Prof. Nicholas J. Conard Ph.D.
Prof. Nicholas J. Conard Ph.D.
Prof. Nicholas J. Conard Ph.D. Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters Abteilung für Ältere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie Schloss Hohentübingen, 72070 Tübingen e-mail: [email protected] PUBLICATIONS (June 2009 excluding publications in press) BOOKS Conard, N. J. 1992. Tönchesberg and its Position in the Paleolithic Prehistory of Northern Europe. Monograph 20, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Series. Bonn: Habelt. 176 pages with foreward by K. Weidemann. EDITED VOLUMES Conard, N. J., S. Kölbl and W. Schürle (Eds.) 2005. Vom Neandertaler zum modernen Menschen. Thorbecke Verlag: Ostfildern. 208 pages with a foreward by the editors. Schürle, W. and N. J. Conard (Eds.) 2005. Zwei Weltalter. Eiszeitkunst und die Bildwelt Willi Baumeisters. Galerie 40tausend Jahre Kunst, Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren. Hatje Catz Verlag, Ostfilderen. 220 pages with a foreward by the editors. Conard, N. J. (Ed.) 2004. Woher kommt der Mensch? Attempto Verlag: Tübingen. 319 pages with a foreward by the editor. Müller-Beck, H., N. J. Conard, and W. Schürle (Eds.) 2001. Anfänge der Kunst: Eiszeitkunst im SüddeutschenSchweizerischen Jura. Theiss Verlag: Stuttgart. 143 pages with a forward by the editors. Conard, N. J. and F. Wendorf (Eds.) 1998. Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age Settlement Systems. Volume 6, Tome 1, Proceedings of the XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Forli, Italy. Abaco Press. pp. 219-326. Conard, N. J. and A. W. Kandel (Eds.) 1997. Reports for the Second Wallertheim Workshop, Tübingen March 23-25, 1997. Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters: Tübingen. 103 pages with foreward by N .J. Conard. SERIES EDITOR Tübingen Publications in Prehistory (since 2001) Conard, N. J. (Editor) 2006. When Neanderthals and Modern Humans Met. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. 501 pages with a foreward by the editor. Conard, N. J. (Editor) 2006. Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. 349 pages with a foreward by the editor and summaries in Arabic. Niven, L. 2006. The Palaeolithic Occupation of Vogelherd Cave: Implications for the Subsistence Behavior of Late Neanderthals and Early Modern Humans. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. 313 pages with a foreward by the serious editor. Owen, L. R. 2005. Distorting the Past: Gender and the Division of Labor in the European Upper Paleolthic. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. 235 pages with a foreward by the series editor. Conard, N. J. (Editor) 2004. Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age. Vol. 2. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. 541 pages with foreward by the series editor. Conard, N. J. (Editor) 2001. Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age. Vol. 1. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. 640 pages with foreward by the series editor. Tübingen Arbeiten zur Urgeschichte (since 2002, coeditors: H.-P- Uerpmann, H. Floss, M. N. Haidle and M. Bolus) 2 Barth. M. M. 2007. Familienbande? Die gravetteinzeitlcihen Knochen- und Geweihgeräte des Achtals /Schwäbische Alb). Tübingen Arbeiten zur Urgeschichte Vol. 4. Maria Leidorf Verlag: Rahden. 173 pages with foreward by the series editors. Serangeli, J. 2006. Verbreitung der großen Jagdfauna in Mittel- und Westeuropa im oberen Jungpleistozän: Ein kritischer Beitrag. Tübingen Arbeiten zur Urgeschichte Vol. 3. Maria Leidorf Verlag: Rahden. 255 pages with foreward by the series editors. Steguweit, L. 2003. Gebrauchsspuren an Artefakten der Hominidenfundstelle Bilzingsleben (Thüringen). Tübingen Arbeiten zur Urgeschichte Vol. 2. Maria Leidorf Verlag: Rahden. 218 pages with foreward by the series editors. Floss, H. and T. Terberger. 2002. Die Steinartefakte des Magdalénien von Andernach (Mittelrhein): Die Grabungen 1979-1983. Tübingen Arbeiten zur Urgeschichte Vol. 1. Maria Leidorf Verlag: Rahden. 260 pages with foreward by the series editors. BioArchaeologica (since 2008, co-editors: M. N. Haidle, H.-P. Uerpmann and J. Wahl) Obertová, Z. 2008. The Early Medieval Amamannic Population at Horb-Altheim (450.510 A.D.) Verlag Marie Leidorf: Fahden. 279 pages with foreward by the series editors. Tübinger Monographien zur Urgeschichte (since 1995) Bosinski, G. 2008. Urgeschichte am Rhein. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. 534 pages with foreward by the series editor. Campen, I., J. Hahn, and M. Uerpmann. 1996. Spuren der Jagd - Die Jagd nach Spuren: Festschrift für Hansjürgen Müller-Beck. Tübinger Monographien zur Urgeschichte 11. MoVince Verlag: Tübingen. 495 pages with foreward by the series editor. Archaeologica Venatoria (since 1995) Owen, L. R. 2000. Dictionaire de la Prehistoire /Dictionary of Prehistoric Archaeology. Archaeologica Venatoria 16. MoVince Verlag: Tübingen. 539 pages with foreward by the series editor. Owen, L. R. 1998. Dictionaire de la Prehistoire / Prähistorisches Wörterbuch. Archaeologica Venatoria 15. MoVince Verlag: Tübingen. 483 pages with foreward by the series editor. Owen, L. R. 1996. Dictionary of Prehistoric Archaeology / Prähistorisches Wörterbuch. Archaeologica Venatoria 14. MoVince Verlag: Tübingen. 472 pages with foreward by the series editor. Tübinger Urgeschichtliche Materialhefte (since 1995) Owen, L. R. and M. Porr (Eds) 1999. Ethno-Analogy and the Reconstruction of Prehistoric Artefact Use and Production. Urgeschichtliche Materialhefte 14. MoVince Verlag: Tübingen. 284 pages with foreward by the series editor. Orschiedt, J. 1999. Manipulationen an menschlichen Skelettresten: Taphanomische Prozesse, Sekundärbestattungen oder Anthropophagie? Urgeschichtliche Materialheft 13. MoVince Verlag: Tübingen. 500 pages with foreward by the series editor. Conard, N. J. and C.-J. Kind (Eds.) 1998. Aktuelle Forschung zum Mesolithikum / Current Mesolithic Research. Urgeschichtliche Materialhefte 12. MoVince Verlag: Tübingen. 302 pages with foreward by the series editor. 3 Haidle, M. N. 1997. Mangel - Krisen - Hungersnöte? Ernährungszustände in Süddeutschland und der Nordschweiz vom Neolithikum bis ins 19. Jahrhundert. Urgeschichtliche Materialheft 11. MoVince Verlag: Tübingen. 160 pages with foreward by the series editor. Museumsheft des Urgeschichtlichen Museums Blaubeuren (since 2001, coedited with Stepanie Kölbl) Kölbl, S., N. J. Conard, M. N. Haidle, P. Kieselbach, M. Malina, L. Moreau 2005. Einzeitkunst „Eindeutig männlich“. Begleitheft zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Urgeschichtlichen Museum Blaubeuren 25 July, 2005 – 8 January 2006. 8 pages. Kölbl, S. and N. J. Conard (Eds) 2003. Eiszeitschmuck: Status und Schönheit. Begleitbuch zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Urgeschichtlichen Museum Blaubeuren 18 April – 2 November 2003. Museumsheft 6. 128 pages with foreward by the series editors. Kölbl, S. and N. J. Conard (Eds) 2001. Höhlenbärenspuren. Begleitheft zur gleichnamigen Austellung im Urgeschichtlichen Museum Blaubeuren 1 April – 4 November 2001. Museumsheft 5. 46 pages. Conard, N. J. and H. Floss. 2001. Neue Eiszeit-Kunstwerke von der Schäbische Alb. Begleitheft zur gleichnamigen Austellung im Museum Schloss Hohentübingen. 16 February – 1 July 2001. Museumsheft 4, 38 pages. Publications of the Museum of the University of Tübingen Conard, N. J. and E. Seidl 2008. Das Mammut vom Vogelherd: Tübinger Funde der ältesten erhaltenen Kunstwerke. Museum der Universität Tübingen. Tübingen. Special exhibit December 12-21, 2008. 50 pages. EXCURSION GUIDES Conard, N. J. and M. Bolus 2001. Advances in the Study of Human Evolution and Dispersal. Program and Excursion Guide April 8-12. Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters: Tübingen, 86 pages with a forward by N. J. Conard, M. Bolus, M. Collard and L. Aiello. Bolus, M., N. J. Conard, and H. Floss (Eds.) 2000. Exkursionsführer: Paläolithische Fundstellen im Achtal, Lonetal und Schmiechtal. 42. Tagung der Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, with contributions from M. Bolus, N. J. Conard, H. Floss, C.-J. Kind, P. Krönneck, K. Langguth, S. Münzel und L. Niven. Tübingen: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters 52 pages with foreward by the editors. Conard, N. J. and A. W. Kandel (Eds.) 1999. 2nd Conference of the UISPP Commission 27: Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age Settlement Systems. Abstracts and Excursion Guide with contributions from M. Franken, U. Maurer and S. Rathje. Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters: Tübingen. 86 pages with foreward by N. J. Conard. PAPERS IN JOURNALS AND EDITED VOLUMES (excluding papers in press) 198) Conard, N. J, M. Malina and S. C. Münzel. 2009. New flutes document the earliest musical tradtion in southwestern Germany. Nature. Published online June 24, 2009. doi:10.1038/nature08169. 197) Conard, N. J. 2009. A female figurine from the basal Aurignacian of Hohle Fels Cave in southwestern Germany. Nature 459: 248-252. 4 196) Goldberg, P., C. E. Miller, S. Schiegl, B. Lingouis, F. Berna, N. J. Conard and L. Wadley. 2009. Bedding, hearths, and site maintenance in the Middle Stone Age of Sibudu Cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 1:28. Published online May 13, 2009. 195) Deckers, K., S. Riehl, E. Jenkins, A. Rosen, A. Dodonov, A. N. Somakova and N. J. Conard. 2009. Vegetation development and human occupation in the Damascus region of southwestern Syria from the Late Pleistocene to Holocene. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 18: 329-340. 194) Conard, N. J., M. Malina, and T. Verrept. 2009. Weitere Belege für eiszeitliche Kunst und Musik aus den Nachgrabungen 2008 am Vogelherd bei Niederstotzingen-Stetten ob Lontal, Kreis Heidenheim. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2008. pp. 23-26. 193) Conard, N. J. and M. Malina. 2009. Spektakuläre Funde aus dem unteren Aurignacien vom Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2008. pp. 19-22. 192) Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard. 2009. What can we say about the spatial-temporal distribution of early Aurignacian innovations ? Eurasian Prehistory 5:19-29. 191) Conard, N. J. 2009. Comments on: The Chaîne Operatoire Approach in Middle Paleolithic Archaeology by O. Bar-Yosef and P. van Peer. Current Anthropology 50: 118-119. 190) Conard, N. J. and M. Bolus. 2008. Radiocarbon dating the late Middle Paleolithic and the Aurignacian of the Swabian Jura. Journal of Human Evolution 55: 886-887. 189) Conard, N. J., S. J. Walker and A. W. Kandel. 2008. How heating and cooling and wetting and drying can destroy dense faunal elements and lead to differential preservation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 266:236-245. 188) Conard, N. J. and M. Malina. 2008. New evidence for the origins of music from the caves of the Swabian Jura. Studien zur Musikarchäologie VI, Orient-Archäologie Vol. 22. Edited by A.A. Both, R. Eichmann, E. Hickmann and L.-C. Koch. Verlag Marie Leidorf: Rahden. pp. 13 – 22. 187) Conard, N. J. 2008. A critical view of the evidence for a southern African origin of behavioral modernity. Goodwin Series of the South African Archaeological Society 10: 175-179. 186) Conard, N. J. 2008. Die Neugrabungen am Vogelherd. In Das Mammut vom Vogelherd: Tübinger Funde der ältesten erhaltenen Kunstwerke. Edited by N. J. Conard and E. Seidl. Museum der Universität Tübingen. Tübingen. pp 34-43. 185) Conard, N. J. and H. Floss. 2008. Die Entdeckung der Aurignacienkunst auf der Schwäbischen Alb: Gustav Riek und seine Grabungen am Vogelherd im Sommer 1931. Das Mammut vom Vogelherd: Tübinger Funde der ältesten erhaltenen Kunstwerke. Edited by N. J. Conard and E. Seidl. Museum der Universität Tübingen. Tübingen. pp.28-33 . 184) Marks, A. E. and N. J. Conard. 2008. Technology vs. typology: The case for and against a transition from the MSA to the LSA at Mumba Cave, Tansania. In Space and Time: Which Diachronies, which Synchronies, which Scales? / Typology vs Technology. Edited by T. Aubry, F. Almeida, A. C. Araújo and M. Tiffagom. Proceedings of the XV UISPP World Congress in Lisbon September 4-9, 2006. British Archaeological Reports S1831. pp. 123-131. 183) Conard, N. J. 2008. Schatzhöhle: Die Ausgrabungen im Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen. Steinzeit in Baden-Württemberg, Staatsanzeiger Verlag: Stuttgart. pp. 99-101. 5 182) Conard, N. J. and M. Bolus. 2008. Glanzstücke aus Baden-Württemberg: Höhepunkte der Eiszeitkuns aus Achtal und Lonetal. Steinzeit in Baden-Württemberg, Staatsanzeiger Verlag: Stuttgart. pp. 62-65. 181) Conard, N. J., M. Malina and C. E. Miller. 2008. Die Fortsetzung der Nachgrabung am Vogelherd bei Niederstotzingen-Stetten ob Lontal, Kreis Heidenheim Archäologische Ausgrabungen BadenWürttemberg 2007. pp. 21-24. 180) Conard, N. J. and M. Malina. 2008. Die Ausgrabung 2007 im Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, AlbDonau-Kreis, und neue Einblicke in die Anfänge des jungpaläolithikums. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2007. pp. 17-20. 179) Stevens, R. E, R. Jacobi, M. Street, M Germonpré, N. J. Conard, S. C. Münzel and R. E. M. Hedges. 2008. Nitrogen isotope analyses of reindeer (Rangifer trandus), 45,000 BP to 9,000 BP: Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Palaeoecology 262: 32-45. 178) Fuchs, M., A. W. Kandel, N. J. Conard, S. J. Walker and P. Felix-Henningsen. 2008. Geoarchaeological and chronostratigraphical investigations of open-air sites in the Geelbek Dunes, South Africa. Geoarchaeology 23: 425-449. 177) Hardy, B. L., M. Bolus and N. J. Conard. 2008. Hammer or crescent wrench? Stone-tool form and function in the Aurignacian of southwestern Germany. Journal of Human Evolution 54: 648-662. 176) Conard, N. J. 2008. Die Evolution der menschlichen Kultur. In Die Evolution des Lebendiben. Edited by O. Betz and H.-R. Köhler. Attempto Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 213-235. 175) Münzel, S. C., M. Hofreiter, G. Rabeder, H. Bocherens, H.-P. Uerpmann and N. J. Conard. 2007. Correlating genetic results for the replacement of cave bears at 28,000 BP from the Ach Valley (Swabian Jura) with metrical and morphological data. Scripta, Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis. Proceedings of the 13th International Cave Bear Symposium 35: 123-128. 174) Bocherens, H., N. J. Conard, M. Germonpré, M. Hofreiter, S. Münzel, E. Stephan, and T. Tütken. 2007. Isotopic biogeochemistry and the evolution of cave bear ecology during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 in Western and Central Europe. Scripta, Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis. Proceedings of the 13th International Cave Bear Symposium 35: 103-106. 173) Conard, N. J., E. Ghasidian, S. Heydari, R. Naderi and M. Zeidee. 2007. The 2006 Season of the Tübingen Iranian Stone Age Research Project in the Provinces of Fars and Markazi. Archaeological Reports. pp. 43-67 172) Conard, N. J. 2007. Les flûtes aurignaciennes des grottes Geißenklösterle et du Vogelherd (Jura souabe). In Les chemines de l’art aurignacien en Europe / Das Aurignacien und die Anfänge der Kunst in Europa. Edited by H. Floss and N. Rouqueroi. (Text in French and German). pp. 353-362. 171) Conard, N. J. 2007. De nouvelles sculptures en ivoire aurignaciennes du Jura souabe et le naissance de l’art figuratif. In Les chemines de l’art aurignacien en Europe / Das Aurignacien und die Anfänge der Kunst in Europa. Edited by H. Floss and N. Rouqueroi. (Text in French and German). pp. 317-330. 170) Dodonov, A. E., A. W. Kandel, A. N. Simakova, M. Masri and N. J. Conard. 2007. Geomorphology, Site Distribution, and Paleolithic Settlement Dynamics of the Ma’aloula Region, Damascus Province, Syria. Geoarchaeology 22 (6): 589-606. 6 169) Conard, N. J. 2007. Die Anfänge von Kunst und Musik. Forschung. Special Issue Geisteswissenschaften. pp. 26-28. 168) Conard, N. J. and M. Malina. 2007. Die Ausgrabungen am Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, AlbDonau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2006. pp. 17-20. 167) Conard, N. J., M. Lingnau and M. Malina. 2007. Einmalige Funde durch die Nachgrabung am Veogelherd bei Niederstotzingen-Stetten ob Lontal, Kreis Heidenheim. