Literaturliste zum PS - Institut für Politikwissenschaft


Literaturliste zum PS - Institut für Politikwissenschaft
Überblick: Biotechnologie und Gentechnik als Politika
Bail, Christoph, Robert Falkner and Helen Marquad (Eds.) (2002) The Cartagena Protocol on
Biosafety. Reconciling Trade and Biotechnology with Environment and Development?
Earthscan & The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)
Bauer W. Martin, George Gaskell (2002) Biotechnology. The Making of a Global
Controversy. Cambridge
Bud, Robert (1993) The uses of life. A history of biotechnology. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Cantley, Mark F. (1995) The Regulation of Modern Biotechnology: A Historical and
European Perspective. in: Dieter Brauer (Ed.) Biotechnology. 2nd Edition. Vol. 12, Legal,
Economic and Ethical Dimension. VCH: Weinheim, New York, Basel, Cambridge, Tokyo ,
Gottweis, Herbert (1998) Governing Molecules. The Discursive Politics of Genetic
Engineering in Europe and the United States. Cambridge, Masschusetts, London: The MIT
Krimsky, Sheldon (1982) Genetic Alchemy. The Social History of the Recombinant DNA
Controversy. Cambridge MA: MIT Press
Krimsky, Sheldon (1991) Biotechnics and Society. The Rise of Industrial Genetics. New
York: Praeger
Seifert, Franz (2003) Gentechnik - Öffentlichkeit - Demokratie. Der österreichische
Gentechnik-Konflikt im internationalen Kontext. München: Profil
Sozialwissenschaftliche Diskussions- Theoriestränge
Held, David (2006) Models of Democracy. 3rd Edition. Cambridge: Polity Press
Neue soziale Bewegungen
Della Porta, Donatella, Mario Diani (2006) Social movements: An introduction (2. ed.)
Malden, Mass.: Blackwell
Snow, David A., Sarah Soule, Hans-Peter Kriesi (Ed.) (2004) The Blackwell Companion to
Social Movements. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing
Benz Arthur (Hrsg.) (2004) Governance - Regieren in komplexen Regelsystemen. Eine
Einführung. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden
Soziale Aspekte von Wissenschaft &Technologie, STS Science and Technology Studies,
Hackett, Edward J.; Olga Amsterdamska; Michael Lynch; Judy Wajcman (eds.) (2007)
The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press
3. Themen
Demokratie und Partizipation
4. Synchronisierte Massenöffentlichkeiten in der Europäischen Union.
Seifert, Franz (2003) Beinahe-Gleichzeitigkeit. Die europäische Anti-Gentechnik-Welle und
das Öffentlichkeitsdefizit der EU, in: Berliner Journal für Soziologie 2003, 4, 545-564.
Franz Seifert (2006) Synchronised national publics as functional equivalent of an integrated
European public. The case of biotechnology, in: European Integration online Papers 10 (2006)
(8) []
Experimente mit Bürgerbeteiligung.
Einsiedel, Edna F.; Erling Jelsoe, T. Breck, (2001) Publics at the technology table : the
consensus conference in Denmark, Canada and Australia, in: Public Understanding of Science
10, 1, (Jan 2001) 83-98
Seifert, Franz (2006) Local steps in an international career. A Danish-Style consensus
conference in Austria, in: The Public Understanding of Science 15 (2006), 73-88.
Weale, Albert (2001) Science advice, democratic responsiveness and public policy, in:
Science and Public Policy 28, 6, 413 - 421.
Mehrebenen- und Weltregieren; Multi-level und Global Governance
Pollack, Mark A., Gregory Shaffer (2005) Biotechnology Policy: Between National Fears
and Global Disciplines, in: Wallace, Helen, William Wallace (Eds.) Policy-Making in the
European Union. Oxford, New York, Athens : Oxford University Press, 329-351.
Der transatlantische Konflikt um die LW Gentechnik
Drezner, Daniel (2005) Globalization, harmonization, and competition: the different pathways
to policy convergence, in: Journal of European Public Policy 12:5, 841-859.
