Suggested Retail Pricing
Suggested Retail Pricing
Suggested Retail Pricing Domestic Prices for Chromaline Stencil Products Effective Date March 18, 2013 Best Brand. Best Products. Best Results. Member of SGIA, SPTF, & Founding Member of NASMA AN IKONICS COMPANY ISO 9001 CERTIFIED NASDAQ LISTED: IKNX Ov e rvi e w & S t e n c i l S e l e c ti o n G ui d e Chromaline Stencil Products Chromaline Screen Print Products develops and manufactures a wide variety of stencil products designed to help you make high quality stencils. Chromaline products can be used for a multitude of printing applications. From textiles, to graphics, to electronics printing, we have a product that enables you to get the results you need. Capillary Films With films, the flatness on the lower surface of the screen assures excellent print fidelity. However, indirect films have only adequate durability because the upper surface of the mesh is not coated. Capillary films are more durable because they penetrate and adhere deeply into the mesh. Chromaline has a variety of film and emulsion products, each providing unique benefits for your printing applications. Use the chart below to identify the stencil system that is right for your next job. Direct/Indirect Films Direct/Indirect is a hybrid technology combining the best features of each stencil making technique. The Direct/Indirect system gives excellent durability because the mesh is totally encapsulated as with the direct emulsion method. The film, bonded to the print surface of the mesh by emulsion, keeps the print surface flat for excellent print fidelity. Direct Emulsions Direct emulsions make durable stencils because both the upper and lower surfaces of the screen are coated, making the mesh completely encapsulated. The emulsion conforms to the mesh as it shrinks during drying producing an uneven surface. Films routinely deliver better print quality than emulsions. Stencil Selection Guide Capillary Films Direct/ Indirect Diazo Dual Cure Photopolymer Diazo Dual Cure Photopolymer Resolution/Line Detail Excellent Very Good Excellent Excellent Very Good Excellent Excellent Screen to Screen Excellent Very Good Very Good Very Good Fair Fair Fair Print Quality Excellent Very Good Excellent Excellent Good Very Good Good Durability Excellent Good Good Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Ease of Use Very Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Good Very Good Reclaimability Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Fast Exposing Good Good Good Very Good Good Good Excellent Shelf Life Excellent Good Good Excellent Good Good Excellent Mesh. 1 Diazo Direct Emulsions CHROMALINE SCREEN PRINT PRODUCTS Direct Emulsions— both upper and lower surfaces of the screen are coated. Capillary Films— lower surface of the mesh is flat coated. Direct/Indirect Films— film keeps the print surface flat for excellent print fidelity. table o f co n ten t s Films ..................................... 3-7 Capillary Film .............................................................. 3-5 Presensitized Film .......................................................... 6 Direct/Indirect Film......................................................... 7 emulsions ......................... 8-10 Photopolymer and Convertible Emulsion ........................ 8 Dual Cure Emulsion ........................................................ 9 Diazo Emulsion ............................................................. 10 screen chemicals ........ 10-11 technical and Training Tools .................... 12 Accusuite ....................... 12-14 AccuArt3 & AccuBlack ................................................ 12 AccuFast, AccuInk & AccuSuite .................................. 13 AccuSuite & AccuRip ................................................... 14 BEST BRAND. BEST EMULSIONS. BEST RESULTS. 