Winter 2012 - Wayne State College
Winter 2012 - Wayne State College
Wayne State College Magazine for alumni and friends Winter 2012 Historic Pile Hall Undergoes Renovation Published and funded by the Wayne State Foundation twice annually GPSBMVNOJBOEGSJFOETPG8BZOF4UBUF$PMMFHFt8JOUFS/P In This Issue . . . 4 6 3 President’s Message 4 Curt Frye Inaugurated 5 Winter Commencement 6 WSC Has an App for That 7 WSC IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence Program 8 15 Faculty Notes Hahn Project Incorporates Geothermal System Wellness and Community Service Pile Residence Hall Renovated Academic Day for Scouts at WSC Students Test Disaster Plan Wildcat Fall Athletic Highlights Alumni Notes 26 Wayne State Magazine is published semiannually for alumni and friends of Wayne State College. The magazine is funded by the Wayne State Foundation. Comments and letters should be mailed to: Wayne State Foundation, Wayne State College, 1111 Main Street, Wayne, Nebraska 68787 2 21 - Dr. Vance ‘71 and Peggy Howe ‘73 Wolverton 23 - Erv Strohbeen ‘99 Named Head Coach for Sioux City Bandits 24 - Chi Omega sorority reunion during Homecoming 2011 25 - Dr. Jeff Carstens ‘82 Serves as WSC’s vice president and dean of students. 26 - Reunions - Sun City, Las Vegas and 5VDTPOt"MVNOJ5PVSUP7JFUOBN Administration Wayne State Foundation Staff Editorial Staff Curt Frye President Deb Lundahl - 402-375-7209 Director of Development and Alumni Relations Jay Collier Director of College Relations Dr. Robert McCue Vice President for Academic Affairs Kevin Armstrong - 402-375-7534 Director of Planned Giving Trudy Muir Graphic Design Artist Dr. Jeff Carstens Vice President and Dean of Student Life Sue Jammer - 402-375-7559 Controller Angie Nordhues Writer, Photographer Phyllis Conner - 402-375-7543 Vice President for Development and Executive Director of the Wayne State Foundation Carol Stephens - 402-375-7510 )RXQGDWLRQ2I¿FH$VVLVWDQW Jean Dale Vice President for Administration and Finance Cathleen Hansen - 402-375-7526 $OXPQL2I¿FH$VVLVWDQW Lori Bebee 2I¿FH$VVLVWDQW President’s Message Curt Frye I invite each of you to think about what you can do to be a part of the college’s success. Your time, your support and your generosity ensure we can keep the dream of an excellent education within reach of each new generation. “ “ Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Changsha, Hangzhou, Shanghai, Xian DQG%HLMLQJ OLWWOHPRUHWKDQ¿YHPRQWKVDJR,VWRRGRQWKHVWDJHRI Ramsey Theatre in front of students, staff, faculty, alumni, Wayne State Foundation and Nebraska State College System trustees, community members, friends and family to be RI¿FLDOO\LQVWDOOHGDVWKHth president of Wayne State College. $WWKDWWLPH,SURPLVHGHDFKRI\RXWKDWP\DGPLQLVWUDWLRQZLOOEH fully committed to keeping the college’s mission at the forefront of the development and improvement of Wayne State’s unique higher education programs. There is much progress to report. A $V,ODLGRXWP\YLVLRQIRUWKHFROOHJHGXULQJP\LQDXJXUDO DGGUHVV,UHPDUNHGWKDWSURJUHVVZLOOQRWKDSSHQMXVWEHFDXVH,DP SUHVLGHQW7KHVHJRDOVZLOOKDSSHQEHFDXVHRIWKHGHGLFDWLRQRIRXU community of students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends. Much has transpired since October in support of these goals. One RIWKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWVWHSVZDVWKHVWUDWHJLFSODQQLQJSURFHVVWKDW WKHFROOHJH¶VIDFXOW\VWDIIDQGVWXGHQWVHQJDJHLQHYHU\WZR\HDUV 2XUVWUDWHJLFSODQSURYLGHVWKHIUDPHZRUNIRURXUHIIRUWVWRPHHW and exceed our stated mission of teaching and learning excellence, community building, regional service and development, VWHZDUGVKLSDQGVWXGHQWSHUVLVWHQFH One of the top priorities to emerge from the planning process ZDVWKHFRQWLQXHGGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHFROOHJH¶VVWXG\DEURDG RSSRUWXQLWLHVIRUVWXGHQWV,DPSOHDVHGWRUHSRUWWKDW:D\QH6WDWH &ROOHJHZLOODGGDVHPHVWHUORQJVWXG\DEURDGSURJUDPLQ$VLD VWDUWLQJLQWKHVSULQJRI7KH$VLDSURJUDPZLOOVHUYHDVD FRPSDQLRQWRWKHFXUUHQW6HPHVWHU$EURDGLQ*UHHFHWKDWLVQRZLQ its fourth year. ,WLVDKLJKSULRULW\DW:D\QH6WDWH&ROOHJHWRRIIHUVWXGHQWV experiences in other countries and other cultures. The result is VWXGHQWVKDYHDEURDGHUZRUOGYLHZDQGWKHVHH[SHULHQFHVVWDQG RXWLQWKHH\HVRISURVSHFWLYHHPSOR\HUV,DPSOHDVHGWKDWZHDUH able to add Asia to our already stellar portfolio of travel abroad experiences. 6WXGHQWVLQWKH$VLDVWXG\DEURDGSURJUDPZLOOOHDYHWKH8QLWHG 6WDWHVLQPLG0DUFKDQGUHWXUQLQODWH0D\DIWHUZHHNV DEURDG7KHLULQLWLDOKRPHEDVHZLOOEHDW3URYLGHQFH8QLYHUVLW\ LQ7DLFKXQJ7DLZDQZKHUHWKH\ZLOOVWXG\ODQJXDJHDQGFXOWXUH Additional planned travel and experiences include visits to Taipei, :KLOHZHUHFRJQL]HWKDWLQWHUQDWLRQDOHGXFDWLRQLVWUHPHQGRXVO\ LPSRUWDQWIRURXUVWXGHQWVZHDOVRPDLQWDLQRXUIRFXVRQRXU UHJLRQWRNHHSDQH[FHOOHQWHGXFDWLRQZLWKLQUHDFKRI6LRX[ODQG residents. The Board of Trustees of the Nebraska State College System voted at the Jan. 18 board meeting to approve The Bridge, a Wayne State College tuition discount program for the College &HQWHULQ6RXWK6LRX[&LW\7KH%ULGJHZKLFKZDVDSSURYHGDV DWKUHH\HDUSLORWSURJUDPZLOOVHWWXLWLRQDWWKH&ROOHJH&HQWHU at the in-state rate plus one dollar for students from outside of Nebraska. Throughout the planning for the College Center, Wayne State &ROOHJH¶VLQWHQWZDVWRVHUYHWKHHQWLUHUHJLRQDURXQG6RXWK6LRX[ City. This vision of access moved many businesses and community leaders from both sides of the bridge to donate their time and PRQH\WRWKHSURMHFWDQGGULYHVFRQWLQXHGVXSSRUWWKURXJKRXW Siouxland. The discounted tuition program completes this mission IRUXVE\EULGJLQJWKHJDSEHWZHHQLQVWDWHDQGRXWRIVWDWHWXLWLRQ 7KH%ULGJHWXLWLRQGLVFRXQWQDPHGIRUWKHFRQQHFWLRQEHWZHHQ South Sioux City, Sioux City and the tristate region of Nebraska, ,RZDDQG6RXWK'DNRWDUHFRJQL]HVWKHH[SDQVLYHVHUYLFHDUHDRI the College Center and should help drive enrollment at the facility, ZLWKDVSHFLDOHPSKDVLVRQGHJUHHFRPSOHWLRQDQGSODFHERXQG students. Since opening for classes in fall 2011, enrollment and FUHGLWKRXUVDWWKH&ROOHJH&HQWHUKDYHJURZQE\PRUHWKDQ percent. 7KHIXWXUHLVIXOORISURPLVLQJQHZSURJUDPVDQGLQLWLDWLYHVIRU Wayne State. The pages of this magazine hold many stories of the success of our community of students, staff and faculty and WKHZD\WKH\ZRUNWRJHWKHUWREXLOGDQHQYLURQPHQWRIKDQGVRQ OHDUQLQJWKDWUHZDUGVRXUVWXGHQWVZLWKDVROLGFDUHHUSDWKDQG provides outstanding teachers, doctors, business leaders, scientists, artists, musicians, counselors and citizens to the state of Nebraska and beyond. 0\FKDUJHWR:D\QH6WDWHLVWKDWZHFDQEHWWHUVHUYHRXUVWXGHQWV DQGZHFDQEHWWHUVHUYHRXUUHJLRQ:HFDQEHWWHUHQJDJHRXU faculty and staff in the learning process. We can better plan for the future of the college’s facilities to match the ever-changing needs RIWRPRUURZ¶VVWXGHQWV:HFDQEHWWHUVHUYHWKH1HEUDVND6WDWH &ROOHJH6\VWHP$QGZHFDQEHWWHUVHUYHWKHVWDWHRI1HEUDVNDDVD college of distinction. ,LQYLWHHDFKRI\RXWRWKLQNDERXWZKDW\RXFDQGRWREHDSDUWRI the college’s success. Your time, your support and your generosity HQVXUHZHFDQNHHSWKHGUHDPRIDQH[FHOOHQWHGXFDWLRQZLWKLQ UHDFKRIHDFKQHZJHQHUDWLRQ Wayne State Magazine 3 Campus Notes Curt Frye Inaugurated as Wayne State’s 12th President Wayne State faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends came together for the inauguration of Curt Frye as the 12th president on 2FWLQ5DPVH\7KHDWUH7KHFHUHPRQ\ZDVPDUNHGE\)U\H¶V charge to the audience to keep the college’s mission at the forefront of the development and improvement of Wayne State’s unique higher education programs. The ceremony featured remarks by Nebraska Lt. Gov. Rick Sheehy, Nebraska State College System Chancellor Stan Carpenter, Wayne Mayor Ken Chamberlain, Wayne State Foundation Board of Trustees President Bill Dickey, Dr. Marshall Hill, Executive Director of the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education in Nebraska, Wayne State College Student Senate President Joe Whitt, Wayne State College Support Staff Senate Chair Diane Pieper, Wayne State College Professional Staff Senate Chair Lindsay McLaughlin, and Wayne State College Faculty Senate Chair Dr. Mark Leeper. Katelyn Olenich of Norfolk, the Wayne State student trustee for the Nebraska State College System, delivered the invocation and benediction. Carter “Cap” Peterson of Wayne, Chair of the Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees, conducted the investiture of Frye as president. .H\QRWHUHPDUNVZHUHGHOLYHUHGE\5HJJ6ZDQVRQD:6& graduate and trustee of the Wayne State Foundation. The college KRQRUHG)U\H¶VLQDXJXUDWLRQZLWKDFDPSXVVHUYLFHLQLWLDWLYHDLPHG at underscoring the importance of gratitude. Students, staff, faculty, DOXPQLDQGIULHQGVZHUHHQFRXUDJHGWRVHQGDKDQGZULWWHQQRWHRI thanks to those people in their lives that have made a difference for WKHPZKHWKHUODUJHRUVPDOO7KHSURMHFWLQFOXGHGJDWKHULQJVRQ6HSW DQGWRKDQGZULWHQRWHVDQGDQRXWUHDFKHIIRUWIRUDOXPQLDQG IULHQGVWKURXJKWKHVRFLDOQHWZRUNLQJSODWIRUP)DFHERRN0RUHWKDQ QRWHVRIJUDWLWXGHZHUHVXEPLWWHGIURPVWXGHQWVIDFXOW\DQGVWDII President Curt Frye and Nebraska State College System Chancellor Stan Carpenter 4 President Curt Frye delivers his inaugural message, “A College of Distinction” Frye’s inaugural message, “A College of Distinction”, outlined WKHPDQ\ZD\VWKHFROOHJH¶VSURJUDPVIXO¿OO:D\QH6WDWH¶V mission of student success, regional development and teaching and OHDUQLQJH[FHOOHQFH)U\HVSHFL¿FDOO\DGGUHVVHGKLVDGPLQLVWUDWLRQ¶V commitment to building upon the college’s successes in attracting and retaining the best and brightest students in Nebraska, serving UXUDOFRPPXQLWLHVLQ1HEUDVNDDQGKLULQJWKH¿QHVWIDFXOW\DQGVWDII available. Inauguration platform party Winter 2011 Commencement Wayne State College held commencement for graduate and undergraduate students Dec. 16 in Rice Auditorium. A total of 195 degrees–145 undergraduates and 50 graduate degrees– ZHUHFRQIHUUHGDWWKHFHUHPRQLHVE\:D\QH6WDWH3UHVLGHQW Curt Frye. Invocation Speaker Emily Kingsley of West Point, Neb., delivered the LQYRFDWLRQIRUWKHZLQWHUFRPPHQFHPHQWFHUHPRQ\.LQJVOH\ PDMRUHGLQ(QJOLVKOLWHUDWXUHZLWKDPLQRULQVSHHFK communication. She is the daughter of Roger Kingsley, a 1996 graduate of Wayne State, and Deb Kingsley. Kingsley is a member of Sigma Tau Delta English honor society and Lambda Pi Eta Communications honor society. She served as the Campus Crusade for Christ co-director, speech Peer Tutor, and the 2010 Homecoming Queen. She also made WKH'HDQ¶V/LVWVHYHUDOVHPHVWHUV6KHSODQVRQZRUNLQJLQIXOO time ministry and humanitarian aid after graduation. Winter commencement speakers included from left: Katie Isom, Emily Kingsley and Tara Settje. Commencement Speakers .DWLH,VRPRI9DOHQWLQH1HEGHOLYHUHGRQHRIWZR FRPPHQFHPHQWDGGUHVVHVIRUWKHZLQWHUFRPPHQFHPHQW FHUHPRQ\,VRPPDMRUHGLQFKHPLVWU\DVSDUWRI:D\QH6WDWH¶V Rural Health Opportunities Program. She is the daughter of 6WHSKHQDQG-DPLH,VRP ,VRPZDVDFWLYHZLWKWKH+HDOWK6FLHQFH&OXE&DUGLQDO .H\ZRPHQ¶VJROIWHDP6WXGHQW$WKOHWH$GYLVRU\&RPPLWWHH Wayne After School Tutoring Program and appeared on WKH'HDQ¶V/LVW$VDVWXGHQWDWKOHWHVKHZDVKRQRUHGDVD 3UHVLGHQWLDO6FKRODU$WKOHWH'LYLVLRQ,,$WKOHWLF'LUHFWRUV $VVRFLDWLRQ$FDGHPLF$FKLHYHPHQW$ZDUGDQGWKH1RUWKHUQ 6XQ,QWHUFROOHJLDWH&RQIHUHQFH6SULQJ$OO$FDGHPLF7HDP 6KHZLOOEHDWWHQGLQJPHGLFDOVFKRRODW8QLYHUVLW\RI1HEUDVND Medical Center to study family medicine. 