ETC Press Materials SM


ETC Press Materials SM
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PRESS IMAGES The Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc... September 25-­‐November 21, 2015 Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Left: Paik Raster Manipulator, 2015. Built by Jason
Bernagozzi, courtesy Signal Culture. Right: Paik Raster
Manipulator, 1974. Built by Bill Etra, courtesy the Experimental
Television Center. Installation view: The Experimental
Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art
Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt Paik/Abe Video Synthesizer, 1974, courtesy of the
Experimental Television Center. Installation view: The
Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter
College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Hunter College Art Galleries | 205 Hudson Street Gallery | New York, New York 10013 | Phone: 212-­‐772-­‐4991 | [email protected] Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Dan Sandin Image Processor, 1977-1980. Built by Dick Sippel,
courtesy of the Experimental Television Center. Installation
view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter
College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Dave Jones, Interactive Synth Modules, 2015, courtesy of the
artist. Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A
History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill
Hunter College Art Galleries | 205 Hudson Street Gallery | New York, New York 10013 | Phone: 212-­‐772-­‐4991 | [email protected] Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Hunter College Art Galleries | 205 Hudson Street Gallery | New York, New York 10013 | Phone: 212-­‐772-­‐4991 | [email protected] Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Hunter College Art Galleries | 205 Hudson Street Gallery | New York, New York 10013 | Phone: 212-­‐772-­‐4991 | [email protected] Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Hunter College Art Galleries | 205 Hudson Street Gallery | New York, New York 10013 | Phone: 212-­‐772-­‐4991 | [email protected] Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Hunter College Art Galleries | 205 Hudson Street Gallery | New York, New York 10013 | Phone: 212-­‐772-­‐4991 | [email protected] Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Installation view: Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc..., Hunter College Art Galleries, 2015. Photo by Bill Orcutt
Hunter College Art Galleries | 205 Hudson Street Gallery | New York, New York 10013 | Phone: 212-­‐772-­‐4991 | [email protected] The Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc...
September 25 – November 21, 2015
Benton C. Bainbridge, Perry Bard, Irit Batsry, Zoe Beloff, Kjell Bjørgeengen, David Blair,
Peer Bode, Nancy Buchanan, Barbara Buckner, Torsten Zenas Burns, Andrew Castrucci,
Connie Coleman, Deanna Crane, Renate Ferro, Raymond Ghirardo, Tami Gold, Shalom Gorewitz,
Alexander Hahn, Barbara Hammer, Thomas Allen Harris, Liselot van der Heijden, Kathy High,
Gary Hill, Ralph Hocking, Sherry Miller Hocking, Sara Hornbacher, Dave Jones, Philip Mallory
Jones, John Knecht, Richard Kostelanetz, Shigeko Kubota, Hank Linhart, Jeanne Liotta,
LoVid (Tali Hinkis and Kyle Lapidus), Kristin Lucas, Darrin Martin, Stephan Moore,
Charlotte Moorman, NNeng-M (Benton C. Bainbridge, Molly Kittle, Brian Moran, Nancy Meli
Walker), Marisa Olson, Nam June Paik, Alan Powell, Daniel Reeves, Megan Roberts, Peter Rose,
Eric Ross, Mary Ross, Lynne Sachs, Matthew Schlanger, Alan Sondheim, Caspar Stracke,
Mark Street, Aldo Tambellini, Steina Vasulka, Woody Vasulka, Reynold Weidenaar, Virgil Wong,
Walter Wright, Jud Yalkut, Arnie Zane.
A History: Etc...
Sarah Watson
For over forty years, the Experimental Television Center (ETC) was one of North America’s
preeminent organizations for video art, fostering a community for creativity and innovation
through its residency and conceptual tool-building programs. Founded in 1971 by Ralph
Hocking, a professor in the Cinema Department at Binghamton University, the ETC
developed out of Hocking’s media-access organization Student Experiments in Television
(SET). As the interest in video as an artistic medium gained momentum, the ETC provided
access to and training in this new technology to artists; interested citizens; and social,
cultural, and educational organizations. Invested in pushing the boundaries of video as a
medium, the ETC developed a program to create more flexible video processing tools for
artists. Under the direction of artist Nam June Paik and engineer Shuya Abe, a Paik/Abe
Video Synthesizer was constructed for the Center’s permanent use, which launched the
ETC’s artist residency program.
