venus fashion cevisama 2007
venus fashion cevisama 2007
VENUS FASHION CEVISAMA 2007 So fabulous... So glamorous... So...Venus 20x50 Magic Indiana Curelu Casanova Latina Cinema Kaliva Portobello Planetario Passarella Shilhouette 02 04 06 08 12 14 18 20 22 24 26 Wall tiles Revestimiento 25x50 Eponymo Too Very Fashion 25x60 Ysatis Romanzo Zebrano Vogue Anais Cabaret Amos 22x66 Spider Totally Stone 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 46 50 52 Floor tiles Pavimento 14x66 Maya 54 Petrified Forest 55 Magic 56 44x44 Orion 57 Origin 59 44x66 Origin 60 Spider 62 Planet 63 49x49 Silhouette 66 Sequoia 68 Zebrano 69 Byblos 72 Portobello 73 Index Magic Magic 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” 20x50 Magic Line Beige 6483 Magic Caro Beige 6486 W - Magic Line Beige 6645 W - Magic Caro Beige 6646 T - Magic Flora 6494 Magic Caro Wenge 6487 Magic Line Africa 6485 Magic Caro Africa 6489 Cenefa Magic Flora 4x50 - 6490 Cenefa Magic Lilian 4x50 - 6492 Cenefa Magic Flora 2x50 - 6491 Cenefa Magic Lilian 2x50 - 6493 New collection Cevisama 2007 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” Magic Line Wenge 6581 Magic Caro Wenge 6595 Magic Line Africa 6593 Magic Caro Africa 6599 MAGIC 2 Magic Line Wenge 6484 T - Magic Lilian 6495 3 Indiana Indiana 20x50 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” Indiana Dirty White 6496 W - Indiana 6600 Cenefa Indiana Pink Chocolate 4,5x50 - 6502 Cenefa Indiana Bitter Chocolate 4,5x50 - 6501 Cenefa Indiana Pink Chocolate 3x50 - 6504 Cenefa Indiana Bitter Chocolate 3x50 - 6503 Indiana Pink Chocolate 6498 Indiana Bitter Chocolate 6497 T - Indiana Pink Chocolate 6500 T - Indiana Bitter Chocolate 6499 4 New collection Cevisama 2007 Indiana Pink Chocolate 6610 Indiana Bitter Chocolate 6602 INDIANA 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 5 Curelu Curelu 20x50 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” Curelu Soft 6505 Curelu Coral 6508 Curelu Blue 6506 Curelu Sky 6507 Cenefa Curelu 4x50 - 6510 Cenefa Curelu 2x50 - 6511 W - Curelu 6601 T - Curelu 6509 6 New collection Cevisama 2007 Curelu Soft 6611 CURELU 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 7 Casanova Casanova 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” 20x50 Casanova White 6576 T - Casanova Art 1 6580 T - Casanova Art 2 6582 T - Casanova Art 3 6583 T - Casanova Erato 1 6589 T - Casanova Erato 2 6590 T - Casanova Erato 3 6591 W - Casanova White 6578 Casanova Mandarine 6568 Casanova Red 6569 Casanova Blue 6570 Cenefa Casanova Art 1 4x50 - 6585 Cenefa Casanova Art 2 4x50 - 6586 Cenefa Casanova Art 3 4x50 - 6587 Cenefa Casanova Art 1 2x50 - 6781 Cenefa Casanova Art 2 2x50 - 6782 Cenefa Casanova Art 3 2x50 - 6783 Cenefa Casanova Erato 1 4x50 - 6594 Cenefa Casanova Erato 2 4x50 - 6596 Cenefa Casanova Erato 3 4x50 - 6597 Cenefa Casanova Erato 1 2x50 - 6785 Cenefa Casanova Erato 2 2x50 - 6786 Cenefa Casanova Erato 3 2x50 - 6787 Casanova Froggy 6571 Casanova Black 6573 Casanova Violet 6572 Cenefa Vallia 2,5x50 - 6740 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” Casanova Mandarin 6618 8 New collection Cevisama 2007 Casanova Froggy 6619 Casanova Red 6617 Casanova Black 6641 Casanova Blue 6621 Casanova Violet 6624 CASANOVA Cenefa Passarella 2x50 - 6746 9 Casanova Casanova 