Sharing Your iPhoto Albums - Web Page


Sharing Your iPhoto Albums - Web Page
Wazza’s QuickStart
Sharing Your iPhoto Albums - Web Page
Mac OS X
iPhoto 4
The widespread use of digital cameras has resulted in schools rapidly building a large
collection of digital photographs, depicting a wide range of school activities, from
school excursions and sports matches, to fetes and social events.
Schools have three options to share these photos with others in the school:
1. Copy photos to the Shared area of the server
Quick, easy, always available.
Cons: difficult to identify photos from icons
2. Use the built-in sharing facility if iPhoto
Quick, easy.
Cons: The shared user must be logged in, and the shared album must be
open for others to access the shared photos.
3. Export selected photos to a web page
Always available, photos available in two “preset sizes” for students to
drag to their documents.
Cons: You need some basic web page expertise.
This document details Option 3 above, providing an introduction to the creation of a
“thumbnails” web page, to share photos with others on your network.
A “thumbnails” web page is an ideal way to share photographs on a school intranet, or
display a series of photographs on a school Internet web page.
While a number of utilities are available to create thumbnail web pages for both Win
and Mac, iPhoto provides a neat “built-in” option for Mac OS X users.
Let’s get started!
These notes assume that you are familiar with the basics of iPhoto, and have
already imported your photos from your camera into iPhoto.
You can import photos directly from a camera, or from a folder containing your
1. Create a New Folder in which to store your thumbnails web page.
Choose an “intranet friendly” title for the folder (no spaces, etc) so that you
can easily integrate the folder into your intranet web site.
2. Launch iPhoto:
iPhoto is available in the Applications folder, or directly from the Dock.
3. Select an Album, in the left pane of iPhoto’s window, or a group of
individual photos within an album, from which to make your thumbnails
web page:
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4. Check that each photo has an individual title, rather than a generic
“Roll 3-15” title:
5. Choose Export from the File menu:
Note: If individual photos are selected within an album (ie, they are
“highlighted”), the selected photo(s) will be the only photo(s) which will be
exported to the web page as a thumbnail(s).
If you want to create a web page with all the photos in a particular Album,
make sure that the Album is selected, in the left pane of the iPhoto
window, and that no individual photos in that album are selected.
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6. Click on the Web Page tab:
7. You can provide the Page Title, set the Background colour (or choose a
background image for the thumbnails web page) and choose the number
of columns/rows for the photos on the thumbnails page:
8. You can also adjust the size of the thumbnail photos and the full-size
versions of each photo, and the title information displayed with each
thumbnail image, and the full-sized images:
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9. When your preferences are set-up, click on the Export button.
Navigate to the folder you created in Step 1, and click on the OK button.
10. Your photos have now been exported as thumbnails (and scaled
originals) to a web page in this folder, along with the supporting “web”
11. Double-click the html file within the folder (the file’s name is the same as
the Page Title) to see your thumbnails web page displayed in your default
web browser:
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12. Clicking on each photo will display the original photo in a new web page,
at the size you specified in your iPhoto export options:
13. You can now “drag ‘n’ drop” these photos from the school intranet into
other applications (such as AppleWorks or Word) for class reports and
other published work.
Some more options
1. The “3rd party” BetterHTMLExport plug-in provides some additional
options from within iPhoto’s web export.
This plug-in adds an extra tab to the iPhoto export page, with a similar
interface to the standard window, but with some additional options and
features, including navigation buttons on each “full size” web page:
BetterHTMLExport is shareware, and is available from:
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