2 C a p i ll a ry f i l m Magna/Cure® Photopolymer Dual Cure Capillary Film ALL LIGHT GREEN IN COLOR Presensitized capillary film for printers demanding a premium quality stencil. These products offer controlled stencil thickness, wide exposure latitude and easy developing. CASE QTY LIST PRICE 26”x15’ 4 $73.38 18 micron (0.7 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $119.54 mesh 390 & higher, 26”x50’ 4 $190.40 halftones, UV inks, 52”x20’** 4 $145.17 PC boards Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01236 MAGNA/CURE® 25 26”x15’ 4 $90.21 25 micron (1.0 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $144.23 mesh 305-390, good definition, 52”x20’** 4 $174.79 large dot halftones, fine graphics Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01473 MAGNA/CURE® 30 26”x15’ 4 $95.52 30 micron (1.2 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $152.51 for mesh 200-305, general 52”x20’** 4 $191.47 graphic printing, halftones Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01586 MAGNA/CURE® 38 26”x15’ 4 $100.87 38 micron (1.5 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $167.98 for mesh 200-305, general 26”x50’ 4 $262.44 graphic printing, halftones 52”x20’** 4 $208.81 Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01772 PRODUCT SIZE MAGNA/CURE® 18 Each MAGNA/CURE® 50 26”x15’ 4 $109.70 50 micron (2.0 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $174.26 for mesh 200 & lower, 52”x20’** 4 $224.83 general textiles, graphics Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01823 MAGNA/CURE® 70 26”x15’ 4 $116.09 70 micron (2.5 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $210.14 for mesh 110 & lower, 52”x20’** 4 $260.32 heavy ink deposit Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.02112 * Square inch dimension refers to one sheet, custom cut to your specifications, 100 sheets per box. **This size may not be available from our stock (next day shipping may not apply). Please allow 5 working days for custom cutting. 3 CHROMALINE SCREEN PRINT PRODUCTS c a p illary fil m Pro/Cap® Diazo Capillary Film ALL GREEN IN COLOR Presensitized capillary film for screen makers demanding high edge definition and reliable durability at a competitive price. Pro/Cap® TD Diazo Capillary Film ALL GREEN IN COLOR EXCEPT TD 25-VIOLET Same as Pro/Cap® but for high-humidity environments (call for details). Not available in 30 micron. PRODUCT PRO/CAP® SIZE 15 (TD GREEN) 26”x15’ CASE QTY LIST PRICE 4 $70.59 Each 15 micron (0.6 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $105.94 for mesh 390 & higher, 26”x180’** 2 $577.86 halftones, UV inks, 52”x20’** 4 $139.58 PC boards Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01133 PRO/CAP® 18 (TD GREEN) 26”x15’ 4 $70.59 18 micron (0.7 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $105.94 for mesh 390 and higher, 26”x180’ 2 $577.86 halftones, UV inks, 52”x20’** 4 $139.58 PC boards Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01133 PRO/CAP® 25 (TD VIOLET) 26”x15’ 4 $86.74 25 micron (1.0 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $129.28 for mesh 305 - 390, 26”x180’ 2 $714.61 halftones, UV inks, 52”x20’** 4 $163.31 PC boards Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01349 PRO/CAP® 30 26”x15’ 4 $91.86 30 micron (1.2 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $142.90 for mesh 200-305, 26”x180’** 2 $748.63 good definition 52”x20’** 4 $180.27 Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01452 PRO/CAP® 38 (TD GREEN) 26”x15’ 4 $97.00 38 micron (1.5 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $151.43 for mesh 200-305, 26”x180’ 2 $808.15 general purpose printing 52”x20’** 4 $200.79 Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01545 PRO/CAP® 50 (TD GREEN) 26”x15’ 4 $105.54 50 micron (2.0 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $163.31 for mesh 200 & lower, 52”x20’** 4 $210.94 heavy ink deposit Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01689 * Square inch dimension refers to one sheet, custom cut to your specifications, 100 sheets per box. **This size may not be available from our stock (next day shipping may not apply). Please allow 5 working days for custom cutting. BEST BRAND. BEST EMULSIONS. BEST RESULTS. 