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2006. pp. 20-24. 166) Conard, N. J. 2007. Cultural Evolution in Africa and Eurasia during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. In Handbook of Paleoanthropology. Edited by W. Henke and I. Tattersall. Springer: Berlin. pp. 2001- 2037. 165) Hofreiter, M., S. Münzel, N. J. Conard, J. Pollack, M. Slatkin, G. Weiss and S. Pääbo 2007. Sudden replacement of cave bear mitochondrial DNA in the late Pleistocene. Current Biology 17, 4: 122-123. 164) Betzke, K., A. E. Marks, and N. J. Conard 2006. Projektiltechnologie und kulturelle Evolution in Ostafrika. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 15: 63-81. 163) Prindiville, T. J. and N. J. Conard 2006. The large mammalian fossil fauna of the Geelbek Dunes, Western Cape, South Africa. In Paleolithic Zooarchaeology in Practice. Edited by J. A. Haws, B. S. and J.-P. Brugal. BAR International Series 1564, Archaeopress: Oxford. pp. 87-93. 162) Conard, N. J. and P. Kieselbach 2006. Ein phallusfömiges Steinwerkzeug aus den Gravettienschichten des Hohle Fels: Ein Beitrag zu Deutung paläolithischer Sexualdarstellungen. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 36: 455-472. 161) Kandel, A. W., S. J. Walker and N. J. Conard 2006. Near coastal settlement dynamics at the Anyskop Blowout, an archaeological locality at Langebaaneg, South Africa. African Natural History 2: 186-187. 160) Conard, N. J., E. Ghasidian, S. Heydari and M. Zeidee 2006. Report on the 2005 survey of the Tübingen-Iranian Stone Age Research Project in the provinces of Esfahan, Fars and KohgiluyehBoyerahmad. Archaeological Reports 5: 9-34. 159) Schiegl, S. and N. J. Conard 2006. The Middle Stone Age sediments at Sibudu: Results from FTIR spectroscopy and microscopic analyses. Special volume on Sibudu Cave, edited by L. Wadley. Southern Africa Humanities 18 (1): 149-172. 158) Conard, N. J. 2006. Unearthing religion. Review of Inside the Neolithic Mind: Conciousness, Cosmos and the Realm of the Gods. By David Lewis-Williams and David Pearce. Nature 439: 271. 157) Conard, N. J., M. Bolus, P. Goldberg and S. C. Münzel 2006. The last Neanderthals and first modern humans in the Swabian Jura. In When Neanderthals and Modern Humans Met. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 305-341. 156) Conard, N. J. 2006. Changing Views of the Relationship between Neanderthals and Modern Humans. In When Neanderthals and Modern Humans Met. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 5-20 155) Conard, N. J. 2006. Die letzten Neandertaler und die ersten modernen Menschen auf der Schwäbischen Alb. In Roots: Wurzel der Menschheit. Edited by G. Uelsberg. Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn. pp. 227-242. 7 154) Conard, N. J. 2006. Early Figurative Art and Musical Instruments from Swabia. Archaeology in Japan- Upheavals and Continuities. Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin Documentation 8: 43- 61. 153) Conard, N. J. and A. W. Kandel. 2006. The economics and settlement dynamics of the later Holocene inhabitants of near coastal environments in the West Coast National Park (South Africa). In Grundlegungen: Beiträge zur europäischen und afrikanischen Archäologie für Manfred K. H. Eggert. Edited by H.- P. Wotzka. Franke Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 329-355. 152) Teyssandier, N., M. Bolus and N. J. Conard. 2006. The Early Aurignacian in central Europe and its place in a European perspective. In Toward a Definition of the Aurignacian. Edited by O. BarYosef and J. Zilhao. Trabalhos de Arcqueologia 45. 241-256. 151) Conard, N. J. and M. Bolus. 2006. The Swabian Aurignacian and its Place in European Prehistory. In Toward a Definition of the Aurignacian. Edited by O. Bar-Yosef and J. Zilhao. Trabalhos de Arcqueologia 45. 209-237. 150) Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard. 2006. Zur Zeitstellung von Geschosspitzen aus organischen Materialien im späten Mittelpaläolithikum und Aurignacien. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 36: 1-16. 149) Conard, N. J. and M. Malina. 2006. Schmuck und vielleicht auch Musik am Veogelherd bei Niederstotzingen-Stetten ob Lontal, Kreis Heidenheim. Archäologische Ausgrabungen BadenWürttemberg 2005. pp. 21-25. 148) Conard, N. J. and M. Malina. 2006. Neue Ergebnisse zum Mittelpaläolithikum, zum Aurignacien und zu den letzten Neandertalern am Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen Baden-Württemberg 2005. pp. 17-20. 147) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel, and M. Masri. 2006. Results from the 2005 TDASP Survey in the Damascus Province, Syria. In Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 337-349. 146) Conard, N. J., H. Dietl, A. E. Dodonov, P. Drechsler, A. W. Kandel, and M. Masri. 2006. Results from the 2004 TDASP Survey. In Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 325-335. 145) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel, and M. Masri. 2006. The 2003 Ma’aloula Paleolithic Survey. In Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 311-324. 144) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel, A. E. Dodonov and A. Abdulrachman. 2006. The 2000 Ma’aloula Paleolithic Survey. In Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 297-309. 143) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel and A. Dyab. 2006. The 1999 Ma’aloula Paleolithic Survey. In Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 291-295. 142) Conard, N. J. and A. W. Kandel. 2006. The May 1999 Survey in the Damascus and Mediterranean Regions. In Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 275-290. 8 141) Conard, N. J., K. Bretzke, K. F. Hillgruber and M. Masri. 2006. The 2005 excavation at Kaus Kozah Cave. In Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 195-205. 140) Conard, N. J. and M. Masri. 2006. The 2004 excavation at Kaus Kozah Cave. In TübingenDamascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 189-194. 139) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel and M. Masri. 2006. The 2004 excavation at Baaz Rockshelter. In Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 179-185. 138) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel and A. Abdulrachman. 2006. The 2000 excavation at Baaz Rockshelter. In Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 171-178. 137) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel and A. Dyab. 2006. The 1999 excavation at Baaz Rockshelter. In Tübingen-Damascus Excavation and Survey Project 1999 – 2005. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 161-169. 136) Adler, D. S. and N. J. Conard. 2005. Tracking hominins during the last interglacial complex in the Rhineland. In The Hominid Individual in Context: Archaeological Investigations of Lower and Middle Paleolithic Landscapes, Locales and Artefacts. Edited by C. Gamble and M. Porr. Routledge: London. pp 133-153. 135) Conard, N. J. 2005. An overview of the patterns of behavioral change in Africa and Eurasia during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. In From Tools to Symbols: From Early Hominids to Modern Humans. Edited by. Francesco d’Errico and Lucinda Blackwell. Witwatersrand University Press: Johannesburg. pp. 294-332. 134) Kandel, A. W. and N. J. Conard. 2005. Production sequences of ostrich eggshell beads and settlement dynamics in the Geelbek Dunes of the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 32: 1711-1721. 133) Dietl, H., A. W. Kandel, A.W. and N. J. Conard. 2005. Middle Stone Age settlement and land use at the open-air sites of Geelbek and Anyskop, South Africa. Journal of African Archaeology 3 (2): 233-244. 132) Conard, N. J. 2005. Auringacian art in Swabia and the beginnings of figurative representation in Europe. In Pitture paleolithiche nelle Prealpe Venete: Grotta di Fumane e Riparo Dalmeri. Edited by Alberto Broglio and Giampaolo Dalmeri. Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona Series 2. Sezione Scienze dell’Uomo 9: 82-88. 131) Conard, N. J. and M. Malina. 2005. Die Ausgrabungen 2004 in den frühen jungpaläolithischen Schichten des Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2004. pp. 17-21. 130) Conard, N. J. 2005. Sind sich Neandertaler und moderne Menschen auf der Schwäbischen Alb begegnet? In Vom Neandertaler zum modernen Menschen. Edited by N. J. Conard, S. Kölbl and W. Schürle. Thorbecke Verlag: Ostfildern. pp. 131-152. 129) Conard, N. J. 2005. Die Erde als Archiv für die Anfänge von Kunst und Musik. Momente: Beiträge zur Landeskunde von Baden-Württemberg. 2/2005: 28-31. 9 128) Conard, N. J. and L. Moreau 2004. Current research in the Gravettian of the Swabian Jura. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 13: 29-59 127) Conard, N. J., M. Malina, S. C. Münzel and F. Seeberger. 2004. Eine Mammuthelfenbeinflöte aus dem Aurignacien des Geißenklösterle: Neue Belege für eine musikalische Tradtion im Frühen Jungpaläolithikum auf der Schwäbischen Alb. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 34: 447-462. 126) Münzel, S. C. and N. J. Conard. 2004. Cave Bear Hunting in Hohle Fels Cave in the Ach Valley of the Swabian Jura. Revue de Palébiologie 23: 24-35. 125) Avery, G., A. W. Kandel, R. G. Klein, N. J. Conard and K. Cruz-Uribe. 2004. Tortoise as food and taphonomic elements in paleolandscapes. In Petits Animaux et Sociétés humaines du Complément alimentaire aux Ressources utilitaires. XXIVèmes Recontres Internationales d’Archéologie et Histoire d’Antibes. Edited by J.-P. Brugal and J. Desse. Éditions APDCA: Antibes. pp. 147-161. 124) Conard, N. J. 2004. 140 Jahre Forschung in den Höhlen der Schäbischen Alb. In Schwanenflügelknochen-Flöte: vor 35 000 Jahren erfinden Eiszeitjäger die Musik. Edited by T. Kehrig. Württembergisches Landesmuseum: Stuttgart. pp. 6-10. 123) Conard, N. J. 2004. Von Löwenmenschen und Elfenbeinfiguren. Archäologie in Deutschland 2004, 30-33. 122) Conard, N. J., P. M. Grootes and F. H. Smith. 2004. Unexpectedly recent dates for human remains from Vogelherd. Nature 430: 198-201. 121) Conard, N. J. 2004. Altsteinzeitliche Ausgrabungen in den Höhlen der Schwäbischen Alb und die Anfägne der Kunst und Musik. Festvortrag Archäologie-Preis Baden-Württemberg 2002. Archäologische Informationen aus Baden-Württemberg 48: 30-48. 120) Hofreiter, M., D. Serre, N. Rohland, G. Rabeder, D. Nagel, N. Conard, S. Münzel and S. Pääbo. 2004. Lack of phylogeography in European mammals before the last glaciation. Proceedings of the National Academie of Science 101 (35): 12963-12968. 119) Münzel, S. C. and N. J. Conard. 2004. Change and continuity in subsitence during the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in the Ach Valley of Swabia (South-west Germany). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 14: 225-243. 118) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel, A. E. Dodonov and Mohammend al Misri. 2004. Middle Paleolithic Settlement in the Ma’aloula Region of the Damascus Province, Syria. In Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age Volume II. Edited by N. J. Conard. Kerns Verlag: Tübingen. pp. 65-87. 117) Conard, N. J. 2003. Paleolithic finds from the volcanic craters of Tönchesberg in the East Eifel. In Landschaftsgeschichte im Europäischen Rheinland. Edited by W. Schirmer. GeoArchaeoRhein 4: 311-325. 116) Conard, N. J., K. Langguth and H.-P. Uerpmann. 2004. Die Ausgrabungen 2003 in den Gravettien- und Aurignacien- Schichten des Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis, und die kulturelle Entwicklung im frühen Jungpaläolithikum. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in BadenWürttemberg 2003. pp. 17-22. 115) Conard, N.J., M. Soressi, J.E. Parkington, S. Wurz and R. Yates. 2004. Developing a Unified Lithic Taxonomy based on Patterns of Core Reduction. South African Archaeological Bulliten 59: 13-17. 10 114) Conard, N. J. 2003. Handaxes on the Landscape and the Recontruction of Paleolithic Setlement Patterns. In Erkenntnisjäger – Kultur und Umwelt des frühen Menschen. Festschrift für Dietrich Mania, Veröffentlichungen des Landesamt für Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt 57. Halle. pp. 123-144. 113) Conard, N. J., L. Niven, K, Mueller, and A. Stuart. 2003. The Chronostratigraphy of the Upper Paleolithic Deposits at Vogelherd. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 12: 73-86. 112) Goldberg, P., S. Schiegl, K. Meligne, C. Dayton and N. J. Conard. 2003. Micromorphology and Site Formation at Hohle Fels Cave, Swabian Jura, Germany. Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart 53: 1-25. 111) Conard, N. J. 2003. Paleolithic ivory sculptures from southwestern Germany and the origins of figurative art. Nature 426: 830-832. 110) Conard, N. J. 2003. Rulamans Eiszeitwelt und die heutige altsteinzeitliche Forschung in den Höhlen der Swäbischen Alb. In Rulaman der Steinzeitheld. Edited by F. Brunecker. Biberacher Verlagsdruckerei: Biberach. pp. 116-133. 109) Kandel, A.W. and N. J. Conard. 2003. Scavenging and Processing of Whale Meat and Blubber by Later Stone Age People of the Geelbek Dunes, Western Cape Province, South Africa. South African Archaeological Bulletin 58: 91-93. 108) Felix-Henningsen, P., A. W. Kandel and N. J. Conard. 2003 . The significance of calcretes and paleosols on ancient dunes of the Western Cape, South Africa, as stratigraphic markers and paleoenvironmental indicators. In Papers of the 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Százhalombatta, Hungary, 30 May - 3 June 2001. Edited by G. Füleky. Oxford: BAR International Series 1163. 45-52. 107) Kandel, A.W., P. Felix-Henningsen and N. J. Conard. 2003. An overview of the spatial archaeology of the Geelbek Dunes, Western Cape, South Africa. In Papers of the 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Százhalombatta, Hungary, 30 May - 3 June 2001. Edited by G. Füleky. Oxford: BAR International Series 1163. pp. 37-44. 106) Conard, N. J., G. Dippon and P. Goldberg. 2003. Chronostratigraphy and Archaeological Context of the Aurignacian Deposits at Geißenklösterle. In The Chronology of the Aurignacian and the Transistion Technocomplexes. Dating, Stratigraphies and Cultural Implications. Edited by J. Zilhao and F. d’Errico. Trabalos de Arqueologia 33, Instituto Portugues de Arqueologia. Lisbon. pp. 165.-176. 105) Conard, N. J., K. Langguth and H.-P. Uerpmann. 2003. Einmalige Funde aus dem Aurignacien und erste Belege für ein Mittelpaläolithikum im Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2002. pp. 21-27. 104) Conard, N. J. and M. Malina. 2003. Abschließende Ausgrabungen im Geißenklösterle bei Blaubeuren, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2002. pp. 17-21. 103) Conard, N. J. and M. Bolus. 2003. Der mittelpaläolithische Fundplatz Wallertheim / Kreis AlzeyWorms.. In Leben und Sterben in der Steinzeit. Edited by B. Heide. Verlag Philipp von Zabern: Mainz. pp. 33-46. 102) Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard. 2003. Das Leben im Alt- und Mittelpaläolithikum. In Leben und Sterben in der Steinzeit. Edited by B. Heide. Verlag Philipp von Zabern: Mainz. pp. 18-32. 101) Adler, D. S., T. J. Prindiville and N. J. Conard. 2003. Patterns of Spatial Organization and Land Use during the Eemian Interglacial in the Rhineland: New Data from Wallertheim, Germany. Eurasian Prehistory 1(2): 2578. 11 100) Conard, N. J. 2003. Eiszeitlicher Schmuck auf der Schwäbischen Alb. In Eiszietschmuck: Status und Schönheit. Edited by. S. Kölbl and N. J. Conard. Museumsheft 6. Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren. pp. 15-49. 99) Schiegl, S., P. Goldberg, H.-U. Pfretzschner and N. J. Conard. 2003. Paleolithic Burnt Bone Horizons from the Swabian Jura: Distunguishing between in situ Fireplaces and Dumping Areas. Geoarchaeology 18 (5): 531-565. 98) Conard, N. J. and M. Bolus. 2003. Radiocarbon Dating the Appearance of Modern Humans and Timing of Cultural Innovations in Europe: New Results and new Challenges. Journal of Human Evolution 44: 333-373. 97) Pusch C. M, T. Kayademir, K. Prangenberg, N. J. Conard, A. Czarnetzki and N. Blin. 2002. Documenting ancient DNA quality via alpha satellite amplification and assessment of clone sequence diversity. Journal of Applied Genetics 43 (3): 351-64. 96) Conard, N. J. 2002. Stand der paläolithischen Forschung im Achtal. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte 11: 65-77. 