AICR Conference Washington 21-22 October 2010 Fenech MF, Am J Clin Nutr. 2010; 91(5):1438S-1454S Dietary reference values of individual micronutrients and nutriomes for DNA damage prevention Current status and a road map to the future Michael Fenech CSIRO Food and Nutritional Sciences GENOME HEALTH NUTRIGENOMICS LABORATORY [email protected] Overview Biomarkers used to study DNA damage in humans Association of DNA damage with developmental and degenerative disease Current knowledge of nutritional requirements for genome maintenance and stability Effect of nutrient-nutrient and nutrient-genotype interaction on DNA integrity Strategies to determine DRVs of single micronutrients and micronutrient combinations (nutriomes) for DNA damage prevention A NUCLEOCENTRIC VIEW OF AGEING FROM WOMB TO TOMB BIOMARKERS OF DNA DAMAGE NPB dicentric MN Gene expression arrays γH2AX The principal structural chromosomal aberrations which contribute acentric fragments (AF) to form micronuclei (MN) and nucleoplasmic bridges (NPB) Acknowledgement John RK Savage Atlas Genet Cytogenet Oncol Haematol. July 2000 Genome damage Micronuclei CYTOKINESIS-BLOCK MICRONUCLEUS (CBMN) ASSAY • Oxidative stress • Nutrient deficiency • Excess calories • Strand breaks in DNA •Chromosome malsegregation •DNA hypomethylation •Telomere shortening Human cells with damaged & unstable genomes Increased lymphocyte micronucleus frequency in early pregnancy is associated prospectively with pre-eclampsia and/or intrauterine growth restriction (PEIUGR) PREGNANCY OUTCOME GROUPS RISK GROUPS LRN N=38 LOW RISK N=45 ADVERSE N=7 D.L.F FurnesS, G.A Dekker, W.M Hague T . Y Khong and M.F Fenech Mutagenesis (2010) PEIUGR N=36 PROSPECTIVE ODDS RATIO OF PEIUGR FOR ALL COHORT HIGH RISK N=91 ADVERSE N=67 OAO N=38 P=0.001 HRN N=24 LYMPHOCYTE MICRONUCLEI MEASURED AT 18 WKS GESTATION Odds Ratio 16 14 12 10 8 6 P=0.003 P=0.006 4 2 0 >19.3 >28.0 MN-BN ‰ >36.7 Risk of cancer increases with higher MN frequency PROBABILITY OF SURVIVING WITHOUT CANCER 6,983 subjects 275 cancer cases FOLLOW UP TIME IN YEARS HUMN project ( Bonassi et al (Carcinogenesis 2007) Lymphocyte Micronucleus frequency is associated prospectively with cardiovascular disease mortality in both the general population and those with known coronary artery disease MN< MN<1‰ MN>1‰ MN>1‰ 1650 subjects 111 deaths 39 due to CVD Mean age 65 y Federici C et al MN frequency 178 CAD patients Mean age 62 y GENOME DAMAGE INCREASED IN LYMPHOCYTES OF ALZHEIMER AND PARKINSON’S DISEASE PATIENTS DNA DAMAGE IN LYMPHOCYTES * P<0.001 * DISTRIBUTION OF TYPE OF MICRONUCLEI * MN (CHROM. LOSS) 15 MN (CHROM. BREAK) p < 0.0001 100 10 75 5 % MN PER 1000 BNCs 20 50 0 AD PD CONTROL 25 0 AD PD CONTROL Petrozzi et al. Neurol. Sci. 2002 MN per 1000 BN cells DNA damage increases with age ....or…. poor choices of nutrition, life-style, physical and socio-psychological environments? What is the threshold of DNA damage we should allow? 50 40 30 Can we design “exposomes” that enable us to stay below this threshold? 