4 c a p i ll a ry f i l m RAZOR FILM Razor® capillary films are pure photopolymer stencil systems which provide high resolution image quality and excellent shelf life. CASE QTY SIZE RAZOR FILM 15 (BLUE) 26”x15’ 4 $71.91 15 micron (0.6 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $117.15 for mesh 390 & higher, 52”x20’** 4 $142.26 halftones, UV inks Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01215 RAZOR FILM 18 (BLUE) 26”x15’ 4 $73.38 18 micron (0.7 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $119.54 for mesh 390 and higher, 52”x20’** 4 $145.17 halftones, UV inks Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01236 RAZOR FILM 25 (BLUE & RED) 26”x15’ 4 $90.21 25 micron (1.0 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $144.23 for mesh 305 - 390, 52”x20’** 4 $174.79 halftones, UV inks Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01473 RAZOR FILM 40 (RED) 26”x15’ 4 $100.87 40 micron (1.5 mil film) 26”x30’ 4 $167.98 for mesh 200-305, general 26”x50’ 4 $262.44 52”x20’** 4 $208.81 Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01772 graphic printing, halftones * Square inch dimension refers to one sheet, custom cut to your specifications, 100 sheets per box. **This size may not be available from our stock (next day shipping may not apply). Please allow 5 working days for custom cutting. 5 LIST PRICE PRODUCT CHROMALINE SCREEN PRINT PRODUCTS Each p re s en s iti ze d fil m presensitized film Super PHAT Film (For applications requiring heavy ink deposits) Chromaline’s Chroma/Tech® SUPER PHAT film enables you to create a consistent, high quality, thick stencil every time. SUPER PHAT film is ideal for use with high density inks or applications that require a heavy ink deposit. Suitable for textile, electronics and industrial printing applications. PRODUCT SUPER PHAT 100 MICRONS SUPER PHAT 150 MICRONS SUPER PHAT 200 MICRONS SUPER PHAT 250 MICRONS SUPER PHAT 300 MICRONS SUPER PHAT 400 MICRONS SUPER PHAT 700 MICRONS SIZE CASE QTY LIST PRICE Each 26”x7’ roll 4 $196.36 17”x24” (10 sheet pack) 1 $366.29 26”x7’ roll 4 $210.21 17”x24” (10 sheet pack) 1 $392.71 26”x7’ roll 4 $224.05 17”x24” (10 sheet pack) 1 $417.89 26”x7’ roll 4 $229.08 17”x24” (10 sheet pack) 1 $427.97 26”x7’ roll 4 $251.75 17”x24” (10 sheet pack) 1 $472.03 26”x7’ roll 4 $286.99 17”x24” (10 sheet pack) 1 $538.73 24”x7’ roll 4 $326.02 17”x24” (10 sheet pack) 1 $659.56 BEST BRAND. BEST EMULSIONS. BEST RESULTS. 6 d ire c t / i n d i r e c t f i l m & emul s i o n Direct/Indirect Film The quality of a film combined with the durability of an emulsion. PRODUCT SIZE D-50™ 26”x50’ CASE QTY LIST PRICE 4 $201.72 Each 0.5 mil (13 microns) 26”x200’ 2 $566.81 Violet film for mesh 52”x50’** 4 $347.44 270-420, halftones, 52”x200’** 2 $1,027.60 fine detail Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01277 D-75™ 26”x50’ 4 $201.72 0.75 mil (19 microns) 26”x200’ 2 $566.81 Violet film for mesh 52”x50’** 4 $347.44 230-325, UV inks Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01277 A-100™ 26”x200’** 2 $506.43 1.0 mil (25 micron) 52”x200’** 2 $905.39 Blue film for mesh Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01195 B-100™ 26”x50’ 4 $201.72 1.0 mil (25 micron) 26”x200’ 2 $566.81 137-270, medium ink deposit, good detail Violet film for mesh 52”x50’** 4 $347.44 137-270, medium ink 52”x200’** 2 $1,027.60 deposit, UV ink, Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01277 good detail B-150™ 26”x50’ 4 $248.79 1.5 mil (38 micron) 26”x200’ 2 $677.21 Violet film for mesh 52”x50’** 4 $434.31 150 & lower, heavy ink Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01411 deposit, good detail B-200™ 26”x200’ 2 $714.02 2.0 mil (50 micron) Sheets>100 in2* 1 $0.01494 Violet film for mesh 150 & lower, heavy ink deposit, good detail *Square inch dimension refers to one sheet, custom cut to your specifications, 100 sheets per box. **This size may not be available from our stock (next day shipping may not apply). Please allow 5 working days for custom cutting. DIRECT/INDIRECT TRANSFER EMULSION Transfer emulsion containing a special sensitizer tailored for maximum performance. PRODUCT SIZE CASE QTY D-2™ (CLEAR) Quart 4 $28.52 Transfer emulsion Gallon 2 $73.62 powder diazo sensitizer 7 CHROMALINE SCREEN PRINT PRODUCTS LIST