95) Rink, W. J., A. W. Kandel, and N. J. Conard. 2002. The ESR Geochronology and Geology of the Open-Air Paleolithic Deposits in Bollschweil, Germany. Archaeometry 44: 635-650. 94) Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard. 2002. An Overview of Teaching and Research in Tübingen. Before Farming 4 (7): 1- 7. 93) Conard, N. J. 2002. Steinzeitforschung in den Geelbek-Dünen. Archäologie in Deutschland 2002, 6: 10-15 92) Conard, N. J. 2002. Comments on Religion, Politics, and Prehistory: Reassessing the Lingering Legacy of Oswald Menghin, by Philip L. Kohl and J. A. Pérez Gollán. Current Anthropology 43: 574-575. 91) Conard, N. J. 2002. From projectiles to project: Anthropological reconstructions and construction plans. In Heureka oder die Kunst des Entwerfens / Eureka or the Art of Design. International conference September 21-23, 2001. Published by the International Design Forum Ulm. Anabas Verlag: Frankfurt. pp. 28-35. 90) Conard, N. J. 2002. The Timing of Cultural Innovations and the Dispersal of Modern Humans in Europe. Proceedings of the DEUQUA-Meeting August 26-28, 2002 Potsdam, Germany, Eds. A Brauer, J. F. W. Negendank and M. Bohm. Terra Nova 2002/6: 82-94. 89) Hofreiter, M., C. Capelli, M. Krings, L. Waits, N. Conard, S. Münzel, G. Rabeder, D. Nagel, M. Paunovic, G. Janbresic, S. Pääbo 2002. Ancient DNA Analyses Reveal High Mitochondrial Sequence Diversity and Parallel Morphological Evolution of Late Pleistocene Cave Bears. Molecular Biology and Evolution 19 (8): 1244-1250. 88) Conard, N. J., K. Langguth and H.-P. Uerpmann 2002. Neue Aurignacien-Fundschichten im Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2001. pp. 22-26. 87) Conard, N. J. and M. Malina 2002. Neue Ausgrabungen in den unteren Schichten das Aurignacien und des Mittelpaleolithikums im Geißenklösterle bei Blaubeuren, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2001. pp. 16-21. 12 86) Conard, N. J. 2002. An Overview of the Recent Excavations at Baaz Rockshelter, Damascus Province, Syria. In Mauer Schau. Festschrift für Manfred Korfmann. Edited by R. Aslam, S. Blum, G. Kastl, F. Schweizer, and D. Thumm. Greiner Verlag: Remshalden-Grunbach. pp- 623-639. 85) Kölbl, S. and N. J. Conard 2001. The Prehistoric Sites and the Museum of Blaubeuren. Praehistoria 2: 165-172. 84) Conard, N. J. 2001. The Future of Archaeology. In Quo vadis Archaeologia? Whither European Archaeology in the 21st Century? Edited by Z. Kobylinski. Polish Academy of Sciences: Warsaw. pp106-117. 83) Conard, N. J. and H. Floss 2001. Une Statuette en ivoire de 30 000 ans B.P. trouvée au Hohle Fels pres de Schelklingen (Baden-Württemberg. Allemagne). Paleo 13: 241-244. 82) Felix-Henningsen, P., T. J. Prindiville and N. J. Conard 2001. Palaeoecology and the Archaeology of the Coastal Dunes of the Western Cape, South Africa: I. Sequence of Palaeosols on Ancient Dunes as Stratigraphic Markers and Paleoanvironmental Indicators. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology. Edited by G. Füleky, Publicaiton of Szent István University Gödölló and Matrica Museum Százhalombatta. pp 157-159. 81) Prindiville, T. J., N. J. Conard and P. Felix-Henningsen 2001. Palaeoecology and the Archaeology of the Coastal Dunes of the Western Cape, South Africa: II.Spatial Archaeology and Taphonomic Processes. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology. Edited by G. Füleky, Publicaiton of Szent István University Gödölló and Matrica Museum Százhalombatta. pp 153--156. 80) Schiegl, S., P. Goldberg and N. J. Conard 2001. Petrographic thin sections of the archaeosediments from Hohle Fels Cave (Schelklingen, Germany): Insights into site formation processes. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology. Edited by G. Füleky, Publicaiton of Szent István University Gödölló and Matrica Museum Százhalombatta. pp 31-34. 79) Münzel, S. C., K. Langguth, N. J. Conard and H.-P. Uerpmann. 2001. Höhlenbärenjagd auf der Schwäbischen Alb vor 30,000 Jahren. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 31: 317-328. 78) Conard, N. J. 2001. Quaternary Environmental Change and ist Effects on Human Evolution and Human Biogeography. In Klimawechsel vor dem Einfluss des Menschen. Nova Acte Leopoldina 331: 225-230. 77) Conard, N. J. and L. B. Niven. 2001. The Fauna from Bollschweil and the Question of Neanderthal Mammoth Hunting in the Black Forest. In: The World of Elephants. Edited by G. Cavarretta, P. Gioia, M. Mussi and M. R. Palombo. CNR: Rome. pp. 194-200. 76) Floss, H. and N. J. Conard. 2001. Malerei in der Eiszeit des Süddeutsch-Schweizerischen Jura. In. Anfänge der Kunst: Eiszeitkunst im Süddeutschen-Schweizerischen Jura. Edited by H. Müller-Beck, N. J. Conard, and W. Schürle. Theiss Verlag: Stuttgart. pp. 75-87. 75) Conard, N. J. and A. W. Kandel 2001. Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age Settlement Systems. Prehistoria 2000 1: 190-196. 74) Conard, N. J. and M. Lehner. 2001. The 1988/1989 Excavation of Petrie’s “Workmen’s Barracks” at Giza. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 38: 21-60. 73) Conard, N. J., K. Langguth and H.-P. Uerpmann. 2001. Die Ausgrabung im Gravettien des “Hohle Fels” bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2000. pp. 18-22. 13 72) Conard, N. J. 2001. River Terraces Volcanic Craters and the Middle Paleolithic of the Rhineland. in Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age. Edited by N. J. Conard. Tübingen Publications in Prehistory 1. Tübingen: Kerns Verlag. pp. 221-250. 71) Conard, N. J. 2001. Advances and Problems in the Study of Paleolithic Settlement Systems. in Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age. Edited by N. J. Conard. Tübingen Publications in Prehistory 1. Tübingen: Kerns Verlag. pp. vii - xx. 70) Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard. 2001. The late Middle Paleolithic and earliest Upper Paleolithic in Central Europe and their relevance for the Out of Afrrica hypothesis. Quaternary International 75: 2940. 69) Conard, N. J. and H. Floss. 2000. Eine Elfenbeinplastik von Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen und ihre Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des Jungpaläolithikums in Süddeutschland. Archäologisches 69) Korrespondenzblatt 30: 473-480. 68) Conard, N. J. and E. Blattmann. 2000. Ein Faustkeil aus Bollschweil, Lkr. BreisgauHochschwarzwald. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Baden 63: 3-7.. 67) Conard, N. J. and H.-P. Uerpmann. 2000. New Evidence for Paleolithic Rock Painting in Central Europe. Current Anthropology 41: 853-856. 66) Conard, N. J. and T. J. Prindiville. 2000. Middle Paleolithic Hunting Economies in the Rhineland. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 10: 286-309. 65) Conard, N. J. 2000. Ein Faustkeil von der Winterhalde bei Heidenheim-Schneitheim. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 1999. pp.20-21. 64) Conard, N. J., K. Langguth and H.-P. Uerpmann. 2000. Die Grabung 1999 in den GravettienSchichten des “Hohle Fels” bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 1999. pp. 21-25. 63) Conard, N. J., K. Langguth, and S. Münzel. 2000. Exkursionsführer: Paläolithische Fundstellen im Achtal, Lonetal und Schmiechtal. 42. Tagung der Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft. Edited by M. Bolus, N. J. Conard and H. Floss. Tübingen: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters. pp. 39-51. 62) Conard, N. J. 2000. The Flint Artifacts from the 1988/1989 Excavations at Giza. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts in Kairo 56: 21-41. 61) Conard, N. J. and B. Fischer. 2000. Are there Recognizable Cultural Entities in the German Middle Paleolithic? in Towards Modern Humans: The Yabrudian and Micoquian 400-50 kyears. Edited by A. Ronen and M. Weinstein-Evron. Oxford: BAR International Series 850. pp. 7-24. 60) Nicholas J. Conard, T. J. Prindiville and A. W. Kandel. 1999. The 1998 Fieldwork on the Stone Age Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Geelbek Dunes, West Coast National Park, South Africa. Southern African Field Archaeology 8: 35-45. 59) Conard, N. J. 1999. A Preliminary Report on the Middle Paleolithic Faunal Assemblages from the 1991-1994 Excavations in Wallertheim, Rheinhessen. in The Role of Early Humans in the Accumulation of European Lower and Middle Paleolithic Bone Assemblages. Edited by S. Gaudzinski and E. Turner. Bonn: Habelt. pp. 291- 303. 14 58) Conard, N. J. 1999. Bovid Remains from the 1991-1994 Excavation in Wallertheim and their Bearing on the Interpretation of the Locality. in Le Bison Gibier et Moyen de Subsistance des Hommes du Palélithique aux Paléoindiens des Grandes Plaines. Edited by J.-P. Brugal, F. David, J. G. Enloe and J. Jaubert. Éditions APDCA. pp. 301-318. 57) Conard, N. J. and H. Floss. 1999. Une Pierre Peinte du Hohle Fels (Baden-Württemberg, Allemagne) et la Question de l’Art pariétal paléolithique en Europe Centrale. Paleo 11: 167-176. 56) Conard, N. J. and H. Floss. 1999. Ein Bemalter Stein von Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen und die Frage nach Paläolithischen Höhlenkunst in Mitteleuropa. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 29: 307-316. 55) Conard, N. J. and H.-P. Uerpmann. 1999. Die Ausgrabungen 1997 und 1998 im Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. in Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 1998. pp. 47-52. 54) Bolus, M., N. J. Conard and A. W. Kandel. 1999. Grabungen vor dem Hohlenstein im Lonetal, Gemeinden Bissingen und Asselfingen, Alb-Donau-Kreis. in Archäologische Ausgrabungen in BadenWürttemberg 1998. pp. 40-47. 53) Conard, N. J. and A. W. Kandel. 1999. Die neuen Ausgrabungen in Bollschweil, Kries BreisgauHochschwarzwald – ein mittelpaläolithischer Fundplatz mit Mammutresten. in Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 1998. pp. 35-40. 52) Schneidermeier, T., M. Bolus and N. J. Conard. 1999. Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der Blattspitzenfundstelle Mundelsheim, Kreis Ludwigsburg. in Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 1998. pp. 30-35. 51) Schneidermeier, T. and N. J. Conard. 1999. Geologische Prospektion von mittelpaläolithischen Fundschichten in Laufenburg-Luttingenm Kreis Waldshut. in Archäologische Ausgrabungen in BadenWürttemberg 1998. pp. 26-29. 50) Conard, N. J. 1998. In Memorium Prof. Dr. Joachim Hahn. Jahrbuch des Heimat- und Altertumsvereins Heidenheim an der Brenz 1997/98. vol. 3. pp. 9-29. 49) Conard, N. J., T. J. Prindiville and D. S. Adler. 1998. Refitting Bones and Stones as a Means of Reconstructing Middle Paleolithic Subsistence in the Rhineland. in XVIII Rencontres Internationales d'Archéologie et d'Histoire d'Antibes: Économie Préhistorique: Les Comportements de Subsistance au Paléolihtique. Edited by J.-P. Brugal, L. Meignen and M. Patou-Mathis. Éditions APDCA. pp. 274-290. 48) Conard, N. J. 1998. Middle Paleolithic Settlement in the Rhineland. in Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age Settlement Systems. Edited by N. J. Conard and F. Wendorf. Volume 6, Tome 1, Proceedings of the XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Forli, Italy. Abaco Press. pp. 255-268. 47) Conard, N. J. 1998. Comments on Neanderthal Acculturation in Western Europe? A Critical Review of the Evidence and its Implications by. F. d'Errico, J. Zihao, D. Baffier, M. Julien and J. Pelegrin. Current Anthropology 39: 22-24. 46) Conard, N. J. and H.-P. Uerpmann. 1998. Comments on Mousterian Large-Mammal Remains from Kobeh Cave: Behavioral Implications for Neanderthals and Early Modern Humans by C. Marean and S. Y. Kim. Current Anthropology, 39: 93-94. 15 45) Conard, N.J. 1998. Thema Neanderthaler: Meister ihrer Umwelt. Archäologie in Deutschland. 2: 26-29. 44) Conard, N. J. and J. Orschiedt. 1998. Thema Neandertaler: Archetyp des Urmenschen. Archäologie in Deutschland. 2: 18-20. 43) McBrearty, S., L. Bishop, T. Plummer, R. Dewar, and N. J. Conard. 1998. Tools Underfoot: Human Trampling and Non-deliberate Artifact Retouch at Replicated Archaeological Sites. American Antiquity 63: 108-129. 42) Conard, N. J. 1997. Middle Paleolithic Subsistence in the Central Rhine Valley. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Archaeozoology. Constance, Germany. Edited by M. Kokabi and J. Wahl, Athropozoologica 25/26: 329-336. 41) Conard, N. J. 1997. Steinwerkzeuge und die kulturelle Evolution des Menschen. in Steine im Fluß, Begleitbuch zur Austellung im Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart. Edited by D. Andres, R. Baumann, and H.-J. Niederhöfer, pp. 120 -125. 40) Conard, N. J. and D. S. Adler. 1997. Lithic Reduction and Hominid Behavior in the Middle Paleolithic of the Rheinland. Journal of Anthropological Research 53: 147-176. 39) Conard, N. J. 1997. Zum Ausbildungsprofil in der Ur- und Frühgeschichte. Archäologische Informationen 20, 1: 92-93. 38) Adler, D. S. and N. J. Conard. 1997. Analysis of the Lithic Artifacts from Wallertheim D. in Reports for the Second Wallertheim Workshop, Tübingen March 23-25, 1997. Edited by. N. J. Conard und A. W. Kandel, Tübingen: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters: Tübingen. pp. 1-13. 37) Conard, N. J. 1997. Some Comments on the Middle Paleolithic Settlement of the Rhineland. in Reports for the Second Wallertheim Workshop, Tübingen March 23-25, 1997. Edited by. N. J. Conard und A. W. Kandel, Tübingen: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters. pp. 23-33. 36) Conard, N. J. and D. D. Lineberry. 1997. Middle Paleolithic Faunal Assemblages from the 1991-1994 Excavations in Wallertheim. in Reports for the Second Wallertheim Workshop, Tübingen March 23-25, 1997. Edited by. N. J. Conard und A. W. Kandel, Tübingen: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters. pp. 34-44. 35) Haesearts, P., H. Mestdagh, and N. J. Conard. 1997. Geology, Paleoenvironments and the Stratigraphic Position of the Wallertheim Find Horizons. in Reports for the Second Wallertheim Workshop, Tübingen March 23-25, 1997. Edited by. N. J. Conard und A. W. Kandel, Tübingen: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters. pp. 46-51. 34) Prindiville, T. J., N. J. Conard and H.-P. Uerpmann. 1997. The Taphonomy and Archaeology of the Horses from Wallertheim F. in Reports for the Second Wallertheim Workshop, Tübingen March 23-25, 1997. Edited by. N. J. Conard und A. W. Kandel, Tübingen: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte und Archäologie des Mittelalters. pp. 73-79. 33) Conard, N. J, and D. S. Adler. 1996. Wallertheim Horizon D: An Example of High Resolution Archaeology in the Middle Paleolithic. Symposium „Reduction Processes („Chaines Operatoires“) for the European Mousterian“.Edited by A. Bietti and S. Grimaldi. Quaternaria Nova 6: 109-125. 32) Langohr, R., N. J. Conard, J. Deak, and P. Haesaerts. 1996. Correlation between Soil Evolution and Bone Preservation at the Middle Paleolithic Site of Wallertheim (Rheinhessen, Germany). in 16 Paleoecology, Colloquium 3 of XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. Edited by Lanfredo Castelletti and Mauro Cremaschi. pp. 129-132. 31) Conard, N. J, P. Heasaerts, and R. Langohr. 1996. Quaternary Geology and Paleolithic Archaeology in Wallertheim, Rheinhessen. Frankfurter Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten 20: 131-141. 30) Conard, N. J. 1995. „Tönchesberg,“ in The Paleolithic and Mesolithic of the the Rhineland, Quaternary Field Trips in Central Europe 15, vol. 2. 14. INQUA Congress Berlin. Edited by G. Bosinski, M. Street, and M. Baales, pp.901-906. 29) Conard, N. J., G. Bosinski, and D. S. Adler. 1995. „Metternich,“ in The Paleolithic and Mesolithic of the the Rhineland, Quaternary Field Trips in Central Europe 15, vol. 2. 14. INQUA Congress Berlin. Edited by G. Bosinski, M. Street, and M. Baales, pp. 882-885. 28) Conard, N. J. and S. Gaudzinski. 1995. „Wallertheim,“ in The Paleolithic and Mesolithic of the the Rhineland, Quaternary Field Trips in Central Europe 15, vol. 2. 14. INQUA Congress Berlin. Edited by G. Bosinski, M. Street, and M. Baales, pp. 868-872. 27) Conard, N. J., D. S. Adler, D. T. Forrest, and P. J. Kaszas. 1995. Preliminary Archaeological Results from the 1991 - 1993 Excavations in Wallertheim. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 25:13-27. 26) Conard, N. J., J. Preuss, R. Langohr, P. Haesaerts, T. van Kolfschoten, J. Becze-Deak, and A. Rebholz. 