20 10 AGE (years) Fenech et al. 2000 76-90 66-75 56-65 46-55 36-45 26-35 18-25 0 CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF GENOME DAMAGE GENOME DAMAGE IN: GERMLINE MALNUTRITION GENETIC LIFE-STYLE GENOTOXINS AND ACQUIRED PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS ENVIRONMENTAL GENOTOXINS SUSCEPTIBILITY EMBRYO FOETUS BABY CHILD DEVELOPMENTAL DEGENERATIVE DISEASES E X P O S O M E HIGHER RISK TEENAGER YOUNG ADULT OLDER ADULT LOWER RISK Italy Germany Poland Mexico Bhutan Chad USA Ecquador Egypt Dietary patterns & 1 week’s food The new frontier in nutrition NUTRIOME H E A L T H GENOME Nutrition designed for diverse genetic backgrounds to optimise genome maintenance and prevent diseases caused by DNA damage The following genomic stability processes are modulated by vitamins or micronutrients: micronutrients DNA oxidation prevention Vit C, Vit E, Se, polyphenols DNA methylation, synthesis folate, Vit B12, Zn, Mg DNA repair niacin, Zn, folate Gene expression folate, Vit D, Vit A Chromosome segregation folate, Vit A, Mg Telomere length niacin? via PARP, folate Necrosis/Apoptosis niacin, Zn, Vit E, Vit D, Vit C Vit A, Vit K2. Folate, B12, B6 and B2 and genome maintenance FOLIC ACID THF METHIONINE MTR VIT B12 (CoIII) SAM MTRR DNA DHF SHMT1 VIT B6 TS 5,10-MeTHF MTR VIT B12 (CoI) dTMP MTHFR VIT B2 HOMOCYSTEINE DNA METHYLATION dUMP 5-MeTHF DNA REPAIR & SYNTHESIS Minimally invasive High-Throughput Nutrient Array screening for Genome-Protective agents. 20ul blood Seed Lymphocytes Nutrients Cytochalasin B (cytokinesis blocking agent) Mitogen 1h 20 h Image acquisition and analysis 44 h +/+/Genotoxin Genotoxin Development of automated CBMN Cytome assay: MN, NPB, NBUDs, Necrosis, Apoptosis, NDI + FISH + Protein expression 72h Nuclear stain/Fix Micronucleus Targeted Cell Selected Nuclei Fenech M (2007) Nature Protocols A B C A ,B, C NUCLEAR DIVISION INDEX D F CBMN CYTOME ASSAY G E D,E CELL DEATH H F, G, H DNA DAMAGE MNed BNs/1000 BNs 40 30 * 20 10 12 24 60 NUCLEAR BUDS 15 ANOVA P < 0.0001 ** 0 [B] MICRONUCLEATED CELLS Buds/1000 BNs [A] ANOVA P<0.0001 * 10 ** 5 0 120 12 120 URACIL [D] NUCLEOPLASMIC BRIDGES ANOVA P<0.0001 * 7.5 ** 5.0 2.5 0.0 12 24 60 120 [folic acid] in medium (nM) Crott et al. Carcinogenesis 2001 50 pg uracil / g DNA 10.0 NPB/1000 BNs 60 folic acid in medium (nM) folic acid in medium (nM) [C] 24 * * 12 24 ANOVA P < 0.0001 40 30 20 10 0 60 120 [folic acid] in medium (nM) Genome damage induction by Folic acid deficiency is of a similar magnitude as that induced by unsafe doses of ionising radiation IAEA annual safe exposure limit ie equivalent to 0.1-0.5 rad X-rays MNed BNs/1000 BNs 35 Crott & Fenech 2002 30 25 20 Fenech & Morley, 1986 15 10 5 0 0 0 120 5 5 60 10 10 24 15 “normal” serum folate concentration 20 20 12 25 rad X-rays nM folic acid Randomised, placebo-controlled dietary intervention PLACEBO FOLB12 ROUND 1 CEREAL ONLY ROUND 1 CEREAL + 7ug B12 + 700ug FOL BASE-LINE* LINE ROUND 2 TABLET PLACEBO ROUND 2 TABLET 20ug B12 + 2000ug FOL 12 WEEKS* WEEKS ROUND 3 ROUND 3 24 WEEKS* WEEKS * blood sample Fenech et al. 1998 Carcinogenesis Supplementation with 3.5 times RDI folic acid & vit B12 reduces micronucleus index by 25 % in subjects with above average chromosome instability MNed cells per 1000 BN cells Low MNed cell freq. at R1. [N = 17] ANOVA P = 0.65 Fenech et al. 1998 Carcinogenesis High MNed cell freq. at R1. [N = 16] ANOVA P < 0.0005 12 9 * * 6 3 0 R1 R1 Base-line R2 R2 7ug B12 700ug FA R3 R3 20ug B12 2mg FA serum B12 vs MN frequency in MICRONUCLEUS FREQUENCY IS MINIMISED WHEN men aged 50-70 years who HOMOCYSTEINE < 7.5umol/l and were B12not > 300pmol/l vitamin B12 deficient MEN AGED 5050-70Y YOUNG ADULTS 1818-32Y R = -0.3418 600 N = 48 R = -0.489 P = 0.0004 600 450 serum B12 [pmol/l] serum B12 (pmol/l) 750 P = 0.0127 300 150 N=62 R=R=-0.31 P==0.013 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 N = 62 M N frequency vs plasma HC in 10 20 30 men (50-70years) who were not40 MN frequency BN cells deficient in per B121000 or folate 0 0 5 10 15 20 MNed cells per 1000 BN cells R = 0.4148 P = 0.0086 N = 39 20 30 N = 48 R = 0.392 P = 0.006 15 15 plasma HC [mol/l] plasma HC (mol/l) 20 10 5 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 MNed cells per 1000 BN cells Fenech et al. 1998 Carcinogenesis 20 0 0 10 MN frequency per 1000 BN cells Fenech et al. (1997) Carcinogenesis 40 Eussen SJ et al 2005 300 times recommended intake of B12 is required to normalise holoTC, MMA and homocysteine in >70 year olds Future Challenges: We have started to determine the impact of common polymorphisms in folate metabolism genes on chromosome damage in Australians *age & gender adjusted Dhillon et al Mutation Res Fund Mech 2009 MICRONUTRIENTS AND GENOME DAMAGE RESULTS OF ANALYSIS OF FOOD FREQUENCY QUESTIONNAIRE AND GENOME DAMAGE DATABASE * P < 0.006 * * * * mid-tertile highest tertile Biotin Pantothenic acid * Riboflavin * * -Carotene * Nicotinic acid * Folate * Retinol * Calcium 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 Vitamin E % variation in MN freq % variation in genome damage with increased intake relative to lowest tertile of intake Fenech et al. Carcinogenesis (2005) Fenech et al 2005 Carcinogenesis; Fenech 2010 AJCN NUTRIENT-NUTRIENT INTERACTION ON CHROMOSOME DAMAGE (a) COMBINED EFFECT OF FOLATE AND CALCIUM (b) COMBINED EFFECT OF FOLATE AND RIBOFLAVIN INTAKE ON MN FREQUENCY INTAKE ON MN FREQUENCY 50 -10 FOLATE INTAKE -20 -30 -40 * * low tertile mid tertile high tertile * -50 * -60 low tertile mid tertile CALCIUM INTAKE 40 * * RIBOFLAVIN INTAKE 30 20 10 low tertile mid tertile high tertile 0 -10 -20 * * -70 % VARIATION % VARIATION 0 high tertile * -30 -40 low tertile mid tertile * high tertile FOLATE INTAKE The combined effect of (a) calcium and folate intake and (b) riboflavin and folate intake on MN frequency. Results shown are the % variation relative to the combined lowest tertiles of intake in the pair of nutrients examined. * P < 0.05 for comparison with the referent value for the combined lowest tertile of intake for the pair of nutrients examined. MORE RIBOFLAVIN IN A LOW FOLATE BACKGROUND MAY BE GENOTOXIC AMOUNTS IN 100g EXPRESSED AS % OF genotype MIMIMUM ? Q. Which dietary pattern will work for your REQUIREMENT FOR OPTIMUM GENOME HEALTH A. It depends on the “nutriome” of the foods you prefer to eat 300 200 100 CALCIUM FOLATE NIACIN VITAMIN E BETA-CAROTENE RETINOL W A LM O N H C EA DS H ED TB D R B A A R R N O C C H C EE O LI SE ( B TU O N IL A ED (C ) B EE AN N F ED (C ) O O K ED B ) A N A N A 0 Fenech, Food Chem Tox 2008 Folate content of vegetables (DFE µg per 100g)* *Data from USDA National Nutrient data base. DFE = dietary folate equivalent. DFE values are shown in brackets. .High Folate (HF) Vegetables Low Folate (LF) Vegetables Pulses Leafy or cruciferous vegetables Roots or Tubers “Fruit” Vegetables Red Kidney beans (130) Broccoli (93) Onions (16) Tomato (15) Mung beans (60) Brussel sprouts (60) Potato (22) Pumpkin (9) Chickpeas (171) Cabbage (43) Turnip (9) Cucumber (6) Lentils (180) Endive (142) Parsnip (57) Capsicum (11) Peas (59) Spinach (146) Swede (21) Eggplant (14) Lima beans (50) Lettuce (73) Carrot (14) Olives (0) Mean (108) Mean (93) Mean (23) Mean (10) Mean (100) Mean (16) Eating the “wrong” vegetables could lead to folate deficiency Folate RDA 400μg requires eating: 2.5Kg LF veg/d or 0.4Kg HF veg/d TELOMERES TELOMERES (TTAGGG repeats) ARE ESSENTIAL FOR CHROMOSOME STABILITY TELOMERE SHORTENING OR DYSFUNCTION INCREASES RISK FOR CANCER AND ACCELERATED SENESCENCE SHORTER TELOMERES ARE ASSOCIATED PROSPECTIVELY WITH INCREASED RISK FOR CANCER MULTIVARIATE HAZARD RATIO FOR CANCER INCIDENCE 3.5 3 2.5 2 LONG MEDIUM SHORT 1.5 1 0.5 0 1st Qtr LEUKOCYTE TELOMERE LENGTH Wong & Collins Lancet 2003 Willeit P et al, JAMA. 2010; 304(1):69-75. Thomas et al, Mech Aging Dev, 2008 50 25 ld er A D O co nt ro ls O ld co nt Yo un g Yo un ge rA D 0 WBC TL <115 Kb per diploid genome OR of being diagnosed with AD is 10.8 specificity 46% sensitivity 92.9%. 40 30 b 20 10 0 O ld er A D 75 ab Yo un ge rA D bc c a co nt ro ls 100 a O ld b 125 50 co nt ro ls 150 Absolute telomere length (Kb per diploid genome) a Yo un g 175 ro ls Absolute telomere length (Kb per diploid genome) Shorter telomeres in WBCs and Buccal cells of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) cases compared to controls Buccal TL <40 kb per diploid genome OR of being identified with AD is 4.6 specificity 63% sensitivity 72.7%. young controls (N=30), old controls (N=26), younger AD (N=14), older AD (N=18). SHORTER LONGER TELOMERES FOLATE PUFA VITAMIN E OXIDATIVE STRESS VITAMIN D OBESITY Ω3-FATTY ACIDS CEREAL FIBRE CURRENT KNOWLEDGE PSYCHOLOGICAL STRESS PROCESSED MEAT MULTIVITAMIN USE HOMOCYSTEINE Int J Obes (Lond). 2010 Aug;34(8):1345-8; Am J Clin Nutr. 2010 May;91(5):1273-80. Rejuvenation Res. 2009 Oct;12(5):341-9. ; Rejuvenation Res. 2009 Jun;12(3):169-76. J Nutr. 2009 Jul;139(7):1273-8; Am J Clin Nutr. 2009 Jun;89(6):1857-63. Am J Clin Nutr. 2007 Nov;86(5):1420-5. Bull & Fenech Proc. Br Nutr Soc 2008 ANTIOXIDANT DEFICIENCY OR OXIDATIVE STRESS 8-OHdG BREAKS IN TELOMERE URACIL REDUCED TRF1, TRF2 BINDING FOLATE DEFICIENCY ? NIACIN OR NICOTINIC ACID DEFICIENCY ? HYPOMETHYLATED SUBTELOMERE ? DYSFUNCTIONAL AND/OR SHORT TELOMERES; TELOMERE END FUSIONS; AND CIN LOSS OF TELOMERE LENGTH CONTROL REDUCED TANK1 ACTIVITY TELOMERE DAMAGE CASCADE High protein (TWD) or high carbohydrate (HC) weight-loss diets reverse telomere shortening in rectum in over-weight men 18.2 Telomere length (kb) TWD HC 15.6 2 way ANOVA P<0.0001 13.0 10.4 7.8 5.2 2.6 0.0 0 O’Callaghan, Clifton, Noakes, Noakes, Fenech. Rejuvenation Res. 2009 12 52 0 weeks on diet 12 52 IS A COMPREHENSIVE SET OF DNA DAMAGE BIOMARKERS NEEDED FOR PERSONALISED NUTRITION AND DRV DETERMINATION FOR GENOME DAMAGE PREVENTION? Fenech M (2010) Am. J. Clin. Clin. Nutr. Nutr. BUCCAL MN ASSAY LYMPHOCYTE CBMN ASSAY RBC MN ASSAY TELOMERE LENGTH COMET ASSAY MITOCHONDRIAL DNA DELETION DNA OXIDATION DNA METHYLATION Validation status of DNA damage biomarkers Fenech M (2010) Am. J. Clin. Clin. Nutr. Nutr. DNA DAMAGE BIOMARKERS ASSOCIATION WITH NUTRITIONAL STATUS ASSOCIATION WITH DEVELOPMENTAL OR DEGENERATIVE DISEASE OR MORTALITY CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDIES PLACEBOCONTROLLED STUDIES CASE-CONTROL STUDIES PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDIES CYTOKINESIS-BLOCK