The newsletter of the Frankford Radio Club
The newsletter of the Frankford Radio Club
The newsletter of the Frankford Radio Club Contents Pres. Letter 1 Ed.note 2 Meeting dates 2 Contest Schedule 3 DXpedition list 4 Score Rumors 7 DXFC by Alan N3AD 7 Product Review 9 New Members 10 Funny Page 10 Ads 10 Photos 13 CW Open 16 Awards Program 2016-7 17 FRC Honor Roll 20 Officers 21 Abbreviated contest schedule: CW Open 9/3 FOC QSO Party 9/9 ARRL VHF 9/10 CQWW RTTY 9/23 PAQP 10/8 CQWW SSB 10/29 CW SS 11/5 SSB SS 11/10 CQWW CW 11/26 ARRL 160 12/3 ARRL 10 12/10 SKN 1/1 CWT W (3 times) It's been a busy summer, new members, a new QTH for me and Joan, and really great summer meetings. This time of year always gets me itching for the coming contest season (and NHL Hockey) ! The summer meeting at Dave's, N3RD, beautiful QTH was excellent and enjoyed by all. Thanks to Dave, his wife and his helpers! One highlight of the meeting was Steve, K3SW, provided FRC Award plaques for those deserving members that were present. Plaques AND FRC cups will also be available at the next summer meeting. The August meeting at Mark's, K2AX, QTH was on August 6th @ 1:00PM. Summer meetings at Mark's are always a great event thanks to his and his family's warm hospitality. From the chatter on the reflector this one was no different! And for our NNJ members, Peter, W2IRT, is planning a September gathering as well, details to follow. As mentioned in last months Newsletter, September's meeting will be focused on Awards and the coming CQWW 'tests. We also have Dave, K3LP, for our October meeting. We will also be able to report on progress being made with the FRC Database project. Enjoy the rest of the summer! Pete KU2C/3 Page 1 VOLUME XXXIII ISSUE #9 Sept. 2016 Sept. 2016 FRC NEWS The FRC Sept Meeting Lansdale Holiday Inn 9/13/16 6PM social 7PM Mtg 175-0 Sumneytown Pike Kulpsville, PA 19443 FRC Meeting Places and Dates (The FRC Main Meeting is held on the second Tuesday of each month from September through May) Main meeting: 2nd Tuesday at the Holiday Inn at Lansdale Holiday Inn(1750 Sumneytown Pike, Kulpsville, PA). Dinner and drinks start at 6pm with the formal meeting beginning at 7pm. Central PA Sec Mtg: The FRC Central PA section meets September through May on the first Tuesday of each month. The meetings are held at the Quentin Haus Restaurant, intersection of Routes 72 and 419, just a few miles north of the Lebanon-Lancaster exit of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The meetings begin at 6:30 PM.. T.I.T.S. meeting: The Trexlertown International Transmitting Society meets on 3rd Thursday, of month at 12:00 noon. Location is the Hometown Diner on Route 222 in Trexlertown. Rexy’s Meeting B: The Rexy’s Meeting B is be held on 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 8pm, at Rexy’s Restaurant 700 Black Thanks to K3SI, KU2C, N2SS, AA1K, K2NG, N2SS, K3WW, K3SW, K3NL. WA7BNM and NG3K listings are printed with permission from the source. Very little editing needed on the very high quality submissions I have been receiving. If there are any errors or omissions on the officers or BOD, please email me and I will try to correct them. This time period very rough for me with “walking” pneumonia. Ugghh. Nice was to lose 7 pounds without even trying.. Then off to NH cabin to op NAQP CW and WAE CW. TERRIBLE conditions!!!!! Thank you all for supporting the newsletter, it makes writing and editing it a pleasure. I got ANOTHER article accepted by Nuts and Volts, however, we will see if they actually do print it. You will note that I do not have a fixed format for each edition, this is by design, not accident, to make room for the many contributions of articles , photos, etc. (besides the Pres. Letter and FRC Honor roll). I have received some caustic criticism for my new format. I may take a survey to see if you enjoy the FRC-filtered preliminary scores section or not… it is good “filler’ in my mind. I enjoy reading the filtered results