1995. New Geological Resaerch at the Middle Paleolithic Locality of Wallertheim in Rheinhessen. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 25:1-12. 25) Conard, N. J. 1995. The 1991 Paleolithic Excavations at Wallertheim, Kreis Alzey-Worms. Mainzer Archäologische Zeitschift 2: 1-12. 24) Conard, N. J., D. S. Adler, D. T. Forrest, and P. J. Kaszas. 1994. Current Middle Paleolithic Excavations in Wallertheim, Rheinhessen. Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift 35:81-88. 23) Conard, N. J. 1994. On the Prospects for an Ethnography of Extinct Hominids. Current Anthropology 35:281-282. 22) Conard, N. J. 1992. Die paläolithischen Funde vom Tönchesberg. Ethnographisch-Archäologische Zeitschrift 33:147-157. 21) Roebroeks, W., N. J. Conard, and T. van Kolfschoten. 1992. On Dense Forests, Cold Steppes and the Palaeolithic Settlement of Northern Europe. Current Anthropology 33:551-586. 20) Conard, N. J. 1992. „Les Gisements du Tönchesberg,“ in Chronostratigraphie et Archeologie du Pleistocene dans le Bassin de Neuwied. Edited by Sabine Gaudzinski, Excursion Guide of the Association Française pour l'Étude du Quaternaire, pp. 46-54. 19) Conard, N. J. 1991. „Wallertheim,“ Quarterly Report of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum 3. Edited by Barbara Pferdehirt, Translation by M. Baales, pp. 21-25. Mainz. 18) Conard, N. J., W. C. Graustein, and K. K. Turekian. 1991. „Initial Attempts to Measure 36Cl and 10Be on Tropospheric Aerosols,“ in The 1990 Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Program. Edited by P. Sharma, University of Rochester Nuclear Structure Research Laboratory Report 370:8-9 17) Zöller, L., N. J. Conard, and J. Hahn. 1991. Thermoluminescence Dating of Middle Paleolithic Open Air Sites in the Middle Rhine Valley/Germany. Naturwissenschaften 78:408-410. 17 16) Conard, N. J. 1991. Comments on Stiner/White and Toth, Grotta Guattari Reconsidered. Current Anthropology 32:125-126. 15) Conard, N. J. 1991. Middle Paleolithic Blade Assemblages from Northwestern Europe. Yale Graduate Journal of Anthropology 3:72-83. 14) Conard, N. J. 1990. Laminar Lithic Assemblages from the Last Interglacial Complex in Northwestern Europe. Journal of Anthropological Research 46:243-262. 13) Conard, N. J. 1990. „Tönchesberg,“ in Rheingeschichte zwischen Mosel und Mass, Deuqua-Führer 1. Edited by W. Schirmer, pp. 46-49. 12) Conard, N. J., D. Elmore, P. W. Kubik, and H. E. Gove. 1989. A 36Cl Profile in Greenland Ice from AD 1265-1865. Radiocarbon 31:585-591. 11) Conard, N. J., P. Breunig, H. Gonska, and G. Marinetti. 1988. The Feasibility of Dating Rock Paintings from Brandberg, Namibia, with 14C. Journal of Archaeological Science 15:463-466. 10) Conard, N. J. 1988. Excavations at Tönchesberg, a Middle Paleolithic Site in the central Rhine Valley. Yale Graduate Journal of Anthropology 1:21-36. 9) Elmore, D., N. J. Conard, P. Kubik, H. E. Gove, M. Wahlen, and J. Beer. 1988. Measurements of 36 Cl in Polar Ice. Annals of Glaciology 10:202. 8) Conard, N. J. 1987. „Tönchesberg,“ in The Excursion Guide of the XI Congress of the Union International des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques. Mainz, 1987. Edited by Martin Street, pp. 15-19. 7) Elmore, D., N. J. Conard, P.W. Kubik, H. E. Gove, M. Wahlen, J. Beer, and M. Suter. 1987. 36Cl and 10Be Profiles in Greenland Ice: Dating and Production Rate Variations. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B29:207-210. 6) Conard, N. J., D. Elmore, P. W. Kubik, H. E. Gove, L. E. Tubbs, B. A. Chrunyk, and M. Wahlen. 1986. The Chemical Preparation of AgCl for Measuring 36Cl in Polar Ice with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Radiocarbon 28:556-560. 5) Kubik, P W, D. Elmore, N. J. Conard, K. Nishiizumi, and J. R. Arnold. 1986. Determination of Cosmogenic 41Ca in a Meteorite with Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy. Nature 319, n. 6054:568-570. 4) Conard, N. J., D .L. Asch, N. B. Asch, D. Elmore, H. E. Gove, M. Rubin, J. A. Brown, M. Waint, K. B. Farnsworth, and T. G. Cook. 1984. Accelerator Radiocarbon Dating of the Evidence for Prehistoric Horticulture in Illinois. Nature 308, n. 5958:443-446. 3) Elmore, D., N. J. Conard, P. W. Kubik, and J. Fabryka-Martin. 1984. Computer Controlled Isotope Ratio Measurements and Data Analysis. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B5:233-237. 2) Elmore, D., P. W. Kubik, L. E. Tubbs, H. E. Gove, R. Teng, T. Hemmick, B. Chrunyk, and N. J. Conard. 1984. The Rochester Tandem Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Program. Nuclear Instruments and Methods B5:109-116. 1) Conard, N. J., D. L. Asch, N. B. Asch, D. Elmore, H. E. Gove, M. Rubin, J. A. Brown, M. D. Wiant, K. B. Farnsworth, and T. G. Cook. 1983. Prehistoric Horticulture in Illinois: Accelerator Radiocarbon Dating of the Evidence.University of Rochester Nuclear Structure Research Laboratory Report 57. 18 THESES Conard, N. J. Tönchesberg and its Position in the Paleolithic Prehistory of Northern Europe, Ph.D. Dissertation, Yale University, 1990. Conard, N. J. Measurement of 36Cl in Glacial Ice from Greenland and Antarctica, Master of Science Thesis, University of Rochester, 1986. TRANSLATIONS Brandt, A. 1989. The Plaza at the Entry of the Train Station in Kassel. (translated from German) for Perspecta, the Architectural Journal of Yale University. Narr, K. 1986. Paleolithic Religion. (translated from German) for Macmillan Pub. Co., New York. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Conard, N. J. 1999. Nachruf: Prof. Eberhard Wagner (1930-1999). Schäbisches Tagblatt. April 29, 1999 Conard, N. J. 1998. Joachim Hahn (1942-1997). Archäologisches Nachrichtenblatt 3: 214. Conard, N. J. and H.P. Uerpmann. 1997. Prof. Joachim Hahn verstorben. Laichinger Höhlenfreund: Zeitschrift für Karst- und Höhlenkunde 32: 56-57. Conard, N. J. 1997. Gastkommentar: Geld für den Neandertaler? Stuttgarter Zeitung, July 18, 1997. S. 17. EDITORIALS Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard 2008. Vorwort. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte. 17: 5. Conard, N. J. 2008. Höhlenarchäologie. Archäologie in Deutschland. 2008 (6): 1. Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard 2007. Vorwort. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte. 16: 5. Conard, N. J. 2007. Geoarchäologie. Archäologie in Deutschland. 2007 (4): 1. Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard 2006. Vorwort. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte. 15: 5. Conard, N. J. 2006. 150 Jahre Neandertaler. Archäologie in Deutschland. 2006 (4): 1. Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard 2005. Vorwort. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte. 14: 5. Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard 2004. Vorwort. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte. 13: 5. Müller-Beck, H., S. Kölbl, and N. J. Conard 2003. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte. 12: 3. Müller-Beck, H., S. Kölbl, and N. J. Conard 2002. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Urgeschichte. 11: 3-4. SELECTED PUBLIC LECTURES 19 186) Invited lecture. Meeting entitled: Evolution der Religion? Zum Streit über die Reichweite des Evolutionsprinzips. Bad Boll, Germany. June 2009. Die Evolution der Kunst, Musik und Religion. 185) Natufian Conference, Paris, France, September, 2009. Natufian Adaptations in the Damascus Province of Syria. (Coauthors: K. Bretzkel, K. Deckers, K. F. Hillgruber, A. W. Kandel, M. Masri, C. Miller, H. Napierala and S. Riehl) 184) Invited lecture and Streitgespräch with P. Sloterdijk on the topic “Anthropotechinik”. Unseld Lectures, Forum Scientiarum, Tübingen, Germany, June, 2009. Im Spannungsfeld der Technik und Menschenwerdung. 183) Invited lecture. Hilgendorf Lecture of the Forum for Evolutionary Ecology. Tübingen, Germany. June, 2009. A female figurine from the basal Aurignacian of Hohle Fels Cave in southwestern Germany. 182) Invited lecture. Landkreis HeidenheimVeranstaltungen zum Eiszeitjahr 2009. Niederstotzingen, Germany, June, 2009. Ergebnisse der aktuellen Ausgrabungen in den Höhlen der Schwäbischen Alb. 181) Invited lecture. Gesellschaft für Archäologie in Württemberg und Hohenzollern. Stuttgart, Germany, June 2009. Aktuelle Forschung zum Mittel- und Jungpaläolithikum in den Höhlen der Schwäbischen Alb. 180) Invited lecture. Naturhistorisches Museum Wien. Vienna, Austria. June 2009. Die neue Venus vom Hohle Fels und ihre Bedeutung für die Archäologie 179) Invited lecture. Anthropos Museum, Brno, Czech Republic, June, 2009. Aurignacian art from the caves of southwestern Germany. 178) Ringvorlesung, Evolution: Paradigmen – Provokationen. Tübingen, Germany, April, 2009. Zum Akademieprojekt: The Role of Culture and the Early Expansions of Humans. 177) 51st Tagung der Hugo Obermeier-Gesellschaft. Ljubljana, Slovenia, April, 2009. Paleolithic settlement dynamics in the Damascus Province of Syria. (Coauthors: K. Bretzke, Philipp Drechsler, Andrew W. Kandel, Mohammad Masri, Mareike Stahlschmidt) 176) International Conference Venus08 – Art and Lifestyle: Cultural development of the European Upper Paleolithic. Vienne, Austria. November 2008. New figurative art and musical instruments from the early Upper Paleolithic of the Swabian Jura. 175) Invited lectures in the Exkurs series of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Bremen, Germany. November 2008. Die Anfänge von Kunst und Musik: Archäologische Spurensuche in der Schwäbischen Eiszeit. 174) Invited lecture. Annual Gero von Merhart-Lecture, University of Marburg. Marburg, Germany. November 2008. Die Anfänge der Kunst und Musik. 173) Plenum lecture. 19th biennial meeting of SAFA, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, September 2008. Did behavioral modernity evolve exclusively in Africa? 172) 19th biennial meeting of SAFA, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, September 2008. A critical view of the evidence for a southern African origin of behavioral modernity 171) Invited lecture. Opening of the exhibit: Das Mammut vom Vogelherd. Heidenheim, Germany. June 2008. Die Entstehung der kulturellen Modernität und die Anfänge von Kunst und Musik. 20 170) International conference on The Early and Middle Palaeolithic in Syria and its adjoining countries. Basel, Switzerland. May 2008. Lower and Middle Paleolithic Landuse in the Central Levant. (Coauthors: Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel, K. Bretzke, A. E. Dodonov and M. Massri) 169) DFG Lecture Series in the Staatsbibliothek. München, Germany, April 2008. Die Entstehung der kulturellen Modernität und die Anfänge von Kunst und Musik. 168) Invited address. Radiocarbon and Archaeology 5th International Symposium. Zurich, Switzerland. March 2008. Dating the late Middle Paleolithic and the early Upper Paleolithic in Europe 167) Invited lecture, South African Archaeological Society, Cape Town, South Africa. March 2008. Current excavations in southwestern Germany and new evidence for cultural innovations 35,000 years ago. 166) Invited lecture. Deutsch- Amerikanisches Institut. International symposium: Kreativität; Höhlenmalerei – Ursprung der Moderne. Heidleberg, Germany. February 2008. Examining the origins of cultural modernity. 165) Forum Scientiarium invited lecture and podium discussion. Tübingen, Germany. November 2007. Biokulturelle Evolution. 164) 30er Universitätstag, Invited lecture. Ellwangen, Germany. November 2007. Die Höhlen der Schwäbischen Alb und die Entstehung der Kunst und Musik. 163) DFG Lecture Series: Jahr der Geisteswissenschaften. Berlin, Germany, October 2007. Die Anfänge von Kunst und Musik. 162) International Meeting 100 years of Homo heidelbergensis. Heidelberg, Germany, October 2007. The origins of cultural modernity. 161) 49th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Gesellschaft, Trento, Italy. April 2007. The transition from Middle to Upper Paleolithic in Swabia and the reasons why Neanderthals went extinct. 160) Invited lecture, Institute of Archaeology, University College London. Recent work on the MP and UP of Swabiaand why Neanderthals went extinct. 159) Invited lecture. South African Archaeological Society. Cape Town, South Africa. March 2007. What Mumba Cave in Tansania can tell us about the rate of cultural change in East Africa and the origins of behavioral modernity. 158) Invited lecture, Department of Archaeology, University of Cape Town. March 2007. The arrival of modern humans and the extinction of Neanderthals in Europe. 157) Ringvorlesung Die Evolution des Lebendigen: Grundlagen und Aktualität der Evolutionslehre. Tübingen, Germany. January 2007. Die Entstehung des modernen Menschen. 156) Ringvorlesung Tübinger Ausgrabungen und Projekte in der Alten und Neuen Welt. Tübingen, Germany. December 2006. Neue Forschungen zum Paläolithikum und Neolithikum der zentralen Levante. 155) Invited lecture in connection with the exhibit Roots / Wurzeln der Menschheit, Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn, Germany. November 2006. Letzte Neandertaler und erste Cro-MagnonMenschen auf der Schwäbischen Alb. 21 154) Invited lecture, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Ur und Frühgeschichte. Berlin, Germany. November 2006. Die Entstehung der figürlichen Kunst und der Musik vor 40 000 Jahren. 153) Keynote address, Cradel of Language Conference. Stellenbosch, South Africa. November, 2006. Is the archaeological evidence for early symbolic communication and music consistent with an African origin of language? 152) Archaeology and Human Ecology in Southwestern Asia International Symposium in Honor of Hans-Peter Uerpmann. Tübingen, Germany. October, 2006. Paleolithic Settlement in the Central Levant and the Shift to Neolithic Economic Forms. 151) Kinder-Universität in Weil der Stadt, Weil der Stadt, Germany. October 2006. Warum stammen wir von Affen ab? 150) Invited lecture, Univesity of Damascus Department of Archaeology. Damascus, Syria. October 2006. Current Stone Age research in the Damascus Province of Syria. 149) 15th UISPP Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2006. Modelling Stone Age Landuse and Environmental Change in the Central Levant. (Coauthors: N. J. Conard, K. Bretzke, K. Deckers, P. Drechsler, M. Kucera, S. Riehl and M. Massri) 148) 15th UISPP Congress. , Portugal. September 2006. The Open-air Epipaleolithic site of Bardia and Paleolithic Occupation of the Qaleh Gusheh Sand Dunes, Esfahan Province, Iran (Coauthors: N. J. Conard, E. Ghasidian and S. Heydari) 147) 15th UISPP Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2006. Dating the boundary between the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Swabia. (Coauthors: N. J. Conard and M. Bolus) 146) Ringvorlesung Ein Museum der Universität Tübingen. Tübingen, Germany July, 2006. Die Musialisierung des Neandertalers und die Selbstwahrnehmung des Jetztmenschen 145) Invited lecture. Interdisciplinary Symposium of Hans Küng’s Welt Ethos Stiftung. Naturwissenschaft und Religion. Tübingen, Germany. July, 2006. Der Anfang der Menschheit. 144) Key note lecture, 10er Internationale Jahrestagung der Fachsektion GeoTop der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften. Ulm, Germany. May 2006. 143) Invited lecture, Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany. May 2006. Die letzten Neandertaler und die ersten modernen Menschen in Europa 142) 71st Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico. April 2006. New research on the MSA of Mumba Cave, Tanzania 141) Annual meeting of the Society for Paleoanthropology. San Juan, Puerto Rico. April 2006, Current research on the late Middle and early Upper Paleolithic in Swabia. 140) International Radiocarbon Conference. Oxford, England. April 2006. Radiocarbon dating the last Neanderthals, the first modern humans and the transition from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic in Europe 139) Invited Lecture, South African Archaeological Society, Cape Town, South Africa. March, 2006. From the Acheulean to the Neolithic: Cultural Evolution in the Central Levant 138) Invited lecture, Department of Archaeology, University of Cape Town. South Africa. March 2006. Theory, Methods and Politics of Stone Age Research in Syria and Iran. 22 137) Invited Lecture, Forum Tübingense. Tübingen, Germany. November 2005. Die Anfänge der Kunst und Musik. 