MICRONUCLEUS ASSAY IN LYMPHOCYTES MICRONUCLEUS ASSAY IN BUCCAL CELLS ? ? DNA STRAND BREAKS IN LYMPHOCYTES BY COMET ASSAY ? DNA OXIDATION ? ? ? MICRONUCLEUS ASSAY IN ERYTHROCYTES DNA METHYLATION TELOMERE LENGTH IN LEUKOCYTES OR LYMPHOCYTES MITOCHONDRIAL DNA DELETION ? PROPOSED ROAD-MAP TO DETERMINE DRVs FOR GENOME STABILITY NUTRITION VARIABLES SINGLE MICRONUTRIENT MICRONUTRIENT COMBINATION FUNCTIONAL FOOD FOOD GROUP DIETARY PATTERN STUDY DESIGN IN VITRO MODELS OUTCOME MEASURES DRVs FOR GENOME STABILITY PRIMARY DNA DAMAGE BIOMARKERS: IN VIVO CROSSSECTIONAL STUDIES MICRONUCLEUS CYTOME ASSAYS COMET ASSAY DNA OXIDATION DNA METHYLATION TELOMERE LENGTH mtDNA DELETION PLACEB0CONTROLLED TRIALS SECONDARY TISSUE MICRONUTRIENT CONCENTRATION DATABASES ON VITAMIN & MINERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR GENOME STABILITY IN DIVERSE GENETIC BACKGROUNDS AT THE VARIOUS LIFE-STAGES Fenech M (2010) Am. J. Clin. Clin. Nutr. Nutr. Huang et al Preventive Medicine 48 (2009) 383-388 LIFE-STYLE IS ALSO AN IMPORTANT DETERMINANT OF DNA DAMAGE LIFE-STYLE HPI INDEX NUTRIGENOMICS TOXICOGENOMICS GENOME HEALTH STATUS OF THE POPULATION PSYCHOGENOMICS LIFESTYLE GENOMICS NUTRIGENOMICS EXPERT ADVICE SYSTEM DATA BASE INDIVIDUALISED NUTRITION DIETARY PATTERNS - FUNCTIONAL FOODS - SUPPLEMENTS VERIFICATION OF EFFICACY GENOME HEALTH - NUTRIENT STATUS - GENOTYPE FEEDBACK TO DATABASE RADICAL INNOVATION IN NUTRITION AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTICS GENOME HEALTH OPTIMISED DEVELOPMENTAL & DEGENERATIVE DISEASE PREVENTED Funding: Reach 100, NCEFF Fenech M (2005) Mutagenesis 20: 225225-269 ABC Catalyst, DNA Doctor Story “We are at the threshold of a new era in which harm to the genome, which is the most fundamental pathology, can be efficiently diagnosed and prevented. A person’s DNA damage profile is likely to become the ultimate routine biomarker of health status. Prevention of DNA damage will soon achieve its rightful place as one of the most important objectives of global health strategies.” Michael Fenech October 2010 Acknowledgements THE GENOME HEALTH NUTRIGENOMICS TEAM CRC Diagnostics CHORI (USA) Bruce Ames, Susan Mashiyama Natl. Ins. Hlth & Nutr Japan Keizo Umegaki, Michiyo Kimura WCH Adelaide Graeme Suthers Peter Baghurst RAH Adelaide Ian Olver, Eric Yeoh FUNDING •Kellogs Pty Ltd, •MLA •Blackmore’s, •Nutrilite/Amway •NHMRC, •Cancer Council SA, •NIH/NIAID •EUCancerRiskBiomarkers Program •DPI-Victoria NO CONFLICT OF INTEREST HUMN International Collaborative Project on Micronucleus frequency in human populations Coordinating Group: Michael Fenech (Australia) Chairman Stefano Bonassi (Italy) Wushou Chang (Taiwan) Nina Holland (USA) Errol Zeiger (USA) Micheline Kirsch-Volders (Belgium) Founded Toulouse 1997 •40 labs •16 countries •>12,000 subjects •>70,000 person years Felicia Bulman Julie Turner Carolyn Salisbury Philip Thomas Jimmy Crott Will Greenrod Josy Rinaldi Clare Aitken Sally Record Maryam Hor Theodora Hua Haen Jing Wu Caroline Bull Nathan O’Callaghan Wayne Leifert Glen Patten Erin Symonds Bianca Benassi Sasja Beetstra O’Callaghan, Clifton, Noakes, Noakes, Fenech. Rejuvenation Res. 2009 REDUCTION IN FAT CORRELATES WITH INCREASE IN TELOMERE LENGTH Telomere length in older men is significantly associated with plasma folate and homocysteine Telomere length is negatively correlated with plasma homocysteine