Horizons – a success story continues - MSc/PhD/MD
Horizons – a success story continues - MSc/PhD/MD
Horizons – a success story continues The 5th annual Horizons in molecular biology meeting, a scientific symposium organized by students for students, took place from 10th to 13th of September 2008 in the physics building on the north campus of the Georg-August-University Göttingen. The symposium was once again a gathering place for interested students and renowned scientists from all over the world. They followed the invitation of PhD students from the MSc/PhD Molecular Biology Program - International Max Planck Research School to come to Göttingen. This year’s keynote speakers included Tom Kirchhausen, who solved the first X-ray crystal structure of clathrin, Peter Wright from the Scripps Research Institute in California, Wolf Reik, who investigates the regulation of imprinted genes, and Marino Interesting lectures at the Horizons student symposium Zerial, winner of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize 2006. mingle with the invited speakers, network Discussing my results with the speakers, As every year, the symposium covered a little and simply become inspired. In but also fellow PhD students, allowed me topics from the fields of cell biology, neuro- addition, the student talks and the poster to get direct feedback to my research and science, structural biology and develop- session allowed PhD students to present even revealed possible collaboration with mental biology. The special session at this and discuss their own work. “Horizons other labs.“ year’s Horizons was computational biology was a good start to overcome my fear of Altogether, the symposium was well and included Cédric Notredame, co- giving talks at big conferences”, says Bijan accepted by the students. Christiane inventor of the multiple sequence align- Boldajipour, PhD student in the Molecular Menzfeld, PhD student from Göttingen, ment tool T-Coffee. The “Horizons” was Biology program who won the prize for was one of the participants. She pointed preceded by a career fair out that the “sympowhich aimed at providsium offered the possiing interested students bility to meet PhD with information constudents with related cerning career planning. projects in an informal This included company atmosphere conducive presentations, a live interfor networking and exview with recruiters from changing ideas.” She Roche, workshops and a also appreciated the fact “behind the scenes look that students could meet at careers in scientific successful scientists editing” by Dr. Emilie in an informal atmoMarcus, editor at Cell. sphere. As in the year before, Next year’s special the second career fair session will be particuwas also very popular larly interesting for all The poster session offered the possibility to discuss research among the students. those coming from a the best student talk at the Horizons 2008. medically-related field who want to know A convincing concept Two weeks after Horizons he gave a similar more about interfaces between fundamental No question – the concept of Horizons talk for an expert audience and felt that research and practical applications since was again convincing. The organizers are his talk at the student symposium was a the focus will be on medical biology. PhD students themselves and they know good preparation. Positive feedback also The success story will continue with the what a symposium should be like for came from Christoph Biesemann, mem- 6th Horizons in Molecular Biology which students to benefit most. Not only did the par- ber of the Horizons organizing team and will take place from 9th to 12th of September ticipants hear up-to-date research present- winner of the poster prize, who said: „The 2009 – a date you should remember! ations, they also had the opportunity to poster presentation was very rewarding. Seite 20 Horizons – eine Erfolgsgeschichte geht weiter Dieses Jahr fand zum 5. Mal das Studentensymposium „Horizons in Molecular Biology“ statt. Vom 10. bis zum 13. September 2008 hatten Doktoranden des Master-/ Promotionsstudiengangs Molecular Biology Program - International Max Planck Research School nach Göttingen eingeladen, und viele international renommierte Wissenschaftler waren dieser Einladung gefolgt. Wie auch in den letzten Jahren gab es Vorträge aus den Themenbereichen Neurowissenschaften, Zellbiologie, Entwicklungsbiologie und Strukturbiologie. Das Sonderthema war dieses Jahr Computational Biology. Die Resonanz seitens der Studenten war wieder überaus positiv. Zum einen gab es spannende Vorträge, zum anderen schätzten viele die Möglichkeit, im Rahmen des Studentensymposiums Kontakte zu knüpfen und erstklassige Wissenschaftler in informeller Atmosphäre zu erleben. Der Preis für das beste Poster ging an Christoph Biesemann, die beste Studentenpräsentation gab Bijan Boldajipour. Beide sind Doktoranden des Molecular BiologyProgramms. Wie bereits 2007 gab es auch dieses Jahr eine Karrieremesse (“Career fair“), die in Verbindung mit „Horizons“ stattfand. Workshops, Firmenpräsentationen, ein Live-Interview sowie Einblicke in die Arbeit eines Editors bei Cell von Dr. Emilie Marcus haben viele Studenten angezogen. Nach so viel positivem Feedback wird das „Horizons“ natürlich auch nächstes Jahr wieder stattfinden und zwar vom 9. bis zum 12. September 2009 – ein Datum, das man sich vormerken sollte! Birgit Manno Lope Flórez Weidinger (left) and Achim Werner (right) – two members of the motivated Horizons organization team. Seite 21