Murphy, Joseph, Les Levidow (2006) Governing the Transatlantic Conflict over Agricultural
Biotechnology: Contending Coalitions, Trade Liberalisation and Standard Setting. Routledge:
New York
Murphy, Joseph, Les Levidow, Susan Carr (2006) Regulatory Standards for Environmental
Risks: Understanding the US-European Union Conflict over Genetically Modified Crops, in:
Social Studies of Science 36/1 (February 2006), 133-160.
Skogstad, Grace (2006) Regulating Food Safety Risks in the European Union: A Comparative
Perspective, in: Ansell, Christopher, David Vogel (2006) What's the Beef? The Contested
Governance of European Food Safety. MIT Press: Berkeley, 213-236.
Vogel, David (2001) Ships passing in the Night: GMOs and the Politics of Risk Regulation in
Europe and the United States. European and American Perspectives on Regulating
Genetically Engineered Food, INSEAD: Fontainbleau.
Die EU und die weltweite Regulierung der Biotechnologie
Falkner, Robert (2007) The political economy of 'normative power' Europe: EU
environmental leadership in international biotechnology regulation, in: Journal of European
Public Policy 14 (4) (June 2007) 507 – 526.
Seifert, Franz (2006) Divided we stand: The EU as dissonant player in the global governance
of agro-food biotechnology. UNU-IAS Working Paper. UNU-IAS: Yokohama, Japan.
Multi-level Governance, Mehrebenenregieren der Gentechnik, Die Rolle der Regionen
Seifert, Franz (2006) Oberösterreichs Gentechnikverbot.Absehbares Scheitern,
ungewöhnliche Allianzen, in: SWS-Rundschau (46. Jg.) Heft 4 / 2006 : 409 – 431
Neue soziale Bewegungen
Ansell, Chris, Rahsaan Maxwell, and Daniela Sicurelli (2006) Protesting food: NGOs and
political mobilization in Europe, in: Ansell, Christopher, David Vogel (eds.) What's the Beef?
The Contested Governance of European Food Safety. MIT Press: Berkeley, 97-122.
Schurman, Rachel (2004) Fighting „Frankenfoods“: Industry Opportunity Structures and the
Efficacy of the Anti-Biotech Movement in Western Europe, in: Social Problems, 51, 2, 243268.
Seifert, Franz (2008) Tidy Backyards or Global Justice. Types of GMO opposition in Austria
and France and their wider implications, in: Reconstructing Biotechnologies: critical analyses
Internationale Entwicklungen
Implementierung des Protokolls Biologischer Sicherheit im globalen Süden.
Gupta, Aarti (2001) Advance Informed Agreement: A Shared Basis for Governing Trade in
Genetically Modified Organisms? in: Indiana Journal of Legal Studies, 9, 1, 265-281.
Seifert, Franz (2005) The Transatlantic Conflict over Biotechnology and the Hegemony of
Physical Risk, in: Yearbook of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology &
Society 2005, 367-388.
Gupta, Aarti , Robert Falkner (2006) Cartagena Protocol, Domestic Implementation: Mexico,
China and South America. The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Energy, Environment
and Development Programme, Briefing Paper (March 2006)
Daniel Lee Kleinman, Abby J. Kinchy (2007) Against the neoliberal steamroller? The
Biosafety Protocol and the social regulation of agricultural biotechnologies, in: Agriculture
and Human Values, Volume 24, Number 2 (June 2007) 195-206.
Entwicklungsländer vs EU und USA
Clapp, Jennifer (2005) The Political Economy of Food Aid in an Era of Agricultural
Biotechnology, in: Global Governance 11 (2005), 467–485.
Clapp, Jennifer (2006) Unplanned Exposure to Genetically Modified Organisms. Divergent
Responses in the Global South, in: The Journal of Environment & Development, 15 (1)
(March 2006) 3-21
Meijer, Ernestine, Richard Stewart (2004) The GM Cold War: How Developing Countries
Can Go from Being Dominos to Being Players, in: RECIEL 13 (3) 2004, 247-262.
Millstone, Erik, Patrick van Zwanenberg (2003) Food and Agricultural Biotechnology Policy:
How Much Autonomy Can Developing Countries Exercise? in: Development Policy Review
21 (September 2003): 655-667.
Paarlberg, Robert (2001) The Politics of Precaution: Genetically Modified Crops in
Developing Countries. Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Johns Hopkins University Press.

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