PRICE Each pho topo lymer & conv ertible emu l s ion photopolymer DIRECT EMULSION Chroma/Tech® Pure Photopolymer (diazo-free). Very fast exposing, fast drying, high solids emulsions. SIZE CASE QTY Quart 4 $48.79 Dyed Only—no mixing, Gallon 4 $108.71 very fast exposing, 3.5 Gal. 2 $355.63 excellent reclaimability 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $4,507.92 CHROMA/TECH® PL-2 (VIOLET) Quart 4 $42.51 Dyed Only—no mixing; fast Gallon 4 $92.34 exposing; excellent print quality, 3.5 Gal. 2 $300.87 ideal for halftones; 4-color 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $3,927.67 CHROMABLUE® Quart 4 $30.06 Dyed Only—no mixing, Gallon 4 $97.38 PRODUCT CHROMA/TECH® PL (AQUA) LIST PRICE Each process and fine detail work very fast exposing, 3.5 Gal. 2 $321.75 excellent reclaimability 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $4,136.80 Superior mesh bridging, Gallon 4 $97.38 sharp image quality, 3.5 Gal. 2 $321.75 resistance to UV and solvent inks 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $4,136.80 Dts z1 (VIOLET) 3.5 Gal. 2 $305.70 Dyed Only–no mixing Gallon 4 $87.34 CTR® (RED) Excellent mesh bridging, sharp image quality, for use with mesh 305 and higher **This size may not be available from our stock (next day shipping may not apply). convertible emulsion For improved solvent and moisture resistance, add DIAZO* to convert Razor Fusion to a Dual Cure Emulsion for maximum durability. PRODUCT SIZE CASE QTY razor fusion (BLUE) Quart 4 Dyed Only–no mixing Gallon 4 $73.65 Fast exposure 3.5 Gal. 2 $244.11 Fine line and halftone printing 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $3,450.50 1 $12.08 LIST PRICE Each $25.75 Improved solvent and moisture resistance **This size may not be available from our stock (next day shipping may not apply). *DIAZO 12 grams/1 gallon BEST BRAND. BEST EMULSIONS. BEST RESULTS. 8 dual care emulsion Magna/Cure® Photopolymer Dual Cure Emulsion Remarkable image quality, exceptional durability. PRODUCT CASE QTY SIZE LIST PRICE Each UDC-HV (VIOLET) Quart 4 $34.35 Clear and Dyed—water, solvent, Gallon 4 $69.80 UV and plastisol ink resistant; high 3.5 Gal. (Dyed only) 2 $226.65 viscosity allows for easy coating 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $2,899.19 (Dyed only) on high or low mesh counts UDC-2 (BLUE) Quart 4 $41.68 Clear or Dyed—water, solvent, UV Gallon 4 $83.15 and plastisol ink resistant; ideal 3.5 Gal. 2 $268.00 for all mesh counts; medium 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $3,496.92 Quart 4 $52.05 viscosity, high solids provides highest buildup proud of mesh; lowest Rz value max-r (BLUE) Dyed Only – excellent water, solvent Gallon 4 $106.74 UV and plastisol ink resistant, 3.5 Gal. 2 $340.24 outstanding durability for long 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $4,512.38 udc-glide (BLUE) Quart 4 $34.35 Dyed Only – water solvent, UV Gallon 4 $69.80 and plastisol ink resistant; ideal 3.5 Gal. 2 $226.65 for automatic coaters; high 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $2,899.19 Razor™ 8X Medium Viscosity (BLUE) Gallon 4 $67.45 Dyed Only – no mixing, small particle size, superb line 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $2,800.80 print runs; 4-color process and fine detail work viscosity, high solids edge/resolution, minimal squeegee drag, non-oily, wide exposure latitude UDC-ACE (BLUE) Quart 4 $45.04 Dyed Only—water, solvent, UV Gallon 4 $97.15 and plastisol ink resistant; ideal 3.5 Gal. 2 $324.04 for automatic coaters; high 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $4,225.41 viscosity, high solids **This size may not be available from our stock (next day shipping may not apply). 