fitness ball set mothercare prenatal fitness guide


fitness ball set mothercare prenatal fitness guide
inflatable fitness ball and base with resistance tubing
General Guidelines for the Pregnant Exerciser
1. Consult your doctor before participating in this exercise programme or any other
exercise or fitness programme.
2. Wear loose, comfortable clothing that facilitates heat loss.
3. Wear a supportive bra and maternal support belt if needed.
4. Eat a pre-exercise snack, 30 minutes before exercising (a banana is a good choice).
5. Avoid holding your breath when performing any of the exercises.
6. Focus on posture and maintaining good alignment.
7. Do not exercise to exhaustion.
8. Base your intensity on the Rate of Perceived Exertion. This is the level of intensity you
feel on a scale of 1-10 during the exercise (rather than pace). Keep your level of
intensity to 7 – this would be being able to hold a conversation but not being able to
sing. Any more than that and you will start to pant and work too hard, which would
have the effect on your body starting to overheat.
9. If exercise results in increased fatigue, decrease intensity or duration.
10. Exercise in a well ventilated, cool room. (You must avoid getting over-heated when
you’re pregnant.)
11. Drink water before, during and after exercise.
Ball Squat
Ball Bridge
Ball Chest Press
WHAT IT DOES: Tones Thighs
START:Stand with good posture in front of the ball, place feet hip width
apart and hands resting on your bump.
ACTION: Proceed into a squat position as if you are going to sit onto the
ball. Stop just before your bottom just touches the ball so that your
thighs are almost parallel to the ground. Hold this position for the 3
seconds and then return to start position.
Remember to keep your feet flat on the floor and your knees behind
your toes
HOW MANY: 2 sets of 8-12
WHAT IT DOES: Tones bottom muscles
Exercise suitable for trimesters 1 and 2. Take care when getting into this
START: Begin seated on the ball and then walk your feet forward and let
the ball roll so the ball supports your upper back and neck. Assume
back lying position on ball. Place hands on thighs and feet directly under
knees. Hips are close to the floor with your
knees bent.
ACTION: Raise hips towards ceiling and squeeze your bottom cheeks
together at the same time as pressing heels into floor. Hold the squeeze
for 10 seconds. Return to start position.
HOW MANY: 5-8 times
WHAT IT DOES: Tones chest muscles
START: Seated on the ball, holding the resistance tubing handles in each
hand. Hands and elbows level with shoulders, elbows bent.
ACTION: Extend your arms slowly pushing them out away from your
chest. Make sure to keep your arms in a semi straight position.
Return to the starting position and repeat.
HOW MANY: 2 sets of 8-12
Ball Triceps Extension
Ball Bicep Curl
Ball Bilateral external rotation with shoulder retraction
WHAT IT DOES: Tones Triceps
START: Start seated on the ball and holding one handle of the band.
Sitting in an upright position with neutral spine and your naval pulled in
towards your spine, extend your hand over your head until your arm is
ACTION: Keep elbow pointed towards the ceiling and bend elbow so
your hand goes behind your head. 4. Perform the desired number and
then repeat with the other arm.
HOW MANY: 2 sets of 8-12
WHAT IT DOES: Tones Biceps
START: Seated on the ball, hold the resistance tubing in both hands with the
arms at the sides and flexed to 90º at the elbows. Make sure the tubing is
taught before beginning.
ACTION: Curl the tubing up towards your chest, bending from the elbows
and then return to the starting position and repeat. Keep your wrists flat.
HOW MANY: 2 sets of 8-12
WHAT IT DOES: Tones and strengthens shoulders and releases tension in
START: Seated on the ball, hold the resistance tubing in both hands with the
arms at the sides and flexed to 90º at the elbows.
ACTION: Simultaneously pull both forearms back, keeping the upper arms
at the sides and pulling the shoulder blades down and together. Release
slowly, return to the starting position, and repeat.
HOW MANY: 2 sets of 8-12
• Before you begin, imitate and practise all exercises WITHOUT product until you are able
to perform the movements with confidence. Then begin exercising with the product.