7DUD6HWWMHRI/HLJK1HEGHOLYHUHGRQHRIWZR FRPPHQFHPHQWDGGUHVVHVDWWKHZLQWHUFRPPHQFHPHQW FHUHPRQ\7DUDPDMRUHGLQEXVLQHVVDGPLQLVWUDWLRQZLWK concentrations in management and human resource PDQDJHPHQW6KHLVWKHGDXJKWHURI0LNHDQG&LQG\6HWWMH 6HWWMHUHFHLYHGD:D\QH6WDWH/HDGHUVKLS6FKRODUVKLS National Sigma Beta Delta Scholarship, served as president of &DUGLQDO.H\DQG'HOWD6LJPD3LDQGZDVDPHPEHURI6LJPD Beta Delta, the Society for Human Resource Management, 'HDQ¶V/LVWDQG+RPHFRPLQJ5R\DOW\6KHZLOOVHUYHDV RI¿FHPDQDJHUORJLVWLFVGLUHFWRUIRU3LJ([SUHVVLQ/HLJKDQG plans to get married June 2. Commencement photos - clockwise from top left: Silas Fluellen hugs his Mom, Ann Fluellen. Fluellen earned a bachelor of science degree in health and physical education K-12. Women wear many hats, even tiny ones...infant %rooklynn Welch sports a Àower as her mother, Megan Furgison, holds her following commencement. Phillip Dougherty of Gilead graduated with a bachelor of science degree in computer science and computer information systems. Shana Heggemeyer of Tilden moves her tassel during commencement. She earned a bachelor of science degree in music/vocal and instrumental K-12 education. Wayne State Magazine 5 Campus Notes WSC Has an App for That ,IVWXGHQWV¶EDFNSDFNVLQ'U6KDURQ *DUYLQ¶V$FFRXQWLQJ,,FODVVORRND little light this semester, there’s a good explanation. These students have traded in heavy textbooks, laptops, ledger sheets, FDOFXODWRUVDQGWKHOLNHIRUWKHOLJKWZHLJKW convenience of the Apple iPad 2. “Everything in accounting is affected by technology. It’s good to give students the opportunity to explore new technology right away.” Everything the 14 students need for Garvin’s class can be contained in a package smaller than the magazine you’re reading, and not much thicker. The idea for transitioning to an iPad EDVHGFRXUVHZDVWKHEUDLQFKLOGRIWKH School of Business and Technology Dean Dr. Vaughn Benson. “Everything in accounting is affected E\WHFKQRORJ\´*DUYLQVDLG³,W¶VJRRGWR JLYHVWXGHQWVWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRH[SORUHQHZ WHFKQRORJ\ULJKWDZD\´ 6WXGHQWVDUHSURYLGHGZLWKDQL3DGDW the beginning of the semester. For all of the students in Garvin’s spring semester class, LWZDVWKH¿UVWWLPHWKH\KDGWKHRSSRUWXQLW\ WRXVHDQL3DG1RZVRPHDUHFRQVLGHULQJ purchasing one after the semester is over and 6 WKH\DUHUHTXLUHGWRUHWXUQWKHLUERUURZHG device. Rather than reading from a thick textbook, students read an interactive ebook on their iPad. They can highlight sections DQG PDNHQRWHVLQWKHPDUJLQVMXVWOLNHLQD printed book, but they can also ask Garvin a question directly from their device. Cale Albracht, a freshman from Columbus, Neb., said he loves the portability the iPad provides him. ³,FDQUHDGWKHWH[WERRNZKHQHYHU, KDYHP\L3DGZKHUHYHU,DP´$OEUDFKW VDLG³+DYLQJWKHL3DGDOORZVPHWRDOZD\V be connected and have the opportunity to study.” 7KHL3DGVDUHORDGHGZLWKVWXG\WRROV such as interactive exercises, recorded OHFWXUHVYRFDEXODU\ZRUGVDQGÀDVKFDUGV 'RZQORDGHGDSSVDOORZVWXGHQWVWR complete spreadsheet assignments and take QRWHV6WXGHQWVFRPSOHWHKRPHZRUNRQWKH iPad, receiving instant feedback and the DELOLW\WRVHQGWKHLUZRUNGLUHFWO\WR*DUYLQ ³,W¶VLQVWDQWJUDWL¿FDWLRQ´VKHVDLG “Before, if they didn’t understand a concept, WKH\PLJKWVKRZXSWRFODVVZLWKRQO\KDOI of their assignment done. The iPad provides WKHPDZD\WRVHHLIWKH\XQGHUVWDQG the assignment and point them to the explanation in the book if they don’t.” ,W¶VDIHDWXUH.DWLH-DFREVHQD freshman from Laurel, Neb., said she appreciates. ³2XUKRPHZRUNJLYHVXVLQVWDQW IHHGEDFNDQGOHWVXVNQRZZKDWZHJRW FRUUHFWULJKWDZD\LQVWHDGRIZDLWLQJIRUD ZHHN´VKHVDLG 6WXGHQWVZKRPD\VWUXJJOHZLWKRQH FRQFHSWKDYHHYHU\WKLQJDWWKHLU¿QJHUWLSV WRRYHUFRPHDQ\OHDUQLQJEDUULHUVZKLOH VWXGHQWVZKRKDYHPDVWHUHGWKHFRQFHSWFDQ move ahead. Thanks to the iPad’s instant JUDWL¿FDWLRQDQGSRUWDELOLW\*DUYLQVDLG she feels it’s helping her students retain more information and better understand the FXUULFXOXP,WLVDOVRKHOSLQJWKHPSUHSDUH for a career after graduation. ³,QVWHDG RIVLPSO\WHDFKLQJ ERRNNHHSLQJWKLVDOORZVPHWRWHDFK some higher level skills,” she noted. “We DUHWHDFKLQJVWXGHQWVKRZWRH[SODLQWKH QXPEHUVKRZWRIRUHFDVWDQGKRZWR make business decisions using accounting LQIRUPDWLRQ:HDUHWHDFKLQJWKHPKRZWKH\ can use numbers to make a company more competitive.” ,W¶VDVNLOOVWXGHQWVZLOOQHHGLQWKH ZRUNSODFHVKHDGGHGWKDQNVWRWKHUDSLGO\ FKDQJLQJDFFRXQWLQJ¿HOG “Accounting has changed so much,” VKHVDLG³7KHMREVZHXVHGWRKDYHUHTXLUHG people. Technology has changed all that. Companies need people that understand QXPEHUVDQGFDQH[SODLQZKDWWKH\PHDQ´ ³:HDUHSUHSDULQJWKHPIRUMRE security,” she said. INBRE WSC IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence Program Trent Ahlers Kelsey Augustin Nathan Broeker Kelsey Augustin, Trent Ahlers and Nathan Broeker credit the opportunity to FRQGXFWJUDGXDWHOHYHOVFLHQWL¿FUHVHDUFK as the best thing about earning their undergraduate degrees at Wayne State &ROOHJH7KRXJKHDFKRIWKHPLVZRUNLQJ LQDGLIIHUHQW¿HOGRIELRPHGLFDOUHVHDUFK they share the experience of participating in WKH,'H$1HWZRUNVRI%LRPHGLFDO5HVHDUFK ([FHOOHQFH,1%5(SURJUDPDWWKHFROOHJH Wayne State has been successfully preparing students for careers in biomedical research for more than 10 years through ,1%5(ZKLFKLVIXQGHG E\DQRQJRLQJJUDQW WKURXJKWKH1DWLRQDO,QVWLWXWHRI+HDOWK:6& SURIHVVRUV6KDZQ3HDUF\SK\VLRORJ\DQG 'RXJ&KULVWHQVHQPROHFXODUPLFURELRORJ\ KDYH EHHQLQYROYHGZLWKWKHJUDQWIRUWZR UHQHZDOSHULRGVGDWLQJEDFNWR7KH grant funds one-third of three contracts for science faculty in biomedical research at :6&DQGDOORZV:D\QH6WDWHWRSXUFKDVH expensive biomedical research equipment and supplies. “Wayne State’s participation in the SURJUDPDOORZVPHWRGRFXWWLQJHGJH ELRPHGLFDOUHVHDUFKZLWKDKLJKDPRXQW of personal responsibility and minimum oversight,” Ahlers, a native of Hastings, Neb., said. His research centers on drug delivery XVLQJ,1/%SURWHLQVIURPOLVWHULDEDFWHULD Ahlers, like Broeker and Augustin, puts in KRXUVSHUZHHNDWWKHODEDQGKRXUVSHU ZHHNGXULQJWKHVXPPHUDWRQHRIVHYHUDO medical research facilities in Nebraska. %URHNHURI6HZDUG1HEVDLGKHVKDUHV Ahler’s appreciation of the program and ZHQWRQWRH[SODLQWKDWKHFDPHWR:D\QH State for the Rural Health Opportunities 3URJUDP5+23ZKLFKJXDUDQWHHV:6& VWXGHQWVDVORWLQPHGLFDOVFKRRODW8QLYHUVLW\ of Nebraska Medical Center provided they commit to a medical career in rural Nebraska. ³2QFH,ZDVDW:D\QH6WDWH,GHFLGHG ,ZDQWHGWRSXUVXHELRPHGLFDOUHVHDUFK UDWKHUWKDQPHGLFLQHVR,MRLQHGWKH,1%5( SURJUDP,KDYHDOOVRUWVRIQHZWRROVWRSOD\ ZLWKDQGJHWDORWRIH[SRVXUHWRUHVHDUFK through conferences and other opportunities,” Broeker said. He is studying up-regulation of KHUSHVSURWHLQLQFDQFHURXVFHOOVZKHQJLYHQ $,'6PHGLFDWLRQ 7KHYLVLRQRIWKH1HEUDVND,1%5( SURMHFWLVWRHQKDQFHWKHFRPSHWLWLYHQHVV of biomedical research in Nebraska by developing the state’s research infrastructure and providing research opportunities for students and faculty at nine of Nebraska’s LQVWLWXWLRQVRIKLJKHUHGXFDWLRQ7KH,1%5( program represents a center of excellence for all Wayne State students. The college’s VFLHQWL¿FODERUDWRULHVDUHDPRQJWKHEHVWLQ the state and are used regularly by a range of classes to complete a rigorous science curriculum taught by distinguished faculty. Augustin pointed to the research component as being the key to her future LQELRLQIRUPDWLFVZKLFKXVHVFRPSXWHUV to analyze a huge range of biological information. Her research looks at cell death resulting from the removals of proteins in the hopes of pinpointing treatments that could destroy cancerous cells. ³:KDW,UHDOO\OLNHEHVWLVWKDWZH FDQSXEOLVKUHVHDUFKSDSHUVQHWZRUNZLWK our mentors and other researchers, and XVHHTXLSPHQWZHZRXOGQRWJHWWRXVH RWKHUZLVH´WKH6KHOE\1HEQDWLYHVDLG Kelsey Augustin Receives Future Scientist Award .HOVH\$XJXVWLQZDVRQHRIVL[ undergraduate students from four Nebraska colleges and universities to recently receive the 2011 Richard Holland )XWXUH6FLHQWLVW$ZDUGIURPWKH1HEUDVND Coalition for Lifesaving Cures. Augustin placed third in the poster category. The students received cash prizes WRWDOLQJDWWKHDQQXDO,1%5( FRQIHUHQFH$XJLQ*UDQG,VODQG7KH DZDUGVDUHQDPHGLQKRQRURI5LFKDUG Holland, an Omaha philanthropist and longtime supporter of research. 7KHVWXGHQWVZHUHMXGJHGLQWZR categories representing oral and poster SUHVHQWDWLRQVRIWKHUHVHDUFKZRUNWKH\ conducted this past summer as part of the ,1%5(SURJUDP Wayne State Magazine 7 Faculty Notes Steve Elliott, associate professor of art and chair of the art department at :D\QH6WDWHVD\VKHGHFLGHGWREHDQDUWLVWGXULQJDWULSKHWRRNWR1HZ<RUN &ROOHJHLQZKLOHVHUYLQJKLVIRXUWKDQG¿QDO\HDULQWKH0DULQH&RUSV ³,YLYLGO\UHFDOOWKLVGHFLVLRQEHFDXVH,FDOOHGP\PRWKHUIURP1HZ <RUNWROHWKHUNQRZWKDW,ZRXOGQRWEHSXUVXLQJODZRUPHGLFDOVFKRROQRU RSWRPHWU\ZKLFKVKHDOZD\VWKRXJKWZRXOGKDYHEHHQDJRRGFDUHHUSDWKIRU PH´(OOLRWWVDLG³$VDYHWHUDQDQG¿UVWJHQHUDWLRQFROOHJHVWXGHQW,WUDGHG LQP\ULÀHDQGSLVWROIRUDGUDZLQJERDUGDQGEHJDQWDNLQJDUWFODVVHVDWWKH 8QLYHUVLW\RI.DQVDVRQWKH0RQWJRPHU\*,%LOO´ %HIRUHHPEDUNLQJRQKLVVWXGLHV(OOLRWWZDVGHSOR\HGLQWKH$GULDWLF6HD ZLWKWKHWK0DULQH([SHGLWLRQDU\8QLWVHUYLQJDERDUGWKH866.HDUVDUJH 8661DVKYLOOHDQGWKH8663HQVDFROD$IWHUUHWXUQLQJWRWKH86KHZDV UHFUXLWHGWRWKHQG0DULQH$LUFUDIW:LQJ0DUNVPDQVKLS7UDLQLQJ8QLWLQ &KHUU\3RLQW1&ZKHUHKHSDUWLFLSDWHGLQWKH,QWUDPXUDODQG'LYLVLRQULÀH and pistol competitions, and eventually became the Chief Marksmanship ,QVWUXFWRU ³:LWKOHVVWKDQD\HDURIH[SHULHQFHRQWKHULÀHDQGSLVWROWHDPLQ ,ZDVDZDUGHGQGSODFHIRUWKH0DULQH&RUSV,QGLYLGXDO3LVWRO&RPSHWLWLRQ Elliott Takes Edina People’s Choice Award “On of the most satisfying aspects of my job is no matter what I do at any given “One time, I’m always involved with facilitating some type of creative production, time whether it’s building a sculpture, teaching a class, or chairing our department,” whe Elliott said. “Each day I look forward to coming to work, because at the end of Elli the day, something new and exciting will have been accomplished.” e tur Na of ion act str Ab Transponder – An 8 DW&KHUU\3RLQWDQGSODFHGLQWKHWRS¿YHRI DOORIWKH,QGLYLGXDO5LÀH&RPSHWLWLRQ Stages,” Elliott said. During his last year in WKH0DULQHVKHDQGKLVWHDPZRQQXPHURXV DZDUGVIRU,QWHUQDWLRQDO3UDFWLFDO6KRRWLQJ &RQIHGHUDWLRQDQG1DWLRQDO5LÀH$VVRFLDWLRQ sponsored matches. Elliott came to Wayne State in 2003 after FRPSOHWLQJKLVEDFKHORU¶VDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI .DQVDVLQ/DZUHQFHDQGKLVPDVWHU¶VDWWKH 8QLYHUVLW\RI0DU\ODQGLQ&ROOHJH3DUN0G This is his fourth year as department chair. 