Over 1,500 artists participated in the ETC residency program, which was located in
Binghamton, New York from 1971 to 1980 and in Owego, New York from 1980 to 2011.
The residency functioned as a site for play, exploration, education, and practice for media
artists. Although the Center closed its physical space in 2011, its philosophy and ethos
endures through an ongoing commitment to education, research, and the preservation of
video as a creative medium. According to this mission, the ETC’s comprehensive archive is
now housed in the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art at Cornell University in Ithaca,
New York and is currently being digitized, preserved, and made available for research.
The Experimental Television Center: A History, Etc… is the first survey of the ETC’s prolific,
yet under-recognized role in the evolution of video art, which is marked by collaboration,
hacker-technology, and artistic liberation. The exhibition includes works by over sixty artists,
from the 1960s through the 2000s; a large selection of ephemera and original analog
instruments designed by artists/technologists; and two interactive installations featuring
contemporary tools.
Most of the works and materials presented within this exhibition are culled from the
Experimental Television Center’s vast collection and map the ETC’s influence within the
larger narrative of the history of video into the digital and internet age. The stories that
unfold through the unpacking of the archive are complex and varied and involve an expansive
ecosystem of artists, technologists, organizations, tapes, machines, and tools. The nature
of the archive seems to mirror the inherent material and immaterial qualities of the early
medium, which the ETC has worked so diligently to preserve: the lost frame, the glitch, the
erasure. These limitations of the early technology were embraced by artists for their poetic
potential and have now become aesthetics that gesture towards the liminal and tactile
beginnings of video.
Photo credits: Richard Brewster, Documentation of analog control boxes, 1980. Sherry Miller Hocking, Circle Cycle
installed in Information, Works and Activities, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, New York, 1976. Photo: Evangelos
Dousmanis. Installation image (in three parts), Meryl Blackman and Peer Bode, Movements for Video, Dance, and
Music, Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, New York, 1976. Sherry Miller Hocking, Diagram of the construction of
Raster Manipulation Unit, 1980. Fold: All images courtesy Experimental Television Center and the Rose Goldsen
Archive of New Media Art, Cornell University.
This exhibition is organized by Sarah Watson, Chief Curator, Hunter College Art Galleries; Timothy Murray, Curator,
Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art; and Sherry Miller Hocking, Assistant Director, Experimental Television Center
with Annie Wischmeyer, Associate Curator; Jocelyn Spaar, Curatorial Assistant; Jeremiah McCarthy and Adam Golfer,
Lazarus Exhibition Fellows; Phi Nguyen, Preparator; and Adam Chad Brody and Dominika Ksel, Audio Visual Technicians;
Hunter College Art Galleries; Madeleine Casad, Associate Curator, Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art; Lauren
van Haaften-Schick and Alana Staiti, Graduate Curatorial Assistants; Erin Ferro-Murray, Digitization Assistant;
Tre Berney and Desiree Alexander, Cornell Library Digitization and Conservation Services; Cornell University.
This exhibition and programming have been made possible by the generous support of the Hunter Art Exhibition
Fund; Foundation To-Life, Inc.; the Ruth Stanton Foundation; the Arts Across the Curriculum Initiative at
Hunter College, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation; the Rose Goldsen Archive of New Media Art and
the Digitization and Conservation Services, Cornell Library; Society for the Humanities, Cornell University;
Experimental Television Center; New York State Council for the Humanities; Electronic Arts Intermix; Dave Jones
Design; and Signal Culture.
Hunter College Art Galleries
205 Hudson Street Gallery, New York, New York 10013
Gallery hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 1 – 6pm | 212 – 772 – 1991

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