Projekt: Unser Restaurant
Projekt: Unser Restaurant
Projekt: Unser Restaurant Tag 1 am Computer: fällig am 5. März (Donnerstag) DO NOT USE GOOGLE OR ANY OTHER ONLINE TRANSLATION. Everything needs to be phrased in your own unique German for this project. This stage of the project may be old-school (hand-written) or computer-generated. If computer-generated, submit via google docs. Schritt 1: Was für ein Restaurant wollt ihr? Wollt ihr ein Familienrestaurant, einen Schnellimbiss oder ein elegantes Restaurant mit Terasse/Garten? Was für Kunden wollt ihr? (Familien? Schüler/Studenten? Touristen? Senioren?) Wann ist das Restaurant geöffnet? Täglich oder habt ihr einen Ruhetag? Von wann bis wann? Keep in mind that you will be required to have at least 3 „Gänge“ on your menu: Vorspeise, Hauptspeise, Nachspeise + Getränke Schritt 2: Wie heiΒt euer Restaurant? Brainstorm a short list of adjectives in German that would describe your restaurant and attract the type of customers you seek. Work with your partner to invent a clever German name for your restaurant. Schritt 3: Wo ist euer Restaurant?* Wollt ihr euer Restaurant lieber in der Stadt oder auf dem Lande aufmachen? An einer See oder am Fluss? in den Bergen? mitten im Wald? in der Stadtmitte? Transport: Wie kommen die Leute in euer Restaurant? Gibt es eine Haltestelle für einen Bus oder die Straßenbahn in der Nähe? (Is there a stop for public transit nearby?) Gibt es Parkplätze? Wieviele? *Important: you must find a specific (real!) site within the German-speaking countries for your restaurant and include a map showing its location. Never mind if there’s already another business there. Assume they are going out of business and are ready to sell. Schritt 4: Die Spezialität des Hauses Many restaurants have a few specialty items on their menus that are customer favorites. Locations near a forest, for example, may feature mushroom dishes and game, such as venison and wild boar. Decide with your partner on a “specialty of the house,” taking into account your restaurant’s location and traditional specialties for that region. Do be careful with more exotic vocabulary, however. Your classmates will need to order from your menu auf deutsch. Hausaufgabe (fällig am 5. März): - Integrate or even draw a map of your restaurant’s location, labeling landmarks, geographical features, streets, and (if applicable) nearest subway, bus or tram stop—all in German of course! Mark the exact location of your restaurant. - Write a brief description in German of your restaurant’s location, including important geographical markers. Explain why you chose the location--auf deutsch! Projekt Restaurant Tag 2-3 am Computer Die Speisekarte: fällig am 10. März Schritt 1: Was wollen wir servieren? Consulting your Speisen vocab lists and the web, come up with 2-4 dishes for each category on the menu. Keep in mind the type of restaurant and location you have chosen. You must include at least two regional specialties (typical of your German/Austrian/Swiss area) and a minimum of 9 food items spread among the three food categories +3-4 Getränke. Although online menus often give elaborate descriptions, you should list items as simply as possible. Remember that your classmates are going to be ordering off of the menu, and they will not want to look up umpteen words. Die Kategorien sind: (1) Vorspeisen und Beilagen (including at least one non-potato veggie) (2) Hauptgerichte/Hauptspeisen, (3) Getränke, (4) Nachspeisen Bonus: Speisekarten including all major food groups. Das sind: Getränke, Brot/Getreide (=grain), Obst, Gemüse (mit Farbe), Fisch/Fleisch/Nüsse/Bohnen. Schritt 2: Preise festlegen. To appeal to tourists or business people from the U.S., provide prices in both U.S. dollars and the local currency—euro or Schweizer Franken. - Consider how much you want to charge for your food and beverages, and assign prices in dollars to your menu items. - Using an international currency converter on the web (, determine the equivalent prices in Euro/Schweizer Franken - Round up to the nearest tens of