7KRXJK(OOLRWWWHDFKHVDZLGHUDQJHRI art classes at Wayne State, his passions are metalsmithing and casting. His large-scale VFXOSWXUHVDQGPL[HGPHGLDZRUNVKDYH been included in more than 60 exhibitions DQG FROODERUDWLRQVLQVWDWHVQDWLRQZLGH including the ARC Gallery in Chicago and 516 ARTS in Albuquerque. Recent international exhibits include the Manoa Art *DOOHU\LQ+RQROXOXDQGDFROODERUDWLRQZLWK WKH=HQWUDO%LEOLRWKHNLQ=XULFK6ZLW]HUODQG ³,QLWLDOO\P\LQWHUHVWZDVLQJUDSKLF design,” Elliott said. “After taking a 3-D GHVLJQFRXUVH,EHJDQWRH[SORUHFODVVHVLQ sculpture and metalsmithing, because there ZDVVRPHWKLQJDERXWWKHSK\VLFDOLW\RIWKUHH GLPHQVLRQDOZRUNWKDWUHDOO\GUHZPHLQ 2QFH,VWDUWHGFDVWLQJPHWDODQGIDEULFDWLQJ on a large scale, my interest and dedication to WKHDUWIRUPFRQWLQXHGWRJURZ´ Elliott’s dedication to his art has resulted LQVHYHUDO DZDUGVIRUKLVZRUNWKHPRVW recent coming Oct. 17 as one of several 3HRSOH¶V&KRLFHZLQQHUVDWDQRXWGRRU sculpture exhibition in Edina Park, Minn. The Edina Art Center board’s public art committee issued a call for sculptors for DVFXOSWXUH ORDQSURJUDPIRU*UDQGYLHZ Square Park and the Edina Promenade. $IWHUWKHVFXOSWXUHVZHUHLQVWDOOHG WKHSXEOLFZDVHQFRXUDJHGWRYRWHIRUWKHLU favorites. During the course of the summer, KXQGUHGVRIYRWHVZHUHFDVWIRUIDYRULWH VFXOSWXUHV(OOLRWWZRQVHFRQGSODFHLQWKH FRQWHVWIRUKLVZRUN³7UDQVSRQGHU±$Q Abstraction of Nature.” Frank D. Adams, professor of education, gave a presentation, “Bullying: The ‘Behavior’ Considerations for the Exceptional Child,” at the annual Conference of the Nebraska Council for Exception Children on Oct. 28 at the (68&HQWHULQ/D9LVWD1HE7KH FRQIHUHQFHWKHPHZDV³,QVWUXFWLRQDO Strategies and Methods for Special Educators.” Dr. Adams chaired a quality check-up visit Nov. 2-5 to the 0LOZDXNHH$UHD7HFKQLFDO&ROOHJH LQ0LOZDXNHH:LVIRUWKH+LJKHU Learning Commission. The Higher /HDUQLQJ&RPPLVVLRQ¶V$4,3FRQGXFWV TXDOLW\FKHFNXSVLWHYLVLWVWRHDFKLQVWLWXWLRQGXULQJWKH¿IWKVL[WK \HDULQHYHU\VHYHQ\HDUF\FOHRI$4,3SDUWLFLSDWLRQ7KHTXDOLW\ FKHFNXSVDUHFRQGXFWHGZLWKWKHDSSURYDORIWKH+LJKHU/HDUQLQJ Commission’s Criteria for Accreditation and to determine the role of the continuous improvement by the institution as required by $4,3PHPEHUVKLS$GGLWLRQDOO\$GDPVDQG*ORULD/DZUHQFH professor of psychology, had an article, “Bullying Victims: The Effects Last into College”, published in the fall 2011 issue of the MRXUQDOSecondary EducationSS Meenakshi N. Dalal, professor of economics, presented the paper ³(IIHFWLYHQHVVRI0LFUR¿QDQFH±&DVH6WXG\RI5DMDVWKDQ´DWWKH 0LGZHVW(FRQRPLF$VVRFLDWLRQ&RQIHUHQFH0DUFK in St. Louis, Mo. Cyndi Hanson, instructor in the business and economics GHSDUWPHQWJXLGHGKHU7RWDO&RPSHQVDWLRQ&ODVV%86 LQFRPSOHWLQJDVHUYLFHOHDUQLQJSURMHFWSDUWQHULQJZLWK 6LRX[ODQG&RPPXQLW\+HDOWK&HQWHULQ6LRX[&LW\,RZD7KH FODVVFRQGXFWHGDZDJHDQGEHQH¿WVXUYH\LQWKHUHJLRQLQ ZKLFKWKH\FRQWDFWHGPRUHWKDQKHDOWKFDUHSURYLGHUV including nursing homes, pharmacies, dentists, and physical and mental health providers. Students compiled and analyzed the responses, then provided a free copy of summary results to all participants. “Experiences such as this are valued by industry SDUWLFLSDQWVDVZHOODVVWXGHQWV´+DQVRQVDLG “The participating businesses receive local, relevant comparison points and VWXGHQWVOHDUQ¿UVWKDQGWKHFRPSOH[LWLHVRIGHVLJQLQJVWUDWHJLF compensation systems including collection of data.” Elise Hepworth, assistant professor of voice and music education, SUHVHQWHGDWWKH,RZD0XVLF(GXFDWRUV Association conference on Nov. 17 in $PHV,RZDDQGWKH1HEUDVND0XVLF Educators Association conference on 1RYLQ/LQFROQ'U+HSZRUWK¶V presentation, “Practical Tips for 7HDFKLQJWKH,QGLYLGXDO9RLFH´ IRFXVHGRQWURXEOHVKRRWLQJVSHFL¿F vocal problems and literature that is age appropriate for the young VLQJHU+HSZRUWKDOVRZDVDIHDWXUHG guest clinician for three conference choirs in Nebraska: the Elkhorn Valley Junior High Conference &KRLU1RYWKH1(1$&-XQLRU+LJK&RQIHUHQFH&KRLULQ &URIWRQ1RYDQGWKH0LG6WDWH&KRUDO&RQIHUHQFH&OLQLFLQ :HVW3RLQW1RY Michael Marek, associate professor of mass communication, had SHHUUHYLHZHGSDSHUVSXEOLVKHGLQ Educational Technology and Society and the Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. He completed a three-year term as communications team leader of the Civil Air Patrol, a national leadership position for emergency and disaster radio communications policy DQGSODQQLQJ+HSUHVHQWHGRQ¿YH university campuses during his May UHVLGHQF\DW3URYLGHQFH8QLYHUVLW\LQ 7DLZDQ Lori Newcomb, language and literature instructor, presented a paper titled “A Legacy of Literacy: Olaudah Equiano’s Slave 1DUUDWLYH´LQ&DSH7RZQ6RXWK$IULFD7KHFRQIHUHQFHZDVKHOG 6HSWDWWKH&DSH3HQLQVXOD8QLYHUVLW\RI7HFKQRORJ\DQG ZDVKRVWHGE\WKH(QJOLVK$FDGHP\RI6RXWKHUQ$IULFD James O’Donnell, dean of the School of Arts and Humanities, had his recording, “The Trumpet’s Lofty Sound,” featured in a national broadcast by National Public Radio on June 27. The UDGLRVKRZPipe DreamsLVZHHNO\IHDWXUHGRQ135DI¿OLDWH VWDWLRQVLQPRUHWKDQPDUNHWVQDWLRQZLGH'U2¶'RQQHOO¶V recording has received continued air play on individual FODVVLFDOPXVLFVWDWLRQVWKURXJKRXWWKH86LQFOXGLQJUHFHQW EURDGFDVWVLQ+DUULVEXUJ3D%DWRQ5RXJH/D<RXQJVWRZQ Ohio, Chattanooga, Tenn., and Omaha. William Slaymaker, professor of language and literature, gave three presentations at various conferences (April 2011-July RQWKHWRSLFRIHQYLURQPHQWDO problems in Mongolia based on his research trip to Mongolia in the summer of 2010. Dr. Slaymaker’s article on the Nobel Literature Prize candidate from $IULFD1JXJLZDV7KLRQJ¶RDSSHDUHG LQWKHMRXUQDOResearch in African Literature in November. Keith Willis, professor of counseling and VSHFLDOHGXFDWLRQZDVRQHRIWKH speakers for the Sept. 30 Youth Violence Prevention Seminar sponsored by Norfolk Community Health Care &OLQLFLQ1RUIRON7KHWLWOHRIKLV SUHVHQWDWLRQZDV³6XEVWDQFH$EXVH Depression and Signs of Suicide in Youth.” Wayne State Magazine 9 Around Campus Piano Refurbishment and Replacement Program The response to the Piano Refurbishment and Replacement Program has been gratifying for the music department and the college. The total cost for the program is approximately ,IDJUDQWIURPD1HEUDVNDIRXQGDWLRQLVVXFFHVVIXO ZHZLOO KDYHSXUFKDVHGDOORIWKHVL[$YDQW*UDQG1SLDQRV HDFKDQG¿YHRIWKHVL[$YDQW*UDQG1SLDQRV HDFK7KHIXQGIRUWKHUHIXUELVKPHQWRIWKH6WHLQZD\KDVRQHWKLUG RIWKHIXQGVQHHGHG7KH:D\QH6WDWH)RXQGDWLRQZLOO look collectively to alumni to fund an acoustic Yamaha piano at a cost of $52,000 and to Nebraska foundations for the funding for the FRQVHUYDWRU\DFRXVWLF<DPDKDSLDQRWKDWZLOOEHXVHGIRU WKH1HZ<RUN&RQFHUWWREHKHOG0D\LQ5DPVH\7KHDWUH Hahn Project Incorporates Energy Saving Geothermal System 10 Donors to this program include: Florence Ferrin, David Johnson, Richard and Marilyn Collings, Robert and Linda /LFKWHQEHUJ%XIRUGDQG$UOHQH-RQHV'ZDLQDQG&DUROH3HWHUVHQ Vance and Peggy Wolverton and Jim Lindau and Joyce Reeg. The unsightly chain link fence surrounding Wayne State’s historic Hahn Administration Building marks an important VWHSIRUZDUGIRUWKHFROOHJHDQGWKHVHUYLFHV LW SURYLGHVWRLWVVWXGHQWV7KHIHQFHZKLFK KDVEHHQWKHVXEMHFWRIVSHFXODWLRQVLQFHLW ZDVSXWXSE\WKHFRQVWUXFWLRQFRPSDQ\LQ HDUO\'HFHPEHUZLOONHHSSHGHVWULDQVIURP ZDQGHULQJLQWRDQDUHDWKDWVRRQZLOOEH WRUQXSWRDOORZWKHGULOOLQJRIZHOOVWKDW ZLOO WDSLQWRWKHJURXQG¶VODWHQWKHDWLQJDQG cooling properties. 7KHQHZKHDWLQJDQGFRROLQJV\VWHP ZKLFKZLOOXWLOL]HWKHHDUWK¶VHQHUJ\DQG VWRUDJHFDSDFLW\WRHI¿FLHQWO\FRQGLWLRQWKH EXLOGLQJZLOOEHSDLUHGZLWKDQHZEXLOGLQJ DXWRPDWLRQV\VWHPWKDWZLOOIXUWKHUKHOS HQHUJ\VDYLQJVE\DXWRPDWLFDOO\DGMXVWLQJWR usage and occupancy of the building. “We’re excited to incorporate geothermal and the latest in building FRQWUROWHFKQRORJLHVIRUWKLVSURMHFW´VDLG &KDG$OWZLQHGLUHFWRURIIDFLOLW\VHUYLFHV at Wayne State. ³7KHFKDQJHZLOOUHVXOW LQORZHURSHUDWLRQDOFRVWVDQGLPSURYHG building comfort. Other energy saving measures include ORZZDWHUFRQVXPSWLRQSOXPELQJ¿[WXUHV QHZZLQGRZVDQGHQHUJ\HI¿FLHQW/(' DQGÀXRUHVFHQWOLJKWLQJ)LUHDQGOLIHVDIHW\ XSJUDGHVLQFOXGHDQHZHOHFWULFDOV\VWHP IRUWKHDJHGIDFLOLW\DORQJZLWKDQHZ DGGUHVVDEOH¿UHDODUPDQGVSULQNOHUV\VWHP ZLWKYRLFHRYHUDODUPFDSDELOLWLHV ³7KLVLVDQH[FHOOHQWSURMHFWIRU the college,” said Jean Dale, WSC vice SUHVLGHQWIRUDGPLQLVWUDWLRQDQG¿QDQFH ³,WUHQHZVDVROLGKLVWRULFEXLOGLQJWR usefulness for many years to come. The QHZHQHUJ\HI¿FLHQWZLQGRZVZLOOGRPXFK to restore the ‘front door to the campus’ appearance of the building, as they provide DGGHGGD\OLJKWZLWKLQWKHEXLOGLQJIRUVWDII and students. 8VHRIWKHJHRWKHUPDOV\VWHPDQG DFFRPSDQ\LQJDXWRPDWLFFRQWUROVZLOO provide annual operational savings of about $0.40 per square foot. The geothermal V\VWHPZLOOFDSWXUHDSSUR[LPDWHO\WRQV of cooling capacity and 640 Mbh of heating capacity, sending nearly 70 tons of heating and cooling capacity back to the campus’ central physical plant. The increased capacity could then be used to completely heat and cool an additional building on campus or DOORZWKHFROOHJHWRDGGDLUFRQGLWLRQLQJWR additional dorms in the future. 7KHSURMHFWLVEHLQJIXQGHGSULPDULO\E\ WKH/% 7DVN)RUFHZKLFKDVVLVWVZLWK UHQHZDORIVWDWHEXLOGLQJVZLWKRYHUVLJKW provided by the Legislature’s Committee on Building Maintenance. Task force responsibilities involve deferred repair, ZKLFKHQFRPSDVVHVDOOHOHPHQWVRIWKH EXLOGLQJHQYHORSHLQFOXGLQJURRIVZDOOV GRRUVDQGZLQGRZV 7KH7DVN)RUFHDOVRIXQGVSURMHFWV WKDW FRUUHFWIDFLOLW\FRGHGH¿FLHQFLHVDQG SURWHFWWKHOLIHRUKHDOWKRILQGLYLGXDOVZLWKLQ the facility, may fund corrective actions in DFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH$PHULFDQ'LVDELOLWLHV $FW$'$$FFHVVLELOLW\*XLGHOLQHV to make state facilities accessible, and facilitates energy conservation by funding improvements for state facilities. Work on the Hahn Administration Building began in the fall of 2011 and is expected to be complete by October 2012. Come back to see how Wayne Works! for you. Wayne Works! by offering a variety of business and employment opportunities for all Wayne Works! with a wide range of Wayne Works! with a growing array of residential real estate aYailable including lots from to Wayne Works! with Wayne Community Schools recreational opportunities including an hole golf course newer community activity center and modern parks and sports complex and Wayne State College providing excellent educational cultural and athletic opportunities not often available in small communities Wayne Works! with Wayne Works! by providing a community pride in our restored theater. Popcorn anyone? variety of excellent health care facilities to area residents Wayne Works! with job opportunities waiting for you. YES! I would like more infomation about why Wayne Works! Name _________________________________________________________________ Please send me information about: _____ Housing Address _______________________________________________________________ _____ Recreation _____ Business opportunities State/Zip ______________________________________________________________ _____ Employment opportunities _____ Schools E-mail address _________________________________________________________ Please return form to: _____ Other ________________________ (please specify) :ayne Area Economic 'eYelopment : rd St. :ayne NE OR e-mail to: Wayne State Magazine 11 Campus Notes Wellness Program Benefits Students and Community ,W¶VRQD)ULGD\PRUQLQJDQG Austin Donner is getting ready to teach class. He looks at the 23 faces of the eager seniors in front of him. And then he dives in, literally. This class is taught in a pool. $QGWKHVHVHQLRUVDUHQRWLQKLJKVFKRRO± they are senior citizens. Donner, a Wayne State College Exercise Science graduate student, teaches a ZDWHUDHURELFVFODVVDVSDUWRIWKHFROOHJH¶V Senior Wellness Program. “Clients love the training program. They say what a remarkable difference it has made in their life. They are more active and have more energy.” Austin Donner and Amanda Arens ‘Taking a Stand for Health’ ,QDGGLWLRQWRWKHZHOOQHVVDQGSHUVRQDO training programs, students in the Health, +XPDQ3HUIRUPDQFHDQG6SRUW++36 department regularly undertake rigorous UHVHDUFKSURMHFWV$PDQGD$UHQVDQ Exercise Science master’s student, recently FRPSOHWHGWKH¿UVWSKDVHRIDVWXG\WR examine the metabolic changes taking place during standing compared to sitting. Recent studies have found adults spend 7.7 hours a day in sedentary behaviors and PDQ\$PHULFDQVKDYHMREVWKDWUHTXLUHWKHP to sit most of the day. These individuals ZKRVLWPRUHGXULQJWKHGD\KDYHKLJKHU ZDLVWFLUFXPIHUHQFHVORZHUVXJDUDQGIDW metabolism, and increased blood pressure. These effects are even found in individuals ZKRJHWWKHLUUHFRPPHQGHGPLQXWHVRI exercise. This has led to an outburst of ideas and inventions to decrease sitting time. One 12 FOHYHUFUHDWLRQLVWKHWUHDGPLOOGHVNZKLFK is a desk hooked up to a treadmill. While WKLVXQLTXHVHWXSZRXOGGHFUHDVHVLWWLQJ time and burn some calories, it may not be practical in all settings. A more realistic DOWHUQDWLYHZRXOGEHWRVLPSO\VWDQGPRUH frequently throughout the day by getting up IURP\RXUGHVNRUVWDQGLQJZKLOHZRUNLQJ at your computer. Currently, Arens and some of the faculty at Wayne State College in HHPS are “taking a stand for health” by converting their sitting desks into standing desks. ³,WWRRNDOLWWOHZKLOHIRUP\ERG\WR DGMXVWWRVWDQGLQJWKHPDMRULW\RIWKHGD\ EXWQRZ,UHDOO\HQMR\LWDQGZLOOQRWJR back to sitting,” Arens said. While many researchers feel this ...continued on next page The program is free to area senior citizens age 55 and older and offers classes WKUHHWLPHVDZHHN,QDGGLWLRQWRZDWHU aerobics, the program offers theraband, free ZHLJKWVVWUHWFKLQJEDODQFHZDONLQJDQG biking classes. Classes are taught by undergraduate and graduate students in Wayne State’s Exercise Science program. Students develop ¿WQHVVURXWLQHVDVVLVWZLWKSURSHUIRUPDQG encourage seniors to maintain an active OLIHVW\OH,W¶VMXVWRQHZD\:D\QH6WDWH SUHSDUHVVWXGHQWVIRUFDUHHUVLQWKH¿HOG $QRWKHUZD\LVWKURXJKWKHFROOHJH¶V SHUVRQDOWUDLQLQJSURJUDP8QGHUJUDGXDWH students spend one semester of their senior year acting as personal trainers to clients. Donner, originally from Wausa, Neb., oversees the personal training program. +HVD\VLW¶VDZLQZLQVLWXDWLRQIRU students and clients. Students get the handson experience of customizing a training SURJUDPDQGZRUNLQJRQHRQRQHZLWKD FOLHQW&OLHQWVJHWWRZRUNRQWKHLU¿WQHVV JRDOVZLWKDSHUVRQDOWUDLQHUIUHHRIFKDUJH $QGVWXGHQWVJHWUHDOZRUOGH[SHULHQFH ...continued on next page ...DONNER continued ³$VVWXGHQWVZHOHDUQWKHWHFKQLTXHV in class, but the personal training program DOORZVXVWRSXWWKDWNQRZOHGJHWRZRUNZLWK a real client,” Donner said. 7KHVWXGHQWVW\SLFDOO\PHHWZLWKWKHLU FOLHQWVWZRRUWKUHHWLPHVDZHHN,QWKH initial meeting, students learn about the FOLHQW¶VSHUVRQDO¿WQHVVJRDOV7KHVWXGHQW FUDIWVDSHUVRQDOL]HG¿WQHVVURXWLQHEDVHG on those goals. Measurements, such as body fat composition, may also be taken to help measure the program’s effectiveness. At the end of the semester, clients are asked to submit evaluations on their personal WUDLQHU7KHUHVSRQVHLVXVXDOO\RYHUZKHOPLQJ “Clients love the training program,” 'RQQHUVDLG³7KH\VD\ZKDWDUHPDUNDEOH difference it has made in their life. They are more active and have more energy.” 6WXGHQWVHQMR\WKHSURJUDPDVZHOO ³,W¶VDJUHDWZD\WROHDUQKRZWRVRFLDOL]H ZLWKFOLHQWVZKLFKLVVRPHWKLQJWKDWFDQ¶W really be taught in the classroom,” he said. ³$OVRZHHQFRXUDJHVWXGHQWVWRFROODERUDWH ZLWKHDFKRWKHU1HWZRUNLQJLVDVNLOOVWXGHQWV ZLOO¿QGKHOSIXOLQWKHUHDOZRUOG´ ___________________ ...ARENS continued may be a good solution, there have been no studies conducted on the effects of standing; WKHUHIRUHWKHUHVXOWVRI$UHQV¶VWXG\ZLOOEH RIJUHDWVLJQL¿FDQFH “Standing burns 10 calories more per hour than sitting,” Arens said. “That may not seem like a lot but over time it makes a difference!” Graduates of Wayne State’s Exercise Science program are currently employed as athletic trainers, cardiac rehab specialists, FRUSRUDWH¿WQHVVFRRUGLQDWRUVDQGSHUVRQDO trainers. Many students, like Arens, choose to attend graduate or physical therapy school. T people, the The places, and the p memories that m you treasure yo all in a special al limited-edition li history book. h Far from Normal: 100 Years of Educational Excellence is a beautiful, commemorative pictorial history of Wayne State College that will be cherished by alumni and friends for years to come. Wayne State College is far from normal in so many ways. From its humble beginnings as a normal school to the dynamic college it is today, the passion of its people has been the secret of its success. As Wayne State College continues in its mission of service, teaching and learning excellence, and student success, this book is the perfect companion to discover and celebrate what made us what we are today. The Wayne State Foundation published this unique limited-edition history book, richly illustrated with more than 200 photos. Alumni and friends of Wayne State College will want to own Far from Normal. This special volume captures in words and pictures the students, faculty, alumni, buildings, community and spirit of WSC. To order contact Carol Stephens BUPSFNBJMIFSBUDBTUFQI!XTDFEV Did you miss it? ENEWSLETTER You can sign up for the electronic newsletter at and read the latest edition at For more alumni news, visit Wayne State Magazine 13 Pile Hall Renovation Renovation of Pile Residence Hall Retains Historic Flair The latest Wayne State College makeover, Pile Residence Hall, includes VRPHH[WUHPHFKDQJHVZKLOHNHHSLQJ students surrounded by history and tradition. Wayne State College completed the UHQRYDWLRQRI3LOH+DOOLQ-DQXDU\ZLWK students moving back into the residence hall on Jan. 13. Named for James Madison Pile, founder of Wayne State’s predecessor Nebraska Normal College, the residence KDOOZDVRULJLQDOO\EXLOWLQDWD¿QDO cost of $142,500 (about $2 million in WRGD\¶VFRVWVLQFOXGLQJDUFKLWHFW¶VIHHV JUDGLQJDQGODQGVFDSLQJ7KH¿QDOFRVWRI WKHFXUUHQWUHQRYDWLRQZDVPLOOLRQ 7KHUHQRYDWLRQSURMHFWZKLFKEHJDQ in March 2011, included HVAC, electrical, ¿UHDQGOLIHVDIHW\DQG$'$FRPSOLDQFH 7KHFROOHJHFRQYHUWHGVRPHW\SLFDOWZR person rooms to suite-style options for rooms in addition to upgrades for the WZRSHUVRQURRPVZKLFKLQFOXGHGQHZ VLQNVUH¿QLVKHGÀRRUVDQGQHZSDLQWIRU most rooms. The suite-style rooms have DVPDOOHQWU\OHDGLQJWRWZRURRPVDQGD bathroom to share by those three to four occupants. “The completely renovated residence hall retains its historic character and FKDUPZKLOHSURYLGLQJWKHVWDWHRIWKH art facilities and security features that students desire,” said Dr. Jeff Carstens, YLFHSUHVLGHQWDQGGHDQRIVWXGHQWV³, WKLQNVWXGHQWVZLOOUHDOO\OLNHWKHQHZ 14 VHPLVXLWHVWKHQHZUHFUHDWLRQURRP DQGDOOQHZURRPIXUQLWXUHDVZHOODV the convenience of the expanded main lobby, updated building entrances and elevator.” ,QDGGLWLRQWRLPSURYLQJWKHURRPV IRUUHVLGHQWVWKHIURQWGHVNZDVPRYHG DQGUHQRYDWHGWKHEXLOGLQJQRZKDVDQ expanded entry from the north (Anderson 'ULYHDFFHVVDQGWKHUHLVDIXOO\UHQRYDWHG UHFUHDWLRQURRPLQWKHORZHUOHYHODQGQHZ furniture throughout the building. ³:HVWDUWHGLQ-XO\ZRUNLQJRQWKH residence life perspectives during meetings. 7KHUHFUHDWLRQURRPZLOOEHDQLFHIHDWXUH WKDWZHWKRXJKWZRXOGEHWKHNLQGRIWKLQJ WKDWWKHVWXGHQWVZRXOGOLNH,WJLYHVWKH building a nice mix of activities to offer,’’ said Heather Otto, assistant residence director. The Nov. 9, 1931, Goldenrod student QHZVSDSHUFDUULHGWKHDQQRXQFHPHQW E\3UHVLGHQW86&RQQWKDWWKHQHZ GRUPLWRU\ZRXOGEHQDPHGLQKRQRURI -DPHV0DGLVRQ-03LOH&RQQZKR KDGFRPHWRNQRZDQGUHVSHFW3LOHZKHQ he taught at the Nebraska Normal College in the 1890s, stated, “When the J. M. Pile +DOOLVFRPSOHWHGDQGRFFXSLHG:D\QHZLOO easily stand at the head of all educational LQVWLWXWLRQVLQWKHZHVWLQWKHPDWWHURI PRGHUQ¿UHSURRIKRXVLQJIDFLOLWLHVIRULWV VWXGHQWV7KHQHZKDOOZLOOEHWKUHHVWRULHV LQKHLJKWDQGZLOODFFRPPRGDWHJLUOV´ ³6WDIIRQWKHSURMHFWSDLGDORWRI DWWHQWLRQ WRGHWDLO,WKLQNLWWXUQHGRXW great,” said Noelle St. Pierre, Wayne State College student from Papillion and resident assistant in Pile Hall. “Wayne State College KDVPDLQWDLQHGWKHFKDUDFWHUZKLOHNHHSLQJ the original feel. They also made the residence hall fashionable, yet not something that is going to go out of style. They kept a lot of the original aspects of the building, but VWLOODGGHGQHZIXQIHDWXUHVOLNHDVWXGHQW ORXQJHLQWKHORZHVWOHYHO,DPDOVRJODG to see that many features have accessibility GHWDLOVDGGHGEHFDXVH,IHHOLWLVLPSRUWDQWWR keep access for all people in mind.’’ Sarah Green of Omaha lived in the building prior to its renovation. She serves DVDGHVNZRUNHULQWKHEXLOGLQJDQGOLYHVLQ one of the renovated rooms. ³,HQMR\HGOLYLQJKHUHEHIRUH´*UHHQ said. “Before the renovation, students SODQQLQJ WROLYHKHUHZHUHDVNHGIRUWKHLU LGHDV,ZDVRQHRIWKHVWXGHQWVZKRJDYH LGHDVDQG,DPJODGWKDW,ZDVDEOHWR offer my suggestions and be a part of this SURMHFW´ $QGUHD7REHQDQG7DXVKD/HHWZR roommates from Doniphan, moved from Berry Residence Hall to one of the renovated rooms. ³:H¶UHH[FLWHGDERXWPRYLQJLQ,OLNH WKHZD\WKHURRPVDUHVHWXS¶¶/HHVDLG³, ORYHWKHZRRGÀRRUV¶¶ ³,WLVGLIIHUHQWWRKDYHDZDONLQFORVHW¶¶ said Toben, a transfer student from Doane College. Wayne State Serves as Resource for Scouting Dr. Tami Worner thought of tons of details related to the Academic Day she planned for the Mid-American Scouting Council hosted Nov. 12 at Wayne State. But the one thing that never crossed her PLQGZDVWKDWVRPDQ\&XE6FRXWV¶SDUHQWV ZRXOG EHVRH[FLWHGDERXWFRPLQJEDFNWR visit their alma mater. ³$VSHRSOHZHUHUHJLVWHULQJWKH\ Wayne S W State t t C College ll India Study Tour July 18 – Aug. 1 ,PMLBUBt%FMIJt+BJQVSt"HSB $3,550 Includes round-trip airfare from Omaha; Travel in India, double occupancy hotel accommodation, most meals, health insurance and 3 credit hours. Limited seats, apply right away. Contact: %S.FFOB%BMBM tNFEBMBM!XTDFEV ZRXOGPDNH FRPPHQWVWKDWWKH\KDGQ¶W been back to campus since they graduated,” said Worner, a professor of math at Wayne 6WDWH³$V,ZDVZDONLQJDURXQGZLWKSHRSOH escorting them from building to building, WKH\ZRXOGFRPPHQWRQKRZWKHFDPSXVKDG changed and that they had decided to come to WKLVDFWLYLW\MXVWWRYLVLW:6&DQGVKRZWKHLU NLGVZKHUHWKH\ZHQWWRVFKRRO´ 7KH¿UVWWLPHHYHQWZDVPRUHWKDQMXVW DVWUROOGRZQPHPRU\ODQHWKRXJK$IWHU signing in and picking up a pack of school VXSSOLHVD:6&LGHQWL¿FDWLRQFDUGDQGD SLFWXUHZLWK:LOO\WKH:LOGFDWWKHVFRXWV HQJDJHGLQDGD\RIDFWLYLWLHVIRUZKLFK they earned belt loops and