136) Invited Lecture, University of Damascus, Syria. October 2005.Current Paleoltihic research in Syria and Germany. 135) International meeting, Rethinking the Human Revolution: New Behavioral and Biological Perspectives on the Origins and Dispersal of Modern Humans. Cambridge, England. September 2005. What caused the cultural innovations of the Aurignacian and which hypotheses can best explain their spatial-temporal distribution? 134) Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Frankfurt. Institutskolloquium. Frankfurt, Germany. July 2005. Vom Acheuléen bis in die Jungsteinzeit. Landschaftsnutzung in der Damaskus Provinz, Syrien. 133) Museums Gesellschaft Tübingen, Invited Lecture. Tübingen, Germany. May 2005. Die Anfänge der Kunst und Musik vor 40 000 Jahren. 132) University of Rochester Invited Alumni Lecture, Rochester, New York, USA. April 2005. The Origins of Figurative Art and Music 131) Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City, USA. April 2005. Paleolithic settlement dynamics of the Zagros and Anti-Lebanon Regions. 130) University of Utah, Department of Anthropology, Invited Lecture. Salt Lake City, USA. March 2005. The first modern humans, the last Neanderthals and the origins of behavioral modernity. 129) Department of Archaeology, University of Cape Town, Departmental lecture. Cape Town, South Africa. February, 2005. When archaics and moderns humans met: the Swabian evidence for a behavioral revolution at the start of the Aurignacian. 128) Invited lecture. Römisch-Germanische Kommission and the Senkenberg-Museum. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. January 2005. Die Anfänge der Kunst und die Entstehung der kulturellen Modernität. 127) Invited lecture, Zoologisches Museum der Universität Heidelberg. Lecture Series: Quo vadis, Homo sapiens? Entwicklung und Fehlentwicklung. Heidelberg, Germany. December 2004. Anfänge der Kunst. 126) Invited lecture in Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg. Vorträge in der Bibliothek. Stuttgart, Germany. November 2004. Künstlerische Urknall auf der Schäbischen Alb. 125) Invited lecture, International Conference, Archäoligie in Japan – Umbrüche und Kontinuitäten. Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin, Germany. November 2004. Die Archäologie des frühen Jungpaläolithikums in Südwestdeutschland. 124) Opening lecture for the Exhibit Schwanenflügelknochen-Flöte. Württembergisches Landesmuseum. Stuttgart, Germany. October 2004. Die Anfänge der Musik. 123) Invited Lecture, University of Damascus, Syria. October 2004. Paleolithic research in the Damascus Province viewed from European and Southwest Asian perspectives. 122) Tübingen Sommeruniversität. Tübingen, Germany. August 2004. Die ältesten Kunstwerke der Welt. 23 121) International Colloquium. Neanderthals and Modern Humans Meet? Blaubeuren, Germany. July 2004. Hypotheses about late Neanderthals and early modern humans in the Swabian Jura. 120) Lecture Series in connection with the exhibit Rulaman in Museum Schloss Hohentübingen. Tübingen, Germany. July 2004. Spektakuläre altsteinzeitliche Entdeckungen in den Höhlen der Schwäbischen Alb und die Frage der Anfänge kultureller Modernität. 119) Research Lecture, Urgeschichtliches Museum Blauberuen, Germany. June, 2004. Die Archäologie der letzten 500.000 Jahren in Syrien: Ergebnisse der aktuellen Tübinger Geländearbeit am den Füßen der Anti-Lebanon-Gebirge. 118) International Colloquium. Eastern Mediterranean/Near Eastern Geoarchaeology Meeting, Tübingen, GermanyMay 2004. Changing patterns of Paleolithic landuse in the Damascus Province, Syria. 117) Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Montréal, Canada. April, 2004. Wetting and drying, heating and cooling and other reasons why simplistic denisty based models of bone survivablity do not work. 116) Annual meeting of the Society for Paleoanthropology. Montréal, Canada. March, 2004. New Data on the Aurignacian of the Upper Danube Valley. 115) South African Archaeological Society, Invited lecture. Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa. March, 2004. The arrival of modern humans in Europe and the origin of figurative art. 114) Volkshochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd, Lecture Series: Geheimnisvolle Vergangenheit – Moderne Archäologie. Schäbisch Gmünd, Germany. January 2004. Neandertaler und Homo sapiens auf der Schwäbischen Alb. 113) Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren, Eröffnungsrede für die Ausstellung Eizeitkunst Premiere. Blauberuen, Germany. December 2003. Die Bedeutung der neuen Kunstwerke aus Hohle Fels. 112) Gesellschaft für Naturkunde in Württemberg, Tübingen, Germany. December 2003. Die letzten Neandertaler und die ersten modernen Menschen Baden-Württembergs und Europas. 111) International Colloquium “La Spiritualité”, Liège, Belgium. December, 2003. Lion-men and Waterfowl: New Discoveries of Aurignacian Ivory Artworks from Hohle Fels and their Implications for Testing Models for early Shamanism and Hahn’s Concept of Kraft und Aggression. 110) XXIVe Recontres Internationales d’Archéologie et d’Histoire d’Antibes, Petites Animaux et Sociétés Humaines Du Complément alimentaire aux Ressources Utiliaires. Antibes, France. October, 2003. Tortoises as Food and taphonomic Elements in Palaeolandscapes. 109) Données récent sur les modalités de peuplement en Europe au Paléolithique inférieur et moyen. Rennes, France. September, 2003. Patterns of Settlement and Subsistence in the Middle Paleolithic of the Rhineland. 108) XVI International INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, USA. July, 2003. The Danube Corridor Model for the Colonization of Europe by Modern Humans. 107) First Euro-Loess Symposium. Trebgast, Germany. July 2003. Archaeology in European Loess Deposits. 24 106) Landesmuseum Mainz, Lecture series in connection with the special exhibit: Leben und Sterben in der Steinzeit. Mainz, Germany. July 2003. Der Altsteinzeitliche Fundplatz Wallertheim und die Lebensweise der Neandertaler. 105) Vortragsreihe: Die Altsteinzeit – Wirklichkeit und Illusion. Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Sachsen – Anhalt. Halle, Germany. June, 2003. Die Entstehung der Kunst und der symbolischen Kommunikation. Neue Erkenntnisse zum Ursprung der kulturellen Modernität. 104) International Conference. Pitture Paleolithiche nelle Prealpi Vente: Grotta di Fumane e Riparo Dalmeri. Verona, Italy. June 2003. The Aurignacian Art of Swabia. 103) Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Frankfurt. Institutskolloquium. Frankfurt, Germany. June 2003. Steinzeitliche Archäologie in einer Dünenlandschaft am westlichen Kap Südafrikas. 102) 45th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, Santander, Spain. April 2003. New Research on the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of Swabia. 101) Department of Archaeology University of Cape Town. Cape Town, South Africa, March 2003. The European Evidence for the Origin of Modern Behavior. 100) Department of Archaeology University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, March, 2003. The Archaeology of Mobile Dunes in the Western Cape. 99) From Tools to Symbols from Early Hominids to Modern Humans, International Round Table, Johannesburg, South Africa, March, 2003. An overview of the patterns of behavioral change in Africa and Eurasia during the Late Pleistocene. 98) University of Tübingen Round Table Tübingen – Damascus: From Neolithisation through Urbanisation to Modernisation: Current Archaeological Research of the University of Tübingen in Syria. Tübingen, Germany. February 2003. Syrian-German Excavations at Baaz (Ma’ aloula). 97) Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte Universität Köln. Institutskolloquium. Cologne, Germany. Januar 2003. Landschaftsarchäologie in Syrien und Südafrika: Konzepte und Methoden. 96) Abendvortrag in der Landesvertretung Baden-Württemberg. Begleitende Vortragsreihe zur Ausstellung “Menschen, Zeiten, Räume – Archäologie in Deutschland” Berlin, Germany. December 2002. Frühste Kunstwerke der Menschehit von der Schwäbischen Alb. 95) Festvortrag für die Verleihung des Archäologie-Preis Baden-Würtemberg 2002, Stuttgart, Germany. November 2002. Die ersten modernen Menschen Europas und die Anfänge der Kunst: Neuste Forschungsergebnisse aus den Höhlen der Schwäbischen Alb. 94) International Symposium The Gravettian along the Danube, Mikulov, Czech Republic. November 2002. An Overview of Current Research on the Gravettian of the Swabian Jura. 93) Universität Bayreuth lecture series of the Geographisches Institut. Bayreuth, Germany. November 2002. Urgeschichtliche Migrationen in und aus Afrika: Human und landschaftsökologische Aspekte. 92) University College London lecture series on The Spread of Modern Human Culture into Europe. London, England. October 2002. The early Upper Paleolithic of Swabia and the Rhine Corridor and Kulturpumpe Hypotheses. 25 91) Harvard University Archaeology Lecture Series, Cambridge, USA. September 2002. The Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition in Southern Germany. 90) Keynote Lecture, 52th Anniversary Meeting of the Deutsche Quartär Gesellschaft. Potsdam, Germany. August, 2002. Die Ausbreitung von Homo sapiens sapiens in Europa und die Herausbildung der kulturellen Modernität 89) 9th International Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology. Durham, England. August, 2002. The Fauna from Bollschweil and the Role of Proboscidieans in Paleolithic Economies. 88) Max Planck Institut für Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. July 2002. The Arrival of Homo sapiens in Europe and the Origins of Behavioral Modernity. 87) Zimmermann’s Kulturkanendar, Zimmermann’s Buchhandlung, Kirchheim, Germany. July 2002. Vom Neandertaler zum Homo sapiens sapiens: Neue Funde im Geißenklösterle und im Hohle Fels. 86) Kinder Universität, Univesität Tübingen. July 2002. Warum stammen Menschen von Affen? 85) Colloquium to Mark the Retirement of Gerhard Bosinski, Universität zu Köln, Cologne, Germany. June 2002. Current Research in Southern Germany, the Danube Corridor and the Kulturpumpe Model. 84) International Symposium on the Definition of the Aurignacian. Portugese Ministry of Culture. Lisbon, Portugal. June 2002. An Overview of the Chronostratigraphy of the Swabian Aurignacian and its Interregional Implications. 83) Urgeschichtliches Museum Blaubeuren. Vortragsreihe zur Eiszeitkunst. Blaubeuren, Germany. June 2002. Kulturelle Evolution und das Selbstverständnis des Menschen. 82) Institut de Paléontologie Humaine, Paris, France. June 2002. The Origins of Behavioral Modernity in Europe. 81) 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Denver, Colorado, March, 2002. Results from the Ma’aloula Survey and the Excavations at Baaz Rockshelter, Damascus Province, Syria. 80) 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Denver, Colorado, March, 2002. An Assessment of the Evidence for Behavioral Change during the Middle Paleolithic of Westcentral Europe. 79) Conard, N. J. Meeting of the Paleoanthropology Society. Denver, Colorado, March 2002. The Early Upper Paleolithic in Swabia. 78) Studium Generale der Universität Tübingen. Evolution der Organismen und Dynamik der Biosphaere. February 2002. Die Evolution menschlicher Kulturen. 77) Institut für Geographie, University of Mainz, Germany, January 2002. Chronostratigraphie und Lebensweisen der Neandertaler und der ersten modernen Europäer. 76) Karstrunde des Geographisches Institut, Universität Tübingen. December 2001. Jüngste Ergebnisse zum Paläolithikum aus Höhlen der Schwäbischen Alb. 76) Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Kiel, Germany. December 2001. Die letzten Neandertaler und die ersten modernen Menschen in Europa. 26 75) International Meeting of the Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina. Klimawechsel vor dem Einfluß des Meschen. Keynote Lecture. Halle, Gemany, October 2001. Quaternary Environmental Change and its Effects on Human Evolution and Human Biogeography. 74) Ist International Congress, The World of Elephants, Rome, October 2001. The Fauna from Bollschweil and the Question of Neanderthal Mammoth Hunting in the Black Forest. 73) Internationals Forum für Gestaltung. Tagung: Heureka oder die Kunst des Entwerfens. Ulm, Germany, September 2001. Vom Werfen zum Entwerfen: Antropologische Rekonstruktion und planende Konstruktion. 72) Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Natuwissenschaftliche Archäologie & 7th Annual Meeting of the European Asscociation of Archaeologists. Esslingen, Germany, September 2001. Die Entstehung und Ausbreitung von modernen Menschen: Neue Erkenntnisse von der Schwäbischen Alb. 71) Landratsamt Ulm. September 2001. Die Anfänge der Kunst: Eiszeitkunst im SüddeutschSchweizerischen Jura. 70) XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium, September 2001. Patterns of Subsistence and Settlement in the Aurignacian of the Swabian Jura. 69) XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium, September 2001. Middle Paleolithic Settlement in the Ma’aloula Region, Damascus Province, Syria. 68) XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium, September 2001. The Chronostratigraphy of the Aurignacian of the Swabian Jura as a Test of the Danube Corridor and Kulturpumpe Models. 67) XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium, September 2001. The Archaeology, Chronostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Middle Paleolithic Sites in the Central Rhine Valley. 66) Römisch-Germanisches-Zentralmuseum, Neuweid, Germany, 15er Rudolf Virchow-Vorlesung, June 2001. Die Neandertaler am Rhein. 65) Institute for Soil Science, University of Gießen, Germany, June, 2001. Die Entstehung und das Schicksal der Neandertaler. 64) International Symposium, Advances in the Study of Human Evolution and Dispersal. Tübingen, Germany, April, 2001. The Pattern and Timing of the Colonization of Europe by Modern Humans. 63) Studium Generale, Universität Tübingen: Woher kommt der Mensch? January, 2001: Die Entstehung der anatomischen und kulturellen Modernität. 62) Museumsgesellschaft Tübingen. 2000 lecture series. Tübingen, November, 2000. Der Neandertaler und die Entstehung des Homo sapiens sapiens. 61) Purdue University Department of Physics invited lecture. West Lafyette, USA, August, 2000. Recent Advances in Paleolithic Research. 60) Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Württemberg und Hohenzollern. Essinlingen, July, 2000. Eiszeitliche Inovationen auf der Schwäbischen Alb. 59) Abteilung für Äletere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie Forschungskolloquium, Universität Tübingen, June, 2000. Aktuelle Ergebnisse zum Paläolithikum und Epipaläolithikum durch das Tübingenr-Damaskus Ausgrabungs- und Survey-Projekt (TDASP). 27 58) 42. Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, Tübingen, April, 2000. Kritische Betractung der heutigen Paläolithforschung im deutschprachigen Europa. 57) Krapina Centennial Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, August, 1999. Current Research on the Middle and Early Upper Paleolithic in Southwestern Germany. 56) Abteilung für Äletere Urgeschichte und Quartärökologie Forschungskolloquium, Universität Tübingen, July 1999. Das Tübinger paläolithische Surveyprogramm in Syrien 55) Tag der Forschung, Universität Tübingen, June, 1999. Die Landschaftsarchäologie der GeelbekDünen in Südafrika und die Entstehung und Verbreitung von Homo sapiens sapiens. 54) Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Basel, November, 1998. Invited lecture: Die steinzeitliche Archäologie in den Geelbek Dünen, Südafrika. 53) Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Basel, November, 1998. Invited lecture: Neue Forschungsergebnisse aus dem deutschen Mittelpaläolihtikum. 52) 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Deutsche Quartär Gesellschaft, Hanover. September, 1998. Middle Paleolithic Archaeology and Chronostratigraphy in the Rhineland. 51) 8th International Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology. Victoria, British Columbia. August, 1998. Middle Paleolithic Hunting Economies in the Rhineland. 