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” 20x50 Casanova Beige 6577 Casanova Honey 6574 W - Casanova Beige 6579 Casanova Wenge 6575 T - Orama 6790 Cenefa Orama 2x50 - 6789 Cenefa Vallia 2,5x50 - 6740 Casanova Honey 6642 10 New collection Cevisama 2007 Casanova Wenge 6643 CASANOVA 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 11 Latina Latina 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” 20x50 Latina Cream 6603 W - Latina 6606 Cenefa Latina 4x50 - 6608 T - Latina 6607 Latina Honey Rose 6604 Latina Emerald Pearl 6605 Cenefa Latina 2,5x50 - 6609 12 New collection Cevisama 2007 Latina Honey Rose 6644 Latina Emerald Pearl 6647 LATINA 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 13 Cinema Cinema 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” 20x50 Cinema Praline 6613 W - Cinema 6620 T - Cinema 6622 Cenefa Cinema 6x50 - 6623 Cenefa Cinema 2x50 - 6625 Cinema Iris Brown 6615 New collection Cevisama 2007 Cinema Praline 6648 CINEMA 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 14 Cinema Iris Brown Caro 6616 15 Kaliva 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” Kaliva Cherry 6627 Kaliva Beige 6626 Kaliva Africa 6628 Kaliva Smoke 6629 Cenefa Kaliva 4,5x50 - 6637 Cenefa Kaliva Smoke 4,5x50 - 6639 Cenefa Kaliva 2x50 - 6638 Cenefa Kaliva Smoke 2x50 - 6640 W - Kaliva 6634 T - Kaliva 6635 T - Kaliva Smoke 6636 Kaliva Cherry Line 6631 Kaliva Africa Line 6632 Kaliva Smoke Line 6633 Kaliva Beige Line 6630 16 New collection Cevisama 2007 Kaliva Cherry Star 6649 Kaliva Africa Star 6650 Kaliva Smoke Star 6651 KALIVA 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 17 Portobello Portobello 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” 20x50 Portobello Beige 6684 Portobello Cherry 6685 Portobello Wenge 6686 Cenefa Portobello 5x50 - 6690 Cenefa Portobello 2x50 - 6691 W - Portobello 6687 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 18 New collection Cevisama 2007 Portobello Cherry 6655 Portobello Wenge 6656 PORTOBELLO T - Portobello 6688 19 Planetario Planetario 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” 20x50 Planetario White 6695 Planetario Golden Grey 6697 Planetario Golden Brown 6696 Cenefa Planetario Red 2x50 - 6703 Cenefa Planetario Brown 2x50 - 6701 Cenefa Planetario 2x50 - 6704 W - Planetario 6699 T - Planetario 6700 Cenefa Vallia 2,5x50 - 6740 20 New collection Cevisama 2007 Planetario Golden Grey 6658 Planetario Golden Brown 6657 PLANETARIO 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 21 Passarella Passarella 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” 20x50 Passarella White Pearl 6791 W - Passarella 6743 Passarella Night Blue 6792 Passarella Night Pink 6793 Cenefa Passarella 2x20 - 6745 T - Passarella 6744 Cenefa Passarella 2x50 - 6746 24 New collection Cevisama 2007 Cabaret Noir 4287 PASSARELLA 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 25 Silhouette Silhouette 20,2x50,4 8”x19,8” 20x50 Silhouette Sand 6747 Silhouette Bronze 6748 Silhouette Crystal Grey 6749 Silhouette Black 6750 Cenefa Silhouette 2x50 - 6794 W - Silhouette 6751 T - Silhouette 6752 26 New collection Cevisama 2007 Silhouette Bronze 6754 Silhouette Crystal Grey 6755 ILLUSION 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” Silhouette Black 6756 27 