pins. The event included Cub Scouts in grades 1-5. “We had about 80 scouts here, along ZLWKVRPHSDUHQWVDQGVLEOLQJV´:RUQHU VDLG³,Q&XE6FRXWVSDUHQWVDUHYHU\DFWLYH DQGZRUNFORVHO\ZLWKWKHER\V´ “These are the Cub Scout version of the Boy Scout merit badges,” Worner said. “To earn these pins, scouts have to learn about various things and do certain activities. Our scouts earned pins in art, astronomy, computers, map and compass, geography, geology and good manners. They also earned EHOWORRSVKDYHWR GROHVVWRHDUQDEHOWORRS in heritages and nutrition.” ,QWKHFRPSXWHUVHVVLRQWKH0LG American Council scouts, an area that includes the region from Omaha to Sioux City, including Columbus, Norfolk, Pierce and Wayne, received an introduction to robotics from Molly Curnyn, a WSC instructor of computer information systems, and WSC computer science students that build robots for competitions. Dr. Tim Garvin DQG.DUHQ3DUNHUWDONHGZLWKWKHVFRXWV about using the computer to make cards and visit the Boy Scouts of America Web site. Dr. Kelly Dilliard, assistant professor of (DUWKVFLHQFHVKHUKXVEDQG0DUN6ZHHQH\ DQGWKUHH:6&VWXGHQWVZRUNHGZLWKWKH scouts to understand some basic geology and make the three types of rocks from crayon shavings and modeling clay. Other activities included learning about UHDGLQJPDSVDQGKRZWRXVHDFRPSDVV and a challenge to try a fruit and a vegetable during lunch in the WSC dining hall. The afternoon sessions included an astronomy session led by Dr. Todd Young, SURIHVVRURISK\VLFVZKRWDXJKWWKHVFRXWV KRZDWHOHVFRSHZRUNVDQGWKHQWRRNWKHP WRWKHSODQHWDULXPWRWHDFKWKHPKRZWRXVH DVWDUFKDUWDQG¿QGYDULRXVFRQVWHOODWLRQVLQ WKHQLJKWVN\,QDQDUWFODVVVFRXWVWLHG\HG a T-shirt, made a clay sculpture, and mixed the primary colors to make the secondary colors to paint a pet rock. The scouts then entered their sculpture and rocks in an art FRPSHWLWLRQMXGJHGE\ 'LVWULFW([HFXWLYH Tracy Yost. Prizes included WSC T-shirts and GUDZVWULQJEDFNSDFNV ³,WKLQNHYHQWVOLNHWKLVWKDWWLHWKH FROOHJHEDFNWRWKHZKROHFRPPXQLW\LW serves are extremely important,” Worner said. “We need to be a resource for our area, QRWMXVWDSODFHWKDWPDNHVJUDGXDWHV%RWK the college and the surrounding community EHFRPHEHWWHUSODFHVZKHQZHZRUNWRJHWKHU ,WZDVDQKRQRUWRFRRUGLQDWHVXFKDQHYHQW WKDW ZDVDEOHWREULQJWZRRIWKHPDLQ SDVVLRQVRIP\OLIHP\ZRUNDW:6&DQG P\ZRUNZLWK&XE6FRXWVWRJHWKHU:HZHUH able to make a difference in many people’s OLYHVWKDWGD\QRWMXVWWKHVFRXWVEXWDOVR all the volunteers.” Wayne State Magazine 15 One month into spring and the temperature soars into the high 90s. Wayne State and surrounding organizations are forced to monitor outside activities due to the unseasonably KRWZHDWKHU7KHQH[WGD\DVWRUP EHJLQVEUHZLQJDQGZHDWKHU VHUYLFHVLVVXHZDUQLQJVDERXW tornadoes. The media quickly turns its attention to Northeast Nebraska as a funnel cloud is VSRWWHGQHDU:LQVLGH1HEMXVW minutes from the college. emergency management and the second half focusing almost entirely on the tabletop,” Karsky said. Karsky’s students conducted WZRH[HUFLVHVWKDWGD\RQHIRU the WSC group and another for :D\QH&RXQW\RI¿FLDOV “Students enrolled in the emergency management course assisted campus and community entities in preparing for a natural disaster,” Karsky said. “This SURMHFWLQYROYHGVWXGHQWVZKR local public service agencies. “Through the tabletop exercise, our students raised questions that helped us focus RQDUHDVZKHUHZHFDQLPSURYH in readiness,” Dale said. “They SUHVHQWHGXVZLWKVFHQDULRVWKDW forced us to expand our preparedness plans.” ³7KHVWXGHQWVZHUHZHOO prepared and presented the SODQQLQJWHDPZLWKDUHDOLVWLF emergency scenario that included a comprehensive set of issues WSC Students Test Disaster Preparedness The massive F5 tornado VZHSWLQWR:D\QHIURPWKH VRXWKZHVWDQGEOD]HGDSDWKRI destruction through the city and across campus. Several campus EXLOGLQJVZHUHKHDYLO\GDPDJHG LQFOXGLQJ%RZHQ+DOO3RZHU ZDVNQRFNHGRXWWKHFROOHJH¶V ZHEVHUYHUVZHUHGHVWUR\HGDQG normal means of communication ZHUHGLVUXSWHG Just such a scenario greeted the members of Wayne State’s 'LVDVWHU3ODQQLQJ*URXSZKHQ they convened for a tabletop planning exercise on Dec.6. 7KHH[HUFLVHZDVSODQQHG and executed in its entirety by members of Dr. Jason Karsky’s CJA 460 Emergency Management class. ³:HVSHQWWKH¿UVWKDOI of the semester learning about 16 RUJDQL]HGWZRVLPXODWHGWRUQDGR tabletop disaster scenarios. The scenarios included mock media broadcasts and critical incident LQMHFWVIRUHPHUJHQF\RSHUDWLRQV personnel. During the exercise, questions regarding chain of command, communication protocols, available resources, and current policy emerged.” Jean Dale, vice president for ¿QDQFHDQGDGPLQLVWUDWLRQDQG Dr. Jeff Carstens, vice president of student affairs and dean of students, co-chair the Disaster Planning Group and serve on the college’s Crisis Management 7HDPZKLFKDOVRLQFOXGHV personnel from counseling, student health, human resources, QHWZRUNDQGWHFKQRORJ\VHUYLFHV facility services, campus security, athletics, college relations, and for our consideration,” Carstens VDLG³7KHH[HUFLVHDOORZHGXVWR put the plan into practice and to identify areas for improvement.” Samantha Jones of Blair, 1HEZDVSDUWRIWKHJURXSRI students that carried out the exercise for Wayne State. “This tabletop exercise for :D\QH6WDWHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQZDV a great experience,” Jones said. ³$VDVWXGHQWLWDOORZHGPHWR VHHH[DFWO\KRZFRPSOLFDWHGDQG time consuming preparedness FDQEH,WZDVUHDVVXULQJWRVHH that the administration has our best interest at hand. But most LPSRUWDQWO\ZHZHUHDOORZHGWR EHDSDUWRIVRPHWKLQJWKDWZDV in the best interest of the entire community.” “The cost of an evaluation program such as this for emergency responders is often beyond the budgetary means of rural entities,” Karsky said. ³+RZHYHUWKHPRFNH[HUFLVHV are invaluable in more than monetary measures. These GLVDVWHUGULOOVDOORZIRUD critical assessment process by opening the communication FKDQQHOVEHWZHHQYDULRXV DJHQF\SHUVRQQHO,QDGGLWLRQ LQVWLWXWLRQDOGDWD¿QGVWKDW FROOHJHVWXGHQWVZKRSDUWLFLSDWH in Service-Learning have a better understanding of local government, politics, and community issues.” ³7KHWDEOHWRSH[HUFLVHZDV very successful in my mind,” said Jason Mrsny, interim director of security at WSC. “As a college and community, QR PDWWHUKRZELJRUVPDOOWKH crisis may be, these exercises UHPLQGXVRIZKDWZHQHHGWR ZRUNRQWRJHWKHUGXULQJDPDVV emergency. Safety and security is a top priority and Wayne State College must visit and UHKHDUVHRQDUHJXODUEDVLVKRZ ZHZRXOGIXQFWLRQDQGUHDFW in times of crisis. Tabletop exercises teach us valuable lessons and they should not be overlooked. Dr. Karsky’s class did a professional and H[FHOOHQWMRELQIDFLOLWDWLQJWKH tabletop.” Other students involved in the exercise: Delaunte Allen of Bellevue, Brian Bierschenk RI3ODLQYLHZ=DFKDU\%RKDW\ of Wahoo, Trevor Eisenhauer of Beemer, Trent Garvin of Clay Center, Miah Haller of $OWD,RZD1DWKDQ+DUHRI,GD *URYH,RZD%UDQGRQ-DPHV of Bellevue, Rebecca Luber RI(DJOH0D[ZHOO0DUWLQRI 6LRX[&LW\,RZD.\OH2¶1HLOO of Gretna, Brandon Oestreich of Stanton, Jason Schaaf of Stuart, Samantha Slobodnik RI&DUWHU/DNH,RZD(ULF 7LPPHUPDQRI*HRUJH,RZD DQG-DVRQ8UEDQHFRI3HQGHU Wildcat Athletics WSC Volleyball Makes Seventh Straight National Tournament Appearance Tali Fredrickson Leigh Connot :D\QH6WDWH&ROOHJHDSSHDUHGLQWKH1&$$'LYLVLRQ,,1DWLRQDO7RXUQDPHQWIRUDVHYHQWKVWUDLJKW VHDVRQLQUHFRUGLQJDQRYHUDOOUHFRUGRIZKLOH¿QLVKLQJIRXUWKLQWKHUXJJHG1RUWKHUQ6XQ &RQIHUHQFHZLWKDOHDJXHPDUN7KH:LOGFDWVZHUHFRQVLVWHQWO\UDQNHGLQWKHWRSQDWLRQDOO\ DOOVHDVRQUDQNHGDVKLJKDVQLQWKDQGQHYHUORZHUWKDQWKLQWKHUHJXODUVHDVRQEHIRUH¿QLVKLQJ WKHVHDVRQUDQNHGWKWKHVHFRQGVWUDLJKWVHDVRQ:6&HQGHGWKH\HDUZLWKDWRSQDWLRQDO ranking. 7KHUHZHUHVHYHUDOKLJKOLJKWVWKURXJKRXWWKHVHDVRQFDSSHGE\DZLQRQ2FWDW &RQFRUGLD6W3DXOWKHGHIHQGLQJ1&$$'LYLVLRQ,,QDWLRQDOFKDPSLRQVZKRODWHUZHQWRQWRZLQD ¿IWKVWUDLJKWWLWOH7KH:LOGFDWVZHQWLQ6HSWHPEHUWRZLQWKH81.)DOO&ODVVLFZLWKVHQLRURXWVLGH hitter Tali Fredrickson being named Most Valuable Player of the Tournament. :6&KDGWZRSOD\HUVVHOHFWHGWRWKH16,&$OO&RQIHUHQFH9ROOH\EDOO7HDP)UHGULFNVRQZDV QDPHG)LUVW7HDP$OO16,&ZKLOHVHQLRUOLEHUR/HLJK&RQQRWZDVKRQRUDEOHPHQWLRQ)UHGULFNVRQ IURP*UDQG,VODQG&HQWUDO&DWKROLFKDGGRXEOHGRXEOHVGXULQJWKHVHDVRQDYHUDJLQJNLOOVDQG 4.30 digs per set. Connot, a graduate of Lincoln Pius, averaged 5.34 digs per set in conference play to rank fourth in the league in digs per set. Other post season honors for Fredrickson included AVCA All-Central Region First Team and $9&$KRQRUDEOHPHQWLRQ$OO$PHULFDQKRQRUV)UHGULFNVRQ¿QLVKHGKHU:LOGFDWFDUHHUDVRQHRIMXVW VL[SOD\HUVWRUHFRUGFDUHHUGLJVDQGNLOOV6KH¿QLVKHG¿IWKDOOWLPHLQFDUHHUNLOOVDQG FDUHHUGLJV ,QWKHFODVVURRPVRSKRPRUHVHWWHU7DWXP:UREOHZVNLZDVQDPHGWRWKH&DSLWRO2QH$FDGHPLF $OO'LVWULFW9,,)LUVW7HDPZLWKDJUDGHSRLQWDYHUDJHPDMRULQJLQH[HUFLVHVFLHQFH6HYHQ :LOGFDWVZHUHDOVRQDPHGWRWKH16,&$OO$FDGHPLF7HDP7KH\LQFOXGH&RQQRW1LFROH%UXQJDUGW 0LQG\0RRG\6KHOE\6FKXOW]0HODQLH3ODFNH0F.HQQD5HDJDQDQG:UREOHZVNL It’s a great day to be a Wildcat! Wayne State Magazine 17 Wildcat Athletics Wildcat Soccer 2011 Roundup 7KH:D\QH6WDWH&ROOHJHZRPHQ¶VVRFFHUWHDPKDGDUHFRUG7KH :LOGFDWWHDPZDVD\RXWKIXOEXQFKIHDWXULQJQLQHIUHVKPHQDQGHLJKWVRSKRPRUHVRQWKH SOD\HUURVWHU:6&ZDVYHU\FRPSHWLWLYHEXWDOVRVXIIHUHGKHDUWEUHDNSOD\LQJ¿YH RYHUWLPHPDWFKHVZLWKWKUHHRIWKRVHPDWFKHVUHVXOWLQJLQORVVHV 6RSKRPRUH$OH[D5RPHNOHGWKH:LOGFDWVLQVFRULQJZLWKWKUHHJRDOVDQGWZRDVVLVWV IRUHLJKWSRLQWV6HQLRU/L],VUDHOVHQOHG:6&LQVKRWVZLWKWRUDQNDPRQJWKHWRS LQWKH1RUWKHUQ6XQ&RQIHUHQFHZKLOHIUHVKPDQJRDONHHSHU-HVVLFD6WULQJHUZDVIRXUWKLQ the league in goals against average at 1.07. Several Wildcat players received post-season honors. Senior defender Christie -RKQVRQUHFHLYHG16,&$OO&RQIHUHQFHKRQRUDEOHPHQWLRQDQGZDVQDPHGWRWKHOmaha World-Herald$OO1HEUDVND:RPHQ¶V6RFFHU7HDPZKLOH,VUDHOVHQ.HOVH\0H\HUDQG 0DF\+DJHQZHUHVHOHFWHGKRQRUDEOHPHQWLRQWRWKHWorld-Herald All-Nebraska squad. The Wildcats continued to excel in the classroom, earning the National Soccer &RDFKHV$VVRFLDWLRQRI$PHULFD7HDP$FDGHPLF$ZDUGIRUDVHFRQGVWUDLJKWVHDVRQZLWK DWHDPJUDGHSRLQWDYHUDJHRI6HYHQSOD\HUVZHUHDOVRQDPHGWRWKH1RUWKHUQ6XQ &RQIHUHQFH$OO$FDGHPLF7HDP±,VUDHOVHQ+DJHQ+HDWKHU)HOWHV.D\OL+RSSHU.HOO\ Lange, Janice Riesberg and Norma Volkmer. Christie Johnson Cross Country Fall 2011 Roundup Skyler Lippman Garang Lual The Wayne State College cross country teams competed in six meets during the fall 2011 season. The Wildcats opened the season in a unique PHHWUXQQLQJLQWKHHYHQLQJDWWKH$XJXVWDQD7ZLOLJKW0HHWKHOGLQ6LRX[ )DOOVDQG¿QLVKHGWKHVHDVRQUXQQLQJLQWKHPLOHKLJKDLULQ'HQYHUDWWKH 1&$$'LYLVLRQ,,&HQWUDO5HJLRQDO&KDPSLRQVKLSV%RWK:LOGFDWVTXDGV ZHUH\RXQJLQDVHDFKWHDPIHDWXUHGMXVWRQHVHQLRUZLWKDPDMRULW\RI the teams composed of freshmen and sophomores. The Wildcat men’s team placed ninth at the 2011 Northern Sun &RQIHUHQFH&KDPSLRQVKLSVLQ*O\QGRQ0LQQKRVWHGE\0680RRUKHDG 6RSKRPRUH*DUDQJ/XDO2PDKD:HVWVLGHZDVWKHWRS:LOGFDW¿QLVKHU FRPLQJLQVWSODFHRYHUDOORXWRIUXQQHUV7ZRZHHNVODWHULQ'HQYHU :6&ZDVWKRXWRIWHDPVDWWKH1&$$'LYLVLRQ,,&HQWUDO5HJLRQDO &KDPSLRQVKLSVZLWK/XDODJDLQEHLQJWKHWRSUXQQHUIRUWKH:LOGFDWV :D\QH6WDWH¶VZRPHQWRRNWKSODFHDWWKH16,&&KDPSLRQVKLSVZLWK 3LHUFHVRSKRPRUH6N\OHU/LSSPDQEHLQJWKHWRS:LOGFDW¿QLVKHU/LSSPDQ DJDLQZDVWKHWRS:LOGFDWUXQQHUWZRZHHNVODWHUDWWKH1&$$'LYLVLRQ,, Central Regional in Denver. Three Wildcat men’s runners received academic honors as senior Jason 6FKDDIDQGVRSKRPRUHV1DWKDQ%RJJHVVDQG*UHJ7UDF\ZHUHQDPHGWRWKH 16,&$OO$FDGHPLF7HDP Hall of Fame Inductees Wayne State honored Hall of Fame inductees on Oct. 8 during Homecoming. The honorees included Dennis Kerby ‘68, Rayna Nelsen Cain ‘04, MSE ‘06, Mark Vollmer ‘88, John Manganaro ‘93, MSE ‘94, and Don and Nancy Endicott. Read about Homecoming and more at alumni/news_publications/ 18 Wildcat Football Notches Fifth Winning Season in a Row Randy Weich Richard Daniel Junior wide receiver Kevin Paulsen :D\QH6WDWH&ROOHJH¿QLVKHGWKHVHDVRQZLWKDUHFRUG JRLQJLQWKH1RUWKHUQ6XQ&RQIHUHQFH,WZDVWKH¿IWKVWUDLJKW ZLQQLQJVHDVRQIRUWKH:LOGFDWIRRWEDOOSURJUDPPDNLQJKHDGFRDFK 'DQ0F/DXJKOLQWKH¿UVWHYHU:6&IRRWEDOOFRDFKWRUHFRUG¿YHVWUDLJKW ZLQQLQJVHDVRQV 7KHFDPSDLJQEHJDQZLWKDQKLVWRULFHYHQWDVWKH1HEUDVND .HDUQH\DW:D\QH6WDWHJDPHZDVEURDGFDVWOLYHRQVWDWHZLGHWHOHYLVLRQ 7KHJDPHFDUULHGRQ1HEUDVND(GXFDWLRQDO7HOHYLVLRQZDVWKH¿UVW HYHUVSRUWLQJHYHQWLQ:D\QHFDUULHGOLYHRQVWDWHZLGHWHOHYLVLRQ7KH :LOGFDWVPDGHQDWLRQDOKHDGOLQHV6HSWZKHQ:6&EHDWGHIHQGLQJ national champion and No. 1 ranked Minnesota Duluth 7-0 in Wayne on DQLJKWWKDWDOVRIHDWXUHGWKHGHEXWRIDQHZVFRUHERDUGYLGHRERDUGDW Cunningham Field in Wayne. :6&ZRQLWVVHYHQWKVWUDLJKWKRPHFRPLQJFRQWHVW2FWGHIHDWLQJ 0DU\WRHDUQDQDWLRQDOUDQNLQJWKHIROORZLQJZHHN:LOGFDWKHDG FRDFK'DQ0F/DXJKOLQPRYHGLQWRVHFRQGSODFHRQWKHDOOWLPHZLQVOLVW DW:6&ZKHQ0D[0DUWLQPDGHD\DUG¿HOGJRDOLQRYHUWLPH DW : WRJLYHWKH:LOGFDWVDWKULOOLQJRYHUWLPHZLQRYHU8SSHU WR ,RZD0F/DXJKOLQZKRLVLQVHYHQVHDVRQVDW:D\QH6WDWH ,RZ PRYHGSDVW'HQQLV:DJQHUZKRZDVLQKLVHLJKWVHDVRQV PR DVKHDGFRDFKIURP2QHZHHNODWHU0DUWLQPDGH DV DQRWKHUJDPHZLQQLQJ¿HOGJRDOD\DUGHUZLWKVHFRQGVWR DQ SOD\JLYLQJ:6&DGUDPDWLFZLQDW$XJXVWDQD SO 7KH:LOGFDWVKDGSOD\HUVVHOHFWHGWRWKH16,&$OO Conference Football Team. Defensive lineman Richard Daniel C DQGSXQWHU5DQG\:HLFKZHUHUHSHDW)LUVW7HDP$OO16,&6RXWK D 'LYLVLRQVHOHFWLRQV6HFRQG7HDPKRQRUHHVZHUHVHQLRUZLGH ' receiver Mitch Montgomery, sophomore offensive lineman r Brent Schlote and senior defensive lineman Michael Bazata B ZKLOH¿YHRWKHUVUHFHLYHGKRQRUDEOHPHQWLRQDFFRODGHV7KH list included senior tight end Sam Blake, senior running back %U\FH+DZWKRUQHMXQLRUSODFHNLFNHU0D[0DUWLQMXQLRUZLGH receiver Kevin Paulsen and senior offensive lineman Mike Scherer. Several WSC players received All-Region honors IROORZLQJWKHVHDVRQDV'DQLHODQG:HLFKZHUHQDPHGWR WKH'DNWURQLFV6XSHU5HJLRQ$OO5HJLRQ6HFRQG7HDP ZKLOH:HLFKDQG%D]DWDZHUHVHOHFWHGWRWKH'RQ+DQVHQ )RRWEDOO*D]HWWH6XSHU5HJLRQ7HDP'DQLHOOHG:6& LQVDFNVWDFNOHVIRUORVVDQGIXPEOHVIRUFHGWKLVVHDVRQZKLOH LQ UDQNLQJ¿IWKRQWKHWHDPLQWDFNOHVZLWK:HLFKOHGWKH1RUWKHUQ6XQ UDQNLQJ ¿ &RQIHUHQFHLQSXQWLQJIRUWKHVHFRQGVWUDLJKWVHDVRQZLWK DQDYHUDJHRI & I \DUGVSHUSXQWZKLFKZDVVHFRQGEHVWLQ1&$$'LYLVLRQ,,%D]DWD KDGWDFNOHVIRUWKH:LOGFDWVWKLVVHDVRQDQGUDQNHGQLQWKLQWKH16,& LQWDFNOHVIRUORVVWKLVVHDVRQZLWKIRUDWRWDORI\DUGV WSC also had an All-American on the gridiron this season as Randy :HLFKDMXQLRUSXQWHUIURP3LHUFHZDVQDPHGWRWKH$VVRFLDWHG3UHVV /LWWOH$OO$PHULFDQ7HDPHDUQLQJ)LUVW7HDPKRQRUVDVDSXQWHU,W¶VWKH fourth straight season that WSC has had an All-American in football. The ‘Cats are just a click away at Wayne State Magazine 19 Alumni Notes 7RZQVDQGFLWLHVOLVWHGRQWKHVH pages are in Nebraska unless noted or generally understood. Efforts are PDGHWRNHHSRXUQHZVFXUUHQW Ahmad Mahrou DQGKLVZLIH %DUEDUDUHVLGHLQ6FRWWVEXUJ,QG Archie McPerran is pictured ZLWKKLVEURWKHUVOHIWWRULJKW Darrell, Jerry, Archie and Donald. Archie and Darrell reside in California, Jerry and Donald live in Nebraska. William and Opal (Miller ‘48) Maben celebrated their 60thZHGGLQJ anniversary Aug. 19. They reside at the John Knox Retirement Village, Lee’s Summit, Mo. 7KH\DUHWKHSDUHQWVRIWZR daughters, Dr. Pam Maben and &RQQLH*ULI¿Q John Bernthal retired from a 27\HDUFDUHHUDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI 1HEUDVND/LQFROQ,QUHFRJQLWLRQ of his service and leadership to the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, the John E. Bernthal *DUGHQZDVHVWDEOLVKHGRQ the east side of the Barkley 0HPRULDO&HQWHURQWKH81/ campus. He served as a director of the Barkley Center and chair of the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders. John previously held faculty appointments at 1RUWKZHVWHUQ6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ 8QLYHUVLW\RI/RXLVLDQD Angie (Dowling) Neuharth hosted the WSC Pile Hall reunion DWKHUFDELQQHDU:LVQHU3UHVHQWLQFOXGHGIURQWURZ$QJLH¶V JUDQGVRQ%ODLQH-RKQVRQ%HOOHYXH%DUEDUD'RQ]H3HWHUV 2PDKD'RULV/HLGLQJµ.XHVWHU:LVQHU3HDUO6LHFNH .DQGHU+RZHOV-XG\%DUWDNµ(JJHUOLQJ1HOLJK(PRJHQH¶V JUDQGVRQ1LFN0DQW]0LOODUG%DFNURZ7KHROD3HFN0$( µ%HHPHU$QJLH'RZOLQJ¶1HXKDUWK:LVQHU-HDQHWWH -DHJHUµ9DKOH3HQGHU.DWK\2WWµ+DEHU%HHPHU &ODUD&KDPEHUVµ+HLQHPDQQ:D\QH/RQQLH6FKPLGµ 'LQVODJH(OJLQ6DOO\6\GRZµ06(µ:ROIH6RXWK6LRX[ &LW\(PRJHQH,VRPµ$QGUHZV0RRUKHDG,RZD'DUOHQH +MRUWK%RZHUV:D\QH&DURO'LEEHUWµ:KLSSOH6WDQWRQ 7KHJURXSHQMR\HGDSRWOXFNVDODGDQGGHVVHUWOXQFKHRQIROORZHG by visiting and entertainment. 20 0LQQHVRWD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ 8QLYHUVLW\RI0DU\ODQGDQG 8QLYHUVLW\RI1RUWKHUQ,RZD Edwin Kelly has been elected to membership of the Ocean &UXLVLQJ&OXED8QLWHG Kingdom-based association Joseph Janssen, Crofton, honoring captains of vessels announces his retirement from a FRPSOHWLQJ VLJQL¿FDQWYR\DJHV 36-year career in the insurance RQ WKHZRUOG¶VRFHDQV+H EXVLQHVV+HDQGKLVZLIH'LDQH REWDLQHGD86&RDVW*XDUG reside in Crofton. issued designation as a FRPPHUFLDOFDSWDLQIROORZLQJD career as a Roger Bentley (MAE ‘69) ZDV LQGXFWHGLQWRWKH'XEXTXH,RZD trial ODZ\HUDQG Senior High School Athletic federal Hall of Fame. He retired in prosecutor DIWHUD\HDUWHDFKLQJ LQ,RZD coaching career. During his (GZLQ tenure at Dubuque Senior he retired as ZDVWKHKHDGFRDFKLQIRRWEDOO senior IURPWRVZLPPLQJ assistant diving from 1973 to 1978, and 8QLWHG6WDWHV$WWRUQH\IRUWKH golf from 2002 to 2008 and an VRXWKHUQGLVWULFWRI,RZDLQ assistant coach in football, track DQGZLWKKLVZLIH6XHKDV DQGEDVHEDOO5RJHUZDVEOHVVHG ZLWKEHLQJDEOHWRFRDFKQLQH¿UVW visited 22 countries on their team All-State players in football, sailboat since retirement in 2007. ,Q2FWREHURIKHDQGKLV VZLPPLQJGLYLQJWUDFNDQG ZLIHDUULYHGLQ/RQGRQDERDUG JROI+HDOVRZDVDZDUGHGZLWK their 41-foot catamaran for a sixCoach of the Year honors in the month stay. The Kellys Mississippi Valley Conference completed a trans-Atlantic in football in 1982 and Coach of crossing from Georgia to WKH<HDUKRQRUVIURPWKH,RZD England requiring 38 days at sea. State Track Coaches Association LQ5RJHUDQGKLVZLIH Marilyn (Hendricks ‘71) reside Juliet (Schellpeper) Stern, in Dubuque and are the parents /DV9HJDV1HYZDVLQGXFWHG of four children and grandparents into the Nevada Broadcasters to seven. Association Hall of Fame at their Gala held in August at the Red Rock Resort Hotel in Las Vegas. Richard Juliet completed 20 years in the Ollenburg has retired after a 44-year teaching FDUHHUZLWKWKH&UHWH3XEOLF 0OMZ Schools. He began teaching in Become a member of the Wayne Crete after his graduation from State Alumni Association today. WSC. Richard served as an Members will become part of a special group of alumni who want industrial technology, computer to stay connected. and middle school tech lab Joining is easy! WHDFKHU+HDQGKLVZLIHBarbara Visit the Wayne State Alumni (Gustafson) have relocated to website at /LQFROQWRHQMR\WKHLUUHWLUHPHQW alumni/ and click on the "Alumni Association" link or \HDUVDQGVSHQGWLPHZLWKWKHLU call 402-375-7510. four granddaughters. PHGLDLQGXVWU\DVWKH¿QDQFLDO manager for various radio EURDGFDVWFRPSDQLHVZLWK&%6 Radio Houston, Texas, being the last company of employment. Stephen Kleinsmith ZDVQDPHG one of the 2011 Men of the Year E\ WKH6SULQJ¿HOG%XVLQHVV -RXUQDO6SULQJ¿HOG0R+HKDV served as superintendent at Nixa Public Schools, Nixa, Mo., since 2000 and for 10 straight years the VFKRROKDVEHHQDFFUHGLWHGZLWK distinction by the Missouri Department of Education. He FUHGLWVWZRZD\FRPPXQLFDWLRQ ZLWKKHOSLQJWKH GLVWULFWDQGLWV students succeed. He KDVZRUNHG ZLWKWKH American Red Cross, Nixa Community Foundation DQG8QLWHG Way of the Ozarks, and he’s a member of the Least of These Advisory Board and Nixa Ministerial Alliance. Stephen has served as a past chairman of the Nixa Area Chamber of Commerce and is still a member of the organization. His chamber involvement, he says, resulted in mutual trust and strategic SODQQLQJ WKDWEHQH¿WHGWKHVFKRRO district and the community as a ZKROH6WHSKHQDQGKLVZLIH.DUL have been married for 22 years DQGDUHSDUHQWVRIVRQV(OLMDKDQG Jacob. Dennis Mozer (MSE ‘86, Education Specialist ‘95) retired as superintendent of schools at Rock 9DOOH\,RZDDIter a 31-year career in education. 'HQQLVDQGKLVZLIH/RULSODQWR HQMR\UHWLUHPHQWRQWKHLUIDPLO\ IDUPQHDU&KDUWHU2DN,RZD KDVEHHQDWWKH:HVW3RLQW1HZV VLQFH+LVZLIHKathy (WSC ‘80) is an English teacher at West Point-Beemer High School. The couple resides in West Point. Steve Zelinsky and Ed Blackburn HQMR\PRXQWDLQ biking and are pictured in the desert of Arizona. They are doing some preliminary training LQSUHSDUDWLRQIRUD8WDKELNH WRXULQZKLFKWKH\SODQWR participate next year. Steve is a Willis Mahannah, managing sales director for Anheuser-Bush editor of the West Point NewsZDV DQGUHVLGHVLQ:LOGZRRG0R WKHUHFLSLHQWRIWKUHHDZDUGVDWWKH Ed is employed in the Arizona 1DWLRQDO1HZVSDSHU$VVRFLDWLRQ School District as a training meeting in Albuquerque, N.M. specialist and lives in Mesa. The NNA named the West Point NewsWKHWRSZHHNO\SDSHU Teresa Kessler Martin OHIW 2011, in its circulation category, DFFHSWVKHUDZDUGIURPWKH6DOHV DQGWKHSDSHUZRQ¿UVWSODFHLQ and Marketing Professionals JHQHUDOH[FHOOHQFH¿UVWSODFHLQ President during the Pine Belt community service and second$QQXDO$ZDUGV%DQTXHW7HUHVD SODFHLQHGLWRULDOZULWLQJ:LOOLV 'U9DQFH:ROYHUWRQ¶VSHQWHLJKWZHHNVWKLVSDVW2FWREHUDQG1RYHPEHUWUDYHOLQJDQG FRQGXFWLQJUHVHDUFKLQWKH%DOWLF5HSXEOLFV:ROYHUWRQKDVEHHQZULWLQJDERXWWKHFKRUDOPXVLFRIWKH %DOWLFVIRUPRUHWKDQ\HDUVZLWKPDQ\DUWLFOHVSXEOLVKHGLQWKHChoral Journal (American Choral 'LUHFWRUV$VVRFLDWLRQDQGThe American Organist7KH$PHULFDQ*XLOGRI2UJDQLVWV+HDOVRKDV a series of editions of pieces for choir published by Santa Barbara Music Publishing under the rubric ³9DQFH:ROYHUWRQ%DOWLF6HULHV´+HSUHVHQWHGDVHPLQDU³$PHULFDQ&KRUDO0XVLF´LQDOOWKUHH Baltic National Academies of Music in 2004. 7KHLPSHWXVIRUKLVPRVWUHFHQWWUDYHOVZDVDQLQYLWDWLRQWRSUHVHQWDSDSHUDWDQLQWHUQDWLRQDO FRQIHUHQFHLQ9LOQLXV/LWKXDQLD+LVSDSHU³0.