in older men. Males; r = -0.57, p = 0.004 (n = 24). Females; r = 0.092, p = 0.68 (n = 23) Bull, O’Callaghan, Mayrhofer & Fenech Rejuvenation Res (2009) Telomere length is positively correlated with plasma folate in males but not in females. Males; r = 0.42, p = 0.04 (n = 24). Females; r = -0.11, p = 0.61 (n = 23) Prof. Michael Fenech [email protected] Nutritional Genomics and DNA Damage Diagnostics Laboratory CSIRO Food & Nutritional Sciences Minimally invasive HighHigh-Throughput Nutrient Array screening for GenomeGenome-Protective agents. agents. Seed cells Nutrients Mitogen Cytochalasin B (cytokinesis blocking agent) Image acquisition and analysis 9 day culture Nuclear stain/Fix Micronucleus Development of automated CBMN Cytome assay: MN, NPB, NBUDs, Necrosis, Apoptosis, NDI + FISH + Protein expression Targeted Cell Selected Nuclei Is it possible to identify the nutriome that prevents the growth of each cancer? One of the greatest challenges in ageing populations is the need to prevent the proliferation of cancers which accumulate with age. Currently there is no rational advice on the appropriate diet to adopt once a person is diagnosed with cancer because our knowledge on nutrient-gene interaction with respect to cancers is rudimentary. Furthermore there is concern that supplementation with certain nutrients that are required for genome maintenance and cell growth (e.g. folate, methionine) may stimulate the cancer growth FOLATE: A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD IN CANCER DEPENDING ON DOSE AND TIMING FOLATE DEFICIENCY <300 mcg/day* FOLATE DEFICIENCY <300 mcg/day* inhibits?? promotes NORMAL ADENOMA inhibits ADEQUATE FOLATE 300-500mcg /day CANCER promotes EXCESSIVE FOLATE > 1000mcg/day * folate deficiency increases risk of cancer initiation, dementia, stroke, osteoporosis Metabolism of Folate and Methionine Apoptosis Cell Proliferation Methylthioribose-1-P + + + Spermidine + Methional MTA DNA Synthesis & Repair MTOB Salvage Pathway DHF Spermine Putrescine dcSAM dTMP Protein Synthesis SAM Vit. B12 Methionine Cob(III) THF TS Ornithine CH3 SAH De Novo Pathway MTR Vit. B12 Catalytic Pathway MTRR 5,10-Methylene THF dUMP MTHFR Vit. B2 DNA & Protein Methylation Homocysteine Vit. B12 CBS Cob(I) 5-Methyl THF RFC-1 Cytoplasm Extra Cellular Trans-Sulphuration Pathway Folic Acid monoglutamate Diet monoglutamate FGCP Folate polyglutamate A nutrient array system could interrogate which nutrient restrictions or supplementations could control any cancer Cancers are genetically and epigenetically very different from normal tissue in the same person and from each other across persons. The multiple mutations in a cancer may make it difficult to rely on genotyping or gene expression patterns to work out an appropriate dietary control strategy. Some cancers amplify the high affinity folate receptor and may benefit from folate restriction. Other cancers may have defects in methionine metabolism making them susceptible to methionine restriction A nutrient array system could identify the appropriate nutriome to control a cancer without knowing its genotype/epigenotype PERSONALISED NUTRIOMES FOR GENOME STABILITY OF STEM CELL & iPS CELL CULTURES We now live in an era when stem cells are taken out of the body and expanded in vitro before being returned to the body Stem cell or iPS cell cytogenetic abnormalities