• Perform 1-2 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions during each exercise session. Rest approximately
30-60 seconds between sets.
• If unable to perform 10 to 15 repetitions, start with less repetitions and slowly work your
way up to the desired goal.
• If unable to achieve maximum muscular fatigue following the performance of 15
repetitions, cautiously add more repetitions.
• Read carefully before first use and retain for future reference
• Consult your doctor or midwife before participating in this exercise programme or any
other exercise or fitness programme
• This product is not a toy: adult use only
• Always use the products in a clear space away from sharp comer or objects
• Avoid using the ball on rough or abrasive surfaces. Take extra care when using outdoors
• Before each use, inspect the product. Throw away at the first sign of damage or
• Do not store in direct sunlight or near a source of heat, this could damage the product
• Do not allow to come in contact with solvents or harsh chemicals, this could damage the
• Do not tie the latex tubing into knots or leave exposed to direct sunlight as this may
cause it to break
• Ensure the ball is inflated adequately using the guidelines provided
• Tubing contains natural latex which may cause allergic reactions
• Exercises should be done in a SLOW and CONTROLLED MANNER
• If you feel any pain or experience dizziness while exercising you should stop
• The ball should not hold more than 330lbs/150kgs of weight
Pelvic Tilt
Incline crunch with Pelvic Tilt
Shoulder Roll out
WHAT IT DOES: Keeps the abdominals in good condition
START: Seated on the ball with feet hip width apart and maintain good
posture. Cross your arms over your belly drawing your abdominals together.
ACTION: Imagine you are hugging your baby with your abs, thinking about
tightening your abdominals as if lifting your baby up and in towards you
while breathing out. Hold for 5-10 seconds.
HOW MANY: Repeat 5-10 times.
WHAT IT DOES: Keeps the abdominals in good condition
START: Start with the ball in the low to mid back with the body at an incline
and feet resting on the floor and the head resting back in the hands.
ACTION: Exhale while drawing the abdominal muscles in, tucking the
tailbone under as in a pelvic tilt, and drawing the lower ribs toward the hips.
The neck should remain relaxed.
HOW MANY: 10-12 times
WHAT IT DOES: Tones Core Muscles
START: Start by kneeling on your knees and placing your hands on top of
the ball.
ACTION: Slowly roll the ball forward until you are unable to control your
body. Your hips will move slightly forward but remember to keep a solid
trunk and try not to use too much of your arms. Draw your shoulder blades
back and down and keep your bottom tucked in. Hold for 5-10 counts.
Return to the starting position and repeat.
Tip: Avoid hyper-extending (arching) your lower back.
HOW MANY: 5-8 times
Includes: pilates inflatable ball and base with resistance tubing and manual inflation
Kegels: We recommend you perform pelvic floor exercises, otherwise known as Kegels
daily during pregnancy to keep these muscles strong and avoid stress incontinence.
Tighten the muscles you would use if you were trying to stop urinary flow or draw up the
muscles between the legs. Hold for the count of 10, relax for another count of 10, and
repeat for 5 minutes. You can perform these standing, seated or lying on your back with
knees bent (during trimester one and two, avoid lying on your back during trimester 3).
Cool Down: After completing your exercises, the cool down is as important as warming
up. For ten minutes, complete with a brisk walk or marching on the spot before getting
into your car or sitting down. As your body required extra circulation to complete the
exercise, you also need to give your body enough time to return the circulation to
Warm up: A warm-up prior to your workout is essential. Expectant mothers require extra
circulation of the blood for their muscles and also for the baby. Do not perform these
exercises without warming up first as your blood will not be circulating well enough for
your body to receive the nutrients and oxygen to your muscles efficiently. A 10 minute
warm up of light to moderate intensity such as brisk walking, will help increase
circulation and prepare the body for your exercise session!
Exercise Frequency: Pregnant women should exercise 3 to 5 times per week, providing
there are no contra-indications and you have been given permission from your doctor
to exercise. During later stages of pregnancy this may be 3 to 4 times per week.
