July Costumer Newsletter 2015 – Click to view
July Costumer Newsletter 2015 – Click to view
THE COSTUMER VOLUME 70 NUMBER 7 MOTION PICTURE COSTUMERS JULY 2015 LOCAL 705 IATSE ON JUNE 9, 2015 A MEETING WAS HELD OF THE OUTGOING & INCOMING EXECUTIVE BOARD From upper left to lower right: Heather Carleton, Nancy Grossi, Renee Nault, Catherine Wall, Bob Iannaccone, Deborah Ash, Rebecca Graves, Noel Leonard, Hossein Namdar, John Van Hout, Wanda Leavey, Lisa Harris, Debby Curtis, Bethany Jane Bohatila, Nickolaus Brown, Carmen Lozano, Sue Bub, Cindy Buckner, Kathy Monderine. PRESIDENT ELECTION RESULTS Local 705 congratulates and welcomes Nickolaus Brown as its new President. We are looking forward to a wonderful term! IATSE HEALTH CARE SEMINAR CELEBRATE MEDICARE’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY IN MEMORIAM DEBORAH BINKLEY WOMEN’S CUSTOM MADE July 25th, 2015 December 29, 1958 – May 5, 2015 At IATSE Local 80 2520 W. Olive Avenue Burbank, CA Deborah started her career at Eastern Costume in 1998. Her credits include Good Night and Good Luck, 10 am – 1 pm Talladega Nights and Skeleton Key. RSVP: 818-752-2400 Ext. 7 Motion Picture Costumers Local 705/I.A.T.S.E. Affiliated with the AFL - CIO 4731 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #201 Valley Village, CA 91607 818.487.5655 818.487.5663 FAX email: [email protected] www.motionpicturecostumers.org THE COSTUMER All submissions must be received before the 15th of each month for the upcoming issue. Subscriptions: $12 per year. Executive Board Nickolaus Brown – President Debby Curtis – Vice President Bethany Jane Bohatila – Sec.-Treas. / Asst. B.A. Bob Iannaccone – Business Representative Lisa Harris – Member-at-Large Noel Leonard – Men’s Finished Heather Carleton – Women’s Finished – Men’s Custom Made Deborah Ash – Women’s Custom Made John Van Hout – Costume House Custom Made – Live Television Carmen Lozano – Costume House Rebecca Graves – Sergeant-at-Arms JULY 2015 2 THE COSTUMER A LITTLE THIs, A LITTLE THAT . . . It is also important to remember that as a Costumer, you are representing all of us. Ours is a unique craft with special skills and a diverse membership. Be professional and open, but not subservient to cast and other crew members. Let others learn to appreciate and respect our occupation by showing them the true meaning of a class act. SUMMER IS HERE The coming of Summer signifies more than days at the beach and BBQ’S. It marks the return of episodic television production. A feeling reminiscent of going back to school, without the new outfits. It is great to get back to work, even if it means too early Monday calls and too late Friday wraps. Keep your eyes and ears open for infractions and the bending of rules. Safeguards are in place to protect life, limb and livelihood. It is a good time during prep to resolve issues before full production commences. If you feel something is unlawful, illegal and most of all unsafe, it’s best to ascertain if your suspicions are true or not. Notify the union office of any issue or problem. When you get a visit from either the field representative or the Custom Made field rep, feel free to speak your mind. If you feel intimidated, take them aside and let them know you need to speak with them in private. They are the eyes and ears of your union, and are there to help you. Getting back to work brings up some issues we need to think about and remember. Don’t forget to call in your work to the Business Office or utilize the Local’s website. Let the Local know where you are working and when you started. Place yourself on the Availability List. Calls are received for crew staffing and people search our website online. Conversely, when crewing up, please call into the office for the Availability List or utilize the Local’s website. It is a useful tool that we should utilize. In this way, new work and friendship bonds can be forged. It is a good time to reclassify, if you have accumulated the days necessary to move up in classification. If you are approached to supervise, you must be in the Key classification to perform that job. The Business Office gets “panic calls” from members in a tizzy needing to reclassify immediately. Reclassification is handled through Contract Services, not the Local, and cannot happen overnight. The process is not difficult. It only takes some thought and action on the member’s part. These are just a few of the many complexities of being a Costumer. It is by remembering these myriad details that make us respected, responsible and resolute in our working environment. Remember, you are representing the best in our craft and in our union. Be strong, be safe, and be in touch. In Solidarity, Members work on many and various contracts. They are similar, but different. Rates and benefits vary. The Business Office is here to help you know for what wage you are working. An inquiry as to what contract under which you are working is helpful for us to steer you in the right direction. Bob “Labor cannot stand still. It must not retreat. It must go on, or go under.” -- Harry Bridges Remember to use only union costume houses and workrooms. It might be true that the gentleman or lady that does alterations at your neighborhood drycleaners are nice people. Nonetheless by using nonunion sites you are not only taking work away from your union brethren; you are encouraging antiunionism. THE COSTUMER 3 JULY 2015 EXECUTIVE BOArD MEETING MINUTES Brother Van Hout, Sister Leavey and Sister Curtis voted to table the motion. Sister Bub, Brother Iannaccone, Sister Buckner and Sister Nault voted No. There were no abstentions. E-BOARD MEETING MINUTES 2012-2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD June 9, 2015 Sister Bub requested clarification as to whether campaign materials may be distributed immediately after nomination at the General Membership meeting where nominations take place. Sister Bub requested an apology be made to anyone told that it was not. Brother Van Hout moved to have an explanation with possible apology, on behalf of the Executive Board in the next newsletter, if so determined. Sister Buckner moved to 2nd. The motion was carried. Present: Deborah Curtis, Wanda Leavey, Bob Iannaccone, Sue Bub, Cindy Buckner, Carmen Lozano, Hossein Namdar, Renee Nault, John Van Hout and Kathy Monderine. Excused: Steve Ferry, Radford Polinsky, Jeff Hartman and Stephanie Fox-Kramer. CALL TO ORDER/APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice-President Debby Curtis called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM and asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the E-Board meeting of May 5, 2015, the Special General Membership meeting minutes of May 9, 2015, the Election Committee minutes of April 21, May 12, and May 18, 2015. Sister Cindy Buckner moved to approve the minutes and Sister Carmen Lozano moved to 2nd. The motion carried unanimously. INSTALLATION OF NEW EXECUTIVE BOARD The Oath of Office was delivered by Vice-President Curtis to the Officers and Executive Board of 2015 – 2018; President Nickolaus Brown, Vice-President Debby Curtis, Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative Bethany Jane Bohatila, Business Representative Bob Iannaccone, Sergeant-at-Arms Rebecca Graves and Executive Board members Member-atLarge Lisa Harris, Men’s Finished representative Noel Leonard, Women’s Finished representative Heather Carleton, Costume House representative Carmen Lozano, Women’s Custom Made representative Deborah Ash, and Costume House Custom Made representative John Van Hout. Alternates attending were also sworn in: Women’s Finished Alternate Nancy Grossi and Women’s Custom Made Alternate Catherine Wall. PRESENTATION OF PRESIDENT’S ELECTION RESULTS The election results of the Local’s election for President were presented to the Executive Board members by Sister Tess Inman and Sister G.Ann Mitschek, Co-Chair of the Election Committee. Sister Inman reported that out of the 1,931 ballots mailed out, 517 were returned. 