Eponymo Too Eponymo Too 25,2x50,4 10”x19,8” 25x50 Eponymo Too Beige 6708 W - Eponymo Too 6710 Eponymo Too Brown 6709 Cenefa Eponymo Too 5x25 - 6712 T - Eponymo Too 6711 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 28 New collection Cevisama 2007 Eponymo Too Brown 6714 EPONYMO TOO Cenefa Eponymo Too 3x25 - 6713 29 Very Fashion Very Fashion 25,2x50,4 10”x19,8” 25x50 W - Very Fashion 6730 Very Fashion Beige 6757 Very Fashion Brown 6758 Cenefa Very Fashion 4x25 - 6728 T - Very Fashion 6727 Cenefa Very Fashion 2x25 - 6729 32 New collection Cevisama 2007 Very Fashion Brown 6661 VERY FASHION 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 33 Ysatis Ysatis 25,3x60,7 10”x24” 25x60 Ysatis Beige 6759 W - Ysatis Beige 6761 Cenefa Ysatis 2,5x60 - 6732 T - Ysatis 6731 Ysatis Decore Brown 6760 34 New collection Cevisama 2007 Ysatis Beige 6662 YSATIS 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 35 Romanzo Romanzo 25,3x60,7 10”x24” 25x60 Romanzo Saten 6762 W - Romanzo 6764 W - Romanzo Saten Decore 6763 Cenefa Romanzo 3x25 - 6670 T - Romanzo 6669 36 New collection Cevisama 2007 Romanzo Saten 6663 ROMANZO 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 37 Zebrano Zebrano 25,3x60,7 10”x24” 25x60 Zebrano Beige 6795 W - Zebrano 6736 Cenefa Zebrano 4,5x60 - 6737 T - Zebrano 6735 Cenefa Zebrano 3x60 - 6738 Zebrano Brown 6796 40 New collection Cevisama 2007 Zebrano Brown 6665 ZEBRANO 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 41 Vogue Vogue 25,3x60,7 10”x24” 25x60 Vogue White 6772 Vogue Beige 6773 Cenefa Vogue Mauve Pearl 2x25 - 6706 Cenefa Vogue Beige Pearl 2x25 - 6707 Vogue Mauve 6774 42 New collection Cevisama 2007 Cabaret Noir 4287 Cabaret Blanc 4286 VOGUE 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” Vogue Gold 6775 43 Anais Anais 25,3x60,7 10”x24” 25x60 Anais Beige 6797 W - Anais 6776 Anais Beige Decore 6798 Cenefa Anais 4x25 - 6672 T - anais 6671 Cenefa Anais 2x25 - 6673 44 New collection Cevisama 2007 Anais Beige 6666 ANAIS 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 45 Cabaret Cabaret 25,3x60,7 10”x24” 25x60 Cabaret Blanc 4161 Cabaret Beige 5793 Cabaret Blanc Panoramice 4164 Cabaret Noir Panoramice 4175 Cabaret Rouge Panoramice 4176 Cenefa Cabaret Silver 3x25 - 4300 Cenefa Cabaret Silver 3x60 - 6612 46 New collection Cevisama 2007 Cabaret Noir 4287 Cabaret Creme 5797 Cabaret Chocolat 5796 Cabaret Chocolat Panoramice 5794 Cenefa Cabaret Gold 3x25 - 4299 Cenefa Cabaret Gold 3x60 - 6614 CABARET Cabaret Blanc 4286 Cabaret Creme Panoramice 5795 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” 47 Amos Amos 25,3x60,7 10”x24” 25x60 Amos Sand 4262 W - Amos 6799 Cenefa Amos 6x25 - 4320 T-Amos 6800 Cenefa Amos 3x25 - 4321 Cenefa Amos Kitchen 5x25 cm - 4322 Amos Beige 4263 Amos Smoke 4264 W - Amos Korfu 6880 Cenefa Amos Korfu 4x60 - 6801 T - Amos Korfu 6881 Cenefa Amos Korfu 2,5x60 - 6802 Cenefa Amos Britannia 5x60 - 6716 33,6x33,6 13,2”x13,2” Cenefa Amos Britannia 5x25 - 6715 46 New collection Cevisama 2007 AMOS Floor Amos Beige 4323 and Amos Smoke 4324 47 Spider Spider 22x66 8,6”x26” 22x66 Spider Brown 6814 Mosaico Glass 31,5x31,5 - 6818 Spider Grey 6815 Cenefa Spider Rings 2x66 - 6817 Cenefa Spider 2,5x66 - 6816 50 New collection Cevisama 2007 Spider Grey 6668 44x66 17,3”x26” SPIDER Spider Brown 