Conestoga Mennonite Church
Conestoga Mennonite Church
Conestoga Mennonite Church December 19, 2010 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Number 51 Prayer Connection (8:30 - 9:00 a.m.) Teaching the Word in Sunday School (9:30 a.m.) Gather „Round: Jesus Is Born Adult Inter. Lesson: Hope for Good Leadership Luke 2:1-20 Isaiah 9:7; 11:1-9 Morning Worship (10:30 a.m.) *Advent #4 Focus: “In our time, many see God as a powerful tyrant or an irrelevant myth. God calls us to celebrate His coming to live with us as the small Child Jesus; in need of parents‟ love, provision and protection: a sign of unexpected power in weakness.” Opening Hymn *A Ringing Call to Silent Reflection & Candle Lighting Abe Oberholtzer *OT Prophets yet speak - Isaiah 7: 10-14 *Advent Hymn Mission Update: Jan Sensenig Announcements and Our Living HiStory Prayer Pastor Bob Offertory: Children‟s Hand Bell Choir Krista Petersheim, Director Worship in Song Worship Team Children K– Grade 5 dismissed for Children’s Church and M4:6a The Word of the Lord Matt. 1:18-25 Message: “Good News: God is with us!” Pastor Bob Response Hymn Benediction *Fall 2010 Leader magazine Advent Material TODAY: M4:6a Staff assisting Cindy Petersheim: Gary and Carrie Stoltzfus Thank you... … Bonnie Beam for the beautiful flowers. … Lyle and Tina Essick for serving as ushers. … Freda Petersheim for serving in the church nursery. Young Adult Lunch and Eagles at the home of Bob & Cindy Petersheim ~This Week’s Activities~ Sr. Youth (Grades 9 - 12) Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. - Meet at Hopewell Christian Fellowship for Christmas at Fusion 12/29: No Bible Study 12/30: 5:00 p.m. - Meet at church for Camp Deerpark Service Trip. Return on 1/2/11. See release form for more information. Young Adults Today: Noon meal and Eagles at Bob and Cindy‟s home Tuesday: 5:00 p.m. - Help with Food Pantry Tuesday: 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. - Twin Valley Food Pantry Distribution Friday: Church Office Closed ~Conestoga’s News and Notes~ A CHRISTMAS BRUNCH next Sunday morning will begin at 9:30 a.m. in our church fellowship hall. This will be an excellent opportunity to “Invite a Friend” to enjoy brunch with us! Everyone is welcome! CHRISTMAS CAROLING: Anyone interested in joining others in Christmas caroling speak with Lois Ann Mast. Teams are going out Monday evening, December 20th, and Friday morning, December 24th. It promises to be a fun time of music and blessing! FOOD PANTRY dinner served on Tuesday night is a Crockpot Meal with Christmas cookies for desert. Please email Kathleen Weaver at [email protected] if you can bring a crockpot of food and/or a dish of Christmas cookies. Thank You! THANK YOU: A big “thank you” to Gary and Sharon Stoltzfus for donating to our Guest Register ministry the table they purchased at the MYF Auction. Stop by to view the materials we offer our guests! ONE DAY SERVICE TRIP: Any adults interested in helping the youth cut firewood for Deerpark on Friday, December 31, please speak with Bob or Karen Horning. MDS has an urgent need for a head cook from January 4 - February 4 and a crew leader from January 4 - March 4 in Louisiana. The head cook is responsible for meal planning, shopping, preparing and serving meals for groups of 12 - 22 people. The crew leader will lead a crew of short-term volunteers as they build a new home in Louisiana. OFFERING ENVELOPES: If you would like to begin using envelopes for your weekly offerings in 2011, please see Bonnie Beam. PLEASE SEE THE BULLETIN BOARD for Christmas greetings received in the church office. IN ORDER TO CONSERVE ENERGY and keep the church secure: If you are the last person to leave a room, please turn off the light. If you unlock a door, please lock it when you leave. Make sure all appliances are turned OFF. MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER is an invitation to come away from the world and spend an entire weekend focusing on your spouse and your relationship. The 2011 dates at Kenbrook Bible Camp in Lebanon, PA are February 18-20, July 15-17, or October 21-23. If you are interested, please see Liz Petersheim for more details. NEXT SUNDAY: 9:30 - 10:30 - (S.S. hour) “Invite a Friend” Christmas Fellowship Brunch Message: “Weep and Rejoice” - Mt. 2:13-23, Isaiah 63:7-9 - Pastor Bob Nursery: Freda Petersheim Flowers: Carol Moss Worship Leader: Kristy Petersheim Offertory: Jody Essick ~Looking Ahead~ Jan. 2 - Service of Reflection and Renewal Wed., Jan. 5 & Sun. Jan 23 - Safety Training Jan. 16 - Elder Greg Petersheim will bring the morning message Jan. 18 - Annual Hunters‟ Banquet Jan. 27 - Annual Business Meeting ~December 12, 2010 Reports~ Attendance: Sunday School - 74 , Church - 122 General Offering: $4,234.29; C.C.S. Love Offering: $223.00 Pastoral Team: Pastor Bob, Chair Nelson Beam, Elder Greg Petersheim, Elder Jerry Petersheim, Elder Dot Leatherman, Early Childhood Ministries Lemar & Lois Ann Mast, Deacon(ess) Ministry Council: Pastor Bob, Chair Dir. of Ch. Ed.: Bonnie Beam Dir. of Fellowship: Liz Petersheim Dir. of Mission: Howard Moss Dir. of Stewardship: Bill Beam Dir. of Worship: Sharon Stoltzfus Church Staff: Pastor: Bob Petersheim: [email protected], 610-507-8862 (cell) Music Coordinator: Krista Petersheim: 610-621-4409 Church Administrator: Carol Braglio: [email protected], 610-286-9124
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