510 of these ballots were eligible; 7 were ineligible. Sister Inman then read the results as follows: Nickolaus Brown – 253 Kelly O’Gurian – 47 Susanna Sandke – 206 Sister Buckner moved to accept the Election results as presented and Sister Wanda Leavey moved to 2nd. The motion was carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Sister Buckner moved to adjourn and Sister Leavey moved to 2nd. Respectfully Submitted, Wanda Leavey Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative OLD BUSINESS Brother Bob Iannaccone presented a proposal from the Education Committee requesting that Sister Renee Nault, the Custom Made Field Representative, be sent to Comic-Con for a discussion group there about costuming on July 9, 2015. Brother Iannaccone suggested that Sister Nault be paid her customary rate as the Custom Made Field Representative, as well as per diem and mileage. Sister Sue Bub moved that the Local send Sister Nault as well as a Custom Made Specialty Costumer to Comic-Con. Brother John Van Hout moved to 2nd. Discussion ensued regarding financing the event. The motion was carried. Sister Lozano, Sister Bub, Brother John Van Hout, Sister Nault and Brother Hossein Namdar voted Aye. Sister Buckner and Brother Iannaccone voted No. Sister Wanda Leavey abstained. EXPLANATION At the April 11,2015 General Membership Meeting a question arose of the legality of distributing campaign material. It was announced that it could possibly be Considered inappropriate and against the constitution. A review of the constitution and bylaws revealed these decisions to be correct.If this offended anyone in anyway, please accept this apology. — 2012-2015 Executive Board NEW BUSINESS Brother Iannaccone presented a request for $1,000 additional funding from the Education Committee for the Social Media Education Event. Sister Buckner moved to approve the funding and Sister Bub moved to 2nd. Discussion ensued. Sister Leavey moved to table the motion and Brother Van Hout moved to 2nd. The motion was carried. Sister Lozano, Brother Namdar, JULY 2015 RECUPERATING BOB BUSH (MF) from surgery 4 THE COSTUMER EXECUTIVE BOARD Motion Picture Costumers Local 705 I.A.T.S.E. Presidential Elections Results MEETING MINUTES The accounting firm of Bernard Kotkin & Company LLP tabulated the votes of the General Election of The Motion Picture Costumers Local 705 and delivered the results to the Local as follows: New E-Board Minutes June 9, 2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD * Nickolaus Brown 253 Noel Leonard 1 Kelly O’Gurian 47 Radford Polinsky 1 Susanna Sandke 206 Adam West 1 Tammy Williamson 1 Present: Nickolaus Brown, Debby Curtis, Bethany Jane Bohatila, Bob Iannaccone, Lisa Harris, Noel Leonard, Heather Carleton, Carmen Lozano, John Van Hout, Nancy Grossi , Catherine Wall Guests: Rebecca Graves Excused: Jeff Hartman CALL TO ORDER President Nickolaus Brown called the second meeting to order at 8:05p.m. Special Thank you to our Election Committee Co-Chairs Tess Inman and G Ann Mitschek. OLD BUSINESS Apologies for not listing G Ann Mitschek as Co-Chair in the previous Election Committee minutes submission. Brother Iannaccone suggested our Custom Made Field Representative Renee Nault plus one other member going to ComicCon 2015 as 705 Representatives. Sister Heather Carleton moved to send Sister Renee Nault plus one be sent to ComicCon 2015 and Brother John Van Hout 2nd the motion and the motion was passed unanimously. Submitted by: Wanda Leavey, Secretary-Treasurer/ Assistant Business Representative *denotes winner Brother Iannaccone proposed the Local 705 share in funding a joint social media education event on August 29 and 30 in conjunction with the Art Directors Guild, Local 800, and The Costume Designers Guild. Sister Carleton moved to approve the expense, Sister Debbie Curtis 2nd the motion. After discussion a vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. RETIRING NANCY McARDLE from Western Costume Company 50 years as a proud costumer Brother Iannaccone reported The Education Committee has also requested additional $1000.00 funding to be added to their 2015 budget for additional classes and preparation for a class in January. Brother Van Hout moved that the money be given and Sister Debby 2nd the motion, the motion passed unanimously. Volunteers wanted NEW BUSINESS President Nickolaus Brown has