hi hi (CW for laughter). Page 2 Sept. 2016 NRAU 10m Activity Contest 1700Z-1800Z, Sep 1 (CW) and 1800Z-1900Z, Sep 1 (SSB) and 1900Z-2000Z, Sep 1 (FM) and 2000Z-2100Z, Sep 1 (Dig) + All Asian DX Contest, Phone 0000Z, Sep 3 to 2400Z, Sep 4 + CWOps CW Open 0000Z-0359Z, Sep 3 and 1200Z-1559Z, Sep 3 and 2000Z-2359Z, Sep 3 + Wake-Up! QRP Sprint 0600Z-0629Z, Sep 3 and 0630Z-0659Z, Sep 3 and 0700Z-0729Z, Sep 3 and 0730Z-0800Z, Sep 3 + Colorado QSO Party 1300Z, Sep 3 to 0400Z, Sep 4 + AGCW Straight Key Party 1300Z-1600Z, Sep 3 + WAB 144 MHz QRO Phone 1000Z-1400Z, Sep 4 + DARC 10-Meter Digital Contest 1100Z-1700Z, Sep 4 + MI QRP Labor Day CW Sprint 2300Z, Sep 5 to 0300Z, Sep 6 + FOC QSO Party 0000Z-2359Z, Sep 10 + WAE DX Contest, SSB 0000Z, Sep 10 to 2359Z, Sep 11 + ARRL September VHF Contest 1800Z, Sep 10 to 0300Z, Sep 12 + North American Sprint, CW 0000Z-0400Z, Sep 11 + Swiss HTC QRP Sprint 1300Z-1900Z, Sep 11 + ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest 0600 local, Sep 17 to 2400 local, Sep 18 + SARL VHF/UHF Analogue/Digital Contest 1000Z, Sep 17 to 1000Z, Sep 18 + Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW 1200Z, Sep 17 to 1200Z, Sep 18 + All Africa International DX Contest 1200Z, Sep 17 to 1200Z, Sep 18 + SRT HF Contest SSB 1300Z, Sep 17 to 1300Z, Sep 18 + QRP Afield 1500Z, Sep 17 to 0300Z, Sep 18 + Washington State Salmon Run 1600Z, Sep 17 to 2400Z, Sep 18 + New Hampshire QSO Party 1600Z, Sep 17 to 0400Z, Sep 18 and 1600Z-2200Z, Sep 18 + New Jersey QSO Party 1600Z, Sep 17 to 0359Z, Sep 18 and 1400Z-2000Z, Sep 18 + North American Sprint, RTTY 0000Z-0400Z, Sep 18 + BARTG Sprint 75 1700Z-2100Z, Sep 18 + 144 MHz Fall Sprint 1900 local - 2300 local, Sep 19 + CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY 0000Z, Sep 24 to 2400Z, Sep 25 + Maine QSO Party 1200Z, Sep 24 to 1200Z, Sep 25 + AGCW VHF/UHF Contest 1400Z-1700Z, Sep 24 (144) and 1700Z-1800Z, Sep 24 (432) + Texas QSO Party 1400Z, Sep 24 to 2000Z, Sep 25 + RSGB International Sprint Contest, CW 1700Z-2100Z, Sep 24 + 220 MHz Fall Sprint 1900 local - 2300 local, Sep 27 Page 3 Sept. 2016 2016 Sep01 2016 Sep15 East Kiribati T32AZ KH6QJ DXW.Net 20160608By KH6QJ fm Kiritimati I; 80-10m (no WARC); CW SSB; QRV for All Asia SSB and WAE SSB 20160609 2016 Sep03 2016 Nov25 Pitcairn I VP6AH DL2AH DL2AH 20151116By DL2AH; 40-10m; SSB + digital; 100w; Windom or triple leg; holiday style operation; QRV from French Polynesia (Mangareva/Gambier) probably using TX2AH or TO2AH beforehand 20151117 2016 Sep06 2016 Sep24 Mongolia JT LotW DXNews 20160601By OK1DBS and OK1XC as JT1DBS, JT1XC, JT1F, JT1DBS/3, JT1XC/3, JT1F/3; HF; CW SSB RTTY; QSL also OK via JT1F and eQSL 2016 Sep10 2016 Sep20 St Pierre & Miquelon TO5FP TBA DXW.Net 20160321 By F4HEC F1RAF FK8IK F5MUX fm Ile Aux Marins (NA-032) 2016 Sep15 2016 Sep21 Faroe Is OY LotW DXW.Net 20160519 By ON4ANN as OY/ON4ANN, ON4ACP ON4CCV ON4CKM ON5PDV ON6MI ON4DTO likewise; 80-6m, focus on high bands; SSB CW PSK RTTY; QSL also OK via M0URX 2016 Sep18 2016 Sep30 Comoros D66D LotW DXNews 20160423 By OK1FPS OK1FCJ OK6DJ; 160-10m; CW SSB RTTY; QSL also OK via OK6DJ and eQSL 2016 Sep20 2016 Oct04 Cocos (Keeling) VK9C DXW.Net 20151211 By 8 op team as TBD; QRV for CQWW DX RTTY CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY (Sep 24-25, 2016) Check here for pericontest activity too. 2016 Sep24 2016 Oct08 Seychelles S79KB DL2SBY DXW.Net 20160115 By DL2SBY fm Praslin and Mahe Is; 40-10m; CW SSB RTTY; 600w; verticals; QSL also OK via Club Log 2016 Sep24 2016 Oct03 Solomon Is H44GC LotW DXW.Net 20151221 By LZ1GC DL8JJ fm Guadalcanal, (OC-047, QI90xn); 160-10m, focus on low bands; CW SSB RTTY; QSL also OK via LZ1GC 2016 Sep25 2016 Oct15 Norfolk I VK9NZ LotW ZL3PAH 20160602 By ZL3GA ZL3AB ZL4TT ZL3PAH; 160-6m; CW SSB RTTY; hexbeams, verticals, wires; QSL also OK via ZL3PAH and Club Log; QRV for Oceania SSB Contest; exact begin and end dates not specified 2016 Sep26 2016 Oct01 Sao Tome & Principe S9 EA3BT DXW.Net 20160521 