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE 24 500 7 901 484 MEN’S HEALTH CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R42 316 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R22 860 2 R107 978 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Total cost 1 R17 996 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R31 129 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. BICYCLING WWW.BICYCLING.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 197 309 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 54 643 98 604 TWITTER 16 949 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE PINTEREST 20 748 4 484 1 765 116 April 2016 BICYCLING CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R32 102 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R19 456 2 R85 604 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Please note that there is a limited availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Total cost 1 R14 592 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R23 347 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. RUNNER’S WORLD RUNNERSWORLD.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 273 951 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 91 214 128 704 TWITTER 24 962 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE PINTEREST 21 007 5 364 1 600 1 100 April 2016 RUNNER’S WORLD CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R34 534 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R20 915 2 R92 414 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Total cost 1 R16 051 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R25 292 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. WEG! / WEGRY / WEGSLEEP WEG.CO.ZA WEG DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 146 438 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 46 613 73 771 TWITTER 2 716 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE SUBS 18 568 3 152 136 Sources: Effective measure Apr 2016 | Social media Apr 2016 WEG! / WEGRY / WEGSLEEP WEG.CO.ZA WEGRY DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 79 351 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 46 613 24 014 TWITTER 1 207 NEWSLETTER SUBS YOUTUBE SUBS 6 294 27 WEGSLEEP DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 84 381 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 46 613 28 091 TWITTER 1 758 NEWSLETTER SUBS YOUTUBE SUBS 6 577 69 WEG PLATTELAND DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 51 455 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 46 613 4 842 Sources: Effective measure Apr 2016 | Social media Apr 2016 GO! / DRIVE OUT WEG.CO.ZA GO! DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 64 516 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 46 613 8 068 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE SUBS 3 278 1 474 98 TWITTER 4 224 DRIVE OUT DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 52 578 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 46 613 3 818 TWITTER 500 NEWSLETTER SUBS YOUTUBE SUBS 876 27 Sources: Effective measure Apr 2016 | Social media Apr 2016 WEG! / WEGRY / WEGSLEEP CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb 1 Weg! Total cost R18 483 WegRy Total Cost R16 537 WegSleep Total Cost R16 537 DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb 1 Weg! Total cost R32 102 WegRy Total cost R28 210 WegSleep Total Cost R28 210 CONTENT HUB Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb 2 Weg! Total cost R82 686 WegRy Total Cost R72 958 WegSleep Total Cost R72 958 BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. *Cost of digitorials based on size of social media reach SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. *Enhance your campaign with our social reach. SOCIAL MEDIA COSTS UNIT Social Media Sponsored Facebook post 1 WEG COST PER BRAND GO | WEGRY | DRIVE OUT | WEGSLEEP | WEG PLATTELAND R4 378 R3 404 Boosted Facebook post 1 R13 619 R11 673 Sponsored Tweet 1 R3 405 R2 432 Sponsored Instagram post 1 R3 405 R2 432 WEG! / WEGRY / WEGSLEEP CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION UNIT Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Total cost COMPETITION PLUS R13 619 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R22 860 Total cost EMAIL MARKETING Social Media Newsletter sponsored blurb per title R4 864 Partnership mailer per subscriber R0.71 Promotional mailer per subscriber R0.71 *Partnership mailer includes a sponsored theme and 3 featured client stories. *These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. *Hierdie advertensietariewe geld vanaf 1 Mei 2016 en vervang alle vorige weergawes van enige tariewe en/of tariefkaarte wat Media24 Leefstyl vrygestel en/of gepubliseer het. * Advertorial rates include standard production and photographic costs. All advertising rates exclude VAT. TOPCAR TOPCAR.CO.ZA COMPARISON: ENTRY-LEVEL SOFT ROADERS YOU REALLY SHOULD CONSIDER MARCH 2016 VOLUME 25 NO 03 MARCH 2016 | VOL 25 NO 03 R34.90 DRIVEN JAGUAR F-PACE / BUDGET-CAR SHOWDOWN TOYOTA LAND CRUISER PORSCHE 911 TURBO S HYUNDAI H-1 BUS MERCEDES-BENZ CONCEPT IAA, 50 YEARS O F LAMBORGHINI FIRST DRIVE BIG CAT TEST! @TOPCAR V U S E C A P F R A U JAG OWDOWN BUDGET-CHCEAAP FARMILYSHAHTCHBACKS FROM THE EAST 03122 9 771019 196008 FACEBOOK.COM/TOPCARSA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 141 946 MOTORSPORT Can Ferrari save F1? Dakar, the South African winners Haas F1, the inside story of the new USA team New Kyalami Driven 911 GT3 RS in Monte Carlo SPECIAL TEST Volvo S60 Polestar: Sweden's wildest ride! UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 24 969 99 130 TWITTER 12 467 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE SUBS 3 910 213 515 Sources: Effective measure Apr 2016 | Social media Apr 2016 TOPCAR CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb 1 Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS R14 592 Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb 1 Total cost CONTENT HUB R27 238 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb 2 Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION R66 149 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. *Cost of digitorials based on size of social media reach SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored Tweet Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. *Enhance your campaign with our social reach. UNIT COST Sponsored Facebook post 1 R3 891 Boosted Facebook post 1 R12 646 Sponsored Tweet 1 R4 864 Sponsored Instagram post 1 R3 891 SOCIAL MEDIA COSTS Social Media TOPCAR UNIT COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Total cost COMPETITION PLUS R9 728 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R18 483 Total cost EMAIL MARKETING Social Media Newsletter sponsored blurb per title R4 864 Partnership mailer per subscriber R0.71 Promotional mailer per subscriber R0.71 *Partnership mailer includes a sponsored