ýLXUOLRQLV¶V,QÀXHQFHLQ$PHULFD$Q2YHUYLHZRI WKH/LWKXDQLDQ1DWLRQDO$UW(QVHPEOHµýLXUOLRQLV¶´GRFXPHQWHGWKH\HDUKLVWRU\LQ&OHYHODQGRID folk ensemble composed of Lithuanian emigrants. $IWHUJUDGXDWLQJIURP:6&9DQFHVHUYHGWKUHH\HDUVLQWKH86$UP\)LUVW,QIDQWU\'LYLVLRQ %DQGDW)W5LOH\.DQVDV+HDQG3HJJ\+RZHµZHUHPDUULHG0D\9DQFHDQG3HJJ\ WDXJKWPXVLFLQSXEOLFVFKRROVLQ,RZDIRUVHYHUDO\HDUVZKLOH9DQFHZRUNHGRQKLVPDVWHU¶VDQG GRFWRUDWHLQPXVLFUGXFDWLRQDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI,RZD:ROYHUWRQZDVDQDVVLVWDQWSURIHVVRURIPXVLF DWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI1HZ2UOHDQVLQDQGLQPRYHGWR&DOLIRUQLD6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\)XOOHUWRQ ZKHUHKHVHUYHGDVDVVRFLDWHSURIHVVRUDQGWKHQSURIHVVRURIPXVLFIRU\HDUV+HUHWLUHGIURP&68) LQ KDYLQJVHUYHGDVFKDLUPDQRIWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI0XVLFGXULQJKLV¿QDO\HDUVWKHUH +HDQG3HJJ\PRYHGWR.HQWXFN\LQZKHUHKHVHUYHVDVSURIHVVRURIPXVLFDQG3HJJ\VHUYHV DVDQDGMXQFWLQVWUXFWRUDW1RUWKHUQ.HQWXFN\8QLYHUVLW\7KH\ZLOOSUHVHQWDOHFWXUHUHFLWDO³%DOWLF 2UJDQ0XVLF´DWWKHQDWLRQDOFRQYHQWLRQRIWKH$PHULFDQ*XLOGRI2UJDQLVWVLQ1DVKYLOOHLQ-XQH serves as the Director of Media and Public Relations for Jones County Junior College in Ellisville, Miss. For nine years VKHZDVVROHO\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUDOO public and media relations, sports information and marketing at JCJC. The expansion of the marketing department ¿YH\HDUVDJR enables her to concentrate her efforts on public and media relations. Darlene Leistra and Keven &UDLJZHUHPDUULHGLQDSULYDWH ceremony at their home in Marietta, Ga. Darlene’s son, 6WRQHJDYHWKHEULGHDZD\ %S7BODFABOE1FHHZ )PXF A8PMWFSUPO Wayne State Magazine 21 Alumni Notes ZKLOHKLVVLVWHU$ULDPRQWKV DQGVWHSVLVWHU6DUDKZHUH bridesmaids. Darlene is the RZQHURI'5/$FFRXQWLQJ Services in Marietta. Thomas and Amy (Volcheck ‘93) Schmadeke announce the birth of Sean Roman on March 28. He LVZHOFRPHGWR WKHLUKRPHLQ5HG2DN,RZDE\ siblings Jack, Hope and Cael. Merrily (Kyander) Schmid and her husband, Jim, reside in %HOOZRRGZLWKFKLOGUHQ,Y\ (WKDQ+ROO\9LROHW DQG$QG\ Keri (Goette) Rodriguez accepted the position of head golf coach at College of Saint Mary, Omaha. 6KH UHVLGHVLQ2PDKDZLWKKHU husband, Joaquin, and their FKLOGUHQ0LDDQG$LGHQ Bruce O’Neel DQGKLVZLIH Sheri, reside in Sammamish, Wash. He said he has become DZDUHWKDW³PDNLQJWKH:6& connection extends beyond the in-state lines.” Bruce traveled to DWWHQGWZR1HEUDVNDIRRWEDOO games this season and made FRQQHFWLRQVZLWKLQGLYLGXDOV proud of their WSC ties. WSC students proudly displayed their WSC banner at the game in Wisconsin. While attending the game in Wyoming, Bruce came in FRQWDFWZLWK Nebraska State Senator Greg Adams ‘74, MAE ‘75. Sheri (Nelson) Cunningham and her husband, Robert, announce the birth of son, Robert Cash, on April 21. He is ZHOFRPHGWR their home in 8UEDQGDOH ,RZDE\ big sister, Lola. Sheri is a senior i sales l SURIHVVLRQDOIRU6DQR¿ Pharmaceuticals. Barbara (Hashberger) Wylie DQG%UDQGRQ6FKURFNZHOFRPHG Tanner Walker Schrock to their ,QGLDQDSROLVKRPHRQ-XQH Barbara is an assistant professor DW,Y\ Tech Community College in ,QGLDQDSROLV Jacob and Jennifer (Briese ‘96) Back announce the birth of daughter, Natalie Grace, on 0DUFK6KHLVZHOFRPHGWR their home in Plano, Texas, by VLVWHU(PLO\ Nichoel (Thompson) Stuhr and her husband, Joe, announce the birth of Sloane Joanie on 22 Dec. 14. They reside in Council %OXIIV,RZDDQGRZQWKH)LGGOLQ Monkey. Nichoel has served as a ÀLJKWDWWHQGDQWZLWK$PHULFDQ Airlines since 1999. Thomas Kropp and Toniette “Toni” Scipio ZHUHXQLWHGLQ marriage. They are happy to announce the birth of son, 1DNRWDK,]D\DK Scipio-Kropp, on May 24. Russ and Jessica (Hasty’01) Frazey announce the birth of daughter, Emersyn Brynn, on Aug. 14. She LVMRLQHG DWKRPHE\VLEOLQJV$QGUHZ DQG&DUWHU7KHIDPLO\ has relocated to Milford. Russ is employed as a deputy sheriff IRU6HZDUG&RXQW\-HVVLFDLV employed as the school nurse at WKH6HZDUG(OHPHQWDU\6FKRRO 6HZDUG Brad Joens DQGKLVZLIH&DUD are happy to announce the birth of daughter, Delaney Marie on Aug. 23. They reside in Fairfax, ,RZD Brad has been promoted to First Vice President of Commercial Banking at Hills Bank and Trust Company, Fairfax. Join the Heritage Society Estate gifts are very important to the Wayne State Foundation. Adding the foundation to your estate plan can create a lasting OHJDF\WKDWZLOOSRVLWLYHO\LPSDFW\RXUDOPDPDWHU 7KH+HULWDJH6RFLHW\ZDVHVWDEOLVKHGWRUHFRJQL]HDQGKRQRU GXULQJWKHLUOLIHWLPHVWKRVHSHUVRQVZKRVHYLVLRQDQGJHQHURVLW\ move them to support Wayne State College through an estate gift to the Wayne State Foundation. As a Heritage Society member, \RX¶OOKDYHWKHVDWLVIDFWLRQRINQRZLQJWKDW\RXDUHFRQWLQXLQJ WKH:D\QH6WDWH&ROOHJHWUDGLWLRQE\SURYLGLQJ¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUW to ensure the future strength of the college. Members are recognized by including their names on the Heritage Society ZDOOSODTXHLQWKH6WXGHQW Center and a listing in the Annual Honor Roll of Donors. Everyone is eligible for membership by providing WKH)RXQGDWLRQZLWKZULWWHQ FRQ¿UPDWLRQWKDWWKH:D\QH State Foundation has been included in her or his Kevin Armstrong estate plan. Please contact Kevin for information about planned JLIWVDQGRUIRUVDPSOHEHTXHVW language. Director of Planned Giving Wayne State Foundation 402-375-7534 [email protected] Strohbeen ‘99 Named Head Coach for the Sioux City Bandits Nicole (Larson) Scholl and her husband, Rob, announce the birth of daughter, Nora Grace on Nov. 1. She is ZHOFRPHGWRWKHLUKRPHLQ :DYHUO\E\VLEOLQJV7\OHU 1DWKDQDQG(PPD :LWKQLQH \HDUVJDPHVVHYHUDODZDUGV and numerous all-star teams under his belt, Erv Strohbeen had only one accomplishment remaining for the Sioux City Bandits: head FRDFK1RZKHFDQDGGWKDWWRKLVLPSUHVVLYH football resume. Strohbeen graduated from Wayne State LQZLWKDGHJUHHLQH[HUFLVHVFLHQFH The Sioux City native and West High School VWDQGRXWZDVDOVRDQRXWVWDQGLQJRIIHQVLYH Kristi (Kuhlman) Johnson and her husband, Del, announce the birth of daughter, Kylie Janae, on July 21. She is ZHOFRPHGWR their home in 1RUIRONE\VLEOLQJV-XVWLQDQG 0RUJDQ.ULVWLLVHPSOR\HG in the accounting department at %HFNHQKDXHU&RQVWUXFWLRQ,QF Norfolk. Heath and Stacy (Stuhr ‘03) Johnson reside in Harrisburg ZLWKWKHLUFKLOGUHQ/LQFROQ DQG7ULQLW\+HDWKDQG6WDF\ 3H\WRQ0LFKDHOLVLQVDOHVDW Woodhouse Ford, Blair. Ashley is a licensing and recruitment coordinator for AXA Advisors, Omaha. are both employed by the Banner County Schools, Heath serves as the principal and Stacy is the KLJKVFKRRO666SHGWHDFKHU Michael and Ashley (Petersen ‘04) Blohm announce the birth of Brynn Alyse on May 2. She is ZHOFRPHGWR their home in Elkhorn by sister, %URRNO\QQDQGEURWKHU Ashley (Smith) Uthof and her husband, Evan, announce the birth of Gavin on March 21. He LVZHOFRPHGWRWKHLUKRPHQHDU lineman for the Wildcat football team. ³,HQMR\HGJRLQJWR:D\QH6WDWH´6WURKEHHQ VDLG³1RWRQO\GLG,UHFHLYHD¿UVWFODVV HGXFDWLRQ,DOVRIRUPHGPDQ\ORQJODVWLQJ friendships.” Strohbeen signed a contract to play for the 6LRX[&LW\$WWDFNLQZKLFKODWHUEHFDPH the Sioux City Bandits. After nine years in the American Professional Football League, 6WURKEHHQUHWLUHGDVDSOD\HU+HZDVQDPHGWRWKH League All-Star team on a number of occasions during his career as a center. For the past three years Strohbeen has been an assistant coach in charge of the offensive and defensive line. 6WURKEHHQZDVLQVWUXPHQWDOLQVFRXWLQJDQG signing 11 former Wayne State Wildcats to play IRUWKH%DQGLWVLQ,QIDFWWKHHQWLUH %DQGLWVRIIHQVLYHOLQHZHUH:LOGFDWDOXPQL Nehemiah Blackburn ‘11, Joe Bundy ‘11 and Brian Okonofua ‘11. ³(DUO\LQP\FDUHHUZLWKWKH%DQGLWVZHKDG TXLWHDIHZ:6&SOD\HUVRQWKHWHDPDQGZH ZHUHVXFFHVVIXO´6WURKEHHQVDLG³:HKDG :6&SOD\HUVRQODVW\HDU¶VWHDPDQGZHZRQWKH APFL Championship.” The Bandits offensive coordinator, Jarrod DeGeorgia, is also a former Wildcat quarterback. 6WURKEHHQUHVLGHVLQ6LRX[&LW\ZLWKKLV ZLIH$PDQGDDQGWKHLUWKUHHFKLOGUHQ7\VRQ &DUVRQDQG$VKO\Q,QDGGLWLRQWRFRDFKLQJ 6WURKEHHQZRUNVIXOOWLPHDVD&DUGLRYDVFXODU 6SHFLDOW\6DOHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYHZLWK$EERWW Pharmaceuticals. Nikki Field and Richard Heidemann ZHUHXQLWHGLQ marriage in a private ceremony on the beach in Jamaica. Her spouse is a dentist at Albion Family Dental. Nikki LVD4$4& technician at Valero 5HQHZDEOHV Albion. The couple resides in Albion. Zach Molacek (MSE ‘07) and KLVZLIH Blair -DFNVRQE\VLEOLQJV(PPD DQG/DQGRQ$VKOH\PDQDJHV announce WKHRI¿FHIRUWKHIDPLO\IDUPLQJ the birth of seed corn business. daughter, McCall on Aug. 18. Zach recently received his BSN IURP&UHLJKWRQ8QLYHUVLW\ Omaha. The Molaceks relocated to Overland Park, Kan.; Zach is employed as an RN at St. Luke’s Hospital. Nathan Perry and Danae Bergstrom (‘10) ZHUH married in June 2010 and reside in Wisner. They are happy to announce the birth of WKHLU¿UVWFKLOG+DUSHU/\QQ Perry, on Aug. 8. Wayne State Magazine 23 Alumni Notes Christopher and Julia (Kovar ‘06, MSE’09) Lord announce the birth of their ¿UVWFKLOG Alexander Ryan on June 25. They reside in Blair. Jeremy and Tiffany (Frerichs ‘07) Foote, Lincoln, announce the birth of Easton William on April 11. Danielle (Clausen) Sorensen and her husband, Ryan, announce the birth of daughter, Tatum Elizabeth, on Aug. 8. They reside in Norfolk. Nikki Wollesen ZDVXQLWHGLQ marriage WR'ZDLQH Frenche on May 28. The couple resides in Omaha. Rita (Guenther) Pleskac and her husband, Charlie, announce the birth of daughter, Chelsey Anne, on Nov. 12. She LVZHOFRPHGWRWKHLUKRPHLQ Dell Rapids, S.D., by big brother, %UD\GHQ5LWDLVDOHQGLQJ assistant at First Dakota National Bank, Sioux Falls. Nick and Jacque (Mencke ‘08) Ell announce the birth of their daughter, Grace, on Sept 23. They reside in Blair. Clint and Renee (Weber ‘06) Olson announce the birth of their ¿UVWFKLOG&RUELQ'DOHRQ6HSW 7KH\UHVLGHLQ/DZUHQFH .DQ&OLQWLVDFRUUHFWLRQVRI¿FHU for Johnson County. Renee is HPSOR\HGLQWKHUHJLVWUDU¶VRI¿FH DW%DNHU8QLYHUVLW\ Jeanette Klitz, Norfolk, has been named Marketing Coordinator at Northeast Community College, Norfolk. Silas Fluellen and Michele Wieser ZHUHXQLWHG in marriage on Dec. 31 in Humphrey. The couple resides in Norfolk. Chi Omega Supports WSC Chi Omega, a social sorority that emphasizes community service and scholarship, gathered during Homecoming 2011 to participate in many of the weekend’s activities. They were active on Wayne State’s campus from 1972 to 1983 and the alumni group has continued to be active in Wayne. Some of the women commented on how wonderful it was to all be together again and how the time has Àown by since their days at Wayne State. The organization voted to fund an endowed scholarship and made a donation to the Willow Bowl Restoration. Members include ¿rst row from left: Elizabeth King, Kathryn Berry, Marie Mohr and Deb Nelson. Second row from left: Mary Kay Hansen, Anita Gayed, Kim Carroll and Lori Henderson. Third row from left: Merrie Bass, Laurie Barnes and Renee Frawley. Fourth row from left: Lauren Walton, Linda Murray, Rocky Bellany and Juliana Johnson. Fifth row from left: Lesa Backstrom, Barb Pickett, Cokie Riedmann and Rhonda Motz. Sixth row from left: Deb Bodenstedt, Vicki Engelen, Pam Baker and Laurie Born. Seventh row from left: Karen Harrington, Barbara Schmolt, Kathy Tillo, Sue Larsen, Judy Peters and Greta Rohrberg. 