cents to set the local price. Example: round € 1,589 up to €1,60. Schritt 3: Speisekarte schreiben! - Make a menu using papers, pencils and markers, or design it on the computer. Remember to include the various categories as in Schritt 1 above, the items within those categories, and the prices both in the appropriate foreign currency and in U.S. dollars. Nützliche Vokabeln: Auf der Speisekarte frittiert – deep-fried gebacken – baked gekocht – cooked geröstet – roasted gebraten – pan-fried gedünstet – steamed gegrillt – grilled mild, leicht – mild paniert – breaded pikant – spicy, flavorful (not hot) roh – raw saftig – juicy scharf – spicy-hot Quellen und Vokabeln (A) empfohlene Quellen (recommended web sources): On the regional specialties of Germany. Recommended source to review before you get started. (Austrian regional foods) (Swiss regional foods: be careful to select one of the German-speaking regions. Ask me to be sure you haven’t strayed into French-speaking Switzerland.) For examples of traditional (German) menus, try searching in, combining “Speisekarte” with one of the following: Gasthof, Gaststätte, Imbiss. Use these just as examples. Your menu should draw as much as possible on the core vocabulary (packets) that you share with the class. Nützliche Vokabeln: Rollenspiel im Restaurant Wer sagt das? Bedienung (B) oder Kunde (K)? Wo rechts das Englisch fehlt, ergänze auch die Notizen. Ist hier noch frei? (optional) Bitte sehr: here you are / help yourself Was empfehlen Sie? / Was schlagen Sie vor? What do you recommend? Ich empfehle.../ Ich schlage... vor. Was isst du gern? – What do you like to eat? Ich mag (keine) …; ich habe Allergien gegen….. Kann ich Pommes statt Salat bestellen?: instead of Was wünschen / möchten Sie? – Was nehmen Sie?/Was nimmst du? -Wir möchten bestellen. – Ich möchte / Ich hätte gern den/die/das .... Ich nehme _____. Und zum Trinken? Wie schmeckt’s? / Schmeckt’s? : (Wie) hat es (Ihnen) geschmeckt? (Brauchen Sie) sonst noch etwas? Haben Sie sonst noch einen Wunsch? Ich hätte gern noch ein(e) Portion...? Die Rechnung, bitte! The bill / check please! / (Wir möchten) zahlen bitte! Sie hatten den …, das…, zweimal Fanta… Das macht zusammen… Das stimmt so. / Nichts zurück: That’s the correct amount / no change. Restaurant Realistic Role Play Your role play MUST be realistic to get any points. Your job is NOT to make it cutesy and funny. You will be graded based on how many of the realistic points you cover. The more realistic you are, the more points you get. Your role play may not be read from a script. You will prepare a script for the purposes of practicing the scenario, but you will need to improvise when it comes time for the performance. Three characters are needed: one server (with own menu), two customers. 1. Ask the server appropriate questions to narrow down your choices. 2. Server serves the food. 3. While you eat, take the time to catch up on your dining companion’s life. Scenario: you’re good friends who have been too busy to get together in the past month. Was hast du gemacht? Make things up if you have to but keep it in German. 4. Pay and tip the German way. 5. The server must be realistic. Don't leave the customers alone--check their beverages, how the meal is, etc. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grading criteria (40 points): (A) ______Final version of German menu, including description. (10 points) ______Customer service, including response to customer questions and handling payment at the end (5 points) (B) _____/_____ Discussion of menu (5 points) _____/_____ Ordering (5 points) _____/_____ Discussion during eating (5 points) _____/_____ Pay and tip as done in Germany (2 point) _____/_____ Independence of script/flexibility in conversation (8 points) (A) These items will be assessed when you act as a server—using the menu that *you* created. (B) These items will be assessed when you act as a customer—using the menu created by other classmates. You’ll have two opportunities here, and the higher score will be counted. _______: total points