9 CHROMALINE SCREEN PRINT PRODUCTS d iazo emul sion & Scree n che mica ls Diazo Emulsion Economically priced with a reputation for producing trouble-free screens. PRODUCT SIZE CASE QTY CP2™ (VIOLET) Quart 4 $30.35 Clear or Dyed—fast exposing; Gallon 4 $58.46 excellent line definition; durable 3.5 Gal. 2 $185.94 yet easily reclaimable, fine detail 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $2,428.19 cptex™ (VIOLET) Quart 4 $32.03 Dyed Only—extremely durable Gallon 4 $63.81 water resistant emulsion, excellent 3.5 Gal. 2 $201.28 for demanding belt printing 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $2,602.99 1 $4.43 LIST PRICE Each applications yet fully reclaimable **This size may not be available from our stock (next day shipping may not apply). chroma/tint 100 Gram Btle SCREEN CHEMICALS PRODUCT SIZE CHROMA/STencil REMOVER 100 2-lb Bottle LIST PRICE Each $124.42 Crystalline product. CHROMA/STENCIL REMOVER 285 Quart 6/case $78.01 Concentrated liquid. Gallon 4/case $172.99 Dilute 20-40:1 5-Gallon Pail $837.57 CHROMA/BLOCK OUT 750 FILLER Gallon 6/case $28.65 CHROMA/PRESS WASH 450 Gallon 6/case $40.01 Red / Heavy duty. Evaporative press wash. 5-Gallon Pail $180.29 For textile & graphic inks. 15-Gallon Drum $487.55 CHROMA/SCREEN WASH 920 Gallon 6/case $35.17 Multi-purpose, all inks. 5-Gallon Pail $157.51 55-Gallon Drum** $1,524.88 CHROMA/SCREEN WASH 927 Gallon 6/case $45.65 Multi-purpose, all inks. 5-Gallon Pail $174.16 CHROMA/MILLENNIA CLEAN Gallon 6/case $44.17 Evaporates fast. All-purpose 5-Gallon Pail wash for all ink types. 55-Gallon Drum** CHROMA/PRE-MASK 3020 PROTECTIVE COATING Gallon 4/case $182.11 $1,640.44 $46.04 Screen-on protective coating. Purple, standard viscosity. **May not be available from our stock (next day shipping may not apply). BEST BRAND. BEST EMULSIONS. BEST RESULTS. 10 sc r e e n ch e m i c a l s Screen chemicals For all your screen making needs Specially formulated for consistent results to maximize stencil performance. CASE QTY LIST PRICE Squirt Quart 6 $23.31 Screen reclaimer Gallon Refill 4 $39.70 • Reclaims fast 3.5 Gal. 2 $129.50 • Doesn’t settle, 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $1,657.37 CHROMA/STRIP™ Concentrate Gallon Refill 4 $85.54 • Concentrated formula 3.5 Gal. 2 $251.00 • Reclaims fast 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $3,253.65 PRODUCT SIZE CHROMA/STRIP™ Each no mixing required • Mix with 2 parts water CHROMA/CLEAN™ Squirt Quart 6 $18.92 Mesh degreaser Gallon Refill 4 $33.33 • Removes oil and 3.5 Gal. 2 $105.98 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $1,248.91 CHROMA/WET™ Gallon Refill 4 $32.84 Wetting agent 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $1,313.90 10 lb. Pail 2 $62.84 Squirt Quart 6 $28.57 residual particles • Reduces pinholes • pH balanced • Holds water in mesh to reduce blisters • Improves capillary film adhesion • pH balanced CHROMA/HAZE™ Haze remover paste • Low odor • Uniform consistency, no chunks CHROMA/SET™ Emulsion hardener Gallon Refill 4 $54.28 • Fights humidity, 50 Gal. Drum** 1 $1,928.02 CHROMA/FILL™ Squirt Quart 6 $17.15 Red screen blockout Gallon Refill 4 $31.44 textac 1 Gallon 4 $38.79 • Pallet Adhesive 5 Gallon 1 $171.29 50 Gallon Drum** 1 $1,537.30 makes screens last • Strengthens stencils for use in harsh conditions • Coats smoothly, applies easily • For use with solvent based inks ** This size may not be available from our stock (next day shipping may not apply). 11 CHROMALINE SCREEN PRINT PRODUCTS T echni cal & Trainin g too l s and a ccuart™in kj et fil ms TECHNICAL AND TRAINING TOOLS PRODUCT LIST PRICE CHROMALINE EXPOSURE CALCULATOR $29.95 Designed to help determine correct exposure time, print quality check and halftone tests. TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE $4.95 Attractive 22” x 32” full color wall chart on durable plastic paper that provides accurate, concise troubleshooting information on screen making. Easy to read, easy to use. ACCUART™ INKJET FILMS AccuArt3 Create high quality water resistant positives from standard inkjet printers using pigment or dye based inks, including new Epson® UltraChromeTM K3 inks. LIST PRICE PRODUCT size format 8.5” x 11” 100 sheets $107.02 11” x 17” 100 sheets $214.03 13” x 19” 100 sheets $283.42 14” x 100’ Roll $192.86 17” x 100’ Roll $234.02 24” x 100’ Roll $329.28 36” x 100’ Roll $493.92 42” x 100’ Roll $576.24 60” x 100’ Roll $823.20 Each AccuBlack™ Create high quality water resistant positives from standard inkjet printers using dye based inks. LIST PRICE Product Size Format 8.5” x 11” 100 sheets $95.55 8.5” x 14” 100 sheets $120.00 11” x 17” 100 sheets $191.10 Each 13” x 19” 100 sheets $253.05 17” x 22” 100 sheets $382.20 14” x 100’ Roll $172.20 17” x 100’ Roll $208.95 24” x 100’ Roll $294.00 36” x 100’ Roll $441.00 42” x 100’ Roll $514.50 60” x 100’ Roll $735.00 BEST BRAND. BEST EMULSIONS. BEST RESULTS. 