Exercise Duration: In the third trimester, consideration should be given to foetal nutrition
and optimal energy balance. As exercise involving longer duration requires more
calories, the higher the number of calories burned in exercise, the more food the
expectant mother must consume to ensure foetal nutrition is not suffering. This can
sometimes be difficult due to heartburn and less space in the stomach. It is advisable
to keep workouts to no longer than 45 minutes.
Intensity: There is no ‘one size fits all’ intensity that is appropriate for all pregnant
women. Pre-pregnancy fitness level and personal preference are determining factors.
As a guide if you are continuing your regular pre-pregnancy exercise routine, avoid
exceeding your pre-pregnancy intensity levels.
rinciples for Pregnancy Exercise
Posture: When performing these exercises ensure you have good posture known as
‘Neutral spine alignment’. For a healthy back you should aim to maintain this posture.
Keep your head in line with your spine, your shoulder blades held back and lengthen
your spine. Pull the pubic bone toward the navel. Maintain the natural curve of your
lower back.
Consult your doctor or midwife before participating in these exercise programmes or
any other fitness regime.
The information in this guide is not intended as any kind of substitute for the advice or
treatment that may have been prescribed by your doctor or midwife.
You are solely responsible for carrying out the exercises in accordance with the
instructions and do so at your own risk.
fitness ball set
fitness ball set
mothercare prenatal fitness guide
Staying fit, energised and toned throughout your pregnancy is now much easier.
Created by Mothercare and Vicky Warr, certified pre-natal exercise specialist, this fitness
ball set provides you with the equipment and exercise guides you need to condition
and tone your body whilst your baby bump grows. All for a fitter, energised and
healthier pregnancy!
Vicky Warr is a YMCA and Fitness Professionals accredited pre and post natal personal
trainer and group exercise specialist, with over ten years experience in the health and
fitness industry. She is also a mother and serves as pregnancy fitness expert for
Mothercare, many publications and on radio.
These exercises will help safely condition and strengthen your muscles plus improve your
general fitness during your pregnancy. We have selected exercises that will benefit the
mother to be and prepare her body to be strong enough to perform the role of
motherhood which involves daily lifting, carrying and feeding the baby. Plus, these
exercises are devised with the pregnant body in mind, with exercises in suitable,
comfortable positions for pregnancy and focus on posture.
This Mothercare pre-natal fitness guide will help you achieve the best from your fitness
ball set. Defined muscle tone, deep abdominal stability, and strength gains are some of
the benefits you’ll feel. There are workouts with key exercises to tone legs,
thighs, bottom and keep those abdominals in great condition.
You can perform each workout at home separately or combine them together for an all
over body workout. Please read all instructions prior to using this pack and guide.
Enjoy your workouts!
Vicky Warr,
Mothercare Pre-natal Fitness Expert
inflatable fitness ball and base
with resistance tubing
Made in China.
MK7732IS01SUK 9/3/09, Revised: 10/1/09, 10/28/09 ; 11/2/09; 11/4/09; 11/5/09; 11/9/09 11x17
• Serious bodily injury may result if inflation and deflation instructions are not carefully followed.
Exercise balls MAY BURST from the effects of improper handling, which could cause serious injury from
a fall.
• DO NOT inflate your exercise ball when the room temperature where you will use the ball is greater
than 90° F/32° C OR less than 65° F/18° C.
• DO NOT use an air compressor to inflate the ball. Air compressors blow cold air that
could expand after returning to room temperature. Only inflate the ball with the
pump included with this product.
• Wrap the measuring tape around the ball with the holes overlapping over the air hole.
• Insert the pump nozzle through both ends of the measuring tape into the air hole of
the ball (see diagram).
• Inflate the ball fully. The ball should fit snuggly within the measuring tape’s circumference.
• Remove the pump nozzle and quickly insert the plug into ensure minimal air loss.
• DO NOT use a sharp instrument to remove the plug.
• Measure the ball periodically to verify it has remained at the correct dimension.
• DO NOT use the ball if it is over inflated or expanded to a size greater than the correct size.
• Simply remove the plug and press on ball to help let the air out until it is deflated.
• Clean your exercise ball using a soft cloth and warm soapy water only.
• DO NOT use abrasives, solvents or chemical cleaners.