decided to continue the membership of all committees for the present time. He is asking for members interested in becoming committee members to notify the business office. Sister Lozano motioned to start on line voting. Discussion was had about what committee was appropriate. The motion was tabled until further information could be obtained. Brother Iannaccone suggested to Brother Brown that an Election Committee be chosen as soon as possible to address issues earlier. Brother Brown spoke of his plan for future committees. Brother Iannaccone suggested the creation of a Comic-con committee. Discussion ensued. Our membership committees are: Welfare Committee Budget Committee Technology Committee Education Committee Scholarship Committee Election Committee Constitution & Bylaws Committee ADJOURNMENT The next Executive Board meeting will be Tuesday July 14, 2015 at 7p.m. Sister Debby moved to adjourn. Brother John 2nd the motion. Respectfully Submitted, Bethany Jane Bohatila Secretary-Treasurer/Asst. Business Representative THE COSTUMER 5 JULY 2015 Members enjoying themselves at the Design Showcase West held on June 6, 2015 at UCLA JULY 2015 6 THE COSTUMER OUT & ABOUT WITH FIELD REP. NOEL LEONARD We are experiencing a very busy production season. Here are some of the projects being done, and the crews that are doing them: Television: “Rizzoli & Isles” Costume Designer: Billy Ray McKenna* Supervisor: Robin Roberts Costumers: Lydia Shiferaw, Erica Fyhrie, Summer Browning, Ruben Calderon “Togetherness” ABC Studios Costume Department Costume Designer: Hannah Jacobs* Supervisor: Katie Saunders Costumers: Sarah Schuessler, Elizabeth Hanley, Lili Acevedo, Michelle Matteo Left to right: Christy Stubbs-Jamison, Rommy Strater, Kat Connelly, Janet Jensen (Supervisor), Renee Madison, Carlos Chavez “Awkward” Asst. Costume Designer: Kelly Chambers* Supervisor: Tammy Hynes Costumers: John Patrick Doyle, Arin Burke, Cate Adams “You’re the Worst” Supervisor: Patricia Peppard Costumers: Carrie Daly, Lori Angelo, Kate Lombardi, Jesse Mandel The 37th Annual Heartbeat of Hollywood Golf Classic Left to right: Roz Wald, Noel Leonard, David Fernandez, Andrew Tebo, Aaron Milsap * Dual Card Holders — H EARTBEAT OF H OLLYWOOD L ITE — The 5th Annual Heartbeat of Hollywood Lite was held on June 1,2015. Members and guests enjoying the day were: Deborah Ash, Sue Bub with SAG member Craig Bruenell, Tammy Williamson, Dodie Shepard, Bob Iannaccone, Wanda Leavey and Michael Downing (Local 665). This event benefits the Motion Picture & Television Fund. Join us next year for a day of sun and fun for a worthy cause. THE COSTUMER 7 JULY 2015 — COMING SOON — – BOOK NEWS – A Joint Social Media Education Event to provide an overview of popular social media platforms. Local 705 in conjunction with Art Directors, Local 800 and Costume Designers is sponsoring this 2-day event to be held on August 29th & 30th from 10am-4pm at The ADG/CDG building 11969 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, CA 91604 Local 705 would like to thank member CHRISTI WORK (WF) for her generous contribution of books to The LOCAL 705 Al Di Pardo Library. We appreciate and welcome any and all donations to our library. JULY 2015 The library is located on the first floor of the Business Office. It is open for use during business hours (9AM-5PM). If you wish to visit the library, please call ahead to make an appointment so a library volunteer is available to assist you. 8 THE COSTUMER GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Saturday, July 18, 2015 Local 80 2520 W. Olive Street • BURBANK, CA 91505 Continental Breakfast – 10:30 a.m. Meeting – 11:00 a.m. THE COSTUMER 9 JULY 2015 JULY ISSUE MOTION PICTURE COSTUMERS IATSE LOCAL 705 4731 LAUREL CANYON BLVD. #201 VALLEY VILLAGE, CA 91607 Ü IN OBSERVANCE OF INDEPENDENCE DAY THE BUSINESS OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON FRIDAY, JULY 3RD
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4731 Laurel Canyon Blvd. #201
Valley Village, CA 91607
818.487.5655 818.487.5663 FAX
email: [email protected]
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