50) 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Seattle, Washington, March, 1998. Refitting Studies in the German Stone Age. 49) Paleoantropology Society Meeting. Seattle, Washington, March, 1998. Middle Paleolithic Subsistence and Landuse in the Rhineland. 48) South African Archaeological Society, Cape Town, RSA, March, 1998. Recent Advances in German Paleolithic Research. 47) Internationale Tagung: Theorie und sozialen Wandels: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Jäger- und Sammler-Gruppen. Zentrum für Interdiziplinäre Forschung, Universität Bielefeld, December, 1997. Zur Subsistenz, Siedlung und sozialen Orginization im Paläolithikum. 46) XVIII Rencontres Internationales d’Archéologie et d’Histoire d’Antibes: Économe Préhistorique: Les Comportements de Subsistance au Paléolihtique, Antibes, France, October 1997: Refitting Bones and Stones as a Means of Reconstructing Middle Paleolithic Subsistence in the Rhineland. 45) Department of Archaeology, University of Cape Town, June 1997. High Resolution Chronostratigraphy at Open-air Neanderthal Sites in the Rhineland. 44) Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, Universität Zürich, December 1996: Der aktuelle Stand der Forschung im Mittelpaläolithikum. 43) International Meeting, Before Modern Humans 400-200KA: The Jabrudian and Micoquian in the Levant and Europe, Haifa, Israel, November 1996: Are there Recognizable Cultural Entities in the Middle Paleolithic of Central Europe? 42) XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Forlì, Italien, September 1996. Site Structure and the Organization of Middle Paleolithic Settlement in the Rhineland. 28 41) Paleoanthropology Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 1996. Find Densities at Middle Paleolithic Open Air Sites in the Rhineland. 40) Colloque International Le Bison Gibier et Moyen de Subsitance des Hommes du Paléolithique aux Paléoindiens des Grandes Plaines, Toulouse June 1995: The Taphonomy of Bison Remains from the 1991-1994 Excavations in Wallertheim (Rheinhessen, Germany) and ist Bearing on the Interpretation of the Locality. 39) Symposium Reduction Processes („Chaines Operatoires“) for the European Mousterian, Rome May 26-28, 1995: Wallertheim Horion D: An Example of High Resolution Archaeology in the Middle Paleolithic. 38) The Role of Early Humans in the Accumulation of European Lower and Middle Paleolithic Bone Assemblages, Neuwied, Germany, May 1995: The Middle Palaeolithic faunal assemblages from the 1991-1994 excavations in Wallertheim, Rheinhessen. 37) International Congress of Archaeozoology, Constance, Germany, September 1994: Middle Paleolithic Subsistence in the Central Rhine Valley. 36) International Working Group on Bone Modification, Constance, Germany, September 1994: Anntler Tools and Pseudotools in the Lower and Middle Paleolithic Faunal Assemblages. 35) Paleoanthropology Society, Anaheim, California, April 1994: Middle Paleolithic Economies in the Rhine Valley. 34) Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, Weimar, Germany, April 1994: Neue mittelpaläolithische Ausgrabungen am Mittelrhein. 33) Leiden University, Institute of Prehistory, Leiden, Netherlands, March 1994: Three invited lectures on Paleolithic archaeology in the Rhineland. 32) V. Bilzingsleben – Kolloquium: Homo erectus – seine Kultur und Umwelt, Jena, Germany, December 1993: Das Mittelpaläolithikum von Wallertheim (Rheinhessisches Hügelland). 31) Deutscher Archäologen-Kongress, Siegen, Germany, September 1993: Erste Ergebnisse der neuen paläolithischen Ausgrabung in Wallertheim/Rheinhessen. 30) Museum Monrepos Sunday Lecture Series, Neuwied, Germany, June 1993: Die neue Ausgrabungen des Neandertalfundplatzes Wallertheim, Rheinhessen. 29) University of Connecticut, Department of Anthropology Lecture Series in Archaeology, Storrs, Connecticut, March, 1993: The University of Connecticut’s Excavation at the Middle Paleolithic Site of Wallertheim, Germany. 28) University of Connecticut, Department of Anthropology Lecture Series in Archaeology, Storrs, Connecticut, September, 1992: Spatial Organization within a Fort Ancient Village at 750 B.P. 27) Society for American Archaeology meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1992: The 1988/1989 Excavation of Flinders Petrie’s “Workmen’s Barracks”. Beyond the Elite: Old Kingdom Archaeology and the Giza Plateau Mapping Project. Symposium Organizer and Chair. 26) Harvard University, Department of Anthropology, Wing Lunch, Cambridge, Massachusetts, February, 1992: Excavations at the Middle Paleolithic Site of Wallertheim in the Central Rhine Valley. 29 25) Archaeological Society of Connecticut, Sunday Speaker Series, Rocky Hill, Connecticut, February, 1992: A Mississippian Village on the Banks of the Great Miami in southwestern Ohio. 24) University of Connecticut, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Lecture Series, Storrs, Connecticut, December 1991: How Human were Neanderthals? 23) Society for American Archaeology meeting, New Orleans, April 1991: Subsistence in the Central Rhine Valley during the Middle Paleolithic. 22) International Symposium on Lößstratigraphie und Ökologie im Alt- und Mittelpaläolithikum, Museum Monrepos, Neuwied, Germany, October 1990: Eiszeit Umwelt und paläolithische Wirtschaftsweisen in der Osteifel. 21) International Council for Archaeozoology, Sixth International Conference, Washington, D.C., May 1990: Faunal Remains from Middle Paleolithic Sites of the East Eifel Volcanic Fields (Federal Republic of Germany). 20) Harvard University, Department of Anthropology, Invited colloquium in archaeology, Cambridge Massachusetts, April 1990: Current Research in the German Paleolithic. 19) Yale University, Department of Anthropology, Brown Bag lecture series, New Haven, Connecticut, November 1989: The Weichselian Age Archaeological Finds from Tönchesberg, Federal Republic of Germany. 18) Museum Monrepos Sunday lecture series, Neuwied, Germany, May 1989: Die Ausgrabungen von Yale University auf dem Tönchesberg bei Kruft. 17) Hugo Obermaier Gesellschaft meeting, Ingolstadt, Germany, April 1989: Mittelpaläolithische Ausgrabungen auf Tönchesberg, ein Vulkan der Osteifel. 16) Society for American Archaeology meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1989: Middle Paleolithic Occupations from the last two Glacial Cycles in the Scoria Cones of the East Eifel, West Germany. 15) Leiden University, Institute of Prehistory, Leiden, Netherlands, March 1989: Recent Paleolithic Finds from the Volcanic Fields of the East Eifel: German and American Perspectives on the Archaeology of the Middle Paleolithic. 14) Museum Monrepos, Neuwied, Germany, February 1989: Neue Grabungen der Yale Universität bei den Pyramiden in Giza. 13) International Conference on Early Man in Island Environments, Oliena, Sardinia, October 1988: Faunal Remains from Tönchesberg, a Middle Paleolithic Site in the Central Rhine Valley. 12) The 13th International Radiocarbon Conference, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, June 1988: A 36Cl Profile in Greenland Ice back to 1250 AD. 11) Northeastern Faunal Analysis Conference, Princeton, New Jersey, April 1988: Faunal Remains from the Middle Paleolithic Site of Tönchesberg in the Central Rhine Valley. 10) International Conference on the Earliest Settlement of Europe, Andernach, Germany, March 1988: Tönchesberg, a Middle Paleolithic Site in the Central Rhine Valley. 9) Yale University, Department of Anthropology Brown Bag lecture series, New Haven, Connecticut, January, 1988: New Archaeological Applications of Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 30 8) Yale University, Department of Anthropology Brown Bag lecture series, New Haven, Connecticut, September 1987: Recent Paleolithic Excavations in the Volcanic Fields of the East Eifel, Federal Republic of Germany. 7) Yale University, Department of Geology and Geochemistry lecture series, New Haven, Connecticut, October, 1986: 10Be and 36Cl in Ice from Greenland and Antarctica. 6) Yale University, Department of Anthropology Brown Bag lecture series, New Haven, Connecticut, September, 1986: Excavation and Restoration of Incinerator Site, a Mississippian Site in Southwestern Ohio. 5) International Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference, Oxford, England, June,1986: Sample Preparation and Measurement of 36Cl in small Ice Samples. 4) University of Rochester, Physics Department thesis defence, April, 1986: 36Cl in Ice from Greenland and Antarctica. 3) 12th International Radiocarbon Conference, Trondheim, Norway, June 1985: The Chemical Preparation of AgCl for Measuring 36Cl in Polar Ice with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 2) Univesity of Cologne, Institute of Prehistory Oberseminar, Cologne, Germany, January, 1984: Die Vorgeschichte des Ohiotals mit besonderer Berücksichtigung eines mississippian Fundplatz Incinerator Site. 1) Conference for Undergraduate Research, Rochester, New York, April,1983: Accelerator Radiocarbon Dating of the Evidence for Prehistoric Horticulture in Illinois. 31 SELECTED ABSTRACTS (Lecture by N. J. Conard unless otherwise indicated. Posters indicated as such.) 167) Napierala, H., K. Deckers, S. Riehl and N. J. Conard. Natufian Conference, Paris, France, September, 2009. Baaz Rockshelter and its natural environment during the Late Natufian. (lecture by H. Napierala) 166) Conard, N. J., K. Bretzkel, K. Deckers, K. F. Hillgruber, A. W. Kandel, M. Masri, C. Miller, H. Napierala and S. Riehl. Natufian Conference, Paris, France, September, 2009. Natufian Adaptations in the Damascus Province of Syria. 165) Bretzke, K., A. W. Kandel, M Masri and N. J. Conard. International Geoarchaeology Meeting. Dresden, Germany, May 2009. Applying new analytical methods to Paleolithic survey data in a differentiated geomorphological environment in western Syria. (lecture by K. Bretzke) 164) Conard, N. J., K. Bretzke, A. W. Kandel, M. Masri, C. Miller, M. Stahlschmidt. International Geoarchaeology Meeting. Dresden, Germany, May 2009. Site formation processes in Paleolithic Caves and Rockshelters of Western Syrien. (Poster) 163) Miller, C. E., P. Goldberg, N. J. Conard. International Geoarchaeology Meeting. Dresden, Germany, May 2009. Micromorphology and Site Formation Processes of the Paleolithic Caves of Swabia, SW Germany. (lecture by C. E. Miller) 162) Heydari, S., M. Märker and N. J. Conard International Geoarchaeology Meeting. Dresden, Germany, May 2009. A geoarchaeological predictive model for Paleolithic sites in the Zagros Mountains of Iran. (lecture by S. Haydari) 161) Conard, N. J., K. Bretzke, Philipp Drechsler, Andrew W. Kandel, Mohammad Masri, Mareike Stahlschmidt. 51st Tagung der Hugo Obermeier-Gesellschaft. Ljubljana, Slovenia, April, 2009. Paleolithic settlement dynamics in the Damascus Province of Syria 161) Ghasidian, E., S. Heydari and N. J. Conard. 51st Tagung der Hugo Obermeier-Gesellschaft. Ljubljana, Slovenia, April, 2009. Ghar-e Boof: A new early Upper Paleolithic industry in southwestern Iran. (lecture by E. Ghasidian) 160) Susanne C. Münzel, Christopher E. Miller, Susanne C. Feine, Petra Kieselbach, Maria Malina, Nicholas J. Conard, Paul Goldberg. 51st Tagung der Hugo Obermeier-Gesellschaft. Ljubljana, Slovenia, April, 2009. Living floors or Dumping Areas, Paleolithic Burnt Bone Layers and other Features from Hohle Fels Cave, SW Germany 159) C. E. Miller, C. E., P. Goldberg, S. Schieg, B. Ligouis, F. Berna, N. J. Conard and L. Wadley. 51st Tagung der Hugo Obermeier-Gesellschaft. Ljubljana, Slovenia, April, 2009. A Micromorphological Study of Middle Stone Age bedding, hearths and site maintenance at Sibudu Cave, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa (lecture by C. E. Miller) 158) Maerker, M., S. Heydari, N. J. Conard, Z. Kanaeva, and V. Hochschild. Annual Conference for Computer Applications in Archaeology. Williamsburg, USA, March 2009. The Application of a Georelational Database and Data Mining Technologies for Predictive Site Modelling for the Paleolithic of the Iranian Plateau. (Poster) 157) Hardy, B. L., M. Bolus and N. J. Conard. Annual Meeting of the Society for Paleoanthropology. Chicago, USA, March/April, 2009. How Different Were Neanderthals? Stone Tool Function in Aurignacian and Middle Paleolithic Levels at Hohle Fels, Germany. (lecture by B. L. Hardy) 32 156) Conard, N. J., E. Ghasidian, M. Zeidee, R. Naderi and S. Heydari. 10th Annual Archaeological Congress. Bandar Abbas, Iran, December 2008. Paleolithic archaeological survey and excavation in Dasht-e Rostam, northern Fars Province Season 2007. (lecture by R. Naderi) 155) Kandel, A. W., N. J. Conard, A.E. Dodonov and M. Masri. The International Colloquium History and Antiquities of Al-Golan, Damascus, Syria, November 2008. The Paleolithic Settlement of Southwestern Syria. (lecture by A.W. Kandel) 154) Conard, N. J. Invited lectures in the Exkurs series of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Bremen, Germany. November 2008. Die Anfänge von Kunst und Musik: Archäologische Spurensuche in der Schwäbischen Eiszeit. 153) Münzel, S. C., M. Hofreiter, M. Stiller, N. J. Conard and H. Bocherens. 14th International Cave Bear Symposium. Appenzell, Switzerland, September 2008. New Results on the Palaeobiology of Bears on the Swabian Alb (Chronology, Isotopic Geochemistry and Palaeogenetics). (lecture by S. C. Münzel) 152) Conard, N. J. 19th biennial meeting of SAFA, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, September 2008. Did behavioral modernity evolve exclusively in Africa? 151) Conard, N. J. 19th biennial meeting of SAFA, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, September 2008. A critical view of the evidence for a southern African origin of behavioral modernity. 150) Miller, C. E., N. J. Conard, P. Goldberg and F. Berna. Table ronde: Taphonomie des résidus organiques brûlés et des structures de combustion en contexte archéologique. Valbonne, France, May 2008. Dumping, sweeping and trampling: experimental micromorphological analysis of anthropogenically altered combustion features. (lecture by. C. E. Miller) 149) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel, K. Bretzke, A. E. Dodonov and M. Massri. International conference on The Early and Middle Palaeolithic in Syria and its adjoining countries. Basel, Switzerland, May, 2008. Lower and Middle Paleolithic Landuse in the Central Levant 148) Heydari, S., E. Ghasidian and N. J. Conard. International conference on The Early and Middle Palaeolithic in Syria and its adjoining countries. Basel, Switzerland, May, 2008. A report on the discovery of new Lower and Middle Paleolithic sites in Iran. (lecture by S. Heydari) 147) Ghasidian, E., S. Heydari and N. J. Conard. 6th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Rome, Italy, May, 2008. The Late Paleolithic Occupation of Ghar-e Boof Cave; a Reconstruction of Cultural Traditions in Southwestern Zagros Mountains of Iran (lecture by E. Ghasidian) 146) Conard, N. J. Radiocarbon and Archaeology 5th International Symposium. Zurich, Switzerland. March 2008. Dating the late Middle Paleolithic and the early Upper Paleolithic in Europe 145) Conard, N. J. and C. Miller. Meeting of the Society for Paleoanthropology. Vancouver, Canada, March, 2008. Results from the re-excavations at Vogelherd Cave, Swabian Jura, Germany. (lecture by C. Miller) 144) Conard, N. J. South African Archaeological Society, Cape Town March, 2008. Current excavations in southwestern Germany and new evidence for cultural innovations 35,000 years ago 143) Moreau, L. and N. J. Conard. Integrated Methodological Approaches to the Study of Lithic Technology. Florence, Italy 13th – 15th December 2007. The transition from the Aurignacian to the Gravettian in Southwestern Germany. (lecture by L. Moreau) 33 142) Conard, N. J. DFG Lecture Series: Jahr der Geisteswissenschaften. Berlin, Germany, October 2007. Die Anfänge von Kunst und Musik. 141) Conard, N. J. International meeting 100 years of Homo heidelbergensis. Heidelberg, Germany, October 2007. The origins of cultural modernity. 140) Bocherens, H., N. J. Conard, M. Germonpré, M. Hofreiter, S. C. Münzel, E. Stephan and T. Tütken. International meeting on Cave Bears, Brno, Czech Republic, September, 2007. Isotopic biogeochemistry and the evolution of cave bear ecology during Marine Oxygen Isotopic Stage 3 in Western and Central Europe. (lecture by H. Bocherens) 139) Münzel, S. C., M. Hofreiter, G. Rabeder, H. Bocherens, H.