By EA3BT as S9BT and EA3WL as S9WL fm Ilhu das Rolas (AF-023); 40-6m; SSB, some CW RTTY 2016 Sep27 2016 Oct04 Tuvalu T2R LotW DXW.Net 20160415 By KK7L N7SMI fm Funafuti Atoll; 80-10m; SSB CW RTTY; QSL also OK via Club Log (preferred), email request, N7SMI direct (w/ SASE or 2USD), eQSL Page 4 Sept. 2016 NAQP CW Single Op LP Call QSOs Mults AA3B 1069 179 N3AD 670 155 W3KB 505 121 K3WJV 360 K2CYE 279 K2RET 135 K3OO 100 42 Op Time Score Team 10 191,351 Ad hoc 10 103,850 FRC 61,105 FRC 108 8 38,880 FRC 89 6 24,831 FRC 63 4 8,505 FRC 1.0 4,200 FRC WAE CW Single Op HP Call QSOs QTCs N2NT 1705 1698 AA3B 1672 1671 N3RD 871 854 K3WW 609 W3FV 623 624 K3WJV 451 W2YC 500 0 NW3Y 166 145 WA3AAN 171 K3OO 154 153 Mults 536 525 416 605 260 449 155 185 170 62 Op Time Score Club 36 1,823,472 FRC 36 1,755,075 FRC 16 717,600 FRC 460 14 558,440 FRC 17 324,220 FRC 244 17.5 219,600 FRC 17 190,500 FRC 5:27 57,535 FRC 157 53,537 FRC 2.4 42,059 FRC K2CYE 81 W3KLG(K3ND) KB3Z 100 0 77 111 125 107 0 5.5 Mults 117 243 145 42 Op Time Score 215,152 18:23 73,143 5.6 Hr 59,885 5 1,218 FRC 3 16,906 FRC 117 12,987 FRC 12,500 FRC Single Op LP Call QSOs QTCs W3KB 400 391 NK3Y 301 0 W3FIZ413 204 W2JC 29 0 Club FRC FRC FRC NAQP SSB Single Op LP Call QSOs Mults Op Time K2CYE 185 65 5 Page 5 Score Team 12,025 FRC Sept. 2016 NAQP CW Single Op LP Single Op LP Single Op LP Single Op LP Call QSOs Mults Op Time Score Team AA3B 1069 179 10 191,351 Ad hoc N3AD 670 155 10 103,850 FRC W3KB 505 121 61,105 FRC K3WJV 360 108 8 38,880 FRC K2CYE 279 89 6 24,831 FRC K2RET 135 63 4 8,505 FRC K3OO 100 42 1.0 4,200 FRC WAE CW Single Op HP Single Op HP Call QSOs QTCs N2NT 1705 1698 AA3B 1672 1671 N3RD 871 854 K3WW 609 W3FV 623 624 K3WJV 451 W2YC 500 0 NW3Y 166 145 WA3AAN 171 K3OO 154 153 Mults 536 525 416 605 260 449 155 185 170 62 Op Time Score Club 36 1,823,472 FRC 36 1,755,075 FRC 16 717,600 FRC 460 14 558,440 FRC 17 324,220 FRC 244 17.5 219,600 FRC 17 190,500 FRC 5:27 57,535 FRC 157 53,537 FRC 2.4 42,059 FRC K2CYE 81 W3KLG(K3ND) KB3Z 100 0 77 111 125 107 0 5.5 Single Op HP 3 16,906 FRC 117 12,987 FRC 12,500 FRC Single Op LP Single Op LP Single Op LP Single Op LP Call QSOs QTCs Mults Op Time Score Club W3KB 400 391 117 215,152 FRC NK3Y 301 0 243 18:23 73,143 FRC W3FIZ413 204 145 5.6 Hr 59,885 FRC W2JC 29 0 42 5 1,218 FRC NAQP SSB Single Op LP Call QSOs Mults Op Time K2CYE 185 65 5 Page 6 Single Op HP Score Team 12,025 FRC Sept. 2016 DXFC – DXCC by foot By Alan J. Donziger, N3AD Do you know how many DXCC countries you’ve actually stepped foot in? Do you want to know? Who in our club has travelled extensively? Are you traveling to an exotic (or not so exotic) spot in the near future? Would you like to talk to someone who has been there? There’s an easy way to keep track of your DXCC travels and to get answers to these questions. DXFC stands for DXCC by foot. Stewart/GM4AFF maintains the program at You become a member simply by registering. It’s free and it’s fun. The 340 DXCC counties are listed (339 of them have been visited by members). Anyone going to be near P5 in the near future? You can be famous – at least on the DXFC site and probably elsewhere as well. I have asked John to provide space this in the newsletter. The list will be updated each month and will be continued as long as there is interest. I have gone through the list of FRC members and former members who have posted their DXFC info on the DXFC site. If I missed anyone, please let me know and it will be included next month. W3BGN is far in the lead with 135 countries visited. I know Steve and Carol have done much traveling since they retired. Steve also visited a number of exotic places when he served in the Navy as a young man. It’s never too late to say Thank you for your service Steve. W3PP is in second place one short of the century mark. Sadly, he will never achieve that goal. We still miss you Dallas. RIP friend. W2VW is in third place with 87. Jack accumulated many of these countries during his