German - Books Asia
German - Books Asia
Books Asia, 114-116 Manningham Lane, Bradford, BD8 7JF, UK Call: +44 (01274) 721871 - Email: [email protected] - Visit: Non-Fiction Titles Only German 30 October 2016 We endeavour to bring you the latest titles as soon as they are available in the Home Countries. Our Booklists are updated and published to our website weekly. The majority of libraries engage Books Asia on a Supplier Selection basis and provide us with Profiles, Budgets and Timescales. Titles can also be selected and ordered using these Booklists, specifying the Sequence Number and required Quantity. SEQ TITLE AUTHOR Titles Published in 2015 Genre TYPE - AGE - LANG - YOP ( 3 Titles ) 68130 Kochen fur babys £ Price Before Discounts Cramm, Dagmar von Food and Drink NF A GER 2015 £15.47 Kochen Geniessen Food and Drink NF A GER 2015 £17.93 Fastner, Gabi Health and Fitness NF A GER 2015 £17.47 Baby's diet - Your baby's first solid foods (recipes collection) 68129 Kochen & Geniessen feste feiern Delicious recipes for family and friends 68128 Fitness - kompakt: die 100 besten ubungen fur zu hause Home workouts - 100 at-home workout routines Titles Published in 2014 68131 Darm mit charme (Gut : the inside story of our body's most underrated organ) ( 1 Titles ) Price Before Discounts Enders, Giulia Health and Fitness NF A GER 2014 £23.25 Giulia Enders explains the gut's magic, answering questions like: Why does acid reflux happen? What's really up with gluten and lactose intolerance? How does the gut affect obesity and mood? Titles Published in 2013 54763 Iss dich schöner ( 3 Titles ) Price Before Discounts Lambertz, Natalie Food and Drink NF A GER 2013 £16.93 Borke, Jorn Child Care NF A GER 2013 £16.93 Schami, Rafik Biography NF A GER 2013 £16.93 Healthy eating - recipes collection and handy tips to stay in shape 54761 Babysprechstunde Child rearing guide 54755 Die Frau, die ihren Mann auf dem Flohmarkt verkaufte Memoirs - Rafik Schami (a Syrian-German author, storyteller and critic) Total titles 30 October 2016 7 Our Titles are sourced internationally. Due to fluctuations in exchange and freight rates, prices are subject to change without notice. Page 1 of 1