Patric Ljung Markus Hadwiger Timo Ropinski Christof Rezk
Patric Ljung Markus Hadwiger Timo Ropinski Christof Rezk
Markus Hadwiger Patric Ljung VR VIS Research Center Vienna, Austria Siemens Corporate p Research Princeton, NJ, USA Christof Rezk Salama Timo Ropinski Computer Graphics Group Institute for Vision and Graphics University of Siegen, Germany Visualization and Computer Graphics Research Group, University of Münster, Germany GPU acceleration allows f fast rendering d i GPU-based ray casting results l in i a hi high h quality li In nowadays performance f gain i can be used to incorporate advanced d d ill illumination i ti effects GPU-BASED VOLUME RAY-CASTING WITH ADVANCED ILLUMINATION Markus Hadwiger VRVis Research VRVi R h Center C t ffor Vi Virtual t lR Reality lit and d Visualization Patric Ljung Department of Imaging and Visualization, Siemens Corporate p Research Christof Rezk-Salama Computer Graphics Group, University of Siegen Timo Ropinski Visualization and Computer Graphics Research Group (VisCG), University off Münster GPU-BASED VOLUME RAY-CASTING WITH ADVANCED ILLUMINATION Working knowledge in computer graphics. B i programming Basic i skills. kill Familiarity with graphics hardware and shading h di languages. l A basic knowledge regarding volume d t data. GPU-BASED VOLUME RAY-CASTING WITH ADVANCED ILLUMINATION 8:35 8 35 Markus M k Hadwiger: H d i I Introduction d i and d Basics 9 20 Timo 9:20 Ti R Ropinski: i ki Li Light h Interaction I i 10 10 Coffee 10:10 C ff Break B k 10:30 10 30 Patric P t i Ljung: Lj A bi t Occlusion Ambient O l i 11:15 Christof Rezk-Salama: Scattering 12 00 Q&A 12:00 GPU-BASED VOLUME RAY-CASTING WITH ADVANCED ILLUMINATION GPU-BASED VOLUME RAY-CASTING WITH ADVANCED ILLUMINATION Klaus Engel, Markus Hadwiger, Joe M Kniss, M. K i Ch i f Rezk-Salama, Christof R k S l Daniel Weisskopf: Real-Time V l Volume G Graphics, hi AK Peters 2006. Oth related Other l t d tutorials t t i l Siggraph 2004 volgraphics 2004/ Eurographics 2006 Siggraph Asia 2008 TIMO ROPINSKI, UNIVERSITY OF MÜNSTER, GERMANY GPU-BASED VOLUME RAY-CASTING WITH ADVANCED ILLUMINATION