military career. Jack, your service is also much appreciated. Who in the FRC has visited the fewest countries. Anyone at 1? Don’t forget that class trip in elementary school to 4U1U. I know there are many others who have travelled extensively. Whether you’ve visited many or few countries go ahead and register. It really is fun to fill in the list and think fondly of our past travels - maybe some not so fondly. In futures issues we may include a short write up by members of some of their current or past trips which have added to their DXFC totals. These can be printed at the discretion of our Newsletter editor as space permits. There are 17 FRC calls listed. Let’s see if we can double that by next month. Just register at It really is fun. Page 7 Sept. 2016 DXFC (DXCC by foot) Call W3BGN W3PP W2VW N3AD W3FV K3LP W2UP N2AA W3CC AB2E N2SS K2PS K9RS K3TEJ N2TK WW2DX K2DM Page 8 DXFC QRV DXFC Visits 135 99 87 84 59 52 49 48 48 41 40 33 30 26 24 19 14 Sept. 2016 12 14 7 12 32 5 4 8 4 12 11 The Xiegu X108 This unit I acquired when my X1M died, and the serviceman offered to sell it to me. It is an 80-10M QRP rig, SSB-CW. It is single conversion and has a CW filter for CW.It is single conversion, and not quite singe signal in a contest environment. I have run in several CWT’s. The main problem seems to be quality…. The not eis T8 if you are not into a 1 to 1 SWR, and the audio is not good unless the audio compressor is set to 3. Otherwise, it is sensitive and full output. The AGC overloads in a contest situation… about what you would expect for $500 for an all band radio (unless you are getting a KX2 or LD-11… not enough cash right now for those). Rig control emulation the IC-718 works well. Now that is a SHORT review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Page 9 Sept. 2016 Please welcome Tom Stefanic, N2ST, Ed Efchak, WX2R, who joined the Frankford Radio Club this past weekend at the K2AX picnic meeting! Both new members are from Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Tom was sponsored by Van, W2DLT, and Steve, K3SW, while Ed was sponsored by Van, W2DLT, and Mark, AA3K. Welcome, Tom and Ed! 73, Bob K3PH // Page 10 Sept. 2016 K2NG Tower Services Let me help with your tower and antenna projects before the upcoming contest season Tower and antenna installation and maintenance Rotor installation and maintenance Station site noise survey Fabrication Check out my reviews on Eham: 73, Noah K2NG Cell: 908-268-5162 [email protected] Page 11 Sept. 2016 Tower climber for hire. Repairs, maintenance, installation. Contact Jon Zaimes AA1K: [email protected] Page 12 Sept. 2016 Captions are to be supplied by readers Page 13 Sept. 2016 Page 14 Sept. 2016 Page 15 Sept. 2016 Have you ever heard of the CW Operators Club? If not, it is a global organization that was founded in 2010 for the single purpose of promoting the use of CW. There are currently 1256 members worldwide. A few of the activities include hosting weekly onthe-air activities, provides CW training (known as CW Academy) and runs an annual CW Open contest. For more about the club please refer to: For more information about the CW Open please read on. The CW Open is made up of (3) separate 4 hour events that all occur on the same day. This year the event date is September 3, 2016. Session 1 is from 0000 - 0400Z. Session 2 is from 1200 – 1600Z. Session 3 is from 2000 – 2400Z All amateurs worldwide are invited to participate as you don’t need to be a CWOps club member. There is only one category (Single Operator) and one mode (CW of course). You also get to select your power category from QRP, Low Power to High Power. The exchange is also quite simple and includes only your QSO number and name. (ie: 25 Bruce) As the event sessions are standalone, please send your individual Carbrillo formatted submissions to http://www.b4h/net/cwops/. NOTE: Paper logs are not accepted. Just a couple more facts. For a list of computer logging programs that support the CW Open