-P. Uerpmann and N. J. Conard International meeting on Cave Bears, Brno, Tchech Republic, September, 2007. Correlating genetic results for the replacement of cave bears at 28.000 B.P. from the Ach Valley (Swabian Jura) with metrical and morphological data. (lecture by S. C. Münzel) 138) Miller, C., P. Goldberg, S. Schiegl, N. J. Conard. Congress of the European Geoscience Union. Vienna, Austria, April 2007. The micromorphology of Paleolithic cave sites of the Swabian Jura, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. (Lecture by C. Miller) 137) Conard. N. J. 49th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Gesellschaft, Trento, Italy, April 2007. The transition from Middle to Upper Paleolithic in Swabia and the reasons why Neanderthals went extinct. 136) Ghasidian, E., S. Heydari and N. J. Conard. 49th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Gesellschaft, Trento, Italy, April 2007. Current research on the Upper and Epipaleolithic of Iran. (Lecture by E. Ghasidian) 135) Münzel, S. C., M. Malina and N. J. Conard. 49th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Gesellschaft, Trento, Italy, April 2007. Personal Ornaments from the Upper Paleolithic of the Swabian Jura: Archaeological Context and Meaning. (Lecture by S. C. Münzel) 134) Bretzke, K., K. Felix Hillgruber and Nicholas J. Conard. 2007. 49th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Gesellschaft, Trento, Italy, April 2007. Land Use and Climatic Change in the Middle and Late Pleistocene of Western Syria (Poster) 133) K. Felix Hillgruber, Knut Bretzke, Nicholas J. Conard. 49th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Gesellschaft, Trento, Italy, April 2007. Technological Change and Continuity in Upper and Epipaleolithic of Western Syria (Lecture by K. F. Hillgruber) 132) South African Archaeological Society invited lecture. Cape Town, South Africa. March 2007. What Mumba Cave in Tansania can tell us about the rate of cultural change in East Africa and the origins of behavioral modernity 131) Kandel, A. W., S. J. Walker and N. J. Conard. Langebaanweg Mini-Symposium and Workshop. Langebaan, South Africa. November, 2006. Near coastal settlement dynamics at the Anyskop Blowout, an archaeological locality at Langebaaneg, South Africa. (Lecture by A. W. Kandel) 130) Conard, N. J. Cradel of Language Conference. Stellenbosch, South Africa. November, 2006. Is the archaeological evidence for early symbolic communication and music consistent with an African origin of language? 129) Conard, N. J. Archaeology and Human Ecology in Southwestern Asia International Symposium in Honor of Hans-Peter Uerpmann. Tübingen, Germany. October, 2006. Paleolithic Settlement in the Central Levant and the Shift to Neolithic Economic Forms. 34 128) Conard, N. J. and M. Malina. International Conference on the Archaeology of Music /Musikarchäologie, Berlin, Germany. September 2006. New Evidence for the Origins of Music from the Caves of the Swabian Jura (Lecture by M. Malina) 127) Conard, N. J., K. Bretzke, K. Deckers, P. Drechsler, M Kucera, S. Riehl and M. Masri. 15th UISPP Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2006. Modelling Stone Age Landuse and Environmental Change in the Central Levant (Lecture by A. E. Marks) 126) Marks, A. E. and N. J. Conard. 15th UISPP Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2006. Technology vs. Typology: The Case for and Against a Transition from the MSA to the LSA at Mumba Cave, Tanzania. 125) Conard, N. J., S. Heydari, and E. Ghasidian. 15th UISPP Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2006. The Open-air Epipaleolithic site of Bardia and Paleolithic Occupation of the Qaleh Gusheh Sand Dunes, Esfahan Province, Iran 124) Ghasidian, E., S. Heydari and N. J. Conard. 15th UISPP Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2006. Late Paleolithic Blade Production in the Basht Region of the Southwestern Zagros, Iran (Lecture by E. Ghasidian) 123) Heydari, S., E. Ghasidian and N. J. Conard. 15th UISPP Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2006. Paleolithic sites on Travertine and Tufa Formations in Iran. (Lecture by S. Heydari) 122) Barth, M., N. J. Conard and S. C. Münzel. 15th UISPP Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2006. Palaeolithic Subsistence and Organic Technology in the Swabian Jura. (Lecture by M. Barth) 121) M. Bolus; M. and N. J. Conard. 15th UISPP Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2006. What can we say about the spatial-temporal distribution of early Aurignacian innovations ? (Lecture by. M. Bolus) 120) Conard, N. J and M. Bolus. 15th UISPP Congress. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2006. Dating the boundary between the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Swabia. 119) Conard, N. J., H. Bocherens, M. Bolus, P. Goldberg and S. C. Münzel. 150 Years of Neanderthal Discoveries Congress. Bonn, Germany. July 2006. Late Neanderthals and the first modern humans in the Swabian Jura 118) Conard, N. J. and A. E. Marks. 71st Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico. April 2006. New research on the MSA of Mumba Cave, Tanzania 117) Walker S. J., A. W. Kandel and N. J. Conard. 2006 ASAPA Meeting in Tshwane, South Africa. April 2006. Part of the Landscape: Faunal Analysis of the ‘Stella’ locality in the Geelbek Dunes, Western Cape. (Lecture by S. J. Walker) 116) Kandel, A. W., H. Dietl and N. J. Conard. 71st Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico. April 2006. Out of the caves and beyond the middens: new results from open-air MSA sites in the Western Cape. (Lecture by A. W. Kandel) 115) Schiegl S., P., B. Ligouis, P. Goldberg and, N. J. Conard. 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico. April 2006. Experimental Archaeology, Bone Fires and Palaeolithic Behavior. (Lecture by S. Schiegl) 114) Conard, N. J. Paleoanthropology Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico. April, 2006. Current research on the late Middle and early Upper Paleolithic in Swabia. 35 113) Hardy, B., M. Bolus and N. J. Conard. .Paleoanthropology Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico. April, 2006. Hammer or Crescent Wrench? Stone Tool Form and Function in the Aurignacian of Southwest Germany. (Lecture B. Hardy) 112) Bocherens, H., M. Hofreiter, S. C. Münzel and N. J. Conard. 48th annual meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Gesellschaft, Cologne, Germany, April 2006. Human and Bear Population Dynamics and Evolutionary Trends in Southwestern Germany. (Lecture by H. Bocherens) 111) Kandel, A. W. and N. J. Conard. 2006 ASAPA (formerly SA3) Meeting in Tshwane (formerly Pretoria), South Africa. Aril, 2006. The Role of Stone Features in the Later Stone Age Settlement of the Geelbek Dunes, South Africa (Lecture by A. W. Kandel) 110) Heydari, S., E. Ghasidian and N. J. Conard. 5 ICAANE Congress. Madrid, Spain. April 2006. Paleolithic Geoarchaeology of Travertine and Tufa Formations in Iran. (Poster) 109) Ghasidian, E., A. Azadi, S. Heydari and N. J. Conard. 5 ICAANE Congress. Madrid, Spain. April 2006. Paleolithic Survey in the Basht Region of the Southwestern Zagros, Iran (Poster) 108) Conard, N. J., E. Ghasidian and S. Heydari. 5 ICAANE Congress. Madrid, Spain. April 2006. Paleolithic Settlement of the Qaleh Gusheh Sand Dunes, Esfahan Province, Iran. (Poster) 107) Conard, N. J., M.-J. Nadeau and P. M. Grootes. International Radiocarbon Conference. Oxford, England. April 2006. Radiocarbon dating the last Neanderthals, the first modern humans and the transition from the Middle to Upper Paleolithic in Europ 106) Conard, N. J. Invited Lecture, South African Archaeological Society, Cape Town, South Africa. March, 2006.From the Acheulean to the Neolithic: Cultural Evolution in the Central Levant 105) Conard, N. J. International meeting, Rethinking the Human Revolution: New Behavioral and Biological Perspectives on the Origins and Dispersal of Modern Humans. Cambridge, England. September 2005. What caused the cultural innovations of the Aurignacian and which hypotheses can best explain their spatial-temporal distribution? 104) Conard, N. J. and A. W. Kandel. Bone Diagenesis Conference, University of Cape Town. Cape Town, South Africa. August 2005. Faunal preservation in deflation hollows and the limits of simplistic taphonomic models based on bone density. (Lecture A. W. Kandel) 103) Kandel, A. W. and N. J. Conard. 12th Congress of the Pan African Association for Archaeology and Related Studies. Gaborone, Botswana, July, 2005. New evidence for the use of whale by Later Stone Age hunters and gatherers on the West Coast of South Africa. (Lecture A. W. Kandel) 102) Conard, N. J., H. Dietl, and A. W. Kandel. 12th Congress of the Pan African Association for Archaeology and Related Studies. Gaborone, Botswana, July, 2005. Stone Age settlement dynamics in dunefields of the Western Cape. (Lecture A. W. Kandel) 101) Schiegl, S. B. Lingouis and N. J. Conard. Geoarchaeology Working Group Meeting. Bayreuth, Germany. May 2005. Experimentelle Archäologie: Ein Knochenfeuer für die Urgeschichtsforschung. (Poster) 100) Conard, N. J., H. Dietl, A. E. Dodonov, P. Drechsler, K. F. Hillgruber, M. Masri. Geoarchaeology Working Group Meeting. Bayreuth, Germany. May 2005. 500 000 Jahre Landschaftsnutzung in WestSyrien. (Poster) 36 99) Conard, N. J. University of Rochester invited Alumni lecture, Rochester, New York, USA. April 2005. The Origins of Figurative Art and Music 98 Conard, N. J. and S. C. Münzel. 47th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, Neuchatel, Switzerland. April 2005. Neue Flötentöne aus dem Aurignacien. Eine Mammutelfenbeinflöte aus dem Geißenklösterle bei Blaubeuren. (Lecture S. C. Münzel) 97) Conard, N. J., H. Dietl, P. Drechsler und F.Hillgruber. 47th Meeting of the Hugo ObermaierGesellschaft, Neuchatel, Switzerland. April 2005. Vom Acheuléen bis in die Jungsteinzeit. Landschaftsnutzung in der Damaskus Provinz, Syrien. (Poster) 96) Conard, N. J. Invited lecture. Römisch-Germanische Kommission and the Senkenberg-Museum. Frankfurt am Main, Germany. January 2005. Die Anfänge der Kunst und die Entstehung der kulturellen Modernität. 95) Conard, N. J., P. Drechsler, S. Heydari and E. Ghasidian. Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City, USA. April, 2004. Paleolithic settlement dynamics of the Zagros and Anti-Lebanon Regions. 94) Conard, N. J. Tübingen Sommeruniversität. Tübingen, Germany. August 2004. Die ältesten Kunstwerke der Welt. 93) Conard, N. J. International Colloquium. Neanderthals and modern humans meet. Blaubeuren, Germany. July 2004. Hypotheses about late Neanderthals and early modern humans in the Swabian Jura. 92) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel, A. Dodonov,and M. al Misr. International Colloquium. Eastern Mediterranean/Near Eastern Geoarchaeology Meeting, Tübingen, Germany. May 2004. Changing patterns of Paleolithic landuse in the Damascus Province, Syria. 91) Kandel, A. W. and N. J. Conard. Annual meeting of the South African Association of Archaeology. Kimberly, South Africa, April 2004. Ostrich Eggshell Bead Workshops in the Geelbek Dunes, Western Cape. (Lecture A. W. Kandel). 90) Conard, N. J. and A. W. Kandel. Annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Montréal, Canada. April, 2004. Wetting and drying, heating and cooling and other reasons why simplistic denisty based models of bone survivablity do not work. 89) Conard, N. J. Annual meeting of the Society for Paleoanthropology. Montréal, Canada. March, 2004. New Data on the Aurignacian of the Upper Danube Valley. 88) Kaiser, T. and N. J. Conard. 46th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, Greifswald, Germany. April 2004. Dental Wear in Horses – Can we use it as a Climate Proxy. (Lecture T. Kaiser) 87) Kieselbach, P., H. Floss, and N. J. Conard. 46th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, Greifswald, Germany. April 2004. Erste Untersuchungen zu den Silexartefakten aus der GravettienSchicht IIcf des Hohle Fels bei Schelklingen (Alb-Donau-Kreis). (Lecture P. Kieselbach) 86) South African Archaeological Society, Invited lecture. Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa. March, 2004. The arrival of modern humans in Europe and the origin of figurative art. 85) Conard, N. J. International Colloquium “La Spiritualité”, Liège, Belgium, December, 2003. Lionmen and Waterfowl: New Discoveries of Aurignacian Ivory Artworks from Hohle Fels and their Implications for Testing Models for early Shamanism and Hahn’s Concept of Kraft und Aggression. 37 84) Avery, G., A. W. Kandel, R. G. Klein, N. J. Conard, and K. Kruz-Uribe. XXIVe Recontres Internationales d’Archéologie et d’Histoire d’Antibes, Petets Animaux et Sociétés Humaines Du Complément alimentaire aux Ressources Utiliaires. Antibes, France, October, 2003. Tortoises as Food and taphonomic Elements in Palaeolandscapes. 83) Conard, N. J. 2003. XVI International INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada, USA. July, 2003. The Danube Corridor Model for the Colonization of Europe by Modern Humans. 82) Conard, N. J. 45th Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, Santander, Spain. April 2003. New Research on the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of Swabia. 81) Conard, N. J. From Tools to Symbols from Early Hominids to Modern Humans, International Round Table, Johannesburg, South Africa, March, 2003. An overview of the patterns of behavioral change in Africa and Eurasia during the Late Pleistocene. 80) Conard, N. J. International Symposium The Gravettian along the Danube, Mikulov, Czech Republic. November 2002. An Overview of Current Research on the Gravettian of the Swabian Jura. 79) Conard, N. J. University College London lecture series on The Spread of Modern Human Culture into Europe. London, England., October 2002. The early Upper Paleolithic of Swabia and the Rhine Corridor and Kulturpumpe Hypotheses. 78) Münzel, S. C. and N. J. Conard. 2002. 9th International Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology. Durham, England. August, 2002. Change and Continuity in the Paleolithic Subsistence of the Ach Valley of Southwestern Germany. (Lecture S. Münzel) 77) Conard, N. J. and L. B. Niven. 2002. 9th International Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology. Durham, England. August, 2002. The Fauna from Bollschweil and the Role of Proboscidieans in Paleolithic Economies. 76) Krönneck, P., L. B. Niven, N. J. Conard and H.-P. Uerpmann. 2002. 9th International Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology. Durham, England. August, 2002. Middle Paleolithic Subsistence in the Lone Valley of the Swabian Jura. (Lecture P. Krönneck) 75) Teyssandier, N., M. Bolus, and N. J. Conard. International Symposium on the Definition of the Aurignacian. Portugese Ministry of Culture. Lisbon, Portugal. June 2002. (Lecture N. Teyssandier) 74) Conard, N. J. International Symposium on the Definition of the Aurignacian. Portugese Ministry of Culture. Lisbon, Portugal. June 2002. An Overview of the Chronostratigraphy of the Swabian Aurignacian and its Interregional Implications. 73) Barth, M., N. J. Conard, A. W. Kandel and A. Abdulrachman. 2002. 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Denver, Colorado, March, 2002.Results of the Ma’aloula Survey and the Excavations at Baaz Rockshelter, Damascus Province, Syria. 72) Conard, N. J. 2002. 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Denver, Colorado, March, 2002. An Assessment of the Evidence for Behavioral Change during the Middle Paleolithic of Westcentral Europe. In Journal of Human Evolution 42, no. 3: A 10. 71) Conard, N. J. 2002. Meeting of the Paleoanthropology Society. Denver, Colorado, March 2002. The Early Upper Paleolithic in Swabia. 70) Conard, N. J. 2002. Institut für Geographie, University of Mainz, Germany, January 2002. Chronostratigraphie und Lebensweisen der Neandertaler und der ersten modernen Europäer. 38 69) Conard, N. J. 2001. Klimawechsel vor dem Einfluß des Menschens. International Symposium, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina. Halle, Germany, October 2001. Quaternary Environmental Change and ist Effects on Human Evolution and Human Biogeography. 