6667 51 Totally Stone Totally Stone 22x66 8,6”x26” 22x66 Totally Stone Beige 44x44 - 4182 and 44x66 - 4186 Totally Stone Beige 6876 Totally Stone Grey 6877 Cenefa Totally Stone Beige 4x66 - 6819 Cenefa Totally Stone Grey 4x66 - 6820 Totally Stone Grey 44x44 - 4183 and 44x66 - 4187 Cenefa Totally Stone 2,5x66 - 6821 Totally Stone Brown 44x44 - 4184 and 44x66 - 4188 44x44 17,3”x17,3” 52 New collection Cevisama 2007 TOTALLY STONE Totally Stone Brown 6878 Totally Stone Smoke 6879 Totally Stone Smoke 44x44 - 4185 and 44x66 - 4189 44x66 17,3”x26” Cenefa Totally Stone Mosaico 3x66 - 6822 53 Maya Petrified Forest 14x66 Maya Antiqued Birch 6481 14x66 Cenefa Maya Antiqued Birch 7x14 - 6823 Cenefa Petrified Forest Golden Beige 7x14 - 4327 Maya Cedar 6477 Maya Walnut 6478 Petrified Forest Golden Blue 4195 Petrified Forest Golden Cherry 4197 Cenefa Maya Cedar 7x14 - 6824 Cenefa Maya Walnut 7x14 - 6426 Cenefa Petrified Forest Golden Blue 7x14 - 4328 Cenefa Petrified Forest Golden Cherry 7x14 - 4330 Maya Cherry 6480 Maya Wenge 6479 Petrified Forest Golden Brown 4196 Petrified Forest Golden Africa 6518 Cenefa Maya Cherry 7x14 - 6825 Cenefa Maya Wenge 7x14 - 6827 Cenefa Petrified Forest Golden Brown 7x14 - 4329 Cenefa Petrified Forest Golden Africa 7x14 - 6876 New collection Cevisama 2007 14x66 5,7”x26” 14x66 5,7”x26” PETRIFIED FOREST MAYA 54 Petrified Forest Golden Beige 4194 55 Magic Orion 14x66 44x44 Magic Caro Beige 6828 Magic Caro Cherry 6829 Magic Caro Wenge 6830 Magic Caro Africa 6831 Cenefa Magic 2x14 - 6832 ( Floor-Pav.) New collection Cevisama 2007 14x66 5,7”x26” Orion Gold Brown 6834 Orion Smoke Grey 6835 44x44 17,3”x17,3” ORION MAGIC 56 Cenefa Orama 2x66 - 6833 ( Wall-Rev.) Orion Beige 6834 57 Origin Origin 44x44 Origin Silver Grey 6839 Origin Silver Brown 6840 Origin Silver Moss 6841 44x44 17,3”x17,3” 60 New collection Cevisama 2007 ORIGIN Origin Silver Black 6842 Origin Silver Beige 6838 59 Origin Origin 44x66 Origin Silver Grey 6844 Origin Silver Brown 6845 Origin Silver Moss 6846 44x66 17,3”x26” 60 New collection Cevisama 2007 ORIGIN Origin Silver Black 6847 Origin Silver Beige 6843 61 Spider Planet 44x66 44x66 Mosaico Glass 31,5x31,5 - 6818 Spider Grey 6668 Planet Brown 6848 44x66 17,3”x26” Planet Grey 6849 44x66 17,3”x26” PLANET SPIDER 62 Spider Brown 6667 63 Silhouette 49x49 Silhouette Beige 6698 Silhouette Bronze 6702 Silhouette Gold 6705 Silhouette White 6689 Silhouette Grey 6692 Silhouette Crystal Grey 6693 New collection Cevisama 2007 Silhouette Black 6694 49x49 19,3”x19,3” SILHOUETTE 66 Silhouette 67 Sequoia Sequoia Pergamon 6857 Sequoia Wenge 6860 Sequoia Honey 6858 Sequoia Cherry 6859 New collection Cevisama 2007 Zebrano 49x49 Zebrano Africa 6862 49x49 19,3”x19,3” Zebrano Coffee 6861 49x49 19,3”x19,3” ZEBRANO SEQUOIA 68 49x49 69 Byblos New collection Cevisama 2007 Byblos Brown 6871 Byblos Black 6872 Byblos Brown (Lappato) 6869 Byblos Black (Lappato) 6870 49x49 19,3”x19,3” Portobello Portobello Beige 6873 49x49 Portobello Cherry 6874 Portobello Wenge 6875 49x49 19,3”x19,3” PORTOBELLO BYBLOS 72 49x49 73 VENUS CERÁMICA, S.A. Apartado de Correos 99 Polígono Industrial La Mina 12520 NULES (Castellón) Spain Tel.: +34 964 659 240 Fax: +34 964 673 508 e-mail: [email protected]
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