Von Eiff study on cost-benefit analysis of reusable surgical gowns
Von Eiff study on cost-benefit analysis of reusable surgical gowns
information Service april 09 How do the costs of disposable and reusable surgical drapes and gowns compare ? Prof. Dr. Wilfried von Eiff. Hospital Management at the University of Muenster. In the German national health system, as elsewhere, there are seemingly contradictory pressures to reduce costs while raising medical standards. A recent study by the University of Münster’s CHM has shown that most German hospital mangers tended to make their procurement decisions based solely on purchase price. The general opinion is that while reusable products are considered to be environmentally friendly and of high quality, disposables are thought to save time in surgery and to cost less. Operating theatre textiles belong to a group of textiles known as ‘application sensitive medical products’ as they come into contact with patients and can constitute a potential user risk. Price should only be used as a decisive reason for procurement if comparing identical products. Economic aspects The CHM study analysed the economic implications of choosing disposable or reusable. It showed that the commercial options have completely different outcomes. Both disposables and reusables are available as standard quality and high quality products. Their use depends on the type of operation being carried out. Cotton drapes and gowns have been discontinued due to the absence of bacterial barrier properties. Basic Functionality Price Additional Product Disposal Costs Total Cost Gap Functionality Comfort Risk Minimisation Barrier Properties Mechanical Durability Quality Gap During the tender process, prices are usually based on sets ( drapes and gowns ) and the vital aspect of the precise contents of these and their quality are ignored. Considerations based purely on unit cost are often seen to be flawed in retrospect. Functional defects in surgical gowns, and drapes in particular, can generate additional costs due to additional consumption of materials or even hospitalacquired infections. As a comparison of products of identical contents and quality from different manufacturers is seldom possible, a unit cost comparison is rarely an accurate one. Taking account of the hospital procedure Working out which costs are relevant to the choice between disposables and reusables involves looking at their entire journey to and through the hospital. This involves everything from whether or not the hospital collects the goods, through hospital storage policy, internal delivery, and disposal, which includes waste disposal or collection by the reusables supplier. The progress, products and compliance with regulations must be monitored throughout the procedure. information Service Comparing like with like The CHM study looked at four different types of operation in selected clinics. The type of operation which was finally chosen was a total hip endoprosthesis procedure, as a relatively large amount of fluid is released during this and the drape is exposed to intense mechanical stress. The study considered the best case scenarios often used in tenders and worst case scenarios, and discarded both as atypical of real world situations. Disposables lower material density makes them harder to attach to patients than reusables. The study showed that this could take an extra 4 minutes, costing an additional € 32 in theatre time. There are significant differences in the contents of hip sets from different providers and, with disposables in particular, extra components often had to be added to standardise the sets. For instance, preparing extra drapes incurs an average delay of two minutes at a cost of € 16, based on theatre time costs of € 8 per minute. The more complex the operation, the more advisable it is to use high performance products and the greater are the savings made over reusable products. There are other problems encountered with disposables. The first is their tendency to tear and crack. The other is that in complex operations which release large volumes of fluid, reusables absorb more than disposables. Using disposables means that much of this fluid trickles down onto the However, the hidden costs in both revealed that disposables’ inferior quality operating room floor, requiring additional cleaning and decontamination could generate additional costs because of the extra material needed for afterwards. Finally, low cost disposables also tend to shed more particles procedures and the cost of additional theatre time. than reusables which again raise cleaning and maintenance costs. Prozessstufen einer Hüft-TEP Bereitstellung OP-Material Handdesinfektion Anlegen der Schutzbekleidung Herrichten der OPSiebe und Tische Reinigung des Operationssaala Positionierung des Patienten Desinfektion des Patienten Abdecken des Patienten Schnitt OP Naht Entfernung der Abdeckungen Dokumentation des Eingriffes Anesthesievorbereitung des Patienten Scheiden des bogenförmigen Zugangs Total cost accounting If the entire hip endoprosthesis operation runs smoothly, reusables cost the clinics in the study € 36.64, where as disposables cost € 37.98. These costs included purchase price, courier service and disposal. Discounting the worst case scenarios where the unplanned costs for disposable drapes Mehrweg Inhalte verstärkter Instrumentierschutz Beistelltischabdeckung U-Tuch Abdecktücher OP-Tape Handtücher Stockinette Standard OP-Mantel High Performance OP-Mantel Größe Anzahl Größe 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 79x160 147x200 230x250 281x167 146x180 mittel - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 2 2 77x145 150x190 200x260 175x300 150x190 90x150 75x90 9x49 19x25 - Gegenüberstellung der Materialien für eine Hüft-TEP aus Setbeispielen Entfernung des Knochenmaterials Einsetzen der Prothese Schliessen der Wunde amounted to 180 % of the cost of reusable drapes, the study found that additional costs of € 1.36 for reusables and € 12 for disposables can be assumed. This saving of at least € 10 compared with each disposable set makes reusables an attractive proposition. Kosten pro Hüft-TEP Einweg Anzahl - Verlegung des Patienten - 120 100 80 60 40 20 Einweg 0 Mehrweg Best Case Regelfall Worst Case Kostenvergleich bzgl .der Hüft-TEP information Service Je komplexer der Eingriff, desto eher ist die Verwendung von High-Performance-Produkten anzuraten und desto höher sind die Kostenvorteile bei Mehrwegprodukten. Mehrwegprodukte bieten sowohl für Standard Performance als auch für den High-Performance-Bereich funktionelle Material- und Komponentenlösungen. Standard Performance High Performance Mechanical Stress Additional Costs for SU-Drapes & Gowns Range of Application for Reusable Laminate Products Degree of dynamics and fluid-exposure during surgical procedure Range of Application for Reusable microfilament Products Degree of Fluid-Exposure Inguinal Strumectomy Hip- Knee- Cardio Surgery Results of the CHM Study : Disposables are perceived to be cheap and have reasonable quality. Reusables are seen as more expensive and of good quality. Neither view is completely accurate. • Reusable operating theatre textiles achieve a level of utility, manageability and standby costs which only very few high-performance disposables can match. • Those high-performance disposables which can match the performance of reusables are usually more expensive than reusables. • Reusables are preferable in terms of tensile strength, liquid absorption and bacterial barrier protection. • Lower grade disposables are preferred by hospitals whose purchasing policy is based on price alone. They cannot be compared with reusables as far as quality is concerned. • The market for sets will continue to grow. Providers of reusables could respond to requests from hospitals if they offered sets suited to each hospital’s specific requirements.