theme and 3 featured client stories. *These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. *Hierdie advertensietariewe geld vanaf 1 Mei 2016 en vervang alle vorige weergawes van enige tariewe en/of tariefkaarte wat Media24 Leefstyl vrygestel en/of gepubliseer het. * Advertorial rates include standard production and photographic costs. All advertising rates exclude VAT. TOPGEAR TOPGEAR.CO.ZA SA EDITION SMOKE WITH A SMILE: V8 MUSTANG FLOGGED IN SA! MARCH 2016 R34.90 053 BMW 7 SERIES • MERCEDES-BENZ E-CLASS • LAMBORGHINI AVENTADOR SV vs MCLAREN 675LT vs PORSCHE 911 GT3 RS S O U T H A F R I C A S ’ D L R O W E H T H C T A H T O H T GREATES AYS, TRIES, 4 D S 5 COUN SURE S O R C A O MAKE S TESTED FOCUS R METRES... JUST T O IL K 3200 FREE POSTER INSIDE: C L U B S P O R T FOOTPRINT G O L F G T IDIGITAL T H E FA S T E S T GTHIYYBEUTY AN R? 358 751 W 03053 9 772224 624003 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 21 729 325 745 TWITTER 7 161 NEWSLETTER SUBS YOUTUBE SUBS 3 729 77 Sources: Effective measure Apr 2016 | Social media Apr 2016 TOPGEAR CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb 1 Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS R17 024 Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb 1 Total cost CONTENT HUB R36 479 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb 2 Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION R84 631 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. *Cost of digitorials based on size of social media reach SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored Tweet Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. *Enhance your campaign with our social reach. SOCIAL MEDIA COSTS Social Media UNIT COST Sponsored Facebook post 1 R6 323 Boosted Facebook post 1 R19 455 Sponsored Tweet 1 R3 405 TOPGEAR UNIT COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Total cost COMPETITION PLUS R12 160 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R25 292 Total cost EMAIL MARKETING Social Media Newsletter sponsored blurb per title R4 864 Partnership mailer per subscriber R0.71 Promotional mailer per subscriber R0.71 *Partnership mailer includes a sponsored theme and 3 featured client stories. *These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. *Hierdie advertensietariewe geld vanaf 1 Mei 2016 en vervang alle vorige weergawes van enige tariewe en/of tariefkaarte wat Media24 Leefstyl vrygestel en/of gepubliseer het. * Advertorial rates include standard production and photographic costs. All advertising rates exclude VAT. GRAZIA WWW.GRAZIADAILY.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 302 141 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 43 989 66 372 April 2016 TWITTER 158 000 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM PINTEREST 9 980 22 600 1 200 GRAZIA CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS 1 R21 401 Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R34 047 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 2 R93 386 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Total cost 1 R16 537 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R25 292 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. SARIE WWW.SARIE.COM DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 418 255 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 243 682 89 288 TWITTER 36 090 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM YOUTUBE PINTEREST 22 988 15 023 3 924 7 260 April 2016 SARIE CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R33 074 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R20 428 2 R89 495 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost 1 R15 564 1 R24 319 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. TRUE LOVE WWW.TRUELOVE.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 142 522 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 44 594 41 428 TWITTER INSTAGRAM 17 100 April 2016 39 400 TRUE LOVE CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R26 751 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R15 078 R76 849 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost 1 R15 078 1 R23 347 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. TUIS/HOME TUIS.CO.ZA & HOMEMAG.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 203 025 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 36 577 128 426 April 2016 TWITTER 2 708 NEWSLETTER SUBS INSTAGRAM PINTEREST 30 624 748 3 942 TUIS CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R31 129 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Newsletter sponsored blurb Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R17 510 2 R78 795 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Please note that there is a limited availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Total cost 1 R12 646 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R21 887 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. KUIER WWW.MINIKUIER.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 46 346 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 4 245 39 461 TWITTER INSTAGRAM 590 April 2016 2 050 KUIER CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL UNIT UNITS Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R23 347 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R11 673 R63 230 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Total cost 1 R11 673 Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet 1 R19 942 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle. MOVE! WWW.MOVEMAG.CO.ZA DIGITAL FOOTPRINT 68 274 UNIQUE BROWSERS FACEBOOK 13 690 33 529 TWITTER INSTAGRAM 16 493 April 2016 4 562 MOVE! UNIT UNITS CONTENT MARKETING PACKAGES DIGITORIAL Digitorial 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost DIGITORIAL PLUS Digitorial 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost CONTENT HUB 1 R25 779 Digitorial 4 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Facebook post 2 Sponsored Tweet 4 Total cost BESPOKE NATIVE SOLUTION 1 R14 105 R72 958 Bespoke branded content series POA *ROS banners and background branding are available on request. SOCIAL Social MediaMEDIA Sponsored Facebook post Boosted Facebook post Sponsored Tweet Sponsored facebook post based on average 8% organic reach Boosted Facebook post posted once and boosted over 7 day period to reach up to 60% of audience. Sponsored tweet based on 10% organic reach *Social media is only available as part of a broader campaign or package. Subject to availability. COMPETITION PACKAGES COMPETITION Competition entry form 1 Sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost COMPETITION PLUS Competition entry form 1 Boosted sponsored Facebook post 1 Sponsored Tweet Total cost 1 R14 105 1 R22 374 *All rates excl VAT ** These advertising rates are effective 1 May 2016 and replaces all previous versions of any rates and/or rate cards released and/or published by Media24 Lifestyle.