please refer to: Finally, many of us like to participate as a team member which is very popular for the CW Open. For more info about team competition, including how to register your team, please refer to: If you have questions please feel free to refer to the CW Operators website HOME page at On the left side there are numerous buttons that will provide additional CW Ops information. One of them about mid-way down the list is the CW Open. Should you have additional questions, please feel free to email me directly at: [email protected]. Finally – I hope to get you in my log for all 3 sessions and for many bands! 73, Bruce – N1LN CW Open - IARU Region 2 Coordinator Page 16 Sept. 2016 2016 – 2017 FRC Award Program By Steve Walters, K3SW FRC Awards Committee Chairman [email protected] This article describes a slightly revised version of our awards program. There are no big changes, just small ones. Here’s a brief summary of the changes followed by the complete write-up for each award. No changes are proposed for the FRC Cup, the Top Ten or the Four-In-Four awards. The Most Improved award now has different thresholds for qualifying, a larger number of plaques awarded (five), and different criteria for receiving a plaque (the highest total contribution of points for both years rather than the percentage improvement). There will be only one size of mug offered this year and a slightly higher total point contribution is required to receive it. Participation certificates will be provided only on request. There is a new award, “Excellence in Recruiting” for those bringing new members into FRC. Since this is our 90th Anniversary, every plaque, certificate and mug will bear the phrase “Ninety Years of Excellence!” and “1927 – 2017” just above our logo. Also there will be a commemorative plaque that anyone can purchase (see the last item). I look forward to delivering many of these awards to all of you next spring! If you haven’t already, get your station and antennas ready to go and do some warm up operations to get your gray matter going! Go FRC! FRC Cup The FRC Cup is the ultimate recognition award offered by the Frankford Radio Club. It is given annually to the FRC member who contributes the most points toward the club aggregate score during a contest season. The Cup is a perpetual award established several decades ago to honor our “Top Gun” performers. The Cup is passed to the top scoring club member at the end of each contest season. A brass plate with the year, winner’s name and call is permanently attached to the base of the Cup to forever honor the winners. To qualify simply compete in as many of the “Big Four” contests as possible (CQWW DX Phone and CW, ARRL DX Phone and CW), submit your logs indicating FRC membership within the contest’s timeframe and rules, and post your score to the 3830 reflector. Top Ten Award The Top Ten awards are personalized plaques given to those FRC members who produced the ten highest point contributions for FRC during a contest season. Winners receive a plaque in recognition of their achievement. Page 17 Sept. 2016 To qualify simply compete in as many of the “Big Four” contests as possible (CQWW DX Phone and CW, ARRL DX Phone and CW), submit your logs indicating FRC membership within the contest’s timeframe and rules, and post your score to the 3830 reflector. Four-In-Four Award The Four-In-Four award recognizes the exceptional effort of FRC members who operate in all four major contests and achieve a minimum of one million points in each of the four events during a contest season. Plaques are presented to those who accomplish this. To qualify simply compete in ALL of the “Big Four” contests (CQWW DX Phone and CW, ARRL DX Phone and CW), score a minimum of 1,000,000 points in each event, submit your logs indicating FRC membership within the contest’s timeframe and rules, and post your score to the 3830 reflector. Most Improved Award All members who compete in at least two the “Big Four” and