constitute a roadblock to regenerative therapies because they increase the rate of senescence and the risk of oncogenic transformation. Determining the optimal nutriome in culture medium that prevent chromosomal instability for each stem cell or iPS culture is therefore important not only to predict in vivo requirements but also in vitro nutrient requirements for DNA damage prevention REGENERATIVE POTENTIAL OF THE HIPPOCAMPUS REGENERATIVE POTENTIAL OF THE BUCCAL MUCOSA The oral epithelium is a stratified squamous epithelium. It consists of four layers: The keratinised layer at the surface The prickle cell layer The basal layer Lamina propria 7-10 days for cells to migrate from basal layer to keratinised layer Acknowledgement S Thuret (University College London) Buccal Micronucleus Cytome is a powerful diagnostic of accelerated ageing Fenech & Thomas 2007 Mutagenesis KARYORRHEXIS MICRONUCLEI 3 60 p = 0.0003 p<0.0001 50 40 2 30 20 1 10 LS N TR O O C LD ER A LZ H S O W N D N TR O YO O O U N LD G ER ER A C O N C O LS EI M ER TR O O D LZ H LS S W N O LS N TR O C G ER N U YO EI M ER 0 0 CONDENSED CHROMATIN 75 BASAL CELLS 100 p<0.0001 p<0.0001 75 50 50 25 25 0 EI M ER LS LZ H C O N A TR O W N O D LD ER N U O G ER C O N S O LS TR EI M ER O TR O N ER C A LZ H LS S O W N D O LD YO YO U N G ER C O N TR O LS 0 Buccal Micronucleus Cytome Assay & Alzheimer Disease Risk PPV = 98%; NPV = 77%; Sensitivity = 82%, Specificity = 97% LR = 25, OR = 140 for Biomarker 1+2 < 41 BIOMARKER 2 karyorrhexis 150 AD AD & MCI CONTROLS CONTROLS 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 BIOMARKER 1 Basal cells Fenech & Thomas 2007 Mutagenesis Thomas P et al 2008; Wang J et al 2009 Protective effects of grape seed polyphenol and curcumin consumption on Aβ plaque burden in brain section spanning hippocampus and DNA damage in blood and buccal cells of APPSwe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice One way ANOVA p<0.0001 Micronucleated cells at 9 months a 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 3b) Normal differentiated Cell 3a) Basal cell a 3c) Basal with MN 3d) Differentiated with MN 3e) Early karyolytic 3f) Mid karyolytic a b b M G SE G SE R DNA damage in Buccal cells A D A D C U N A A D D C O C O N 3g) late karyolytic W T Frequency of buccal cells with MN (% of total cells sampled) Effects of polyphenol consumption on Ab plaque burden in brain section spanning hippocampus of APPSwe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice Effects of polyphenol consumption on Ab levels in the brain and serum of APPSwe/PS1dE9 transgenic mice Micronuclei in Mature and immature erythrocytes a 5 a a) Polychromatic erythrocyte with micronuclei 4 b) Polychromatic erythrocyte with micronuclei ab ab 3 PCE b 2 c) Mature erythrocytes with micronuclei d) Polychromatic erythrocyte (bright orange) and mature erythrocyte. DNA damage in bone marrow cells 1 M G G D A A D C AD SE SE R U N O C AD T CO N 0 W Frequency of micronucleate PCE's per 1000 PCE's One way ANOVA p=0.004 Micronucleated PCE at 9 months Fenech M 2007 Nature Protocols A B C D E CYTOME F NUTRIOME G H CYTOME & DNA DAMAGE Fenech 2008 Folate and mtDNA deletions Accumulated lymphocytic mtDNA deletions depend upon (a) dietary folate deprivation, (b) depletion of cellular folate storage Lymphocyte mtDNA deletions are +vely correlated with brain mtDNA