Two-fers - Willies World


Two-fers - Willies World
It is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts 20:35b
Willie, appears wearing a back pack and speaking to himself: Gee, It’s kinda scary
out here. Maybe running away really wasn’t such a good idea.
Susie, shouting from a distance: Willie! Where are you?
Willie: Hey, that sounds like Susie. (Shouting.) Hey, Susie….it’s me….over here.
(Susie appears.) Gosh, I sure am glad to see you.
Susie: I’ve been searching everywhere for you. What are you doing out here?
Willie: I’m running away.
Susie: confused: Running away? How come you’re running away? Were your mom
and dad mean to you?
Willie, shaking his head: Nah. They love me a whole bunch, … (upset) even if
they did make me clean my room last night.
Susie: sarcastically: Well, I suppose we probably should clean our room, at least
once a year,… whether it needs it or not.
Willie, reluctantly agreeing: Yeah… I suppose so.
Susie: Well then, just why are you running away?
Willie, surprised: Are you kidding? I have to tell you. It’s these puppet skits. It’s
the same ol’ thing over and over again. Every week they have me getting into some
sort of trouble. It’s never Sammy … or Joey … or Betsy … or …or even you. It’s
always me getting into trouble.
Susie: But that’s because you’re so good at it.
Willie, sarcastically: Thanks a lot.
Susie: Besides,… I’ve read today’s script and you don’t get into any trouble at all.
Willie, surprised: I Don’t?
Susie: That’s right.
Willie: Am I even in it?
Susie: Not if you run away.
Willie, embarrassed: Oh,…yeah. Guess I won‘t run away then. (pause)
So…ah…what’s our skit about this week?
Susie: Well, today we’re learning about Acts 20:35 where it says that “it is more
blessed to give than to receive.”
Willie, confused: Say what?
Susie: You know,… It’s better to give things than it is to get them.
Willie: Uh…have you been spending too much time in the sun or something?
Susie: No. I haven’t been spending too much time out in the sun. I’m just telling
you what it says in the Bible. That real joy comes from giving … not from
receiving. And you want to know something else? When you do give … you also
Willie, confused: Uh…Would you care to e-lab-or-ate.
Susie, sarcastically: Oh my, we’ve learned a new big word this summer, haven’t
Willie, slightly agitated: Watch it Bub!
Susie: Anyhow,.. This giving and receiving is what I like to call ‘two-fers’.
Willie: Two-fers?
Susie: Yeah. Two-fers. Let me try to explain this way. Can you remember what
happened that time you gave your dad that picture you colored for him on father’s
Willie, excitedly: Boy, I’ll say. He said that it was his most favorite picture ever
and he said he was sooooooo proud of me. That really made me feel good. And
then he hung my picture on the wall in the garage for everyone to see.
Susie: You see. You gave him the picture … but it was you who felt good.
Willie, beginning to understand: Hmmm.
Susie: And what happened when you surprised your mom that time you cooked her
Willie: You mean before or after the fire?
Susie: Uh, yeah, … after the fire.
Willie: Well, she was really surprised alright. And really happy too. She hugged me
and kissed and everything. And then she took me out to a restaurant to celebrate.
Susie: See, …There ya go. Two-fers. You do something nice for someone … and
then it’s you who ends up feeling good. Two blessings for one gift. Ya see, Willie,
part of the joy from giving is that, not only do you make the person you’re giving
to happy … it makes you happy too. When you give, you’re both giving and
receiving, which is far better than just receiving. Understand?
Willie, nodding in agreement: Yeah, I guess you’re right Susie. But it still is kinda
nice to get stuff.
Susie: Oh, I know it’s fun to get new toys and things, but … well… what usually
happens when you do get a new toy?
Willie: Well, I guess I usually … break it, …or lose it, or just get tired of playing
with it.
Susie: That’s right. But when we give to others we receive a joy that can last a
long, long time. It makes us feel all fuzzy inside. And not only that.… it makes
God happy too.
Willie: Wow, Susie. You sure do know lots about Bible stuff. I’m glad you’re my
Susie: Yeah,… I’m glad we’re friends too. (Pause) So tell me … what’s in your
back pack?
Willie: Oh, just some old baseball cards.
Susie, amazed: What! You’re running away from home and all you packed was
some dumb ol’ baseball cards? (Shaking her head in disbelief) Just how were you
planning to eat? What were you going to do for cloths?
Willie: Well, ah … I could get a job.
Susie: A job? What could you do?
Willie: I guess I could be a mailman or something.
Susie: Oh, you can’t be a mailman Willie. You have to be able to read really well
so you can put the right letters in the right mailboxes.
Willie: I don’t think so. When my dad got his mail yesterday I heard him say that,
“apparently they don’t care where they put the mail.”
Susie, lamenting: Oh Willie, Willie, Willie. What am I going to do with you.
(Pause.) So … are you ready to go home now?
Willie, nodding: Yeah. Besides,… it’s kinda scary alone out here in this big ol’
Susie: Big Ol’ World? Your house is right there,… (Susie points.) just across the
Willie: Yeah. I know. But I’ve never been this far from home by myself before.
Susie: Oh brother.
Mom, voice can be heard calling from a distance: Willie!
Willie, shouting in the direction of his mom’s voice: Yes mom!
Mom: It’s time to come in for supper. I fixed you pizza this evening.
Willie,excited: Pizza! Al-right! Perhaps this isn’t such a good time to run away.
Gotta go. (Willie exits quickly leaving Susie standing alone. After a few moments
Willie rushes back to Susie.) Uh… Susie.
Susie: Yes Willie.
Willie: I’m glad I’m having pizza… but you know what would really make me
Susie: What’s that Willie.
Willie: If I could share it with you.
Susie: Oh Willie. That’s so sweet. (Both puppets begin exiting together.) I like
pepperoni on my pizza. How about you.
Willie: (Out of view.) Bananas. I like bananas on my pizza.
Susie: (Out of view.) Garoossseee.
Willie: And pickles. Pickles are good too.
Susie: You’re sick Willie.
Willie: And French fries.
Susie: Disgusting.
(Both puppets laugh as they exit together)
The end.
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together
and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it
will be measured to you. Luke 6:38.
He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward him for what he
has done. Proverbs 19:17.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and
where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21.