68) Conard, N. J. and L. B. Niven 2001. Ist International Congress, The World of Elephants, Rome, October 2001. The Fauna from Bollschweil and the Question of Neanderthal Mammoth Hunting in the Black Forest. 67) Niven, L. B., S. C. Münzel and N. J. Conard 2001. Ist International Congress, The World of Elephants, Rome, October 2001. The Role of Mammoths in the Upper Paleolithic Economies of Southwestern Germany. (Lecture L. B. Niven) 66) Pusch, C., K. Prangenberg, H.U. Pfretzschner, L. Bachmann and N. J. Conard 2001. Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Natuwissenschaftliche Archäologie & 7th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Esslingen, Germany, September 2001. Bone Diagenesis and the Preservation of Ancient DNA. (Poster) 65) Conard, N. J., A. E: Dodonov and A. W. Kandel 2001. XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium, September 2001. Middle Paleolithic Settlement in the Ma’aloula Region, Damascus Province, Syria. 64) Conard, N. J. 2001. XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium, September 2001. The Chronostratigraphy of the Aurignacian of the Swabian Jura as a Test of the Danube Corridor and Kulturpumpe Models. 63) Conard, N. J. and P. Haesaerts 2001. XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium, September 2001. The Archaeology, Chronostratigraphy and Paleoecology of Middle Paleolithic Sites in the Central Rhine Valley. 62) Niven, L. B., S. C. Münzel and N. J. Conard 2001. XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium, September 2001. Patterns of Subsistence and Settlement in the Aurignacian of the Swabian Jura. (lecture N. J. Conard) 61) Münzel S. C. and N. J. Conard 2001. XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium, September 2001. Human and Bear Interactions in the Upper Pleistocene Cave Deposits of the Ach Valley in Southwestern Germany. (lecture S. C. Münzel) 60) Schiegl, S. and N. J. Conard 2001. XIV UISPP Congress, Liège, Belgium, September 2001. Analysis of Traces of Fire in Paleolithic Sites of Dissimilar Taphonomy. (lecture by S. Schiegl) 59) Prindiville, T. J., N. J. Conard and Peter Felix-Henningsen 2001. SASQUA 2001. Saldahna Bay, South Africa, July, 2001. Site Formation Processes, Chronology and Archaeology of the Geelbek Dunes, West Coast National Park. (lecture T. J. Prindiville) 59) Prindiville, T. J., N. J. Conard and P. Felix-Henningsen 2001. 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Százalombatta, Hungary, May, 2001. Palaeoecology and the Archaeology of the Coastal Dunes of the Western Cape, South Africa: II.Spatial Archaeology and Taphonomic Processes. (Poster) 58) Schiegl, S. and N. J. Conard 2001. 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Százalombatta, Hungary, May, 2001. Proving fossil fire in archaeosediments. (Poster) 57) Felix-Henningsen, P., T. J. Prindiville, N. J. Conard and G. Krebs 2001. 1st International Conference on Soils and Archaeology, Százalombatta, Hungary, May, 2001. Palaeoecology and the Archaeology of the Coastal Dunes of the Western Cape, South Africa: I. Sequence of Palaeosols on Ancient Dunes as Stratigraphic Markers and Paleoanvironmental Indicators. (Poster) 39 56) Conard, N. J. and M. Bolus 2001. International Symposium Advances in the Study of Human Evoluition and Dispersal, Tübingen, Germany, April 2001. The Pattern and Timing of the Colonization of Europe by Modern Humans. 55) Prindiville, T. J. and N. J. Conard 2001. 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. New Orleans, Louisianna, April, 2001. The Stone Age Fauna from the Geelbek Dunes, Western Cape Province, South Africa. (lecture T. J. Prindiville) 54) Adler, D. S., T. J. Prindiville and N. J. Conard 2001. 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. New Orleans, Louisianna, April, 2001. Patterns of Spatial Organization and Land Use during the Eemian Interglacial of the Rhineland. (lecture D. S. Adler) 53) Niven, L. B., S. Münzel and N. J. Conard 2001. . 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. New Orleans, Louisianna, April, 2001. Prey Choice and Utilization in the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of the Swabian Alb, Germany. (lecture L. B. Niven) 52) Conard, N. J. 2000. Museumsgesellschaft Tübingen. 2000 lecture series. Tübingen, November, 2000. Der Neandertaler und die Entstehung des Homo sapiens sapiens. 51) Schell, K., S. Schiegl, P. Goldberg and N. J. Conard. 2000. Gesellschaft für Natuwissenschaftliche Archäologie. Soest, Germany, September, 2000. Petrographische Dünnschliffe der Archäosedimente des Hohle Fels / Schelklingen – Einblicke in die Fundsellengenese. (lecture K. Schell) 50) Schiegl, S. and N. J. Conard. 2000. Gesellschaft für Natuwissenschaftliche Archäologie. Soest, Germany, September, 2000. Nachweis von Feuernutzung in paläolithischen Fundstellen. (lecture S. Schiegl) 49) Adler, D. S., T. J. Prindiville, and N. J. Conard. 2000. 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April, 2000. The Middle Paleolithic Find Horizon of Wallertheim A, Rheinhessen, Germany. (Poster) 48) Niven, L., N. J. Conard and H.-P. Uerpmann. 2000. 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April, 2000. The Aurignacian faunal Assemblage from Vogelherd and the Subsistence Behavior of early mdern Humans in southern Germany. (lecture L. Niven) 47) Prindiville, T. J. and N. J. Conard. 2000. 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April, 2000. Hunting, Scavenging and the Archaeology of larger Mammalian Carcasses in the Paleolithic of the Rhineland. (lecture T. Prindiville) 46) Conard, N. J., M. Bolus, and T. Schneidermeier. 2000. 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April, 2000. Current Research on the Middle and Upper Paleolithic in Southern Germany. (lecture M. Bolus) 45) Floss, H. and N. J. Conard. 2000. 65th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April, 2000. New Examples of Paleolithic Art from Southwestern Germany and the Question of Continuity in the Late Quaternary. (lecture H. Floss) 44) Conard, N. J., M. Bolus and T. Schneidermeier. 1999. Krapina Centennial Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, August, 1999. Current Research on the Middle and Early Upper Paleolithic in Southwestern Germany. 40 43) Conard, N. J., T. J. Prindiville and A. W. Kandel. 1999. XV International INQUA Congress, Durban, South Africa. August , 1999. Stone Age landscape archaeology in the Geelbek Dunes of the West Coast National Park. (Poster) 42) Bolus, M. and N. J. Conard. 1999. XV International INQUA Congress, Durban, South Africa. August , 1999. The Late Middle Paleolithic and Earliest Upper Paleolithic in Germany and their Relevance for the Out of Africa Hypothesis. (lecture M. Bolus) 41) Schneidermeier, T. and N. J. Conard. 1999. XV International INQUA Congress, Durban, South Africa. August , 1999. The Paleolithic Settlement of southern Germany as a climatically coupled process: Development and evaluation of methods of prospection for Paleolihtic find horizons. (Poster) 40) Conard, N. J. 1999. 2nd Conference of the UISPP Commission 27: Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age Settlement Systems. Tübingen, January, 1999. Using high resolution open-air sites for establishing patterns of Middle Paleolithic settlement and subsistence. 39) Conard, N. J. and T. J. Prindiville. 1999. World Archaeological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. January 1999. Germany at around 100,000 b.p. (lecture T. J. Prindiville) 38) Conard, N. J. and T. J. Prindiville. 1999. World Archaeological Congress.Cape Town, South Africa. January 1999. The Stone Age Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Geelbek Dunes, Western Cape, South Africa. (lecture T. J. Prindiville) 37) Conard, N. J. and P. Haesaerts. 1998. 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Deutsche Quartär Gesellschaft, Hanover. September 1998. Middle Paleolithic Archaeology and Chronostratigraphy in the Rhineland. 36) Schneidermeier, T. and N. J. Conard. 1998. 50th Anniversary Meeting of the Deutsche Quartär Gesellschaft, Hanover. September 1998. Hochauflösende Archäologie und die Entwicklung und Bewertung von Prospektionsmethoden für Paleolithischen Fundschichten. (lecture T. Schneidermeier) 35) Conard, N. J. and T. J. Prindiville. 1998. 8th International Congress of the International Council for Archaeozoology. Victoria, British Columbia. August, 1998. Middle Paleolithic Hunting Economies in the Rhineland. 34) Conard, N. J., A. W. Kandel, P. Krönneck, and T. Schneidermeier. 1998. 40 Tagung der Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, Iserlohn-Letmathe, Germany, April, 1998. Aktuelle paläolithische Forschung im Sonderforschungsbereich 275 der Universität Tübingen. (lecture T. Schneidermeier) 33) Conard, N. J. 1998. 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Seattle, Washington, March 1998. Refitting Studies in the German Stone Age. 32) Waiblinger, J., N. J. Conard, S. Münzel, P. Krönneck, and M. Bolus. 1998. Paleoantropology Society Meeting. Seattle, Washington, March 1998. Current Research on the Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition in Southern Germny. In Journal of Human Evolution. (lecture M. Bolus) 31) Conard, N. J. 1998. Paleoantropology Society Meeting. Seattle, Washington, March 1998. Middle Paleolithic Subsistence and Landuse in the Rhineland. Journal of Human Evolution. 30) Conard, N. J. 1998. South African Archaeological Society, Cape Town, RSA, March, 1998. Recent Advances in German Paleolithic Research. 29) Conard, N. J. 1997. Internationale Tagung: Theorie und sozialen Wandels: Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Jäger- und Sammler-Gruppen. Zentrum für Interdiziplinäre Forschung, Universität Bielefeld, December, 1997. Zur Subsistenz, Siedlung und sozialen Orginization im Paläolithikum. 41 28) Conard, N. J., T. J. Prindiville, and D. S. Adler. 1997. XVIII Rencontres Internationales d'Archéologie et d'Histoire d'Antibes: Économe Préhistorique: Les Comportements de Subsistance au Paléolihtique, Antibes, France, October 1997: N. Conard, T. Prindiville und D. Adler. Refitting Bones and Stones as a Means of Reconstructing Middle Paleolithic Subsistence in the Rhineland. 27) Conard, N. J. and B. Fischer. 1997. International Meeting, Before Modern Humans 400-200KA: The Jabrudian and Micoquian in the Levant and Europe, Haifa, Israel, November 1996. Are there Recognizable Cultural Entities in the Middle Paleolithic of Central Europe? 26) Langohr, R., N. J. Conard, J. Deak, and P. Haesaerts. 1996. XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Forlì, Italien, September 1996. Correlation between Soil Evolution and Bone Preservation at the Middle Paleolithic Site of Wallertheim (Rheinhessen, Germany). (lecture R. Longohr) 25) Conard, N. J. 1996. XIII International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Forlì, Italien, September 1996. Site Structure and the Organization of Middle Paleolithic Settlement in the Rhineland. 24) Conard, N. J. 1996. Paleoanthropology Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 1996. Find Densities at Middle Paleolithic Open Air Sites in the Rhineland. 23) Conard, N. J. 1995. Colloque International Le Bison Gibier et Moyen de Subsitance des Hommes du Paléolithique aux Paléoindiens des Grandes Plaines, Toulouse June 1995: The Taphonomy of Bison Remains from the 1991-1994 Excavations in Wallertheim (Rheinhessen, Germany) and its Bearing on the Interpretation of the Locality. 22) Conard, N. J. and D. S. Adler. 1995. Symposium Reduction Processes („Chaines Operatoires“) for the European Mousterian, Rome May 26-28, 1995: N. Conard und D. Adler. Wallertheim Horion D: An Example of High Resolution Archaeology in the Middle Paleolithic. 21) Conard, N. J. 1995. The Role of Early Humans in the Accumulation of European Lower and Middle Paleolithic Bone Assemblages, Neuwied, Germany, May 1995: The Middle Palaeolithic faunal assemblages from the 1991-1994 excavations in Wallertheim, Rheinhessen. 20) Conard, N. J. 1994. International Congress of Archaeozoology, Constance, Germany, September 1994: Middle Paleolithic Subsistence in the Central Rhine Valley. 19) Conard, N. J. 1994. International Working Group on Bone Modification, Constance, Germany, September 1994: Anntler Tools and Pseudotools in the Lower and Middle Paleolithic Faunal Assemblages. 18) Conard, N. J. 1994. Paleoanthropology Society, Anaheim, California, April 1994: Middle Paleolithic Economies in the Rhine Valley. 17) Conard, N. J. 1994. Hugo Obermaier-Gesellschaft, Weimar, Germany, April 1994: Neue mittelpaläolithische Ausgrabungen am Mittelrhein. 16) Conard, N. J. V. 1993. Bilzingsleben - Kolloquium: Homo erectus - seine Kultur und Umwelt, Jena, Germany, December 1993: Das Mittelpaläolithikum von Wallertheim (Rheinhessisches Hügelland). 15) Conard, N. J. 1993. Deutscher Archäologen-Kongress, Siegen, Germany, September 1993: Erste Ergebnisse der neuen paläolithischen Ausgrabung in Wallertheim/Rheinhessen. 42 14) Conard, N. J. 1992. Society for American Archaeology meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1992: The 1988/1989 Excavation of Flinders Petrie's "Workmen's Barracks". Beyond the Elite: Old Kingdom Archaeology and the Giza Plateau Mapping Project. Symposium Organizer and Chair. 13) Conard, N. J. 1991. Society for American Archaeology meeting, New Orleans, April 1991: Subsistence in the Central Rhine Valley during the Middle Paleolithic. 12) Conard, N. J. 1990. International Symposium on Lößstratigraphie und Ökologie im Alt- und Mittelpaläolithikum, Museum Monrepos, Neuwied, Germany, October 1990: Eiszeit Umwelt und paläolithische Wirtschaftsweisen in der Osteifel. 11) Conard, N. J. 1990. International Council for Archaeozoology, Sixth International Conference, Washington, D.C., May 1990: Faunal Remains from Middle Paleolithic Sites of the East Eifel Volcanic Fields (Federal Republic of Germany). 10) Conard, N. J. 1989. Hugo Obermaier Gesellschaft meeting, Ingolstadt, Germany, April 1989: Mittelpaläolithische Ausgrabungen auf Tönchesberg, ein Vulkan der Osteifel. 9) Conard, N. J. 1989. Society for American Archaeology meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, April 1989: Middle Paleolithic Occupations from the last two Glacial Cycles in the Scoria Cones of the East Eifel, West Germany. 8) Conard, N. J. 1988. International Conference on Early Man in Island Environments, Oliena, Sardinia, October 1988: Faunal Remains from Tönchesberg, a Middle Paleolithic Site in the Central Rhine Valley. 7) Conard, N. J., D. Elmore, P. W. Kubik, and H. E. Gove. 1988. The 13th International Radiocarbon Conference, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, June 1988: A 36Cl Profile in Greenland Ice back to 1250 AD. 6) Conard, N. J. 1988. Northeastern Faunal Analysis Conference, Princeton, New Jersey, April 1988: Faunal Remains from the Middle Paleolithic Site of Tönchesberg in the Central Rhine Valley. 5) Raisbeck, G. M., F. Yiou, D. Bourles, N. J. Conard, D. Elmore, P. Kubik, C. Lorius, and N. I. Barkov. 1987. . 4th Intermational Symposium on Acclerator Mass Spectroscopy. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada, April, 1987. 36Cl and 10Be in ice at Vostok, Antarctica during the last climatic cycle. (lecture G. M. Raisbeck) 4) Elmore, D., N. J. Conard, P.W. Kubik, H. E. Gove, M. Wahlen, J. Beer, and M. Suter. 1987. 4th Intermational Symposium on Acclerator Mass Spectroscopy. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada, April, 1987. 36Cl and 10Be Profiles in Greenland Ice: Dating and Production Rate Variations. (lecture D. Elmore) 3) Conard, N. J. 1986. International Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Conference, Oxford, England, June,1986: Sample Preparation and Measurement of 36Cl in small Ice Samples. (lecture N. Conard) 2) Conard, N. J., D. Elmore, P. W. Kubik, H. E. Gove, L. E. Tubbs, B. A. Chrunyk, and M. Wahlen. 1985. 12th International Radiocarbon Conference, Trondheim, Norway, June 1985: The Chemical Preparation of AgCl for Measuring 36Cl in Polar Ice with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 1) Elmore, D., P. W. Kubik, L. E. Tubbs, H. E. Gove, R. Teng, T. Hemmick, B. Chrunyk, and N. J. Conard. 1984. 3rd. International Symposium on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, Zürich, Switzerland, April, 1984. The Rochester Tandem Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Program. (lecture D. Elmore)