deletions (r = 0.917, P < 0.0001). Chou and Huang (2009) EJN 48:429-436 Department of Nutritional Science, Fu-Jen University, Hsinchuang 242, Taipei County, Taiwan. POSSIBLE MECHANISMS BY WHICH MICRONUTRIENT DEFICIENCY COULD CAUSE DAMAGE TO THE GENOME Folate/B12 choline deficiency Deficiency of antioxidant Vitamins and Cofactors of Antioxidant enzymes Deficiency of Cofactors of DNA Repair enzymes Cytosine Hypomethylation Centromere dysfunction Telomere dysfunction Chromosome Loss or Malsegregation, Micronucleus formation Telomere shortening Telomere end fusion Uracil Oxidised DNA bases Unrepaired DNA adducts DNA break misrepair mtDNA deletion Base Sequence mutation or deletion Dicentric chromosomes Unrepaired DNA breaks Acentric Chromosome fragments ACCELERATED SENESCENCE BFB CYCLES Anaphase bridge formation Micronucleus formation CHROMOSOME INSTABILITY PHENOTPYE & ABERRANT KARYOTYPE Ageing causes hypomethylation of satellite DNA which leads to loss of ch 1, 9, 16 and micronucleus formation 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Mned cells (%) Bright Mni (%) YOUNG OLD AZAC 33 32PDLs 71PDLs PDLs Suzuki et al. 2002 Exp. Gerontology THE HORMESIS HYPOTHESIS OF CALORIC/NUTRIENT RESTRICTION Protein/ Methionine restriction Caloric Restriction Mimetics VISFATIN SIRT1 KNOWN CALORIC RESTRICTION MIMETICS: XENOHORMETIC AGENTS?? DISCOVERY OF CALORIC RESTRICTION MIMETICS DECELERATED AGEING HEALTHY GENOME •DNA repair •Oncogenes silenced •Compact chromatin OPTIMAL FAT LEVEL RESVERATROL + SIRTUIN DEACETYLASE ACTIVATION •Oxidants •Excess Calories •DNA misrepair DAMAGED GENOME NAD NICOTINIC ACID TRYPTOPHAN - PPAR-γ EXCESS FAT ACCELERATED AGEING Howitz et al Nature 2004 ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSORS (work, home, neighbourhood) MAJOR LIFE EVENTS TRAUMA, ABUSE PERCEIVED STRESS BEHAVIOURAL RESPONSES (fight or flight, smoking, drink, diet, exercise) INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES (genes,development, experiences) PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE ADAPTATION ALLOSTASIS ALLOSTATIC LOAD McEwen BS Physiol Rev (2006) 2010 May 25;5(5):e10826 Correlations Huang et al Preventive Medicine 48 (2009) 383-388 LIFE-STYLE IS ALSO AN IMPORTANT DETERMINANT OF DNA DAMAGE LIFE-STYLE HPI INDEX •DNA DAMAGE IS THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL DISEASE •DNA DAMAGE CAN BE EFFICIENTLY DIAGNOSED •DNA DAMAGE CAN BE PREVENTED •DNA DAMAGE DIAGNOSTICS SHOULD BECOME ROUTINE IN INTEGRATIVE & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE PRACTICES NUTRIGENOMICS EXPERT ADVICE SYSTEM DATA BASE INDIVIDUALISED NUTRITION DIETARY PATTERNS - FUNCTIONAL FOODS - SUPPLEMENTS VERIFICATION OF EFFICACY GENOME HEALTH - NUTRIENT STATUS - GENOTYPE FEEDBACK TO DATABASE RADICAL INNOVATION IN NUTRITION AUTOMATED DIAGNOSTICS GENOME HEALTH OPTIMISED DEVELOPMENTAL & DEGENERATIVE DISEASE PREVENTED Funding: Reach 100, NCEFF Fenech M (2005) Mutagenesis 20: 225225-269 ABC Catalyst, DNA Doctor Story WHAT IS THE GENE EXPRESSION PATTERN ASSOCIATED WITH MICRONUCLEUS FORMATION? NETWORK OF GENES ASSOCIATED WITH MN FORMATION BASED ON DATA IN LITERATURE Dedicated network showing customised MN-related gene–gene interactions with p53 as central hub and validated against actual occurrence of MN in exposed individuals has been constructed Van Leeuwen DM et al Mutagenesis (in press)