total 500,000 points or more during the current season and had earned 250,000 or more in the previous season will receive this award. The five members with the highest total contribution to the club for the two years will receive a plaque and all others will receive a paper certificate. To qualify, first be sure you earned 250,000 points during the last season. Then simply compete in as many of the “Big Four” contests (CQWW DX Phone and CW, ARRL DX Phone and CW) as possible, score as many points as possible, submit your logs indicating FRC membership within the contest’s timeframe and rules, and post your score to the 3830 reflector. If you achieve a combined score for all contests entered of at least 500,000 you will receive a plaque or a paper certificate according to your total score. Coffee Mugs Members who participate in at least 2 of the big 4 contests and total 1,000,000 total points will receive an 11 oz white coffee mug with the FRC logo on one side and an appropriate annotation on the other side. Participation Certificates All members who contribute will, upon request, receive an electronic certificate (PDF) listing their name / call / total score / FRC rank and thanking them for their contribution. Excellence in Recruiting Page 18 Sept. 2016 Members who have recruited two or more new members will receive a plaque bearing their name / call and an expression of appreciation for bringing new members into the FRC. 90th Anniversary Plaque Available for purchase by members or non-members will be a special 90th anniversary plaque. This plaque will bear the banner “Ninety Years of Excellence!” “1927 – 2017” above our logo and will list as many phone and CW club victories in CQ WW and ARRL DX as well as other major contests as possible. It will also list all FRC members inducted to the Contest Hall of Fame and as many as possible CQ WW and ARRL DX first-place finishes in US or World categories by FRC members. Anyone not wishing to purchase a plaque can download a free electronic PDF version suitable for printing. Non-members and those outside the US may be interested in this option. The exact details of the plaque design will be forthcoming at the end of the contest season prior to taking orders. These will be sold at our cost plus the cost of shipping. Members and non-members alike can order them. Page 19 Sept. 2016 FRC Honor Roll Page 20 Sept. 2016 The newsletter of the Frankford Radio Club. P. O. Box 431 Alburtis, PA 18011-0431 Celebrating 86 Years of Excellence (1927-2013) Affiliated Club The Frankford Radio Club is a proud sponsor of World Radiosport Team Championship 2018 The Frankford Radio Club Club Officers President:: Vice Pres: Secretary Treasurer: Directors KU2C W2GD W3EA N3RD Peter Barletto John Crovelli Wayne Kline Dave Hawes 206-384-5659 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 610-804-3271 AA3B Bud Trench N3AD K3MD K3ND K3SW K3WW W2CG Alan Donziger John Thompson MD Gale Steward Stephen Walters Charles Fulp Martin Grozinski, Jr. 610-517-6039 570-600-3244 Dave Hawes Bob Schreibmaier Steve Walters 610-804-3271 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] John Thompson Peter Barletto Charles Fulp 570-743-7862 206-384-5659 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Committee Chairman Statistician: N3RD Membership: K3PH Awards: K3SW Newsletter & Roster Editor: K3MD Distribution: KU2C Proofreader: K3WW [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 215-257-7472 610-367-4516 FRC Section Managers Phila & SE PA South Central PA Northeast PA Northern NJ Central NJ Southern NJ Delaware Southeast NY Southern CT Maryland Page 21 vacant W3KB W3EA N2RJ N2NT Keith Beebe Wayne Kline Ria Jairam Andy Blank [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] AA1K N2TK KQ2M WG3J Jon Zaimes Tony Kazmakites Bob Shohet Eric Hudson [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sept. 2016 Telnet DX Clusters 7300 7300 Website Webmaster Ria Jairam, N2RJ [email protected]