24 In 2011, Barbara Kanter ‘76, director of ¿QDQFHIRU1LFNHORGHRQ 8QLYHUVHDWWKH0DOO of America, received special recognition for her dedication and accomplishments. Her employer contributed $2,000 to Wayne State designated to the Barbara K. Kanter (QGRZHG6FKRODUVKLS in appreciation of her exceptional performance. Five Things You Don’t Know About Jeff 1. +HZDVD:6&VWXGHQWPHPEHURI WKHFRPPLWWHHWKDWRUJDQL]HGWKH¿UVW &KLFNHQ6KRZLQ:D\QHDQGWRRN second place in the national omelet cook RIIVHFRQGRQO\WR$QG\0DQHVRZQHU of Andy’s Pizza. 2. He really likes cinnamon: cinnamon gum, candy, toothpaste, shampoo... anything cinnamon. Those restaurant mints no one likes because they’re cinnamon? He’ll take them! 3. $OWKRXJKKHZDVDEXVLQHVVPDMRU at WSC, he took theatre courses and SHUIRUPHGLQDQGGLGWHFKZRUNIRU:6& SURGXFWLRQV6RPHZKHUHLQWKHDUFKLYHV there are probably photos of Jeff in a tiger costume or dressed as Hamlet. 4. $WRQHWLPH-HIIZDVWKHRQO\ PDOHRI¿FLDOO\DOORZHGWROLYHLQ Neihardt Hall. Back in the day, his ZLIH MaryZDVKLUHGDVWKHKDOO director and they moved into the hall apartment. NeihardtZDVDQDOOIHPDOH hall at the time, so KHZDVWKHRQO\ guy living in the building. 5. Jeff has four brothers and a sister. Each of them has earned at least one college degree - four of them earned degrees from Wayne State. Neither of Jeff’s SDUHQWVZHQWWRFROOHJHDOWKRXJKKLV mother earned an LPN degree later, DIWHUKHUROGHVWFKLOGUHQZHUHRXWRI the house. “My parents constantly emphasized the importance of education DQGWKDWFKDQJHGWKHWUDMHFWRU\RIP\ IDPLO\DQGP\OLIH,RZHWKHPDGHEW, can never fully repay,” Jeff said. Community Ties Run Deep for Carstens ‘82 Dr. Jeff Carstens ‘82 has served as Wayne State’s vice president and dean of VWXGHQWVIRUPRUHWKDQWZR\HDUV%XWKLVWLHV to the college and the community of Wayne run much longer and deeper. ,QDGGLWLRQWRRYHUVHHLQJVWXGHQW affairs for more than 3,600 college students, Carstens serves as a Boy Scout leader, YROXQWHHUVZLWK+DELWDWIRU+XPDQLW\ZRUNV as a mentor for TeamMates, serves the 8QLWHG:D\DQGLVDFWLYHZLWK)LUVW8QLWHG Methodist Church. ³,KDYHEHHQD%R\6FRXWVOHDGHUIRU more than 15 years because of the positive, life-changing impact scouting has on a kid’s OLIHDQGEHFDXVHLW¶VMXVWDORWRIIXQIRUPH too,” he said. Carstens has been a member of Wayne Area Habitat for Humanity since its inception, serving as an integral team member in the building of three houses in :D\QHLQMXVW\HDUV ³,¶YHEHHQDPHPEHURI+DELWDWEHFDXVH ,EHOLHYH,KDYHEHHQEOHVVHGZLWKPRUH WKDQ,QHHGQRWEHFDXVH,¶YHHDUQHGLWRU GHVHUYHLWEXWEHFDXVHWKHUHDUHRWKHUVZKR have less than they need,” he said. “My ZRUNZLWK+DELWDWDOORZVPHWRVKDUHLQD ZD\WKDWEHQH¿WVQRWRQO\WKHIDPLOLHVZKR EX\+DELWDWKRXVHVEXWDOVREHQH¿WVP\ community and me personally.” +HMXVWUHFHQWO\MRLQHGWKH7HDP0DWHV SURJUDPDVDPHQWRUQRZWKDWERWKRIKLV children are in college. ³,¶PUHGLVFRYHULQJKRZPXFKIXQLW LVWRVSHQGWLPHZLWKDVL[WKJUDGHU´KH VDLG³,DPDOVRLQYROYHGLQP\FKXUFKDQG in community and economic development RUJDQL]DWLRQVDQGFRPPLWWHHV,GRWKHVH WKLQJVEHFDXVH,WKLQN,FDQDQGWKHUHIRUH, should contribute to the Wayne community a community that has been such a big part of my life.” The other big part of Carstens’ life, Wayne State’s students, brings a different set RIUHZDUGV ³,OLNHLQWHUDFWLQJZLWKWKHDPD]LQJ array of intelligent, positive, quirky, and RXWUDJHRXVFKDUDFWHUVZKRLQKDELWFROOHJH FDPSXVHV´KHVDLG³:KDW,¿QGPRVW JUDWLI\LQJLVVHHLQJWKHLQGLYLGXDOJURZWK and institutional progress that is ever present at Wayne State.” Carstens served as assistant and then associate dean of students and director of residence life at WSC before taking over his position in 2009. Prior to that, he spent eight \HDUVVXSHUYLVLQJWKH675,'(6WXGHQWV Taking Responsibility in Development and (GXFDWLRQSURJUDPDW:6& After earning his bachelor of science degree in business administration and ¿QDQFHDW:D\QH6WDWH&DUVWHQVUHFHLYHG his master of arts degree in student personnel administration in higher education at Ball 6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\LQ0XQFLH,QGDQGKLV doctor of philosophy degree in student development in postsecondary education at WKH8QLYHUVLW\RI,RZDLQ,RZD&LW\,RZD Given all of his duties at the college and LQWKHFRPPXQLW\KRZGRHV&DUVWHQVVWD\RQ track? “My favorite quote is ‘We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone,’ he said. This quote helps me stay positive and focused.” Wayne State Magazine 25 Alumni Notes Reunions... Sun City Reunion Wayne State College alumni and friends gathered Jan. 15 at Palmbrook Country Club in Sun City, Ariz. Seated: Marilyn Carhart, Betty Budler, Marilyn (Throckmorton) Anson ‘55, Susan (Reeh) Menking ‘55, Faye (Sandahl) Purtzer ‘47, Sharon (Justice) Judson ‘69, Deb Lundahl, director of development and alumni relations. Standing: Phyllis Conner, vice president for development, Bob Carhart, Ginger Robson, Darrel Fuelberth ‘62, Nancy Fuelberth, Matt Carney ‘78, Don Robson ‘56, Dave Noyes ‘70, MSE ‘76, Gayle ‘67 (Griepentrog) and Larry ‘66 Conger, Ruth Barnat, LaVon Fischer ‘72, MSE ‘76, Elwin Anson, Ed Barnat ‘65, Michael Kelly, Norris and Beth (Galloway) Leamer ‘71, MSE ‘83, Dale Judson ‘70, Horace Purtzer ‘42, George Menking ‘56, Marilyn (Burtz) Estrada ‘58, Tom Purtzer, President Curt Frye. Not pictured, Lenny Estrada. Las Vegas Reunion Wayne State College alumni and friends gathered Feb. 10 at the home of James “Bud” ‘63 and Phyllis Billeter ‘62 in Las Vegas, Nev. Front: Phyllis Conner, vice president for development, Lila (Neary) Chambers ‘48, Phyllis (Oblander) Noblitt ‘53, Marilyn ‘70 (Francis) and Rodney Drake. Middle: Chris Bonds, Juliet (Schellpeper) Stern ‘75, Gerry Williams, Diane (Massman) Soukup ‘71, Donna Can¿eld, Deb Bonds, MSE ‘97, Deb Lundahl, director of development and alumni relations. Back: Jerry ‘63 and Cheryl Maurer, Phyllis (Vohs) Billeter ‘62, Don Soukup ‘71, Bud Billeter ‘63, Jack Williams, Ken Sharp, President Curt Frye, Linda (Dickmeyer) Morrow ‘69, Lauri Sampson ‘82, Larry Can¿eld, MSE ‘68, Luke Fendrick.. TTucson Reunion Wayne State College alumni and friends gathered Jan. 14 at the Metropolitan Grille in Tucson, Ariz. Front row, left to right: Betty M Becker, Lorna (Sexton) Parsley ‘73, Kristi Gabriel, Deb Lundahl, B ddirector of development and alumni relations. Middle row: Becky Walker ‘73, Nancy (Wolters) Wheeler ‘68, Patricia (Victor) Metz ‘55, Kris Gabriel ‘94. Back row: President Curt Frye, Buford Jones ‘51, K MSE ‘58, Dwain ‘55 and Carole ‘54 (Tuttle) Petersen, Arlene M ((Nelson) Jones ‘47, Roger Lundeen ‘59, Phyllis Conner, vice ppresident for development. Not pictured: Fred Kjer ‘59, ‘60. Alumni and Friends Tour Vietnam The Wayne State tour to Vietnam was Nov. 1-17, 2011. The trip began in Hanoi in the northern part of the country and ended in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) in the southern part of the country. Alumni and friends toured historic sites, enjoyed the scenery of the countryside, and visited a beautiful beach resort. Tour participants included: Front row: Judi Baker, Kaki Ley, Phyllis Conner, Bob Johnson and Deb Lundahl. Back row: Don Soukup, David Ley, Verne Rudebusch and Diane Soukup. 26 "55&/5*0/(0-'&34 4"7&5)&%"5& Wildcat Golf Classic 'SJEBZ+VMZtQN Shotgun Start at Eagle Hills Golf Course 501 Eagle Hills Drive, Papillion, NE 68133 Registration forms are available online at: or by contacting Kevin Armstrong at 402-375-7534 or [email protected] 2012 Upcoming Events & Activities March 18 - A Touch of Brass, Ramsey Theatre March 29-April 2 - 52nd Children’s Play The Little Mermaid April 26 - WSC Jazz Band May 5 - Commencement May 8 - :6&1HZ<RUN3LDQR5HFLWDO May - Washington, D.C. and Virginia Beach June 1 - Catbacker Golf June 22 - Denver Reunion, Herb and Sherry Mignery July 13-14 - Wayne Chicken Days July 20 - Omaha Golf, Eagle Hills Golf Course August 20 - Dakota Dunes Golf September 27-30 - Homecoming IN MEMORY OF Mark Malchow ‘350HVD$UL]6HSW Irene (Damme) Radcliffe ‘362QDODVND:LVF6HSW Bessie (Isom) Arnold ‘39, :HVW&RYLQD&DOLI2FW Esther (Siegert) Hansen ‘39:LVQHU2FW Elaine (Lundberg) Jones ‘406KHQDQGRDK,RZD$SULO Winifred M. Page ‘426WDQWRQ1RY Katherine (Kyl) Treman ‘425RFNZHOO&LW\,RZD$XJ Doris (Sydow) Olk ‘43, Saint Louis, Mo.; Dec. 8. Evangeline (Clark) Mangold ‘44$OWD,RZD6HSW Wanda (Huetig) Ahlers ‘47%HOJUDGH6HSW Patricia (Powers) Stander ‘482PDKD-DQ John P. Sherlock ‘49&KDPSDLJQ,OO'HF Elizabeth “Betty” Zeplin ‘49, MSE ‘58 Yankton, S.D.; Dec. 8. Robert W. Lutt ‘50%HUNHOH\&DOLI2FW Beverly (McPherson) Edwards ‘51, /DUDPLH:\R'HF Gilbert M. Gimbel ‘51(O3DVR7H[DV-XO\ Jerry B. Mitchell ‘516WRFNWRQ&DOLI$SULO John S. Hejhal ‘576LRX[&LW\,RZD1RY Boyd J. McGee ‘595RFKHVWHU0LQQ6HSW Verneil Hallstrom ‘60:D\QH-XO\ Robert A. Graham ‘61)URQWHQDF.DQ'HF Bernice E. Miller ‘62+DUWLQJWRQ-DQ Gloria (Power) Earl ‘63, MSE ‘751RUIRON$XJ Hilda (Wenke) Kuhl ‘63, %ORRP¿HOG'HF Clarence Lippert ‘64, MSE ‘686DEHWKD.DQ1RY Zita (Wurdeman) Jenkins ‘65)DOOV&LW\-XO\ Irene Stenger ‘66/\QFK6HSW Larry D. Brown ‘66, &HGDU3DUN7H[DV-DQ Darrell E. Pedersen ‘686LRX[&LW\,RZD6HSW Janet Ida (Prather) Holmquist ‘69:DXVD-XO\ William A. Olson, MSE ‘69)RUW:D\QH,QG'HF Walter T. Strange ‘70$LQVZRUWK$XJ Irene (Cederlind) Lee ‘711HZPDQ*URYH$XJ Florence (Lackas) Anderson ‘725DQGROSK6HSW Melva (Russell) Persinger ‘73, MSE ‘776RXWK6LRX[&LW\ Nov. 30. Joann (Hansen) Lewis ‘76, MSE ‘836RXWK6LRX[&LW\ Aug. 10. DeMaris (Brosh) Johnson ‘80/LQFROQ6HSW Lynn L. Koehler ‘901LREUDUD-XO\ Chad R. Lammers ‘06'DNRWD'XQHV6'IRUPHUO\RI Fordyce; Nov. 15. Kim (Hansen) Goering, MBA ‘083ODWWH&HQWHU6HSW FRIENDS WE WILL MISS Duaine Jacobsen :D\QH$XJ'XDLQHZDVHPSOR\HGDW WSC for nearly 34 years as a building services mechanic. Richard Jones, :D\QH-DQ5LFKDUGZDVDORQJWLPH PHPEHURIWKH:6&VXSSRUWVWDII+HZDVHPSOR\HGDW:6&IRU \HDUVUHWLULQJDVDPDLQWHQDQFHUHSDLUZRUNHULQ Earl A. Larson:D\QH-DQ(DUOZDVDORQJWLPHPHPEHU of the WSC support staff serving as director of the college’s physical plant from 1955 until retiring in 1997. Dean A. Metz:D\QH1RY'HDQVHUYHGDVDSURIHVVRURI physics for 36 years at WSC, retiring in 2003. Robert C. Sutherland, 6DQG\2UH-DQ5REHUWVHUYHGDV a professor of biology at WSC for 24 years, retiring in 1986. Clair Swanson:D\QH-XO\&ODLUVHUYHGDVDFXVWRGLDQDW :6&IRU\HDUVZRUNLQJLQ%RZHQDQG%HQWKDFN+DOOV Dr. Denise Travis*DU\,QG-XO\ Wayne State Magazine 27 1RQ3UR¿W Organization 863RVWDJH 3$,' ABPC :$<1( 67$7( )281'$7,21 :$<1(67$7()281'$7,21 0$,1675((7 WAYNE NE 68787 ZZZZVFHGX GO CATS! t Three straight 20-win seasons - first time in program history SC t #3 national ranking - highest ever for women’s basketball at WSC NCA CAAAA DDi Division ivi vissiion visi ion on IIII t 42 straight home wins - longest active home court win streak in NCAA It IS a great time to be a Wildcat! Follow the Cats at
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