12 a cc ua rt ™ i n k j e t f i l m s , a cc uin k & A CC U S UITE AccuFast™ Water resistant inkjet film for pigment or dye-based systems. For new Epson Ultra Chrome HDR Ink. Product Size Format LIST PRICE EACH 8.5” x 11” 100 Sheets $58.50 8.5” x 14” 100 Sheets $74.70 11” x 17” 100 Sheets $117.00 13” x 19” 100 Sheets $153.90 17” x 22” 100 Sheets $259.93 13” x 100’ Roll $95.63 17” x 100’ Roll $125.10 24” x 100’ Roll $176.40 36” x 100’ Roll $264.00 42” x 100’ Roll $308.70 ACCUINK Dye based inkjet cartridges for producing artwork positives engineered specifically for use with Chromaline’s line of industry leading AccuArtTM films. PRODUCT SIZE LIST PRICE 4800 & 4880 Series System 220 ml $98.00 4900 Series System 200 ml $114.29 7800 & 7880 Series System 220 ml $98.00 7700 & 9700 Series System 350 ml $155.56 9800 & 9880 Series System 220 ml $98.00 7900 & 9900 Series System 750 ml $155.56 ACCUSUITE 13 T3000 series system List Price Each Epson Sure Color T3000 Printer $2,995.00 Rip Software Talk to your Chromaline Representative AccuArt Photopositive Film Talk to your Chromaline Representative Installation, Training, and Tech Support Available Talk to your Chromaline Representative T5000 series system List Price Each Epson Sure Color T5000 Printer $3,995.00 Rip Software Talk to your Chromaline Representative AccuArt Photopositive Film Talk to your Chromaline Representative Installation, Training, and Tech Support Available Talk to your Chromaline Representative T7000 series system List Price Each Epson Sure Color T7000 Printer $4,995.00 Rip Software Talk to your Chromaline Representative AccuArt Photopositive Film Talk to your Chromaline Representative Installation, Training, and Tech Support Available Talk to your Chromaline Representative CHROMALINE SCREEN PRINT PRODUCTS accu suite & a ccu rip ACCUSUITE Chromaline Screen Print Film Output System 4900 series system List Price Each Epson 4900 Printer $1,995.00 Wasatch Softrip Desktop Edition $595.00 AccuArt Photopositive Film Talk to your Chromaline Representative Installation, Training, and Tech Support Available Talk to your Chromaline Representative 7890 series system List Price Each Epson 7890 Printer $2,995.00 Wasatch Softrip Small Format $1,195.00 AccuArt Photopositive Film Talk to your Chromaline Representative Installation, Training, and Tech Support Available Talk to your Chromaline Representative 7900 series system List Price Each Epson 7900 Printer $3,995.00 Wasatch Softrip Small Format $1,195.00 AccuArt Photopositive Film Talk to your Chromaline Representative Installation, Training, and Tech Support Available Talk to your Chromaline Representative 9890 series system List Price Each Epson 9890 Printer $4,995.00 Wasatch Softrip Wide Format Epson Exclusive $1,495.00 AccuArt Photopositive Film Talk to your Chromaline Representative Installation, Training, and Tech Support Available Talk to your Chromaline Representative 9900 series system List Price Each Epson 9900 Printer $5,995.00 Wasatch Softrip Wide Format Epson Exclusive $1,495.00 AccuArt Photopositive Film Talk to your Chromaline Representative Installation, Training, and Tech Support Available Talk to your Chromaline Representative 11880 series system List Price Each Epson 11880 Printer $9,995.00 Wasatch Softrip Wide Format Epson Exclusive $1,495.00 AccuArt Photopositive Film Talk to your Chromaline Representative Installation, Training, and Tech Support Available Talk to your Chromaline Representative Accurip Additional software program Format List Price Each Universal $495.00 BEST BRAND. BEST EMULSIONS. BEST RESULTS. 14 4832 Grand Avenue, Duluth, MN 55807 toll free (800) 328-4261 phone (218) 628-2217 fax (218) 628-3245 website email [email protected] AN IKONICS COMPANY ISO 9001 CERTIFIED NASDAQ LISTED: IKNX 130311